Service Delivery Performance

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Service Delivery Performance

Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report



Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality is committed to providing its citizens with safe and sustainable water services. This includes the commitment by government to provide free basic services. The Municipality also commits to the provision of electricity and access roads to the entire Municipality’s communities.

Going through this Chapter, comments on the contributions made by the Municipality and the support given to informal settlements, as appropriate, were included. This section is based on the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan.

The 2011/12 Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan was a detailed plan for implementing the delivery of services and the budget for the 2011/12 financial year in accordance with the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No 56 of 2003). It was based on the Council approved revised Integrated Development Plan and MTREF. The Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan therefore serves as a contract between the Administration, Council and the Community expressing the goals and objectives set by the Council as quantifiable outcomes that can be implemented by the Administration over the next twelve months. The Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan facilitates the process of holding Management accountable for their performance. It provides the basis for measuring performance in the delivery of services

Regarding the Budget Implementation component of the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan, Circular 13 requires a breakdown by monthly projections of revenue for each source and monthly projections of capital expenditure and operational expenditure and revenue for each vote. This section therefore covers the direct aspects of the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan, according to different municipal departments representing various services



3.1 Introduction

The Directorate is responsible for operation and maintenance of existing infrastructure. It comprises of the following sections: Water Provision and Sanitation; Public Works, Roads and Stormwater Drainage; and Maintenance of Electricity Infrastructure.

3.1.1 Water Section

There are seven water schemes. The operation and maintenance is done internally by the technical team and other services are delegated to contracted service providers. The existing infrastructure does not meet the demand of the current population, which leads to limited supply to other areas, particularly in Eerstehoek and Empuluzi. In the two Units, water supply has been rationalised, but the programme in most instances was disturbed by breakdowns and power outages.

During the period under review, we have been strongly pursuing compliance for the Blue and Green Drop regulatory standards. Improvements on water quality have been recorded in the Blue Drop Report during the WISA Conference 2012 in Cape Town. Threats to the water resource were the contamination experienced in the Boesmanspruit Dam at Carolina, and droughts, especially in the Methula area.

The Municipality further provides water services to deep rural communities through water tankers to Jojo tanks/small containers; and through rudimentary boreholes that are mainly electrified and connected to raised tanks, and some hand pumps. A total of 148 households were connected. A total of 140 km of water network was repaired and maintained during 2011/ 12. A total of 384 ML of potable water was supplied to communities in deep rural areas and to some areas in which supply is rationalised. Unaccountable water losses were recorded at 207Ml by end June 2012. A total of 43 water quality samples were taken on a monthly basis in the 2011/ 12 financial year. Water Supply, Employee and Chemicals Related Costs

Water Cost Employees Volu Cost of Treatm for No of No of No of mes Chemica Job No of ent Employe Employ Employ Vacanci [Ml/d] ls Level Posts Works es ees ees es

Carolin R2 028 5 R8 636 6 3.25 0-3 1 0 1 0 a 49,35 67,37

1 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Badpla 2 4- 6 10 2 10 2 as

Eersteh 9.5 7- 9 7 0 7 0 oek

Ekulind 0.8 10- 12 20 0 20 0 eni

Empulu 6.5 13- 15 36 7 36 7 zi

Met 5.1 16- 18 18 6 18 6 hula

Lusush 1.6 18- 20 - - - - wana

19- 20 - - - -

R2 028 5 R8 636 6 Total 28.75 92 15 92 15 49,35 67,37

2 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

3.1.2 Sanitation Section

The Municipality has one Wastewater Treatment Plant and four Oxidation Ponds. The sub-section is responsible for maintenance of existing internal and outfall sewer networks and oxidation ponds, the treatment of wastewater, and the provision of new sewer network connections to all new buildings upon request. 86 kilometres of sewer network was repaired and maintained. A total of 23 new sewer connections were installed. 18 samples of sewer discharge were taken on a monthly basis. Sanitation Services

Wastewater Employees Cost Treatment Cost of for Works/ Chemica Job No of No of No of No of Employe Oxidation ls Employ Employ Vacanci es Level Posts Pond ees ees es

Carolina Refer to R945 94 cost for 3, 58 Wastewater Water 0-3 - - - - Treatment Chemical Works s Badplaas

Oxidation 4- 6 1 0 1 0 Pond


Oxidation 7- 9 - - - - Pond


Oxidation 10- 12 - - - - Pond

Empuluzi 13- 15 2 6 2 6

Oxidation 16- 18 7 0 7 0 Pond

18- 20 - - - -

R945 94 Total 10 6 10 6 3,58

3 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

B Quart a erly Plann Key Quarterly Progress Report s Proje ed Performa Overall Annual Objective Output e ction Activit nce Budget Target li y Indicator n Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 e


Maintain To Free basic Number of R1 350 4 40 0 20 10 10 existing supply supply household 864 0 infrastruc free s ture acces connection s to completed (water water and sewer)

4 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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5 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Repair Fully Kilometers R2 493 5 30km 10km 5k 5km 10km and functional of water 780 0 m mainta infrastructure network 9 in repaired 8 water and k and maintained m sewer networ k

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Kilometres 4 30 km 10km 5k 5km 10km of sewer 0 m network 7 repaired k and m maintained

8 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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B Quart a erly Plann Key Quarterly Progress Report s Proje ed Performa Overall Annual Objective Output e ction Activit nce Budget Target li y Indicator n Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 e

Maintain Repair Fully Kilometres 4 30 km 10km 5k 5km 10km existing and functional of sewer 0 m infrastruc mainta infrastructure network 7 ture in repaired k water and m (water and maintained and sewer sewer) networ k

To Fully Number of 7 50 10 15 15 10 sustai functional pumps 7 n the infrastructure maintained good conditi on of pumps

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13 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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To Fully Number of 5 57 10 15 15 17 sustai functional boreholes 7 n good infrastructure maintained conditi and on of repaired boreh oles

14 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

B Quart a erly Plann Key Quarterly Progress Report ed Performa Overall s Annual Proje Objective Output Activit nce Budget e Target ction y Indicator li n Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 e for effecti ve and efficie nt servic e deliver y

15 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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B Quart a erly Plann Key Quarterly Progress Report s Proje ed Performa Overall Annual Objective Output e ction Activit nce Budget Target li y Indicator n Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 e

Maintain To Fully Number of 5 57 10 15 15 17 existing sustai functional boreholes 7 infrastruc n good infrastructure maintained ture conditi and on of repaired (water boreh and oles sewer) for effecti ve and efficie nt servic e deliver y

16 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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To Fully Number of 7 7 2 2 2 1 sustai functional dosing n good infrastructure systems conditi

18 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

B Quart a erly Plann Key Quarterly Progress Report ed Performa Overall s Annual Proje Objective Output Activit nce Budget e Target ction y Indicator li n Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 e on of maintained the dosing syste ms

19 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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To Compliance Number of R2 886 n 336 28 28 28 28 sustai with Green chemical 516 / n Blue drop status bottles a and purchased Green to improve Drop the water standa quality rds

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B Quart a erly Plann Key Quarterly Progress Report s Proje ed Performa Overall Annual Objective Output e ction Activit nce Budget Target li y Indicator n Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 e

Maintain To Compliance Number of R2 886 n 336 28 28 28 28 existing sustai with Green chemical 516 /

22 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

B Quart a erly Plann Key Quarterly Progress Report ed Performa Overall s Annual Proje Objective Output Activit nce Budget e Target ction y Indicator li n Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 e infrastruc n Blue drop status bottles a ture and purchased Green to improve (water Drop the water and standa quality sewer) rds

23 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Number 8 8 8 8 of water quality analysis samples taken

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Objective Plann Output Key Overall BAnnual Quart Quarterly Progress Report ed Performa a erly

30 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Maintain Contra Compliance Number of R4 313 1 per per per per per existing ct with Green service 844 infrastruc servic drop status providers need need nee need need ture e contracted d provid (water ers and sewer)

31 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Water Continuous Quantity of 1 5544 1386 138 1386 1386 tanker water supply water 1 6 s supplied per tanker w a t e

32 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Purch Available plant Number of 1 2 0 2 0 0 ase of honey 2 suckers honey purchased sucker

33 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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34 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

3.1.3 Electricity Section

Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality is licensed to distribute electricity in the following areas: Carolina, Silobela, and part of Badplaas. The remaining areas within the Municipality are licensed to ESKOM.

The Section is responsible for providing electricity to all households in its licensed areas, reduce and minimise power interruptions, maintain existing electricity infrastructure, maintain streetlights and high-mast lights; and operation and maintenance of networks and substations. Due to capacity challenges, some work was delegated to a contracted service provider. A total of 40 transformers are inspected and serviced; 10 transformers were replaced; 108 new meters were installed at the cost as per Council tariffs; 200 streetlights and 40 high-mast lights were maintained; 18 substations were inspected and 8 kiosks were maintained; 406 complaints were attended; 53 illegal connections were identified, disconnected and penalties issued. A total of 1795m x 70mm 4-core ABC cable was Stringed. Electricity Services

Employees Cost for Cost of No of No of No of Area Employe Job No of Material Emplo Emplo Vacanc es Level Posts yees yees ies

Carolina R1 582 5 R1 024 3 / 06,87 36, 08 Silobela 0-3 0 1 0 1 License d

Part of Badplaa s 4- 6 5 5 5 0 License d

Eersteh oek 7- 9 - - - - ESKOM

Ekulind eni 10- 12 - - - - ESKOM

Empulu 13- 15 - - - - zi 16- 18 4 4 4 0 ESKOM 18- 20 - - - -

R1 582 5 R1 024 3 Total 8 8 8 0 06,87 36, 08

35 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


Maintain To ensure Effici R 75 75 18 19 19 19 transforme reliable ent 8 466 04 rs and safe suppl 3 supply to y of prolong electr life icity equipment according to NERSA license

Conversio To ensure Effici n/a 40 10 10 10 10 n from accurate ent analogue billing to mete to digital reduce rs losses by replacing old analogue

36 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Maintain To keep Effici 60 high mast 60 140 140 140 140 and repair all public ent lights lighting suppl 1651 street and 500 functional y of lights electr icity

37 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Continuou To sustain Effici 10km 10km 2km 2km 4km 2km s and and ent effective ensure suppl supply good y of condition electr 1. All of cable icity circuit from main- breakers sub to the 2. No of mini-sub switches

3. Outlet socket

4. Luminaries

5. Lights

Service and repair all substation

38 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 s

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Continuou To sustain Effici 10km 10km 2km 2km 4km 2km s and and ent effective ensure suppl supply good y of condition electr 1. All of cable icity circuit from main- breakers sub to the 2. No of mini-sub switches

3. Outlet socket

4. luminaries

5. Lights

Service and repair all substation

39 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 s

40 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Ensure all Effici Municipal All n/a n/a n/a n/a municipal ent building at large building buildings suppl are well y of Per need maintaine electr 41 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

d icity

42 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Continuou Ensure all Effici Municipal All n/a n/a n/a n/a s and municipal ent building at large building effective buildings suppl supply are well y of Per need maintaine electr 1. All d icity circuit breakers

2. No of switches

3. Outlet socket

4. luminaries

5. Lights

Service and repair all substation s

43 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

To ensure Effici 3 sub-stations 3 0 0 1 2 continuou ent s suppl maintenan y of ce of electr substation icity s

Maintain RMU Effici 24 Ring Main 24 4 4 0 4 RMU maintenan ent Unit ce - suppl Change y of oil, electr icity repair loose nuts

44 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

repair leaks on Ring Main Units

Maintain Stand by- Effici 4 4 1 2 1 0 stand by generators ent generators : suppl y of To sustain electr effective icity service of machinery

Repair or To repair Effici 24 kiosks 24 0 4 4 8 maintain damaged ent kiosks and suppl unsafe y of kiosks electr icity

45 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

46 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Repair or To repair Effici 24 kiosks 24 0 4 4 8 maintain damaged ent kiosks and suppl unsafe y of kiosks electr icity

47 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Identify Identify To 100% n/a n/a n/a n/a and illegal have legal disconnect legal connectio illegal connectio mete ns connection ns r s conn ectio ns

Install Installation Based on the Per need n/a n/a n/a n/a Christmas s of need lights Christmas lights

48 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Replace Electrical Quali Based on To have n/a n/a n/a n/a decompos poles ty identified 100% ed poles infras decomposing existing truct poles poles in ure good condition

Purchase To 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 Cherry purchase Picker, plant and TLB, machinery fault detector machine

49 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarterly Planned Outp Overall Base Annual Progress Objective Projection Activity ut Budget Line Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

50 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

3.1.4 Public Works, Roads and Storm Water Section

The Section is responsible for the maintenance of existing roads, bridges and storm water drainages in the 25 wards within Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality. The maintenance of existing roads involves patching of potholes, construction of kerbings and stormwater channels, blading and regravelling. The Section regravelled 16 km of roads; bladed 893 km of roads; and repaired kerbings for 5,1km; attended to bridges at Khuphukani, Maproja and Dundonald; cleaned stormwater drainage totalling 10,8km; and patched tarred roads at 44m . Public Works, Roads, and Stormwater Drainage

Cost Employees Cost of for No of No of No of Unit Job No of Material Employe Emplo Emplo Vacanc Level Posts es yees yees ies

R1 412 2 R2 788 9 Carolina 0-3 1 1 1 0 73, 89 27, 06

Badplaas 4- 6 4 5 4 1

Eersteho 7- 9 1 1 1 ek

Ekulinde 10- 12 7 7 7 0 ni

Empuluzi 13- 15 - - - -

16- 18 10 13 10 3

18- 20 - - - -

R1 412 2 R2 788 9 TOTAL 23 27 23 4 73, 89 27, 06

51 Quar terly Key Annu Objectiv Planned Performa Overall Base al Proj Progress Output ectio e Activity nce Budget Line Targ Indicator et n

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


Improve Blading Safe Total R2 460 770 300 75 75 km 75 km 75km 623 km Com Bladed 127 km the streets riding number 000 km km km plete 186,3km conditio infrastruct of d gravel n of ure. kilometer 75k roads existing s of road m roads maintaine and d. War storm d 21 water - drainage 12k s m War d 8 - 10k m and 1 socc er

52 Quar terly Key Annu Objectiv Planned Performa Overall Base al Proj Progress Output ectio e Activity nce Budget Line Targ Indicator et n

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


War d 19 - 9km

War d 20 - 8km War d 22 - 13k m War d 24 - 10k m

53 Quar terly Key Annu Objectiv Planned Performa Overall Base al Proj Progress Output ectio e Activity nce Budget Line Targ Indicator et n

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Patching Safe Total n/a 40m3 10m3 10m3 10m3 10m3 8m3 29.5 7m3 8m3 tarred riding base m3 Roads infrastruct patches ure. repaired

Functiona Total km 80 80 15 25 km 20km 20km 20km 103. Cleaned 17 km Cleaning l of storm km km km 9km 10,879km Storm infrastruct water storm water ure cleaned water drainages drainage

Regravell Safe Total 150k 20 5 km 5km 5km 5km 0km Regr Regravell 25 km ing of riding number m km due to avell ed 15km roads. infrastruct of limited ed roads ure. kilometer resourc 1km s es. per regravelle ward d.

