Energy Report Terry King

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Energy Report Terry King

Page 1. More on Energy Cont:- interest on a loan taken out by the BOARD BULLETIN 35 householder to pay for the retrofit. MARCH 2008 Depending on the level of interest that may be charged it is anticipated that PORTFOLIO REPORTS. householders will be able to borrow $4,000 to $5,000 and pay of the loan over a period Energy Report Terry King of up to 10 years without having to meet any Emissions Trading Scheme of the interest charges. GreyPower and Age Concern met in the The following benefits are expected to afternoon of December 12 with Dave Brash accrue to the householder from the (Leader of the Emissions Trading Group) programme:- and five other officials from the Ministry of Reduction in expenditure from fewer Economic Development, Ministry for the o Hospital admissions Environment and Treasury. o GP visits We began with our position: - That it is not o Diagnostic tests acceptable for the whole 2 c/kWh price o Pharmaceuticals increase that will result from the Emissions o Reduced illness of any Trading Scheme (ETS) to be put onto other family members householders. It is recognised that the Prime o Improved quality of life ie Minister promised "mitigation of impacts of more comfortably heated in the ETS for low and modest income Winter earners", and the retrofit schemes are the o General improved most important type of mitigation. However it population health of the is not agreed that a discriminatory mitigation nation scheme that has a cut off level on income The savings to the in energy costs to the will be acceptable. householder is expected to more than GreyPower has long advocated the use of sufficient to repay the capital cost This inverse step tariffs that can be designed to means there is virtually no cost to the ensure that everyone has an adequate householder. supply of electricity to meet their basic At the same time there is a proposed needs. Such tariffs can be tailored to meet a scheme being developed for Local variety of circumstances depending on Government to allow rates deferment for a location and household needs. Furthermore set period which would again be treated as a such tariffs have the great advantage of loan. Effectively this means the property is discouraging proliferate consumption used as security for the deferred rates until thereby helping to reduce carbon emissions paid off. If desired by the house holder the and encouraging conservation. deferment could remain in place until the Terry King - Chair Energy Portfolio property is soled or the occupier is deceased. More On energy from Peter Rutledge 2. MERCURY ENERGY THREE YEAR FIXED Energy – Some good news for once PRICE CONTRACTS 1. EECA LOAN SCHEME FOR HOME Mercury Energy are currently offering a INSULATION three year fixed price to domestic The most promising movement for low consumers. If you are approached or income domestic consumers currently choose to contact Mercury be sure to get it emerging is the Government subsidized loan clear the actual charges that you will be on. scheme being developed by the Energy Energy – P Rutledge. Cont:- Efficiency and Conservation Authority. The Check these rates with at least three of objective of the scheme is to get the your previous accounts if possible. approximately half million houses built If you have a problem doing this I am before 1978 retrofitted with insulation and prepared to help if I can. improved in their energy consumption. If you find the rates offered are equal or Basically the scheme will provide a better to what you are currently it is worth subsidy by Government to cover the cost of pursuing. Over Page-2

Page – 2 Combined Reports cont:- More on energy Cont:- I hope to have my eye operated on any day Even though the bills may work out to be now, so won’t be one eyed much longer, I about the same as now it is still worth while hope. as we can normally expect at Violet McCowatt. least 5% increase each year going by past performance. 50 Plus Committee Report Mercury can supply gas as well as For those who rely solely on a Widows electricity and the same deal is offered for Benefit or a low salary the recent increases both. There is no obligation to stay with to the cost of living must be making living Mercury at the end of the contract. most difficult. It was reported that the Finally check with your current supplier following increases have occurred in recent whether they can offer the same or a better weeks. Just a few items as an example; deal. Food prices up5.4% (Cheese up 13.9% From the information we have at present Potatoes up7.6% Butter up22.1%) we believe this to be an acceptable offer but Petrol up 16.9%, do not accept that our opinion is totally Electricity up 6.5%, Plus another 7% infallible. Rent up3% Peter D Rutledge – Energy Committee . New house building cost up 6.1% These increases certainly cause