Episode Six Legends

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Episode Six Legends

New Breed Season Five Episode Six – ‘Legends’ By Blair Robertson

NARRATOR (VO) Previously on New Breed…



Jamie approaches Ken from across the street.

JAMIE Hey Ken, you got a minute?

KEN Sure Jamie, what’s up?

JAMIE Ever heard of the Covenant?

Ken looks at Jamie blankly before shaking his head.



In the large, empty, multi-storey car park, Stephanie stands opposite the middle-aged, shoulder-length brown haired Deborah Callahan.

STEPHANIE Hello Deborah.



Panning down slowly over the black and white marbled flooring, the large, black, circular C.I.A logo fills the screen, with a white eagle’s head and a white shield and the perimeter words of ‘Central Intelligence Agency, United States of America’.


INT. OFFICE – CIA – MORNING The dark blue suited Deborah Callahan sits behind the neat desk, staring down at her laptop, where five other people can be seen on webcam.

DEBORAH Now, shall we begin the meeting?



Jane sits opposite Lincoln at the small dining table.

LINCOLN I’ve told you everything I know. What happens now?

JANE Well... first we look into why Stephanie really came here and then, if necessary, we tell the others what we find.



Lincoln opens the front door to reveal a slim, dark haired man, around thirty with thin black-framed glasses and wearing a red chequered shirt with jeans. Lincoln smiles with relief.

LINCOLN Ryan Meeks, I didn’t think you’d ever get here!



The two black-robed/hooded figures stand in front of Ryan Meeks, who clutches at his punctured stomach and kneels on the floor.

DEBORAH (VO) I’m going to handle both Detective Johnson and Ryan Meeks. I’ll call you when there is any further news.

RYAN MEEKS (whispering) No...

The attacking figure swings down at Ryan with the dagger, the blade slicing across Ryan’s throat. SMASH TO:


Lincoln stands opposite Detective Johnson, tension in the air.

JOHNSON I want you to contribute to my mountain of evidence against Zev Walker.

Lincoln’s eyes widen with concern as Johnson smirks.

JOHNSON I attempted to arrest him before but the charges were dropped. I’ve changed my mind and I want to bring that little S-O-B to his knees.

Lincoln clenches his jaw tightly, his eyes filling with anger.

LINCOLN (angrily) I think you’d better leave, Detective.

JOHNSON Only one of you needs to go down. Think about it. I’ll be in touch.



On the sunny parade, Jane stands opposite Ken and Jamie.

JAMIE We’ve got to do something or Johnson will take Zev and everyone around him down.

Jane bites her lip with worry whilst Ken looks out to the sea nervously.

KEN What do we do about him?

JAMIE We have to take firm action; nothing else will stop this man from crushing Zev.


INT. HALLWAY – ROSENBERG RESIDENCE – NIGHT Jane stands by the front door whilst a concerned David and Sue stand opposite her.

DAVID Are you going to tell us what this is all about?

JANE Well, Detective Wayne Johnson appears to have a vendetta against your son. He is determined to have Zev arrested and prosecuted for any crime he can possibly gain.

David and Sue exchange nervous glances.



In the darkened office, the door opens slowly. Detective Johnson looks up from his computer.

ANGLE ON a silver handgun as it’s lifted up, the barrel aiming at Johnson. Johnson’s eyes widen.

JOHNSON What the hell are you-

The gun fires, the bullet slamming into Johnson’s chest. Johnson’s mouth hangs open as he looks down slowly at his chest. The gun fires again, a second bullet hitting Johnson in the throat.

Johnson’s head flops backwards as blood trickles out of the neat hole in his throat. The door slowly closes shut, casting Johnson in darkness, his glazed over eyes lit up only by the computer screen on his desk.





In a small, darkened area with several shelves holding various cardboard boxes; Zev steps into frame, wearing dark clothing with a black cap over his sandy blond hair. As he steps cautiously towards the shelves, light suddenly fills the small space.

SAMMY (OS) There you are!

Zev wheels around to face Sammy, who stands in an open doorway with a frown. We pull back to see Zev is standing in a small closet.

SAMMY What are you doing?

ZEV I was grabbing the decorations.

SAMMY In the dark?

ZEV I was making it more atmospheric!

Zev turns, grabbing a large cardboard box marked ‘Halloween’. He steps past Sammy, exiting the closet.



Sammy and Zev enter through the glass hallway door whilst Kevin, Jane, Alex and Rick the brown leather sofas across the room. Ken stands by the window, wiping the glass down with a cloth.

ZEV Decorations have arrived.

KEN Excellent, just pop them on the cabinet over here.

Zev heads over towards Ken.

SAMMY Ok, we’re going to have to move everything against one wall.

KEN What?!

KEVIN I’ve almost got a hernia from lifting this sofa!

RICK Weakling.

JANE Hey, we can’t all have super strength.

ALEX She’s right there.

Rick nods in agreement as Ken slowly steps towards Sammy.

KEN Why exactly do we need to move all the furniture?

SAMMY To fit everybody into the room. You can’t throw a party and expect people to stand outside.

JANE Wait, just how many people did you invite Sammy?

SAMMY Only a couple. Four, maybe thirty.

KEN (coughing) Thirty?

ZEV And that’s just her friends.

KEVIN Yeah, I’ve invited the swim team.

RICK I’ve got the basketball team coming down.

ALEX I would have invited my friends but the three thousand mile journey kind of put them off.

Sammy and Jane smirk at Alex as Ken narrows his eyes.

KEN Well, I guess we better move the furniture then.

Ken turns towards the second sofa as Zev unpacks the decorations. He pulls up a fake skeleton with sceptical eyes.

ZEV (drly) Scary. CUT TO:


Stephanie stands by the cooker, stirring a large pot in a floral blouse and apron that barely covers her large pregnancy. Vicki and Kayla stand by the centre worktop, pouring candy into separate bowls.

STEPHANIE I don’t mean to toot my own horn but damn I’m good. This candy corn has to be my best ever.

Stephanie proudly turns to the two girls who look like they have other things on their mind.

STEPHANIE Is everything ok?

VICKI Yeah, just thinking of detective Johnson’s murder.

STEPHANIE Have you heard any more news on that?

KAYLA Not a thing but the guy must have had a million enemies, being a cop and all.

STEPHANIE Right, there must be all sorts of criminals out there who wanted him dead.

VICKI I guess we’ll find out, Jamie’s investigating and I know he’ll find out exactly what happened to Johnson.

Stephanie’s smiling face drops a little as Kayla and Vicki continue to pour candy.



Crickets chirp in the background whilst an eerie breeze rustles the tall trees surrounding the car park at the side of the park. A singular dark car sits silently in the lot.


Two young teenagers sit in the front seats, kissing passionately. The guy, with short blond hair and a typical jock look, pulls back slowly from the cheerleader-like blond girl.

GUY I have to take a leak.

GIRL Fine, but don’t be long, I have to be back for my curfew or my dad will kill me.

GUY One minute.

The guy opens the car door, climbing out and slamming the door shut. The girl rubs her arms with a shiver. A few moments pass by before a thump sounds from outside. The girl frowns, looking around as a loud screech fills the air. The girl lets out a small scream.

GIRL Brian? That isn’t funny!

A ghostly whisper followed by a moan sounds in the distance as the girl quickly locks the car doors with a whimper.

GIRL I swear to god Brian, if you’re not in back in this car in thirty seconds, I am driving myself home!

The girl looks around, staring out of the windows and into the dark night. After a few moments, the girl sighs, moving across into the driver’s seat. The window suddenly smashes in as the girl screams with terror.

A large hook jams into the girl’s throat, blood spurting out. A gnarled, grey stump of an arm hosts the base of the hook. The hook is yanked upwards, ripping the girl’s neck wide open. Blood splatters across the windscreen as the attacker slowly pulls the hook out of the car. We close in on the glazed over eyes of the girl.



THEME TUNE: ‘Smack My Bitch Up’ by The Prodigy.