Com pete

54 Quar terly Key Annu Objectiv Planned Performa Overall Base al Proj Progress Output ectio e Activity nce Budget Line Targ Indicator et n

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

d requi sition s and proc urem ent, await ing appo intm ents

Repair Good Total 50km 10 2.5k 2.5km 2.5km 2.5 km None, Rep Repaired 60 m and condition kilometer km m project aired 2,8km installatio ed s or plan to 2.3k kerbing n of infrastruct number be m kerbs. ure. of kerbs approve kerbi maintaine d to ng d and install

55 Quar terly Key Annu Objectiv Planned Performa Overall Base al Proj Progress Output ectio e Activity nce Budget Line Targ Indicator et n

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

installed. kerbs.

Repair Good Total 7 7 2 2 2 1 None, Bridg 1 Bypass 1 and condition number the es bridge at Khuphuk maintena ed of bridges bridges com Maproja. ane nce of infrastruct maintaine require plete Bridge existing ure. d and wing d bridges total wall and number material 1 at of bridges has Dun been dona Construct procure ld ed. d. 2 in progr ess (Map roja Bridg e and Khup

56 Quar terly Key Annu Objectiv Planned Performa Overall Base al Proj Progress Output ectio e Activity nce Budget Line Targ Indicator et n

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

hika ni Bridg e War d 2)

Purchase 2 TLB Number 4 1 0 0 1 0 None, No No Purchase of plant of limited purc purchase d 3 x or 1 Plate machiner funds. hase s as yet. plate machiner Compact y will Planned Compact y or purchase be for in new ors 1 Tipper d but proc financial (Carolina, truck there is esse year. Empuluzi, no d Elukwatin provision. due i) to limite d budg et ;

57 Quar terly Key Annu Objectiv Planned Performa Overall Base al Proj Progress Output ectio e Activity nce Budget Line Targ Indicator et n

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

requ este d help from DoT, still await ing resp onse

58 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

3.1.5 Fleet Services Section

This Section is the backbone of service delivery and overall functioning of the Municipality. As such, challenges faced had to be prioritised and addressed. The supply of parts and repairs of fleet was a bit of a challenge, whereas requests were piling up at the Supply Chain Management Section, and waiting periods extended as appointment of service providers was not expedient, and that had strained service delivery.

To address the challenge, the Municipality had issued/entered into long term contracts, particularly for the repair and maintenance of plant. This reduced the turn-around time during breakdown. More standing contracts will be entered into for service of fleet on the respective odometer readings service intervals. Employees: Fleet Services

Number of Job Number of Number of Number of Vacancies Level Employees Posts Employees (Fulltime Equivalents)

0 - 3 0 0 0 0

4 - 6 3 3 3 0

7 - 9 1 1 1 0

10 - 12 1 1 1 0

13 - 15 1 1 1 0

16 - 18 0 0 0 0

19 - 20 0 0 0 0

Total 6 6 6 0

59 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Quarter ly Planned Outp Overall Baselin Annual Progress Objective Projecti Activity ut Budget e Target on

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1


Ensure all Available Total R2.7m 82 82 21 21 21 23 82 vehicles functional num are fleet ber roadworth of y vehic les maint ained

Num 19 19 4 5 5 5 19 ber of plant or mach inery servi ced

Num 105 105 35 35 35 35 105 ber of vehic les servi ced

Ensure Available Num 146 146 35 35 35 35 105 validity of functional ber all disc fleet of licenses disc licen ses rene 60 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

61 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

3.1.6 Project Management Unit (PMU)

The Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan is an important element in the service delivery process since it translates all the Integrated Development Plan objectives into tangible and implementable projects, thereby making service delivery a reality, providing a basis for performance management. Through the service delivery and budget implementation plan, the executive mayor is able to hold the municipal manager, as head of administration, accountable and the municipality is able to account to its communities. It enables the municipal manager to hold accountable all the managers that report to him. The communities, at the same time, are also able to monitor the functioning of the Municipality. The Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan determines the performance agreements that are entered into between the employer and employees.

The Municipality’s Capital Projects were funded by the following programmes:

1. Municipal Infrastructure Grant. 2. Accelerated Infrastructure Programme by the Department of Water Affairs. 3. Accelerated Infrastructure Programme by Gert Sibande District Municipality. 4. Nkomati Mine. 5. Municipal Investment.

During the financial year under review, the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan was formulated and approved by the Executive Mayor and it reflected all the required elements, namely the performance of the institution per department, the targets as per the Integrated Development Plan document, as well as the Annual Budget for projects for the financial year. The Municipality has achieved the following access to basic services:

Households benefitting from access to Water

The Municipality eradicated water supply backlogs with the following programmes: the Municipal Infrastructure Grant to the value of R18,200,000.00; the Accelerated Infrastructure Programme by Gert Sibande District Municipality to the value of R11,166,967.37; and the Refurbishment of Badplaas Water Treatment Works that was funded by Nkomati Mine to the value of R5,002,830.15, in the following areas: Household Name of the Project s Benefitted Water reticulation to kaNtshwele – Electrification of Borehole 82 Water reticulation to Ntababomvu 17 Water reticulation to Caithness – Protection of River Crossing 55 Water reticulation to Esandleni – Construction of Tank Stand 256 Water reticulation to Fernie 33 Water reticulation to Ndonga 80 Water reticulation to Bampoen – Electrification of Borehole 36 Water reticulation to Nhlazatshe 1– Electrification of Borehole 27 Water reticulation in Oshoek, Mashonamini, Hartebeeskop and 995 Smithfield Water reticulation to Silobela Ext 4 40 Refurbishment of Badplaas Water Treatment Works 2,224 Total 3,845

Households benefitting from access to Sanitation

The Municipality eradicated sanitation supply backlogs with the Municipal Infrastructure Grant to the value of R32,568,890 in the following areas:

62 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Household Name of the Project s Benefitted Provision of VIP toilets in Ward 2 [Fernie Phase 2 and 3] 201 Completion of provision of VIP toilets in Ward 3 201 Provision of VIP toilets in Glenmore and Redhill 283 Provision of VIP toilets in Dundonald and Slovo 120 Provision of VIP toilets at Hereford 115 Provision of VIP toilets in Aankomst, Smithfield, Oshoek, Teekloof, 269 Houtbos, Sthobela, Hartebeeskop Provision of VIP toilets in Nhlazatshe 1 and surrounding areas [The 67 Brook, Milliken, Phaphama] (Phase 1 to 3) Provision of VIP toilets in ward in ward 21 [including Magudu 201 areas] Provision of VIP toilets in Tjakastad 134 Provision of VIP toilets in Ward 19 134 Provision of VIP toilets in Ward 10 201 Provision of VIP toilets in Ward 13 269 VIP toilets in Nordeen and Tinkulungwane 259 Provision of VIP toilets in Ward 20 160 Provision of VIP toilets in Ward 24 200 Provision of VIP toilets in Ward 25 125 Construction of Sewer Network at Goba 570 Construction of Sewer Network at Silobela Ext 2 and 3 90 Construction of Sewer Network at Silobela Ext 4 350 Total 3,949

Households Benefitting from ACIP – Sanitation

The Municipality eradicated sanitation supply backlogs by refurbishment of the existing Carolina Wastewater Treatment Works with the Accelerated Infrastructure Programme to the value of R2,403,044.09. Households Name of the Project Benefitted Refurbishment of Carolina Waste Water Treatment Works 5,625 Total 5,625

Households benefitting from access to Electricity

The Municipality eradicated the access to electricity backlogs with Internal Funds from Investments to the value of R5,047,661.68, in the following areas: Household Name of the Project s Benefitted Electrification Programme to Mbhejeka 50 Electrification Programme to Esandleni 15 Electrification Programme to Dundonald 5 63 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Electrification Programme to Bampoen 21 Electrification Programme to TV 20 Electrification Programme to Emagomini 18 Electrification Programme to Lochiel 12 Electrification Programme to EGG 6 Electrification Programme to Nhlazatshe 4C 11 Electrification Programme to Nhlazatshe 7 8 Electrification Programme to Nhlazatshe 3CD 47 Electrification Programme to Silobela Ext 4 410 Total 623

Households benefitting from access to Community Lighting

The Municipality eradicated community lighting backlogs with Internal Funds from Investments to the value of R5,027,607.77, in the following areas: Households Name of the Project Benefitted Tjakastad 40 Nhlazatshe 1 40 Badplaas 40 Mooiplaas 40 Nhlazatshe 4B 40 Crossroad 40 Nhlazatshe 40 Nhlazatshe 1 40 Total 320

Households benefitting from access to Fire Station

Through Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) the Municipality eradicated the access to a fire station in the Carolina/Silobela area. Households Name of the Project Benefitted Construction of Fire Station in Carolina 5,625 Total 5,625 Objectives of the Integrated Development Plan of the Municipality as reflected in the Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan

The table below serves as the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan for the Project Management Unit in the Municipality in respect of the 2011/2012 financial year. This budget management plan and tool should be read in conjunction with the Integrated Development Plan and the approved Annual Budget for 2011/2012. Section 69(3)(a) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No 56 of 2003) requires the accounting officer to submit a draft service delivery and budget implementation plan to the mayor no later than 14 days after the approval of the annual budget and drafts of the performance agreement, as required in terms of Section 57(1)(b) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No 32 of 2000). The mayor must subsequently approve the service delivery and budget implementation plan no later than 28 days after the approval of the annual budget in accordance with Section 53(1)(c)(ii) of 64 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No 56 of 2003) . Section 1 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No 56 of 2003) defines the service delivery and budget implementation plan as: “A detailed plan approved by the mayor of a municipality in terms of section 53(1)(c)(ii) for implementing the municipality’s delivery of services and the execution of its annual budget ...” and must include the following:

a) Projections for each month of revenue to be collected, by source; b) Operational and capital expenditure, by vote; and c) Service delivery targets and performance indicators for each quarter.

This Plan is therefore largely a one-year detailed implementation plan that gives effect to the Integrated Development Plan and approved Annual Budget of the Municipality. It is a “contract” between the Administration, Council and community, expressing the goals and objectives set by Council as quantifiable outcomes that can be implemented by Administration over the next twelve months. This provides the basis for measuring performance in service delivery against end of year targets and implementing the annual budget. The draft 2011/2012 annual budget must be tabled at an ordinary Council meeting as required in terms of Section 16 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No 56 of 2003). As per the said Act, the tabled annual budget will then be taken to the community to ascertain their views, through budget public participation sessions. The issues raised at these sessions will then be considered for incorporation into the final annual budget to be tabled to Council for adoption before the commencement of the 2011/2012 financial year. The Municipality’s key areas of focus have been grouped into five national key performance areas (KPAs) namely:

a.i) Infrastructure development and service delivery; a.ii) Municipal transformation and institutional development; a.iii) Local economic development (LED); a.iv) Municipal financial viability; a.v) Good governance and public participation.

20 11 /1 2 Actual Performance Wei Ta National Measurable ght rg KPAs Output (%) et Ann ual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Tar get PROJECT MANAGEMENT Infrastru Reports on projects 25 3 3 3 12 4 cture implemented develop ment and 1 1 1 4 0 service delivery 3 3 3 12 3

65 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

20 11 /1 2 Actual Performance Wei Ta National Measurable ght rg KPAs Output (%) et Ann ual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Tar get Eradication of backlogs 15 0 0 100 150 47

1000 1000 0 50 350 0 0 0 0 0.5 1.5 0

0 50 150 350 65 Improvement of existing 10 Systems 175 0 2500 5000 0 00

300 0 0 3000 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Provision of public facilities 20 150 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 500 500 300 400 0 4000 0 5625 0 Infrastru Implementation of EPWP 20 0 0 0 1 0 cture develop ment and service 66 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

20 11 /1 2 Actual Performance Wei Ta National Measurable ght rg KPAs Output (%) et Ann ual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Tar get delivery

Infrastru Implementation of EPWP 20 cture develop ment 0 0 0 1 0 and service delivery 3 3 3 12 3 200 300 700 133 10 0 Infrastru Ensure community 5 10 10 5 25 2 cture participation and support for develop all projects ment n/ and 1 n/a 1 0 service a delivery

20 20 20 80 5 Empowerment of local 5 1 1 1 4 1 Emerging Contractors n/ 1 n/a 2 0 a 1 1 1 4 1

67 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report


3.2 Local Economic Development


In terms of the draft Spatial Development Framework, Carolina and Elukwatini are identified as priority areas for agricultural development. In the Local Economic Development Strategy, the following activities were identified:

 Forestry;  Subsistence farming;  Sheep and wool production.

There is a need to fast-track integrated rural development through the implementation of Comprehensive Rural Development Programme. Through implementation of this programme, the following must be encouraged:-

 Active involvement of young people in the agricultural sector;  Establish reference committees to oversee the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme, Community Works Programme, Siyatentela, and Maybuyel’ Emasimini;  Development of agri-villages;  Establishment of an agricultural college.

The agricultural sector must be transformed to include all races.

The Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Land Administration is leading a programme called the Comprehensive Rural Development Program, focussing at Wards 11 and 18, for a start. The programme will accommodate other areas within the Municipality as time goes on. Amongst others, this program covers agricultural issues such as livestock improvement.

Food security can be improved by ensuring cultivation of productive land, as well as regular meetings with farmers’ associations/unions. The loan system provided by MADC must be reviewed in order to extend the loan period from 6 months to a longer period.


Tourism has incredible potential through the development and promotion of local resources and activities. Annual sport and tourism-related events can focus favourable attention on the Municipality as a tourist destination, giving local tourism activities and attractions more exposure and increase tourist flow into the area, by:.

 The availability of tourist attraction facilities and natural sites, eg conferencing facility in Badplaas, game farms, fishing and sight-seeing areas like the Nooitgedacht Dam close to Carolina and a number of bed-and-breakfast accommodation.  Songimvelo Game Reserve that offers a variety of animals, including some of the Big 5.  Chief Albert Luthuli is next to Chrissiesmeer that also boasts the following attractive leisure and conservation areas: Lake Chrissie (wetlands) which has a large collection of bird and frog species.

In order to optimise the impact of the aforementioned tourism opportunities, the Municipality must seriously look at address the following key issues:

• Development of a Tourism Strategy which will be coupled with a Marketing Plan; • Revive local economic development according to the different sectors, namely agriculture and mining; • Local Tourism Information Centre; • Upgrading of Heritage Sites, especially part of the Makhonjwa Mountains, which is within the municipal jurisdiction; • Develop a database for all the guesthouses in the Municipality.

Trade and Manufacturing

Commercial activities are most prominent in Carolina and Elukwatini where banks are located. In general, the activities are of small scale and have low impact in the area. The commercial activities focus on the local economy and do not feature in the national economy. The Elukwatini area is a high growth area where many businesses are thriving. Carolina has an urban decay problem and urgent steps need to be taken to revive the town.

68 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

The development of shopping facilities in the towns of Elukwatini, Badplaas, Carolina, as well as areas such as Oshoek and Mayflower is supported by the Council, and opportunities were advertised for developers to develop such facilities. These developments must be supported by the Municipality through provision of municipal services. The Municipality also needs to ensure that the community benefits from these developments e.g. establishment of community trust that will have a share in the development.

There are a number of forestry plantations in Chief Albert Luthuli area. The majority of the harvested timber is exported to Gauteng and other areas surrounding CALM for production of mining related timber products or paper manufacturing mills. However, there is a need to limit agricultural exports though establishment of local processing plants. In the LED Strategy, the establishment of furniture-making factory was identified as one of the key projects for implementation in order to promote the secondary industry in the area and contribute to the economic growth of the area.

Co-operatives and SMME Support

Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality encourages the establishment and management of a variety of cooperative types through DEDET, SEDA, NYDA, MEGA and KHULA enterprises. The Municipality must support the development education, training and information sharing aimed at enhancing the functioning of cooperatives within the area, thereby bringing both economic and social upliftment of members and their communities.

Small business has a critical role to play in both growing the economy, bridging the gap between the first and second economy as well as creating much needed jobs, thereby improving household income and alleviating poverty. Development, promotion, and support of the SMME sector are critical if some of the identified challenges are to be addressed. Implementation of this programme focuses on the following key areas:

 Conducting SMME research to determine the SMME size, scope and the practical challenges, subsequently the research should culminate in the development of an SMME Development and Support Plan.  Establishing a one-stop information centre (kiosk) within the Local Economic Development Section of the Municipality. All the information on business support services and opportunities will be availed within the centre.  SMME capacity building, to include training, mentorship and related programmes through SEDA, MEGA, NYDA and KHULA enterprises, as well as DEDET.

Establishment of an SMME Forum as part of the LED Forum. The Forum will be a platform for SMME networking.


Although a physically prominent land use in the area, it makes a relative small contribution to the value of economic production as well as employment. Commodities mined in the municipal area include coal, asbestos, gold and silver, brick clay, and mineral resources required for construction materials. Mining activity takes place near the eastern boundary of the Municipality, around Carolina, and in other dispersed locations. Mining products are generally exported with no or limited beneficiation occurring locally. Also of importance, is the spatial spread of applications for mining in the municipal area. These applications pose a potential risk for the natural environment as well as high potential agricultural land (37 SRK Consulting). May 2010. Msukaligwa and Albert Luthuli Environmental Management Framework, p26).

The Municipality must facilitate the establishment of a Mining Forum that must make inputs on development of local beneficiation strategy by Department of Mineral Resources to ensure that the local population benefit from the country’s mineral wealth.

Further economic opportunities have been identified in the Local Economic Development Strategy:

 Private sector companies, especially mines, are keen to partner with the Municipality in planning and implementing LED programmes to boost the local economy.  Upgrading of the Wonderfontein road to a national road has the potential to boost both tourism and investment.  The establishment of private sectional titles in most areas and establishment of golf estates have the potential to boost investment.  An opportunity exists in the form of mass control and trade, especially around Carolina.  Great potential exists around mining development.  Agro-based LED programmes around cultivation, animal rearing and agro-processing.

Local Economic Development Strategy

69 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

The Municipality has a Local Economic Development Strategy in place, which needs to be implemented and reviewed annually. The review process must consider the following:-

 Skills development programme that is aligned with national and provincial programmes.  Partnerships with organisations like MRTT and other stakeholders.  Active inputs into training programmes of the FET College to ensure delivery of the much-needed skills by the economy.  Facilitate and engage other stakeholders on issues of establishment of additional GS FET College (Fernie), Technical College (local) and a University at Provincial level.  A job creation programme to be funded by IDC and “Jobs Fund”.

A summit focusing on economic transformation and job creation must be held during the 2011/12 financial year.

3.2.1 Local Economic Development (including Tourism and Market Places)

The municipal Local Economic Development Strategy is in place but needs to be reviewed. A Local Economic Development Summit was held on 18 and 19 April 2012.

A number of anchor projects that need to be implemented were identified; these are Terra Wind Power Farm, Chief Albert Luthuli City Development, E-Learning Project, and CRDP Projects. Tourism has huge potential in the municipal area. Articles were placed in the LED SA Magazine.

70 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Economic Activity by Sector

Sector 2011/12

Agriculture, forestry and fishing 1.5

Mining and quarrying 2

Manufacturing 63

Wholesale and retail trade 52

Finance, property 52

Government, community and social services 25

Infrastructure services 41

Total 236.5

Job Creation through EPWP Project

Details EPWP Projects


Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Performance Report ent Plan / Annual ce (Annual Target Strategic Indicator Objective Baseline Input Output Outcome Impact Q1


Develop Draft Internal Improved Spatial Improved Approved Postponed and review Spatial Staff, Spatial Developme living Spatial proposed annually Developme External Planning nt conditions. Developme dates for the 5-year nt service Framework nt Spatial strategic Framework provider Improved Framework Developme service in place and Budget investment by Council nt delivery opportunitie Framework s Conduct 71 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 plan for the public until new municipality participatio Council and n on Spatial Ward Complete Developme Committee and nt s are implement Framework established the Spatial Developme Conducted nt public Framework consultatio n on 29

August 2011 at Badplaas

Arranged consultatio n meeting with Tribal Authorities, scheduled for 10 October 2011

Invitations sent

Site Inspection s



72 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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structures built by communitie s at Crossing were burnt down. This was reported to the SAPS Elukwatini. The Town Planning Section was pressured to write a

letter to the SAPS Commissio ner at Elukwatini. Received a verbal response that SAPS cannot do anything until they get a Court Order. The municipal Legal 73 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1

Section should seek

a Court Order and forward it to SAPS at Elukwatini for action.


Goba Section regarding demarcatio n of 2 dwellings at Park nr. 60. Resolved that the 2 families

Develop Draft Internal Improved Spatial Improved Approved be and review Spatial Staff, Spatial Developme living Spatial relocated annually Developme External Planning nt conditions. Developme from the the 5-year nt service Framework nt vacant strategic Framework provider Improved Framework (Park) service in place and Budget investment 74 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 delivery opportunitie by Council Empuluzi B plan for the s ext 1, erf municipality Conduct 295 and public 296 re the Complete participatio demarcatio and n on Spatial n of sites. implement Developme Resolved the Spatial nt by Developme Framework measuring nt the 2 sites Framework again for correct measureme nts. A247 and A248 re the demarcatio n of

sites. Resolved by measuring the 2 sites again for correct measureme nts.

Site inspection conducted regarding digging of

75 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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big hole at Dundonald (next to Mr. Sibeko’s

dwelling). E kulindeni -

Erf 1399, erf 1400 and erf 1401 re: demarcatio n of sites.

Verification and demarcatio n of sites at Crossroad,


Pegging of stands at Silobela Ext 4 Mast Applicatio n

76 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Site inspection re: mast application Vodacom Remainder of Farm Smithfield 198IT

Mayflower Clinic Meeting

A meeting was held on 4 August 2011 invasion at Clinic Site. The purpose of the meeting was to get clarity on the new constructio n of a church at the clinic site. The church requested 77 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1


Develop Draft Internal Improved Spatial Improved Approved put a and review Spatial Staff, Spatial Developme living Spatial temporary annually Developme External Planning nt conditions. Developme tent on the the 5-year nt service Framework nt site CRDP strategic Framework provider Improved Framework Projects service in place and Budget investment by Council Glenmore delivery opportunitie and plan for the s Conduct Mbejeka municipality public participatio The tribal Complete n on Spatial authority and Developme convened a implement nt meeting re the Spatial Framework the Developme proposed nt sites for Framework DOH and Social Services on 26 July 2011. Purpose of the meeting was to get the Tribal Authority on board

78 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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The matter is with legal section to finalise. Follow-up

meeting is scheduled for 10 October 2011 with Mpisikazi Tribal Authority.

Empuluzi B Ext 1 erf 295 The matter is with and 296 re- measuring the 2

sites for correct measureme nts

Site Inspection conducted

79 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1

regarding digging of big hole at Dundonald (next to Mr Sibeko’s dwelling)


Erf 1399, 1400 and 1401 regarding demarcatio n of sites.


Verification and demarcatio n of sites at Crossroad, Nkanini, Silobela

80 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Ext 1

Pegging of stands at Silobela Ext 4 Mast Applicatio ns

Site inspection regarding mast application Vodacom - Rem Smithfield 198IT

Develop Draft Internal Improved Spatial Improved Approved and review Spatial Staff, Spatial Developme living Spatial annually Developme External Planning nt conditions. Developme the 5-year nt service Framework nt strategic Framework provider Improved Framework service in place and Budget investment by Council delivery opportunitie plan for the s Conduct municipality public participatio Complete n on Spatial and Developme implement nt

81 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 the Spatial Framework Developme nt


82 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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83 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Develop Draft Internal Improved Spatial Improved Approved and review Spatial Staff, Spatial Developme living Spatial annually Developme External Planning nt conditions. Developme the 5-year nt service Framework nt strategic Framework provider Improved Framework service in place and Budget investment by Council delivery opportunitie plan for the s Conduct municipality public participatio Complete n on Spatial and Developme implement nt the Spatial 84 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1

Developme Framework nt Framework

85 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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86 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Develop Draft Internal Improved Spatial Improved Approved and review Spatial Staff, Spatial Developme living Spatial annually Developme External Planning nt conditions. Developme the 5-year nt service Framework nt strategic Framework provider Improved Framework 87 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 service in place and Budget investment by Council delivery opportunitie plan for the s Conduct municipality public participatio Complete n on Spatial and Developme implement nt the Spatial Framework Developme nt

88 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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89 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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90 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Develop Draft Internal Improved Spatial Improved Approved and review Spatial Staff, Spatial Developme living Spatial annually Developme External Planning nt conditions. Developme the 5-year nt service Framework nt strategic Framework provider Improved Framework service in place and Budget investment by Council delivery opportunitie plan for the s Conduct municipality public participatio Complete n on Spatial and Developme implement nt the Spatial Framework Developme nt Framework

91 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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92 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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93 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Develop Draft Internal Improved Spatial Improved Approved and review Spatial Staff, Spatial Developme living Spatial annually Developme External Planning nt conditions. Developme the 5-year nt service Framework nt strategic Framework provider Improved Framework service in place and Budget investment by Council delivery opportunitie plan for the s Conduct municipality public participatio Complete n on Spatial and Developme implement nt the Spatial Framework Developme nt Framework

94 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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95 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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96 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Develop Draft Internal Improved Spatial Improved Approved and review Spatial Staff, Spatial Developme living Spatial annually Developme External Planning nt conditions. Developme the 5-year nt service Framework nt strategic Framework provider Improved Framework service in place and Budget investment by Council delivery opportunitie plan for the s Conduct municipality public participatio Complete n on Spatial and Developme implement nt the Spatial Framework Developme nt Framework

97 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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98 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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99 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Develop Draft Internal Improved Spatial Improved Approved and review Spatial Staff, Spatial Developme living Spatial annually Developme External Planning nt conditions. Developme the 5-year nt service Framework nt strategic Framework provider Improved Framework service in place and Budget investment by Council delivery opportunitie plan for the s Conduct municipality public participatio Complete n on Spatial and Developme implement nt the Spatial Framework Developme nt Framework

100 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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101 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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102 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Develop Draft Internal Improved Spatial Improved Approved and review Spatial Staff, Spatial Developme living Spatial annually Developme External Planning nt conditions. Developme the 5-year nt service Framework nt strategic Framework provider Improved Framework service in place and Budget investment by Council delivery opportunitie plan for the s Conduct municipality public participatio Complete n on Spatial and Developme implement nt the Spatial Framework Developme nt Framework

103 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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104 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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105 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Develop Draft Internal Improved Spatial Improved Approved and review Spatial Staff, Spatial Developme living Spatial annually Developme External Planning nt conditions. Developme the 5-year nt service Framework nt strategic Framework provider Improved Framework service in place and Budget investment by Council delivery opportunitie plan for the s Conduct municipality public participatio Complete n on Spatial and Developme implement nt the Spatial Framework Developme nt Framework

