

INDIVIDUALS' COMMENTS IN RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS C.2, C.4, E.2, E.7, E.9 and F The tables below display the comments provided by individuals in response to the questions referred to above in the online questionnaire. As answering these questions was optional, not all respondents provided an answer or comments for each of the questions. The individual response number can be used to cross reference these comments from individuals with the response which they provided to the tick box questions in the questionnaire.

COMMENTS FROM INDIVIDUALS IN RESPONSE TO QUESTION C2 Individual C2 Response Number 1 objectif 2020 est trop éloigné les constructeurs ont la possibilité de le faire plus tôt car la conception des nouveaux modèles est déjà en "route", ils ont d excellents ingénieurs tout à fait capables de les réaliser.

2 A part l'obligation du filtre sur les pots d'échappement, je ne connais pas les autres réglementations qui pourraient exister pour limiter les émissions de façon contraignante pour les industriels automobiles. 5 La consommation est également lié au poids du véhicule. Or trop de nouveaux modèles sont trop lourds, des matériaux plus légers ayant des caractéristiques mécaniques équivalentes mais une masse volumique plus faible sont sous employés. La communication des constructeurs portent essentiellement sur les modèles haut de gamme, donc lourds et émetteurs de à effet de serre. 10 Les résultats ne sont pas assez rapides 12 Current legislation is to weak, it needs to be more efficient and take the positive climatic effects of and electricity in to account

16 Die Verordnung sollte sparsame Autos und alternative Antriebe unterstützen, wobei natürlich aber nicht nur rein auf die CO2 Werte im Verbrauch geachtet werden sollte, sondern auch jene von Produktion, Wartung und allgemeinen Verschleiß (auch von Straßen etc) und sollte daher auch mit dem Fahrzeuggewicht zu tun haben! Je leichter, desto besser. Begünstigt sollen vor allem jene Fahrzeuge werden, die in einer PS-Klasse rund um 110PS/81KW angesiedelt sind, da hier der Verbrauch mit normalen Verbrennungsmotoren am günstigsten ist. Es sollte sich ein jeder ein gut fahrbares KFZ kaufen dürften, wobei aber natürlich die Steuern für Fahrzeuge mit schlechten cw werten, und überdimensionalen Außenmasen erhöht gehören, um normale Limousinen/Kombis zu fördern, und unübersichtliche etc Kfz´s (wie SUV, , Luxuslimusinen da zu breit) unattraktiver zu machen! 17 We need tougher targets and even tougher legislation or we won't have a planet to drive around on 27 La législation actuelle est dictée par les lobbies et ne prend pas en compte l'intérêt général . L'article http://energie-climat.greenpeace.fr/pourquoi-les-voitures-ne-peuvent-pas-etre- plus-ecologiques-top-6-des-mythes-savamment-entretenus-par-les-constructeurs-automobiles résume tous les mensonges des constructeurs. Il faut agir pour réduire l'effet économique du réchauffement climatique sur l'économie européenne. 31 Apparemment les objectifs fixés ne sont pas assez contraignants ou pas suivis puisque je lis dans la presse et sur internet que globalement les émissions de CO2 ont augmenté au lieu de diminué. Alors pourquoi? 35 La législation est trop laxiste et répond à la pression des professionnels de l'industrie automobile. Elle devrait être plus sévère dans l'application et les objectifs. Le développement du concept de voiture à air comprimé permettrait, si il était soutenu, de réduire à quasiment 0, le problème des émissions de CO2. La voiture électrique également, mais en ajoutant le problème du recyclage et de la production (justification et pérennisation du nucléaire). 37 1/ La situation dans laquelle nous sommes actuellement, nous impose de redéfinir un très large ensemble de la structure de notre système. La législation sur les émissions ne permet de réduire qu'un seul "petit" aspect du problème (ex : Pas de taxes sur le kérosène des avions, étalement urbain "favorisé" par le remboursement aux frais réels, le dérèglement climatique est un problème mondial et pas seulement Européen or le système vendu actuellement aux 4 coins du globe prône l'augmentation du nombre de véhicules roulants... 2/ La législation n'est basée que sur les émissions lors de la phase d'utilisation mais pas lors de la phase de fabrication ou de fin de vie. Quid de l'énergie grise nécessaire ? 3/ Pour répondre de façon plus centrée sur la question : Les industriels cherchent à minimiser les cibles et à repousser les délais pour atteindre les objectifs pour pouvoir investir le moins possible... 40 Il y a urgence : nous devons faire le maximum pour réduire ces émissions, ce qui n'est pas le cas, loin s'en faut... 41 weil sie zu wenig restriktiv sind 42 KickBack-Effekt durch steigende Kilometerleistung bzw. Anzahl von Fahrten 45 The transposition and implementation of European Directives is still a challenge. In example, the RED Directive has only been implemented by a reduced number of Member States. Once Directives are implemented and workable, benefits can be evaluated, but not before. 49 La réglementation n'est pas suffisamment exigeante tant sur le plan des délais imposés aux constructeurs pour une mise aux normes des véhicules que sur celui de la limitation des taux de CO2 admissibles pour chaque type de véhicules y compris les 4x4 et grosses cylindrées. Et ceci sans compensation globale sur les petits véhicules. Les évolutions techniques et les innovations sont toujours stimulées par des exigences extérieures aux lobbies, aux corporations... 53 mangelnde Zukunftsorientierung 56 zu locker 59 elle devrait surtout amener à l'innovation pour enfin sortir de l'ère du moteur à explosion 60 Elle n'est pas assez contraignant pour les grandes entreprises d'automobiles et ne pousse pas à l'effort et à une réelle course à la compétitivité. Ils ont les technologies pour pouvoir améliorer la consommation mais trouve de fausse excuses pour pouvoir vendre des modèles plus chères, qui sont le plus souvent les plus polluants (SUV, etc..). Il faut fixer un objectif de 110gCO2/km pour 2015 pour faire avancer la cause. 63 Individual governments are not sufficiently comitted to making the necessary changes required. 66 I dont think the current legislation pushes car manufacturers to cut emissions by a large enough amount when the technology already exists to enable much larger savings. 73 Les initiatives trop timorées nuisent à la crédibilité du projet. Le gouvernement français devrait montrer l'exemple en diminuant davantage son parc automobile , en choissant de vehicules moins polluant. Les représentants de l'Etat pourraient utiliser les transports en commun + souvent .Y compris les avions de ligne pour les réunions internationales au lieu d'affréter des vols pour eux. 76 Die derzeitigen Vorschriften gehen meiner Meinung nach nicht weit genug. Die CO2-Emissionsvorschriften sollten noch strenger sein. 87 There is still far too much reliance on fossil fuel to provide petrol. Electric should become the norm. 89 Too much emphasis on voluntary industry standards 95 strengere Vorschriften notwendig 96 Actuellement les effets positifs ne sont pas visibles, toujours plus d'émission de co2, de nouvelles voitures toujours polluantes. Bref rien ne change à part peut-être des effets d'annonce. 99 zu wenig strenge Maßnahmen, die Grenzwerte sollten verschärft werden 112 We need to go further in our attempts to reduce emmissions. 114 In der Region in der ich wohne, nördliches Waldviertel, fahren mehr und mehr "dubiose" Schwerlaster durch die Gegend, die Bahnstrecken werden aufgelassen und die daraus entstehende Umweltbelastung kann scheinbar nicht behördlich unterbunden werden. 118 It would be better if the industry were more enthusiastic about it. 129 Lack of control. Emissions are stillrising. 137 ... sollten strenger sein und kurzfristigere Umsetzungszeiten haben. 141 pas assez stricte 142 Climate change IS happening and strong measures need to be put in place to tackle the problem.Car manufacturers must be made to adhere to strict standards. 143 il est déjà trop tard pour obtenir des résultats hautement significatifs, Une nouvelle politique des transports devrait être établie: par ex gratuité des transports en commun, moyens amplifiés, etc... 152 It is not strict enough on the manufacturers, the most powerful and influential are stopping higher specification regulations from being implemented. 153 Grenzwerte sollten rascher den technologischen Möglichkeiten und der jeweiligen Umweltsituation angepasst werden. 161 Manufacturers need to be encouraged to increase production of that have lower emissions by tougher legislation on emission reduction 162 cannot find any choice in vehicles to purchase which are guarenteed less poluting 166 Der Bezug auf das Gewicht des Fahrzeugs läuft den Bestrebungen zur CO2-Reduzierung entgegen. Nicht nur aus Sicht CO2 und Rußausstoß, auch im Hinblick auf die Sicherheit ist es nicht tragbar, Kleintranporter mit Geschwindigkeiten von 160 kmh und mehr fahren zu lassen. Weiters sind die Dieselruß-Emmisionen beim Beschleunigen, z.B. bei Ampelstarts, bei Schadstoffmessungen zur Fahrzeugzulassung ausgenommen. Diese verursachen aber einen Großteil der Feinstaubwerte in Ballungsräumen. 172 Zu lasch. 174 makers are able to produce high-consumption vehicles and off-set them against low-consumption. This has to stop. 176 sie führen nicht dazu, daß Spritsparmodelle gekauft werden. -Es gibt bereits Dieselfahrzeuge mit 87g CO2/km - warum soll dann ein Emissionsziel von 147 g/km bis 2020 umgesetzt werden? This is too little too late. 177 Car manufacturers obviously do not innovate as they should and could. 178 Vehicle emmisions still pollute our towns and cities. 180 Die Umweltkennzeichnung in Deutschland ist ein Witz. Man sollte E-Mobilität und Hybrid-Fahrzeuge fördern, bzw. von Kosten entlasten. 181 Existing laws aren't strong enough and the cap solution doesn't work as planned (same with countries CO2 emissions). They should be harder and enforced properly. 182 Les gens n'ont pas les moyens de changer de véhicules 189 weil sie aufgrund der Einwirkung der Autolobby viel zu schwach sind. ZUdem ist die Kopplung des CO2-Austosses an das Fahrzeuggewicht aus ökologischer Sicht völliger Unsinn und sogar kontraproduktiv. 192 I believe that it is delivering benefits, but not quickly enough. 193 Les résultats sont très inefficace. J'estime que les constructeurs ne vont pas dans le bon sens depuis 20 ans. 199 Regrettably cars and vans earlier than this period of 2015 will not have these emission requirements and as these must number as an overall majority by some considerable way these emission requirements are far too little and far too late. There has to be emission control for all vehicles and although this would be politically unpopular it has to be for the sake of our planet 202 weil ich die gesetzten ziele in anbetracht der tatsächlich erforderlichen co2-reduktion für nicht ausreichend erachte 210 I don't feel the legislation is delivering benefits fast enough. I think more needs to be done to get more affordable, cleaner cars out into the market place. 214 Nicht streng genug! 215 Weil unbedingt mehr Schutz vor CO2-Emissionen gewährleistet werden muß! 217 Pollution levels on many roads are dangerous . 220 De mon avis personnel, la législation Européenne n'est ni assez forte, ni assez indépendante vis a vis des entreprise pour avoir une action vraiment efficace. 227 There should be tighter regulation and enforcement in EU states 231 Emissions are much higher than they should be which is why new and tougher legislation is vital 238 Progess far to slow , 241 Not all manufacturers are applying the standards. People are not sufficiently aware of the comparison between different makes and models of vehicles 247 Not tough enough on the car industry 248 too easy to not comply 250 Législation pas assez contraignante, voire inappliquée. Beaucoup préfèrent payer une amende que de remédier à l'infraction. Il est trop facile de ne pas appliquer la loi. 252 There are too many loopholes for businesses to pass through, and so do not have to fall into line with regulations. 254 I think more needs to be done to achieve targets under Kyoto Protocol with road emissions being part of this but alternative fuel sources need to be funded/supplemented and any changes to private vehicle use on the roads needs to be supported with a holistic view of public transport options and costs. 256 Si la législation actuelle était suffisante, on ne se poserait plus la question 265 I don't think it's strict enough and there are loopholes or ways of getting round it. 272 targets are not high enough to deal properly with co 2 rises due to more drivers 273 Not stringent enough 280 The danger of CO2 emissions has been known for a long time now - the complacency of so much industrialists as well as politicians is terrifying. The laws need to be strengthened and the urgency needs to be recognised by speeding up the target dates. 282 Not strong enough and not sufficiently enforced. 287 2 much Talk not enough production 289 En se concentrant sur le carbone on oublie (comme par hasard) de s'intéresser aux polluants sulfurés des véhicules à propulsion diesel ! Plus, les efforts consentis par les constructeurs sont très nettement insuffisants. Et, à quand une législation sur la charge des véhicules (PTAC) ? 293 Dont think enough manufacturers are working hard enough fast enough 294 Réglementation trop laxiste. 299 Es ist immer noch möglich in Deutschland Fahrzeuge mit beliebig hohen Emissionen auf den Markt zu bringen.Es besteht in der Praxis anscheinend keine ernshaften Restriktionen für die Autohersteller. Somit hat das aktuelle Konzept in der Praxis versagt. Die aktuellen Kundeninformationen abhängig vom Fahrzeuggewicht pro Fahrzeugklasse führt in Deutschland zu absurden Vergleichen bei der ein Kleinwagen eine schlechtere ökologische Bewertung wie ein SUV erhält. Die gleiche Problematik tritt für die Nutzfahrzeuge auf. 302 Not enough manufacturers are pushing the boundaries and getting with the program which means that if the legislation is not good enough they will find a way not to comply 304 Oft werden Statistiken falsch interpretiert, Gesetze sind oft einseitig und halb durchdacht. Es ist dringend erforderlich, daß Gesetzgeber neutral werden und nicht in Fremdinteressen denken. 307 Non! Trop de marques négligent cette législation sur nombre de leurs modèles! Une législation plus forte les forcerait à l'innovation technologique et donnerait de meilleurs résultats. Par ailleurs, les routes d'Europe et de France sont constellées de camions de transport particulièrement polluants, bien plus qu'une voiture ancienne ou récente... Qu'en est-il de l'égalité dans la législation? 310 It does not go far enough. We cannot trust the USA, China, Indonesia or India to lower their emissions fast enough. It is only Europe which has the political will to act on behalf of all, and not just on selfish own short-term interest. 311 Performance is grossly over-rated by manufacturers and ads. For urban use especially, high performance is not necessary and merely invites speeding. 313 Some car companies are not taking the problems seriously enough 317 Die Industrie findet immer wieder Schlupflöcher, um festgelegte Grenzwerte / Gesetze zu unterlaufen. Es findet keine Kontrolle statt. Die Regierung hat ebenfalls keinerlei Interesse, Rechtsvorschriftzen der EU umzusetzen. Diese werden als lästig abgetan. In der Regel wird das Argument angeführt, das alles sei zu teuer und führe deshalb zu Verlust von Arbeitsplätzen. Es geht weizterhin nur um Gewinnmaximierung, keinesfalls um die Erhaltung der Umwelt. Oftmals werden gutgemeinte Rechtsvorschriften durch schlaue Tricks ad absurdum geführt. 320 Pas assez d'incitations pour réduire les émissions (notamment incitations financières), normes pas assez contraignantes. Pas assez de soutien au développement de transports alternatifs.

