* Note: Large Zones Are Not Encouraged

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* Note: Large Zones Are Not Encouraged



The name of this organization shall be Lutheran Women's Missionary League Texas District Zone (hereinafter referred to as Zone). The Texas District (hereinafter referred to as LWML District), is a subordinate organization of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (hereinafter referred to as LWML). (Acronyms explained at 1st use)


The object of this zone shall be: a. to promote the LWML objects: mission education, mission inspiration, mission service, mission grants; b. to support the programs of the LWML and the LWML District ; c. to provide opportunities for spiritual growth and Christian fellowship among the women of the Zone; d. to provide opportunities for leader training; e. to provide representation at LWML conventions in accordance with LWML bylaws.


Section 1 a. The zone shall be composed of LWML societies in congregations of the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod (hereinafter referred to as LCMS), on college campuses, in resident homes, or other settings, and individual members within the geographic boundaries of the zone. b. If there is more than one (1) society in a congregation or other setting, the societies in a single setting shall be considered one (1) unit for the purpose of representation at LWML conventions.

Section 2 An individual member: a. is not considered a society or unit; b. is a woman communicant member of an LCMS congregation who is unable to be affiliated with the society in her congregation for any reason or is a member of an LCMS congregation which does not have a society affiliated with LWML; c. may attend zone, district, and national meetings and conventions; d. may have voice and vote at zone meetings (or not …as determined by each zone); e. may serve as an officer or committee chairman/member on zone, district or national levels, and f. shall have voting privileges afforded the position to which she may be elected or appointed. She may also be elected as a zone delegate to the LWML convention.

Section 3 Application for both individual and society membership is made to the LWML District as specified in the LWML District bylaws. ARTICLE IV – CONVENTIONS (MUST CONFORM)

Section 1 Zone representation at LWML District conventions shall be as follows: a. one (1) certified delegate from each society having twenty (20) or less members and one (1) additional delegate for each additional twenty (20) members or major fraction thereof, as of December 31 preceding the convention; b. The Zone President, as a member of the LWML District Board of Directors, attends the LWML District convention with voice and vote. Should she be unable to attend, an elected zone officer may attend in her place and shall have voice and vote. c. Each certified delegate shall have a certified alternate to the convention when possible. d. The names of the certified delegates and alternates shall be submitted to the LWML District Leader Development Committee Chairman three (3) weeks before the convention by the Zone President. e. In the event neither the delegate nor the alternate is able to serve, a member of the same society may serve as delegate upon certification in writing by her LWML society President and presentation to the LWML District Leader Development Committee Chairman.

Section 2 Zone representation at LWML conventions shall be as follows: a. one (1) certified delegate from each zone having ten (10) or fewer units and one (1) certified delegate for each additional ten (10) units or major fraction thereof as of January 1 preceding the convention; (See LWML District Bylaws Article IV, Section 1, #c for definition of unit) b. each certified delegate shall have a certified alternate if possible; c. the names of the delegates and the alternates shall be presented to the District President in accordance with the LWML District standing rules for certification; d. in the event neither the delegate nor the alternate is able to serve, a member of this zone may serve as a delegate upon certification in writing by the LWML District President and presentation to the LWML Recording Secretary.


Section 1 The elected officers shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. [Other titles may be used for these positions; and if the zone has additional elected officers, they should be added here and in the following sentence.] The President and Vice President shall be elected in even numbered years, and the Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected in odd numbered years. [Note: If it is considered desirable that the Vice President follow the President after her tenure as VP, then the two officers should be elected in the same year. The President must be elected in even numbered years.]

Section 2 Officers shall be elected by ballot at the (season or month) rally to serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are elected, and shall be eligible for one (1) reelection. If there is only one (1) candidate per office, a voice vote may be taken. A majority vote shall elect.

Section 3 Newly-elected officers shall assume their duties at the close of the meeting in which they are elected [or insert date].

Section 4 Each officer shall keep notes and operational material pertinent to the responsibilities of the office and, with the exception of the Treasurer, pass them on to their successors within thirty (30) days after the election. The Treasurer shall pass along all records and materials pertaining to her office within sixty (60) days of the election. Section 5 In the event of a vacancy of an office, the Zone President, with Executive Committee (herein referred to as the EC) approval, shall appoint a new officer to serve until the next election. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice President shall complete the President’s term and shall assume all her duties. (If this section is added as worded, then be consistent by adding this to the President’s duties in Article VI, and to the EC’s duties in Article X,2e.)

ARTICLE VI – DUTIES OF OFFICERS (Check district bylaws for additional duties required by the district.)

Section 1 The President shall: a. preside at all zone rallies and other zone meetings and all meetings of the zone EC; b. attend meetings of the LWML District Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the Board) and have voice and vote (this paragraph must conform to district bylaws); c. as a member of the Board, attend the LWML District convention with voice and vote; d. serve as a delegate to the LWML conventions; e. fill officer vacancies with EC approval; f. appoint committees, chairmen, pastoral counselor/or appointed personnel with EC approval. g. serve as ex officio member of each committee except the Nominating Committee; h. perform such duties as the EC may prescribe.