106 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Facilitate No land Internal Formalised Proclaim all Improved Conduct a Application Land tenure Staff, existing property meeting to the Tenure upgrading External and new unproclaim ownership with Department Upgrading projects support settlements ed Department of projects (DBSA and townships Strategy in of Agriculture, the place Agriculture, Rural Department Rural Developme of Developme nt and Land Agriculture, nt and Administrati Rural Land on Developme Administrati nt and Land on Response Administrati intent to on) formalise Nhlazatshe Ext 6


A letter of support was sent to the State Land Disposal

Committee for them to approve that the land be transferred to the occupants

107 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Budget for Patkamp: Internal Formalisati Improved Enhanced Patkamp: and Staff, on of property property implement Dispute External townships. ownership: value and Appoint new Town between Service Title Deeds ownership service Planning CALM and provider responsibilit provider to projects in the and Budget y Two: Register informal Department Patkamp subdivision and of Public and with Greenfield Works, Silobela Surveyor areas Roads and Phase X General’s (Patkamp, Transport office. Silobela Ext Silobela Ext Silobela 4 and 4: Layout Phase X: Phase X) not registered Awaiting with confirmatio Surveyor n of General’s registration Final from decision Surveyor pending General’s from office SANRAL

108 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Budget for Patkamp: Internal Formalisati Improved Enhanced and Staff, on of property property implement Dispute External townships. ownership: value and new Town between Service Title Deeds ownership Planning CALM and provider responsibilit projects in the and Budget y Two: informal Department Patkamp and of Public and Greenfield Works, Silobela areas Roads and Phase X (Patkamp, Transport Silobela Ext Silobela Ext

109 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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4 and 4: Layout Phase X) not registered with Surveyor General’s Final decision pending from SANRAL

Spatial 1 000 fully Internal To To create Enhance Project Planning established Staff and complete an property Planning sites (Julius Budget Township integrated ownership Create 550 Mkhonto) establishm human Gather residential ent process settlement To have information sites at 550 sites regarding Elukwatini added to the project Ext BA the current 1 000 sites • service established provider • EIA Scoping

• Geotech Report

110 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Geographic GIS Budget To link To procure Accurate Planning Information outdated Spatial data access to and System to valuation Deeds Updated Organogra Roll office, GIS information m design software, regarding tabled in capture property Strategic Spatial Dev and land Planning Framework, use session capture Land Use Updated MOU was Manageme GIS signed with nt System Gert Sibande District Municipality on 19 September 2011

Waiting for 111 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1

signature from Gert Sibande District Municipality .

Formulate Non Internal Urban Developme Economic Project Draft of framework existing Staff developme nt developme Planning Terms of plans for framework Budget and nt guidelines nt and Reference Empuluzi, plans service framework and function Badplaas provider framework urban The Terms and to each infrastructur of Oshoek urban area e Reference N17 are in place.

Formulate Non Internal Urban Functional, Approved Project framework existing Staff developme developme urban Planning plans for framework Budget and nt nt and developme Empuluzi, plans service framework serviced nt plan Badplaas provider urban Economic and Developme developme Oshoek nt nt and N17 guidelines function and urban framework infrastructur to each e urban area Approved 112 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1

Functional, urban developme developme nt and nt plan serviced urban

Mayflower Currently Internal Registered Provide Community Identifying Waiting for Cemetery cemetery staff, new suitable have of land land site is budget cemetery cemetery access to release reaching its site for the dignified from Tribal capacity community burials and Project Authority cemetery Planning 1 newly established cemetery in Mayflower

113 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Create 550 Land Internal Completed To create Enhance Project Gather residential identified Staff and Township an property Planning information sites, establishm integrated regarding 114 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Empuluzi Budget ent human ownership the project settlement To have Project 550 sites Planning: developed for service residential provider EIA Scoping

Geotech Report

Create 550 Land Internal Completed To create Enhance Project residential identified Staff and Township an property Planning sites, Budget establishm integrated ownership Empuluzi ent $ human settlement To have 550 sites developed for residential

115 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Formalisati Land Internal Completed To create Enhance Project Gather on of surveyed Staff and Township an property Planning information Empuluzi Budget establishm integrated ownership regarding Ext C1 ent human the project settlement To have 1 000 sites Project developed Planning: for residential service provider

EIA Scoping

Geotech Report

116 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Caropark Land Internal Completed To create Enhance Project Gather Ext: Create identified Staff and Township an property Planning information 300 Budget establishm integrated ownership regarding residential ent human the project. site settlement To have 300 sites Project developed Planning for residential service provider

EIA Scoping

Geotech Report

117 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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118 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Integrated IDP Five year Coordinate Better Five year Process Developme Manager Integrated d planning services plan plan nt Plan Developme delivered, annually approved (IDP) MANCOM nt Plan reviewed by Council Improve Budget quality of Public External life of Participatio support communitie n s conducted CDWs Public Councillors Participatio n Ward conducted Committee on Spatial s Developme nt Framework

Process plan approved by


Public participatio n conducted

Community participatio n conducted on Spatial 119 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1

Developme nt Framework

IDP Reviewed Coordinate Better Reviewed Process Manager Integrated d planning services Integrated plan delivered, approved Officials Developme Developme by nt Plan Improve nt Plan for Budget document quality of 2012/13 Council for 2012/13 life of External Public support communitie s participatio CDWs n conducted Councillors Community Ward participatio Committee n s conducted on Spatial Developme nt Framework

120 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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121 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Integrated IDP Reviewed Coordinate Better Reviewed Developme Manager Integrated d planning services Integrated nt Plan delivered, (IDP) Officials Developme Developme nt Plan Improve nt Plan for Budget document quality of 2012/13 External for 2012/13 life of support communitie s CDWs


Ward Committee s

122 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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IDP Community Incorporate Accurate Two types Set up Manager inputs d resource of Ward Officials incorporate community allocation consultatio Committee Budget d into the inputs in as per ns s in Ward External support Integrated the community conducted: 22 CDWs Developme Integrated needs, physically Community Councillors nt Plan Developme Proper and printed Ward document nt Plan service consultatio Committee document delivery ns: Spatial s Developme nt Framework

123 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Facilitate Stakeholde OFFICIAL Business Preparation Create a One Project LED rs in place BUDGET opportunitie of: platform for LED Planning Business s promoted networking /Business with various Summit Letters summit September key requesting held donations stakeholder s in LED Venue Action plan for Guest Lists implementa tion of the Logistics LED Strategy Programme Bing together government and private sector, different economic sectors and explore opportunitie s for job creation

124 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Facilitate Stakeholde OFFICIAL Business Preparation Create a One LED rs in place BUDGET opportunitie of: platform for LED Business s promoted networking /Business Summit Letters with various summit requesting key held donations stakeholder Venue s in LED Action plan Guest Lists for implementa Logistics tion of the Programme LED Strategy

Bing together government and private sector,

different economic sectors and explore opportunitie s for job 125 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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126 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Tourism Tourism Officials x 3 Promote Accurate Develop a Updated Data promotion attraction tourism information brochure database collection areas activities in on all with on tourism the tourism tourism attractions Visited municipality attractions attractions, in the tourism in the Conduct municipal areas : municipality tourism area (Nkomazi Wilderness, 127 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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meeting Cradle of life)

Barberton Makhonjw a:

On 26 August 2011 a meeting was held at the Barberton

Tourism Tourism Officials x 3 Promote Accurate Develop a Updated museum. promotion attraction tourism information brochure database The project areas activities in on all with on tourism is still at a the tourism tourism attractions stand-still municipality attractions attractions, in the due lack of in the Conduct municipal funding. An municipality tourism area application was submitted to SADEC.

Data collection:



128 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Other sources

Barberton Makhonjw a

Request presentatio n to Council by project steering committee

Heritage Day Celebratio ns:

Staff from the municipality celebrated heritage day on Friday 23 September 2011 at the Carolina library. Participants dressed up 129 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1

in traditional and theme outfits and enjoyed a braai with other traditional foods.

130 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Tourism Tourism Officials x 3 Promote Accurate Develop a Updated promotion attraction tourism information brochure database areas activities in on all with on tourism the tourism tourism attractions municipality attractions attractions, in the in the Conduct municipal municipality tourism area

131 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Implementa LED Officials x 3 Economic More job Improved Implement Facilitated tion of LED Strategy in growth opportunitie living some LED Strategy place s conditions objectives meetings: of the Strategy Mayoral Inauguratio n, launch of Pieter Du Bruin Park (Business networking)

Breakfast meeting with mining houses at Fairview

132 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Nkomati Mine - Upgrading of Badplaas Water Treatment Works:

An advert was placed for the appointmen t of a contractor - closing date 15 July 2011.

Supply Chain Office in the process of tender evaluation and appointmen t of service provider. 133 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1

On 31 August 2011 a meeting was held at Nkomati mine re: the project. MOU was sent to all mines for their comment and inputs. Nothing received to date.

Implementa LED Officials x 3 Economic More job Improved Implement Badplaas tion of LED Strategy in growth opportunitie living some Water Strategy place s conditions objectives Treatment of the Works Strategy Project hand over to contractor scheduled for first week in October.

Komatiland Forests – 134 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1

Redhill cluster

On 27 September

2011 a meeting took place at Empuluzi municipal offices. Progress report regarding:

Car wash project– almost completed.

Renovation of Khanya Primary School - completed Renovatio n of

Dundonald Library contractor appointed, renovation started.

135 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Facilitate implementa tion of


Planning for Breakfast meeting

with mine houses at Fairview Guesthous e on 11 August 2011 Oshoek Shopping Centre:

Supply Chain office

is in the process of evaluating the proposals. There is however a

136 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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challenge regarding the land identified for the developme nt due to the planned extension of the Oshoek Border Post. Formal response in this matter from the Department of Land Affairs is expected.

Implementa Facilitate Three Economic Mines Job Monitor the Terra tion of LED workshops officials growth funding the opportunitie implementa Power – Strategy and training community s created, tion Wind Farm to alleviate identified Improved Corporate poverty. projects. standard of Social The Enforce living s Investment developers implementa by mines reported tion of CSI that the by mines. lease agreement Mines is in place.

137 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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reporting Rezoning previous process is fin. year in progress. community The EIA projects. 20 scoping RDP report was approved houses by by DEA. Exxaro Mine

Facilitate Facilitate Three Economic Mines Job Monitor the Route economic workshops officials growth funding the opportunitie implementa studies are opportunitie and training community s created, tion completed s to alleviate identified Improved Corporate and poverty. projects standard of Social submitted. Enforce living Investment The project implementa by mines is tion of CSI underway, by mines. and no major Mines challenges reporting are previous experience fin. year d. community projects. 20 Pieter Du

138 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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RDP Bruyn Park: houses by Exxaro The Mine municipal Technical Services regarding the connection of water, electricity and sewer. MOU sent to

all mining houses For their inputs and comments.

Oshoek Shopping Centre:

The appointmen t

will be made early in October 2011

Terra Power 139 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1

Wind Farm

Verbal confirmatio n was received regarding progress of the project. A meeting with the municipality will be

conducted in October 2011.

Pieter Du Bruyn Park

Facilitate Facilitate Three Economic Mines Job Monitor the The economic workshops officials growth funding the opportunitie implementa developers opportunitie and training community s created, tion had a meeting s to alleviate identified Improved Corporate with the poverty. projects. standard of Social municipality Enforce living s Investment on site on implementa by mines Friday 23 tion of CSI September by mines. 2011.

140 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Mines Confirming reporting that they previous were able to source fin. year funding for community the projects. 20 installation RDP of houses by infrastructur Exxaro e from Mine Nedbank. Facilitate training Training in progress Badplaas Skills Developm ent Centre Building plans for the new buildings as the centre were approved, and Nkomati Mine placed an advert to invite tenders for constructio n of new computer centre, rental 141 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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offices and administrati on offices. Training of students through MRTT in process – the theoretical part is now concluded, and they will now continue with practical training with the Department of Human Settlements The closing date for the tender was 20 May 2011. Nkomati Mine is still busy with evaluation of tenders and no appointmen t was made

142 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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to date.

Facilitate Facilitate Three Economic Mines Job Monitor the economic workshops officials growth funding the opportunitie implementa opportunitie and training community s created, tion s to alleviate identified Improved Corporate poverty. projects. standard of Social Enforce living s Investment implementa by mines tion of CSI

143 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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by mines.

Mines reporting previous fin. year community projects. 20 RDP houses by Exxaro Mine

144 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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145 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Facilitate Facilitate Three Economic Mines Job Monitor the economic workshops funding the opportunitie implementa 146 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developm Performan Key Performance Target Annual Performance Report ent Plan / ce (Annual Target Strategic Baseline Indicator Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 opportunitie and training officials growth community s created, tion s to alleviate identified Improved Corporate poverty. projects. standard of Social Enforce living s Investment implementa by mines tion of CSI by mines.

Mines reporting previous fin. year community projects. 20 RDP houses by Exxaro Mine

Youth Youth 3 officials Youth Economical Improved 240 youth Facilitate Developme participatio empowerm ly viable / living trained in training nt through n in External ent competitive conditions various Training NARYSEC, support skills Training in 150 youth progress employed

90 youth trained in various skills

147 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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148 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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149 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Youth Youth 3 officials Youth Economical Improved 240 youth Developme participatio empowerm ly viable / living trained in nt through n in External ent competitive conditions various Training NARYSEC, support skills 150 youth employed

90 youth trained in various skills

Job All Project More Semi Improved Maximum Monitoring creation municipal Manageme people skilled living number of employmen through infrastructur nt Unit employed people conditions job t on EPWP e projects personnel in employed opportunitie projects are infrastructur s created implemente e projects 250 d temporal job opportunitie s

66 temporal job opportunitie s 150 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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62 temporal job opportunitie s.

