Marshmallow Design Challenge

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Marshmallow Design Challenge

Marshmallow Design Challenge Teacher Tips

The Challenge: Students are challenged to make the tallest free-standing structure using spaghetti noodles, a marshmallow, tape and string.


 As a teacher, it will be helpful to view the TED video at this site, and look at past project photos and instructions.  This design challenge was inspired by the above, and formatted to give students the opportunity to practice an EALR 3 Application Design Challenge as preparation for the 8th gr. Science MSP. The student pages and scoring rubric follow the MSP format.  Suggested pacing o Pre-Day 1: Introduce the Technological Design Process and discuss with students. Possible resources (in addition to the standards) include: . Gr. 5 Application Handbook (from our state; very applicable to 8th gr.) – the pdf is on the wiki under “Marshmallow Design Challenge” under “MSP Resources” . Engineering: Go For It . Teach Engineering: K-12 Resources

o Day 1 – students work in groups of 2 or 4 on “Research and Explore” and “Plan and Test”, including a labeled diagram of their planned structure (this is not part of the MSP). Class discussion should focus on helping students understand what they must include in their prompt. Sharing the rubric with the students and having them self-score, then discuss, is one possible strategy. o Day 2- after giving students the opportunity to review their plan, review the rules/constraints, distribute materials and then start the clock. Stop at 18 minutes. Measure structures (see below), have each group give a mini-presentation, discuss strengths and weaknesses of their design, etc. o Day 3 – “Redesign” – students complete the prompt, score, discuss, etc o Materials (per team of 4) 20 dry spaghetti noodles: Ensure that you use uncooked spaghetti. Avoid spaghettini as it is too thin and breaks easily. Fettucini is too thick. 1. 1 meter of string: Include string that can be easily broken by hand. If the string is thick, include scissors in your kit. 2. 1 marshmallow: Use a name brand or private label brand of marshmallows that measure the ‘standard’ size, about an inch an a half across. Avoid mini or jumbo marshmallows. Also avoid stale marshmallows. You’ll want squishy marshmallows that give the impression of lightness. 3. 1 meter of masking tape: Get standard masking tape. Generally, you’ll want to put the tape on the side of the table, the back of a chair or a nearby wall. 4. Measuring tape or meter stick: Have available after the challenge is finished so you can measure the height of the structures.

Rules/Design Constraints: 1. Build the Tallest Freestanding Structure: The winning team is the one that has the tallest structure measured from the table top surface to the top of the marshmallow. That means the structure cannot be suspended from a higher structure, like a chair, ceiling or chandelier. 2. The Entire Marshmallow Must be on Top: The entire marshmallow needs to be on the top of the structure. Cutting or eating part of the marshmallow disqualifies the team.

1 3. Use as Much or as Little of the Kit: The team can use as many or as few of the 20 spaghetti sticks, as much or as little of the string or tape. The team cannot use the paper bag as part of their structure. 4. Break up the Spaghetti, String or Tape: Teams are free to break the spaghetti, cut up the tape and string to create new structures. 5. The building and testing stage lasts 18 minutes: Teams cannot hold on to the structure when the time runs out. Those touching or supporting the structure at the end of the exercise will be disqualified.

Tips 1. Walk around the Room: It’s amazing to see the development of the structures as well as notice the patterns of innovation most teams follow. 2. Remind the Teams of the Time: Countdown the time. Usually, I call 12 minutes, 9 minutes (half-way through), 7 minutes, 5 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute, 30 seconds and a ten-second count down. 3. Call Out How the Teams are Doing: Let the entire group know how teams are progressing. Call out each time a team builds a standing structure. Build a friendly rivalry. Encourage people to look around. Don’t be afraid to raise the energy and the stakes. 4. Remind the Teams that Holders will be Disqualified: Several teams will have the powerful desire to hold on to their structure at the end. Usually because the marshmallow, which they just placed onto their structure moments before, causing the structure to buckle. The winning structure needs to be stable.

Stop the clock: After the clock runs out, ask everyone in the room to sit down so everyone can see the structures. Likely, just over half the teams will have standing structures. 1. Measure the Structures: From the shortest standing structure to the tallest, measure and call out the heights. If you’re documenting the challenge, have someone record the heights. 2. Identify the Winning Team: Ensure they get a standing ovation and a prize (if you’ve offered one). 3. Wrap up with the Lessons of the Marshmallow Challenge: Have students complete the “Redesign” prompt and discuss. Which designs worked best? Why? 4. Optional: Show students the TED video and discuss.


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