Independent Study Project - Proposal

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Independent Study Project - Proposal

Independent Study Project - Proposal

Rubric 4 3 2 1 0 Format The format is correct The format is somewhat The format is somewhat The format is not The format according to the correct according to the correct according to the correct according to was not used requirements outlined. requirements outlined. requirements outlined. the requirements as outlined. There is a minimum of 3 There are at least 2 There are at least 2 outlined. There is just paragraphs. (Introduction, paragraphs. paragraphs (Introduction 1 paragraph. a body paragraph and a (Introduction and a body or a body paragraph and a conclusion) paragraphs or a conclusion) conclusion) Content - The essay features an The essay features an The essay features an The essay does not The essay Introduction introductory paragraph introductory paragraph introductory paragraph feature an does not that includes the topic, that may include the that is inadequate in introductory include a background information topic, background addressing or identifying paragraph, however clear and a learning goal. information and the the topic, background an introductory introductory learning goal. However, information and learning sentence may be paragraph or more information is goal. included. sentence. needed. Content- The essay features a body The essay features a The essay has a body The essay has a body The essay Body paragraph that is clearly body paragraph that is paragraph that is paragraph that is does not Paragraph organized, and contains a clearly organized, and recognizable and may unclear and does not include a plan/procedure, timeline contains a learning goal, contain the learning goal, include all the body and description of the plan/procedure, timeline plan/procedure, timeline relevant details. paragraph. final product. and description of the and description of the final product but may final product but is lacking lack relevant details. several relevant details. Content - The essay concludes with The essay concludes with The essay has some sort The essay has some The essay Conclusion a paragraph that a paragraph that restates of concluding paragraph sort of conclusion does not convinces the reader to the proposed plan. and may be repetitive. and may be a repeat include a accept the project of the introduction. conclusion. proposal. Conventions The essay is well-written The essay is quite well- The essay is generally The essay is contains The essay was with few or no errors in written but includes well-written but contains serious errors in unreadable sentence structure, some errors in grammar too many errors in grammar and due to spelling, punctuation and and spelling. grammar and spelling. spelling. convention capitalization. errors.

TOTAL: ___/20

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