The credits are full of clips from seasons 1-4, with clips from the first few episodes of season 5. Clips of the characters rise up as their names come up: STARRING:

Zev Walker … Brady Corbet Rick Evans … James Lafferty Sammy Hume … Lindsay Lohan Ken Rosenberg … Ryan Reynolds Jane VanStar … January Jones Jamie Howard … Mike Vogel Kayla Morris … Alyson Michalka Kevin Scott … Matt Lanter Vicki Reid … Rachel McAdams Guest Starring: Sue Walker … Cynthia Stevenson David Walker … Julian McMahon Alex Heath … Ed Westwick Stephanie Bell … Jaime Ray Newman Lincoln Bell … Travis Van Winkle

Finally, as the theme ends, we cut to black. ---

Act One:



The early morning sun rises into the sky, shining over the tall office blocks and the downtown area. We fly over the picturesque beach, a middle-aged jogger crossing the sand. Past the busy downtown area, the suburban neighbourhoods come into sight. To the left, the sloping hill holds the spa and pool. Further out from town, the large campus of Redingston University can be made out in the distance.



In your average suburban neighbourhood with two storey homes and driveways; various Halloween decorations hang on the doors, windows and across the front yards, ranging from skeletons, pumpkins, witches and fake spider-webs. A small group of children run along the sidewalk, dressed in scary costumes and heading towards the awaiting school bus on the street corner.



In a small yet busy coffee shop, we pull down over a small round table where Jane sits in a grey trouser suit whilst Lincoln sits opposite her in baggy jeans and a black t- shirt. Jane takes a drink from her coffee cup as Lincoln finishes up speaking to her. LINCOLN And when I got back, he was gone. He bailed on us.

JANE Are you sure? I mean, he came all the way to Redingston to just bail at the last minute?

LINCOLN Ryan never did have any balls.

JANE There goes our chance to oust Stephanie for who she really is.

LINCOLN Didn’t you find anything in her belongings?

JANE (blankly) I haven’t gone through her belongings.

LINCOLN Why not? Surely that’s the first thing to do when you’re looking into somebody.

JANE I know that she has expensive taste and nice perfume. It’s not as if she’s going to keep some confession of her shady past tucked away with her underwear.

LINCOLN Fine, then we’ll go through them tonight.

Jane frowns, lowering her cup of coffee.

JANE Tonight?

LINCOLN At Ken’s Halloween party, we’ll sneak into their room and rifle through her things.

JANE Glad to know you have a plan.

Jane rolls her eyes as she takes a deep gulp of coffee. CUT TO:


A breeze runs through the tall trees, shrubs and palm trees that fill this large bricked courtyard. With paths winding off through the trees/bushes towards various sized buildings, Rick and Kevin walk amongst the hordes of students.

KEVIN All I’m saying is that you’re single, I’m single and there’s going to be a lot of single girls at the party tonight.

RICK I don’t know man, I don’t feel right even thinking about other girls. I had more than my fair share of girls last year, this year I’m trying to concentrate on my basketball and besides, my last girlfriend was murdered.

Kevin nods slowly, not looking directly at Rick.

KEVIN Right, which is why you should see if there are any girls you like tonight. Emily, she’s on the swim team and in great shape with an ass like an apple. Or there’s Francis, one of Sammy’s friends.

RICK Who have you got your eyes on?

KEVIN Honestly? Any one of them will do, as long as they take my mind off of Kayla.

RICK She’s still ignoring you?

KEVIN Pretty much. We’re in the same room but it doesn’t feel like it. She’s just completely shutting me out.

RICK Which hardly seems fair seeing as how she’s the one who cheated on you with your best friend.

KEVIN And lied about her pregnancy.

RICK She’s so far in the wrong, she can’t even see it.

KEVIN (frowning) Yeah... you’re right! Why in the hell should I be given the silent treatment for what she’s done?

RICK That’s women for you. They screw up and blame the guys.

KEVIN Well she can shove it! I am no longer talking to her!

RICK (smirking) That’ll show her.

Kevin thumps Rick on the arm playfully as they head on.



Sunlight fills the light blue room with sea-blue carpet, two windows each with a bed under them opposite the door, a closet door on either side of the room and a table/fridge on either side of the oak door. Sammy stands by the door in a summery white top and skirt whilst Kayla stands inside her closet, riffling through her clothes.

SAMMY We’re going to be late for class.

KAYLA I have to find my item for the class.

SAMMY (frowning) The item that once held significant meaning but now it only acts as a reminder of a painful past?

KAYLA Exactly.

Kayla withdraws a silver Tiffany necklace with a sneer.

KAYLA Kevin bought me this for my birthday and now it only acts as a reminder of what a jerk he is.

SAMMY (sighing) Kayla, you can’t keep this up.

KAYLA (turning around) Keep what up?

SAMMY This petty vendetta with Kevin. Yes, half the campus believes you have herpes and yes he doesn’t want to take you back but if you keep on acting like this you’re going to become so consumed by your bitterness that you’ll never be able to move on.

KAYLA That is why I’m taking this item to class to destroy. Once I get rid of every trace of Kevin Scott, I can move on.

SAMMY Fine, fine! Believe what you want, just hurry it up!

Sammy opens the door as Kayla grabs her bag off the end of her bed and heads for the door.



Jamie moves about the messy office in a white shirt and grey trousers, gathering various files together. A knock comes on the door as Jamie turns to face it.

JAMIE Come in.

The door opens as Zev and Vicki walk in, both wearing summery clothes.

ZEV Hey, we thought we’d stop by and see how everything’s going.

JAMIE Everything’s fine, I’m just tidying up my office. Ashley always tried to get me to tidy it and I never really got round to it before now.

Zev and Vicki exchange glances as Jamie lays the files down onto the desk.

VICKI We also wanted to see if there had been any developments with Detective Johnson’s case.

JAMIE Nothing so far. There were no witnesses, no prints, no DNA and no leads. At the present time, it’s fair to say that this case could become a cold one.

ZEV Whoever did it clearly knew how to cover their tracks.

JAMIE You’re telling me. The Chief is on my ass as it’s my case but whilst you’re here, you might want to take a browse over this.

Jamie lifts up a fresh newspaper from his desk, handing it to Zev. Zev unfolds it and begins to read with a frown as Vicki looks around the messy office.

ZEV This is awful. You think it’s supernatural?

JAMIE The guy, Brian, left footprints all around the car. His murderer didn’t. There was also an odd black substance found on the side of the car along with deep scratch marks.

VICKI Where were they?

JAMIE By the park and what the newspapers don’t know is that Brian was found gutted on top of the car.

ZEV (frowning) On top of the car?

JAMIE Whilst his girlfriend sat inside the car.

Vicki’s eyes flare open as she shakes her head slowly. VICKI It’s like that urban legend.

ZEV Huh?

JAMIE Yeah, similar to the hook handed man one and it’s not the first case this week. This is the third.

VICKI You think some kind of demon could be re- enacting urban legends?

JAMIE This is your realm now. Anything’s possible, right?

ZEV Unfortunately. I guess we better speak with Ken and Jane, see what they think.

VICKI Do you um... do you need a hand tidying up your office?

Jamie smiles meekly at Vicki, shaking his head.

JAMIE No thanks. Just be careful looking into this, ok?

VICKI You be careful looking into Johnson’s murder.

ZEV If he had anything to do with Ashley and what’s potentially going on around us, you could be in a lot of danger investigating his death. I have little doubt over the fact that the same forces that murdered Caleb and the shape-shifter are behind this.

JAMIE I’ll know who to call if I get into any trouble.

Zev nods as Jamie smiles politely. Vicki and Zev turn, exiting the office.


End of Act One. Insert Commercials: ‘New Breed: Season Four’ Region 1 DVD Collection! Out now for an amazing $34.99!! Contains all 22 episodes, with 9 commentaries, 5 featurettes, outtakes, trailers for all 22 episodes and a special collector’s edition packaging!

