Plymouth Dementia Action Alliance Meeting (PDAA)

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Plymouth Dementia Action Alliance Meeting (PDAA)

Plymouth Dementia Action Alliance Meeting (PDAA) Tuesday 4th June 2013, 12:00-14:00 Windsor House, Plymouth, PL6 5UF.

Present: Ian Sherriff (IS) (Vice Chair), Kayleigh Milden (KM), Keith Bucknall (KB); Heather Ogburn (HO), Ellie Imms (EI), Annemarie Nathan (AN), Kate Wells-McCulloch (KWM), Denise Gregson (DG), Karen Holmes (KH), Frances Marriot (FM), Colin Sturmer (CS), Helen Phillips (HP), Sam Buckthought (SB).

Apologies: Mary Aspinall (Chair), Ruth Bishop, Russ Champion, Lana Helmore, Nicole Quinn, Karen Grimshaw, Teresa Barrett, Kathy Milosevic, Rachel Silcock

Ian Sherriff takes Chair in absence of Mary Aspinall

Topic Discussion Action Person(s)

Respon- sible

1. Prime IS announced the publication of the Prime Minister’s Minister’s Challenge on Dementia Annual Dementia Report on Progress from the Dementia Challenge Challenge champion groups. (May 2013), which is available to download: /the-prime-ministers-challenge-on-dementia- annual-report-of-progress

2. G8 Summit IS announced that the Prime Minster is to promote a more international approach to dementia research at the next G8 Summit.

3. INTERREG IS reported that he expects a decision within the next three months regarding Plymouth University’s INTERREG bid of 1.4million. This will fund a major research project, in part, evaluating ‘dementia friendly communities’ in Plymouth, the Yealm Parishes, Devon and three Departments in France. The PDAA will be integral to this project.

4. Stoke IS reminded all about the Dementia Damerel Awareness Project celebration event at Stoke Damerel Community College on Wed. 26th June, 14:00-16:00, and encouraged all to attend. Please contact Lana Helmore at Stoke Damerel in the first instance to inform her that you intend to attend.

5. Dementia IS announced that a ‘Dementia Strategic Strategic Leadership Workshop’, is to take place from Leadership Workshop 12-13 June, at Bournemouth University. This is a joint initiative by Plymouth University and Bournemouth University, funded via the Department of Health. The programme of work has been designed to support strategic leaders in the South of England. Participants will be assigned a national dementia lead as a mentor.

6. Plymouth IS reported that David Bearman (Devon Local Pharmacies Pharmaceutical Committee) is working towards the aim of every chemist in Plymouth to become ‘Dementia Friendly’ and every member of staff to be a ‘Dementia Friend.’

7. Arts & Minds IS reported that staff at Plymouth City Museum & Art Gallery are re-submitting the ‘Arts & Minds’ bid to the Arts Council shortly. He has been asked to write a letter of support. It is envisaged that a representative from the Museum team will be joining the PDAA within the next two months.

8. Plymouth KM/IS reported on meeting with Rachel City Council Silcock on 3/6/13. Over the next couple of As in KM months KM will be contacting organisations Discussion that have signed up to the Dementia column Challenge at national level, and managers KM and within PCC, to arrange Dementia Awareness PDAA Sessions. members KM requested as required KM reported that the PDAA page on the that she is Dementia Action Alliance website is now live informed of and affiliates’ action plans have been any updates to uploaded. action plans by email.

KM, RS to find KM, RS and IS reported it was discussed at the above out details of PDAA meeting that it should be arranged for forthcoming members representatives from the PDAA to attend council ward as required Council Ward Meetings and talk about meetings. Dementia and the work of the PDAA. This would help to promote the aims of Dementia Friendly Communities initiative across the city, as we should remember that Plymouth is made up of separate estate ‘communities’.

9. Dementia New date for the event has been confirmed as IS will ask IS Friendly Friday 2nd August 2013, 5pm, at the Reception Angela Rippon Community if she is able to Awards Room, Council House. The event will be hosted by Cllr Tudor Evans. attend. IS requests that a least 50 window RS, KM stickers are produced by PCC to give out at the event.

10. Letter from IS: reported that he received a letter of from PM the Prime Minister congratulating the City of Plymouth on progress its progress in Dementia Awareness

11. PDAA Carers KB reported that he is setting up a PDAA Group Carers Group. The aims of the group will be making raising awareness of the issues at carers face and checking the actions/progress of the PDAA/PCC.