323 Die Automobilindustrie hält sich nicht daran. Es fehlt an wirklichen Möglichkeiten, und wohl national auch am politischen Willen, die Rechtsvorschriften durchzusetzen. Kurzum: Die Automobillobby ignoriert die Vorschriften und macht ihre eigenen Gesetze. 333 Manufacturers should be applying all new technology to all cars to reduce emissions more; VW for example should make all models with their Blue Motion features. 334 CO2 levels are still rising fast and transport is a large contributor to this 342 Die aktuellen Rechtvorschriften sollten so verändert werden, dass diese in der gesamten europäischen Automobilenindustrie zu drastischen Emissionssenkungen bzw. geringeren Treibstoffverbrauch führen. 343 Pas assez contraignante 346 The limits are not strict enough 349 Die Vorgaben sind nicht ambitioniert. 350 Die Zeiträume sind noch zu weit gefasst. 352 Die Automobilindustrie, insbesondere Deutschland, ist wenig Interessiert an CO2-Grenzwerten und versuchts sich darüber hinwegzusetzen. Hier sollte ein höherer Druck seitens der EU herrschen. 354 greenhouse gas emmisins are still rising. this is partly due to a greater number of vehicles on ther= roads, but it is also due to the fact that the cap for emmisions is'nt low enough. if we have the technology we should use it correctly to cut Carbon dioxide/sulphur dioxide excetera 355 zu schlecht... 356 zu lasche Vorgaben; statt echter Grenzwerte werden nur Durchschnittswerte vorgegeben 357 contrôles trop peu fréquent, coût du diesel moins cher 361 Some new vehicles have much better standards for CO2 emissions than others. 362 Average emission levels are not falling quickly enough to meet the Transport White Paper targets. 363 We are not seeing adequate responses from the big car manufacturers. The legislation isn't forcing them to cut emmissions drastically enough, fast enough. 370 Elle ne va pas assez loin. 372 There is not enough development of new technology in cars from major companies who are able to lobby against appropriate targets, e.g. VauxWagon although other companies are more willing to change they have less votes/power. There is some sign of efforts to reduce emmissions in new cars and this should be encouraged and built on 375 Die Vorschriften sind nicht streng genug der CO2 Grenzwert ist noch zu hoch. 381 The more energy efficient cars are always more expensive than their innefficient counterparts. 384 Sie sind zu schwammig und zu wenig streng. Die Grenzwerte könnten viel strenger sein. 387 Aucune avancé dans ce domaine depuis bien longtemp. 388 some manufacturers like VW are seeking to get round rules 389 La legislation ne provoque pas de changements assez rapides : pour preuve les objectifs pour 2012 atteints avant l'heure 393 La législation actuelle se devrait d'aller plus loin, notamment en matière de véhicule faisant déjà partie du parc automobile, en ne se cantonnant pas seulement aux véhicules récents. 399 Die Grenzwerte werden von den Autoproduzenten nicht eingehalten. Die Selbstverpflichtung hat gar nichts gebracht. 400 Greenhouse gas emissions are not being reduced, but have accelerated in the last decade. Greater commitment and more enforcement is needed. 402 Die Werte für die Emissionen sind noch zu hoch. 406 Nothing has been done to encourage the use of non-polluting transport, such as bicycles, or less polluting transport such as public transport. Travelling by car is much cheaper than using public transport. Emissions continue to rise, causing respiratory illness and global warming 407 ease of evasion by states and strengh of the auto lobby 410 Much talk but little action at government level. I suspect this is because of the perception that it will restrict financial growth, but (apart from bankers) who needs growth? Also investment in renewable technology will contribute to a healthy economy as well as to environmental and climate preservation. 411 All vehicles must be built , or those in use, be converted to the highest emissions standards 414 I believe that there are many new technologies that are available that will reduce emmissions and that legislation should be doing be pushing companies to employ these technologies. 416 Current standards and practices are woefully inadequate considering the urgency of climate change forecasts. 426 As long as regulation includes excessive and expensive bureaucratic procedure which are unaffordable to small businesses and inventive individuals any kind of regulation favours big companies only. it does not give any incentives to the best possible solutions from a technical point of view. One good example is: Try to fit a particle filter to a vehicle or engine which hasn't got one approved in any EU country. It usually requires a new catalyst, requires the fitter to be approved, requires the developer to become approved, requires the device to be approved, requires to present 5 different vehicles to be taken through the test cycle etc. Individual approvals are usually also not economical. All current legislation is already shaped to favour large scale manufacturers. Any further legislation on CO2 emissions must therefore be expected to be of the same pattern. This only benefits a few but not the whole country. It does not incentivise small businesses and private developments. 438 mettre un taux sur la moyenne des vehicule n'empeche pas de continuer a produire des vehicule tres polulant car au dessus de la norme voulu. 440 global warming is still an issue. China may not comply. 441 Major manufacturers, such as VW are not compelled to build new vehicles or develop new technologies to any required standard for emission controls. They are still able to produce inefficient, carbon producing vehicles as the majority of their output and are actively involved in lobbying against the introduction of carbon emissions requirements. Current legislation does not compel them to change their current behaviour and allows them undue influence over the development of future EU policy. 445 Needs tighter standard sooner, to drive switch to electric vehicles 449 les émissions de C02 sont aussi liées à la vitesse, or la règlementation concernant la vitesse n'est pas suffisamment appliquée. Il faudrait parvenir à 80km/H sur route et 110km/H sur autoroute Autre élément : réduire le poids des véhicules et pour les petites voitures, revenir à des modèles simples. 450 Die Rechtsvorschriften sind bisher zu lasch und nicht streng genug. 452 I don't think that emissions of new vehicles are dropping as quickly as they could or should be. 455 The emissions allowed at the moment from cars are not in line with reports on how best to protect the environment 458 Es sind zwar lobenszwerte Ziele, meines Erachtens gehen die Vorschriften nicht weit genug. Es ist nicht festzustellen, dass die Automobilbranche gewillt ist, diese anzustreben oder sogar zu übertreffen (was wünschenswert und dringend notwendig ist für das Klima) 464 Many manufacturers are finding loopholes to allow them to continue producing inefficient vehicles 465 Les objectifs fixés me paraissent largement insuffisante par rapport aux enjeux. 467 It is not doing enough to move away from internal combustion, and to stimulate the electric and hydrogen sector. 469 weil die vo ´s viel zu viel hintertüren der industrie übrig lassen und nicht das technisch machbare einfordert 472 Die derzeitigen Vorschriften sind noch nicht ambitioniert genug. Bereits heute zeigen die Autohersteller, dass eine deutliche Absenkung der CO2-Emissionen durchaus realistisch ist. Jedoch sind diese Technlogien (z.B. "Blue Efficiency", "BlueMotion" etc.) meist aufpreispflichtig. Strengere Grenzwerte würden die Hersteller dazu zwingen, ineffiziente, jedoch häufig verkaufte Modelle auszusortieren und sich auf umweltfreundliche Fahrzeuge zu spezialisieren. 495 I believe the automotive industry has had too much influence on past legislation and that this is counter productive as they are largely interested in protecting themselves from the short term expense of accommodating more responsible legislation. The consequences of which has and will continue to impact every citizen of Europe. 497 Still too reliant on oil, not enough encourgament to invest in alternative technologies 507 Das Fahrzeuggewicht stellt der Basis für den CO2 Ausstoß -Berechnung. Das finde ich nicht in Ordnung. Das Gewicht sollte gar keine Rolle spielen nur der CO2 Austoß. 510 Gas guzzling cars can still be purchased. They should be outlawed completely. 512 Die Grenzwerte der CO2 -Emissionssenkung sind viel zu gering für einen wirksamen KLIMASCHUTZ !!! 515 Il y a de plus en plus de véhicules, alors que l'on devrait aller vers une diminution. 517 Gesetze sind zu lasch und / oder schwammig Ständig fallen die Verantwortlichen in der Politik auf die Versprechungen der Automobilindustrie herein, , bzw. sie gehen denen ständig auf den Leim ( ob gewollt oder ungewollt )! Nicht nur, dass der Automobilindustrie zu viel freie Hand gelassen wird, ständig wird denen auch noch ( anderweitig ) Zucker in den Arsch geblasen 520 excessive car and road dependency, and commensurate pollution whilst destroying finite natural resources 523 It is NOT cutting ommissions as fast as it should do! 531 Could do better 534 Cars built today should be emitting less carbon than they do. There is no technical reason why the maximum limit for mass-produced cars shouldn’t be 50gCO2/km. 535 Trop peu de contraintes pour les constructeurs, qui continuent de produire des véhicules à fort rejet de CO2, et ce essentiellement pour une clientèle qui n'en ont pas de réelle utilité. 538 Not stringent enough 540 Still too many emissions are occurring 542 zu lasch , zu viele Schlupflöcher 553 der Co2-Ausstoß muss schneller gesenkt werden 555 manufacturers across the board are not changing their practices quickly and deeply enough 556 insufficient progress being made to reduce emissions 562 Die Gesetzte sind nicht streng genug und eine Selbst-Zensierung der Autoindustrie existiert nicht. Die Treibhausgas Emissionen steigen stetig, während die Autoindustrie fortwährend grössere und stärkere Autos baut. Die Technologie für Autos mit niedrigen Emissionen ist vorhanden, daher ist es vertretbar und vernünftig dem Unsinn und dem schädlichen gebaren der Autohersteller einen vernünftig starken Riegel vorzuschieben, anstatt die Umwelt dem Profit der Autoindustrie zu opfern. Neben der Regulierung der Industrie, müsste auch der Gebrauch von emissionsintensiven Verkehrsmitteln - und zwar von allen, ohne Ausnahme - viel höher besteuert werden als dies der Fall ist. Am besten in Form einer jährlichen Besteuerung, nicht einer one-off Zahlung, die die Autoindustrie dann mit Schmanckerl-Steuer- inklusiv- angeboten aushebeln kann. 566 The car industry has too much influence and is blocking progress. We need radically lower emissions, not small incremental changes. 567 weil Fahrzeuge, die viel verbrauchen und hohe CO2 Ausstöße haben bevorteilt sind. Die Grenzwerte für CO2emissionen (bezogen auf Pkw) sind zu hoch angesetzt. 570 Les normes ne sont pas assez contraignantes en matière d'émission de gaz à effet de serre. L’Europe semble plus écouter les objectifs des lobbies industrielles automobiles plutôt que la volonté de ses citoyens. Il faut réduire les émissions de CO2. L'objectif des 130gCO2/km pour 2015 montre bien que l'Europe à cédé et n'a pas été assez contraignante puisque les objectifs sont déjà presque tous atteins par les grande firmes automobiles. 575 The global climate overall temperature is still rising. Even if only some part of this circumstance is caused by human endeavour it will still add unbearable stresses to civilizations' continuation. It behoves all humanity to endeavour to kee the plamets' climate as close to the percieved '20th century' norm as possible if humanity is to continue civilazations' advance. 582 Carbon dioxide levels are still rising too quickly. 592 Because other sustainable fuel types are not being used enough. 595 There does not seem to be enough impetus to change from fossil fuels, or even make cars much more fuel efficient. 601 car manufacturers are not all doing enough- some are amazing and some are dragging their feet 612 Time has run out for any negotiation re: the use of vehicles on our roads. Nothing changes and will not until we stop our incessant dependancy on oil with out even bothering, very much, on green alternatives. 614 we have entered a expenential curve, to make headway large efforts need to be made to reduce emissions and make a move towards a posative future 617 There is not enough emphasis put on reducing emissions universally across different manufacturers and the vehicles in their range. 619 Emissions need to be radically cut to make an impact on the global climate change problems 625 Die Vorschriften sind viel zu schwach. Vor allem der im Bereich der Emissionen sollten sie geringer sein. 626 Die Vorschriften sind noch nicht konsequent genug. Lassen der Industrie noch zu viele Schlupflöcher. 628 Weil es derzeit zu viele Möglichkeiten gibt die Rechtsvorschriften zu umgehen oder zu Vorteilen der Autoindustrie zu nutzen! Beispiele dafür sind das Flottenmodell, welches sich in Bezug auf die Emissionswerte der jeweiligen Fahrzeuge stützt, was sich durch geschickte Modellverteilung, also eine für die Automobilhersteller ausgeglichene Modellpalette von sehr großen und verbrauchsstarken und kleinen und verhältnismäßig verbrauchsarmen Fahrzeugen, austricksen lässt. Allgemein sieht der Automobilhersteller dann umweltfreundlich aus, ist es aber nicht! 629 Emissionsgrenzwerte sind zu großzügig (zu weit gefasst) 631 Some manufacturing companies are refusing to reduce their vehicle emissions 632 CO2 emissions are still increasing, current legislation is too lax. 633 The levels are currently set too high. There is not sufficient compliance. The levels of air pollution in the UK, and in London in particular are higher than the EU standards. 641 vested interests are too powerful so politicians unwilling to act with determination 643 Bien que l'on observe une baisse des émissions des gaz à effet de serre sur certains véhicules, cela reste bien en dessous des enjeux climatiques de ce siècle. Par exemple si on fait 20000 km par an avec une voiture qui émet 120g de CO2 au km, on émet : 20000 x 120 = 2 400 000 g soit 2400 kg soit 2.4 T de CO2 par an, rien que pour se déplacer. Or pour enrayé le réchauffement climatique, il est dit que l'individu ne devrait pas émettre plus de 1.2 T de CO2/an, pour se nourrir, se loger, se déplacer... bref simplement vivre, on est loin, très loin du compte ! 653 lassen zu hohe Emissionen zu 657 because they wont listen 659 We have been far too lethargic in persusuing inprovement on all pollutants in our environment. 661 Some Italian cities still have a huge pollution issue 665 C'EST TRÈS DIFFICILLE DE LE METTRE A LA PRACTIQUE A L'ESPAGNE ET D'INTERDIRE LES VÉHICULES PLUS CONTAMINANTES DANS LES GRANDES CITÉS COMME MADRID, ESPECIALLEMENT DANS LE CENTRE DE CITÉ. IL FAUT DE METTRE AUCUNDE AMENDE. 668 more environmentally friendly vehicles are much more expensive in gerneral, we need reasonably priced 'green' vehicles available at moderate prices 673 Not rigourous enough to meet targets to reduce CO2 levels to levels that will prevent catastrophic climate change 685 Too little, too late. 688 Not enough alternatives available for co2 free travel. Production of even larger vehicles continues apace, in defiance of basic common sense. 692 It is not strong enough. 695 Je ne connais pas la législation mais je vois que toutes les lois sont rarement à la mesure du probleme 699 being avoided, and emisions are not being reduced enought 705 We should be moving away from cars towards alternative travel 708 On ne va pas assez loin et on reste sur du pétrole alors qu'on sait que l'on peut déjà faire rouler les véhicules existant au biogaz . Binen sûr la réduction de la consommation est aussi importante. 713 Our roads are still unpleasant, dirty smelly places for pedestrians to walk along. Vehicles give of large amounts of unhealthy fumes when they pass by. 714 Clearly if it was working there would be no need to re-consider them. Current legislation allows companies like VW to ignore the effects their vehicles have on the environment. 719 levels of traffic seem to be increasing and despite the availability of electric cars people do not seem to be buying them 721 Pas assez ambitieux et frilosité des constructeurs 733 Die Emmissionsgrenzwerte sind zu gering für effektiven Klimaschutz und innovative Entwicklungen in der Automobilbranche. 737 Die Anforderungen sind zu lasch. 739 Die Normen sollten strenger sein! So werden die Treibhausgasemissionen zu langsam reduziert! 742 New and existing road vehicles still have much too high CO2 emissions. There is insufficient financial incentive to encourage use of low and zero emission vehicles. 745 Not nearly enough: hybrid and pure electric should be the norm, not the exception. 747 Congestion on roads with high co levels. Some companies believe the current legislation is amenable to manipulation to their own ends. This shows the current legislation does not clearly roadmap what it intents to achieve. 748 die aktuellen Vorgaben sind zu "lasch"! Als bestes Beispiel ist doch die PKW EnVKV in Deutschland. Der CO2 Ausstoß wird u.a. ins Verhältnis zum Gesamtgewicht des Wagens gesetzt. Somit kann es vorkommen, dass ein Fahrzeug mit hohem CO2 Ausstoß "umweltfreundlicher" lt. PKWEnVKV ist, wenn das Gesamtgewicht nur hochgenug ist... . Ein Skandal. 750 PM10 values rising due to increased use of diesel vehicles. These should not be classified as low emission vehicles. Stopping and starting should be taken into account. This vehicle behaviour is more relevant to pollution levels in cities where there are regularly breaches in PM10 EU limits. 758 I think more needs to be done to cut emissions with stricter regulations 762 Way too slow ... The car manufacturers are still not spending enough on innovation because they don't need to. 763 Its not delivering results quick enough 764 Current legislation has worked well, but now needs to be strengthened to maximise advantage from new technologies to deliverfurther reduced co2 emissions. 769 I don't understand the legislation fully. I think it is working in part because there is much less discernible pollution in modern cars. But there seems to be a fashionable trend to buy high performance, high-consumption cars that are highly overspecified for their purpose (for instance, 4x4s are desinged for difficult terrain but people buy them to drive on motorways and to do local shopping). There is a kind of culture that needs to be addressed too. 775 Weil die Neufahrzeuge immer noch zu viel Schadstoffe produzieren. Vor allem die Großlimousinen oder auch die SUVs. Diese Fahrzeuge müssten viel mehr Abgaben entrichten (Steuern), und nicht auch noch subventioniert werden. Man muss sich mal vorstellen, dass die Allgemeinheit auch noch dafür bezahlt, dass jemand mit seinem Fahrzeug alle mehr schädigt als mit einem "normalen" Auto. 778 The big car firms are too powerful. 780 Die aktuellen Rechtsvorschriften sind nicht streng genug 781 it appears that a number of cars are getting larger also over specked powerful engines bear no relation to average driving 785 Does not go as far as it ought to 789 Not ambitious enough and not compulsory. Manufacturers allowed to build cars with higher emissions than necessary 792 I don't know for sure but understand some car manufacturers are very resistant to reducing CO2 emissions and are lobbying against further controls (such as ). Stronger legislation is essential to bring all the motor industry into line. 794 die aktuellen Rechtsvorschriften sind zu schwach und müssten früher in Kraft treten 797 Die Grenzwerte sind zu hoch angesetzt. 801 There is not enough courage among voted and unvoted members of parliament and the EU to make decisions based on public awareness and the obvious effects on the planet if these decisions go against the car industry. Doing is needed, enough talking, stalling and pandering to greed and stupidity. 804 emissions getting worse 807 Most manufacturers produce vehicles which breach the legislative requirements and pay lip service to the production of vehicles meeting the required levels. 808 some countries do not apply the current legislation- we should be pressurising countries that have the highest emmissions- america and china for example 815 Not enough being done to develop alternatives in lowering emissions. Car lobby seems to be very effective in watering down targets 820 They need to be higher and more robust. 826 co2 emissions are as bad as they have ever been. in fact they got worse this year. I see no advertising or promotion for this. therefore I haven't seen or heard of any effect. 829 too many old vehicles on the road and many new vehicles still very polluting . 831 My opinion is that the legislation is not strong enough on high performance cars, extra taxation on high emitters is important. Vehicle manufacturers do not have enough incentive to produce and promote low-carbon, low-energy vehicles, ie performance cars continue to compete for top ratings as most powerful or fastest of the range irrelevant of carbon ratings. Money still talks the loudest when luxury vehicles are designed and produced 834 ou son les résultats possifif on pollue de plus en plus les maladies du au pic de pollution sont la de plus ne plus souent dans nos villes et on fait rien ... on roule m^me a vide ! 836 We need to reduce emissions further to address climate change. Regulations do not take into account full carbon footprint of cars, incl. manufacture and use of biofuels (not good). We need to reduce no. of cars on the road - increase in car numbers is equal orgreater than efficiencies achieved by regulations. 842 I do not think the current legislation is working and delivering tangible benefits as I have not been told whether it is and what the benefits are. 845 Not strict enough; tighter limits are essential 856 Sie greifen zu kurz, da die Öl- und Auto-Lobby zu viel Einfluss im politischen Bereich hat. 862 There are not enough people policing the legislation to make sure people are doing what they should be doing. 863 Because the pollution in the air is thick enough to feel. 865 Car makers seem to be able to delay or avoid compliance with it 867 Targets being abandoned due to current economic problems. 868 Regulation of new vehicles is necessary but insufficient, as older vehicles that likely to be heavy polluters are unaffected by such measures. 870 Reduction in admissions is either much too slow or non-existent - in some cases, is even increasing. 878 So far there is little sign of a significant increase in the number of low CO2 cars on our roads 881 It is obvious that Volkswagen will try to block legislation which forces it to build greener cars 882 zu laxe Vorgaben 885 Es müssen Emissionen noch ehrgeiziger verringert werden. Daher sollte nicht allein die Emmission pro Wagen sondern die Wachsende Menge an Wagen ebenfalls berücksichtigt werden. 889 sie sind nicht weitgehend genug 891 Too many companies are blocking legislation or perhaps ignoring it altogether 894 vehicle emmissions remain high and manufacturers are slow to address this. 895 Some motor vehicle companies are averse to this legislation. One in particular (VW) has increased the amount of CO2 emission from its low cost vehicles They, clearly, do not feel the pressure from existing legislation. 899 Is not enough 900 Das Verhältnis von Co2 - Emission zum Gewicht des Fahrzeugs ist volkommen unwichtig und bevorzugt große Fahrzeuge mit großem Co2-Ausstoß Wichtig ist aber nur die Co2- Emissionsmenge 903 Die Automobil-Industrie hat immer noch zu viele Moeglichkeiten sich "schoenzurechnen". Z. B. auch jetzt mit dem neuen Effizienz-Label. Ein Kleinwagen, der mehr als 3 Liter / 100 km braucht dürfte, meiner Meinung nach, in der EU nicht mehr verkauft werden. Das 3-Liter-Auto ist der Technische Stand von vor 15 Jahren. Und alles was mehr braucht ist unverantwortlich. 910 weil die Autolobby soviel einfluss auf die Komission hat und gerade Persone wie Angela Merkel sich von Ihren Parteifreunden wie Mathias Wissman vor den Karren der Automobil Instutrie spannen lassen ohn eRücksicht aufs Klima oder Klimawandel 915 Da immer noch und auf absebare Zeit KFZ mit zu hohem Co2-Ausstoss produziert werden 917 Die Gewichtsabhängigkeit führt zu ökologisch unsinnigen Bewertungen. 919 Legislation should be even tighter and setting more ambitious targets for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. If, as in the question in part B, this enourages innovation within the automobile industry and with knock-on effects into the wider industrial sphere, this can surely only be a win-win step. Car manufacturers will always argue against such measures, putting profit before all else and agreeing with only the most conservative legislation, but legislators must remember that industry will adapt if it has to and knows innately how to protect its profit margins. Government MUST set the lead; industry will never do it of its own accord. 923 es gibt keinen Anreiz den Güterfernverkehr auf die Schiene oder Schiff zu bekommen 924 It dose nothing to combat climate change. 926 The emission targets are too low 938 The targets are too low and the timescale is too long. Targets for the generation of Carbon Dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels should be set for all forms of transport and rigidly enforced. 943 Die Automobilkonzerne verbessern bisher ihre neuen Fahrzeuge nicht nach ihren Möglichkeiten 950 We need stricter regulations to ensure and incentivise efficient cars with low greenhouse gas emissions. 955 It fails because it does not achieve the carbon emission level required for real improvement to reduce global warming. 961 Emmissionsziele werden nicht errecht 962 Die Regelungen sind nicht streng genug und zu sehr an den Interessen der Automobilindustrie ausgerichtet. 963 I still can't easily buy either an electric or hydrogen-powered car, after so many years of waiting. 964 Because the whole industry does not apply itself to the problems and is trying to hold on to the OLD WAYS regardless of its impact on E|VERYTHING. Thus no subsatantial moves forward in innopvation can really be made until the car industry stops thinking it can just burn up the planet and then think about something new later? STOP wasting burning gas at Tar Sands and use that gas to propel cars 965 Die aktuellen Rechtsvorschriften haben nach meinem wissen keine substanziellen Reduktionen hinsichtlich Abgasemissionen erreicht. 972 Vehicle emissions are far too high 974 Not strict enough, manufacturers not really trying to develop revolutionary new technology, which they need to do. 979 The EU is not enforcing current regulations, therefore allowing certain companies loopholes to get round the legislation. 987 Surely big engines will always emit more than modest engines 991 Emissions are still too high. 996 There is little margin for error in the calculations. The targets should be greater and enforced more stringently. More money should be made available to develop and promote alternative fuel options for road vehicles and other fossil fuel consuming activities. 997 Action needs to be much faster and radical. Unfortunately the vested interests of car manufacturers and fossil fuel businesses mean that regulations are always watered down. Fossil fuels are limited and quickly diminishing in supply; we should move to clean renewable technologies immediately and stop pussy-footing around dancing to the tune of corporate interests who understandably have their own rather than people and planet's interests foremost. Turkeys will never vote for Christmas. 999 Nicht weitreichend und nicht konsequent genug und vor allem zu langsam/zu lange Fristen. 1001 Der Vorteil besteht darin, dass die Vorschriften für alle Hersteller gleichermaßen gelten - die Grenzwerte sind aber relativ leicht zu erreichen (z.B. im Vergleich zum Californischen Markt). Wenn die EU ein Leitmarkt sein will, müssen die Ziele ambitionierter abgesteckt werden. 1005 Lack of commitment by some car makers 1010 Because companies such as V W choose to ignore anything they believe stops them making money. As with most other things to do with the E U most member states only do what suits them despite the rules. 1013 Zu wenig Veränderung. Zu hoher Verbrauch und Belastung durch die neu auf dem Markt erscheinenden Modelle der meisten Konzerne, besonders auch VW. 1016 Zu Wirtschaftsfreundlich. 1017 The official CO2 emissions of cars do not reflect the real world emissions and are easier to fiddle now then they have been previously. 1019 Lobbying by lagre vehicle manufacturers has kept target too low to allow them to keep using old technology and not develop the newer cleaner types of engines 1023 European cars still seem to be polluting 1025 Das Gewicht der PKWs hat zu viel Einfluss auf die Beurteilung! 1027 Il faut que la réduction d'émission de CO2 puisse avoir un véritable impact contre le réchauffement climatique ce n'est pas le cas aujourd'hui. 1032 Not enough is being done soon enough - more and more meetings, giving off more and more emissions are getting nowhere. This is URGENT - do they want to help make more species extinct? It will be their fault (we must include ourselves) 1033 Fuel inefficient big passenger and sports vehicles should be subjected to stricter emission controls. 1037 Too many big companies trying to find ways round, or ignoring legislation. 1041 Manufacturers such as Fiat who produce more efficient cars are being penalised, companies who pollute can just bring out a small rebadged car by another manufacturer and continue to produce their large polluting cars 1042 Meiner Meinung nach, darf der CO2 Ausstoss nicht über die Fahrzeugflotte eines Anbieters festgelegt werden. 1043 Die Rechtsvorschriften sind nicht ausreichend 1044 La seule vraie solution est l'extension des transports en commun, afin que les particuliers n'aient plus besoin d'utiliser chacun une voiture. 1046 Es werden immer noch Kfz gebaut, die zuviele Schadstoffe produzieren. Beinahe alle Hersteller konstruieren SUVs! 1048 Eine weitgehende Selbstverpflichtung von Automobilkonzernen in diesem Bezug, kann keine Fortschritte fuer Klima und Natur bedeuten. Der Profit wird hier ohne gesetzliche Grenzen immer zuerst beruecksichtigt werden. Aufgrund von Profitstreben werden z.b. auch Waffen v.a. aus Deutschland in andere Teile der Welt exportiert. Hier ist der Schaden fuer den Menschen sehr offensichtlich. Trotzdem wird hier Profit vor Menschenwuerde gestellt. Bei weniger offensichtlichem Schaden fuer die Menschen, wie z.b. den schleichenden Gefahren des Klimawandels, wird die Automobilindustrie erst recht nicht einlenken, wenn sie dadudrch ihren Profit beschneidet. 1050 I don't think current climate legislation is sufficient to keep global temperature rises low enough. 1053 Clearly we need MUCH tighter legislation if there is to be meaningful progress on lower emissions - both from technology and from usage patterns. At the moment manufacturers (and the general public) are not taking climate change seriously because they (rightly) perceive that governments are not doing so. 1057 Die Emissionsziele sind zu hoch angesetzt 1059 Not enough is being done to reduce emissions. EU countries should commit to a complete zero carbon policy on transportation using electric vehicles and renewable energy. 1061 The figures can be fudged and manipulated by vehicle manufacturers so that they can produce gas guzzling monster vehicles (ie sports 4x4 SUV's - which are more profitable for them).There should be a move away from the huge 4 x 4 gas guzzlers that are using far too much of a precious resource.We should not only be worried about greenhouse gas, but the conservation of a precious resource that is finite -OIL.It is no longer acceptable to be wasting this precious resource which is far too valuable for other products to be burnt excessively as a fuel.Cars need to be made lighter and smaller so that they are more fuel efficient.we cannot keep making these huge 4x4 suv's that consume so much fuel.There was a period where the USA made great big gas guzzling hulks of cars that only did 8 to 10 mpg and these thankfully are history,but we do need to tell vehicle manufacturers that they need to have all vehicles performing as efficiently as possible. 1064 Es gibt zu viele Schlupflöcher. 1066 The vast majority of new cars still emit large amounts of CO2. The current legislation has not changed that. 1074 Die Maßmahmen gehen noch nicht weit genug 1077 Die Vorgaben sind zu gering 1078 The regulations are not stringent enough 1082 Companies like VW are Not fully committing and issue a token percentage of their production line that are green. All manufacturers need to be looking to the future. They vote and block against reducing our dependency on oil. This should not be allowed. 1083 Not strict enough, 1087 It is widespread knowledge now that VW as an example is not willing to use the latest technology in all their cars. 1089 The effects are quite clear, if the current legislation was effective there would be no need for further action. 1092 Zu geringe Grenzwerte 1100 Direct-petroleum (and diesel ~ we do not hear about carcinogenic CARBON particulates - only CO2 as polluting) -fueled-polluting vehicles still entering the 'market' - giant car corporations are in hock to the oil lobby - there is no incentive to drop direct vehicle internal combustion. 1105 EMission standards are too high, no pressure to reduce emissions in all cars, 1108 Manufacturers are not maximising a reduction in CO2 emissions at the tailpipe. The move to all-electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids is particularly slow. 1109 Die Co2 Emissionen müssen stärker reduzeirt werden. 1111 Nein, sie gehen nicht weit genug, um verantwortungsvollen Klimaschutz zu ermöglichen. 1112 Vehicle manufacturers and industry and current fuel suppliers are too conservative in their scope of possible technical and technological developments in automobiles. For instance lighter weight engines operating at lower temperatures and vehicles made from lighter weight materials such as plastics , fibre glass ,carbon fibre materials etc should be explored and developed with a target of vehicles with greater fuel efficiency and thus lower CO2 emissions. 1113 The target amount foe emissions should be lower and achieved quicker 1114 I don't think car manufacturers are doing enough to new cars to reduce CO2 emissions. 1123 Oberste Priorität muss die Förderung der Unabhängigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen und die beste umweltfreundlichste Technologie sein!!! Ausserdem das längst fällige Tempolimit!!!!Dagegen werden die Autos immer grösser und schwerer-und brauchen MEHR Sprit. Alles Augenwischerei. Gefördert gehört das öffentliche Verkehrsnetz!!!-in D keine Alternative da Fahrpreise viel zu hoch!! 1128 UNverhältnismäßigkeit zu schweren Fahrzeugen/Co2-Ausstoßgrenzwerten -> große, schwere Fahrzeuge sind m.E. eher bevorteiligt Grenzen sind immernoch zu hoch 1129 Die aktuellen Rechtsvorschriften sind nicht genug. Die Grenzwerte müssten deutlich nach unten abgesenkt werden. 1135 E.U. governments are just doing nothing. 1139 Becasue co2 from transport is not reducing 1140 eher konsequenter vorgehen 1153 Current legislation is weak 1160 Not a cohesive Government policy towards environmental issues. Broken dowmn and innesffective as trying to keep too many oppsosing targets. 1164 Autohersteller werden begünstigt, der Umweltschutz wird benachteiligt ! 1167 It is not strict enough to provide the necessary goals in the required timeframe 1170 Far more needs to be done to create the sustainable society so that we don't travel so much. There needs to be far more money put into the manufacture of green vehicles such as the compressed air car and more controversial items such as the joe cell technology available in Australia, without the subversion and obstruction from vested interests like oil companies. 1171 Achieving too little too late, not enough control on gas guzzling vehicles, and too little to promote alternative forms of transport 1174 The vehicles being produced are still of too wide a range from the manufacturers. If they had targets to meet imposed on them I think there would be more focus on improved types of car to meet the need for reduced emissions. 'Average' emissions gives too much leeway to avoid the issue. 1175 zu lasch!! 1176 Targets are too long term and not delivering with the urgency that is needed now. It is is also vehicle based at the expense of promoting the complete changes in lifestyle needed, especially in the developed world, in order to really change energy usage and CO2 emmisions. 1177 The emissions levels are not stringent enough to be effective and as such the majority of new vehicles do not produce significantly lower emissions than could be possible. 1178 The current legislation is way too much of a compromise. 1179 We need to do much more! 1184 Pas assez ambitieuse - 120 g est mieux 1192 It seems like there is too much talk about emissions and not enough action. Companies have been slow to manufacture more efficient vehicles and the government has not pressed them into faster action. Targets need to be set high, and we need to work hard to reach them. 1206 I feel that manufacturers are slow on delivering very fuel efficient vehicles at an affordable price for an individual on an average wage. They remain expensive compared to conventional vehicles. 1210 People who buy a ''dirty car'' get away with it. It's no problem. And citizens generally are not much stimulated by the goverment to buy a green car. 1219 elle n'est pas assez contraignante, de plus pendant des années l'état français a fait augmenter le parc des véhicules les plus polluants en maintenant des moindres taxes sur le diesel 1223 Emissions are not coming down. we're still using loads of oil fuel. 1225 Because not enough policians or enough car maunufacturers really support it. Keeping voters happy and keeping the manufacturing costs of cars down are more important to them. 1226 The car industry has been slow to introduce non-hydrocarbon fuels, e.g. hydrogen, fuel cells, electric to power vehicles. Governments, for their part, need to apply subsidies to mitigate the high cost (at present) of cars powered by these alternative energy sources. Motorists will not buy alternative fuelled cars in large numbers while the initial cost is so discouragingly high compared with the cost of conventional petrol and diesel powered cars. To make any real impact on green house gas emissions, the price of electric (and hybrid cars), and hydrogen powered vehicles must come down. 1228 needs to do much more 1233 Die vorgesehenen Grenzwerte werden meiner Meinung nach nicht ausreichend, um die geplanten Emissionsziele, sowohl bis 2015 (2017) als auch 2020 zu erreichen. 1234 Standards need to be tighter, more demanding. More should be done to encourage the use of public transport, including tougher and more expensive requirements for private vehicles. 1235 it seems car manufacturers do not have any obligations to lower CO2 emissions for their new cars. Car makers are spending lots of money in PR to promote a green image but acts do not follow. They are not interested in people's health and do not believe they have a duty of well being towards the environment. All they want is to increase their profit and of oil companies and do not wish to spend money into greener technology. 1236 Because the items that do reduce CO2 emissions are being sold as optional extras rather than the basic package of the vehicle 1238 it needs to be tougher 1240 In Sachen Emissionsminderung wird noch viel zu wenig unternommen! 1241 The measured amounts of CO2 are currently too high 1245 The large amount of vehicles to this day being produced, are manufactured regardless of setting good quality CO2 standards and have no green credentials. Alternative energy has to be the future, so the world's oil addiction does not deplete the natural resources, for animals, humans and most importantly future generations. 1247 Becuase cars are still emitting pollutants 1249 It is much too weak and unambituous leading to much higher CO2 emissions than are sustainable. 1250 The battle for hearts and minds is not yet won, with resistance from car manufacturers and consumers alike. End result of this is that emissions are just not reducing anywhere near fast enough to address the urgent need for change. 1251 Not working quickly enough across all manufacturers 1253 Viel zu hohe Grenzwerte 1254 Because a number of manufacturers are not intending to comply unless forced to do so. 1257 Because powerful companies are lobbying against tougher legislation! 1261 Es fahren immer mehr SUVs und Geländefahrzeuge auf normalen Straßen und in Städten. 1262 Die aktuellen Grenzwerte erlauben zu viel Schadstoffausstoß 1265 Die Normen sind nicht streng genug. 1266 Need more proactive legislation that stimulates innovation and changed consumer behavior 1267 nicht ausreichend und nicht schnell genug 1269 I do not believe we are acting fast enough to slow down global warming. I also think the subject is not discussed openly enough and that people are educated in the damage we are doing to our planet. 1272 We need to do more and give everyone more incentive as well as affordable options to drive greener vehicles. 1273 So können die Klimaziele nie erreicht werden. Es müssen stärkere Grenzwerte her. 1278 Nicht ausreichend, um dem Klimawandel wirksam zu begegnen. 1279 Die CO2 Einordnung in Bezug zum Gewicht ist Unsinn!! 1286 It has not yet happened. Progress is slow. VW are allowed to veto progress. Legislation is inadequate. 1288 There are still far too many vehicles especially diesel ones that still throw out a lot of black smoke, although things are better than they used to be. 1295 I don't think all car manufacturers are making enough effort to reduce the CO2 emissions of their new vehicles, and can get away with it as the current regulations are far too lax. I hope very much the new regulations will enforce far more stringent reduction targets. 1296 Car companys are blocking improvements 1299 Because of comapnies like VW which are not lowering their co2 emmision and killing this planet 1302 Emissions are not falling a rate we need to mitigate climate change. This is due to large part to large scale undemocratic lobbying from the automobile industry. 1304 Emmission levels are still too high and not enough is being done quickly enough. 1308 Too lax 1310 money 1312 Manufacturers must be required to aim for very high standards if they are not able to make mature decisions independently. Profit should not be a driving factor over morality. 1313 quasi absence de controle... 1315 Die der Berechnung zu Grunde gelegten Massen erscheinen mir zu großzügig. Die Begünstigung sogenannter "Biokraftstoffe" lehne ich ab, da ihr breiter Einsatz katastrophale schädliche Nebenwirkungen auf die Umwelt, die menschliche Gemeinschaft und den internationalen Frieden hat. 1317 the current legislation seems to be having an impact but I do not think that it is having enough of an impact, while electic vehicles appear to be improving their fuel is still ultimately coming from fossil or nuclear fuels. Advancement in hydrogen fuel appears to me to be a better option given the infrastructure legacy for liquid fuels we have throught Europe. 1324 Die festgelegten Grenzwerte sind zu hoch. 1325 Große Fahrzeuge sollten keine höheren Grenzwerte haben als kleine. Der Anreiz für Endkunden sollte nicht sein, möglichst große Autos zu fahren. 1327 Die Grenzwerte für die durchschnittlichen CO2-Emissionen sind noch zu hoch angesetzt, technisch ist bereits mehr möglich. 1329 Because current targets are to lenient. 1336 international zu wenig verbindlich, nationale Alleingänge derzeit noch möglich, s. aktuelle Situation in der BRD 1342 Es ist klimaschädlich, das ein hohes Gewicht der Fahrzeuge mit Vorteilen zu bewerten. Kraftfahrzeugsteuer sollte an der CO2 Emission bemessen werden, nicht am Hubraum. 1345 Still not enough green technology used, too much CO2 released, far too much reliance on fossil fuels. 1346 I believe it was set for noble reasons but the technology exists for many alternatives to petroleum powered vehicles, legislation does not seem to encourage an alternative, major car companies do not want the expense of re-tooling or abandoning production of combustion engines and oil companies also want what is best for themselves. Companies like VW will produce one model that exeeds EU standards as a for discusions on green issues, then produce 10 more that do not meet green ideals at all. Targets should be tougher to make the investment in greener options more attractive. 1347 Car manufacturers are not generally selling the most efficient cars, or releasing them to the market. 1348 The regulations are not strong enough to force all companies to reduce emissions but we need to go further than that so that they actually strive to go beyond those measures that are required. 1349 Not severe enough and not enforced properly. 1351 Working to some extent but not making an effective difference to carbon emissions due increased usage of vehicles 1354 VW and some other car makers are resisting moves to greener vehicles 1357 people are paid good money to ignore this very dangerous situation that we are in, hence going forwards is slow, with our feet stuck in thick toxic tar we cant walk easily; our heads in cloudy poisonous vapours so we cant see breathe properly; our food filled with pollutants we dont digest much; 1358 Too many of the "green" technologies are offered as optional add ons - the consumer is not encouraged to opt for the lower carbon alternatives. Also, the lack of support & funding for alternative fuels means oil & petrol based propulsion is still the "accepted standard". 1363 Not enough is done to make a move towards greener technologies 1366 EU policy on motor vehicles is still heavily influenced by the lobbying power of the car companies (particularly VW), who are resisting introducing changes to their vehicles which would improve their efficiency. 1367 Car manufacturers and individuals are not reducing their carbon emissions at a fast enough rate. More needs to be done to force manufacturers, and thus individuals, to lower their emissions. Lower emissions and action dealing with climate change is what a huge number of citizens want. Businesses who are motivated short-medium term profit are less interested, as it requires initial investment that is not required with oil. That said, manufacturers are producing cars with more efficient engines, so some tangible benefits can be seen, but the rate of change needs to be increased. 1368 Change is coming too slowly. 1370 Too weak, needs enforcing 1371 Mit dem Wissen von heute müßte es möglich sein umweltverträglichere Fahrzeuge herzustellen. Je weniger CO2 ausgestoßen wird, desto mehr Förderung sollten die Fahrzeuge bekommen. Die Bemessung sollte allerdings unabhängig vom Gewicht des Fahrzeugs erfolgen 1372 not stringent enough 1374 Overall car usage increasing. Unchecked growth of aviation - and duty-free status of aviation fuel - is more than cancelling out any benefit of ALL current green initiatives. 1377 There needs to be incentives and taxes to ensure low carbon vehicles are more competitive. Question C3 is biased - the target should be even more stringent, but there is no way to say this. 1378 I do not hear of or see any tangible results in the new cars of family and friends. 1382 Because we still seem to be seing new cars coming to the market with high emisssions when they could be lowered as in vw's blue motion technology, why aren't they rolling that out across more of their models 1389 Not strict enough and too many older vehicles still on roads 1390 We need more effort to reduce emissions more quickly. Emissions are still too high to save the planet for future generations. 1391 Because all I see in my daily life is more and more cars, and, as I cycle my bike, I breathe more and more fumes. Meanwhile, we have endless rain and wind here in Scotland, more than we ever had when I was a child. 1401 CO2-Werte für Kraftfahrzeuge noch zu hoch 1406 Die Vorschriften sind nicht streng genug und lassen zu viele "Schlupflöcher". 1407 Die Rechtsvorschriften sind zu schwach und können zu leicht umgangen werden 1412 I think there should be a greenhouse on each litre of fuel and way higher on hazardous diesel, then we might see more change. Most automobiles are essentially the same. I think that cars should be smaller, safer and have better interiors and technology. Being an innovation student I think that the integration of a HEPA Filter and an Activated Carbon Filter into existing non functional lower front bumper vents is a solution to the large black carbon phenomena that effects the environment and health in our cities and suburbs. Cars should clean the air not pollute it more. If you look at our "free market" companies have so much freedom and power but no brains, they like output and profit. Humans have been evolving here for 12 million years and there is 2.5 billion years left. Do the Maths, our lives squander and intraduce alot of questionable things. We should think long term with specialised contracts and regulation not adhereing to some 5 or 7 year financial plan of indolence. 1413 we need greener, safer* transport at an economical price, so that even the poor can afford to make greener transport choices. *safer - as in safer for us all ie: doing less or no damage to our environment, making this planet enhabitable for future generations: This is crucial. i think that the current legislation isn't working because people clearly are still driving around in big, gas-guzzling vehicles, polluting our atmosphere at an astonishing rate. 1414 legislation does not impact heavily enough on older vehicles. 1419 Zu schwach 1423 far too much lobbying by a powerfull motor industry of course with vested interests 1426 Emissions are still rising 1431 well has it workd yet? 1433 Diesal is bad for huimans and enviroment. 1435 The legislation doesn't encourage the development of alternative fuels. 1438 most legislation is either not compulsory or is not sufficently enforced or is not strong enough 1440 Whilst some manufacturers are doing their bit others are more concerned with spreading a smoke screen as what they are REALLY up to and more concerned with blocking further CO2 reduction measures (VW?) 1441 It's too easy for car manufacturers to use the easy way out of it and only apply the bare necessities to get round the regulations. They only think in short term profit and not the future livelyhood of the population. 1444 Zu lange Übergangsfristen 1445 Zu hohe Emissionswerte 1450 parce que les transports en commun ne sont pas assez développés, et les gens prennent trop souvent leurs voitures seuls pour aller travailler loin de leur lieu d'habitation. 1452 There are car manufacturers who promote cars with high emissions whilst claiming to be "green" by offering "token" cars that comply. 1454 Lobbying concerns and companies dragging heels for profit over benefit 1457 Road traffic is a major contributor to air polution and global warming. The manufacturers of these vehicles have sole responsibility for reversing the effects of their products. 1461 Weil es keinen Grund gibt eine Ausnahmeregelung für Kleintransporter zu schaffen. 1464 Companies like VW continue to produce inefficient cars with higher than necessary levels of pollutants. 1465 NOT GOING FAR ENOUGH 1466 Ich bin der Meinung, dass es viel zu lange dauert bis die Co2-Werte gesenkt werden. Die Autoindustrie ist in der Lage eher sparsamere Mobile zu liefern! 1479 Too little too late is being done! 1494 not stringent enough to force innovation at the necessary speed 1499 Status symbols i.e Big cars need more resources. 1506 pour la simple raison que les lobbies voituriers et pétroliers et maintenant agricoles empêchent le développement d'énergies alternatives concurrentes comme l'air comprimé (ZERO POLLUTION ) ou associé aux HVP très nettement moins émetteurs de Nox et GES un moteur hybride Air/HVP ne dégagerait que moins de 0grs de CO² au Km !! cherchez l'erreur ! voir le site du constructeur: http://mdi.lu 1507 Trend zu höherer Leistung und höheren Geschwindigkeiten wird zu sehr toleriert. 1509 sie sind nicht streng genug 1510 Meaning of some benefit but not enough - stricter regulation is required 1511 Pro kg Leergewicht bevorzugt große Fahrzeuge. Besser wäre: pro Person, hilfweise pro kg Zuladung 1512 a) Manufacturers announce the positive credentials of their least-polluting models, but continue to mass-market more polluting vehicles. b) Even if many manufacturers meet the targets, they will only be a very small amount below target on average. But other manufacturers will miss the targets, by amounts which will undermine the overall target. 1514 Things are not moving fast enough. We have the technology, but there is not enough movement by anybody to actually make it realistic. Companies make new concepts, and governments talk about going green, but nobody is really making the big decisions to actually move forward at a fast enough pace to make a difference. Everything is left till the next meeting, things need to be sorted now rather than wait, somebody needs the courage to say "lets do this" and get on with it and put things in place. Car manufacturers care about profits, if the environment is truly on the agenda then I am sorry, but profits will have to come second. 1515 I consider current legislation not strong enough to provide significant emission reduction. 1518 To reduce global greenhouse emissions and fulfil the 2050 goal of reducing emissions by 80% by 2050 would suggest more cuts are needed and more quickly. There are still a number of manufacturers that are releasing new vehicles with a blatant disregard to lowering their C02 rating. 1525 Emission targets need to be tighter. 1526 Seuil d'émission de C02/km trop élevés Écoutons les citoyens, pas les lobbies automobiles ! 1533 the current legislation doesn't seem to be applied wholeheartedly 1538 The effect of legislation is being negated by the number of ancient vehicles still polluting the environment 1539 il n'ai fais aucun effort concret pour moins poluer,c'est mon opignon 1541 Standards are not strict enough and it's too easy for manufacturers to slack. 1543 Aktuelle Rechtsvorschriften begünstigen große Fahrzeuge, weil sie den CO² Ausstoß pro Masse Fahrzeug festlegen. Diese klimatisch nicht relevante Festlegung ist geradezu lächerlich. Ein Leopard Panzer bekommt dann den blauen Engel, während Kleinfahrzeuge verboten werden? Solch ein Gesetz ist lobbyistisch getränker Unfug. 1546 Capping emissions for NEW cars is nowhere near enough - cars are passed on for many years and emission standards should be applied to existing vehicles as well. Obviously they can't be as strict as those for new vehicles, but a rolling rule that phases out or significantly penalises the worst emitters from year to year would slowly bring the entire fleet up to a sufficiently high standard to make a difference to emissions. 1548 Because any limits that have been set are too high to be effective in reducing carbon emissions. 1554 Ich denke nicht, die aktuellen Rechtsvorschriften beschränken die Emissionen zu wenig. 1555 emissions are high andcar companies are doing nothing to lower them 1556 Emissionen sind immernoch viel zu hoch und der Anreiz für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel fehlt 1559 not strong enough, no private passenger vehicle should be on the road contributing more than 110 kpg. 1560 Es wird der Öffentlichkeit noch immer von der Automobilindustrie suggestiert, das man ein großes PS(KW) starkes Auto fahren soll, welches zwangsläufig nur mit CO2 schädichen Abgasen fahren kann. Die Rechtsvorschriften ändern daran gar nichts! 1561 Not nearly enough effect on the motor industry 1562 Autos werden nicht oder zu langsam spritsparender = co2-ärmer 1572 The legislation is not stringent enough and businesses like VW continue to produce heavily polluting vehicles. 1574 Because we have rising CO2 emmissions worldwide 1575 Zielsetzung zu wenig ambitioniert, Auswirkungen dauern zu lange 1587 it is too little to really make the difference required 1588 Targets too conservative 1590 Its not working because car manufacturers like a Volkswagen are lobbying against these proposals, because they think that their profits lie with the more polluting models in the range, so are concentrating their efforts to promote the more lucrative executives models, and show no interest in promoting blue motion technology etc, in all of their range simply because they feel that the customer would rather spend their money on performance?over economy! which is so damaging for our environment, because of these choices exist to the customer, and legislation is just not tough enough to persuade otherwise. 1603 Governments appear to govern in response to lobbying by companies who always want to monimise costs 1606 Not stringent enough. 1608 Atmospheric CO2 is still rising. A number of emission targets do not seem to have been achieved or have not been decided. 1609 zu geringe Emmissionswerte, Was ist mit Nutzfahrzeugen Fahrzeugen von staatlichen Behörden. Baufahrzeugen Lastkraftwagen? Gleiche Regeln für alle Verkehrsteilnehmer 1610 Es werden zu langsam verbindliche Vorschriften festgesetzt die eine Co2 Minderung festlegen. 1617 Because there is too much lobbying by powerful corporations. 1618 Weil die Emissionen noch zu hoch sind - also greifen sie noch nicht, oder sind zu lasch. Wo ist die positive Entwicklung? 1626 It seems to me that current legislation needs to be tightened and carbon emission limits reduced to encourage manufacturers to develop more fuel efficient and less polluting vehicle engines. 1628 Die Rechtsvorschriften sind vom ACEA diktiert und sind nur im Sinne der Autmobilindustrie aufgesetzt 1632 Not tough enough, too prone to big-business manipulation. 1634 At this point we should have zero emissions vehicles...! 1642 Not strict enough and should be all-binding. 1649 Vehicle manufacturors have done little to make greener vehicles available beyond concept and about as little to make existing green technologies affordable to the man on the street. This clearly shows a lack of enthusiasm on their part to push the new technologies into the mainstream market and rather an appetite to profiteer off of the worst situation the planet has ever found itself by making greener vehicles more expensive "status" items. 1651 Große und schwere Wagen schneiden zu günstig ab. 1653 No because a stricter regulation is necessary to cut emissions and turn all cars into green ones. A new legislation is necessary to massively reduce the dependance on oil and use alternative methods (electrical cars) not only for car producers but also for public transport. 1658 The current emission standards are far too low and many car manufacturers - notably Volkswagen - are being irresponsible in seeking to evade them. 1664 Manufacturers are not committed to action 1666 Unternehmen verfälschen ihre Flottenbilanz zu stark 1667 Es müssen ambitionierte Zielsetzungen sein, welche die höchst mögliche Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen zur Folge haben. Aktuell und in Vorbereitung ist eine Verordnung, welche die technischen Möglichkeiten nicht ausreizt und der Industrie entgegenkommt. 1668 WE NEED VEHICLES THAT ARE POWERED WITH GREEN SUBSTANCES LIKE HYDROGEN, ELECTRICITY, SOLAR ENERGY NOW!!!! WHILE THE EUROPEAN UNION STILL KEEPS ON REGULATING THE EMISSIONS OF VEHICLES POWERED BY OIL AND GAS WHICH ARE POISONOUS! JUST BAN THEM AND SUPPORT THE GREEN VEHICLES!! 1672 Die aktuellen Vorschriften verpflichten die Fahrzeughersteller nicht, die technisch bestmöglichen Maßnahmen zur CO2-Reduzierung umzusetzen 1674 Some immediate effect but spread over too long a time scale meaning there is no real sense of urgency to get on with this 1676 Es sind noch zu viel Fahrzeuge mit unwirtschaftlichem und unökölogischem Verbrauch auf der Strasse! 1681 Die Vorschriften entsprechen bei weitem nicht dem technisch machbaren 1682 Sie sind viel zu industriefreundlich gefasst. Durch Anrechnungen beispielsweise der Elektro-Antriebe auf die ganze Flotte werden weiterhin große Dreckschleudern produziert, obwohl dieses technisch längst nicht mehr notwendig wäre. 1686 Car manufacturers are not necessarily using the available technology to reduce carbon emissions - this may be due to the higher cost of doing so, thereby reducing profits. 1687 ich finde, sie sind zu schwammig und man kann sie einfach zu leicht umgehen... 1688 Vorschriften gehen nicht weit genug. Ich halte -gerade mit Blick auf zukünftige Generationen- eine Deckelung des Treibstoffverbrauchs für Neufahrzeuge für unbedingt erforderlich. Wie sollen wir unseren Kindern/Enkeln erklären, dass große und schwere Fahrzeuge "aus Repräsentationsgründen" erforderlich sind und dabei billigend in Kauf genommen wird, das das Klima dieses Planeten unwiderruflich geschädigt wird? 1691 Because the motor manufacturers are not certain to abide by it and will get out of it if they possibly can. 1696 I believe that car manufacturers have too much influence and autonomy over these standards; companies like VW evidence that may not always behave responsibly 1698 There is so much potential in hydrogen based fuel, and biodiesal as a second option. 1702 Die Vorschriften sind zu lasch und werden nicht ausreichend umgesetzt. 1704 Die CO2-Emissionen könnten weitaus stärker reduziert werden, ohne dass jemand auf Mobilität verzichten muss. 1707 Technology limits are only one way of reducing emissions. As vehicles get more efficient it is likely consumers will use them more, leading to a net rise in emissions. To reduce emissions we need to reduce fossil-fuelled vehicle reliance in daily lives. 1708 While a positive step, current legislation is probably inadequate based on most current assessments of the progress of global warming. Standards probably need to be even more stringent in order to bring the concentration of CO2 down to somewhere near 350ppm, the level necessary to limit the catastrophic effects of climate change. 1714 Increase in fuel-hungry and highly-polluting 4x4 and RUVs. Also, diplomatic and business fleets make little if any use of low-pollution vehicles. 1716 Cars seem to keep growing and becoming more powerful 1720 Sie müssen überarbeitet werden. Normen sollen nicht nach den Herstellern geregelt werden, sondern die Industrie hat bessere Ergebnisse zu schaffen. 1722 Clearly emissions are too high, voluntary restraint is not enough and targets are not likely to be met. 1723 It is not reaching desired targets. 1724 Many of Europe's cities, not least London, are still regularly failing air pollution targets. 1726 ...zu lasch... 1730 Based on what I have read and heard, more can be done to curb emissions. 1737 Die Vorgaben sind zu lasch gehandbabt und es gibt viel zu viel Interpretationsfreiraum. 1741 Many vehicles still produce high emissions 1743 Die Hersteller werden nicht ausreichend unter Druck gesetzt, um das technisch Machbare tatsächlich in den produzierten Fahrzeugen zu implementieren. 1746 zu hohe werte 1748 I feel EU countries are both choosing which aspects of the legislation they wish to comply with, and fail to enforce emission standards that they say they agree with. 1751 zu hohe Grenzwerte, die wenig bewirken - viel mehr technisch machbar! 1752 CO2 emissions are still increasing and there are still a considerable amount of older high emission vehicles still on the road. 1756 Car manufacturers have too much say and have not bought into the concept fully. There is too much talk and not enough action. 1759 Should be stricter regulation 1760 es ist mehr CO2-Reduzierung möglich als gefordert wird 1762 No strict regulations or agreement by car companies 1763 nicht ambitioniert genug. 1767 Zu geringe Emissionsziele. Daher kein Anreiz zur Neuorientierung der Flottenverbräuche. 1770 Not enough strictly adhered to legislation or enforcement more especially on public transport e.g.buses etc. 1771 I doubt emissions have fallen due to legislation as so many people are buying/using SUVs 1773 Emissionsziele sind noch zu hoch 1775 More needs to be done to cut current emissions 1778 As long as fossil fuelled, powered vehicles are manufactured we continue moving towards the cliff of environmental disaster. Everyday hundreds of new cars are manufactured and ready to hit the streets worldwide. Easily over a thousand fossil fuel powered vehicles are manufactured per day, we are machine makers not stewards of the planet. 1786 Because not all the car companies are committed to a long-term sustainable reduction. VW is not willing to agree to lower emissions to a level that pleases the public. A cleaner world with cleaner transport. 1789 Die Automobilfirma sorgen nicht intensiv für eine mögliche Reduzierung des CO2-Ausstoßes. 1790 The objective is simple and that is having all vehicles emitting zero carbon dioxide as soon as possible. How well any legislation is working must be judged against just that one criterium. The present legislation falls short of what is possible and so doesn't deliver the benefits that more effective legislation could. 1793 There is currently insufficient reduction in CO2 emissions, to avert the threat of irreversible climate change. 1797 Air quality is not improving quickly enough 1804 All vehicles should be very low emission, or no emission 1805 Does not take unto account emissions at energy source e.g. from power stations generating energy for electric batteries. 1807 It is not strict enough. While some companies have successfully managed to cut emissions, I believe strongly that all companies should greatly reduce their CO2 output greatly and also their fuel consumption. I also believe strongly that there is a large area of electrical vehicles still to be explored. 1814 Emissions regulations are helping but need to be tougher. New targets should not be set around the average of new vehicles (as on previous page) but as low as possible, as technology advances. 1817 TO MUCH DISCUSSION NOT ENOUGH ACTION. 1820 Politicians seem to be afraid to make radical but necessary decisions. 1821 Restrictions on emissions are not stringent enough. 1824 They are not strict enough and not enforced strongly enough. 1825 Enforcement 1827 I have not as yet seen any effects on car emissions 1828 Not enough is being done to curb emissions. 1836 It is still possible to have the majority of a marque's new vehicles failing to achieve the standards if there is one model that does achieve the standard. If this is the case the marque is able to advertise that it meets the standard even though the majority of its vehicles do not. This is disingenuous and designed to deliberately confuse consumers 1839 Companies like VW dictate policy currently and with their block vote can block these new innovations for reducing greenhouse emissions in car building in the EEC. 1845 Seule une taxe carbone permettrait de faire ressortir le coût environnemental du transport routier. 1853 Companies like VW, although ahead with technology for fuel efficiency, continue to lobby for more lenient reductions. Legislation only tackles sales, not usage. Banning higher emissions vehicles sooner would have effect on current users of such who are generally more fuel profligate. Technology already available, companies shuold be forced to adopt it quickly, before tipping point reached for climate change. As in housing, a large proportion of vehicles in use now will still be in use in years to come. Speedy action is vital or little change will be seen in 5-10 years time. EU targets give too much time leniency. 1859 The same gas omission is still going on in this country run by stupid conservatives 1860 The emissions need to be further reduced. This is not an issue that can be tackled half-heartedly and we only have one chance to get it right. Legislation needs to be stronger and strictly enforced. 1862 not strong enough 1864 Because policitians and commissioners are being influenced by those corporations with vested interests. Either ban or make completely transparent lobbying. 1870 It is piecemeal and inconsistent. 1882 NOT ALL MANUFACTURERS ARE ABIDING BY THE RULES 1893 Because the government has not made a solid decision on how to reduce the carbon emissions of the vehicles on the roads, or changed the decision of car manufacturers and using electric cars to reduce the dependancy we have on oil! A decision needs to be made when it comes to transport to be more environmental friendly! 1894 Still car makers only produce a small percentage of cars with low emissions, and their bigger/more powerful cars are just getting more insane. 1898 There is not enough incentive to purchase low emission vehicles. 1899 they are a long way fromachieving the goalswe needto achieve in terms ofemissions and favourfartoo much the vehicle manufacturers NOT the environment 1902 Too much resistance 1903 EU motor industry is fairly relaxed about present regulations as they know they can work round them and get away with it. 1904 Not tough enough 1908 it doesn't seem that the current legislation is clear enough if manufacturers don't agree what's achievable. It's also confusing for consumers. 1911 Could be so much better . car manufacturers will make the cars to the standards but only when there is no choice. 1912 The current legislation is too lenient. European car makers are the best in the world and their technology (especially VW, , BMW, Mercedez-Benz, Volvo, Saab, etc) is second to none. With strong R&D subsidy support from European Commission, we can lead the world in greener car technology which can be optimised for other industry in due course. It is a win-win scenario. Car manufacturers need to see the long-term competitiveness drive as worthwhile investment and continue their best effort to strengthen our European pride and joy; European vehicles' high quality. 1914 I see no change in overall emission values - possibly because of buyers changing vehicles - My own view is that this seems to be tied into a machismo attitude on the part of some 1923 some manufacturers seem to be dragging their feet, trying to get round the rules or blocking attempts to delay the introduction of stronger legislation. car makers should strive to make their vehicles as green as possible, by doing so they will forward the technology and make the necessary breakthroughs we are waiting for. 1930 Little real change is taking place 1931 Large manufacturers and oil companies will do whatever they can to avoid making investments in greener technologies 1935 pressure from lobbyists 1940 Not strict enough and carmakers are not fully committed to major technological change 1941 There are too many models available with higher emissions 1945 I think that the car manufacturers are trying to delay even prevent further reductions in co2 emissions 1946 There are loop holes and many older cars are responsible for a lot of the emissions, a lot in the UK from Eastern European vehicles being brought over. 1951 Further reduction needed 1952 la pollution est constante dans les grandes villes, notamment à lyon 1953 needs to be taken out of the mix. -Not sustainable- too much rainforest damage/ food crop removal due to palm oil /cornoil production 1957 There are far too many vehicles on the road spewing out black smoke. 1961 Manufactureres of cars are not in agreement on meeting targets with governments sometimes protecting their industries 1964 I have seen no evidence that it is working or that there is universal acceptance of the requirement. 1967 Individual countries are watering down the targets. 1970 Only a very small percentage of VW and other mnaufacturers models are low emission vehicles. They should in fact manufacture a majority of their models with much cleaner emissions, instead of the reverse. 1981 Cars are getting bigger and faster 1982 Current level of implementation would not reduce emissions sufficiently to reduce damage to climate. 1985 Too little is being done in enforcing and encouraging further regulation, too little is being done too late, Businesses are not enforced to upohold these regulations and no one seems to care so long as they're still getting paid. More needs ot be done NOW, not in another 20 years, the Government has been aware of such issues since the 1970's but only now are the starting to act, it is not sufficient, it is not enough and it is too late! 1986 Motor manufacturers have too much freedom in deciding the upper level of emissions their vehicles produce. They stupidily (or criminally) do not consider thatenvironmental issues should come before their own company profits. This is madness and the whole world will pay sorely for it. some parts of the world already are. 1987 The oil lobby is to powerful. 1992 I don't think it is strict enough on cutting emissions. Too many cars are on the roads. Cities are still unpleasant places to live and work due to air quality related to the amount of emissions being allowed under the current legislation. 1994 we need tougher regulations on emissions. 2000 Too many high emitting cars are still sold, also the models do not last long enough 2002 The EU can and should do more to reduce carbon emissions from cars and to encourage use of electric cars and public transport 2005 not enough 2012 The change is to slow. We cannot afford to wait too long. 2013 Because we need to 'bite the bullet' and come up with much tighter regulations and lower permissible emissions. We do not have the luxury of endless time to get this right. The damage to the planet is already happening and will only get worse unless we take instant action and stop worrying about the damage it will do to the bank balances of the wealthy. 2014 There are far too many gas guzzling cars on the roads in Britain, especially huge 4x4 vehicles driven by ordinary people (not for commercial needs). 2021 Standard is not adequate given the urgency of climate change 2023 Emissions are way too high 2025 if big company's like vw can weld so much power, that has got to wrong 2030 Too slow 2031 There is a need for stricter targets that stimulate the development of new technologies. 2038 This survey exists. 2043 The numbers of cars continues to rise and emissions seem to be rising as well. We need better public transport (i.e better integrated, cheaper and more efficient for the user) in order to get people out of cars and into better (i.e. less polluting) means of transport. This is particularly the case in the UK where bus, train and tram cpompanies seem incapable of working together for the benefit of the traveller. The principles of public service rather than competition need to be emphasised by both the EC and national governments in order to achieve this. 2050 The legislation is too weak 2056 We need much stronger climate targets as the most important issue is to tackle climate change. 2061 I think many Manufacturers are reluctant to do more than the bare minimum to comply and are taking their time to do that. 2063 They can do better. Profit is still too much of a concern. 2065 Most of the advances I've seen or am aware of have come from industry trying to gain competitive advantage rather than beauracracy and legislation. 2067 Not strong enough to work 2072 The emission targets are not tough enough. 2074 emissions from vehicles are still increasing. The UK Government cross party Environmental Audit COmmittee found that particulate atmospheric pollution was causing 70,000 deaths each year and costing the UK health system between £8bn and £20bn. Three quarters of this pollution was caused by road traffic. 2081 More needs to be done to protect the environment 2089 There seems to be too much disagreement between different car manufacturers, whereby some aren't taking their responsibility towards the environmental impact of their products as seriously as others. 2099 Emissions are too high - pure and simple. 2101 Its only partly working. The car industry is lobbying against it, consumers are not insisting Thats largely because of the high prices for the vehicles. Legislation is needed to speed up and force that committment 2113 The current targets are too lenient. 2130 Action is needed in structural changes that definitely curb GH emissions. Car emissions regulations achievable by technology solutions are not enough. Regulations towards decreasing the use of private cars must be set up. 2139 Den zulässigen CO2-Ausstoß für PKW auf die Fahrzeugmasse zu beziehen, ist kontraproduktiv, da dadurch große und schwere PKW mit hohem CO2 Ausstoß begünstigt werden. Bei elektrisch betriebenen PKW ist der Ansatz der CO2 Produktion des aktuellen Strommixes kontraproduktiv, da dieser zukünftig (hoffentlich) durch einen höheren regenerativen Anteil abnehmen wird. 2144 Eine Reduzierung ist in der Realität nicht erkennbar. Ferner keine Einbeziehung der Emissionen bei der Produktion der Fahrzeuge. 2155 it all depends on what you mean by "tangible"... in my opinion the EU choos the simplest, cheapest and dubiously way to make green house gases to drop! It would take much more efectiveness! If they work on education (not the brain wach they do at "tipical UE school") and REMAKING the distribution of goods, services and people within the EU they would surely, at long term, achieve greater things. I use to say to my friends that EU organisations and chiefs are playing around with great matters because of the lack of responsability and knowledge towards the FUTURE, the earth future as an enormous ecossistem! No insignificant human even with the greattes amount of titles and research awards can see all corners of the problems earth is facing at the moment... SURELY NOT A POLITICIAN! 2175 La législation reste trop conciliante avec l'industrie automobile et les résultats tardent à se réaliser. 2190 aucun résultat 2191 unverbindlich, zuverlässige Meßverfahren fehlen meiner Meinung nach, irreführende Werbund in Zusammenhang mit E-Fahrzeugen (0,5 l/100 km Verbrauch) 2193 It's far too unambitious. 2200 Car il y a de plus en plus de voitures en circulation, ce qui limite les résultats positifs. 2203 Daimler produziert Fahrzeuge, die Kriterien der Nachhaltigkeit bei weitem nicht genügen. Ärgerlich ist der rasant zunehmende Absatz an spritfressenden Geländewagen. Hingegen hat mit dem smart fortwo 40 kW cdi nur ein einziges Daimler-Fahrzeug einen Platz unter die Besten der Auto-Umweltliste 2011 / 2012 des Verkehrsclubs Deutschland (VCD) geschafft.Da Daimler seinen Autoabsatz beträchtlich steigern will, bedeutet selbst eine gemächliche Abnahme der Emissionen beim Einzelfahrzeug, dass die von der jährlich größer werdenden Daimler-Neuwagenflotte insgesamt ausgestoßene Treibhausgasmenge weiter ansteigen wird! Der Norm-CO2-Ausstoß eines Mercedes-Neuwagens lag 2010 immer noch bei durchschnittlich 158 g pro km statt der versprochenen 140 g Selbstverpflichtung bis 2008! 2224 Je pense qu'il est grand temps que l'Europe et dles pays qui la composent mettent tou en oeuvre pour déveloper d'autres moyens de transport, tels le train ou autres transports publices afin d'allèger, et nos routes (la circulation) et les émissions de gaz à effet de serr. 2239 Les voitures polluantes en CO2 restent polluantes sans contrainte pour elles. 2240 Tant qu' il n'y a pas de retombée économique, et tant que le capital ne souffre pas des problèmes du changement climatique, les autoritées ne s'inquiète pas trop de changer quoi que ce soit... 2243 Le problème ne se situe pas là, le simple fait d'utiliser du pétrole au XXIème siècle est aberrant ! 2244 Les taux de CO2 acceptables doivent être fixés beaucoup plus bas que ce qu'ils sont actuellement. Une valeur moyenne ne doit plus être attribuée aux constructeurs mais une valeur cumulée pour tous ses modèles 2251 viel zu grosszügig - in etlichen Ländern nicht beachtet (z.B. Italien mit extrem vielen Motorrädern und altmodischen Bussen) 2252 Da der Straßenverkehr derzeit nicht in den globalen Emissionshandel einbezogen ist, müssen die Ziele der Klimakonventionen über gesetzliche Vorgaben durchgesetzt werden. 2257 Pas assez contraignante. 2266 Wachsende Anzahl von Ausnahmetatbeständen, die zu einer Aushöhlung der Rechtsvorschrift führen. Außerdem ist der NEFZ nicht repräsentativ für die Verkehrsverhältnisse und berücksichtigt nicht die Nebenaggregate. 2267 On vend de plus en plus de voitures, les salons de l'automobile ont de plus en plus de succès, l'autosolisme est devenu la norme, les files sont considérées comme une fatalité... 2275 Die Grenzwerte sind noch viel zu hoch angesetzt, um die Klimaziele zu erreichen. 2285 Es herrscht volle Liberalität bezüglich verbrauchsstarker Wagen. 2292 Es werden zu viele Fahrzeuge mit unnötig hohem Verbrauch verkauft (SUV, Luxuslimousinen, ..) 2301 Die Werte und alles ist zu lasch, die Klimaschutzziele werden so nicht erreicht! 2304 J'estime que les rejets actuels sont encore trop élevés. 2307 Parce qu'entre les données dites par les constructeurs et la réalité, il y a une marge. Parce que les gens ont l'impression que rouler en voiture "verte" ne pollue pas et qu'ils roulent donc plus. Parce que les voitures continuent d'être de plus en plus grosses et de plus en plus lourdes alors que cela augmente (à technologie égale) leur consommation 2310 Sie sind nicht ambitioniert 2313 I believe efforts made so far are not enough to reduce greenhouse effect. I´m satisfied with the measures taken to reduce emissions of trucks. But I would like to see a lot more electric vehicles on the road. Unfortunatly they´re not quite affordable, not yet. 2316 Die Grenzwerte sind zu wenig anspruchsvoll, weil auf die Interessen der Automobillobby zu viel Rücksicht genommen wird 2321 Ce sont les primes et le coût du carburant qui pousse le marché vers moins de g CO2/km, par les obligations, d'autant plus que c'est pour 2015. 2322 bleiben weit hinter technischen Möglichkeiten (auch unter Einbeziehung der Wirtschaftlichkeit) und ökologischen Notwendigkeiten zurück 2325 the automobile sector is capable of cutting the emissions much more, but is just not asked to do it!! 2327 sie haben keine bindende Wirkung und werden umgangen 2328 In der Realität ist der Versuch immer wieder erfolgreich, die Rechtsvorschriften zu unterlaufen (und das noch als Kavaliersdelikt zu verkaufen) 2329 Zu hohe Grenzwerte und zu viele Ausnahmeregelungen 2331 Weil trotz der Vorschriften eine Verbesserung nicht eintritt. 2333 Zu wenig konkret und nicht mit der nötigen Verbindlichkeit 2348 si l'on desire diminuer de maniere drastique les emissions de gaz a effet de serre , il faut proposer des alternatives a la voiture. Proposer par exemple des transports en commun gratuit ou au moins presque. 2364 Die heute verbindlichen Grenzwerte sind zu hoch. Die europäische Autoindustrie könnte sehr viel niedrigere Grenzwerte zu vertretbaren Kosten realisieren. 2375 Because the pollution still high and the people still not caring as much as they should about the environment. But changing the legislation without other measures is useless. We have to promoting education campaigns and involving all the people and put the information accessible to everybody.