Act Two:



In a baby clothes section with various aisles and shelves; Ken, Vicki and Zev slowly walk along, holding various pieces of baby clothing.

ZEV So what do you think?

KEN It certainly sounds unnatural.

VICKI So maybe we should go and start some research?

KEN I’ll be done soon, just want to grab a few more bits for my little girl.

VICKI You know what sex it is?

KEN Of course. Stephanie didn’t want to know but I persuaded her.

Ken turns to them with a bright face with a large smile.

KEN So, baby booties in pink or purple?

Ken holds up two pairs of tiny baby shoes as Zev and Vicki smirk.

VICKI Get both. She’ll love them.

ZEV I don’t think I’ve seen you smiling this consistently for ages.

KEN I’m just getting really excited. It’s only a little over a month until the baby’s due date and I just want everything to be perfect.

STEPHANIE (OS) Hey guys.

Ken, Vicki and Zev turn to see Stephanie stepping up to them with a beaming smile.


ZEV What do you think of the baby booties?

KEN Here.

Ken hands them over to Stephanie as she smiles fondly at them.

STEPHANIE They’re wonderful.

ZEV We’ll leave you both to it and we’ll get started on the ‘thing’.


Vicki and Zev turn around, walking away.

STEPHANIE Bye guys, have fun.

KEN I doubt they will.

STEPHANIE I thought they had a ‘thing’ to do?

KEN They do, but it’s a supernatural ‘thing’.


KEN So, you like both of them?

Stephanie smiles meekly with a slight hint of sadness. STEPHANIE Yes, I do. I like them both.

KEN Great. Consider them bought on credit.

Ken whips out his credit card with a cheeky grin, kissing Stephanie on the cheek and walking on. Stephanie looks over the rows of baby clothes with regretful eyes.



Along your average picturesque suburban street, Rick and Kevin walk along slowly. Kevin holds a large pumpkin in his hands whilst Rick carries a large bag.

KEVIN This better be worth it, this thing weighs a ton!

RICK You have to have a good sized pumpkin on the porch or don’t they celebrate Halloween in Chicago?

KEVIN Well most people struggle to keep their pumpkins intact, little shits like me love to throw them at the front door.

RICK This cost us twenty bucks, you throw it and you owe me my half of the money.

KEVIN Got it.

Kevin and Rick turn onto an empty drive, heading up to the porch as the front door of the peach house opens slowly. Vicki steps out as the two guys stop.

RICK Vicki?

VICKI Hey, I saw you coming up the drive. Is that for the party?

KEVIN It sure is. I’ll dump it in the kitchen. Kevin steps past Vicki and enters the house as Rick steps up to Vicki.

RICK How did you get in?

VICKI Zev has a spare key.

RICK Oh good, Zev’s here.

Rick goes to move inside.

VICKI Uh, he went home quickly to grab some weapons.

RICK Weapons? As in demon-killing weapons?

VICKI Come inside and I’ll fill you in.

Rick nods as he follows Vicki into the house.



Zev enters the dining room from the hallway, setting down a large duffel bag onto the clean table. David enters the room behind him in a black suit with a white shirt.

DAVID Are all these weapons really necessary?

ZEV I don’t know what I’m up against, so I’m thinking lots of sharp and pointy weapons are essential.

DAVID Well, try to stay in one piece for tonight.

ZEV Hey, dismemberment could be a part of my costume.

DAVID I’m sure your mother would have something to say if you turned up in two or more pieces.

ZEV Yeah, you’re probably right. Shouldn’t you be at work?

DAVID I had to grab some files, I’m heading back now. Fancy a ride over to Ken’s?

ZEV Sure, thanks.

Zev zips the bag up, grabs it and heads for the hallway.

ZEV Oh, um, will mom be ok? You know, being in close proximity with Ken?

DAVID She’ll be fine. I don’t think she’s angry at him anymore, she’s realised that Ken did nothing wrong.

ZEV Good, because I want tonight to go without a hitch.

Zev and David head out of the room, exiting the house through the front door.



In a shop where the walls and shelves are lined with masks, costumes, accessories and other Halloween items; Sammy stands by a changing cubicle, the curtain drawn to a close.

SAMMY Come on Kayla, we haven’t got all day!

The curtain slides open as Kayla steps out in a tight leather Cat-woman outfit, showing off her sexily slim body.

KAYLA What do you think?

SAMMY I’m thinking of ‘how you can breathe in that thing’!?

KAYLA Good, it’s tight enough then. Where’s your costume?

SAMMY At home, Becky bought it for me.

KAYLA What is it? A witch?

Sammy narrows her eyes, leaning in close to Kayla with a quiet tone.

SAMMY I don’t do stereotypes, I hate stereotypes and if one more person asks me if I’m going as a witch, I will flay them alive, got it?

Kayla raises an eyebrow, nodding earnestly as Sammy nods back.

SAMMY So, let’s get this and then we can grab some lunch.

Sammy turns, walking away as Kayla follows at a slower pace, her outfit restricting her movement. As they come to the end of an aisle, Alex and Jane walk around the corner, blocking the way.

JANE Hi Sammy, Kayla.

SAMMY Hey, how’s it going?

JANE Just looking for a costume for tonight, I was thinking of something facially concealing.

SAMMY (bluntly) Stephanie doesn’t know you’re coming, does she?

Jane smirks as Alex steps up to Sammy.

ALEX And what are you going as? A-

Kayla waves her arms from behind Sammy at Alex, shaking her head and mouthing ‘no’ as Alex cuts off, frowning. Jane smirks, heading past Sammy and Kayla, walking down the aisle and browsing.

SAMMY You’ll see tonight. How about you?

ALEX I was thinking of an angel.

SAMMY That sounds cool, hope you look good next to me.

KAYLA Can we get this thing paid for? It’s starting to chafe my ass.

Sammy closes her eyes, sighing gently as Alex smirks.

ALEX I’ll see you tonight.

Sammy just nods as Alex walks past them both.

SAMMY Let’s get your red raw ass to the checkout.

Kayla scowls as Sammy grabs her by the arm, dragging her forwards.



Rick, Kevin, Vicki and Zev sit at the table, crowded around a laptop whilst Vicki scrolls through some pages on a website. Ken enters from the kitchen with a plate of cookies.

KEN Fresh cookies from the soon-to-be Mrs. Rosenberg.

RICK Thank you cookie-bringer!

KEN So, what have you managed to find out?

ZEV Not a lot.

RICK Yet. Not a lot yet.

KEVIN On a lighter note, have we got enough beer for tonight?

KEN Beer?

Ken looks between Rick and Kevin with surprise as they nod.

RICK You can’t have a party without alcohol.

KEVIN Or you could and it would be the worst party ever known to man.

KEN Well, I suppose some beer would be ok...

Zev rolls his eyes as Ken scratches the back of his head.

KEN Just don’t buy too much, I don’t want a bunch of vomiting kids in my house.

RICK Well, we kind of need you to come with us.

KEN Don’t you have fake ID?

RICK I’m a good guy, of course I don’t have fake ID... anymore. I lost it last week during my laundry.

ZEV Clever.

RICK Right, so can we go now?

KEN I guess, let me grab my keys.

Rick and Kevin high five one another as Ken heads into the hallway. Zev turns to them both.

ZEV So now you’re making him buy you beer?

KEVIN Well, we can’t buy it ourselves dude. ZEV That’s not what I meant. First we take over his house, then you get him to buy you beer, don’t you think you’re taking advantage here?

RICK Lighten up Zev, he’s fine with it.

ZEV He’s a thirty-year-old man hanging out with a bunch of nineteen and twenty-year-olds, of course he’s going to say he’s fine with it.

RICK Look, we’ll handle the party arrangements and you handle the demon killing arrangements, ok?

Zev sighs, nodding his head.

ZEV Fine, I won’t interfere, ok?

RICK Thank you.

KEVIN And look dude, we’ll make sure everything runs smoothly tonight, ok?