Section 2 The Vice President may perform the duties of the office of President when requested to do so by the President and shall: a. fill a permanent vacancy in the office of the President; b. [here and in subsequent sentences, list additional duties the Zone requires of the Vice President]; c. perform such other duties as the EC may prescribe.

Section 3 The secretary shall: a. keep minutes of all rallies and meetings of the zone and of the EC or designate another person to substitute if she is unable to attend; b. keep an updated list of all zone and society officers, and individual members, and furnish same to all zone officers and society presidents; c. mail copies of EC meeting minutes to all members of the EC within thirty (30) days of each meeting; d. mail one (1) copy of rally minutes or other zone meeting minutes to each society and to each member of the EC within thirty (30) days of such meeting; e. conduct needed correspondence; f. send notices of all zone meetings and activities to all societies and individual members [unless zone has a publicity chairman to handle this responsibility]; g. send zone rally minutes to the District President as directed in the LWML District standing rules; h. perform such other duties as the EC may prescribe.

Section 4 The Treasurer shall: a. receive all moneys and deposit them in a financial institution approved by the zone EC; b. keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements; c. make all authorized disbursements; d. submit financial reports at each EC meeting and each regularly scheduled Zone rally or meeting; e. submit records for financial review at the close of each fiscal year and with the change of officer; f. perform such other duties as the EC may prescribe. Section 5 [If there are additional elected zone officers, their duties should be spelled out in this and subsequent sections.]


Section 1 A Nominating Committee of at least three (3) members shall be elected at the rally preceding elections. [Note: Nominating Committee is independent of the President and EC and should not be appointed.]

Section 2 The Nominating Committee shall: a. solicit from members names of nominees for positions to be filled; b. receive from nominees consent to serve if elected; c. prepare printed ballots with the names of candidates printed in alphabetical order for each office to be filled.

Section 3 Nominations of qualified candidates may be made from the floor provided consent to serve if elected has been obtained from the candidate.


Section 1 The appointed personnel shall be the Archivist-Historian, Parliamentarian, and Communication Chairman and shall: a. be appointed by the President with the approval of the EC and serve for a term of two years and are eligible for reappointment; b. attend EC meetings in an advisory capacity; c. keep notes and materials pertinent to the office and pass them on to their successors within thirty (30) days after the termination of their appointment.

Section 2 The Archivist-Historian shall: a. gather and preserve records and other materials of historical value to the zone; b. write a biennial history of the zone and send to the LWML District Archivist-Historian; c. send material of historical value to the LWML District Archivist-Historian.

Section 3 The Parliamentarian shall: a. attend all zone rallies and meetings and serve as adviser on parliamentary procedure upon request; b. serve as ex-officio member of the Servant or Organizational Resources Committee when it amends the Bylaws.

Section 4 The Communication Chairman shall: a. be alert for news from the zone and submit articles and information to the LWML District newsletter as directed in the LWML District bylaws; b. be coordinator of publicity for all zone functions; c. notify all societies and individual members of zone activities; d. perform other duties as requested by the EC. ARTICLE IX – MEETINGS

Section 1 The Zone shall hold at least two (2) rallies or zone meetings per year in the spring and fall for the purpose of Christian fellowship and conducting the business of the zone. Additional zone activities such as retreats, workshops, servant events, gospel outreach activities, etc. may be held as deemed necessary by the EC.

Section 2 All members of societies and individual members in the zone may attend zone functions and have voice and vote. Members present at any rally or zone meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3 [In this section, or in a Standing Rule, outline the method for selecting rally sites and responsibilities for hosting zone events.]


Section 1 The Executive Committee shall be composed of the elected officers, standing committee chairmen, and society presidents with appointed personnel and Pastoral Counselor serving as advisors. A majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2 The EC shall: a. meet before each rally and at other times at the call of the President; b. conduct the business of the zone between rallies and other regularly scheduled zone meetings; c. with the President, plan zone activities and functions; d. assist the President in implementing LWML, LWML District, and zone activities and programs; e. approve President’s appointments of standing committees, chairmen and Pastoral Counselor; f. fill vacancies in elected offices; g. approve the financial institution in which funds are deposited.