hardship to Combined Report – Social Services, all who live on a low fixed income. Membership and Administration I have again written to Hon. Ruth Dyson Janice will be starting back in the office asking that the Government adopt Mr. Pita next moth. In her absence we have had Paraone’s Private members bill which is Shirley who comes in when needed to do waiting in the Ballot. If passed this Bill would the data base. bring the Un-Qualified Spouse The new photo copier had to be replaced s Superannuation Abatement Rate to be the there were too many technical problems same as other benefits. As yet this letter has which were unacceptable. not been acknowledged. Membership is starting to come in for In the middle of last year I wrote to Sandra 08/09 and we are receiving many phone Goudie National Party spokesperson for calls from people wanting to join. Many Senior Citizens and she has also failed to associations are having membership drives answer the letter. I now suggest that a letter and are requesting pamphlets etc. We have be written to all the Political parties asking been send them a banner printed in the for their future policy for the abatement rates office along with balloons and pens. on benefits, especially that which applies to After I was on the radio one morning at the unqualified Spouse Superannuation. 2am, we received many phone calls. It is Those Members under age 65 not surprising how many people listen to the talk receiving Superannuation receive no back. I sent our policy book and names of discounts from the Gold Card and this portfolio to the station. should be the point being made to the I have asked and received an update of younger Members by the Associations to businesses on the gold card, but where attract prospective new members so that these businesses are situated I don’t know. they benefit from the Associations Discount I do believe the gold card has done us some Books. good as far as new membership is At the present time with little Un- concerned. Employment there does not appear to be As most government departments have concern about the 60 to 65 age group being been closed, I have nothing to report from forced to find work by Department of work the M.S.D., however I have received a few and Income. However if a downturn does concerns from members that need to be occur then I am sure that this problem will answered. become more prevalent. My thanks to the members of the R Reid - Chair 50 Plus Committee committees that have been helping me. Over Page 3 Page – 3 Retirement Villages Portfolio Retirement villages Cont:- Retirement Villages Sector Group Meeting: guarantee that the present Code will The December meeting, held at the continue to be operated ‘as is’ until a Wellington offices of the Department of new Code comes fully into practice. Building & Housing focused on the role of It is of course more than possible that Statutory Supervisors. clause 49.1(e) – ‘fair wear and tear’ – The discussion showed that Supervisors will continue to be unacceptable to the saw themselves as independent whereas owner/operator until the new Code is fully the residents and resident representatives operative? It should then be requested that saw them as being more advisors and any refurbishment costs incurred be held in mentors to the owner/operators but not to abeyance or in an interest-bearing trust residents. No agreement was forthcoming. account until such times as the new Code is The meeting as a whole was not fully effective. encouraging or satisfactory from the Bill Atkinson, residents’ point of view. Chair, Retirement Villages Portfolio. High Court Hearing on the Code of Practice: The high Court decision on the RVA seeking clarification of the status of the code of Health Report - From Les Howard. Practice, regarding it’s applicability to pre- The South Canterbury DHB have existing agreements in relation to the apparently changed their minds re the re- recovery of refurbishment costs, and assessment of people requiring home care. therefore of the ‘fair wear and tear’ clause, The original idea was to re-assess patients was released on 23 December 2007. in a similar way to the Wanganui DHB but The conclusion was in two parts, the first there was some opposition and the latest is stating that “The Code (of Practice) is that there will be a public meeting and declared to be invalid because the consultation. We await with interest. process followed did not comply with s89 It is pleasing to hear that the NMDHB have of the Retirement Villages Act 2003.” come out in opposition to the Pharmacists The second stated that “The Act charging extra $1 per item on prescriptions authorises the Code to alter existing and have stated they will take the contractual arrangements.” pharmacists to task and refuse to give them This effectively means that there is now a contract. no legally binding Code of Practice until The area is lucky to have a Pharmacy in such