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Peralta Community College District s8

Peralta Community College District Revised Annual Program Update Template 2012-2013 I. Overview Date Submitted: 10/07/11 Data Download Date: n/a Program/Department: Counseling Campus: College of Alameda Administrator: Dr. Kerry Compton Department Chair; Coordinator: Hector Corrales and Trulie Thompson Mission Statement: Counseling Programs in the California Community Colleges play a key role in helping students succeed. Over the years, the functions counseling departments perform have increased significantly, further exacerbating the ever-present pressure to serve more students in cost-effective ways.

To accomplish their mission in providing essential support to community college students, Counseling programs perform a set of core functions through individual and group interactions, as well as classroom instruction. While differences in student populations and institutional priorities may affect the resources dedicated to these functions within individual counseling programs, nevertheless, these functions are so fundamental to the mission of community college counseling that every program, whether general, categorical, or aimed at specific populations, should perform them. These functions are derived from Title 5 Regulations and from materials from the American Counseling Association. 1) Academic counseling, in which the student is assisted in assessing, planning, and implementing his or her immediate and long-range academic goals. 2) Career counseling, in which the student is assisted in assessing his or her aptitudes, abilities, and interests, and advised concerning current and future employment trends. 3) Personal counseling, in which the student is assisted with personal, family or other social concerns, when that assistance is related to the student’s education. 4) Crisis intervention, either directly or through cooperative arrangements with other

Page 1 of 18 resources on campus or in the community. 5) Conducting outreach to students and the community to encourage them to avail themselves of services, focused on maximizing all students’ potential to benefit from the academic experience. 6) Participating in the college governance process and advocating to make the environment as beneficial to the intellectual, emotional, and physical development of students as possible. 7) Researching and reviewing counseling programs and services with the goal of improving their effectiveness. 8) Training and professional development for counseling staff, interns, and others in the college community.*

*(taken from ASCCC paper on Standards of Practice for Counseling Faculty).

The mission of College of Alameda's Counseling Department is to provide comprehensive services and programs that empower students to identify and achieve educational, career and personal goals. Additionally, the Counseling Department strives to assist students in meeting life’s many opportunities and challenges. (approved by Counseling Department, Spring 2009)

II. Student Data (Include service area data such as the number of students served by the program or service. Include data and recommendations from program review). A. Enrollment Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011

B. Retention

C. Success

D. Total Students Served 2928 3204 n/a (unduplicated) per SARS (8/09-12/09) (8/10-12/10) (duplicated) 4769 5346

Page 2 of 18 III. Faculty Data Fall 2011 Contract FTEF 4.0 FTEF (includes special assignments)

2.5 FTEF in Counseling only, 0.5 Articulation, 0.5 Transfer, 0.5 Matriculation Hourly FTEF 1.93 Extra Service FTEF data Total FTEF 4.43 % Contract/Total 0.56

IV. Faculty Data Comparables as of Fall 2010 (please see chart below)

Alameda Berkeley Laney Merritt

Fall 2010 Student Enrollments 6,582 6,871 12,838 7110

Contract FTE (minus special assignments) 2.5 2.44 7.5 3

(Full-time) Counselor:Student Ratio 1:2632 1:2816 1:1712 1:2370

(Full-time+Hourly) Counselor:Student Ratio 1:1452 1:1551 1:1410 1:1958

Alameda Berkeley Laney Merritt

Contract FTE 4 3.5 9 6

Contract FTE (minus special assignments) 2.5 2.44 7.5 3

Hourly FTE 2.03 .93 1.6 .63

% of F/T Faculty (minus special assignments)* .41 .79 .82 .83

 COA has lowest percentage of Full-time counseling faculty in the District *% of F/T Faculty = Contract FTE (minus special assignments)  [Contract FTE (minus special assignments) + Hourly FTE]

Alameda Berkeley Laney Merritt Page 3 of 18 Fall 2011 Student Enrollments 6,808

Contract FTE (minus special assignments) 2.5

(Full-time) Counselor:Student Ratio 1:2732

(Full-time+Hourly) Counselor:Student Ratio 1:1536

Alameda Berkeley Laney Merritt

Contract FTE 4 3.0 7.75 6.0

Contract FTE (minus special assignments) 2.5 3.0 6.3 3.0

Hourly FTE 1.93 1.37 1.47 .7

% of F/T Faculty (minus special assignments)* .56 .69 .81 .81

*note COA has lowest % of F/T faculty in District since Fall 2010 V. Staff Data Fall 2011 Contract FTEF n/a Hourly FTEF n/a Extra Service FTEF n/a Total FTEF n/a % Contract/Total n/a