151 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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152 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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Job All Project More Semi Improved Maximum creation municipal Manageme people skilled living number of through infrastructur nt Unit employed people conditions job EPWP e projects personnel in employed opportunitie are infrastructur s created implemente e projects d

Promote 800 ha at Three Proper Small scale Proper 800 ha Monitor Masibuyele Glenmore officials, implementa farmers implementa ploughed progress emasimini and external tion of the empowered tion of and planted CRDP : Off season, in the Tjakastad support programme Rural waiting for municipality coordinate Developme production the nt inputs ploughed programme Off season, and planted waiting for through the production CRDP inputs DEDET – Vegetable packing packing On 18 August 2011 a meeting was held by DEDET at CALM boardroom 153 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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regarding the proposed establishm ent of a vegetable packaging project within the municipality . The project is still in the research stage, Off season waiting for production inputs. DEDET – Vegetable packing project No progress report received regarding this project

154 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

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155 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report


3.3.1 Libraries

The Municipality is managing and controlling six libraries that are supported by the Department of Culture, Sports and Recreation; these are Carolina, Badplaas, Elukwatini, Ekulindeni, Ezenzeleni and Khululwazi. All libraries are connected to the internet, are fitted with computers for research purposes, and are used mainly by students, educators and community members. A photocopy service is also offered. All libraries are fitted with air conditioners.

The libraries are manned by municipal appointed staff and a few seconded by the Department of Culture, Sport and Recreation. Projects such as Walk to your library, research awareness, Fundza for Fun and the national library week, were conducted to advance awareness in the community.

The use of libraries by the community and schools is promoted. The programme to reach most rural schools and communities was drawn up and implemented, eg Walk to your Library Campaigns, and Fundza for Fun Competitions. The impact it had was a general interest in library services. Proposals for a mobile library and library buildings were submitted to the Department of Culture, Sport and Recreation, and a response is awaited.


• 6 Libraries that are fully operational from 7:30 to 16:00 from Monday to Friday; • Books that are supplied annually by the Department of Culture, Sport and Recreation; • 4 additional libraries have been installed with ICT programmes (that is Ekulindeni, Elukwatini, Badplaas and Zenzeleni); • 3 of the 9 staff members were seconded by the Department of Culture Sports and Recreation; • Application for a new library at Glenmore was approved.


• Shortage of qualified librarians; • Poorly maintained buildings; • The annual allocation of books by Department of Culture, Sport and Recreation is still not meeting the demand.

156 Integrated Development Plan / Strategic Objective Annual Baseline Key Performance Indicator Key Performance Target (Annual Target) Target

Input Output Outcome Impact

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


Promote a culture of reading in community

Established Library Committees Installed air conditioners Procured computers for all libraries Annual selection of books Received grant funding from MPLIS Submit proposals to Department of Culture, Sport and Recreation Number of Walk to your Library campaigns conducted

157 6 Walk to your Library campaigns conducted

Community members are well informed of where to acquire certain information and importance of libraries Increase number of community members using library 6 Walk to your Library campaigns conducted

Did awareness at Waverly Primary and Secondary School Did awareness at Siyakhula and Siyathuthuka Pre-School

Conducted 3 Walk to your Library campaigns Conducted 3 Walk to your library campaigns

Conducted Walk to your Library campaign at Zithandani School (Badplaas) Marketed and promoted Library at Chief T D Nkosi High, Sitanani Primary, Sintholile Secondary, Vusabantu Primary and Bhekokuhle Primary Schools Procured p romotional material procured and develop implementation plan Visited Khuthala Primary School and promotional material supplied. Visited following schools - Engelsedraai Primary School and Ngilandi Secondary School

Librarians/staff seconded to CALM Number of research awareness campaigns conducted in schools 12 research awareness campaigns conducted 158 More information is disseminated to learners and educators Increased number of learners accessing information and using the library 12 research awareness campaigns conducted Did promotion at Zithobeni Combined School Did promotion at Vusabantu, Spring- fontein and Empuluzi Abet Centre

Conducted 3 research awareness Visited Siyeta Primary School at Elukwatini to promote reading Conducted 4 research awareness in all libraries Conducted 3 awareness topics over library: Mpumalanga Tourist attractions, Zola Budd and Water Pollution

Number of Fundza for Fun Competitions held 4 Fundza for Fun competitions held

Library users will improve language usage, and informed other groups culture and historical background Culture of reading is instilled in the community 4 Fundza for Fun competitions held

1 Fundza for Fun competition held 159 Submitted specifications to Supply Chain Management for procurement of material needed for celebration of Library Week Issued order number for delivery Held 1 Fundza for Fun competition

Conduct SA Library Week Celebrations National Library week is celebrated

1 event from each library is celebrated

1 event from each library is celebrated Library Week not celebrated because of budgetary constraints as the programme was to be funded by Department of Culture, Sport and Recreation Provide library access to remote schools Proposal for mobile library was re submitted for consideration Number of remote schools with access to library 12 remote schools provided with access to libraries Provision is made that remote schools access library services Increased number of rural schools with access to library 12 remote schools provided with access to libraries Did promotion at Syde Primary School Reached Inyeti, Silindile, Springfontein,

Letters were written to school for orientation of libraries Provided access to library to Wesley No schools visited because of transport challenge Supplied promotional material to Leeuwpoort Primary Provide library access to remote schools 160 Proposal for mobile library was re submitted for consideration Number of remote schools with access to library 12 remote schools provided with access to libraries Provision is made that remote schools access library services Increased number of rural schools with access to library 12 remote schools provided with access to libraries Vusabantu and Waverly School for support Provided access to library to Vygeboom and Grace Pre-School Did promotion at Syde Primary School Reached Inyeti, Silindile, Springfontein, Vusabantu and Waverly School for support Provided access to library to Vygeboom and Grace Pre-School

Primary, Soko Primary and Rev S A Nkosi High School Visited Ekulindeni Senior Secondary School for promotion of library Letters were written to school for orientation of libraries Provided access to library to Wesley Primary, Soko Primary and Rev S A Nkosi High School Visited Ekulindeni Senior Secondary School for promotion of library Visited remote schools - Chief T D Nkosi High, Sitanani Primary, Sintholile Secondary , Vusabantu Primary and Bhekokuhle Primary School No schools visited because of transport challenge Supplied promotional material to Leeuwpoort Primary School

161 Install ICT programmes

Proposals for identified ICT programme were submitted to Department of Culture, Sport and Recreation including the library building of Dundonald - No active telephone lines in all libraries except Elukwatini Number of libraries with ICT programme 4 libraries with ICT programme

To access information from internet Community members to access all services obtainable in library institutions 4 libraries with ICT programme

162 Procured 3 sets for Badplaas library and 6 for Elukwatini library Connected internet service points to computers at Elukwatini Procured study tables and delivered at Ekulindeni library Connected and activated internet at Carolina, Badplaas, Elukwatini, Ekulindeni, Khululwazi and Ezenzeleni library Connected Badplaas library to internet Connected and activated Carolina, Badplaas, Elukwatini, Ekulindeni , Khululwazi and Ezenzeleni library to internet Connected Badplaas library to internet Connected Badplaas library to SLIMS

163 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

3.3.2 Cemeteries

The Municipality provides graves to the communities through well-maintained cemeteries. Graves are made available according to the needs for burials. Cemeteries are maintained by clearing access roads, cutting grass and general control.


 6 cemeteries avail graves to the needy for burials;  All 6 cemeteries are well maintained;  The new cemetery at Mayflower is being established.


 The Silobela Cemetery is rocky and very difficult to dig;  The digging tools are insufficient;  The protection fence is repeatedly stolen when erected;  There are no toilets and water at most municipal cemeteries.

Cemeteries : Financial Performance 2011/12


2010/11 2011/12

Details Original Adjustment Actual Budget Budget

Total Operational Revenue (excl Tariffs)

Expenditure: 1.436.384 3.354.238 2.753.238

Employee 1.813.459 807.557 605.550

Repairs and Maintenance 42.965 25.000 13.000

Cemeteries : Capital Expenditure 2011/12



Variance Actual Capital Projects Adjustmen from Budget Expenditur t Budget Original e Budget

164 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Total All

Project : Brush Cutters 57.750 57.750 57.750 100%

Integrated Key Performance Indicator Target Developm Annual ent Plan / Strategic Baseline Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Objective


Maintain Parks and Cut grass Well Clean Healthy 15 Maintained parks, recreational in maintained environme Environme Community It is winter recreation facilities community parks, nt nt Halls no grass and cultural challenge, are hall yards, sidewalks, facilities 4 stadia cutting is maintained stadia, stadia and under sidewalks community 5 parks control. and parks hall yards. Maintained Manzana Cultural Centre and waste adopted spot at Goodman Street is maintained, Cultural Village Oshoek, Echibini Park, Elukwatini A park, adopted spot Ekulindeni Adopted park

165 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Annual Key Performance Indicator Target Developm ent Plan / Baseline Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Strategic Badplaas and golf course 10 Tree planting at Mantjolo School; 10 Sunduza and 10 Community Hall at Tjakastad Planting of grass at Manzana Community Hall Grass cutting at Municipal offices at Badplaas De-weeding of grass and paper picking in the adjacent streets at Carolina with the assistance of CWP

166 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Annual Key Performance Indicator Target Developm ent Plan / Baseline Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Strategic

Maintain Air Strip Cut grass at Licensed Compliant Municipal 12 Maintenanc the complies the Air-strip Air Strip Air Strip assets well e of air strip Carolina with Civil maintained is very Airstrip Aviation costly; Authority Maintain key discussed

167 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Annual Key Performance Indicator Target Developm ent Plan / Baseline Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Strategic standards features of matter and the air strip awaiting final solution from Municipal Manager

Council withdrew proposal to disestablish airstrip was withdrawn

Paid Airstrip License

Discussed functionality of Airstrip with Civil Aviation to assist with marketing airstrip

To provide Graves Dig graves graves Community Per need Dug graves graves in provided in in municipal gets weekly in the municipal cemeteries graves municipal municipal cemeteries when cemeteries cemeteries needed in preparation for burials

Numbered and registered 168 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Annual Key Performance Indicator Target Developm ent Plan / Baseline Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Strategic graves effectively

To maintain Cemeteries Cut grass Cemeteries Clean and 6 All 6 the maintained and clean maintained cared for cemeteries cemeteries municipal municipal cemeteries were cemeteries cemeteries maintained

169 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Annual Key Performance Indicator Target Developm ent Plan / Baseline Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Strategic

To maintain Cemeteries Cut grass Cemeteries Clean and 6 the maintained and clean maintained cared for cemeteries municipal municipal cemeteries cemeteries cemeteries

To provide Number of Investigate Paupers Record of Per need No pauper basic pauper reported buried buried reported for funeral burials pauper paupers the quarter service for conducted cases kept paupers Bury qualifying 170 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Annual Key Performance Indicator Target Developm ent Plan / Baseline Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Strategic paupers

To support Number of Identify Traditional Support to 3 No support the cemeteries cemeteries cemeteries traditional or developme supported to be developed authorities developme nt of in supported nt took cemeteries traditional place in areas Cut grass traditional and clean areas cemeteries Explore possibility of providing graves

171 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

3.3.4 Waste Management Refuse Removal

The Municipality renders refuse removal services only in urban and peri-urban areas like Carolina, Badplaas, Elukwatini, Ekulindeni, and Mayflower. The service is provided in-house, except Mayflower, which is rendered by private contractors.

The conditions of the solid waste disposal sites throughout the Municipality are not at the required standards, and proper refuse sites need to be identified. Only two disposal sites are licensed. The access road to the waste management site at Elukwatini requires upgrading. Three disposal sites are currently used to prevent illegal dumping.

The rural villages where there is no formalised solid waste disposal system are encountering environmental problems due to dumping next to streams that causes pollution problems and a health hazard.

Estimated refuse removal service backlog: 73.3%. Health Inspections and Licensing

Only one Environmental Health Practitioner (EHP), who is absorbed by Gert Sibande District Municipality, is responsible for the whole of Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality. Not all necessary inspections can be covered by one EHP. Liaison with the District Municipality is required to provide one Environmental Health Practitioner per administrative unit.

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Performance Report Developm Key ent Plan / Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Strategic ce Target Objective


Waste To ensure Household Provide Dust bins Clean Satisfied Refuse Manageme that refuse bins are once a collected Environme communitie removal nt removal is collected week nt s has been rendered once a refuse increased week removal to by 431 households households . The total Provide number of once a households week collected is refuse now 12289, removal of done once skip bins a week by the municipality in the

172 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic following areas/units: Badplaas, Elukwatini and Ekulindeni, at Silobela collection were done twice a week.

Skip bins are emptied weekly in all units.

Monitoring of outsourced service in Empuluzi (Mayflower) was done

All complaints are attended immediatel y after complainan t

173 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic

Increase About 7200 Purchase 1000 Increased Reduced 31 number of households and household number of backlog Household households receive distribute bins and 50 households bins were with access refuse 1000 skip bins with access distributed to once a removal dustbins distributed to refuse at Carolina week service and 50 skip removal Caropark. refuse bins removal by 20 Skip 2000 bins were distributed to all identified wards.

To ensure Main street Clean main Clean Clean Satisfied 4,2km of that main in Carolina streets in streets Environme communitie streets streets in Town and business nt s were swept business Elukwatini centres daily in the centres are Crossing daily following clean areas:

Waste To ensure Main street Clean main Clean Clean Satisfied Crossing Manageme that main in Carolina streets in streets Environme communitie (Nhlazatsh nt streets in Town and business e), 174 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic business Elukwatini centres nt s Empuluzi centres are Crossing daily Complex clean are cleaned and daily Carolina Town (Voortrekke r and the adjacent street).

Joint venture of Cleaning and deweeding of (Ward 21) Hugo street, Constituenc y Office at Silobela, cleaning of furrows around ward 22, paper picking at ward 15.