2382 The levels are still to high. And it is NOT ONLY about CO2. For example Belgium still promotes low CO2 emmiting Diesel-cars (but they pollute more, and are a threath for the air quality. Especially the FINE DUST and other gasses in the cities, you know that more and more children in the cities have respitory and long-problems like astma. You do not have to be a scientist to know that this bad airquality will create more health problems. In Flanders ALL major cities exceed the european pollution values and maximum number of days: 35 days. Moste of the cities are around 50 days. So, almost every week! If you drive to Brussels you see the disgusting brown smog above the citie and they want to make the ring-road lardger. 2386 Bevorteilung von Fahrzeugen mit hohen Emissionen 2388 The reduction of emission goes way too slow. We should aim for totally clean cars earlier. 2395 La question des autres émissions n'est pas prise en compte. Des véhicules hyper émetteurs sont toujours vendus. On ne focalise que sur le CO2. Cela oriente la politique ficale des états, beaucoup trop favorables au diesel notamment en Belgique. 2397 1) Les normes sont trop élevées parce que 2) il n'y a pas de réelle volonté politique de limiter la puissance, la vitesse, le poids des véhicules à cause de : 3) l'intensité du lobby pro- voiture. 2398 Elle n'est pas suffisamment ambitieuse 2410 Trop facile de la contourner, taux trop élevés 2411 Fuel consumption of new cars is still high. Cars get bigger and heavier. Why are there still so many new SUV's driving around? 2415 It allows too much time for adjustment, while time is a pressing factor in our attempt to tackle climate change. According to many organisations, as of August 2008, humanity has another 100 months to reach the peak of greenhouse gas emmissions. After that point radical reductions should be achieved so as to avoid the temperature rise going beyond 2 Celcius degrees compared to the pre-industrial period. http://www.neweconomics.org/publications/one-hundred-months-technical-note. More should be done. 2417 En termes de CO2, peut-être mais certainement pas en ce qui concerne les autres polluants (Nox, Pm 10, ...... ) => Alors que sur le papier, les véhicules émettent de moins en moins, la pollution augmente proportionnellement plus que le parc automobile. Un expert de CELINE, lors d'une conférence, a mentionné qu'en conditions normales d'utilisation, les véhicules de norme EURO 5 pouvaient émettre plus qu'un véhicule de norme EURO 1. Il faudrait peut-être revoir les conditions dans lesquelles sont effectués les tests d'octroi du certificat EURO. 2423 Die derzeit diskutierten Vorschriften und Vorschläge gehen zu stark auf die Vorbehalte der Industrievertreter und auf den Stand der aktuellen Technik ein, sie sind nicht der Größe der Problematik angemessen. Mit anderen Worten: Hier werden unvertretbar schwache Normen festgelegt, die den Eindruck erwecken, mit minimalen Korrekturen wäre das Problem lösbar. Damit schickt man aber Industrie und Verbraucher auf einen Irrweg: Man verringert geradezu die Anreize zu Innovation und zu Verhaltensänderungen. Weitere gravierende Kritikpunkte sind: Die Normverbräuche sind auf die Masse bezogen (es muss aber darum gehen, downsizing und leichtere Fahrzeuge zu fördern). Und: Der Typprüfzyklus ist absolut nicht repräsentativ für das tatsächlcieh fahrverhalten. Unbedingt notwendig ist ein Zyklus, der reales Fahrverhalten abbildet. Das Ziel von 147 g/km ist viel zu hoch gewählt: Unakzeptabel.