IS raises point that the PDAA Carers Group also needs representation from people with dementia, and that KB needs to make contact with other carers groups in Plymouth to inform and include them.

FM raises point that the PDAA Carers Group needs a contact within the CCGs/local GPs. She would see the PDAA Carers Group acting as a communication hub into the PDAA for other carers groups across the City.

12. Media IS reported that the Plymouth Evening Herald IS to speak IS coverage is interested in running a regular column with the about the work of the PDAA. Suggests that Evening one item could be about the PDAA Carers Herald Editor Group. to arrange

13. PAFCC HO reported on behalf of Plymouth Armed Forces Community Covenant (PAFCC) that she would be promoting Dementia Awareness and the PDAA (including PDAA Cares group) within SSAFA and Royal British Legion.

HO will ask Cllr Murphy, (Chair of the PAFCC) if As in HO, IS, MA it is possible for a representative from the Discussion PDAA to speak at the next meeting of the column PAFCC. IS will ask Mary Aspinall is she can attend.

HO comments that Plymouth schools also provide a huge communication network to promote dementia awareness, including parents’ groups.

14. Issues with EI raised point that many spouses don’t see Carers themselves as carers, but as wives or Assessment husbands; this means that Age UK often find it difficult to find carers representatives from older carers (over 60s).

EI raises point that the system of Carers PCC need to RS, MA, KM Assessments within Plymouth City Council look how the Social Services are often not happening. She system of has received feedback that many carers are carers not comfortable with the system of having to assessments make a ‘10 minute carers assessment phone can be call’ to PCC, as this would mean that they improved. would have to discuss sensitive issues about IS requests care and health conditions in front of the EI person they are caring for. Ultimately this that EI could prevents many individuals from phoning the give Kayleigh assessment number and they just carry on some idea of without any support. EI has also been told that the number of some staff within the PCC Contact Centre who people that are not fully aware of the carers assessment have system. complained about the carers assessment.

15. Road Map to HP suggested a flow chart to help carers with KM to ask KM, RS Dementia available services and what service feeds to Rachel Silcock Care what. This could be facilitated by PCC. if money available within PCC to DG commented that Age UK would welcome a pay for the carers flow chat as it would be a tool to help production of engage carers in the early stages of care. a carers road map.

KB, DG, EI to meet and explore how KB, DG, EI the road map should take shape.

16. Age UK DG reported that Age UK has received Lottery befriending Funding to develop befriending links that will links actively engage with isolated people in community.

17. Plympton AN reported on her volunteering work activities including her visit to the Carers Hub meeting at Harewood House, Plympton, and that all those present were keen to connect to other groups and events in the City. Announces the Memory Café/Drop In taking place at Plympton Library on Mon 10th June, 2-4pm, then on Mondays fortnightly.

18. Dementia IS announced that a website called ‘Dementia IS requests All PDAA Connect Connect’ will be launched around Oct/Nov that PDAA members website 2013. This website will provide a nationwide members directory of services relating to dementia. make use of this website to promote their services and activities.

19. PDAA work The PDAA aims to have Dementia Champion in with care each care home in Plymouth. Dementia homes Friends training could be run by IS, GG, KB and KM. KWM accepts KWM, KM IS suggests that KWM acts as a care homes and will attend representative for the PDAA. the next care home forum on 26th June and give a presentation with KM about the PDAA

20. Plymouth IS reported that Val Heath, (Associate Dean, University Faculty of Health, Plymouth University) is Dementia currently writing modules on dementia care Modules for the degree programmes in nursing and associated health professionals.

21. Wolferstans SB reported on behalf of Wolferstans.

SB has enrolled for the Dementia Champions training course on 4th July.

Wolferstans organised a dementia awareness tea party and raised over £200 for charity.

Announced that Wolferstans are organising a Dementia Awareness outreach event which will take place on 8th August. The event is planned to take place at Plymouth Guildhall between 3-6.30pm, TBC. The event will be an opportunity for people to informally ask questions relating to the law, and will include contributions from Age UK, Dr Stephen Pearson and Prof George Giarchi. SB would welcome PDAA members to take part and there are opportunities to have information stands at the event. Wolferstans would like to repeat the event around every six months.