VI. Accomplishments and Goals - Course SLOs and Assessment Number of active courses in your Please see Counseling Discipline APU discipline Number with SLOs % SLOs/Active Courses Number with SLOs that have been assessed % Assessed/SLOs Describe assessment methods you are using Describe results of your SLO assessment progress

VII. Accomplishments and Goals - Program Outcomes and Assessment Number of degrees and certificates in your 0 discipline Number with Program Learning Outcomes 1 Number assessed 1

Page 4 of 18 % Assessed 100 % Assessed/SLOs 100 Describe assessment methods you are Student survey was administered to students using Spring 2011 to assess 3 SLOs (please see attached documents) Describe results of assessment progress Goal for assessment was set at 70% of students surveyed would indicate score of 3 or higher for each statement of learning.

Actual results showed 83% of students indicated score of 3 or higher.

VIII. Accomplishments and Goals – Strategic Planning Advance Student Access, Success, & Equity Counselors provide students with academic, career and personal counseling along with appropriate referrals necesary to attain each students' academic goals.

Counselors assist students with academic, and personal counseling. and render referral sourceses. Counselors also assist in the identification and reevaluation of students educational plans and career goals; counselors alsoserve as an advocate to mediate concerns with their instructor's; counselors assist students in transfer to four year college/universities and H.B.C.U."s.

Counselors also work with students who are on academic or progress probation or dismissal. All new students must plan their 1st year Educational Plan with their counselor. All new and returning students must have their program of study approved by a counslor before registering for class.

Students Educational Plans are developed, up- dated and revised according to students' matriculation needs, on an annual basis. Additionally, The counseling Programs and Services are provided in the following program areas: One-Stop Career Center, Extended Opportunity Program Services(E.O.P.S. and Programs for students with disabilities(D.S.P.S.) and Cal Works. Direct services also provided to Veterans an International students.

Engage our Communities & Partners The Counseling Department encourages each

Page 5 of 18 student to utilize the most appropriate physical and human resources, available within the college, district and larger community. Counselors provide college orientations to local high schools including enrollment procedures, financial aid planning, and academic advising. In addition, counselors serve on the Project Recruitment and Retention Committee, which often liasons with the Alameda County community to increase public awareness of the College. Build Programs of Distinction College of Alameda Counseling Department was the first in the District to pilot an online counseling service for distance education students in Fall 2010. Since then, the remaining campuses in the District have introduced similar services, utilizing the program that COA created. Create a Culture of Innovation & The colloboration between student services and Collaboration instruction is an important relationship, one that the Counseling Department contributes to develop in positive ways. New Student Orientations are a key component of student success and the Counseling Department partners with instructional faculty and staff to develop successful models of orientation which included Super Saturday New Student Conference and the most recent innovation, Fabulous Friday New Student Orientation. Fab Friday is a campus-wide event and Fall 2011 Fab Friday saw a record-breaking 275 students participate, with 35 instructional faculty assisting counselors in providing essential orientation services. Develop Resources to Advance & With severe budget cuts to the matriculation Sustain Mission budget, key resources for student success including the Student Handbook/Academic Planner could no longer be funded. The Counseling Department presented grant requests to the CLASS committee in Fall 2010 and Fall 2011, which were approved, to fund the Student Handbook, the only campus in the District to still provide this critical resource.

IX. Accomplishments and Goals – Strategic Plan Relevance New Programs Under Development Videos, academic success workshops (face to face and online), Coun 501 Programs Integral to Overall College Strategy The Counseling Department is essential in contributing to the achievement of COA’s mission and strategic goals. Programs Essential for Transfer Transfer Day; transfer representative visits, Page 6 of 18 Transfer Guaranteed Admission Programs (TAG); concurrent enrollment Programs that Serve a Community Niche Project Recruitment and Retention; City wide College Night Programs where student enrollment or Counselors also work with students who are on success has been affected by extraordinary academic or progress probation or dismissal. All external factors, such as barriers due to new students must plan their 1st year housing, employment, childcare, etc. Educational Plan with their counselor. All new and returning students must have their program of study approved by a counslor before registering for class. Students Educational Plans are developed, up-dated and revised according to students' matriculation needs, on an annual basis. Additionally, The counseling Programs and Services are provided in the following program areas: One-Stop Career Center, Extended Opportunity Program Services(E.O.P.S. and Programs for students with disabilities(D.S.P.S.) and Cal Works. Direct services also provided to Veterans an International students.