175 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic

To No Remove Clean Clean Environme Illegal minimise dumping illegal Environme environmen ntally dumps illegal sign posts dumps nt t healthy were dumping put in hot surrounding removed spots areas Visible and signposts Put sign monitoring posts of “no done. dumping” Grading of Informed the empty Community space behind Educate police community station to about minimise cleaning illegal the dumping environmen was done. t

176 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic

To maintain 5 dumping Dig cells in Well Well Environme Digging dumping sites dumping maintained maintained ntally cells and sites maintained site dumping dumping healthy burying of sites sites surrounding waste 177 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic (pushing) is done at all Bury and the cover dumping refuse sites. Continuous monitoring Fencing of of the 4 dumping dumping sites sites was done

178 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic

Legalise Ekulindeni, Identify site Permitted Municipality Compliant Reapplicati dumping Carolina at Carolina. dumping having dumping ons made sites for and sites permitted sites Ekulindeni, Empuluzi land fills Carolina, dumping Apply to the sites. and sites not Department EIA Studies Empuluzi legalised. of conducted Economic Developme nt. Environme nt and Tourism (DEDET) to issue permit for the dumping site

179 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic Apply to the Department of Cooperativ e Governanc e and Traditional Affairs to fund environmen tal Impact Assessmen t Studies (EIA) for the sites at Carolina, Ekulindeni and Empuluzi.

Waste Legalise Ekulindeni, Identify site Permitted Municipality Compliant Manageme dumping Carolina at Carolina. dumping having dumping nt sites for and sites permitted sites Ekulindeni, Empuluzi land fills Carolina, dumping Apply to the sites. and sites not Department EIA Studies Empuluzi legalised. of conducted Economic Developme nt. Environme nt and Tourism (DEDET) to 180 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic issue permit for the dumping site

Have EIA studies Apply to Permit to Permitted Compliant Permission Badplaas for have operate land fill site dumping to operate dumping Badplaas Badplaas Badplaas site land fill site site completed dumping as a as transfer converted site Transfer station into a converted Station. Progress transfer into a monitored station transfer station.

181 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic

Monitor and Progress Monitor Monitor Permitted Complaint Project follow up towards the implementa implementa land fill site of legal status is at on the completion tion of the tion of the and sites and 45% that is constructio of the land projects projects enhance behind the n of fill site and Access environmen schedule Elukwatini road road is t time. The land fill site constructed matter will and access be road. discussed with the consultant and the contractor since the completion date is 13 September 2012.

182 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic

Improve Air No air Measure Monitored Improved Healthy Air pollution Quality quality Air Quality air quality Air Quality environmen was measureme t attended at nt is taken Report Silobela results to Ward 15 relevant corrective authorities. measures Monitor were steps

Waste Improve Air No air Measure Monitored Improved Healthy made Manageme Quality quality Air Quality air quality Air Quality environmen nt measureme t nt is taken Report results to relevant authorities. Monitor steps to redress

183 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic

Improve Water Take water Improved High water Healthy 3 water Water samples samples Water quality treatment Quality and send Quality Community plants were them to inspected, laboratory One from for testing. Carolina Monitor was found steps to not improve functional Water and there Quality was no plant operator on site. The matter was communica ted with Manager Water and he reported that the reservoir was having enough water.

Elukwatini was well functioning.

Empuluzi: 184 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic main plant is not functioning refurbishme nt is used instead.

64 Water samples were collected for Chemical and Physical samples and all results were satisfactory . Sewer Treatment Plant at Empuluzi was inspected and it was running by its self with no operator on site and no chemical (chlorine), The person working at the plant

185 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic

Waste Improve Water Take water Improved High water Healthy attended Manageme Water samples samples Water quality the sewer nt Quality and send Quality Community leakage them to pipe laboratory leakage at for testing. Mayflower Monitor the matter steps to was improve resolved. Water Quality Milk Sampling: Three samples were collected for biological test, the result are still pending

Food Control Samples:

37 different food samples were collected the results 186 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic are still pending.

Operation with SAPS: Expired food staff were confiscated (3 full bakkie- loads)


To provide Environme Conduct Monitor For our Seeing 20 Shop environmen ntal Health site food safety community business Inspection tal health inspections inspections and to be aware premises s: inspections conducted to conduct of selling institutions inspections environmen healthy 1.M&Take tal hazards food staff. Aways and what to The shop look at was not in before a good buying. condition of selling or preparing food, the area was closed for few hours to rectify unwanted conditions.

2.Sumaya 187 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic Take Aways

Wrong placement of fire extinguishe r.

The shop was not in a satisfactory condition, the corrective measures of closing the shop for three hours was done, follow up will be conducted.

condition and the follow up were done, now the area looks much better.

3. Badplaas Corner

The area was

188 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target ToStrategic provide Environme Conduct Monitor For our Seeing 20 satisfactory environmen ntal Health site food safety community business tal health inspections inspections and to be aware premises 4. Fruit and inspections conducted to conduct of selling Veg institutions inspections environmen healthy Wholesale tal hazards food staff. Retail and what to During the look at inspection before the buying. vegetables were placed direct on the floor and the matter was discussed with the owner and it was rectified instantly

Followed up on the complaint of Stand 25 Duvenage Street having cattle and pigs kept on the site, there were no animals found, but the owner explained

189 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic that he did have few animals which were there for a particular time they were from Veterinaria n (animal doctor) he was monitoring them before taking them to the farm, it was explained a written letter will be forwarded to the owner.

Shop inspection s: 1.Love Corner Silobela

Satisfactory condition

2.AM Tuck Shop, Silobela

Condemnat 190 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic ion was done and notices to be submitted.

3.Arna Tuck- shop: Condemnat ion was done and the shop owner was advised 4.Silobela Bakery Silobela:

satisfactory condition

5.Nomvus elelo

Bottle Store

To provide Environme Conduct Monitor For our Seeing 20 The Bottle environmen ntal Health site food safety community business store was tal health inspections inspections and to be aware premises overloaded inspections conducted to conduct of selling no cross institutions inspections environmen healthy ventilation tal hazards food staff. and the and what to matter was look at communica before ted to the buying. owner was advised to

191 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic extend the building

6.Pakistan Shop:

The shop was very dirty, food packed directly on the floor, the shop was closed for few hours for the owner to rectify the wrong doing.

7.Two Little Sisters Silobela:

The advice on hygiene standard was given to personnel.

8.Star General Supermark et

The supermarke 192 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Report Developm Baseline Performan Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 ent Plan / ce Target Strategic t was found in a clean condition. The owner was told to keep up the good work

193 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

3.3.5 Sport and Recreation

Teams and individuals throughout the Municipality play sport continuously. Some teams are playing in organised structures and federations such as SAFA, and local and regional leagues, netball federations.

There is a dire need for sport and recreation facilities in all areas of the Municipality. There are currently four stadia available, three of which have a perimeter wall with lockable gates, which are not playable and mostly vandalised, except Elukwatini Stadium that was partly renovated.

A community gym was opened in Mooiplaas and Etinkulungwane with training equipment fitted. Coaching clinics in certain sporting codes were conducted. The establishment of a Sport Council and development of a draft Sport Policy were achieved.

Due to financial constraints, some of the programmes planned had to be suspended. The Sport Officer post is still vacant and has a negative impact on implementing programmes.

Performance of Sport and Recreation Overall

In order for the Municipality to be able to host either regional or provincial games, a suitable facility is required.


 12 football teams are playing in the Regional SAFA league;  The major games organised by the Municipality is the Mayoral Cup Games where various codes actively participate from ward levels to the municipal finals;  The Department of Culture, Sport and Recreation is an active stakeholder on matters related to sport.


 Insufficient sport facilities per ward;  All 4 stadia have a poor playing pitch, and only 1 is fitted with floodlights, and 1 is extremely vandalised;  Lack of support for sport from the private sector.

Key Key Performance Indicator Annual Key Performance Target Performanc e Indicator (Unit of Measurement) Target (Number of Units

Annual Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Baseline


CALM Sport Number of 1 big sports Selected The 1 big sports - Hosted Council and sports and and 1 big players to community and 1 big Learn and local football cultural cultural form a team of CALM is cultural Play event associations events event to represent united and event with learners launched organised for organised for CALM in talented organised for from the the SALGA youth is the Carolina Draft Sport community community Games identified community Circuit Policy is and nurtured (Schools developed for well Sports) and yet to be developed approved by teams Council 194 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Key Key Performance Indicator Annual Key Performance Target Performanc e Indicator (Unit of Measurement) Target (Number of Units

Annual Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Baseline

Number of Coaching Community The new Coaching - coaching clinics for members to sporting clinics for clinics have a wide code is organised 2 sporting choice of introduced to 2 sporting codes codes in the codes organised which to community organised participate and at schools

195 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Key Key Performance Indicator Annual Key Performance Target Performanc e Indicator (Unit of Measurement) Target (Number of Units

Annual Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Baseline

Number of 5 sports Sports Different 5 sports Launched Re-launched sports and forums and Federations cultures for forums and Arts and Sports culture 5 culture are all South 5 culture Culture sub- Committees councils forums introduced to Africans are forums forums for all at established established local clubs observed established 5 units Etinkulungw and (1 in each and allowed and (1 in each ane , supported Administrativ to affiliate respected Administrativ Relaunched Carolina, e Unit) e Unit) CALM Oshoek Forum Lochiel was To decrease Launched done crime in the Local society Federations at Carolina, Tjakastad, Ekulindeni and Mooiplaas

4 Soccer Number of 5 Local talent Know about 5 Wrote and Netball organisation organisation is promoted social organisation proposal to clubs s and s and and responsibility s and Elukwatini respectively businesses businesses supported in fighting businesses Pick n Pay are identified supporting supporting HIV/AIDS supporting and for club sports and sports and and about sports and Badplaas development culture culture ploughing culture Aventura for programme back to 196 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Key Key Performance Indicator Annual Key Performance Target Performanc e Indicator (Unit of Measurement) Target (Number of Units

Annual Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Baseline

mobilised community mobilised sponsorship

197 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report


3.4 Introduction

The Department Public Safety comprises the Traffic Section, Fire and Rescue Section, the Licensing Section, and the Disaster Management Section.

The main function of the Traffic Section is the enforcement of traffic laws - traffic officers are peace officers by law and they enforce a range of by-laws.

3.4.1 Traffic Section Municipal Traffic Officers Data

2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Estimate Estimate Details Actual Actual d d Number Number Number Number

Road Traffic Accidents during the 10 17 17 39 year

By-Law Infringements attended n/a n/a n/a n/a

Traffic Officers in the field on an 8 8 11 15 average day

Traffic Officers on duty on an 8 8 11 15 average day

3.4.2 Fire and Rescue Section Municipal Fire and Rescue Service Data

2010/1 2012/1 2011/12 1 3

Estima Estima Details Actual Actual ted ted Numbe Numbe Numbe Numbe r r r r

Total fires attended in the year 76 232 308 405

Total of other incidents attended in the 15 20 35 30 year

Average turnout time - urban areas 15 min 15 min 15 min 15 min

Average turnout time - rural areas 45 min 45 min 45 min 45 min

198 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Fire fighters in post at year end 5 7 11 42

Total fire appliances at year end 7 7 21 42

Average number of appliances off the road 5 10 15 30 during year end

Municipal Fire and Rescue Service Data

Job Level 2010/11 2011/12

Fire fighters Number Number of Number Number of Vacanci of Number of Vacanci es (full- Employe of Posts Employe es (as % time es es of total Administrat equivale posts) ors nts)

Chief Fire Officer and 0 0 0 0 0 Deputy

Other Fire Officers

0 - 3 n/a

4 - 6 1 3 1 2

7 - 9 5 49 9 40

10 - 12 n/a

13 - 15 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%

16 - 18 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%

19 - 20 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0%

Total 6 52 10 42

199 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

3.4.3 Disaster Management Section Municipal Fire and Rescue Service Data

Job Level 2010/11 2011/12

Fire fighters Number Number of Number Number of Vacanci of Number of Vacanci es (full- Employe of Posts Employe es (as % time es es of total Administrat equivale posts) ors nts)

0 - 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

4 - 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

7 - 9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

10 - 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

13 - 15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

16 - 18 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

19 - 20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Total n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Integrated Key Performance Indicator Performance Report Developm Annual ent Plan Baseline Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Target Q1 Objective


Registratio Test 557 Manage Compliance Conduct 2 Ensure 1248 614 n and learner and test to test learner effective learners applications Licensing drivers according manuals driver and tested to manuals classes per efficient 343 and NRTA week test passed. 200 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

93/96 standards 243 failed.

16 failed to attend

12 postponed

Test 328 Manage Bookings Conduct Ensure 720 drivers 271 drivers and test and test as tests three effective tested applications according per days per and to manuals manuals week efficient 65 passed and NRTA test 150 failed 93/96 standards 32 failed to attend

24 postponed

Disaster Draft Contact Identificatio Awareness Action plan Approved Risk Manageme Disaster awareness n of to to hazards Disaster identificatio nt Manageme and stakeholder communitie identified Manageme n in all nt Plan campaigns, s s nt Plan Wards especially at schools

Prevention 4 meetings Coordinatio Ensure Awareness Number of Conduct Community of Social n of Community in meetings Safety Crime community Safety communitie 4 meetings Forum safety Forum is s meeting forum functional was held in structures August 2011

201 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Road Law Daily Ensure Number of Visibility, 8 road 1 road Safety enforcemen visibility on road safety patrols and patrol and blocks blocks Manageme t different road blocks law nt roads enforcemen 404 t summonse s

Fire and Satellite Provision of Recording Respond to Number of Timely 59 calls Rescue operational fire and of all fire and incidents responses attended in Carolina rescue incidents rescue attended to incidents service incidents

Safety and 148 safety To protect Avoid Number of Recommen Ensure Monitoring Security guards council property security dation for safety and and assets loss and guards the security protection damage posted and inclusion of effective previously supervision omitted s buildings and properties on guarding specificatio ns

202 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

203 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report


3.5 Introduction

Information about the activities of the Corporate Service Department during the 2011/12 financial year is presented in the following Table which reflects the performance objectives and targets as reflected in the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan, signed by the Executive Mayor and adopted by Council.

Section 40 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No 32 of 2000) requires that a municipality must establish mechanisms to monitor and review its performance management system, and section 40(d) and (e) requires that a process be established of regular reporting to the Municipal Council, other political structures, political office-bearers and staff of the Municipality.