time that the Minister now approves of the local Warehouse where the charges do one and issues it. This presumably means not apply. The extra charge is unfair as it that the Minister has to again follow – this penalises the most vulnerable in our time fully and correctly - the Act as laid down community who have either to pay the extra under s89, and to consult or seek or go without their prescribed drugs which recommendations before making the final could be life threatening. The dispute is as decision. I have told the Pharmacists Guild is between It is therefore up to groups of residents as the Pharmacists and the DHB and ultimately well as organisations such as Age Concern the government. There does not appear to and Grey Power to make recommendations be a lot of opposition from other areas. The or submissions, once called upon to do so, new Minister of Health, David Cunliffe does in order to ensure that ‘fair wear and tear’ is not appear to be very interested and a included in the new Code for all present ant request to meet with him from the Lobby intended residents. Therefore, any Team has not bought any response or suggestions regarding the Code from any acknowledgement. member and Association will be welcomed Les Howard Co Convenor by the Retirement Villages Portfolio Health Committee Committee, In order to assist in making a submission. Over Page 4 Meanwhile, all RV Residents Committees must approach their owners/operators in order to endeavour to obtain a written Page - 4 Superannuation & Taxation Report of the Law, Order and Justice There has been a lot of correspondence Committee and emails after the article from the Ministry As a result of the Cabinet reshuffle and of Social Development in the December Life Mrs. Annette King being appointed as Style Quarterly concerning the agreement Minister of Justice I have written to her between the Dutch and New Zealand requesting her opinion on the Law and governments re the superannuation and Order Remits passed at the last AGM. The pensions. Those who wrote or emailed receipt of the letter has been acknowledged were very concerned that the Ministry was but no reply to our concerns has been permitted to advertise in the LSQ but received. apparently those who complained had not The Remits dealt with were the illegal been overly concerned when the parking in disabled car parks, the arrangement with the British pensions. The abolishment of the Parole Board and the Ministry has already explained the need for sentences given by the Judges be arrangement over the British pension in the served in full, and the need for the September LSQ and will also place Prosecution of those who breach the explanations with the countries we have Criminal Justice Act by publishing arrangements with. suppressed information. Because of the many responses from our It will be good to get an update to the members, Federation Secretary, Bill above topics. Atkinson wrote to the Dutch Government I have also written to the Minister of and the reply from them was to say the least Courts expressing concern with the number very interesting. of Court cases that have been granted a The Pension in Holland is a state pension stay from prosecution by Judges in recent and is not a private scheme as some weeks. Many of these cases have related to members have stated. Although every violent crime. In the past year Ten cases person in the Netherlands is required by the have been granted a stay of prosecution due government to be insured from the age of 15 to time delays News paper reports also years it is not a private scheme. suggest that delay in hearing cases in the A review on the portability of Courts is discouraging victims from giving Superannuation is before cabinet in the NZ evidence in Court Govt at the present time and members will There is still a lot of concern for the lack of be advised of the government decision when support that many victims of crime receive it comes to hand. when compared to that who commit the Les Howard -Chair crime. Superannuation & Taxation A brief submission was made on the Review of the Domestic Violence Act 1995 RULES & REMITS COMMITTEE. and its related Legislation discussion Following the end of the deadline for Document issued by the Ministry of Justice. receiving Remit, my self and the Federation When the proposed Bill is released then we Secretary, Mr Bill Atkinson, got together to should make submissions to the Select vet the Remits received for the 2008 AGM. Committee. Unfortunately our third Member of the Remit In recent weeks both the Labour and Committee, Mr Hamish Perry, sadly passed National Parties have been expressing away late last year and Board Member, Mr concern about the youth vandalism and Terry King, offered his services to assist at abuse, we can only hope that some positive the finalisation of the Remits & this he did on steps are taken. the morning of the Recent Board Meeting in R Reid