X. Accomplishments and Goals - CTE, Transfer, Basic Skills CTE and Vocational: Community and labor market The college requires that all new students relevance. Present evidence of community need participate in the Student Success Matriculation based on Advisory Committee input, industry need data, McIntyre Environmental Scan, McKinsey Program which includes counseling. Students Economic Report, licensure and job placement rates, are urged to meet with a counselor to design a etc. student education plan (SEP) that outlines the scope of study necessary to reach educational goals. All new and returning students must have programs approved by a counselor. Transfer and Basic Skills: Describe how course Please see Counseling and Guidance APU for offerings address transfer, basic skills, and program more information. completion

XI. Action Plans and data sources (indicate which data sources used) Describe action plans for responding to the above In the early 1980's the College of Alameda data. Consider curriculum, pedagogy/instructional, employed ten full-time counselors. That number scheduling, and marketing strategies. Also, please reference any cross district collaboration with the has been drastically reduced to 4 full-time same discipline at other Peralta colleges. positions (2.5 FTE in Counseling only, 0.5 Articulation, 0.5 Transfer, 0.5 Matriculation), and 6 part-time counselors in 2011. This continuuing decrease in qualified counselors may portend problems for increasing numbers of matriculating students hendered by lack of planning and preparation for their goals in areas amd services normally provided by counselors.

Provide substantial funding for general counseling faculty to attend professional Page 7 of 18 events, seminars, and workshop

Encourage and compensate adjunct faculty to participate/attend informational meetings, activities, workshops and seminars.

Provide adequate funding for professionally prepared counseling pamphlets, brochures, and developed student surveys Data Source – Assessment Findings % greater than 70, exceeded goal for assessment Data Source – BI Data Need to get success/retention/persistence data regarding students who receive orientation and counseling services Data Source – Institutional Goals Counseling Faculty helps support institutional goals by participating fully in a variety of college standing committees, assisting in the establishment and deliberation of college-wide policy recommendations.

The committees include:

1. Academic Senate 2. College Council 3. Curriculum 4. CLASS 5. Financial Aid 6. Matriculation 7. Project Recruitment and Retention

General Counselors work within the Student Services Division. As such, we assist other units in the provision of program quality and services. As Student Services Council members, counselors and other unit departments are encouraged to share information, discuss, review, and plan future student services, identify budgetary priorities, develop strategies and techniques to increase student persistence, retention, and success, and complete program goals including counseling course instruction. Other Data Sources SARS data; students are visiting office multiple times (based on total number of student contacts vs. unduplicated count of students)

XII. Needs and data sources (indicate which data sources used) Please prioritize in each category, with highest priority first.

Page 8 of 18 Please describe any equipment, material and Provide for updated equipment required to supply needs. adequately provide services to students:

 Mass production photo copier to be located in the Transfer Center  1 color printer for printing of promotional materials and fliers for workshops, classes  Replace counselors computers and install dual screen monitors  2 new laptops or netbooks for the counselors to counsel out of the office, anywhere on campus  Upgraded telephones  Move signage above Transfer Center to read Counseling

Please describe any faculty/classified/student Please note: Based on the district wide faculty assistant needs. In addition, the data indicates that while there were 6802 students in Fall 2010, the total number of student contacts was almost half that amount. It would be helpful to see the success and retention rates of students who receive counseling services vs. those who do not. This information was provided by the District in the past, but was not available at this time. However, past records show that the success rate of students who receive counseling is always higher than those who do not.

Also, in Fall 2010, for COA’s faculty hiring justification list, a Counseling Faculty position was at the top of it’s priority list and a second Counseling Faculty position at number 7.

The Counseling Department is requesting that in order to ensure the quality of programs and services that COA students need, the College consider the guidelines for staffing set forth by the TCDA (Transfer Center Directors Association) and Academic Senate Resolution 4.01, fall 1998)

The Transfer Center Directors Association recommends that at minimum (California Community College Transfer: Recommended Guidelines, spring 2006, p. 12), staffing consist of: • One faculty director assigned full time to the Transfer Center with appropriate experience and training in university admissions and Page 9 of 18 transfer counseling (or an administrative director with a masters degree in counseling, or a related field or equivalency, and experience in baccalaureate-level admissions and/or outreach) who reports to a senior administrator; • At least one full-time counseling faculty member; • One to two full-time classified positions or more depending on the size of campus and the scope of the transfer program.