Zev nods slowly, unconvinced as Ken enters from the hallway apprehensively.

KEN Let’s go.

Rick and Kevin head for the hall as Zev turns back to Vicki. The front door slams shut in the background.

ZEV Can you believe them?

VICKI I think I’ve found our link between the victims.

Zev frowns, leaning onto the table and staring at the laptop’s screen.

ZEV You have? What is it?

VICKI I’m not one hundred percent sure, I mean, it’s a long shot.

ZEV We have nothing else at the moment, so hit me.

VICKI Well, I couldn’t find a direct link between the three victims, so I looked into their family background and found that each of their fathers were on the Redingston High football team in the eighties.

ZEV Really? You think that could be the link?

VICKI I said it was a long shot. I looked up the football team in the year when they were all on the team. In 1981, they were seniors and beat Tinsel in the final game in May 1982.

ZEV Ok, so what does this have to do with some urban legend hook man?

VICKI Well, several members of the team were accused of playing a part in an accidental death at the school’s Halloween party.

ZEV Oh my god, what happened?

VICKI According to the old newspapers, Walter Wilson fell from the school roof and landed on his head, shattering his neck and spine. It was thought that he may have been involved with several of the jocks in a prank which went wrong.

ZEV Did anyone get charged?

VICKI No but there were five main suspects.

ZEV Ok, minus the three that have already fell victim to hook man and see who the other two are. VICKI Ok... one second.

As Vicki checks the names, Zev takes the seat beside her, biting his thumb nail with anticipation. Vicki’s eyes widen with shock as she turns to face Zev.

ZEV What is it?

VICKI One is Timothy Hallworth but he committed suicide a few months after Walter’s death.

ZEV Who’s the other person?

VICKI Edward Evans.

Zev frowns a little before clicking, his jaw dropping and eyes widening.

ZEV Rick’s father.

VICKI I think we should get to him as soon as we can and find out what really happened with Walter.

ZEV You think he’s the hook man?

VICKI I’m counting on it. All the victims were murdered around nine-thirty, so we have a while yet to get to the bottom of this.

ZEV I never knew you were so good at uncovering facts.

VICKI I was the gossip queen at Redingston High. It was my business to know everybody else’s business, hence why Ashley and I knew everything, we both loved a good gossip.

Zev looks down with a small nod as Vicki looks to the side sadly.

ZEV Come on, let’s go visit Edward Evans. Zev and Vicki both stand, turning and heading for the hallway.

VICKI Should we tell Rick?

ZEV Not yet, let’s find out the facts first before we tell him his father could be the next victim.

They exit the hallway, the front door soon slamming shut.


End of Act Two.

Insert Commercials: A writer’s strike may be looking for the 07/08 season but New Breed will be unaffected. Witness all 24 episodes of the final season, now showing in stunning High Definition!

Act Three:



The sun outside begins to set, casting an orange glow, through the large bay window, over the old-fashioned decorated front room. With brown flowery wallpaper, various pictures of relatives on the walls, beige carpet and a three-piece brown material suite; Zev and Vicki sit on a sofa uncomfortably. Slightly balding with a beer belly but still relatively youthful looking in the face, the now forty-three year old Edward Evans (1.09 & 3.22) stands by the cluttered mantle piece.

EDWARD Can I get you a drink?

ZEV No thank you.

EDWARD You realise that Rick isn’t here?

VICKI We’re not here about Rick, Mr. Evans.

EDWARD (frowning) Then what are you here about?

ZEV Halloween night, 1981. Ring any bells?

VICKI Or shattered spines?

Edward’s face drains of colour as he opens his mouth. No sound escapes his lips as he shakes his head slowly.

ZEV We know about Walter and his death.

VICKI And that you were one of five jocks accused of being involved with his death.

EDWARD H-h-how d-d-do...

VICKI We’ve done our research.

ZEV Look, Mr. Evans, we just want to know what happened to Walter.

EDWARD (bluntly) He fell off the school roof, end of story.

VICKI That’s not the whole truth though, is it? I mean, why would Walter be up on the roof with the jocks? He wasn’t the most popular guy, was he?

Zev looks sideways at Vicki, impressed by her knowledge of Walter.

EDWARD (nodding) True, he wasn’t the most liked guy. He had braces, he had this weird metal hook for a hand-

ZEV A hook?

Vicki and Zev exchange glances.

EDWARD Yeah, he lost his hand in some accident a few months before Halloween. It happened in wood shop at the end of junior year I think.

VICKI Was it an accident?

Edward frowns, looking irritated.

EDWARD There were rumours of the team captain pushing Walter’s hand into a buzz saw’s path, but nothing was ever proven.

Vicki raises her eyebrow, looking indignant.

VICKI So you all bullied him?

EDWARD (offended) Now wait a minute, where in the hell do you get off throwing these kind of accusations at me? I’m your elder damn it!

ZEV Look, we’re not accusing you of anything Mr. Evans, please, just tell us what happened to Walter on that night. People’s lives are at stake.

EDWARD You’re talking about the recent murders, aren’t you? They were all children of my former friends.

Zev nods as Edward looks between Vicki and Zev with concern.

EDWARD Rick could be next, couldn’t he?

ZEV Not if you help us by telling us the truth.

Edward sighs, nodding his head slowly.

EDWARD I can’t believe this is being dredged up. If I tell you, you have to promise to never tell Rick.

VICKI You have our word. Edward takes a deep breath, moving over to a chair by the bay window and sitting down slowly. He looks directly at Zev and Vicki as he speaks.

EDWARD I wasn’t there per se, I arrived moments before Walter fell.



A full moon lights up the flat roof, the short ledge overlooking the back field and concrete patio area. Four typically muscular jocks, wearing blood-spattered Letterman jackets and with various zombie-styled face paint, stand by the ledge. They all prise open cans of red paint, sniggering amongst themselves.

JOCK #4 This is going to be awesome!

JOCK #2 Snyder won’t know what’s hit him.

Nearby, a door opens, revealing a tall yet extremely thin seventeen-year-old guy wearing a skeleton costume.

GUY What are you doing?

The four jocks straighten up and turn to face the guy.

JOCK #1 Walter? What the hell are you doing up here?

WALTER I saw you running up the stairs... what’s going on?

JOCK #2 Get out of here momma’s boy!

Walter Wilson shakes his head defiantly, stepping towards the jocks.

WALTER You have all bullied me for the entirety of High School! Well not anymore, I’m taking a stand against you, you’re not going to pull this prank off!

JOCK #2 (angrily) Walter, get out of here before I throw you back down those stairs!

WALTER You go through with this and I will tell Principal Snyder that it was you!

Jock #2 smirks, stepping up to Walter with a shake of his head.

JOCK #2 You never learn, do you?

Jock #2 right hooks Walter across the jaw, sending him falling backwards to the floor. The other three jocks cheer loudly as a much younger Edward Evans steps through the doorway, wearing a matching outfit and face paint to the other jocks. With handsome good looks and neatly combed black hair, Edward frowns.

EDWARD What’s going on guys?

Jock #2 and #3 bend down, grabbing Walter by the arms and pulling him up to his feet.

JOCK #2 Walter here was about to help us with our prank, weren’t you Walter?

Walter yells angrily, pulling himself free from the jocks. He swings out his right arm, his hook scratching across Jock #2’s arm and slicing through his jacket. Jock #2 yells in pain, clutching at his arm as blood seeps between his fingers.

JOCK #2 You asshole!

WALTER Go to hell, you muscle-headed moron!

Walter turns to face the other jocks, opening his mouth to speak but Jock #2 shoves him hard in the back. Walter stumbles forward before turning to face Jock #2.

JOCK #2 You want to stand up for yourself? Be a real man? Then you’re gonna take a beating like a man!