2425 LES FAITS : pollution en hausse croissante. 2426 les gens préfèrent, actuellement, payer que de changer de comportement. 2431 traffic growth compensates for efficiciency gains 2432 At the moment and only in 2015 there in be Hydrogen cars. Electric cars aren't the way to go, low average of km. No taxes for the more pollutions cars. No action have been taking yet. LOW job opportunity. 2438 EU policy could started earlier forcing the industry to change. Now is already too late and fuel based veicles are still emitting too much. 2446 Zu wenig konkret, zu wenig scharfe Grenzwerte 2448 elle est nettement trop laxiste - cfr les résultats : les émissions moyennes des véhicules vendus, très élevées par rapport à ce que permet la technologie déjà acquise 2450 it must be done more strictly with higher goals 2454 The goals are way too low, they should be more stringent and ambitious 2480 nicht anspruchsvoll genug 2482 les sociétés ne tiennent pas compte des normes antipollution, pour preuve le nombre de voitures de société qui roulent au diésel, plus polluant que l'essence, surtout pour les petits trajets 2486 Trop peu ambitieuse (innovation technologique, vision long terme) 2489 C'est très bien d'encourager la production de véhicules peu énergivores, mais il faudrait en même temps interdire la fabrication et la vente de véhicules très énergivores. 2490 Les émissions de GES venant du secteur du transport restent en croissance importante. La législation est donc insuffisante. 2499 la législation actuelle va certes dans le bon sens, mais, compte tenu des technologies que le secteur automobile est en mesure de mettre en oeuvre (depuis de très nombreuses années), la législation devrait etre plus contraignante encore... 2511 stricter limitations should be imposed, higher standards set 2514 Die Grenzwerte sind viel zu gering, die genormte Verbrauchsmessung hat wenig mit dem realen Verbrauch zu tun und bildet diesen nur unvollständig ab. 2515 Die Grenzwerte sind viel zu gering, die genormte Verbrauchsmessung hat wenig mit dem realen Verbrauch zu tun und bildet diesen nur unvollständig ab. 2516 Il me semble réaliste, selon mon expérience, de penser que la législation actuelle est trop influencée par le secteur automobile et ses lobbies qui empêchent la Commission Européenne (CE) d'opter pour des plafonds 'CO2' moyens ambitieux. Les technologies existent (au moins chez les constructeurs français) pour répondre aux normes ultimes de la CE; il leur suffit alors de les mettre en place pour pouvoir y répondre sans avoir de 'pénalités'. Le secteur automobile et ses lobbies anticipent donc ces normes. Pour réduire drastiquement les émissions de CO2 de l'UE, ces politiques pourraient (devraient) être plus ambitieuses. 2517 Car l'industrie a intérêt a améliorer les performances des véicules mis sur le marché. Ils ont fait croirire il y a quelques années que les exigences seraient intenables. On se rend compte aujourd'hui qu'elle dépassent ces objectifs 2519 Même si les véhicules sont moins polluants, leur augmentation est telle que nous polluons de plus en plus! 2528 La Commission est bien trop pusillanime et ne prend pas suffisamment en compte les défis environnementaux qui sont devant nous pour sacrifier à des objectifs de court et moyen termes qui ne poussent pas suffisamment les constructeurs à rechercher la performance . De plus ,une partie de la solution viendra de la réduction des kilomètres parcourus en voiture privée dont le taux de remplissage stagne aux environs de 1.37 personne /véhicule en moyenne et il convient aussi de rendre le kilomètre parcouru plus cher , ce qui pourrait dégager une marge financière pour les constructeurs qui devraient mettre sur le marché plus vite des technologies nouvelles et pousser leurs efforts R&D. 2535 Il n' a pas de contrôle, en tout cas pas à ma connaissance 2538 Législation basée uniquement sur combustion de carburant et données constructeurs, sans prendre en compte le cycle de vie complet du véhicule. Résultat, + de voitures neuves sont vendues, ce qui augmente les émissions de GE SMondiales avec pour objectif de réduire celles des km parc ourus en europe. 2550 A lot more still needs to be done. Current legislation is ok but could and should be better. 2551 not strong enough or effectively implemented 2558 Les règles sont trop souples en matière de CO2 2567 pas de prise en compte des particules fines ( diesel ) 2575 Il y a toujours plus de véhicules, de violence motorisée et de bruit sur nos routes, les émissions moyennes ne varient pas sensiblement, les particules fines (prétendument en réduction) sont de plus en plus fines et donc de plus en plus neuro-toxiques. Enfin, les agro-carburants et la voiture électriques sont de pures arnaques climatiques à proscrire d'emblée sauf cas très marginaux (ex: agrocarburants auto-produits pour les paysans et moteurs électriques pour les véhicules d'utilité publique en centres-villes historiques, par ex.) 2576 j''ai appris que la Belgique est en infraction, concernant ces normes. Dans la région où j'habite beaucoup de conducteurs ne semblent pas se soucier du problème, et les excès de vitesse paraissent peu sanctionnés. 2578 législation pas assez stricte, trop peu de contrôles 2581 trop laxiste par rapport aux constructeurs 2604 Ne prend pas en compte l'ensemble des émissions de carbone. De la construction du véhicule jusqu'au recyclage => il faut être plus sévère ! De plus légiférer pour les transports routiers c'est bien mais il manque le calcul des émissions due aux transports aérien ! 2605 The regulations are not applied universally, across all EU countries. The regulations have been relaxed from the original high ideals. Certain organisations lobby their governments hard, and regulations are eased. 2606 Too little, too late 2608 MANUFACTURERS DO NOT SEEM TO BE LOOKING WIDELY ENOUGH AT NEW TECHNOLOGIES - NEED MORE INDUCEMENT AND/OR PENALTIES 2612 as far as I can tell from personal experience of being a road user the regulation on emissions is not allowing the GHG reductions from this sector to progress fast enough, maybe it would be more appropriate for Governments to improve the public transpost infrastructure instead of investing in building more roads to allow more vehicles to circulate? 2613 Die Rechtsvorschriften basieren auf zu geringen Anforderungen. Diese werden auch noch durch unrealistische Meßverfahren geschwächt. Beispiel: Meßzyklen für Pkw ohne die inzwischen sehr verbreitete Klimaanlage. Die "gefahrene" Höchstgeschwindigkeit ist 120 km/h, während große Pkw (auf Autobahnen in Deutschland) in der Regel viel schneller bewegt werden. Insbesondere werden dadurch große Pkw gegenüber kleinen bevorzugt. 2614 I have been behind many cars which emit smelly and nasty emissions 2616 Die Grenzwerte sind zu hoch angesetzt 2621 Not enough restrictions and not tough enough 2622 Not enough is being done, there is a lot of talk and not enough action. We are in emergency times and need to act as such. There is no time like the present. There needs to be immediate action on new technology and the phasing out of all carbon emissions. 2626 It is the total number of vehicles that is causing the damage 2627 The amount that vehicles are used should be taken into account 2629 VW boasts that is producing some of the best low emission cars, but most of their cars are as pollutings as other manufacturers. We need to have more transparency, and advertising needs to be more truthful. The technology is there, the incentive is not. 2630 The standards are too low they need to be more progressive with positive discrimination in favour better performing vehicles. 2634 The problem is global and emerging nations are now polluting to a much greater extent than we can possibly counteract by these puny European sanctions. 2637 There is little sign of zero-emissions vehicles 2640 The average CO2 emissions targets are not high enough. 2642 I believe it needs to be stringent and stringently enforced. At present I do not think this is the case in some regions. 2643 There has been no reduction in overall C)2 emissions 2645 Targets need to be bolder, the penalties for continuing to use or invest in fossil fuel powered vehicles more dis-incentive oriented, the enticements for moving to hybrid vehicles, to electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles more attractive, the intransigence and resistance of manufacturers undermined by consumer pressure to change and advance, led by the right government infrastructures, mecahnisms and climate to drive demand from consumers for new technologies and new bold targets around use of and eventual removal of fossil fuel powered vehicles from urban centres. There needs to be a system devised that provides for bringing forward target dates. 2663 There is not a big enough shift by the manufacturing sector to comply with the regulations. 2664 The cars of today typically have far higher CC's than when i was a youth. Also If a manufacturer can reduce emmissions by averaging out their fleet then they will still produce high performance gas guzzlers. So smaller more effecient engines are paramount. 2668 Standards are set too low to have a real impact 2672 C02 should not be the issue here, rather the REAL problems, being the particles and the benzene compounds. These are the harbringers of cancer and respiratory disease of all ages, but notably children. C02 is what we breath out, what trees need to produce O2....., the C02 discussion is a farce and a waste of time and resources. 2682 il faut également réduire les transports particuliers et routiers. 2702 It doesn't work in countries where you have lots of vehicles more than 15 years old. 2703 Sie nicht nicht rigoros genug. Eine Herausfoderung für die Wirtschaft (mit den erwünschten positiven Effekten) wird nur erzielt, wenn es eine solche Heruasforderung gibt und nicht, wenn die Emissionsnormen mit business as usual eingehalten werden können. Zudem wird die geringe Reduktion in keiner Weise den Erfordernissen in Bezug auf das 2-Grad-Ziel gerecht. 2704 For a simple reason that just following Euro emission standards the only gases controlled at the exhaust systems are NOx, HC & CO. There is no control for CO2 2716 Focussing on stricter emission standards may reduce emissions PER KM, but induces higher usage of vehicles. Policy should focus on TOTAL emissions, for instance, setting a carbon Tax. 2721 Although progress were made, concentration of pollutants are still high, particularly in cities. This is a signal that much more has to be done by regulating and putting higher andmore severe standards. the market will have to adjust, rathern than the health (and pockets) of EU citizens suffering first. 2724 La possession de véhicules privés continue d'être encouragée, ce qui pose de réels problèmes en milieu urbain. 2725 Too many aspects have been based on voluntary measures by the car making industry. Progress has been much slower than possible technologically and desirable for climate reduction and pollution targets. Also some legislation has been counter productive in terms of emissions reductions - such as the policies promoting liquid biomass energy where the European Commission (DG Energy etc) with many member states have unfortunately not taken a very progressive stance but so far largely blocked the application of mounting scientific evidence (indirect land use change debate). 2728 Tranport GHG emissions are increasing, in contrast to all other sectors. There is not a hope in hell of achieving either the 2020 or 2050 targets. 2734 Sie sind nicht genug restriktiv. Es fehlt an Kontrolsystemen (Kontrolwerkzeugen). 2742 Elle devrait être plus contraignante, sinon les objectifs de 85% de réduction seront inatteignables. De plus, l'efficacité carbone des véhicules devra être complétée par des mesures de sobriété, applicables aux utilisateurs des véhicules (et non aux constructeurs) 2744 Elle donne certains résultats mais n'est pas suffisante. On peut encore réduire davantage les émissions et inciter davantage les citoyens à moins utiliser les véhicules routiers. 2745 La législation devrait être plus coercitive au niveau des constructeurs. 2749 pas politique générale de REDUCTION DU VOLUME DU TRAFIC 2752 MANQUE DE VISION GENERALE: ça coute beaucoup moins quand on ne s'en sert pas! - Pas de politique en faveur du transport collectif urbain ET extra-urbain - Pas de pressions sur les constructeurs automobiles pour faire plus propre. Le fait est à un soutien financier inconditionnel des constructeurs pour préservation industrie. Alors que s'il y avait un soutien conditionnel vers véhicules plus propres, il y aurait embauche et progrès technique 2759 Les objectifs de réduction de la pollution ne doivent pas se limiter à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. C'est une réforme plus profonde de l'utilisation des ressources non renouvelable qui doit voir le jour (matériaux de constructions des automobiles, matières organiques fossiles, mais aussi combustibles nucléaires pour la production d'électricité!!!). Il n'y a aucune transparence sur la provenance des matériaux et leur "recyclabilité" lors de l'achat d'un véhicule. 2761 Encore trop de véhicules en circulation en général. En France par exemple le train est cher et il est donc plus rentable d'utiliser la voiture dès qu'on est 2 personnes. Ceci peut être rectifié par les politiques publiques. Les nouveaux véhicules à faibles émissions en carbone tardent à entrer sur le marché. Problème de coût à l'achat pour les véhicules électriques. Pour les véhicules GPL, je comprends moins bien le frein : tout semble être positif pour ces véhicules. Problème de communication ? Mais il existe également des choses à oser dans l'utilisation d'autres modes de transport (transport à cheval par exemple). Ceci aussi fait partie des politiques publiques. 2762 Une grande partie des véhicules étant constitué de véhicules d'occasion, ces derniers ne sont pas concernés par la législation mentionnée. 2763 Pas assez contraignante pour les acteurs. 2764 La réglementation autorise des taux importants, moyennant le paiement de taxe, i faudrait les interdire. 2765 Difficulté pour produire des véhicules plus légers en petite série dues aux normes et aux coûts des homologations. 2766 pas assez de contraintes sur les plus poluants, manque d'information sur les différents carburants, pas de contextualisation de l'usage (ville, pro...) 2780 Fuel consumption and as consequence CO2 levels are far away from being the real ones in everyday use. The test need to be revised, as US authorithies did. 2783 I think that the taxes for polluting cars should be increased. 2784 Der derzeitige Ansatz des Flottenverbrauchs stellt einen Eingriff in den Wettbewerb in hohem Maße dar. Sog. pooling ermöglicht Großkonzernen, welche viele verbrauchsarme Fahrzeuge (Kleinst-/Kleinwagen) herstellen, weiterhin Fahrzeuge mit außergewöhnlich hoher Emission zu verkaufen. Für Konzerne, welche in erster Linie den Markt der Premiumfahrzeuge bedienen hingegen sind die Ziele unerreichbar. Sinnvoll wäre ein Ansatz, welcher zur Emissionssenkung in allen Klassen führen würde. Insbesondere bei der großen Masse der Kleinst-/Kleinwagen, welche die Emissionsgrenzen locker unterschreiten, lassen sich, durch technisch simple und damit konstengünstige Maßnahmen, massive Senkungen des Verbrauchs und damit der Emissionen erreichen.

