Eight Grade Science

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Eight Grade Science

Eighth Grade Science Ms. Heckel Course Syllabus & Grading Policy

Course Description: This course will consist of a blending of chemistry, life, earth, and physical sciences. Students will be introduced to each scientific investigation through a thematic approach. Topics discussed will include: the scientific method, environmental science, ecology, astronomy, forces inside the earth, Earth’s changes over time, humans and heredity, the chemistry of matter, and physical interactions. A major emphasis will be on developing the skills necessary for scientific inquiry and literacy.

Expected Classroom Behavior: 1. Be on time for class. 2. Bring all materials and homework. 3. No gum chewing, food or drinks. 4. Follow directions. 5. Raise your hand to speak. We are here to learn! 6. Always try your best and never give up!

Classroom Rules: 1. Be responsible for yourself. 2. Treat others and their property with kindness and respect.

Supplies: 1. Highlighters 2. 1-Subject Notebook (Qty. 2) or 3-Subject Notebook (Qty. 1)  This is preferred to a multi-subject notebook because when you fill it up, it is easier to just get a new, single notebook. Ms. Heckel is happy to keep your spare 1-subject notebook if you are worried about losing it.  Ms. Heckel has also found that single subject notebooks help students stay more organized because they can’t accidentally write their notes in a different subject’s section. The same holds true for 3-subject notebooks, as long as you just use it for Science. 3. Folder or Binder (you may want a three-hole punch if you have a binder) 4. Supplies to have on hand at home (for projects): colored pencils, markers, scissors, glue, ruler 5. Tissues/Kleenex and Box Tops for Education (You will receive HB Bucks for bringing these in.)

Grading Policy:  Homework - 10% of grade  Tests - between 50-100 points each  Quizzes - between 20-50 points each  Investigations (labs, projects, activities, etc.) are 20-100 points each

Students’ grades will be based on their science notebook, class work, homework, quizzes, tests, projects, and laboratory work. Students are assessed using a point system. Each assignment is awarded a given number of points. Generally, tests and projects will be worth the most points. As for homework, all students will begin the grading period with one hundred homework points. In order to maintain the one hundred points, students need to have their homework completed on the day that it is due when it is checked or collected in class. If a student does not have their homework completed or it is only partially completed when the assignment is checked or collected, students will have five points deducted from their homework points. However, students have an opportunity to gain the five points back by completing the assignment and handing it in to Ms. Heckel within the week. However, the student must also attach one HB Buck (one day late) or two HB Bucks (a week or less). No late assignments will be collected after a week. At the end of the grading period, grades are determined by how many points the student acquired divided by the total number possible. The points will then be calculated into the final grade as 10% of the total points for the marking period.

Grades: Grades are as outlined in the Student Handbook. If at any time a student or parent has a question about grades, Ms. Heckel will be more than happy to go over them with the student or parent. Parents can also check grades online in Genesis. Please don’t freak out at the beginning of the marking period if your grade is low. Your grade will most likely increase as more grades are added!!! Ms. Heckel will do her best to enter grades ASAP into Genesis. Please keep in mind that if a project is extensive or a number of items are being graded at the same time, it may take longer to post the grades. With regards to grading, Ms. Heckel rounds up for a .5 or higher. Example: 89.5% is an A-, but an 89.4% is a B+.

Class work/homework: Students will be required to have one notebook for Science only. Students will use it to take notes, record hypotheses and data from labs, and answer questions. It will be checked from time to time, and entries will be evaluated on completeness, accuracy, and neatness. One’s Science notebook is an integral part of daily Science lessons, so it is important that students maintain their notebook according to the previously stated three standards. Any unfinished class work is to be completed at home and turned in the following day. Homework will be assigned during the week and checked for completion during the first few minutes of class. All work will be evaluated on completeness, accuracy, and neatness. Any unacceptable work will result in the student losing five points from their homework grade, and homework assignments will be graded on a hundred point system as discussed in the “Grading Policy” section. Homework will be listed on Edmodo. Please keep in mind that assignments are subject to change based on classroom development, and that a student’s assignment book will be up-to-date. It is the student’s responsibility to record homework daily. Ms. Heckel also updates Edmodo daily, usually after period 5, so you can also count on that to be accurate. When you register for Edmodo, if you enter your email (students or parents), you will be emailed what the homework is when it is added daily. Both students and parents should go to Ms. Heckel’s Verona Webpage (www.veronaschools.org/heckel) for information on how to sign-up for Edmodo. Students will also be given an information sheet in class. After a student registers, parents can email Ms. Heckel for a unique parent code to access their child’s Edmodo site. Ms. Heckel will also post these on her homework page once all students register for Edmodo. Edmodo is awesome! I promise you will love it! Ms. Heckel also uses it to post the chapter PowerPoints, review sheets, project rubrics, videos, articles, homework and many other things. Plan on using it daily! There’s also a Smartphone app that you can download for free.