Auckland. Law Order and Justice Committee This resulted in a total of 35 Remits being approved to go forward to the AGM at Christchurch. They cover a number of different categories – but no Constitutional Remits during the three year moratorium agreed at the last AGM . Over Page -5 Page 5 Health Report from Dick Stark:- Cont Rules and Remits Cont:- Debates were held, one headed by Plunket Three Remits are linked as dealing with the Society over Parenting; Midwives and the same issue – and two other Remits are need for more Practitioner involvement and linked for the same reasons. Giving accurate and reliable information to There were a small number of Remits that Consumers. The gap between Consumers were submitted without an explanation as and Providers and how the Health System required by the Code of Practice for should be able to be trusted and just how submitting Remits. However, with the extra dangerous wrong information could be. time granted to the Remit Committee this There was discussion on Media Coverage year – with one exception – these defects with a Newspaper Reporter and a corporate were remedied. reporter. My thanks to all those who took the time & I felt that instead of the Forum suggesting trouble to send in Remits and my thanks a unified management requirement there also to Bill Atkinson & Terry Ling for their was a lot of support to retain the invaluable assistance. bureaucratic little “kingdom “ structure that F.R.Jackson seems impossible to improve on. Chairman – Rules & Remits Committee. In conjunction with the Forum Visit Colleague Peter Rutledge asked me to Health Report From Dick Stark. accompany him to a meeting with the On Feb. 13th the Health Information Dominion President and CEO of the RSA to StrategyAction Committee {HISAC} under discuss mutual concerns with a combined the sponsorship from the Office of the approach -- a worthwhile visit which could Privacy Commissioner, the Office of the promote many benefits. Health and Disability Commissioner and the I also had a 3 hour session with Ministry of Health decided to hold an appointees by MOH to discuss a Hearing inaugural Forum which I was asked to Aid Project as I had suggested a attend. Suspensory Loan Scheme be implemented. The idea of the Forum was to provide an This interview was at the request of MOH. opportunity for Consumer Groups and To add to the visit I met 4 people from Advocates to get together to advise HISAC S.T.A.R.T Taranaki to hear their as to how it should go about engaging with programme on helping Drug and Alcohol the Community the current and future Health and Drug offenders and then a meeting with information environment in NZ. the Clinical Director (The only assessor in About 50 Delegates attended. NZ.) who provides Alcohol and Drug The Forum was introduced to various assessments to the Courts in Wellington discussion points presented as “Case Porirua and the Hutt Valley. We will Studies” by various speakers and then those progress on these issues. topics were debated by table groups of 5 Dick Stark - Co –convener people and reported back to the main Health Committee Forum. Topics for response were >>> Studies on Electronic Health Records. Cancer case studies. ZONE REPORTS Maternity ZONE ONE Keeping Children well. Zone one reports that we have not had a Many issues were raised and my overall meeting since our November meeting impression was that in a lot of cases the however we are holding our next meeting solutions offered were reinventing structures the first the year on the 27th. March and so and strategies that had been condemned will give a full report report for the next previously and now are found to have had bulletin some merit. Liz Renner –Chair Zone One A lot of discussion over the merits and demerits of Electronic Health Histories with Over Page - 6 the emphasis on FAMILY input and this tended to highlight Cultural Differences. Page 6 Zone 2 Cont: ZONE TWO be the hosts for the next Zone Meeting in A meeting of Zone Two delegates was the month of May – date to be advised. held on 5th February, 2008, hosted by the My thanks to all for their unstinting efforts. Howick/Pakuranga Greypower Association a F.R.Jackson. –Zone Two Director. Apologies were received from Warkworth & Districts Greypower Association for non ZONE THREE attendance – due to unforeseen Zone 3’s first 2008 Zone Meeting was held circumstances. at the Mt. Maunganui RSA on Friday, 15 Business of note arising from the meeting February., with 28 delegates from 17 included was a resolution as the Federation Assns., with apologies from 4 Assns. Board to disassociate itself from supporting We had our usual well researched Mr John Boscawen in his legal challenge Membership report from Paul Hobbs of Te against the process used by the Awamutu Association. Government to ram through the Electoral On receiving questions, Paul advised that Finances Act prior to the Christmas break. the reason for