Jock #2 throws a punch but Walter dodges it, stepping closer to the ledge. Jock #2 kicks up into Walter’s gut. Walter cries out in pain, double over as Jock #2 swings an uppercut into Walter’s face. A sickening crunch sounds as Walter’s head flies back up. Edward’s eyes open wide in horror as Walter stumbles back, his legs hitting the ledge. EDWARD No!

Walter falls over the ledge, letting out a scream as he plummets towards the patio below. A sickening thump sounds as Jock #2 exhales heavily, in a state of shock.

EDWARD What did you do?

JOCK #2 (trembling) It was an accident...

Edward rushes to the ledge, looking over to see the shape of Walter’s deformed body lying below.

EDWARD Oh my god...

JOCK #1 Is he ok?

JOCK #4 I seriously doubt it. That’s like a fifty foot drop dude!

JOCK #3 What do we do?

The three jocks look towards Jock #2 whilst Edward stares down at Walter’s body.

JOCK #2 We can’t tell them the truth, we’ll all go down for this!

JOCK #4 What? Dude, you’re the one who pushed him over!

JOCK #2 But if we hadn’t of been up here, planning on doing a criminal act, Walter never would have been up here.

JOCK #1 Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. On the field and off the field. Jock #1 pats Jock #2 on the shoulder before heading for the door. Edward turns towards the jocks as they all head towards the door.

EDWARD That’s it? You’re all just going to walk away? You’ve just killed a man!

JOCK #3 No, we didn’t. It was an accident Edward. Why should our lives be ruined over a tragic accident? Walter wouldn’t want that, he had a good heart.

Edward stares at them in disbelief.

JOCK #2 You’re either with us or against us Edward. Remember when I helped you to cover up your drug misuse?

EDWARD This isn’t the same...

JOCK #2 You bet your sweet ass it is.

Edward looks over the ledge at Walter’s body one last time before turning to join his friends. He walks towards the door with them, lowering his head with guilt and shame.



A tear runs down Edward’s cheek as he stares deeply at Zev and Vicki.

EDWARD We all lied to the police and said Walter tripped. The cut on Bobby’s arm was explained by Bobby trying to catch Walter but he missed and the hook caught him.

ZEV You’ve kept the truth buried for twenty-six years?

EDWARD It was me against four others; I was too much of a coward to stand up against them. Walter wasn’t... and it cost him his life. Zev and Vicki stand from the sofa as Edward remains seated, his eyes pinpricked with tears. Vicki looks down at Edward with a hint of disgust.

ZEV Thank you for all your help.

EDWARD I just wish things had of worked out differently.

VICKI (bitterly) You’re not the only one.

Edward looks up with pleading eyes, his voice wavering.

EDWARD Please, please don’t tell Rick any of this.

ZEV Like we said, you have our word.

Edward nods slowly, a tear running down his cheek as Zev and Vicki walk towards the hallway.



As Vicki closes the white front door behind her, Zev stands still on the wooden porch.

ZEV Can you believe that? How can someone live with a secret like that for twenty-six years?

VICKI I have lost all respect for that man. What he did was inconceivable.

ZEV I’m not making excuses for what he did but it must have been hard for him.

VICKI Not as hard as Walter’s family.

Zev looks down slowly.

ZEV Walter only goes after their kids, right?

VICKI Apparently so. Rick’s next on his hit list.

ZEV Then let’s get to the party and make sure we stop Walter.

Vicki takes hold of Zev’s hand, flickering a meek smile at him. They both step off the porch and walk across the front yard’s grass.



‘What I’ve Done’ by Linkin Park booms from the two-storey peach-coloured house. Various Halloween decorations hang in the windows and across the front lawn whilst lots of people stand on the porch and across the lawn, all dressed in different Halloween costumes.



The room is crowded with costume-dressed people, all dancing, shouting, cheering etc as they drink beer and look to be having a good time. Ken pushes through the crowd, wearing a Wild West Sheriff outfit complete with hat, chequered shirt and plastic gun.

KEN Uh, could you not dribble your beer on my floor please?

Ken pushes past a drunken guy dressed as a crappy Dracula; a bin bag tied round his neck flapping around like a cape. In the kitchen archway, Sammy wears a tight, revealing red crop-top with very short black shorts and black heels. A pair of devil horns stick out from her tussled brown hair as she looks smoking hot. Alex steps up to her with a wry smirk, wearing a white robe with a halo attached to his head.

ALEX I see what you mean by how you hope I’d look good next to you.

SAMMY Well, we certainly go together; angel and devil.

ALEX So will tonight be filled with stolen glances and close proximity but no physical contact? Sammy looks deep into Alex’s eyes, frowning a little as he smiles nervously.

ALEX I just meant since nobody really knows about us that we still can’t be close to one another in public.

SAMMY You know what? That may all change tonight.

Alex smirks as he holds up both hands, revealing two cups of soda. Sammy smiles thankfully as she takes one.



Costumed people stand around the kitchen, chatting and laughing loudly over the music. Stephanie stands by the centre counter, wiping up a stain on the counter with a damp cloth. She wears a tall black rectangular wig with a white bolt of lightning down each side, wearing a slim black dress and looking radiant with her pregnancy. She turns away from the counter and throws the cloth into the sink before turning towards the dining room. She stops dead, frowning whilst looking through the archway to the dining room.



The table has been pushed against one wall whilst guests fill the rest of the space. Lincoln slowly walks through the room, wearing a black pirate’s outfit complete with eye patch and a fake parrot strapped to his shoulder. Stephanie strides into the room from the kitchen as Lincoln spots her. He stops in his tracks, folding his arms as Stephanie steps up to him.

STEPHANIE What the hell are you doing here?

LINCOLN I was invited.



STEPHANIE You and that woman are not welcome in my house. LINCOLN Actually, I think you’ll find that we are. Ken invited her and she invited me. So get over it and get me a drink, it’s rude to keep your guests dehydrated.

Lincoln shoos Stephanie away with his hand as she narrows her eyes angrily. We pan over to the hallway doorway where a slim woman in a black dress with a black veil covering her face, like a black wedding dress, watches Lincoln.



The lady in black turns away from the dining room doorway and walks up the stairs cautiously whilst the surrounding partygoers do not notice her.



The door to the dark room opens slowly as the lady in black slips into the room. She flicks the light on and removes the veil, revealing Jane with her blond hair tied up. The double bed in the centre of the room is neatly made whilst the surrounding furniture and ornaments are carefully arranged and dusted.

JANE Ok, where to begin?

Jane steps up to a set of drawers by the bed and pulls them open, looking through the contents briefly. She slams the drawer shut and hunts through the second and third drawer. She sighs, pulling back and turning to face the in-built closet opposite the bed. She slowly walks over to the closet and pulls open the doors to reveal the rack of clothes hanging inside and the various drawer compartments.

JANE This could take a while.

Jane begins to sift through the drawers, starting with the top.



Various people fill the neat and tidy back yard, some standing around the glistening yet dark swimming pool whilst others remain on the patio. Rick, wearing an Aladdin costume which reveals a lot of his upper body, stands opposite a slim, sexy blond girl dressed in nothing more than a skimpy top and a pair of tiny shorts.

RICK You seem like a nice girl Emily but I’m not looking for a relationship at the moment.

EMILY And you think I am? Please, I’m on the swim team and I could have any guy I want. Tonight Rick, I want you and tomorrow night I may want someone else if you catch my drift.

Rick smirks, nodding happily.

RICK I think I do.

EMILY Hope you brought protection.

RICK I always come prepared.

Emily smirks, running her hand down the centre of Rick’s exposed chest as he gently clasps her ass. Nearby, Kevin sports a cowboy costume with a large hat and unbuttoned chequered shirt. A brunette girl kisses him passionately as Kevin opens one eye. He spots Rick and gives him a thumbs up whilst his other hand gropes the brunette. Rick nods and grins at Kevin.



‘Firestarter’ by The Prodigy now plays as Zev and Vicki enter through the open front door. Zev wears red shorts with a yellow t-shirt and a whistle hangs from his waistband; a lifeguard. Vicki wears a Batgirl costume, complete with cape and mask, her auburn hair pumped up with volume.