Section 1 The Pastoral Counselor shall be: a. an LCMS pastor serving a parish within the zone; b. appointed by the President with the approval of the EC; c. serve a term of two (2) years and be eligible for one reappointment; d. attend all zone functions and EC meetings, serving in an advisory capacity; e. serve on the Christian Life Committee; f. prepare a short Bible study for EC meetings as requested by the President; g. attend LWML District conventions, serving in an advisory capacity; h. approve recipients for special designated offerings; i. perform other duties as requested by the President and EC. ARTICLE XII – STANDING COMMITTEES

Section 1 The Standing committees shall be: Christian Life, Gospel Outreach, Human Care, and Servant Resources. The Committee Chairmen shall be voting members of the EC. Committees shall: a. be composed of a chairman and two members appointed by the EC; b. serve a term of two (2) years and may be reappointed to one (1) additional term; c. serve as liaison with their corresponding committee at the district level; d. keep records and materials pertinent to the committee and turn over to their successors within thirty (30) days of end of term of office.

Section 2 The Christian Life Committee shall: a. prepare devotions for zone rallies and other functions when requested to do so by the EC; b. with the EC, plan zone retreats and prayer day services; c. publicize Christian Life materials available from the LWML catalog; d. encourage use of inspirational materials within the societies; e. maintain a file of Christian Life (Growth) materials available for use within societies and the zone; f. perform other duties as requested by the EC.

Section 3 The Gospel Outreach Committee shall: a. publicize LWML and LWML District mission grants and report on their progress; b. encourage use of the Mite Box and voluntary contributions to the LWML and LWML District mission grants; c. plan gospel outreach activities for members of the zone such as sharing the gospel with patients in nursing homes or veterans facilities, conducting inner city Vacation Bible Schools, etc; d. encourage societies to use Gospel Outreach materials available from the LWML catalog; e. perform other duties as requested by the EC.

Section 4 The Human Care Committee shall: a. plan zone servant service event activities in which members can reach out in Christian love to those in their community who are hurting and in need; b. plan zone service projects such as rally ingatherings for Lutheran World Relief, food banks, shelters, nursing homes, etc; c. promote Human Care projects of the LWML District and LWML; d. perform other duties as requested by the EC.

Section 5 The Servant Resources Committee shall: a. serve as encouragers to the societies and lead them through the long-range planning process when requested to do so; b. plan leader development activities for zone rallies or other functions that help zone members recognize and use their leadership skills; c. encourage societies to use Servant Resource materials available from the LWML catalog; d. be responsible for keeping the zone bylaws current, suggesting to the EC amendments it deems necessary; e. present all bylaws amendments or revisions to the LWML District Structure (Bylaws) Committee for review before presenting to the zone members for approval; f. send the required number of copies of zone bylaws to the district Structure Committee Chairman for filing after adoption by the zone members; g. review and keep a file of society bylaws and encourage societies to keep their bylaws current; h. perform other duties as requested by the EC.

Section 6 There may be other standing committees or special committees added as the zone or EC deem necessary.


Section 1 The zone shall: a. adopt no mission grant projects; b. promote use of the Mite Box and voluntary contributions by zone members to the LWML and LWML District mission goal.

Section 2 The zone may: a. collect registration fees or an offering at rallies or other zone functions to cover zone expenses such as: 1) honorarium for speaker, rental of audio-visual materials, or other program aids; 2) food preparation when meal is served at zone function; 3) printing, postage, telephone, FAX; 4) convention costs for zone representation as stated in the Standing Rules; 5) LWML District assessments; 6) other costs approved by the EC. b. designate a special offering for prayer days, retreats, servant events, etc. and must have the zone Pastoral Counselor’s approval of the designated recipient.

Section 3 [Other zone financial policies may be listed in this section and subsequent sections if necessary.]


The fiscal year shall be from (month, day) to (month, day) inclusive. [Note: as nearly as possible, the fiscal year should coincide with the Treasurer’s term of office so that the books can be closed, reviewed, and turned over to the new officer in a timely manner.]


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the zone in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, applicable law, or Christian principles. ARTICLE XVI – AMENDMENTS

Section 1 a. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting at a regularly scheduled zone meeting. The proposed amendments shall have been approved by the LWML District Structure Committee and then mailed to each member society and individual member sixty (60) days prior to the meeting in which they will be considered for adoption. b. By unanimous vote a proposed amendment may be presented to a rally or other regularly scheduled zone function without prior notice. A three/fourths (3/4) vote of the voting assembly shall be required for adoption.

Section 2 a. The required number of copies of these bylaws and all amendments or revisions shall be submitted to the LWML District Structure Committee Chairman for review before being presented to the zone membership for adoption. b. Upon adoption by the zone, the required number of copies shall be submitted to the LWML District Structure Committee Chairman for filing.

Date zone became member of LWML District

Date of original bylaws

Date of last amendments to bylaws


1. Method of selecting delegates to district convention (date of adoption). 2. Method of selecting delegates to LWML conventions (date of adoption). 3. Rotation for hosting zone events (date of adoption). 4. An account at the zone's financial institution must be established in compliance with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), using Employer Identification Number (EIN) #23-7540675. Additionally, the account name must appear as follows in order to keep its "not-for-profit" status: Lutheran Women's Missionary League Texas District Zone (date of adoption).

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