the variance in membership The Board declined to act on this Resolution numbers between the Federation List and and a Remit of with a similar request was Assn. lists is because of time factor and that accepted for discussion by all Delegates at it would be a good idea for Associations to the forthcoming AGM. The feeling of the check their own records against that of the Board was that although more than 100 Federations data base. He acknowledged It amendments were made to the Bill in order is difficult to keep up to date where Assns. to get the support it needed to become law – do not have computers in principle the tactics employed were I will be distributing Barry Copes excellent shoddy to say the least and drew Energy Report when he emails this to me as widespread condemnation from a number of most delegates wanted copies. A copy will usually responsible agencies and also be sent to Terry King individuals. Bruce Purchase from Morrinsville Other business discussed included a Association presented his paper on ACC priority list of matters that Greypower should charges. He highlighted the unfairness and concentrate on in any election strategy discrimination where Superannuitants have operations, and that before embarking on to pay the same ACC levy on Car Licences any course of actions designed to influence as both other private and commercial the politicians at election time – we should travelers. As the majority of Superannuitants carefully evaluate the costs and possible do not receive the loss of income from success of the various options. employment.. His recommendation is for a The Chairman of the Board’s Election levy on Petrol/Diesel pump price. Strategy Committee, Mr Dick Stark, would Bruce also objected to Diesel Road User like to hear from anyone with fresh Charges. Spending much time rural suggestions. communities he is aware of many instances Climate Change, the increasing number of where the Road User Charge is never paid. Chemists who are now charging a service To his knowledge some older diesel cars fee of prescriptions, an evaluation of the have been scrapped rather than on sold results of our participation in the ‘Seniors because the unpaid RUC was greater than Day Out’ expo at Alexandria Park, and ways the value of the car! The Meeting asked me & means of improving our recruiting to bring this paper to the Board’s attention. methods to reach the target ( if possible ) of The subject of the website came up again 100, 000 members in this election year, especially as Mrs Perry is still receiving Grey were among numerous other issues debated Power related telephone calls because – providing delegates with a very full day Hamish’s details are still on the site. and plenty to think about for the immediate Members say the content of the website future. does not do much for GP’s credibility. I The meeting ended with thanks to the Host explained that the office has this in hand. Association for their Meeting arrangements Zone 3 delegates are concerned about and provision of refreshments. North Shore the National Party’s policy re. Greypower will Over Page - 7 Zone Three Cont: Page 7 positions. Their members will be welcomed Zone Three Cont:- by Western Bay of Plenty Association. State Houses and ‘affordable housing’. I will Ian S Anderson - Zone Director write to the appropriate National Mid-Northern Zone 3 spokesperson (copy to Board) and circulate the reply. ZONE FOUR Some queried the SIS commission Zone membership is on the rise and payments as to how long will they continue? everything is going along well with positive And felt that commissions should continue attitudes and a lot of interest in joining Grey with policy retentions. There are still Power. I believe that having a large local commissions being paid to the wrong membership makes it more obvious to Associations. would-be members that we have much to Dick Stark will be pleased to learn that offer in terms of advocacy and also with one of his Strategy Issues documents was helping individual members with local issues used as a Meeting Agenda by Cambridge such as rates and health. Association. The members were divided The new Tararua Association is now fully into groups and the issues were debated, registered and is sending a delegate to the the results tallied and discussed. President AGM. Two other groups are considering Noeline Jamieson reported that a most starting new associations in Zone Four. The interesting meeting ensued. A copy of the zone meetings every two months have been meeting report will be sent to Dick plus a well attended with the distant Wairoa and copy to me. New Plymouth associations invariably The Lobby Group Reports are being read. attending. Zone 3 delegates are asking “if too many At a recent meeting we had with us five issues are being presented” because often previous board members and an ex there are evasive answers or responses left president. We have actively