VICKI I’m going to find the others and let them know what’s going on.

ZEV Did we have to put these costumes on first?

VICKI We don’t want to arouse suspicion, he may not show. Besides, you look kinda cute.

ZEV (rolling eyes) Ok, I’ll see you soon. Vicki nods, heading off into the dining room as Zev turns towards the front room. He frowns with a small smirk as he steps up to a clown-costumed person. With baggy yellow and white clothes, a white face, bright red lips and a large red nose, David Walker turns to face his son slowly whilst Sue stands opposite with a grin in a witch’s outfit; with a black dress, a bent hat and a broomstick.

DAVID Oh, hey. Don’t laugh.

SUE I’ve done enough of that already.

ZEV No, no, I think you look good...

Zev laughs loudly as Sue laughs with him. David narrows his eyes.

ZEV Now that’s not very clown like! Smile!

David puts on a fake smile as Sue wraps an arm around him.

SUE I haven’t seen Sammy around, I wanted to show her my costume.

ZEV Yeah, she may not appreciate the whole witch get-up, but if I see her around I’ll send her your way.

SUE Is everything ok? You seem a little distracted.

ZEV I’m fine but if I say otherwise, just make sure you exit the house and get home quickly.

DAVID Ah, it’s one of those distractions.

ZEV Kinda really is. I’ll see you around.

SUE Be careful sweetie.

Zev nods as he heads past them and into the front room. They turn to watch him go.

DAVID I wonder if he ever gets a night off.

SUE Do I ever get a night off from you?

David sticks out his tongue at Sue as she grins childishly.



As various items ranging from clothes to stationary lie strewn across the bedroom floor, Jane sits in front of the ransacked closet.

JANE Damn it!

She sighs, throwing a black shoe into the closet. The shoe hits the back wall of the closet, knocking something loose which proceeds to hang off the wall.

Jane frowns, climbing onto her hands and knees and crawling into the closet to see that a small wooden panel has come loose. Jane grabs the panel, pulling it away to reveal a small hidden compartment.

JANE He was right.

Jane looks into the small compartment, putting her hand in and pulling out a white envelope. She frowns, before opening the envelope and withdrawing a small gold key along with a slip of paper with several digits written on it. Jane looks back up to the compartment and puts her other hand in, feeling around before gasping to herself.

JANE Oh my god!

Jane slowly withdraws a silver handled handgun, holding it by the barrel with her fingertips whilst staring at it with shock and concern. Jane pockets the white envelope and shoves the gun back into the compartment. She quickly puts the wooden panel back into place before turning around on her hands & knees to grab the various other items needing to be put back.



‘Proper Education’ by Eric Prydz Vs Pink Floyd now plays whilst Ken and Jamie stand by the front doorway as the hallway has become slightly clearer of costumed guests. Jamie wears a Grim Reaper costume, with a black hooded robe, a plastic scythe and a skeletal mask which he holds in his hand whilst his other hand holds a beer. JAMIE I have to say, you know how to throw a party.

KEN Considering I didn’t even plan this, I have to agree with you. It’s turned out pretty well.

KAYLA (OS) Hey you!

A stumbling and drunk Kayla staggers up to them, wearing her tight black Cat-woman outfit with tall stiletto heels. Her blond hair is ruffled as her eyes wander all over the place. Ken and Jamie exchange bemused glances.

KEN Are you drunk Kayla?

KAYLA Maybe a little, gramps. Could you grab me another beer?

Ken looks insulted as he scowls at Kayla.

KEN I’m going to grab your aunt and uncle!

Ken heads towards the front room as Kayla dismisses Ken with her hand.

KAYLA Phhff, old fart.

She turns her attention to Jamie with a cheeky grin.

KAYLA So, how’s everything with you Jamie? Still brooding?

JAMIE Actually, yeah I am. The recent weeks have been pretty rough.

KAYLA I’ll say. I bet you haven’t been able to have any fun for a long time.

Kayla winks, coming onto Jamie, literally as she pushes herself up against him. Jamie looks startled and uneasy as he pushes her back.

JAMIE I think you’ve had too much to drink.

KAYLA I don’t think you’ve had enough.

Kayla steps up to Jamie and kisses him. Jamie pushes her back again.

SUE (OS) Kayla!

Kayla turns drunkenly to see Sue, David and Ken heading towards her.

KAYLA Crap, parental people. Gotta go. Bye-e-e-e-e-e!

Kayla turns and dashes into the dining room as Sue scowls.

SUE Oh no you don’t! David, go the other way and cut her off!

DAVID Got it.

David heads back through the front room as Sue rushes into the dining room. Ken turns to Jamie with a laugh.

KEN Well, that was entertaining, it livened up my night.

Jamie’s eyes widen as he nudges Ken.

JAMIE I think things are going to get even livelier.

Ken frowns, following Jamie’s line of sight to the top of the stairs. Ken’s eyes widen at the sight of a tall man dressed in a black trench coat with a hat shrouding his face in shadow. A large shiny hook hangs out the bottom of his right sleeve.


End of Act Three.

Insert Commercials: ‘New Breed: Season Four Sticker-Photo Album’ is out now! Collect them all; trade them, fill the book with them and find the specially hidden finale picture of Zev closing the Vortex! Features photos of scenes from every episode! Fifteen per episode, with a special middle page with character promo photos!

Act Four: FADE IN:


Sammy, Alex, Zev, Vicki, Ken and Jamie stand by the open French doors, talking amongst themselves whilst the music continues in the background.

JAMIE One minute he was there and the next he was gone.

ZEV Ok, we have to hurry.

VICKI I’ll find Rick.

SAMMY What about Kevin and Kayla?

KEN I think we have enough people here.

ZEV Maybe we should think about getting people outside or something.

KEN Right, like some kind of garden drinking game.

ALEX I can help you with that one.

Ken raises an eyebrow as Alex grabs Ken, dragging him towards the garden.

SAMMY Hurry back Alex, we may need you!

ZEV Ok, keep your eyes peeled for this guy.

The gang all nod and separate, heading into the house in different directions.



Lincoln walks into the hallway slowly, sighing to himself as a few guests dance in the front doorway. Jane moves down the stairs, stepping up to Lincoln. LINCOLN Find anything?

JANE More than I thought I would.

Jane pulls out the white envelope as Lincoln frowns.

LINCOLN What’s that?

JANE I think it’s a safety deposit box key and code. Take it and see what you can find at the bank tomorrow morning.

LINCOLN What about you?

JANE I have my weekly meeting with the Messengers, I’ll be in a conference call all morning. Just make sure you get that envelope back to me as soon as possible and I’ll put it back where I found it.

LINCOLN Well, I guess for tonight we can enjoy the rest of the party.

JANE I guess so. Why don’t we get a drink?

LINCOLN You read my mind.

Jane and Lincoln share a smile as they link arms and turn towards the front room. Sammy and Jamie step through the crowded front room, coming into the hallway to face Lincoln and Jane.

SAMMY Jane? When did you get here?

JANE Uh, just now. You look really good!

SAMMY Thanks, you too. We’re looking for something at the moment. LINCOLN What did you lose?

JAMIE It’s a Defender sort of something.

JANE (realising) Oh, ok, fill us in.

Sammy looks at Lincoln with distrust before proceeding.

SAMMY Cliff notes version, hook handed ghost killer, so let’s find him and kill him.

JANE Well, if it’s a ghost, we’re going to have to find his remains and burn them.

SAMMY I know, I’m going to work on locating them but I need to get close enough to his spirit to lock on to his essence, it’ll speed up the locating process by hours.

LINCOLN Then let’s find this sucker.



In a basic room with beige walls, an empty dresser next to the bedroom door and a double bed with white sheets; the room is in near darkness as two people lay in the bed with tussled sheets and sexual groans. Rick kisses Emily passionately as she drags her nails down his sweating back.

EMILY Harder!