2787 Il existe de grandes quantités de brevets qui pourraient réellement réduire la consommation et la pollution qui ne sont toujours pas appliqués : hybridation par l'hydrogène (http://www.freepatentsonline.com/1262034.pdf), allumage "plasma" (http://www.freepatentsonline.com/3921605.pdf), injection d'eau, vaporisation de l'essence (http://www.freepatentsonline.com/1997497.pdf) ainsi que la méthanisation des déchets, la transformation des déchets plastique en hydrocarbure. 2788 La politique actuelle n'est pas assez forte, pas assez contraignante. Il faut taxer le transport routier sous toute ses formes. 2792 Vehicle manufacturers have been allowed to sell the lie of 'economical' and 'clean' new motors. So far these emissions targets have proved neglectful by not exploring the IMMEDIATE SOLUTIONS and therefore a cause of further POLLUTION. Water namely 1, hydrogen on demand systems 2. GEET (Vortex Heat Exchanger) 3. ecopra/hypnow all use a variety of electricity or exhaust heat to extract hydrogen to add to the fuel/air mixture and drastically reduce CO2 and Nox emissions and minimum 20 % gain in fuel economy IF YOU WOULD MAKE THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS produce their cars/vans/buses/trucks/boats/ships with an ECU that would allow the use of Hydrogen/water vapours (LITRES PER MINUTE ) then GLOBAL emissions would HALVE. MAKE THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS' production and use of CATALYTIC CONVERTERS prohibitive then you make the use of water (fuel reformers) the only GLOBALLY ABUNDANT panacea. Until you do this the planet's health will come 2nd to EVERY OIL COMPANIES profits. 2794 There is still too much pollution especially because of the industrial vehicles and diesel engines. 2796 Road transportation contributes just in a reduced part to the total CO2 and pollutants emissions in the atmosphere, and it is just the most evident one. However to drastically reduce the emissions in this field has a tremendous impact on the costs for the citizens, without a corrispondent benefit. Pretty much higher benefits could be obtained imposing more stringent standards for the abitations or the industries and the power plants. 2802 Bei Pkw sind die Emissionen von NO2 nicht zurückgegangen, obwohl Gremien dazu seit EURO 0 existieren. 2804 Normen zu wenig streng. 2808 If the initiative is not supported by focussed development of solutions the European industry will suffer from the decision. 2812 It is based on the Tailpipe emissions which has very little correlation to greenhouse gas emissions and is actually leading in the totally wrong direction: towards fossil diesel fuels and AWAY from vehicles running on , , hydrogen, DME etc. Also when the policies favour electric vehicles - it doesn't make sure that electricity is clean enough to make the EV emitting less greenhouse gasses than the fossil fuelled equivalent. 2813 Well-to-whelle measrments of emissions insteda of Tail-pipe need to be introduced and used. 2815 Although these regulations help alleviating emission, the target should be alternative fuels such as electricity, hydrogen etc 2816 more stringent standards are necessary 2817 On sent clairement que le lobby automobile freine les initiatives et les évolutions. 2818 Relative Verbraüche des Schwerlastverkehrs müssen ebenso geregtelt werden, aber die NEFZ Zyklus für LNFZ ist nicht tauglich, da reell andere Fahrprofile gefahren werden. 2819 we do need more environmental friendly measures

COMMENTS FROM INDIVIDUALS IN RESPONSE TO QUESTION C4 Individual C4 Response Number 12 The Commission firstly need to develop a recognized methid for taking WTW-emissions into account, otherwise the manufacturers will keep on focusing on fossil fuel engines instead of climate smart vechiles for renewable energy and fuels 27 il est beaucoup trop élevé!!! Les contructeurs peuvent le diminuer! 31 D'après des analyses indépendantes sur l'industrie automobile, cet objectif fixé est très peu contraignant et pourrait être plus faible (130gCO2/km) et déjà atteint si chacun y mettait du sien au lieu de ne penser qu'au profit à court terme et les menaces "vides de statistique" du lobby industriel qui argue que cela ruinerait leur secteur. Un accompagnement politique de prime à la casse ou autres aides + de nouvelles voitures "écologiques" moins polluantes constituerait une relance économique importante. Pour ma part, j'attends encore une voiture de ville hybride ou tout électrique "bon marché" fabrication française digne de ce nom... 35 La société indienne TATA, s'est associée avec MDI (voiture air comprimé) pour adapter ce système sur ses véhicules utilitaires très utilisés en Inde. 37 Il faut un objectif encore plus fort pour allez au delà de "l'actuel possible" pour que les constructeurs investissent vraiment dans la R&D ou alors qu'ils disent sincèrement qu'ils n'y arriveront pas et alors là on arrête de fabriquer et vendre des voitures en partie destructrice de notre eco-système une bonne fois pour toute et on revient à des solutions plus simple et de bon sens pour laisser à nos générations futures une planète aussi généreuse que celle que l'on a eu la chance de côtoyer... 59 il faut aller beaucoup plus loin 60 Il faut fixer un objectif de 110gCO2/km pour 2015 pour faire avancer la cause. 148 Weil man noch mehr schaffen kann, wenn man den großen Herstellern an den Kragen geht. 181 A lower target is possible and should be enforced. 199 This target emission has to be brought forward to the very least 2015 200 Weil die Begründung "vertretbare Kosten" meiner Ansicht nach in diesem Zusammenhang nicht das alleinige Kriterium sein darf. For allem in einer heterogenen Wirtschaftszone wie der EU, wo die Ermessenssache "vertretbare Kosten" von der Region und der jeweiligen Bevölkerungsstruktur abhängen. Tatsächlich sollte denen, die es sich leisen können, schärfere Grenzen für die Emission von Treibhausgasen auferlegt werden. 220 S'il est réalisable à partir de maintenant, au point de vue technique, technologique et financiers; pourquoi attendre 2020 ? 294 Taux de 120g CO2/km serait plus approprié, stimulerait la R&D. 339 147g CO2/km ist für leichte Nutzfahrzeuge bis 2020 viel zu hoch, dieses Ziel sollte früher erreicht und also für 2020 ein schärferes Ziel angestrebt werden. 362 I would prefer a lower target. 370 C'est encore trop. 375 Grenzwert ist noch zu hoch 426 Why use gCO2/km and not just L/100km. It can easily be converted according to the fuel used. It could reduce costs for testing and approvals substantially and thus make it fairer towards small businesses and private developers. 438 je pense qu'il faut un objectif plus ambitieux 451 Der CO2-Ausstoß ist zu hoch angesetzt, das Emissionsziel sollte für leichte Nutzfahrzeuge deutlich unter dem Wert von 147 g CO2/km liegen. 534 As stated in my previous answer this is woefully unambitious. 570 Les objectifs ne sont pas assez élevés. Il faut descendre les émissions à 120 gCO2/km maximum. 612 The planet is awash with polluting vehicles and in the minority green vehicles. What does the EU not understand about how we CANNOT go on with all this polluting traffic . . 2020 is a mockery. We've had years to create greener and more healthier ways to travel and yet the ideas for cleaner greener travel keep being put to the back while big industry is still allowed to continually pollute the air we breathe, making big fat profits at our expense !! 625 147 g CO2/km ist ein viel zu geringer Wert für sinnvolle Vorschfriten. AUsfgrund des immer weiter vortschreitenden Kilmawandel sollte er maximal 110 g CO2/km betragen. 632 The target should be more ambitious. 643 II faudrait aller plus loin, voir plus haut ! 742 147 gCO2/km is too polluting. A much lower target must be set. 775 Das Emissionsziel ist zu hoch. Es sollte unter 100 g CO2/km liegen. Das ist technisch machbar, und erst recht nicht zu teuer. Fördert endlich den Elektroantrieb. 0 Emission ist das Ziel !!!!!! 780 Dieses Emissionsziel ab 2020 ist viel zu hoch angesetzt. 846 we can do more to keep the co2 low 853 es wird ein niedriegeres ziel benötigt 894 because it is not low enough, and reasonable cost is an inappropriate measure. if the limit is set lower, it will be achived by manufacturers and cost will be what it will be. 915 es müsste ein noch niedrigeres Ziel angestrebt werden 997 This emission level is too timid an objective for the reasons in C2 above. 1016 Es ist ein niedrigeres Emissionsziel möglich. 1017 The target should be lowered to 100 gCO2/km since lots of different models already achieve below this figure. 1025 zu viel Ausstoß 1033 The target should be increased to highest possible achievable with a moderately higher cost. Controls on vehicle emissions are only a part of the overall solution to reduce climate change and hence more needs to be done wherever possible. 1045 147 gCO2 is too high. We need to work towards zero emissions asap. 1069 Das Emissionsziel von 147 g/km CO2 ist nicht ambitioniert genug. Um eine wesentliche CO2-Emissionsminderung zu erreichen sollte als Ziel 130 g/km CO2 definiert werden. 1092 Ich bin für verpflichtende Emissionsziele und deren Umsetzung, aber halte den genannten Grenzwert für zu hoch. 1109 Ich trete fü ein noch ambionierteres Ziel ein. Unter 147 g CO2/km 1113 The target amount should be a smaller number. 1175 weniger als 147 g CO2 festsetzen 1191 il faudrait dans ce cas inciter les industries à améliorer leur objectif de limitation de gaz a effet de serre et ne surtout pas écouter les protestations "langue de bois" (ça couterait trop cher, ça détruirait l'industrie etc..) des lobbys automobile 1219 cela est très insuffisant, il faut vraiment faire des véhicules légers et on pourra alors viser < 100g 1223 This target is still high. Definitely set a target that is going to challenge innovation. Set a seriously challenging target, and really be bold. The target can be reached. Necessity is the mother of invention. To cut emissions effectively, targets need to be very low and very strict. We won't lose out in any meaningful way once we've adjusted. We'll actually benefit. 1240 Wenn technisch möglich MUSS das Zieldatum schon vor 2020 (mindestens ab 2017 oder noch viel früher) festgesetzt werden! 1250 The target should be even higher to be effective - 147 gCO2/km isn't enough. If this really is the best we can do i would of course support it, since it's better than nothing - though it won't save us from burning. 1343 Eine Grenze von weniger g CO2/km ist meiner Meinung nach schon vor 2020 nötig. Individualverkehr sollte hin zu gemeinsam finanzierten und genutzten Fahrzeugen mit sehr viel geringeren Emissionen verändert werden. Wir haben als Mitteleuropäer hier auch eine besondere Verantwortung, Menschen in anderen Teilen der Welt als Beispiel zu dienen um glObale Emissionen zu minimieren. 1363 More needs to be done 1401 Bei Ausnutzung aller technischen Möglichkeiten sind sicher niedrigere CO² -Werte zu erreichen. 1432 Das ist keine Frage der vertretbaren Kosten. Desweiteren halte ich 147g CO2/km für zu hoch gegriffen. Alles darüber sollte zu Abgaben führen. Aus diesem Topf sollten dann Strukturprogramme zur E-Mobilität schöpfen können. Das Ziel ist also MIND. festzusetzen! Unabhängig der Kostenfrage. 1450 non car il faut développer d'autres technologies, comme les moteurs hybrides, les véhicules à propulsion électrique 1461 Weil dieses Ziel zu vertretbaren Kosten breits vorher erreicht werden kann 1494 It should be brought forwardand the commission should strongly resist the industry lobbying, 1510 If this is the case the target emissions should be made even lower 1514 This target still needs to be lower. It is a waste of time to make small steps, only big steps are worthwhile. This is to say not to do nothing, but to push ahead and make REAL target. A goal is something you are supposed to want to achieve, not something we know we can do at the moment if we actually bother. This target needs to reflect our hopes and dreams, not a weak current possibility. 1526 Il faut aller bien au delà ! 110gCO2/km largement atteignable. 1531 il faut aller plus loin, si d'un point de vue technique l'objectif est réalisable, cela veut dire que nous n'avons par encore atteints nos limites ! 1560 Die Klimaerwärmung erfordert drastische Maßnahmen zu CO2- reduzierung, leichte Nutzfahrzeuge müssen und können!!! CO2 neutral fahren ( Elektrofahrzeuge, deren Entwicklung die deutsche Automobilindustrie verschlafen und ignoriert) 1580 Leichte Nutzfahrzeuge sollten an die selben Emissionsgrenzwerte gebunden sein wie Pkws: 1608 The target must be lower if any meaningful CO2 emission reduction is to be achieved. 1628 Technisch möglich sind viel niedrigere Emissionswerte und somit ist der Wert von 147 g Kohlendioxid/km kein Ziel, dass ein signifikante Verbesserung bringen wird 1634 We should be worried on having a CLEAN PLANET rather than millionaires on the automobiles and petrol industry by 2020!! There is a way to make money on the automobile industries with zero emissions.... If one start the other will have to follow.... I believe every conscious human been will rather have a car with zero emissions! 1648 Definition and agreement of 'reasonable' needs quantifying with Automotive manufacturers in terms total development cost over vehicle model's projected product lifcycle. 1667 < 100 g CO2/km muss angestrebt werden. 1668 BECAUSE GAS AND OIL POWERED ENGINES SHOULD BE DISAPPEARED BY 2020! 1673 da es zu wenig ist es müste noch viel mehr sein 1767 Dies ist für das Jahr 2020(!) ein weitaus zu hoher Zielwert. Es ist technisch weit mehr machbar. Es geht um eine grundlegende Neuorientierung! 1774 147 g CO2/km ist viel zu hoch. 1952 il faut un objectif plus contraignant (120 gCO2/km) 2175 Le plafond d'émissions fixé reste trop élevé pour avoir un impact suffisant et nécessaire. 2217 For LCV's it is not rational to publisch CO2 emissions. 2242 Who will pay for these new light commercial vechicles? 2243 Il faut être réaliste car des alternatives existent. Changer progressivement de moyen de propulsion/combustion ect est également réalisable en investissant intelligemment au lieu de courir après cette soif d'argent. Le néo-capitalisme que nous vivons est destructeur, cette société de surconsommation est à revoir. 2244 Les taux acceptables sont 50 à 60 g pour des véhicules légers et 120g pour des véhicules lourds. 2269 Même si l'analyse ne le confirme pas, il faut quand même confirmer l'objectif 2276 das Ziel ist zu Lasch, bis 2020 sollte ein Wert von 100g CO2/km oder weniger angepeilt werden. 2285 weil bereits heute weit bessere Werte möglich sind. 2301 viel zu hoch - 147g reichen als Klimaschutzziel bei Weitem nicht aus! 2307 L'objectif est trop haut. Il y a eu des prototypes d'autos qui consommaient un litre au 100 km. Il est donc possible de faire bcp, bcp mieux. 2321 Il faut aller plus loin : 147 g CO2/km n'est pas un bon score en 2011, il faut viser moins de 100 g CO2/km en 2020. 2327 es sollte das jeweils mögliche schärfste Ziel formuliert werden 2329 147 g CO2/km ist bei weitem zu hoch. Die Nutzung vorhandener technischer Möglichkeiten erlaubt für Neufahrzeuge im Jahr 2020 einen bedeutend niedrigeren Grenzwert von nz.B. 120 g 2382 147 is not enough. it has to be lower.But I am affraid that europe will do what the car lobby wants her to do. The car industy does not care for the air quality of our children. they just go for more money, marketshare and money for their shareholders. We have seen this before in other issues. Healthcosts against profit? that is the question 2388 If the target is achievable, you should also determine if better targets are achievable. It's good to be ambitious. 2395 on peut faire beaucoup mieux, beaucoup plus bas, notamment en diminuant la vitesse max. d'utilisation de ces véhicules. La date de 2020 est aussi trop lointaine et permettra d'écouler les technologies existantes - donc saturer le marché de véhicules plus polluants avant 2020. De plus les constructeurs sont dénoncés pour manipuler les chiffres d'émissions avant la vente, cela sans contrôle objectif et légal des véhicules effectivement placés sur le marché. 2397 Norme beaucoup trop élevée. Il faut que la moyenne s'établisse sous 100 grC02/KM et cela n'est réalisable que par la diminution du poids, de la puissance des moteurs et des vitesses autorisées. 2410 taux trop haut et trop de voitures 2432 The more time passes the more difficult is to achieve the goal. Since hydrogen is the way to go, i haven't seen a real afford towards this new generation cars. 2436 It's that enought? 2438 It 2020 target should be lower than 147 gCO2/km ! at least 95 gCO2/km; are you blind? or where is the greate european innovation? 2486 Cette norme peut être abaissée par développement des politiques de R&D 2499 meme analyse que pour la question précédente... 2516 Non, car si cet objectif est le résultat d'une négociation avec le secteur automobile, on pourrait raisonnablement penser qu'abaisser le plafond de 10% serait un objectif atteignable pour les constructeurs qui, par ailleurs, stimulerait la recherche et développement. 2528 L'objectif doit être plus ambitieux de manière aussi à réduire l'impact du lobby du pétrole car les détenteurs du pouvoir lié à l'utilisation du pétrole empêchent l'émergence des nouvelles technologies tant qu'elles ne sont pas à leur service pour perpétuer leur main-mise sur la mobilité des Européens. Il faut favoriser l'émergence de nouveaux acteurs qui vont remettre de la concurrence dans le secteur . 2538 La plupart des véhicules neufs sont déjà en dessous de cette norme en 2011 : pourquoi attendre 2020 ? Ce n'est pas assez contraignant 2539 Das Emissionsziel von 147/g CO2/km ist zu hoch angesetzt. Die Grenze sollte bei 120 g CO2/km oder niedriger angesetzt werden. Primär ist eine möglichst geringe Belastung der Umwelt anzustreben und NICHT ein Nachgeben gegenüber der Automobilindustrie. 2551 it is not tough enough 2578 objectif à revoir à la baisse (moins de 100gCO²/km), il y a urgence dans des pays aussi densément peuplés que le nôtre! 2603 Stifles further innovation - should be a reward-based taxation system to encourage strategies for GHG reduction 2622 This is just not enough and still not taking the situation seriously enough. 2630 It should be lower and then confirmed ; we are going too slow! 2643 Individual reduction of CO2 per vehicle will not achieve overall reductions if more people drive more miles & generally use more energy (including CO2 emitted in generating electricity for electric vehicles) 2669 147 g CO2/km sind viel zu hoch sinnvoller sind Werte um 100 g CO2/km, technisch geht es auch noch besser 2672 C02 should not be the issue here, rather the REAL problems, being the particles and the benzene compounds. These are the harbringers of cancer and respiratory disease of all ages, but notably children. C02 is what we breath out, what trees need to produce O2....., the C02 discussion is a farce and a waste of time and resources.