Wolferstans will be running a ‘free will week’ whereby the individual will just be required to make a donation to the Alzheimer’s Society.

SB reported that Wolferstans are happy to go out and talk to groups affiliated to the PDAA free of charge.

Wolferstans are also launching a Bereavement Assistance Service, a fixed fee service that aims to relieve the stress of sorting out paperwork etc. after bereavement.

22. Media IS will contact BBC Radio Devon to request As in IS Coverage that the PDAA have a regular slot on the discussion breakfast show at 7am. Members would have column the opportunity to speak about their organisation’s role in the PDAA.

23. Forthcoming IS announced a conference will take place conference later on in 2013. Local organisations to talk about what they are doing for Dementia Friendly Communities. This conference will aim to span across disciplines and sectors.

24. Cann House KWM announced the Cann House Open Date, KM to attend KM Open Day taking place on Saturday 29th June, and invited to promote PDAA affiliates to attend. PDAA

25. Sunshine KH reports on behalf of Sunshine Care. Care Sunshine Care now has two Dementia Champions on their team. They are in the process of organising Dementia Friends sessions for their staff. Sessions will be starting at end on June and will be repeated regularly.

Discussion about ‘this is me’ forms that give a history to a person, completed by friends and family, and is used in the process of review and assessment.

Developing a specialist service which will attract new staff with an interest in supporting customers with dementia, as well as inviting interest from existing staff. Sunshine Care has spoken to the Alzheimer’s Society for advice on assigning care staff special dementia training. Sunshine Care is producing Dementia guidance notes to staff, with tips and techniques to help care for people with dementia. They will be Identifying carers who want to work with people with dementia.

26. Focus Oral FM reports on behalf of Focus Oral Health CIC Health CIC FM is through to second stage for a place on FM to email FM next Dartington 'School for Social KM a Entrepreneurs' Programme. One aspect of her paragraph bid is the wish to develop Appointment Cards explaining enabling easier access to healthcare for this. people with dementia. These cards will break down the details of a dental appointment in a format that everyone can understand.

FM met with Andy Burnham (Shadow Health Secretary), to discuss issues relating to specialist care in the dental industry.

Focus Oral Health is based in City Business Park, FM has talked to Sue Grant, Manager of the business park and Sue McCadie, from local Business Health Network, about the need to get dementia awareness sessions arranged within as many workplaces as possible.

FM will raise dementia awareness at the next Plymdental CPD Group meeting on 22 June. FM is Co-ordinator of the group which is open to all the different dental team members. She will ask delegates to consider becoming Dementia Champions in their workplaces. IS, KB, GG, FM announced next full day Plymdental CPD Dementia KM meeting is taking place on 5th Oct at Healthy Friends Living Centre, Scott Hospital and requested Information PDAA support for a Dementia Friends Session to Information session from 13:30. FM welcomed take place at kind offer from Wolferstans to attend. this event.

27. Dartmoor CS reported on behalf of Dartmoor Search and Search and Rescue Rescue.

Dementia awareness is at the heart of the CS to email organisation’s weekly training programme. KM some Discuss that it would be useful to arrange a possible dates Dementia friend Session for DSRT. to run DF information session.

CS reported on SARMAN system, which is an IT programme that provides a profile of regular locations that a vulnerable person visits, so that they can hopefully be traced quicker if they go missing. IS suggests that DSR showcases SARMAN at the IT systems event he is organising at the House of Commons in Autumn 2013.

28. Plymouth HP reported on Behalf of Plymouth University University Dementia Research Team.

Discussed ‘evaluation for community intervention’ research that will involve interviewing 10 people with a dementia and their carers. They will also be interviewing front line staff and managers involved in dementia care. This evidence will feed into a socio-economic audit relating to the sustainability of Dementia care/friendly communities.

Reported on the first meeting of the Plymouth University Dementia Group on 28.5.13.

29. Dementia IS requested that if any affiliates of the PDAA Friends want to arrange a Dementia Friendly Information Session please contact KM.

30. Internati- IS announced that his paper has been onal Alzheimer’s accepted for the International Alzheimer’s Society Society Conference in Malta during October. Conference Meeting ends at 14:10

Next Meeting: Tuesday 2nd July, 12:00-14:00, Windsor House

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