RICK Any harder and I’ll break your pelvis!

In the background, a dark shadowy figure appears in the corner of the room by the dresser. The door to the room suddenly flies open as Zev enters the room. Emily screams as Rick rolls off of her.

ZEV Rick, is that you? Zev drags his hand across the wall, trying to find the light switch as Emily grabs her clothes from the end of the bed as Rick sits up.

RICK Zev?! What the hell is this?

ZEV Sorry, but this is an emergency.

RICK What? Here? Now?!

ZEV Unfortunately.

The lights flick on as Emily climbs off the bed, almost fully dressed as Rick remains under the sheets. Zev raises his eyebrows.


RICK Yeah.

ZEV Ok, um, bye.

Zev turns and pulls the door shut behind him as Rick sighs.

EMILY Your friend is an ass!

Rick frowns, shaking his head.

RICK Uh, no, he’s not.

EMILY Yes, he is! He just interrupted our sex!

RICK Some things are more important, so if you don’t mind, get out.


RICK Yeah, something you won’t be getting any more of tonight.

Emily flicks Rick her middle finger as she pulls open the door and exits the room. Zev slowly steps into the room with embarrassment.

ZEV Sorry.

RICK It’s ok man, don’t worry about it.

ZEV I mean for earlier, when I kinda snapped at you.

RICK What? The taking advantage thing? Forget it.

As Rick pulls on his clothes, Zev turns away and faces the door with a sigh.

ZEV No, I was out of line. I think I’m turning into that annoying interfering person who everybody hates because they ruin all the fun.

RICK Seriously Zev, don’t worry about it. (alarmed) Worry about him!

Zev turns with a frown as the black trench coat hook man swings his hook at Zev. The hook slashes Zev’s lifeguard t-shirt. Zev kicks out into the hook man’s chest, sending him flying backwards. Rick dodges to the side as the hook man flies past him and smashes into the back wall, disappearing into a cloud of black mist. Sammy and Jane run into the room with panicked looks.

SAMMY Ok, consider his essence known. It was so cold and filled with hatred.

JANE You’ve gotten what you need, right?

SAMMY Yeah, leave it to me.

JANE Ok, Lincoln and I will come with you.

ZEV Huh? What? SAMMY Can’t explain yet.

Sammy turns, rushing back out of the room as Jane follows. Lincoln steps into the doorway, briefly sharing eye contact with Zev. Zev quickly turns away from Lincoln, looking at Rick.

ZEV You ok?

RICK I’m good, you ok? It looked like he slashed you pretty hard.

ZEV I’m fine.

Lincoln lowers his head, turning and walking away as Rick moves over to Zev.

RICK So how do we kill him? Daggers? Swords? Magic?

ZEV I think Sammy may be on it. Come on, you’re not safe here.

Rick frowns as Zev leads the way out of the room.



Sammy sits at the dining table with a map of Redingston laid out. Jane, Jamie and Lincoln stand by her whilst Ken and Kevin enter from the kitchen.

KEVIN Whoa, check out the devil girl.

SAMMY Nice of you to join us.

KEN He was preoccupied with a girl and her bra.

KEVIN It was super glued on or something.

JANE Charming.

Ken looks at Jane, surprised by her being there.

VICKI (OS) What’s going on?

Vicki stands in the hallway doorway with a frown.

SAMMY I’m trying to locate the hook man’s remains.

VICKI I know where they are.

Everybody looks at Vicki.

VICKI I researched into the guy, remember?

Everybody murmurs yes or no as Vicki rolls her eyes.



The music and party has been moved out back as loud cheers and shouts come from the large crowd of people. Alex stands by the French doors, cheering loudly as two girls in front of him drink down large glasses of beer.

ALEX Keep it going girls, you’re almost there!



Sammy stands by the closed French doors, watching Alex and the crowd of people outside as the loud music continues. Kevin, Vicki, Jane and Lincoln stand by the centre counter, packing a shopping bag with lighter fluid, matches and salt.

JANE That’s everything. Shall we?

Sammy turns to the others and holds out her right hand. Jane takes her hand, as Kevin takes her hand, Lincoln takes Kevin’s hand and Vicki takes Lincoln’s hand. After a few moments, Sammy frowns as the others look at her.

VICKI What is it? SAMMY I can’t go anywhere.

JANE Excuse me?

SAMMY I can’t teleport, I don’t know why, I just can’t.

KEVIN What’s up with that?

LINCOLN Do we really have time to question that now?

JANE No, we don’t. I’ll drive, come on.

Jane leads the group away as Sammy looks confused and perplexed.



Zev slowly creeps down the stairs in his torn yellow t-shirt whilst the party music blasts from outside the house. Rick follows Zev cautiously. Jamie and Ken suddenly step out from the dining room, startling Zev and Rick who both yell. Jamie and Ken yell with fright in return.

ZEV/KEN Don’t do that! Me? It was you!

Zev and Ken both sigh as Jamie withdraws his silver handgun from under his black grim reaper robe.

JAMIE Anything?

RICK No, he just vanished.

A metal scrape sounds as Ken and Jamie turn. The hook man kicks Jamie in the chest and swings his hook at Ken. Ken grabs Walter’s arm as Jamie hits the floor. Zev jumps up and double kicks Walter in the chest, sending the hook man flying backwards. Rick helps Jamie to sit up as Zev charges into the dining room.


INT. DINING ROOM – ROSENBERG RESIDENCE – NIGHT As Zev approaches the fallen Walter, Walter swings up with the hook, jamming it into Zev’s leg. Zev yells in pain, grabbing Walter’s hook arm and yanking the hook out of his leg. Walter pulls himself free and stumbles to his feet as Zev swings at him. Walter dodges the punch and blasts Zev under the chin with an uppercut. Zev falls backwards into the wall as the doorbell rings.



Rick, Jamie and Ken exchange glances as Stephanie appears from the front room with a large bowl of candy, humming gently to herself. She stops, spotting the others.

STEPHANIE What’s going on? Why aren’t you answering the door?

Zev suddenly appears round the corner of the dining room wall as Walter lunges for him. Stephanie gasps with fright as Zev back kicks Walter in the gut, causing him to double over. Zev turns and knees Walter in the face. Walter flips backwards and hits the floor face-first.



A group of four children stand by the front door, wearing different scary Halloween costumes.

BOY #1 Open up! We can hear you!

Stephanie screams from inside as several smashes and thumps sound. The four kids exchange glances.

BOY #1 Run!

The four kids scream as they turn and dart off the porch.



The moon hovers low in the sky, lighting up the rows of headstones, the tall trees, the various shrubbery and the group of people standing in front of a headstone. Sammy, Kevin, Vicki, Jane and Lincoln stare down at the grave.

KEVIN I hope you all brought shovels.

SAMMY I have a quicker method.

Sammy points her palms towards the grave before slowly lifting her arms up. The earth and dirt of the grave vibrates and moves as something beneath the surface rises. The others watch on as a dark coffin slowly erupts through the dirt, rising into the air by a couple of feet. Sammy slowly moves her hands, manoeuvring the coffin onto nearby solid ground. As the coffin settles down, Lincoln nods at her.

LINCOLN Impressive.

SAMMY Thanks.

VICKI Let’s crack it open.

Lincoln steps up to the coffin and firmly takes hold of the lid.

LINCOLN My pleasure.

Lincoln lifts up the lid with a groan, revealing a near skeletal corpse wearing a black suit with a rusty hook for a right hand. Vicki gags as Kevin turns to the side, vomiting profusely onto the grass.

SAMMY Nice Kev. I think somebody had a little too much to drink.

JANE Sammy, did you grab the holy water from my back seat?

Sammy lifts a small bottle of holy water from her devil short’s pocket.

SAMMY Sure did.

JANE Ok, throw on the holy water and the salt.

Vicki holds up a tub of salt as Sammy flicks the holy water onto the remains of Walter. Vicki shakes salt over the bones as an odd, eerie smoke rises from the bones.