encouraged hanging! I will advise the Board of these discussion as to where Grey Power should concerns. be heading in the future and there has been In response to “rumours” Zone 3 Delegates a free flow of information and ideas which discussed a proposed move to Wellington. can only enhance the dynamic of Grey The outcome was that Zone 3 is opposed to Power. Access to health care is still a high any such move and there would have to be priority as is the concern with a very convincing argument to change this superannuation not keeping up with real result. inflation. I have made contact with Gisborne The assistant zone directors have been Association. Who are on a steep learning busy in their areas which have cut down curve, in that they are trying to learn their some of my travel costs recently. The zone way after being thrown into the deep end. I pays for their costs as we are in a healthy am visiting them immediately after the Board financial position. We are considering having Meeting to give them any necessary help so a two day zone meeting once a year (similar they feel included in the Zone and linked to to zone 5) to enable a bit more social Federation. activity. It is sometimes difficult to fit all the The Coromandel Associations have zone business into four hours and makes a arranged that they will take turns to attend long day for those who travel three hours Zone Meetings, representing each other. I each way to the meetings. We look forward will visit those Associations after each Board to the AGM in Christchurch as a time for Meeting to hold a mini-Zone Meeting to new ideas and a new dynamism in our which all will be able to attend. organization. Not including myself, Zone 3 will at this In addition, I wish to say that we, as an time have 14 delegates attending the AGM. . organization need to be getting traction with I will be attending Coastal BOP the political parties right now, as this period Association meeting in May, but it looks as leading up to the election is the only time if Coastal is destined to be wound up. It is they are really going to listen to us. the common problem of being unable to Over Page-8 persuade members to fill committee Page 8 Zone Five Cont:- Zone Four Cont:- mediation to resolve the issue. On the West They will swamp us with media releases to Coast no extra charges are being made. try to convince us of their success but we The Zone with only 7 Associations still know the reality of what the various acts and had the biggest membership for a Zone in regulations have had upon our members. 2007. It is my opinion that by getting more There has been an increasing delegation of publicity of the issues that are affecting the costs from central government to local elderly we may gain more members. government which of course puts up our The Gold Card is seen as a deterrent to rates. The shortage of doctors and the retaining membership as the Gold Card medical mishaps at hospitals are a constant does not have a subscription. This is a major worry for our members. concern of the Nelson Association. A top specialist of 42 years at one hospital The Doctors in the Nelson Marlborough in our zone told me the system is over- area are now charging more than they were burdened with pen pushers, bureaucrats before the introduction of the PHO,s and the and peripheral health workers who drain increased subsidy for Doctor’s visits. Many much of the health funds out of the system. Doctors are now charging $35.00 per visit We should be attacking the government on for the over 65 age group. In contrast to the these issues now. West Coast where the Doctors charge is We should be asking why the rates $15.00 per visit. The Government must look enquiry has taken so long to be ratified by at the subsidy for the over 65 group as the government and how will the rating burden doctors claim that this age group visit a lot be reduced for the elderly. We are fed sops more than the average of all age groups. by all parties. We must discuss these issues We are disappointed that the with our membership and take effective Government has not made any progress action on their behalf. It is not acceptable on Implementing the recommendations of just to take what is dished out. We have a the Rates Inquiry Commission. Our Councils powerful voice and should use it. David at present are announcing some large David Scott – Zone 4 Director proposed Rate increases in their annual plans. They continue to overlook the ability ZONE FIVE of the elderly to be able to meet these The Zone held its first meeting for the year increases. in Nelson on February 3/4 . We would still want an independent The main concerns raised were that in Remuneration Authority set up for those on an address to the meeting Mr. N Smith MP lower incomes similar to the Higher Salaries stated that the rate for National Commission. Superannuation is 65% of the average wage We wish all the Associations