The above recommended staffing structure is based on fifteen years of experience from the California Community College Transfer Center Directors Association (TCDA).

The Counseling Department feels strongly that to serve our students well, the 1.0 FTE position [which is currently vacant and being filled by a Long Term Sub (LTS) for Fall 2011 and Spring 2012] (0.5 Articulation and 0.5 Transfer) be re- structured to 1.0 FTE (0.25 Counseling, 0.75 Articulation) which is consistent with the other Articulation Officer/Counselor assignments in the District.

Also, that the 2 vacant positions due to retirements in the Department be listed as soon as possible with one of the positions as a 1.0 FTE (0.75 Transfer, 0.25 Counseling).

Please describe any facilities needs. Dedicated smart classroom for counseling course instruction Please describe any technology needs. As e-Counseling grows, there may be a need to move to a web-based database and the Counseling Department will need IT assistance for development; purchase additional tchnology to improve online orientation; additional technology to create/edut counseling informational videos Data Source – Assessment Findings SARS Grid; Student Learning Outcomes Survey (SP11) Data Source – BI Data n/a Data Source – Institutional Goals n/a Other Data Sources n/a

Page 10 of 18 Page 11 of 18 V. Student Learning Outcomes A. List the student learning outcomes that are presently being assessed. Describe the activities that will be or have been implemented to achieve the SLOs. Outcomes and Assessment Plan - Student Services/Non-Instructional Units Office or Unit: Counseling Department Unit Mission Statement: The mission of College of Alameda's Counseling Department is to provide comprehensive services and programs that empower students to identify and achieve educational, career and personal goals. Additionally, the Counseling Department strives to assist students in meeting life’s many opportunities and challenges. SLOs/ Student services Assessment Methods Criteria for successful When will you collect this information? outcomes/ Administrative performance outcomes 1. Pre/post student evaluation Will measure changes in Spring 2011 Students will be able to form level of agreement with articulate an understanding positive statements of of their personal learning in the evaluation responsibility in creating their form own academic, personal, and professional successes. 2. Pre/post student evaluation Will measure changes in Spring 2011 Students will be able to utilizeform level of agreement with the necessary information, positive statements of resources, and options learning in the evaluation available for them to make form sound educational and lifelong decisions. 3. Pre/post student evaluation Will measure changes in Spring 2011 Students will be able to form level of agreement with identify specific tactics and positive statements of strategies used in order to learning in the evaluation achieve their desired goals form

Assessment Results from Student Evaluation administered SPRING 2011


1) I develop and clarified my goals. 1 2 3 4 5 3 1 3 20 44

2) I can identify course requirement. 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 17 50

3) I can identify my academic or career needs. 1 2 3 4 5 2 6 15 44

4) I can identify my interest and skills needed to achieve my educational goals. 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 8 14 45

5) I can use the necessary information, resources, and options to complete my educational plans. 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 15 48

6) I feel more confident in using campus resources to achieve my education goals (EOPS, DSPS, Financial Aid, Library Services, Tutoring, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 9 9 45

7) I can identify programs and services that can assist me with my transfer needs. Transfer TAP Concurrent Transfer Not Applicable Admission Enrollment Resource Library (N/A) Guarantee Program (TAG) 8 6 3 54

8) I have participated in transfer functions at College of Alameda. Transfer Day Transfer Workshop at UC Personal Statement Not Applicable Fabulous Friday News Workshop (N/A) Student Orientation 4 1 68

9) I am familiar with the various degrees/ majors offered at the CSU and UC campus and their requirement in order to transfer.

Page 13 of 18 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 3 2 9 13 22 22 10) I have a general understanding of how to use any or all of the following websites: ASSIT, CSU Mentor, CCC Apply, and UC Apply. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 4 3 9 13 23 19

11) I am aware of the transfer application process, procedures and deadlines. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 5 6 10 13 15 22

12) Have you created an educational plan with a counselor? YES NO 48 15

13) If you answered YES and have created an education plan, are you following your education plan? YES NO 44 4

14) If you answered No (for Q13) and are not following your education plan, please explain below why you are not following your plan. - Classes planed with counselor were not offered some semesters. - I may follow some of the plan but I have to take a few helper classes for English. - Because I still don’t know what to study for my major. The counselor has given me a dear explanation. It is just I still having decided myself. - Unsure of the steps in my educational plan.