Rick backs away across the room, a fresh wound on his left shoulder with blood dribbling down his Aladdin outfit. The black trench coated hook man advances on Rick, raising his hook as Zev appears in the glass doorway.

ZEV Get out of the way Rick!

Walter turns to face Zev as Rick darts to the side. Zev dashes forwards and jumps through the air, leaning onto his front and swinging his legs around, smashing Walter across the head with both feet. Walter flies to the side, landing on the sofa and sitting up angrily with his hat lost.

Smoke begins to rise from his body as he grunts loudly with pain. He looks around the room, his face revealed. With rotting zombie flesh and parts of his skull visible, Walter’s demonic red eyes burn with hatred.

ZEV God, no wonder you’re pissed off.

Walter stands angrily as Ken and Jamie appear in the doorway.

ZEV Look, what happened to you was an injustice Walter but what you’re doing is making you just as bad, if not worse, than them. You’re murdering innocent-

Walter suddenly disappears in a puff of black smoke as Zev frowns.

ZEV And now you’re gone.

KEN (alarmed) The others!

ZEV Oh crap! Come on!

Ken nods as everybody darts out of the room.



As Jane squirts lighter fluid into the coffin and over Walter’s remains, the black trench coated, zombie-faced Walter appears behind her. SAMMY Jane!

Jane turns as Walter swings his hook at her. Jane dodges with a scream whilst Lincoln tackles Walter from the side. They both hit the dirt as Sammy, Kevin and Vicki rush to Lincoln’s aid. Walter throws Lincoln off to the side as Sammy throws out her hand. A nearby headstone breaks away from the dirt and flies into the standing Walter. Walter hits the dirt with a groan of pain as Jane lights a match.

JANE Goodnight Walter.

Walter suddenly appears by Jane, grabbing her wrist with his left hand. She turns to him with shock as his red eyes bore into her. Vicki jumps onto Walter’s back with a scream, grabbing at his face and digging her fingers into his eyes. Walter releases Jane, stumbling backwards with a yell of pain whilst Vicki keeps hold of him. Kevin lunges at Walter, smashing him in the gut with several jabs and punches.

Jane lights a fresh match and drops it into the coffin, the bones and the coffin igniting into flames. Walter lets out a deep scream of pain as Vicki lets go, dropping to the ground with a thump. Kevin dives to Vicki’s side as Lincoln rushes Walter, shoulder barging the hook man and sending him to the ground.

Sammy steps up to Lincoln as everybody watches the burning body of Walter. Walter slowly evaporates into a wisp of black smoke as Jane exhales slowly.

KEVIN Is he dead? For good this time?

VICKI Looks like.

JANE He is. His spirit is at rest now.

SAMMY Can we get back to the car? I’m freezing my ass off in this costume.

Jane nods as Lincoln stares down at the burning coffin.

LINCOLN What do we do about the coffin?

JANE Feel free to rebury it but I think we better get going in case anybody heard the commotion.

Jane, Sammy, Vicki, Kevin and Lincoln all walk away from Walter’s burning coffin as the camera pans up slowly towards the moonlit sky. CUT TO:


Sammy, Vicki, Zev, Kevin, Rick and Ken step onto the wooden porch slowly whilst Jane, Jamie and Lincoln remain on the front lawn.

ZEV I’m just glad you managed to kill him.

VICKI I’m just glad that you were on your way if we didn’t manage to beat him.

SAMMY But we did because we rock.

VICKI Yes we do.

RICK I guess we should all get back to the party, it sounds as if they’re all back inside the house.

ZEV Probably a good idea before anything gets trashed.

KEN (alarmed) Trashed? What do you mean trashed?

Zev, Rick, Sammy, Kevin and Vicki enter the house, chatting happily whilst Ken follows them. Jane turns to face Lincoln and Jamie.

JANE I don’t know about you guys but I think I’m going to head home.

LINCOLN Yeah, I have things to do.

Lincoln looks towards the house with saddened eyes.

JAMIE Likewise. I’m not really in the partying mood anymore.

LINCOLN Later guys.


Lincoln heads across the front yard, stepping up to his Harley motorbike. Jane turns to Jamie.

JANE Actually, Jamie, do you want to go and grab a cup of coffee? Just to talk about things, I feel as if we haven’t really spoken properly to one another in a long time.

Jamie smiles, nodding.

JAMIE That sounds nice. I know a good place downtown.

JANE Lead the way.

Jamie holds out his arm as Jane links it. They both chat and smile as they head towards Jamie’s silver car parked at the bottom of the drive whilst Lincoln drives away on his Harley.



The party has ended and the clean-up has begun. Stephanie drags a filled bin bag into the dining room, disappearing from sight whilst Ken stands by the dishwasher, filling it up with plates. Sammy, Alex, Vicki, Rick and Zev all carry bin liners, shoving various pieces of rubbish and plastic cups into them.

KEN Next year, we’re holding the party at your house.

ZEV What? Why?

KEN Because you have parents who can clean up.

SAMMY It won’t take us too long.

RICK Really? Because the last hour has kind of been a drag. ZEV We all wanted a party, so we all deal with the cleaning.

ALEX Except Kevin who’s smashed out of his face.

VICKI And Kayla.

KEN Now she was drunk.

SAMMY Where is she?

ZEV My parents took her home to sleep it off.

Sammy sniggers as she dumps the bin bag by the centre corner, mopping her brow as Alex turns to face her. They share a smile as Ken turns on the dishwasher.

KEN Right, I think it’s time to relax.

RICK Agreed!

Rick throws his bin bag to the side, the bottles inside smashing on impact with the floor. Ken narrows his eyes at Rick who grins bashfully.

SAMMY Before everybody disperses, I kinda wanted to make an announcement.

Zev, Rick, Vicki and Ken turn to face Sammy as Alex looks at her oddly.

SAMMY It’s something that I should have told you guys from the start but I wanted to test the water first and see how it went.

ALEX You sure about this?

SAMMY Positive.

ZEV What’s going on?

RICK You’re giving up wasting your money on expensive products and shoes?

VICKI Phhff, yeah right.

Sammy raises an eyebrow at Vicki.

SAMMY Thanks for the vote of confidence.

VICKI Honey, I know for a fact that you and I would never give up on the expensive products and shoes.

SAMMY I suppose... well, what I’m trying to say is that Alex and I are involved in a relationship.

RICK Yeah we know, you’re friends.

ZEV I don’t think she means that kind of relationship.

Rick raises an eyebrow as Ken nods with a small smile.

KEN Well, it’s about time.

SAMMY What do you mean?

VICKI Oh come on Sammy, we could all see the sparks between you two and I didn’t need a vision for that.

ALEX I told you it was obvious.

Sammy nudges Alex playfully as he wraps an arm around her.

ZEV We’re happy for you, so feel free to kiss or grope or whatever. SAMMY Gross.

Alex looks at her sharply as she smiles sweetly.

SAMMY Obviously not gross in private, away from prying eyes.

RICK Damn, guess I’ll have to use my magazine again tonight.

Everybody looks at Rick oddly as he shrugs.

RICK I’ve been single forever and my bit on the side was interrupted tonight.

Zev laughs as Rick shakes his head.

RICK It wasn’t funny.

ZEV It was totally funny, you should have seen your face.

KEN Come on guys, why don’t we get some pizza in?

RICK That may begin to heal my wounds.

SAMMY Oh please, you’ll pull some other bimbo next week.

RICK Here’s hoping.

ALEX You’re such a dog.

RICK Hey, you’re dating Sammy, who’s the dog now?

Sammy punches rick on the arm. RICK Ow!

SAMMY That’s for starters!

As Sammy chases Rick into the front room, Zev, Vicki, Alex and Ken follow them at a slower paced walk, laughing and chatting together.


End Credits: Theme: ‘Smack My Bitch Up’ by The Prodigy.

End of Episode Six: Legends. Ken Rosenberg and Jane VanStar are characters by Amy Sandberg.

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