3.5.1 Executive Council

The Council plays its legislative roles by approving policies and the annual budget together with the Integrated Development Plan of the Municipality, as the most important strategic document through which Council implements services delivery.

The Council holds the executive to account by receiving reports from the Mayoral Committee which are presented by the Executive Mayor during Council meetings

3.5.2 ICT Services Section

The Section is in the developmental stages. The Municipality still needs to improve the Section in order to render an effective ICT system that responds adequately to Council’s needs, so that it can meet the Council’s mandate of effective governance in line with best practices.

There are challenges in terms of personnel and the required capacity, therefore Council depends on the service of external service providers who are called in from time to time to assist Council. Employees : ICT Services

2010/11 2011/12

Number of Number of Vacancies Number of Number of Vacancies Job Level Number of Employee Employee (as % of Posts (full-time s s equivalent total s) posts)

0 - 3 0 0 0 0 %

4 - 6 2 2 2 0 %

7 - 9 1 1 1 1.5 %

Total 3 3 3 1.5

204 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Annual Developme Performanc Performance Report nt Plan e Indicator Target Strategic Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2


Municipal All All R750 000 2 R450 000 Awaiting Still awaiting Buildings community community specification specification halls halls s s from and Facilities renovated Technical from Services Technical Services

Planned for Q2

Procurement All R95 000 and community allocation of halls required furnished furniture

Existing Reduced R35 000 To be done signage number of in second clients quarter

205 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Annual Developme Performanc Performance Report nt Plan e Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective landing in incorrect offices by providing name boards and signage for offices

Public Existing Improved 0 0 Access to information website Information and accessibility communicati by on system developing municipal website Communicati Existing Improved 0 The process on information access to is at the and internet evaluation communicati stage since on system the tender closed on 22 September 2011.

Preparation 12 Mayoral Reports for Resolutions Implementati Improved Held 12 Proofread of the Committee Mayoral taken on of council service Mayoral minutes for agenda by meetings Committee resolutions delivery Committee Mayoral meetings Committee (i) 6 Council Minutes and Council proofreading meetings ; and Ensured that Held 6 agenda for (ii) Council Mayoral distribution meetings Committee and Council were 206 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Annual Developme Performanc Performance Report nt Plan e Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective prepared and distributed

Ensured that Council facilities were cleaned for bookings

Communicati Existing Improved 0 The process on information access to is at the and internet evaluation communicati stage since on system the tender closed on 22 September 2011.

Control and Existing Developed R200 000 5 R150 000 Punitive policies and and Measures by-laws reviewed policies and by-laws

By-laws developed -

Control of Selling of Alcohol;

Control and Existing Commonage R200 000 5 R150 000 Punitive policies and ; Measures by-laws 207 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Annual Developme Performanc Performance Report nt Plan e Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective Air Quality Management ;

Informal Trading

After promulgation of outstanding by-laws, the S15 Municipal Code to be developed

208 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Annual Developme Performanc Performance Report nt Plan e Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective

Legal Prepare Signed SLAs Insert Services SLA to Improved Contract Services SLAs with service clauses on providers regulate service management providers SLAs have SLAs conditions of standards in place tender and quality of work

Policies and Policies will 5 By-laws Draft By- By-laws in Enforcement Enforcement By-laws in By-laws serve before laws place of By-laws of By-laws place and the enforced Committee on By-Laws

Human Capacity All R365 000 R91 250 As and when Resources building for employees it occurs employees trained on Batho Pele Training and principles development Maximised leadership, individual and organization al capacity to deliver 209 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Annual Developme Performanc Performance Report nt Plan e Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective quality services to community

Pension As and when Fill in Payment of Housing Employee TBD Assistance backed they occur application housing loans given Assistance given to lending forms loans to Programme employees employees and councillor support

Leave As and when Capture Enforce Compliance Compliance TBD 712 administratio it occurs leave forms SALGBC in terms of in terms of applications n agreement leave leave for leave management management 87 applications for encashment of leave

Medical Aid As and when Fill in Employee Employee Employees TBD Processed 8 it occurs application assistance assistance enjoying applications forms and programme programme benefits for medical forward to and and aid funds employee employee membership benefits benefits and 1 cancellation

Occupational As and when Assist Employee Assistance Compliance TBD Assisted 2 Health and it occurs employees Assistance given to to COIDA employees Safety who are Programme employees injured at Sent 1 work employee for

210 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Annual Developme Performanc Performance Report nt Plan e Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective counselling

Labour As and when Arrange Disciplinary Award or Enforce TBD Conducted 3 Relations it occurs prosecutor hearings verdict of discipline disciplinary and conducted in disciplinary among staff hearings chairperson accordance hearing with Held 1 procedures appeal hearing

Conducted 1 intention to suspend

Held 2 dissertation procedures

Training and Employees Employee Trained Increased Expedited TBD Enrolled Developmen and and employee productivity service employees t councillors councillors and delivery and trained in lacking in councillors councillors in various certain various capacity competencie institutions of building s higher initiatives learning WSP and Submission 0 1 0 ATR of WSP and submitted for ATR for the financial 2011/2012 year 2010/11

Signing of All Section 7 Section 57 0 7 0 All section Done Performance 57 managers managers 57 managers Agreements have signed performance Section 57 performance agree-ments

211 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Annual Developme Performanc Performance Report nt Plan e Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective Managers agreements signed and submitted

Evaluation of No 4 reviews of Review 1 0 Compiled Q1 Conducted performance performance performance performance report evaluations assessments management based on Q2 were done in on quarterly performance the 2010/11 basis financial Conduct year midterm review for section 57 managers

Ensure Quarterly Annual and 1 0 Compiled Q2 compliance reports quarterly report to statutory generated reports reporting consolidated

Performance 1 Performance 0 0 Conducted Did training performance report Q2 on reviewed report produced on evaluations Performance and various Management analysed departments System and on individual managers

Delegation Reviewed 0 0 0 register delegation exists register

212 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Annual Developme Performanc Performance Report nt Plan e Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective

70 former Performance Awards for Maintain 77 30 July 2011 70 former Done DWA staff results good good DWA staff performance standard for produced for , corrective service 5 panel all 70 steps to delivery, members employee improve poor supervisors involved 10 performance account for supervisors work done. 3 support staff

70 performance results produced for all employees involved

MMC 12 meetings R10 000 3 meetings R2 500 meetings

12 meetings 12 meetings R86 884 3 meetings R21 721

213 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Annual Developme Performanc Performance Report nt Plan e Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective

70 former 6 ordinary 12 meetings R165 965 3 meetings R41 491 DWA staff Council meetings

4 LLF 12 meetings 0 3 meetings 0 meetings

Safety 4 meetings 0 1 0 representativ e appointed

1 Training 4 0 1 0 Committee

1 EEA report 1 report 0 0 0 submitted to DoL

Administrativ 25 Ward R300 000 3 meetings R100 000 e support Committees provided to Procured all ward office committees furniture for additional 3 ward committees

214 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Annual Developme Performanc Performance Report nt Plan e Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective

215 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Annual Developme Performanc Performance Report nt Plan e Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective

50 50 R200 000 50 R 200 000

Ward Ward Ward Committees Committees Committees trained trained trained

Existing Established R15 000 6 R3 750 employee EAP Unit assistance that offers increased productivity, retention of good staff and reduced workplace assistance

70 former Staff All vacant R150 000 4 R37 500 DWA staff components and funded and posts filled in recruitment accordance

216 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Annual Developme Performanc Performance Report nt Plan e Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective with municipal employment equity targets by filling all vacant positions

Disposal of Existing land Increased Land number of people officially occupying land by provision of land to community

217 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developmen Performance Annual Key Performance Target t Plan / Indicator Target Strategic Objective Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2


Municipal All All R750 000 2 R450 000 Awaiting Still awaiting Buildings community communi specifications specifications from halls ty halls Technical and Facilities renovate from Technical Services d Services Planned for Q2

Procurement All R95 000 and communi allocation of ty halls required furnished furniture

Existing Reduced R35 000 To be done in signage number Q2 of clients

218 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developmen Performance Annual Key Performance Target t Plan / Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective landing in incorrect offices by providing name boards and signage for offices

Public Existing Improved 0 O Access to information website Information and accessibi communicati lity by on system developi ng municipal website Communicati Existing Improved 0 The process is at on information access to the evaluation and internet stage since the communicati tender closed on on system 22 September 2011.

Preparation 12 Mayoral Reports Resolutions Implementa Improved Held 12 Proof read of the Committee for taken tion of service Mayoral minutes for agenda by meetings Mayoral council delivery Committee Mayoral Committ resolutions meetings Committee and (i) 6 Council ee Council proofreading meetings ; and Minutes Ensured that Held 6 Council agenda for meetings Mayoral 219 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developmen Performance Annual Key Performance Target t Plan / Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective (ii) Committee and distribution Council were prepared and distributed

Ensured that Council facilities were cleaned for bookings.

Disposal of Existing land Increase R0 Land d number of people officially occupyin g land by provision of land to communi ty

Support to MMC 12 R10 000 3 meetings R2500 Council and meetings meetings Structures

12 meetings 12 R86 884 3 meetings R21 721 meetings

220 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developmen Performance Annual Key Performance Target t Plan / Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective

6 ordinary 12 R165 965 3 meetings R41 491 Council meetings meetings

Support to 4 LLF 12 0 3 meetings 0 Council and meetings meetings Structures

Safety 4 0 1 0 representativ meetings e appointed

1 Training 4 0 1 0 Committee

1 EEA report 1 report 0 0 0 submitted to Department of Labour (DoL)

Administrativ 25 Ward R300 000 3 meetings R100 000 e support Committ provided to ees Procured all ward office committees furniture for additional 3 ward committees 221 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developmen Performance Annual Key Performance Target t Plan / Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective

222 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developmen Performance Annual Key Performance Target t Plan / Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective


Communicati Existing Improved 0 The process is at on information access to the evaluation and internet stage since the communicati tender closed on on system 22 September 2011.

Control and Existing Develope R200 000 5 R150 000 Punitive policies and d and Measures by-laws reviewed policies and by- laws

By-laws develope d-

Control of Selling

223 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developmen Performance Annual Key Performance Target t Plan / Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective of Alcohol;

Common age;

Air Quality Manage ment;

Control and Existing Informal R200 000 5 R150 000 Punitive policies and Trading Measures by-laws After promulga tion of outstandi ng by- laws, the S15 Municipal Code to be develope d

224 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developmen Performance Annual Key Performance Target t Plan / Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective

Legal Prepare Signed Insert Service SLA to Improved Contract Services SLAs SLAs clauses on providers regulate service management in with SLAs have SLAs conditions standards and place service of tender quality of work providers

Policies and Policies will 5 By- Draft By- By – laws Enforceme Enforcement By-laws in place By-laws serve before laws laws in place nt of By- of By-laws and enforced the laws Committee on By-Laws

70 former Performance Award Maintain 77 30 July 70 former Done DWA staff results for good good 2011 DWA staff performa standard produced for nce, for service 5 panel all 70 correctiv delivery, members employee e steps supervisors involved 225 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developmen Performance Annual Key Performance Target t Plan / Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective to account for 10 supervisors improve work done. poor 3 support staff. performa 70 nce performance results produced for all employees involved


Human Capacity All R365 000 R91 250 As and when it Resources building for employe occurs employees es trained Training and on Batho development Pele principles

Maximise d leadershi p, individual and organizat ional capacity to deliver quality services to 226 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developmen Performance Annual Key Performance Target t Plan / Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective communi ty

Pension As and when Fill in Payment of Housing Employee TBD Assistance given backed they occur applicatio housing loans given Assistance to employees and lending n forms loans to Programme councillor support. employees

Leave As and when Capture Enforce Compliance Compliance TBD 712 applications administratio it occurs leave SALGBC in terms of in terms of for leave n forms agreement leave leave manageme manageme 87 applications for nt nt encashment of leave

Medical Aid As and when Fill in Employee Employee Employees TBD Processed 8 it occurs applicatio assistance assistance enjoying applications for n forms programme programme benefits medical aid and and and membership and 1 forward employee employee cancellation to funds benefits benefits

Occupational As and when Assist Employee Assistance Compliance TBD Assisted 2 Health and it occurs employe Assistance given to to COIDA employees Safety es who Programme employees are injured at Sent 1 employee work for counselling

Labour As and when Arrange Disciplinary Award or Enforce TBD Conducted 3 Relations it occurs prosecut hearings verdict of discipline disciplinary or and conducted disciplinary among staff hearings chairpers in hearing on accordance Held 1 appeal with hearing 227 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developmen Performance Annual Key Performance Target t Plan / Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective procedures Conducted 1 intention to suspend

Held 2 dissertation procedures

Training and Employees Employe Trained Increased Expedited TBD Enrolled Developmen and e and employee productivity service employees and t councillors councillor and delivery councillors in trained in s lacking councillors various institutions various in certain of higher learning capacity compete building ncies initiatives WSP and Submissi 0 1 0 ATR on of submitted for WSP and the financial ATR for year 2010/11 2011/201 2

50 50 R200 000 50 R 200 000

Ward Ward Ward Committees Committ Committee trained ees s

trained trained

228 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developmen Performance Annual Key Performance Target t Plan / Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective

Existing Establish R15 000 6 R3 750 employee ed EAP assistance Unit that offers increase d productiv ity, retention of good staff and reduced workplac e assistanc e

Staff All R150 000 4 R37 500 components vacant and and recruitment funded posts filled in accordan ce with municipal employm ent equity targets by filling all vacant positions

229 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developmen Performance Annual Key Performance Target t Plan / Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective


Signing of All Section 7 Section 0 7 0 All section 57 Done performance 57 managers 57 managers Agreements have signed manager performance Section 57 the s agree nets Managers performance signed and agreements submitted to

Evaluation of No 4 reviews Review 1 0 Compiled Q1 Conducted performance performance of performanc report evaluations based assessments performa e on Q2 were done in nce performance the 2010/11 manage on quarterly financial ment basis year Conduct midterm review for section 57 managers

230 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Integrated Key Developmen Performance Annual Key Performance Target t Plan / Indicator Target Strategic Input Output Outcome Impact Q1 Q2 Objective Ensure Quarterly Annual and 1 0 Compiled Q2 compliance reports quarterly report to statutory generate reports reporting d consolidate d

Performance 1 Performanc 0 0 Conducted Q2 Did training on performa e report evaluations Performance reviewed nce produced Management and report on various System analysed department s and on individual managers

Delegation Reviewe 0 0 0 register d exists delegatio n register

231 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report


3.6 Introduction

The Department comprises of 4 Sections being Revenue Management, Budget and Treasury Management, and Supply Chain Management.