Additional Comments: - Vivian is a great counselor, an excellent addition for COA. - Counseling is very valuable and appreciated. - Corrales and Elaidy are very helpful counselors. - Really helpful. - Was a long wait but I desperately needed to see a counselor. He was both patient and thorough. - I have a hard time to decide my major. How to guide a student to make a right decision on their major. - I saw an excellent Counselor today. - He was nice. - Very helpful. - My counseling experience was very educational. The counselor helped me know the classes that I need for my major. - He’s so awesome! - Great counselors - Good counselor - Clarification on many things! It was appreciated. - Vivian was so helpful. I will see her again. Thank you.

Page 14 of 18 Suggestion to improve: - More counselors - Good counselor - Always listen. Be patient. - Like more counselors! - Good job. - Please be more accurate with the time estimations! - No. Great session. Being clarified many of my question - Educate the students more about the programs that assist students in transferring. - The wait was really long. - Put the counselors name up on the board or somewhere. Each counselor should attend twice a week with their schedules put up somewhere. Please check out names when counselor is already helping the student b/c you guys were calling my name too much.

By Appointment:

1) I develop and clarified my goals. 1 2 3 4 5 3 7

2) I can identify course requirement. 1 2 3 4 5 10

3) I can identify my academic or career needs. 1 2 3 4 5 3 7

4) I can identify my interest and skills needed to achieve my educational goals. 1 2 3 4 5 2 8

5) I can use the necessary information, resources, and options to complete my educational plans. 1 2 3 4 5 1 9

6) I feel more confident in using campus resources to achieve my education goals (EOPS, DSPS, Financial Aid, Library Services, Tutoring, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 1 9

7) I can identify programs and services that can assist me with my transfer needs. Transfer TAP Concurrent Transfer Not Applicable Admission Enrollment Resource Library (N/A) Guarantee Program (TAG)

Page 15 of 18 4 1 1 1 7

8) I have participated in transfer functions at College of Alameda. Transfer Day Transfer Workshop at UC Personal Statement Not Applicable Fabulous Friday News Workshop (N/A) Student Orientation 1 1 1 9

9) I am familiar with the various degrees/ majors offered at the CSU and UC campus and their requirement in order to transfer. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 5 2 10) I have a general understanding of how to use any or all of the following websites: ASSIT, CSU Mentor, CCC Apply, and UC Apply. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 3 4 2

11) I am aware of the transfer application process, procedures and deadlines. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 2 2 3 3

12) Have you created an educational plan with a counselor? YES NO 9 1

13) If you answered YES and have created an education plan, are you following your education plan? YES NO 9

Additional Comments: - Very helpful - I am looking forward to attending. - Mrs. Brooks really helped me define my education goals.

Suggestion to improve: - No, it is so nice. - Call the student if counselor is not going to be in or available on appointment day. - None, Great counseling

Page 16 of 18 Unknown (student did not indicate either drop-in or appointment):

1) I develop and clarified my goals. 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 3 2

2) I can identify course requirement. 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 5

3) I can identify my academic or career needs. 1 2 3 4 5 1 4 2

4) I can identify my interest and skills needed to achieve my educational goals. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 4

5) I can use the necessary information, resources, and options to complete my educational plans. 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 4

6) I feel more confident in using campus resources to achieve my education goals (EOPS, DSPS, Financial Aid, Library Services, Tutoring, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 1 2

7) I can identify programs and services that can assist me with my transfer needs. Transfer TAP Concurrent Transfer Not Applicable Admission Enrollment Resource Library (N/A) Guarantee Program (TAG) 1 2 5

8) I have participated in transfer functions at College of Alameda. Transfer Day Transfer Workshop at UC Personal Statement Not Applicable Fabulous Friday News Workshop (N/A) Student Orientation 1 6

9) I am familiar with the various degrees/ majors offered at the CSU and UC campus and their requirement in order to transfer. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 1 1 4

Page 17 of 18 10) I have a general understanding of how to use any or all of the following websites: ASSIT, CSU Mentor, CCC Apply, and UC Apply. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 2 4

11) I am aware of the transfer application process, procedures and deadlines. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 1 1 5

12) Have you created an educational plan with a counselor? YES NO 4 1

13) If you answered YES and have created an education plan, are you following your education plan? YES NO 4 1

Additional Comments: - Vivian was very helpful - I feel very good about everything

Suggestion to improve: - Nope

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