a very after tax and not 66% as at present. I will try successful year in increasing the to find out if this is to be the National Parties Membership and enhancing the Welfare of policy for the Election. the Elderly. The Zone wants a Ward system restored Roy Reid - Zone 5 Director for Health Board Elections. As the Zone is mainly rural most of those elected come ZONE SIX from the urban areas where the most voters Zone 6 met hosted by Ashburton Grey live leaving the more rural areas without Power on 28 January 2008. A lengthy representation. brainstorming session took place over the No progress has been made by Chemists Election Strategy Committee request to find to remove the extra charges that they are the two most concerning subjects to be making on prescriptions. The Nelson concentrated on for the coming General Marlborough District Health Board has Election. stated that they would cancel all their The Cost of Living was the first concern but Contracts with the Chemists as the this was broken down to Energy Prices and Chemists were in breach of Contract by Local Body Rates were two main subjects making the extra charge. At the present time concerning our members. the Chemists and Health Board are in Over Page - 9

Page 9 Zone Seven Cont:- Zone Six Cont:- There will be many,many more concerns With Health, Superannuation, Law & Order voiced so it will need some thought to sort and Crime and punishment followed in that out the top priorities. order. These and the 16 suggestions listed in my Discussion took place on the Gold Card December Newsletter plus what is to come and although a number of firms have been promises a very busy year. added to the discount list it was felt that the Under my Portfolio on Health I have card was of little use and the local discount submitted to all Political Parties that they book was much better. address as part of their Health Policies >>>> There is still concern over the Electoral 1. That a 3% Suspensory Loan be made Funding Reform Act and how it might affect available for the purchase of Grey Power during the year prior to the Spectacles, Election Hearing Aids and Dentures. Zone 6 is happy with Federation and not 2. That more direction and promotion be interested in shifting the office from available to Nurse Practitioners. Auckland to Wellington. 3. That GST be removed from the pricing Les Howard - Zone 6 Director of Fruit and basic Foodstuffs. So far no response but will be taking it ZONE SEVEN further with our next Advocacy which is Another year has now become History but scheduled mid March. has given us more issues to add to our store The next Board Meeting will be held in th th of experiences. Auckland on 27 -- 28 and 29 th Feb. Some would say its time to meditate others In Feb. also I will be attending a workshop say it is time to evaluate but perhaps it is on the Annual planning of the Otago and time to formulate. Southland Health Board. With the General Elections in October we President Graham nominated me on behalf must start seriously thinking about the of Grey Power to be a Consumer directions we feel that need promoted to representative on a proposed new ensure the best quality of life for our committee under the grandiose title of members over the next three year period.. Health Information Strategy Action As Strategy Convenor I have asked the Committee with support and sponsorship Board Portfolio Holders to forward to me two from the office of the Privacy Commissioner, major issues that the Federation should the office of the Health and Disability strive for this coming election. Commissioner and the Ministry of Health. Although I am still waiting for some I have just received word that my nomination responses to date I have received the has been accepted and the first Forum to following suggestions. initiate a Mission Statement will be held in 1. The need of a NZ Constitution. Wellington mid Feb. 2. The need for a Binding Citizens Initiated I have meetings of the Disabled Advisory Referenda. Council and the ACC Hearing Loss 3. The abolition of the Parole Board from Committee also in March. releasing Prisoners convicted of violent I am very proud to represent the Otago crime. and Southland Associations and to witness 4. Reducing the abatement rate for the concern to the Community that you are incomes over $80 per week from 70 portraying and actioning and I know that cents to 30 cents. Board Member Terry King will endorse the 5. To make Parents financially responsible privilege it is to sit at the Board Table for vandalism done by their children. representing this region. 6. Removal of Work Testing for over 60 To one and all I give you my thanks and year olds. may the year 2008 bless you in every way. 7. To review the Retirement Village act of Dick Stark – Zone Seven Director 2003. 8. That Retirement Village residents benefit from the Rates rebate Scheme.

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