The core mandate of the Department is • Accounting • Budgeting • Revenue Collection and Debt Management • Financial Management • Treasury • Supply Chain Management.

3.6.1 Services offered by the Department

• Identify and pursue opportunities in order to increase the revenue base • Develop a set of specific performance measurements to ensure that budgets are spent effectively within the limits • Develop, implement and monitor all budgetary processes, being capital and operational • Develop and review procedures, by-laws and policies for the Department • Review the tariffs for all services rendered by Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality • Maintain debt reduction and financial stabilisation • Ensure the rolling out of Free Basic Services • Monitor the cash flow of Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality

3.6.2 Services provided by the Department

Amongst other functions, the Department is responsible for the management of all the financial affairs of Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality, advice to the Municipal Manager and the Municipal Council on financial management decisions, and to promote and monitor good financial government for Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality.

3.6.3 Services provided by the difference Sections

Revenue Management Section

• Provides a high quality and cost effective customer care service by reading meters in a cost-effective, accurate and timely manner. • Provides paypoints in all Units and areas to enable easy access for the community to be able to pay for services. • Provides a customer care service and general queries. • Develops, monitors and distributes accurate and timely bills, thereby ensuring that all customers receive bills on time to ensure that the revenue base is improved through the payment of municipal services. • Reviews and implements the Credit Control, Debt Collection, Indigent, and Free Basic Services Policies of Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality.

Budget and Treasury Management Section

• Ensures fiscal and financial responsibility. • Ensures that Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality has a sound fiscal plan to meet the current and future service delivery by budgeting for resources identified in the approved and adopted Integrated Development Plan. • Provides for affordable tariffs for all services. • Develops and monitors all budgetary processes and provide for a budget plan. • Reviews and implements the Budget, Payment, Creditors, Tariffs, and Investment Policies of Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality. • Ensures prudent and sound cash and investment management of public finances to ensure that adequate financial resources are maintained to meet Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality’s long-term financial needs.

Supply Chain Management Section

• Provides for demand management, acquisition management, logistical management, disposal management and risk management services for Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality. • Provides an effective, efficient, accurate and cost-effective store management system. • Provides a supplier and vendor data base. • Reviews and implements the Supply Chain Management Policy of Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality.

232 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Annual Q1 and Q2 Q3 Strategic Output Baseline Performance Objective Measure Output Target Output Target Target


Clean Audit Improvement of Clean Audit Improved clean Developed Developed Clean Audit audit action plan for action plan for all issues raised issues raised by by Auditor- Auditor-General General and presented to Strategic planning and Audit Committee. Financial statements comply with IFRS 7 to differentiate between exchange and non-exchange transactions

Updated Asset Register as at 30 June 2011 is in place

Developed register for unknown deposits

Developed register for returned cheques

Classified 233 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Strategic Output Annual Q1 and Q2 Q3 Baseline Objective Measure Performance Output Target Output Target Target commitments at year end correctly

Note on Inventory included in financial statements

Electronic copy of 2010/11 Employee Related Costs is available for auditing purposes. Approved Finance Organogram provides for Budget and Treasury Office

Reconciled daily collections weekly. Did weekly follow- ups on procurement to ensure payment of creditors within 30 days

Approved Local i. Local Approved Local Council Approved Local Government: Implementation Government: Government: approved Government: Municipal of Local Municipal Municipal Revised Local Municipal Finance Government: Finance Finance Government: Finance

234 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Strategic Output Annual Q1 and Q2 Q3 Baseline Objective Measure Performance Output Target Output Target Target Management Municipal Management Management Municipal Management Act, 2003 (Act Finance Act, 2003 (Act Act, 2003 (Act Finance Act, 2003 (Act No 56 of 2003) Management No 56 of 2003) No 56 of 2003) Management No 56 of 2003) Implementation Act, 2003 (Act Implementation implementation Act, 2003 (Act implementation Plan No 56 of 2003) Plan approved plan No 56 of 2003) plan by Council by Implementation ii. Revision of 31/07/2011 Plan in July Local 2011 and Government: completed Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No 56 of 2003) Implementation Plan

Multi-Year Approval of Budget timetable Council Approved Budget 2012-15 Budget for 2012/13 approved Budget financial years Timetable financial year to Budget timetable be approved by Timetable on Council by 25/08/2011 31/08/2011

Adjustment Approved budget for Adjustment 2011/12 to be budget approved by Council by 31/01/2012

Multi-Year Draft multi-year Approved Budget 2012-15 budget for multiyear budget financial years 2012/15 be for 2012/15 approved in financial year principle by 31/03/2012

235 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Strategic Output Annual Q1 and Q2 Q3 Baseline Objective Measure Performance Output Target Output Target Target Multi year Not applicable To be done 4th budget for at this stage Quarter 2012/15 be approved by Council by 31/05/2012

Annual Financial Compilation and Annual Financial Approved Audit Committee Statements approval of Statements credible Annual reviewed Annual Financial completed by Financial 2010/11 Statements 31/07/2012 Statements financial statements Annual financial 27/08/2011 statements reviewed by Audit Committee and submitted to Auditor-General by 31/08/2012

Inventory Management of Inventory 4 Quarterly Stock counted 1 inventory reports end of Q1 Management Stock to be counted before 15/01/2012

Debtors Decreasing % of Outstanding Continue with Strategic Management outstanding debtors data cleansing Planning debtors resolved that data cleansing be outsourced

Developed draft Terms of Reference and presented to Finance Oversight 236 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Strategic Output Annual Q1 and Q2 Q3 Baseline Objective Measure Performance Output Target Output Target Target Committee

Council approval awaited

Compliance of Asset Register 12 monthly Submitted 3 Asset Register reports monthly report with GRAP submitted to Mayoral requirements Committee

Creditors Payment of Local 12 monthly Submitted 3 Management creditors within Government: reports monthly report 30 days Municipal submitted to Mayoral Finance Committee Management Act, 2003 (Act No 56 of 2003) requirements

Cash flow Management of Clean audit 12 monthly Submitted 3 Management cash flow (bank reports monthly report reconciliation) submitted to Mayoral Committee

Quarterly Submission of Compilation of 4 quarterly Submitted 1 Reports quarterly reports quarterly reports reports quarterly report - municipal submitted to Mayoral entities, Local Committee Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No 56 of 2003) implementation priorities, long- term contracts, borrowing 237 Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality 2011/12 Annual Report

Strategic Output Annual Q1 and Q2 Q3 Baseline Objective Measure Performance Output Target Output Target Target monitoring, and Integrated Development Plan implementation plan

Provide effective Compliance with Supply chain 12 monthly Submitted 3 and efficient Local management reports monthly report Supply Chain Government: submitted to Mayoral Management Municipal Committee Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No 56 of 2003)

Provide effective Chapter 11 to and efficient ensure fair, Supply Chain equitable, Management transparent, competitive and cost effective supply chain management

Provision of free Alleviation of Qualifying 12 monthly Submitted 3 basic services poverty by indigents reports monthly report ensuring that receiving free submitted to Mayoral registered basic services Committee indigents receive free basic services


Internal Audit Plan Projects from Previous Year 2011/12

Risk identified Ref Directorate/ by management Audit Audit Audit Internal Audit’s Report No. Section and /or Name Period Objective Comments internal audit Project will cover the following Actual completed on Time available was limited for 0001 Finance Assessment of Audit of Annual 16 – 19 specific areas: 17/09/2011, with the project; however, draft the Fairness of Financial Statements Aug 2011 7 Significant Findings report was issued timely to  To assess the integrity and ensure immediate correction Risk items on the quality of financial of issues raised. information reported in Annual Financial financial statements, in Statements particular disclosure notes.  To address issues of operations clean audit.  To improve audit outcome. Actual completed on 0002 PED: Town Assurance on Follow-up on review of Aug - 9 To determine 30/09/2011, with Follow-up audit Planning implementation land management Sep 2011 adequate 5 Significant Findings revealed that of model and /or strategy. implementation management has recommendation of implemented s /resolution recommendation most IA’s strategies. s/ resolving IA recommendation matters. s therefore, findings were withdrawn. Remaining findings are partially addressed. 0003 Finance: Income Assurance on Follow-up on debtors 12 Sep - 17 To determine Completed on Unplanned staff and Revenue implementation register Oct 20011 adequate 19/10/2011, with leave of absence. of implementation 2 Critical and recommendation of 12 Significant s /resolution recommendation findings strategies s/ resolving IA

239 Risk identified Ref Directorate/ by management Audit Audit Audit Internal Audit’s Report No. Section and /or Name Period Objective Comments internal audit matters. 0004 Corporate Assurance on Corporate Services Q1 18 Oct – Compliance of Completed on 15 Fragmented Services adequacy report 29 Nov PMS with Act December 2011, municipal of performance 2011 and achievement with departments; measurements of objectives 9 Critical and management 2 Significant taking longer to findings furnish comments. Assurance on adequacy 0005 Corporate of performance Corporate Services Q2 19 Jan – 1 Compliance of Completed with Information not Services measurements report Mar 2012 PMS with Act 8 Critical and timely furnished and achievement 2 Significant for audit of objectives findings purposes Project will cover following 0006 Finance Assessment of Audit of Interim Feb 2012 specific areas:- Completed Weaknesses the Fairness of Financial Statements  To assess integrity and exist on Risk items on quality of financial information information reported in IFS. financial statements, in feeding into particular disclosure notes. Financial  To address issues of operations clean audit. Statements.  To improve audit outcome Project will cover following 0007 Planning and Failure to Audit Integrated Jan 2012 specific areas:- Completed Weakness exist economic develop a Development Plan  Compliance of Integrated on information Development credible framework and Development Plan with mining system in applicable legislations. Services Integrated processes plan order to provide  Audit of Integrated Development Development Plan process fair state of Plan document plans and reporting; affairs.  Audit of systems controlling 0007 Planning and duplications; economic - Audit of Development systems of 240 Risk identified Ref Directorate/ by management Audit Audit Audit Internal Audit’s Report No. Section and /or Name Period Objective Comments internal audit Services reporting progress made on projects returning to Integrated Development Plan. 0008 Finance: Assets Assurance on Follow-up on review of 17 Jan - 7 To determine Completed Significant implementation Assets Register Mar 2012 adequate control of Implementation weaknesses exist recommendation of to update s /resolution recommendation strategies s/ resolving IA matters Project will cover following 0009 Finance: Inadequate Audit of Expenditure 1 Feb -08 specific areas:- Completed Significant Expenditure controls over management Mar 2012 To assess the integrity and weaknesses Management expenditure quality of financial leading to non- management information reported. compliance with Compliance with Local Government: Municipal Local Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No 56 of 2003) Government: Adequacy of supporting Municipal documents. Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No 56 of 2003) and other legislation, lack of understanding of Finance policies

241 Risk identified Ref Directorate/ by management Audit Audit Audit Internal Audit’s Report No. Section and /or Name Period Objective Comments internal audit and document management. 0010 Chief Financial Assess Follow up on matters 13 Mar - 24 To determine Completed Adequate plans Officer implementation raised by Auditor- Apr 2012 adequate were set up and of resolution General Implementation not implemented. strategies. of recommendation s/ resolving IA matters. Evaluation of controls in place Project will cover following 0011 Finance: Income to maximize revenue Audit revenue 2 Apr - 11 specific areas:- Completed Inadequate collection and Revenue enhancement systems May 2012 Determination of adequacy systems in place, of revenue enhancement unreasonable strategies. estimates of Determine recoverability of long outstanding debts. debts recorded; Assess accuracy of billing and billing system. system has significant weaknesses ranging from meter readings and incorrect customer details. Assurance on adequacy of 0012 Corporate performance measurements Corporate Services Q3 17 Apr – 29 Compliance of Completed Similar controls Services and Q4 reports May 2012 PMS with Act weakness recur and achievement over time from of objectives one quarter to another 0013 Chief Financial Assurance on Review of procedures 30 May - Compliance with Covered on Audit No person Officer existence of and processes to curb 11 Jul 2012 Local of Expenditure assigned 242 Risk identified Ref Directorate/ by management Audit Audit Audit Internal Audit’s Report No. Section and /or Name Period Objective Comments internal audit systems and loss of municipal Government: Management responsibility to adequacy assets Municipal oversee this measures to deal Finance function with matters of Management loss control Act, 2003 (Act No 56 of 2003) 0014 Finance: Supply Assessment of Supply Chain 23 May - 4 Evaluate Completed Time constraints Chain controls against Management Jul 2012 effectiveness of was a huge Management Fraud and procurement controls to challenge, Corruption on processes combat fraud and Significant Procurement corruption weaknesses on Service controls that could render system to be ineffective and inefficient. 0015 Consulting Agreed-up Land Distribution 20 Working Agreed-upon Completed on Significant Service procedures/ days only with 10/11/2011, with weaknesses on formal or informal management 8 Critical control Supply Chain consulting/ high weaknesses Management risk areas with which allows not controls favouritism, biased and corrupt practices on sale of municipal property 0016 Corporate Assurance on Follow-up on Contract 19 Apr – 10 To determine Completed Significant Services: implementation Management May 2012 adequate improvement on

243 Risk identified Ref Directorate/ by management Audit Audit Audit Internal Audit’s Report No. Section and /or Name Period Objective Comments internal audit Legal Services of implementation processes of recommendation of Contract s / resolutions recommendation Management strategies s/ resolving IA compared to matters previous financial year 0017 Finance Assurance on Compliance with 05 Jun - 19 Compliance with Completed Insignificant non- compliance with DORA Jun 2012 donors grant compliance with DORA conditions conditions of grants


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