2680 Das Emissionsziel muss noch weiter heruntergestzt werden. 2703 Wie oben. Das Ziel sollte versschärft und dann auch umgesetzt werden. Dabei sollte man sich stärker an den Erfordernissen eine verantwortbaren Klimapolitik (2-Grad-Ziel) orientieren. 2716 Same as above: focus should be on GLOBAL emissions, not on emissions PER KM 2721 I believe that the target should be raised higher, meaning less gCO2/km for light-commercial vehicles 2742 Il faut aller au delà, 147 gCO2 ne représente pas un gain à la hauteur de l'objectif. 2761 Oui et non. Le premier objectif doit être d'abord de diminuer les déplacements inutiles. Communication sur les transports à pied, à vélo, à cheval. Visioconférences pour les réunions de travail... 2784 Der Wettbewerb wird dies, in Anbetracht der steigenden Kraftstoffpreise, auch ohne künstliche Eingriffe sicherstellen. Schon jetzt ist der Kraftstoffverbrauch ein ganz wesentliches Kriterium bei der Wahl eines neuen Fahrzeugs.

2791 We have to improve a strong reduction emission target for 2020 to keep carmaker productive and to improve innovation sector. 2796 147 g/CO2 are actually measured on a standard cycle not rapresenting the real working conditions of the engine, that at the end could be even worst than the actual life in the real life use, just to fulfill the requirements in the measured points.

2805 X gCO2/km is the wrong metric - the CO2 comes from the fuel, not the vehicle. It is intellectually and technically more satisfying to set an energy efficiency target for any energy- consuming appliance. Just as you would with light bulbs and microwave ovens, so you should with cars and vans. For instance, the metric should be MJ/km or kWh/km which is entirely technology-neutral and does not pre-suppose that vehicles must have tailpipes. You must deal with the carbon content of the fuel - e.g. gCO2/MJ or gCO2/kWh - in the energy supply regulations. It doesn't make sense to write your regulations around the internal combustion engine with a tailpipe, because it's technology-specific. 2812 It should be stricter and based on WTW-emissions: there are already several light-commercial vehicle models available that emit less than 147 g CO2/km WTW. As the correlation between tailpipe emissions and climate gas emissions is very poor, a Tailpipe emission standard will not be a way forward. On the opposite it threatens to trigger big investments in refining the fossil fuel propulsion technology and block the development of renewable fuels and EV-technology. The EC policy should be consistent - not counteracting. 2813 It can be preferably bee evan stronger but it has to be based on well-to-wheel emissions. 2815 Other technological solutions should be supported either financially or with appropriate infrastructure 2817 on s'en fout "du coût raisonnable". C'est exactement le genre d'arguments qui freinent l'évolution que doit prendre ce secteur déjà trop favorisé. Par ailleurs, il faut un objectif d'émission plus bas que ces 147 grammes... Il faut en outre contraindre ce secteur de recentrer la fabrication de ses véhicules dans l'union même, sinon, ça n'a aucun sens de réduire de les émissions si c'est pour continuer à transporter à travers le monde la moindre petite pièce fabriquée en Asie et assemblée en Europe...

COMMENTS FROM INDIVIDUALS IN RESPONSE TO QUESTION E2 Individual E2 Response Number 1 politique de contrôle des véhicules sur autoroutes, à l entrée des agglomérations et aux passages des frontières. favoriser le ferroutage avec des dégrèvements. 3 Policies that result in aternative fuel usage 4 Développement du ferroutage, relocalisation de productions alimentaires et autres. Remplacement des cultures d'agrocarburants par des productions vivrières, ce qui limiterait le transport de ces produits à travers toute l'Europe. Le développement des moteurs électriques ne résout pas le problème mais ne fait que le déplacer. Il s'agit également de développer les transports en commun et de les rendre financièrement plus accessibles à tous. Il est urgent de sensibiliser davantage les citoyens afin de le pousser à plus de sobriété quant à ses déplacements en véhicules routiers. 5 Le développement des transports de marchandise alternatifs: ferroutage, voies fluviales. Et une politique ambitieuse de réduction du transport en favorisant la production en unités locales, en développant le mode de transport collectif léger (petites unités plus nombreuses). 7 Verkehrspolitik, Förderung von Eisenbahn und Schiffen für Frachtverkehr 10 fiscalité incitative sensibilisation états et administrations exemplaires aménagement du territoire, dépenses d'infrastructure et urbanisme en cohérence avec ces objectifs 12 Introduction of Carbon tax on fossil fuels, A bonus malus model based on vehicles WTW CO2 eq emissions (with renewable fuel/energy). Increased climat ambibion in targets for renewable energy in the transport sector. Investments grant in new and highly efficient biofuel production, to increase the competitivesness of European biofuel productions. A long- term ban on purely fossil depdent vehicles. Make it possible for public authorities to request low-carbon transports in all their procurements (public procurement represents 25-40% of EU GDP) 14 L'Europe doit continuer à donner l'exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Il faut absolument fixer un objectif pour 2025, quel que soit le type de véhicule. Cet objectif doit être ambitieux pour un objectif zéro carbone d'ici à 2050

16 Es gehörte von der EU allgemein ein Energieministerium eingeführt. Unabhängig der Schadstoffausstoß direkt an Ort uns Stelle geschieht, oder eben bei Elektrofahrzeugen irgend wo auf der Welt, ist er hier. Es sollte weltweit der gesamte Energieverbrauch mit erneuerbarer Energie abgedeckt werden. Um Geld dazu zu erwirtschaften gehörte eine Finanztransaktionssteuer (zumindest Höhe der durchschnittlichen Mehrwertsteuer von 20% eingeführt) und bei den Kraftwerken global gedacht. Solaranlagen in die Wüsten (Sahara etc) wenn möglich Windkraftwerke (ohne all zuviel Rücksicht auf die Optik, da ein Gebirge auch nicht mehr anzusehen ist, wenn wir uns selbst vergiftet haben) etc..... 23 Policies related to traffic speed and kinds of fuel used ( electricity, hydrogen,etc.) 27 taxation des véhicles fortement émetteurs sous la forme d'une taxe annuelle. Le produit de cette taxe sera redistribué sous la forme de primes à l'achat des véhicules le moins émetteur. 29 Une taxation à l'achat et à l'utilisation (de manière annuelle) des véhicules les plus émetteurs de GES pour financer des aides à l'achat de véhicules les moins émetteurs du marché en fonction d'une évaluation des besoins de l'utilisateur. Pour les professionnels une SEM qui taxerait les plus gros pollueurs et financerait le surcout pour ceux qui investissent dans du matériel performant en se remboursant sur les économies réalisées. Une orientation des politiques publiques vers moins de transport routier pour les marchandises et pour les personnes avec par exemple la création d'un tarif social pour les transports en commun et le train et des avantages fiscaux pour les entreprises utilisant d'autres moyens (hors avion) pour livrer les marchandises.Une politique de réaménagement des territoires pour limiter les trajets domicile/travail en encourageant les entreprises à réinvestir les zones résidentielles et en stoppant l'extension des zones uniquement commerciales. 31 Déjà la formulation de votre question ci-dessus est telle qu'on ne peut y répondre!!! Les seules mesures à court terme qui me viennent à l'esprit sont les taxes sur les carburants,les taxes sur le poids de véhicules par exemple, taxes sur la consommation "théoriques" des véhicules et parallèlement inciter par des "aides" ou "bonus" à ré-utiliser le train ( trop cher encore), les voies d'eau (réaménagement en partie et création d nouvelles pourquoi pas!), et combiner plus étroitement ces infrastructures entre elles. 33 limiter les transports routiers (notamment les transports de marchandises en camions), favoriser d'autres moyens de transport comme les solutions ferroviaires. 34 Politique de circulation des marchandises dans une optique de localité. (pour ne plus voir un camion belge transportant des tomates pour l'Espagne percuté un camion espagnol transportant des tomates pour la Belgique) 35 Conception des véhicules, développement d'autres systèmes existants mais ignorés. Taxation transport professionnel. Politique RÉELLE de ferroutage. c'est vous qui êtes payés pour trouver les solutions. Ou alors je viens prendre votre place? 37 - Politique fiscale (sur les citoyens pour les encourager à) - Politique réglementaire (sur les industriels pour les encourager à) - Politique de responsabilisation (sur les citoyens riches pour les encourager à) car la politique de fiscalité est sans effet sur eux Je m'arrête d'écrire là car ceci est totalement utopique dans le système libéral actuellement en place où le "acheter plus pour montrer que l'on a plus" est dominant. 40 Des coûts intéressants rail-route, par exemple, puisque seul l'argent semble guider le monde du transport, comme bcp d'autres... 41 Umwelt, Beschäftigung 42 Kostenwahrheit im Güterverkehr (Roadpricing) und bei den Produktpreisen (Stichworte: Wein aus Argentinien, saisonale und regionale Produkte), Raumplanung, KonsumentInnenbildung 45 Different options will be available. The increase of the bio-ethanol content in vehicles would be one option. Nearly half of Brazil’s energy comes from renewable sources compared to an average of less than 20% for the rest of the world. Sugarcane provides 18% of the country’s total energy needs, second only to oil and ahead of hydroelectricity. More than half the country’s needs have been replaced by sugarcane ethanol – making gasoline the alternative fuel in Brazil.

51 (The answer to this question should be seen in relation with question E.1) There’s an important difference between vehicle emissions and vehicle targets. For sure other policy areas such as taxation (of both the vehicle and the fuel) or the granting of subsidies will impact vehicle emissions. These types of instruments aim to influence the way people use a vehicle (taxation) or they try to influence a purchase decision (grants, subsidies). But they cannot substitute vehicle targets. In fact, without vehicle targets these policy instruments would be less effective. As long as the EU has greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, and as long as road vehicles use limited available fuels (either fossil or bio-based) we will need vehicle efficiency targets. 53 Wirtschaft Gesundheit Umwelt 59 réduire tout simplement de 30% le transport routier lourd de longue distance en basculant ces 30% sur le ferroutage. mais il faudrait que nos dirigeant aient le courage politique de le décider...!! 60 Une politique européenne de bonus/malus à l'achat du consommateur, d'un nouveau nouveau véhicule routier. Impliquer directement le consommateur et le forcer à choisir des véhicules qui consomme moins ou qui ont d'autres moyens de tractions comme l'électricité ou l'hydrogène. 62 TAXE / MALUS SUR LES VEHICULES POLLUEURS. 76 (Nah)Verkehr, Arbeit (Pendler), Wirtschaft (Import, Export) 79 Gesundheitspolitk (Demenz, COPD, Allergien) Wirtschaftspolitik (weniger Straßenverkehr = weniger Defizit, Maastrichtkriterien) 80 Gesundheit 82 decisions about underlying the infrastructure! Expand rail and shipping transport rather than roads. 86 Less transport of goods. Priority to locally produced goods. Should goods be transported, they should be by train or rivers. 87 Policies involving a degree of co-ercion - ie sanctions for non-compliance with regulations - such as fines. 88 Politiques en matiere d'organisation du travail Ameliorer les reseaux de communication (Internet haut debit) et inciter les entreprises a favoriser le teletravail dans les emplois tertiaires. Services publics Developper le traitement par telephone et Internet pour eviter des deplacements inutiles Services sociaux Mettre en place des structures d'accueil pour les enfants (creche, garderie, centre de loisirs, club de sport) et developper ces installations au plus pres des poles industriels ou des centres d'affaires, pour eviter de perdre son temps en trajets Transports Public Favoriser les modes doux (velo, train, tramway, bus) Transport de marchandises Favoriser le transport ferroviaire et fluvial 95 - Erhoehung Spritpreise - City Maut, Autobahnmaut - keine Neubauten von Strassen, Autobahnen - Raumordnung: Reduktion von Verkehrsflaechen, Rueckbauten von Parkflaechen zugunsten Rad- und Fussgaengerflaechen - Unterstuetzung des Oeffentl. Verkehrs

99 Finanz hätte mehr Einnahmen Umwelt hätte höhere Lebensqualität auszuweisen 101 Steuerpolitik 106 Wenn energie sparende autos steuersenkungen bekommen nach abgasabgabe 110 Umwelt, Arbeitsplätze positiv, Ausfuhr- Einfuhr Bilanz, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, 111 une taxe ou un rationnement carbonne 114 Alternativen zum Schwerverkehr auf der Straße entwicklen und umsetzen; 115 I think it's more changes in available technologies than changes in other policies that would affect it, but different areas (e.g. rural vs. urban) might need different policies if there turns out to be a trade-off between public health protection and greenhouse gas targets. (It's my impression that the same sorts of pollution reduction are good for both.)

125 encourager fiscalement la conception et la production de véhicule à énergie propre. 127 The fuel used- so need life-cycle analysis to ensure that required overall reduction is achieved- eg tar sands a worse source than more traditional oil Taxes on fuels Inadequate action by other sectors in reducing climate change emissions (eg aviation) so need stronger reductions from road transport, but would be far preferable to implement stronger action on aviation 128 With respect to vehicle emissions strict targets should be set which manufacturers must meet or exceed such as the proposed 95g/km target beyond 2020 however a target of 80g/km would be better if technically possible. Setting stricter targets will drive innovation and help provide many new high skilled jobs to further the economic competitiveness of the EU. Masures to reduce life cycle emissions should also be a central focus. A major way vehicle emissions could be reduced is by applying the knowledge Sustrans has built up through its work on sustainable transport to reduce dependance upon personal cars through better investment in safer streets, decent cycle routes, education, cycle to work schemes and through working with public transport providers to provide a more linked up service. Towns and cities across Europe should follow the lead taken by Copenhagen and Amsterdam in making their streets essentially car free and safe for cyclist and pedestrians. 136 See answer to E1 above. Targets should be set irrespective of other policies. 137 Infrastruktur, Umwelt, Wirtschaft, ... 140 Besteuerung, Maut für Schwerfahrzeuge auf allen Straßen, Fahrverbote 141 - conception et utilisation d'autres energies 142 Ban private transport from city centres,encourage better public transport and more use of rail for freight 143 un retour à une économie locale qui priviligie les produits locaux afin d'éviter les transports longue distance 144 Vehicle emission inspections - such as test with a Chassis Dynamometers Smoke Test (CDST). This is a test already being performed in Singapore for more then 3years as part of the annual inspection. This inspection is done on equipment developed to perform the emission from all types of diesel engined vehicles under road conditions. The vehicle must drive on the roller bed with full power and there are taken 3 samples on different moments of the test and this gives a more real measurement result from the emission caused by the vehicles. this is a very resumed explanation. If additional explanation or information is requested on this test please contact me +31 (0)653 925 357 - Berry Leeuwen in the Netherlands. 148 Man sollte versuchen, dass Autohersteller einen bestimmten Anteil von ihrem Budget für umweltfreundliche Technologien für Kraftfahrzeuge aufwenden müssen ( möglichst auch eine stromfreie Version, da Elektroautos erst dann umweltfreundlich sind, wenn der Strom, mit dem das Auto fährt auch umweltfreundlich hergestellt worden ist) und auch einen bestimmten Anteil produzieren müssen. 153 Wirtschaft, Verkehr, persönliche Mobilität, öffentlicher Verkehr, Logistik 158 Sowohl im Bundes- als auch im Länder- und Kommunalbereich! 159 Raumplanung, Landwirtschaft: Prinzip der kurzen Wege, Nahversorgung, regionale Produkte Sozialpolitik: Kürzere Arbeitszeiten erlauben es, langsamere und damit energiesparendere Verkehrsmittel zur Erfüllung der Grundbedürfnisse zu verwenden Stadtplanung: Weniger Parkplätze, mehr Geh- und Radwege und Fußgängerzonen 161 Encouragement of manufacturers to produce more fuel efficient vehicles or with alternative technologies at affordable prices, tax on vehicles and fuel, subsidising public transport and encouragement to car share or use public transport. 162 vehicle production 166 In der Verkehrspolitik; das Ziel "schweres Gut bei langem Weg gehört auf die Schiene" würde gefördert werden. 167 Tight emission regulation will encourage yet more research into alternative power systems and lean burn engines. 170 - Landwirtschaft: knappere Resourcen für Nahrungsmittelproduktion weltweit, keine Möglichkeit zum Ausgleich von fahrzeugbedingten Emissionen durch "Bio-Kraftstoffe" 175 L'Europe est un exemple, elle doit continuer dans la réduction des émissions des véhicules. En 2025 il est impératif d'avoir un objectif pour les voitures et et véhicules utilitaires pour qu'en 2050 on arrive vers un secteur des transports "zéro carbone".

180 Lärmschutz 181 Taxing to the user: CO2 emissions per vehicle, leveraging according to number of passengers Taxing to the companies: according to nominal CO2 emissions that their cars produce Financial aid to "green" cars (users and companies), higher budget for R&D, setting a CO2 emissions maximum in vehicles design, financial aid to trains use instead of lorries 191 Finanzpolitik: Streichung steuerlicher Förderung von Dienstwägen, Einschränkung bei der steuerlichen Absetzbarkeit von Wegekosten zur Arbeit, Verkehrspolitik: Tempolimit auf Autobahnen, verstärkte Förderung des öffentlichen Verkehrs

196 Strong CO2 taxation, if implemented in all of the EU, could make vehicle emission targets unnecessary. Inclusion of road transport in the CO2 trading scheme, which could be done by forcing the gas/diesel retailers to participate, would amount to CO2 taxation and therefore a similar consideration could be made.