Quizzes, Tests, and Projects: Quizzes may be given during a chapter and a test will be given at the end of each chapter. Quizzes and tests will be announced at least one week before the quiz/test. If you miss a quiz or test and your absence is excused, you have one week outside of class (before or after school) to make it up. If a test has been previously announced and you are absent the day before the test and miss the classroom review, you will still be required to take the test when you return, so be prepared. Projects will be assigned when appropriate to enhance student learning. A grading rubric and exact due date will be handed out when the project is assigned. With the exception of an excused absence, absolutely no late projects will be accepted. Laboratory Work: Students will have the privilege of participating in labs. Students will work in groups of 2 to 4 students. Deliberate disobedience of general lab safety procedures or specific lab instructions is a threat to student safety and property and will result in removal from lab activities for an indefinite period of time and a parent/guardian will be contacted. Lab write-ups will be included in a student’s grade in the investigation category.

Make-up work: If a student has been absent due to illness or has an excused absence for three days or less, the student is required to determine what assignments they missed and make up the work within three school days of returning to school. For longer periods of time, the student and Ms. Heckel will decide on an appropriate time for completion of missed assignments as discussed in the Student Handbook. All assignments will be on the Internet. Students are to get notes on missed lessons from a classmate. It is up to the student to come to the teacher to find out what needs to be done in order to catch up on the missed lessons. Students are responsible for their own work!!!!

Academic Honesty: Cheating, fabrication, unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism, alteration of materials, forgery, or theft will not be tolerated. Result of academic dishonesty is a zero (0%) on the assignment, a referral to the office, and parent/guardian notification.

Extra Credit: Do not ask for additional extra credit assignments, they will not be provided, no exceptions. My philosophy on extra credit is that if your grade is low because you haven’t studied hard enough for quizzes and tests or completed your homework, then you don’t have time for extra credit – there are other things you should be focusing on. Bonus questions may be given on tests at the teacher’s discretion.

8th Grade Science Documents: All Science PowerPoints, rubrics, etc. that Ms. Heckel uses in class will be posted on Edmodo. Look in the appropriate folder in the “Library” section of Edmodo.

Other Info:  Have a question at night? Message Ms. Heckel on Edmodo. She’ll see you messaged her on her phone and message you back on Edmodo.  Ms. Heckel is available for extra help in the morning starting at 8am and after school by appointment (because she may have meetings or clubs). You can find Ms. Heckel before school in room 222.  Access for the Online Science Book (Owl): o Website: connected.mcgraw-hill.com o username: mybooks13 o password: mhescience2014 o select the owl book, student edition  You can also take the blue book quizzes (same quizzes, different chapter numbers) at blue.msscience.com. o Use either link to take the practice quizzes before tests and receive extra points on your test. (Make sure that you email your results to Ms. Heckel.) Welcome to 8th Grade Science! I am extremely excited for each student to be in my class this year and am looking forward to working with all students and families!

Students, please let me know if you have any questions or need extra help. I will be available in room 222 both before and after school. I can only help if you ask! Don’t be afraid – come talk to me!

Parents, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me through email or by calling the school. My email address is [email protected]. We look forward to meeting you during Back to School Night on September 23! Thank you for reviewing this syllabus with your child.

I have read and understand the contents Ms. Heckel’s Science Course Syllabus. Please return this sheet to class tomorrow signed and keep the syllabus for your records.

______Student Name Printed Period Student Signature

______Parent Name Printed Parent Signature

______Contact Phone Numbers (Home) (Work) (Cell)

Which number is it best to contact you at? (Circle one) Home Work Cell

What is the best time to contact you at this number? ______

______Parent E-mail Address

Do you prefer to be contacted via phone or e-mail? (Circle one) Phone E-Mail

*****Please return this sheet to Ms. Heckel tomorrow!*****

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