199 Perhaps a subsidy on the purchase of more fuel efficient vehicles with a much lesser impact on green house gas emissions for people who have registered vehicles which are not governed by more recent requirements of 2011 Or If a real government subsidy for research and development was implemented into the development of electric and or Hybrid vehicles to enable the retail price to be lowered sufficiently for the majority of the vehicle buying populace to afford, this would dramatically affect the the threshold on which older and less efficient vehicles could fail 205 Lowering the maximum speed 209 encouraging non-dependence on oil and development of other technologies 215 Verkehr, Wirtschaft,Aussenpolitik 216 favoriser les circuits courts politique import-export taxe des produits à haut coût énergétiques 217 The first that comes to mind is a policy that tries to stop children dying from pollution. 225 Climate policy. Energy policy. Transport policy. 227 That car makers must reduce the emissions of all their cars within certain limits. The whole life cycle of the car should be considered if possible. 229 Fuel duty, investment in public transport infrastructure, taxation, investment in local job creation. 230 Higher taxation for less fuel-efficient vehicles 234 setting max emissions standards new cars base taxation for buyiong, using and disposal of casr omn total enevironmental costs + infratsructural costs base taxation on fuels partly on emissions 237 Importing of petrol and deisel, purchasing policies relating to the spares industry, 243 Il faut faire pression sur la concurrence inter-constructeur de sorte que ceux-ci améliore le facteur émissions de gaz à effet de serre de leurs véhicules en jouant par exemple sur une taxe ou des subventions pour les véhicules de série (et pas sur les concept-car !) ayant le moins d'impact sur environnent. 248 mandatory enforcement 250 Fiscalité : dissuader les recours aux services de transports de pays géographiquement éloignés pour des raisons de rentabilité financière, sanctionner plus durement (= financièrement ) les entreprises ne respectant pas la législation, la contournant ou pire empêchant l'évolution des lois en ce sens, obliger les constructeurs à produire en ce sens, faciliter l'accession financière à des automobiles peu énergivores aux particuliers et plus particulièrement aux professionnels Environnementales : renforcer les normes actuelles d'émission autorisées qui ne suffisent pas à agir concrètement sur le climat planétaire, et de toute façon finissent par être revues à la baisse après marchandages des lobbies industriels. 254 Road tax may have an impact but the benefits of this may be undone with the economic downturn. Also people still need to use orivate road vehicles if they have no feasible alternative for transport. There needs to be greater investment in alternative fuel sources and subsidies for these if they are workable. More onus should be put on the manufacturers and fuel suppliers to provide feasible alternatives to CO2 heavy fuels. 255 Fiskalpolitik 256 une politique industrielle, il faut que les constructeurs automobiles cessent de tabler l'automobile sur le pétrole et sur la performance de la voiture une politique fiscale qui viserait à des réductions d’impôts pour l'achat de véhicules à basse émission de gaz à effet de serre 260 - developpement d'infractructures (péage urbain, borne de recharge électrique, plate-forme de recyclage de véhicules, batteries...) 265 Taxation according to vehicle emissions and design. Financial incentives for cleaner fuels. 269 Beihilfen für den Kauf von E-Antrieb für Privathaushalte (PKW) und für den Kauf von Transportfahrzeugen im öffentlichen Nahverkehr. 272 other forms of transportation such as canals, more local warehousing so that smaller vehicles can make town to town journeys 273 Investment in rail transport esp for long distance haulage 280 These targets are absolutely vital and must be regulated with harsh penalties for failure to comply. Taxation, investment in public transport etc should be additional not instead. Climate change will affect every country and every economy if it is allowed to go unchecked - and time is running out for us to take it seriously enough to control it. 282 Road tax, fuel tax, MOT regulations 286 Difficult question 287 They MUST change - the enviroment needs it now - already 2 late - 289 Fiscalité des échanges internationaux. Véritable taxe carbone de toutes importations. Dérèglementation des énergies renouvelables. 294 Transports en commun, école et universitaire (la recherche). 301 Finding other ways to transport goods and people. Introducing measures to encourage the sale of goods within say a 50 mile radius of where they are produced, and introducing measures to heavily discourage the thousands of unnecessary miles that goods, particularly food, are transported from where they are produced to where they are sold. 303 Im "Politikbereich" Lobbyismus, da hauptsächlich die Autohersteller und -zulieferer betroffen sein werden. Daher muss das Bemühen um eine Treibhausgas-Reduktion in den Unternehmen selbst entstehen. Dafür sollte die Politik Anreize schaffen, sodass die Autokonzerne trotz Reduktionsmaßnahmen nicht ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit einbüßen. Jedenfalls finde ich, dass ein "grüneres" Auto eine größere symbolische Ausstrahlung und gesellschaftliches Ansehen des Besitzers bewirkt als bei stinknormalen PS-Protzen. 304 Viele Transporte könnten vermieden werden. Durch eine Organisationsstelle könnten Transporte effektiver werden und man könnte einige Fahrten sparen. Alternative Arten wie Radfahren sollte man unterstützen. Weite Ausflugsziele mit Bus/Bahn/Flieger könnten eingedämmt werden. Etc... Dies würde das Verkehrsministerium und die Steuerpolitik betreffen.

305 Bestechungsgelder o.Ä. 307 Le budget alloué à la recherche, afin de développer de nouvelles sources énergétiques et les moyens de les produire. 311 Speed reduction. Relating road taxes to engine size and therefore fuel consumption. 313 Policies affecting car manufacture are crucial - for example if car manufacturers had to make cars that could not go at speeds that produce more pollution then pollution would be reduced. Why can manufacturers make cars that can go so much faster than the speed limits? If manufacturers only made cars that were environmentally as responsible as possible we would be a lot better off. 316 Policies regarding building new roads and motorways. Policies regarding private car use in city centres. 323 Verkehr (natürlich), aber auch Arbeit und Soziales, da Mobilität eine Art Grundbedürfnis ist. 329 Apart from taxation, measures influencing R&D spending on low-carbon transport technologies; environmental regulation (such as banning vehicles with particularly poor CO2 records). And so on, and so forth. 331 Besteuerung von Mineralöl 332 Clearly this impacts on a range of policy instruments from taxation to GHG policies. As transport accounts for such a significant proportion of GHG emissions, it is entirely proportionate to also have an overview policy, such as fleet average maximum limits, alongside other policy instruments.

333 maximum emissions per engine size. high taxes on polluting vehicles 335 Es wirkt sich auf die Wirtschaft aus, da alte Fahrzeuge nicht mehr oder nur noch bedingt genutzt werden können und somit neue produziert oder alte umgebaut werden müssen. 340 policies aimed at reducing reliance on traditional and environmentally destructive fuels 345 Tempolimit, Anti-Stau-Strategien 350 Landwirtschaft, Kommunalpolitik (ÖPNV), Innenpolitik (Polizeiautos)... 355 ALLE!! 357 encourager le développement d'autres systèmes de transport par des réductions d’impôts ou de taxes (ferroutage, transport fluviale, maritime) 358 By increasing taxation on HGVs does not solve the problem of emissions, as the increase is passed onto the consumer and effects business and jobs in general. Incentives need to be made by making it financially viable to transport cargo by train and have a logistics programme to load /unload trains to HGVs/vans. This would take excessive HGVs/vans off our motorways which are responsible for congestion leading to more accidents/deaths and an increase in vehicle emissions. The railway network needs investment to do this, which can only be done if it is RENATIONALISED, as the money from profits can be reinvested back into the railway system instead of huge salaries and bonuses of private railway companies. The reinvestment into a Nationalised Railway system would create increased sustainable employment for the UK ! 360 designed greenhouse gas emissions; road/rail policy; use of water or innovative transport means (eg gas balloons). 363 I don't understand the question. 366 High price for fossil fuels accroos the board. Selective road rationing for highly pollluting vehicles. Taxation of vehicles should relate to emissions. 371 I have just purchased a new car. This is the first new car I have ever owned. My decision to buy new has been entirely led by the incentives put in place by the UK government to encourage the use of fuel efficient vehicles with low emissions and a deep conviction that not only will it benefit the planet it will also be very good for my finances. I am sure increased demand will fuel innovation and consumer voices like mine will be increasingly important in this debate. Manufacturers should be encouraged to listen, given incentives to produce cleaner, more fuel efficient vehicles and penalised for continuing to produce old technology vehicles. We have the opportunity to lead the world in formulating a whole production strategum regarding the future of road vehicles. Let's make the incentives to go green so good it makes no sense to hang on to the old polluting ways, whether you are the manufacturer or the user. 382 normes plus draconiennes, fiscalité plus dure, réel effort sur le ferroutage et le transport fluvial en arrêtant de vouloir toujours privilégier la route.. mais aussi limiter la surconsommation et le gaspillage des denrées et marchandises pour réduire le transport.

388 regulations across the board, tighter regs on emissions, legislation against use of HC fuels derived from Tar Sands oil 389 Gratuité des transports en commun Relocalisation de la production 392 Policies encouraging the speeding - up of research and development particularly of the hydrogen and electric power sources. 393 Des mesures incitatives en faveurs des transports ferroviaire et la fermeture progressive des centres villes aux véhicules automobiles autres que ceux de transport en commun. 394 Recyclability of vehicle parts, engine efficiency, durability of parts 398 Local Government road traffic (emission creating) reduction actuation. Transition Town/City road traffic (emission creating) reduction actuation. Emergency powers of mandatory member country emissions reduction. 399 CO2-Steuer auf Treibstoffe. Geringe CO2-Steuer auf Pflanzenöl und nachhaltig hergestelltes , hohe CO2-Steuer auf Benzin. CO2-Steuer für den Flugverkehr (ich weiß, ist hier nicht gefragt, musste ich aber sagen) 400 Construction (of vehicle) regulations 402 Besteuerung , Kraftstoffpreise, Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkung 406 Polluting fuels should be taxed more heavily. Introduce a "polluter pays" tax. 407 economic subsidies for manufacturing of more co2 efficient vehicles 410 Effective and immediate imposition of emission targets particularly older vehicles (which evidentally are not subject to limits, unlike private cars). This should include removal of high emission vehicles from public roads,though an equivalent system to MOT emissions testing. Vehicle emission limits should be declared unilaterally, rather than waiting for a global consensus which will only delay decisions. Reduced local limits will still improve the health of the local population. 416 Taxation, road-use charging / tolls. 417 Wind powered and/or other hydrogen production for fuel cells. See final comments. 420 Privatwirtschaft, Soziales (Familien, Ausbildung, Freizeitverhalten), Umweltschutz/ Umweltbewußtsein, Verkehrspolitik (weniger Verkehr = weniger Ausgaben für Unfalltote, Straßenbau, Renaturierung, etc.). 424 Restriction on engine size for cars/light vans and/or restriction on rate of fuel consumption e.g. 10 litres/hour 426 Yeah go ahead and price small businesses and private owners out of the market! Have yet another tax. Why not put all tax on the fuel then exclude really carbon neutral fuels like unmodified (used or new) cooking oil, biogas or E100 etc. Thus one could at the same time shift the market away from the current large scale oil industry monopoly, create jobs in many smaller business instead of a fea large companies. The EU could the prove to the public that they are really free of any inappropriate lobbyism. 440 road building 441 Taxation on mileage rather than on fuel purchase Policies to encourage manufacturers to produce fuel efficient, carbon friendly vehicles Tax breaks for end users who chose carbon friendly low emission vehicles 445 Road fuel duty - continue with planned increases 450 Wirtschaft Verkehr 451 Energiepolitik, ein konsequentes Umlenken auf erneuerbare Energien würde m.M.n. die Akzeptanz von Elektroautos steigern. 458 Subventionen, Straßen- und Schienenbau, Förderung des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs 459 Fuel pricing (taxation) policies; subsidies or tax relief for companies purchasing low-carbon fleet vehicles; public transport policy e.g. fares-setting, schedule-setting and investment in infrastructure (e.g. electric railways; trams); investment policy in technologies and infrastructure facilitating lower-carbon transport options, e.g. roadside/garage/household powerpoints for charging up electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fuelling stations. I believe target-setting for emissions should be accompanied by target-setting for embedded carbon due to manufacturing, so as to motivate greener vehicle-manufacturing processes and construction technologies (at the very least, toward lighter-weight and more efficient vehicles). This might imply also careful ongoing revision of current regulations on vehicle safety (passenger safety cage, crumple zones, airbags), especially while a mix of vehicle types is on the road. 461 I think that targts should be set regardless of other policies 467 I think that there should be target set for no new internal combustion engines to be produced after 2020, and all others to be phased out by 2030. 481 Il conviendrait d'éviter les distorsions de concurrence : on voit que le prix des carburants incitent certaines entreprises à allonger leurs trajets pour des ravitaillements moins onéreux. La libre concurrence et les taxations différentes ont des effets néfastes sur l'environnement et la santé des européens. 490 Pressure on Car manufacturing seems most obvious & would be most sucessfull 495 Primarily i think through commercial legislation relating directly to the industry/manufacturers would be preferable, possibly even under the guise of austerity measures to improve the fuel economy of cars and thus reducing the fuel burden of citizens. I would advise against taxation as many member states do not have the sufficient public transport infrastructure to offer a practical alternative to private car use (which in itself is something that should be addressed). 500 Setting apropriate tool prices for road vehicles. 507 Kraftfahrtzeugsteuer reduzieren und Mineralölsteuer bzw. Ökosteuer erhöhen, damit Fahrtzeugfahrer die viel fahren bzw viel CO2 produzieren bezahlen. 508 Taxe générale sur les énergies et les polluants : ne pas se borner aux GES, mais élargir aux particules, NOx, ... et à l'utilisation de l'énergie en général Adopter des mesures favorisant les circuits courts, la production locale (agriculture, artisanat, industrie) 512 gesamte Bundesregierung !!! 514 Wirtschaft-, Umwelt-, Innen-, Familienpolitik 517 Die Politik sollte dafür sorgen, dass der Warenverkehr mit der Bahn DEUTLICH LUKRATIVER wird, so dass in z.B. 10 Jahren 80 - 90% des heutigen LKW - Transportwesens mit der Bahn abgewickelt wird! 523 Petrol and Deasel vehicles should be scrapped all together, reintroduce horse power for short distance travel, thereby cutting unemployment figures. 524 Sorry, this question is unclear to me. 528 increase taxes for heavy GHG emissions vehicles low taxes for eco friendly vehicles 541 Wider consideration of all road usage to develop all embracing policies such as localised food sourcing, reduction of journeys to work, schools, etc as well as the large scale measures. Attitude change is also important as individuals as well as organisations have not yet recognised the urgent need for change. Many people are so involved in day to day activities that they loose sight of the long term problems. More factual information should be provided. 542 Energiepolitik - alternative Energien - 551 An economic mechanism should be adopted in which, in respect of the standard for all vehicles, those vehicles that are more polluting should pay a premium charge, and those less polluting should receive a rebate paid for from the premium charges raised. Both premium and rebate should depend on the efficiency of the vehicles, but in a non-linear fashion such that the premium / rebate are accentuated at the extremes. the base standard should also demand higher efficiency year by year. 552 Although other policies may affect emissions, we should not lose sight of the main policy objective of reducing vehicle emssions,(irrespective of other policies). 554 Umweltpolitik, weltweite Wettbewerbsvorteile, Innovationspotential 560 L’Europe a toujours donné l’exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Elle doit continuer dans cette voie. Il est impératif de fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires. Cet objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour nous mettre en bonne voie vers un secteur des transports « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050. Il faut tout faire pour consommer local et limiter les déplacements de marchandises pouvant être produites sur place. Développer le ferroutage.

562 Steuern: Der Kauf und Gebrauch jeglicher Fahrzeuge, auch älterer, die Emissionswerte über z.B. 120 g/km haben sollten stark besteuert werden. Weder Profitinteresse der Autoindustrie noch persönliche Profilierungsbedürfnisse von Konsumenten via Auto sollten berücksichtigt werden. Informationspolitik in Umweltfragen: Die grössten Emissionen entstehen bei der Herstellung des Autos, also sollten Neukäufe nicht propagiert werden. 565 pas de prix préférentiel pour le diesel utilisé par les véhicules routiers. 570 Il faut un cadre de loi restrictif pour que les constructeurs fessent des voitures/camions/motos peut polluante et non pas contraindre les citoyens européens en leurs imposant des taxes pour choisir tel ou tel véhicules. 571 Umweltpolitik, Verkehrspolitik, Wirtschaftspolitik u. Aussenpolitik 573 Road-vehicle emission targets should still be set. 574 Management of companies responding to the needs of the 2020 deadlines and reducing transport emissions Greater encouragement of rail freight Delivery companies endeavouring to use more electrically powered vehicles 575 Engine sizes should be reduced thuis reducing overall emmission volumes. There is absolutely no need for any family size private car to have an engine exceeding 1000 cc 578 taxes accrues à la vente pour les véhicules ayant de forts rejets de CO2 mais aussi auprès des constructeurs les fonds ainsi recueillis serviront au financement de mesure pour encourager l'achat de véhicules moins polueurs ou alors leurs mise aux normes durcissement des nomes (abaissement du plafon de rejet)

582 Financial incentives eg road tax 595 Freight should be transported by rail and water (eg canals) where possible. 612 Put a stop to all importing of foreign goods, and put back in place our power to produce for ourselves. That alone would take off the road all the heavy haulage lorries which come in from the EU zone seriously polluting our air quality.

618 Umweltpolitik, Wirtschaftspolitik (Industrie, Landwirtschaft), Kommunalpolitik (Öffentlicher Nahverkehr) 625 Besteuerung, Kaufentscheidung (Subventionen), Normen für Nutzung von Fahrzeugen, Kraftstoffbesteuerung 626 Steuerpolitik 631 Purchase taxes on vehicles with high emissions 632 don't understand the question 633 Taxation, particularly more heavily on vehicles that produce the highest emissions - and larger domestic vehicles Compulsory limits on CO2, NO2 emissions - and PM10 particulates 643 - Alléger les voiture et y mettre un moteur et des technologies réduisant la consommation (stop and start...) permettrait de diminuer fortement les émissions de gaz a effet de serre. - Système bonus/ malus pour le CONSTRUCTEUR et le consommateur. - Politique fiscale attractive pour les constructeurs qui fabriquent les voitures les plus fiables, les moins polluantes du début à la fin du cycle de vie. - Politique qui encourage a réparer les voitures plutôt que de les mettre à la casse. 646 Not sure yet 649 Verkehrspolitik 655 This question doesn't really make sense and I can't see how it serves any purpose. Numerous policies will affect it from taxation through building new roads with smoother surfaces so there is less friction to banning school runs by parents. I'd appreciate an explanation if possible? 658 Higher road tax for high emission vehicles 659 Increase taxation for the biggest pollutors. Give financal incentives for greener alternatives. Make public transport more attractive/better service espetially at peak times. Make the public more aware.

661 Economically support purchase of "greener" vehicles 665 C'EST TRÈS IMPORTANT LA POLITIQUE FISCALE (IL FAUT PAYER PLUS D'ECOTAXES QUI POLLUE PLUS. 668 subsidised public transport and imaginative use of such things as canals, rivers, railways 678 Taxation related to emissions and other antisocial effects. Encouragement of localism. 689 Die Politik sollte sich auch national für eine drastische Reduzierung der Treibhausgase einsetzen. Die hierfür nötigen technischen Voraussetzungen sind längst da. Die KFZ-Hersteller sollten gezwungen werden nur noch sparsame Autos in Serie zu bauen. 695 Le prix du carburant et du travail 715 Any policy connected with design production and use of any internal combustion engine. 721 autoroute de la mer ferro-routage 723 Eletricity production: permitting "fracking" to produce gas for electrity production ( I am opposed to this!). Support for renewable electicity production including tidal and hydro power. Sequestration of CO2 from Coal fired power stations. Bio fuels: As food production is increasingly affected by climate change, food growing land might no longer be permitted to be used for fuel production. 730 que les transports de fret par route sous fortement diminué d'ici 2020 en favorisant le ferroutage ou les voies navigables. Que des mesures incitatives fortes sous prises pour favoriser ces derniers Pour le transport de passagers favoriser les transport en commun les moins polluants par l'application d'une politique de prix incitative

737 Mehr Lasten auf Schiene und Wasser 739 Verbraucherinformation: Welche Entfernung hat das Produkt, das ich kaufe zurückgelegt? Ziel: Bevorzugung von Produzenten im Nahbereich 740 Besteuerung auf Kohlenstoff Einstellung von Subventionen im Zusammenhang mit Förderung und Verbrauch von fossilen und atomaren Energien 742 Differential tax rates linked to vehicle emissions. 744 Taxation to reflect fuel type and usage, rather than vehicle ownership. 745 subsidies for charging infrastructure, e.g. Better Place battery changing points. Affordable finance to spread cost of upfront investment in electric vehicles. 750 Differential taxation for more environmentally friendly vehicles and low emission zones where more polluting vehicles are not allowed. 756 Road tax on environmental impact (cradle to grave) banded 759 Design of vehicles. Use of vehicles. 763 Vague question ! 769 I don't understand all the policies in depth but I think that there should be incentives for manufacturers to improve vehicles. A levy could be raised on each sale and re-sale of high- consumption vehicles, graded by the level of consumption. This money would be invested in CO2 reducing research. The result of the research should be made available to the public and to all vehicle manufacturers. If a manufacturer comes up with a CO2 reducing method then there should be an opportunity to sell this to the government at reasonable price so that it can be made available to all manufacturers. 775 Verkehrspolitik. Steuerpolitik. Wirtschaftspolitik. Innenpolitik. 778 Speed limits. Town planning. 780 Verkehrsministerium - Umweltministerium 788 Wirtschaft 789 Manufacturers are allowed to produce more cars with higher emissions, while claiming to be green (VW) All cars should be produced with lowest possible emissions 791 Taxation of fuels. Tolls on roads. Exhaust gas emission standards (MOT in UK) 793 Developing more container trains for use at local pick-up points. 794 Verkehr, Umwelt, Wirtschaft 797 Wirtschaftsplolitik 798 No opinion 801 We already have the technology for producing and running ZERO emission vehicles. This technology must be used now. 804 Encourage cheaper and more availabilty and hence use of public transport and cycling (and make cycling safer by getting vehicle drivers to allow cyclists more space) 815 Manufacturers must be obligated by legislation to produce cars with lower emissions rather than voluntary. 828 Taxation of fuel. Subsidies for public transport 834 le transport par l'eau (fluvial et par la mer ) le transport par les chemein de fer avec ou sans camion dessus pourquoi faire venir des produits sur des milles de km alors que certain produit sont sur le local . une réel approche des vrais frais de km des routiers un peu trop aidé par des lois de l'europe

835 Present estimates of Global changes in environmental &climate change conditions may require revision if present preventative measures prove insufficiently effective in reducing human causes of increased climate change, in which case any targets set now may have to be drastically upgraded. Therefore essential that targets set now be sufficiently stringent to achieve rapid improvement & avoid later much harsher measures. Changes in vehicle use & numbers resulting in very high reductions in vehicle numbers may improve conditions enough for some relaxation of regulations Some (so far unknown) breakthrough in vehicle or transport design may render present targets & regulations irrelevent & requiring complete rethink. 836 We must reduce cars and lorries on our roads. We must prevent move from rail transport to road for freight. We must have reasonable carbon taxes on vehicles to reduce usage. We must have overall targets for the industry, not just individual vehicles. Increased usage will destroy any efficiency savings in individual vehicles. 838 Fuel tax, tax relief on renewable technologies, laws to ration food and product miles aimed at major retailers, carbon tax. 842 All new vehicles should be built with catalitic converters and any other mechanisms for reduction of pollution. All existing vehicles should have convertors for pollution reduction fitted within the next two years. These will be subsidised by the Government. 846 we should use electric cars 848 the only effective way to force manfuctures in to invest in resurch to reduce emisions from road vehiclses is by legistation and high taxes on vehicals that dont reach those targets making them moor expensive to run.

850 Ministerium für Verkehr 851 Restricton of deep-sea and tar-sand oil extraction. Expansion in the exploitation of renewable energy sources. 856 Verkehrspolitik, Umweltpolitik, Energiepolitik 857 Fossil fuel imports (how readily is oil available); emissions from power generation (how economically can electricity be generated to recharge electric cars or produce hydrogen) 867 in the case of the U K, the re-allocation of funds previously targeted towards green issuses into the (hopeful) reduction of current economic difficulties. 868 Any policies that affect income equality and wealth distribution are likely to influence public concern with environmental issues, so will doubtless impact on greenhouse gas targets. Likewise, policies that prevent the use of underage or forced labour in the production of foodstuffs and services imported into the EU would also make a difference. 870 Taxing manufacturers and oil companies. 873 not sure 877 La politique fiscale. La politique de la culture et de la jeunesse. 885 Umwelt– & Klimapolitik, Verkehr, Wirtschaft, 886 taxe carbone européenne commune 889 Wirtschaft, Verkehr natürlich, Umwelt 890 All policies pertaining to economic growth targets are potentially inimical to sensible CO2 emission constraints (including emissions of other greenhouse gases such as methane). 891 Moves away from petrol and diesel engines should be encouraged as much as possible. 897 Il faut ce fixer des objectifs téméraires d'ici 2025 afin d'atteindre pour 2025 zéro rejet de carbone 898 Verkehr, Umwelt 910 z.B.durch steigende jährlich steigende Besteuerung des CO2 ausstoßes. 911 Pushing other energy sources 914 Urgency of climate change science, need for reductions of GH gases, 917 Gesundheits- und Umweltpolitik - weniger Luftschadstoffe und CO2-Emissionen. Wirtschaftspolitik: Wettbewerbsvorteil für europäische Automobilindustrie und sinkende Abhängigkeit von Energieimporten.

919 The strictest possible targets should continue to be set in all instances regardless of what other policies are in place. Encouraging and drastically improving the means by which road freight can be shifted to rail, for example, will help to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. But this can only work as a 'carrot-and-stick' approach whereby the incentive to switch exists alongside the penalty for not doing so. 921 Taxation, fuel 923 Verlagerung des Güterfernverkehrs von der Straße auf die Schiene und Wasser 926 Fiscal policies that effect purchasing and running of vehicles will affect greenhouse gas emissions, such as taxation rates on the purchase of new vehicles that penalise the buying of less suitable vehicles, and road fund taxes encouraging the running of low carbon emitting vehicles. Any policies that encourage lower vehicle speeds; any which help the encourage the use of public transport and of cycling. Any policies that aim to enable people to live close to their workplace. Anything that discourages many delivery vehicles on the roads. The encouragement of the PO delivery service of parcels rather that a plethora of independent companies. 930 A combination by sliding scale in reduction of road tax and insurances dependent on the level of ommissions in the category of vehicle. 931 Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Umwelt 935 Besteuerung, Maut, CO2-neutrale Gewinnung von Wasserstoff 936 Umwelt, Verkehr 938 I don't understand the question. 941 Umweltpolitik / Energiepolitik und Wirtschaftspolitik 947 No opinion - the issue is that the world of my grandchildren will be a miserable one if we don't take action across every area of policy and activity to mitigate climate change. Up to the EU and all its memmber states to investigate and bring forward measures that look likely to be the most effective ways of doing this.

955 I believe that emissions should always be monitored and - where necessary - be subject to legislation that avoids both pollution and global warming. 958 Steuer- und Umweltschutzgesetzgebung 960 incitation à l'usage du rail et des canaux pour les transports de marchandises sur de longues distances (>à 300 km) Développement du Ferroutage et des gares multimodales qui vont avec. Politique tarifaire de la SNCF à revoir à la baisse pour le transport passager les tarifs pratiqués n'incite pas à prendre le train dès lors que l'on voyage à plus de 2 personnes. Réouverture des petites lignes SNCF 962 Verkaufs- und Zulassungsverbot für Fahrzeuge mit hohen Emissionen. 963 The banning of vehicles exceeding target co2 production level bye a certain date. 964 Companies m,ust show they are moving forward toward the targets and be taxed if they do not show a stratgey that they can visably implement! Switching over to gas or intermediaery sytem of fuel for vehicles is possiblt NOW. so all possible measure should be made available to the companies and manufacturers

968 Heavier taxation for those vehicles that emit most greenhouse gases.Stricter and more frequent tests to ensure that these vehicles are being maintained up to the required standards. Hybrid or non-polluting vehicles (Electric,hydrogen etc) receive attractive reductions in taxation, VAT etc, to encourage faster take-up of this type of transport.

976 Taxation 983 Besteuerung 984 Förderung der Bahn, um Straßenverkehr zu vermeiden Subventionen streichen, die sinnloses Herumfahren von Waren fördern 991 Fuel efficiency, use of rechargeable batteries... lower speed limits 993 Provide subsidies for vehicles using biofuels 994 Energie & Umwelt, Verkehr, Wirschaft, Bildung & Wissenschaft, ... 997 Focus or renewable, non-polluting energy sources for vehicles in both use and manufacture. Immediately start to phase out fossil fuel vehicles. Open your minds, think long term, forget petty personal and corporate interests

1001 - Schieneninfrastruktur: Ausbau der Transportkapazitäten und höhere Attraktivität der Schienenverkehrswege - Regulierung des Energiemarktes: günstige Bereitstellung von H2 aus Windkraft

1013 In allen. 1016 Wirtschaft, Landwirtschaft, Soziales. 1017 Legislation for producing of food within the local community. Banning of ordering goods via the Internet. 1027 Il faut évidemment une politique fiscale qui puisse avantager aussi bien les constructeurs qui feront le choix de réduire l'émission de CO2 mais aussi les utilisateurs. Le ministère de la prévention routière devrait inclure cette démarche dans ces campagnes. 1028 phasing in more efficient targets for CO2/gm release levels with associated tax incentives for consumers, eg as in the UK cars emitting below 100 CO2 gm/km (or whatever the parameter is) are road tax exempt. 1030 Road side checks. 1032 taxes will not work - alcohol and cigarette purchases prove this - and would hurt those who really need transport and consumers purchasing the products dispatched by this transport more research, quicker decisions, bolder deliberations

1033 Public transport should be favored at the cost of personal and long haul transport. This could be done through subsidies on the public transport and increasing taxation through various ways (such as taxes on vehicle sales/purchase, fuel, income through such transport etc.) on personal and long haul transport.

1034 vehicle tax vehicle insurance reducing public transport costs increased use of rail freight 1041 The need for the vehicle to be used, and tha range of options available, e.g. train, cycling etc. 1045 We need to rapidly adopt approaches that will lead to zero emissions by 2020 at the latest. 1049 legislation such that costs of running any vehicle are in proportion to its usage, e.g. road tax and insurance to be charged per mile driven, as well as fuel; pricing of fuels taking into accound all the emissions required to create that fuel, right back to the raw materials harvesting.

1050 Improvements to public transport would be good. 1053 The fundamental problem is that carbon-based fuel (including that for electricity generation) fails to pay the externaliities it imposes (notably on the climate system but also in local air pollution etc) - indeed it is often perversely subsidised. Addressing this will complement emissions standards such as greenhouse gases for road vehichles. The simplest, fairest, most effective and politically feasible approach would be an upstream tax-and-rebate policy (such as Cap and Share / Cap and Dividend). 1056 Forcer l'atteinte d'objectifs annuels d'émission globale de gaz à effet de serre permettant -95% d'ici 2050. En créant une taxe "effet de serre" applicable à la source (hydrocarbures entres autres) et s'ajustant automatiquement chaque année pour forcer l'atteinte des objectifs. Ceci en excluant tout passe-droit, et de façon égalitaire pour tous les secteurs.

1060 Road tolls Congestion charges Greater incentives for cities to tackle their emissions 1061 Much higher taxation of vehicles that pollute more than others ie purchase tax should be punitive.Also a levy on vehicle manufacturers for every car they produce over a certain threshold of CO2 emission.This could be transposed so that more fuel efficient vehicles get more subsidy ie a cross subsidy from polluting vehicle to less polluting vehicles. 1063 1. Tempolimits auf Autobahnen (max. 160 km/h z.B.), dann könnte man noch niedrigere maximalemissionen festsetzen. 2. Intensive Kostenreduzierung (durch Staat oder EU?) des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs für z.B. Pendler, mittlerweile ist es teilweise billiger ! mit dem Auto zu fahren, als mit dem Zug. Das kann nicht sein! 3. Autobahnmaut in Deutschland einführen! Das reduziert das Verkehrsaufkommen und setzt enorme finanzielle Mittel zur weiteren Reduktion der Emissionen frei 1067 Higher fuel taxes based on emissions whether from vehicle or away from vehicle. Hence lower taxes will be applied to those vehicles using renewable energy. E.g. User sourcing electricity to charge battery/ fleet from entirely renewable sources. 1069 Verkehr, Wirtschaft, Umwelt, Gesundheit 1072 wahrscheinlich in fast allen, aber insbesondere in Umwelt und Wirtschaft 1074 Bahnverkehr Städteplanung 1077 Wirtschaft, Umwelt, Bildung 1080 Standards for stricter emmisions on newly manufactured cars 1097 Umwelt, Wirtschaft, Energiewirtschaft, Finanzen, Verkehr 1100 Restore the rail networks. Set maximum inbuilt and tamper-proof speed limits for cars to 100kph. For HGVs to 80kph. Abolish the ability of people to claim fuel allowance/tax relief for work-related journeys - there may have to be a slight rise in salary to compensate - but there would then be powerful ownership of the need to conserve resources were it coming directly out of one's pocket. How do the mad johnnies who get in the overtaking lane and stay there finance it? Increased research budgets and funding to actually DO SOMETHING to bring to fruition - e.g. INDUCTRACK a brilliant PASSIVE maglev system - the current German system is not passive and deserves to die. 1101 Viele der Fragen sind einfach zu unverständlich formuliert. Ich habe studiert und bin mir nicht sicher, was mit dieser Frage gemeint ist. Beim nächsten mal sollten Sie vielleicht mit Beispielen arbeiten. 1102 I would like to see a greater push towards the feasibility of using different types of fuel especially compressed hydrogen 1106 striktere linien für die ganze eu. klare und strikte vorgaben für den automobilbau. zwingender einstz innovativer technik, die sonst aus lobbyisischen gründen in schubladen verkümmert, bis die japaner uns den rang ablaufen. schnellere umsetzung ab 2013

1108 It is important to impose requirements on the manufacturers. The charging infrastructure for electric vehicles is also essential. The requirement to install charging infrastructure needs to be cross-border in view of the cross-border travel that is common-place in regions where people live and work cross-border. This will ensure that electric vehicles can be used for commuting cross-border and will support the freedoms of movement and establishment. 1110 Fine/ take off the road all road haulage vehicles that fail the standards by time allowed. We all need a life for our children and grandchildren 1120 - develop hybrid or fully electrically-powered vehicles - put drastic limits on the power of the road vehicles - put drastic speed limits through the use of technological devices 1123 Ich kann leider die Frage gar nicht verstehen...??? 1133 Mobilitaet, Wirtschaft, Raumplanung 1136 Far better publicly-owned public transport; far better design and layout of roads, towns and cities to favour short commuting distances, the use of bicycles, and far better and safer pedestrian access to everything.

1139 The only criteria that seems to have eny effect is price, so that is what it needs, price fuel high and companies/people will use less. Ensure that correct levels of fuel usage are displayed at point of sale and advertising of all vehicles.

1145 CO2 standards need to be as strict as technologically possible, since our future security depends on it. 1150 Regulation & tax on vehicles that use fossil fuels. Tax breaks for dual fuel & other non fossil fuel dependent vehicles. 1153 All of the above policies mentioned 1157 Tax, fiscal, employment, foreign relations. 1159 Améliorer le reseau ferré, ses couts, l'aspect pratique. Réfléchir pour le transport fluvial. Encourager la consommation locale. 1164 Verkehrspolitik und Wirtschaftspolitik 1167 Emissions standards for ALL new vehicles regardless of propulsive technologies used. 1171 Congestion charging (or road use charging), restrictions on non main routes for HGV's. Increased taxation. Incentives for non fossil fuel vehicles (or hybrid vehicles. Car (or vehicle) free areas in town centres. Promotion of alternative forms of transport.

1175 Benutzung der Bahn fördern! 1176 Must include energy used to produce the fuel type used. Eg energy used to produce oil sand petroleum must be taken into account. Similarly the CO2 produced in electricity production. Also other environmental and economic costs of energy production, eg producing electricity from say nuclear energy must include waste storage, disposal and decommissioning. Changes in lifestyle that reduce vehicle use - for example if more people use bicycles, vehicle usage is reduced and emmissions come down - must not diminish the effort to reduce individual vehicle emmissions. Targets also include energy used to produce the actual vehicle itself and its eventual decommissioning. Also production of fuel from non fossil renewable sources with no secondary cost, eg seed oils use land and increase food prices but hydrogen may one day be produced by bacteria solely from waste matter. 1177 Energy security is likely to affect how greenhouse targets are set in the future. 1182 Not sure 1185 Encourage car sharing, car hiring instead of car owning, cheap car parks outside towns to encourage people to catch the bus 1193 Emissions (CO2); Anything involved in moving away from petrol and diesel power; Vehicle design 1195 Energiegewinnung und -erzeugung, Landwirtschaft, Import von Rohstoffen und von Energieträgern, Verkehrspolitik, neue Konzepte des Fern- und Nahverkehrs, Verlagerung des Fernverkehrs auf Schiene und Schiff, Umladen auf LKW als Nahverkehr Bevorzugung des Verbrauchs von Gütern in der Nähe ihrer Erzeugung (z.B. Milchprodukte nicht von Bayern nach Friesland und umgekehrt) 1198 Steuerliche Anreize für kurze Transportwege, Einführung stärkere produktqualitätsstandards bzw. Ausweitung von Garantierechten würden die Wegwerfmentalität und Produktnutzungszeiträume optimieren. 1207 Broader mix of vehicle fuel types - a 'horses for courses approach' where the best technology is employed for specific types of haul routes 1208 Not sure what this means. policies should be strengthened that limit road vehicle size and distance - forcing a shift to rail travel. 1210 Policies about electricity production. 1214 it is desirable to give vehicle manufacturers information about longer-term targets. It is also desirable to legislate that targets and technology will be assessed every 5 years. 1219 développer le transport par fer routage, les transports en commun à côut réduit pour inciter les usagers à laisser leur voiture . 1226 A switch away from use of hydrocarbon fuels. 1229 Besteuerung: Kraftstoffsteuer, KFZ-Steuer Verkehrspolitik: Ausbau des ÖPNV; Verlagerung von Transporten auf Güterzüge 1231 Greenhouse targets should be set and maintained whatever the circumstancies. We cannot keep fudging important decisions on CO2 emmissions as time is running out. Technology is our only answer and continual pressure applied to the vehicle manufacturing industry is producing results. Investment should also be made in encouraging more use of bicycles, as in the Netherlands and other states, to cut down on the high polluting short journeys made by cars. We need to consider how future generations are going to cope with our legacy of a warmer world and how history will judge us in the furure. 1234 Much higher taxation for the highest emission vehicles. 1236 to make all items that reduce emissions to be included in the vehicle, not as an extra, plus the price would need to be lowered to make them more affordable so therefore more accessible to all. 1240 In allen! 1241 Not sure I understand the question 1249 Taxation, design, fuel, energy, size/capacity, distances travelled, type of powertrain, etc. 1250 Strong EU support for manufacture of electric cars and rewards to manufacturers for intelligent carbon neutral design. Help them to be competitive in the cut and thrust car market. This would even encourage the leading vehicle manufacturers to pursue sustaninable design, once they realise they can make money from it! Dramatically increase support for public transport - drastically cut the cost of train and bus travel and get people away from their private cars. Enable people to travel more cheaply on trains and they will do it - it's that simple. Increase fuel tax. Tight cap on speed limits throughout the EU. 1251 taxation, insurance and tolls 1260 Eine PKW-Maut wäre ein riesiger Fehler, weil sie keine Vorteile für verbrauchsarme Fahrzeuge und eine Kaufentscheidung für diese bringt. 1262 unter anderem Verkehrspolitik 1266 It should be policies that stimulates new vehicle design and consumer behaviour 1270 Changing road taxes and taxes on fuel to reflect the different costs of maintenance between road users and rail operators. Road users do not pay directly for the cost of road maintenance whereas rail operators have to pay for all the costs of the track. Decreasing road speed limits to both cut emissions and to encourage the use of rail travel.

1275 n/a 1278 Besteuerung von Firmenwagen. 1280 Limitation of total carbon use by taxation or regulation. 1287 Energiepolitik Verkehrspolitik Steuer/Versicherung bzgl Fahrzeugführung 1288 Forcing vehicle manufacturers to produce engines that use as little or no carbon based fuels (including bio fuels) and engines that produce very little or no pollution 1289 Wirtschaft Verkehr 1291 1. Taxation. 2. Might be a bit off the point but rationing fuel supply is always a possibility and would reduce imports. When fuel was rationed in the early 1970s in the UK people were suddenly keen to use it more efficiently. Security of fuel supply may force rationing upon us. 1292 allen 1296 Improved public transport 1298 Verkehrsministerium - Höhere Maut, damit nicht nur die eigene Wirtschaft, sondern auch der Transitverkehr für die Verschmutzung bezahlen muss. Grenwerte auch auf den BAB. 1299 make comapnies like vw lower their co2 1301 Taxation; regulations re manufacturing which take into account end of life disposal / recycling could affect the design of fuel injection systems etc; road safety regulations and speed limits; town and city planning guidelines and regulations

1306 lobbying by companies who wish to gain financially. Be strong and think of the planet. 1313 transfert modal par taxation sur deplacement si existe une alternative moins polluante 1315 Besteuerung, Öffentlicher Verkehr, Forschung, Raumplanung 1317 low or no taxes on cleaner fuels like hydrogen with subsidy to encourage adoption and alterations of infrastructure when necessary (bus fleets for example). higher fuel duty on polluting fuels to discourage their use.

1319 'physical' ie mechanical data as now 1325 Verkehrspolitik: Subvention und Ausbau des öffentlichen Verkehrs Wirtschaft: Niedrigere Besteuerung von lokalen Gütern als von solchen,die weite Transportwege haben 1335 Set increasingly tough targets for future emissions over the next 20 years. Do not specify how targets these should be achieved - allow technologically innovative companies to achieve them by any means. Bt setting tough targets in stone, companies WILL innovate: companies ALWAYS innovate when they have to. By making the fixed targets clear in advance companies will know how much to they need to invest and what results they need to achieve - a level playing field for business. 1336 verstehe den Sinn der Frage nicht 1338 Straßenbau Schienenverkehr Luftverkehr 1342 Besteuerung der Fahrzeuge, Rückbau von Hindernissen zur Förderung des Verkehrsflusses 1343 Da ich davon ausgehe, dass unsere heutigen Emissionen und deren Veränderung, möglichst konsequente Reduktion, in wenigen kommenden Jahren als einer der wichtigsten Faktoren über die Lebensqualität der Erdbewohner in zukünftigen Jahrhunderten und darüber hinaus entscheidet, könnte dies Auswirkungen auf jegliche Lebens- und Politikbereiche haben. 1345 Support green technology research and use of existing technology. Taxation on the oil companies not the public, lower taxation on green technologies. 1346 Opponents may cite employment policies as a reason for not meeting targets or demand for change, but as long as people want cars there will be a market, fuel or electric. 1350 No opinion 1351 carbon tax or rationing or restrictive permits or rationing of extraction of fossil fuel at source comment on E4, I assumed by carbon was meant c02 equiavalent, or green house gases. I am puzzled why this is not the case.

1354 Taxation of fuel Stop uisng palm oil for fuel because plantations destroy eco systems 1356 Tax incentives for people to purchase electric and hybrid vehicles, and a tax increase for those buying combustion engine vehicles. Tax incentives to convert existing vehicles from a combustion engine to electric or hybrid, but only if this is more cost effective than buying a brand new vehicle, and the existing vehicle is in good shape and within a reasonable weight range. Those driving hybrid or electric vehicles should get access to HOV lanes regardless of how many people are in the vehicle, and they should get a discounted rate on any toll roads and public parking facilities. Cities and municipalities that purchase hybrid or electric public transportation should get tax incentives, same should apply to commercial fleets. Apply the true cost to fuel, and remove any government subsidies to oil and gas companies. 1365 Road tax & fuel duty 1366 Higher taxes - fuel duty 1369 Increasing tax differentials depending upon CO2 emission 1370 Effective law 1372 taxation according to level of emmissions of any activity; subsidies to renewable sources of energy; speed limit reduction to optimal levels to maximise average speeds whilst minimising emissions & fuel use; enhancement of public transport options instaed of the private vehicle; rail haulage investment; reduction of air travel

1374 Impose annual travel limits for each EU citizen. This should cover transport by all energy-reliant vehicles, particularly airplanes. 1382 taxation, speed restriction 1383 Number of stop lights, number of roads and changes to areas with high numbers of road vehicles are used. 1395 Road pricing- Toll roads Car taxation Investment in Rai infrastructure 1401 konsequente Besteuerung nach CO²-Ausstoß unabhängig von Fahrzeuggewicht ! 1407 Umwelt Wirtschaft Finanzen Verkehr Justiz 1408 Gesundheit Besteuerung Nutzungskosten Straßenbau 1412 Standards in Maufacture: The inclusion of a series of filters (HEPA and Activated Carbon) in the front bumper of each road vehicle to clean the air of black carbon, particulate matter and odour. This is a start. However there are 5 Greenhouse Gases and Black Carbon is one Type of Carbon. Young peoples cars should be hybrids. BMW, Volkwagen and Volvo etc. should make hybrids. High performance, diesel cars and SUV's should be taxed heavily. It would reduce imports and increase quality of life too. Eco Efficiency in the Haulage industry should get more capital allowances (deductable depreciation) or other incentive. For example: There is a aero dynamic 40ft trailer with rounded corners that saves fuel yet I have never seen one. Peterbuilt USA make HGV Hybrids. I have never seen oany hybrid truck in Europe. There should also be a truck driver/car driver efficiency course. 1413 Change all engines into Bio-Diesel engines, then run them on Hemp oil. This would do a lot to offset the carbon footprint of producing the vehicles and driving them. As I understand it, the very first working combustion engine ever built was made to run on vegetable oils; it was only the greed of the oil companies and their mighty powerful influences over us which lead to fossil fuels being burned instead of sustainable Bio-Fuels. Redress this imbalance. 1417 supporting public transport, encouraging home working 1429 As far as I know, anything related to the automotive industry and emissions in general. 1432 Ausbau von Kommunikationsstrukturen (Stichwort: HomeOffice-Fähigkeit auch in ländlichen Gebieten). Dezentrale Energieversorgung und Versorgungsnetz mit öffentlich zugänglichen Lademöglichkeiten. Weniger Lärmschutzmaßnahmen sind notwendig, diese Aufwände könnten dann besser in Wärmeschutzmaßnahmen investiert werden. Nicht die Relation Gewicht/Spritverbrauch, sondern der Spritverbrauch/km sind relevant. 1435 To encourage the development and usage of alternative means of propulsion. 1450 - politique sociale, de création d'entreprises locales pour développer l'emploi et réduire les émissions de gaz sur de longues distances. - agro-écologie, pour diminuer les transports de matières premières telles que l'alimentation - développement des transports en commun et du covoiturage en ville et campagnes - aménagements urbains pour augmenter les transports en commun et réduire l'utilisation de la voiture en ville 1451 greener, lower consumption, reduce journeys. 1452 Dramatically increasing road tax on vehicles with high emissions. Decreasing or eliminating road tax on cars with very low emissions. 1453 Opposition by hauliers and vehicle manufacturers 1457 Owners should be taxed on a tariff based on the level of pollution produced by their vehicle(s). This could be based on mileage or some form of mitre. 1461 Klimaschutz/Umwelt, Verbraucher und Gesundheit/Wirtschaft, Finanzen und Steuern 1464 taxes on usage taxes/benefits according to social need 1467 alle 1475 Speed limits shd be reduced on roads of all classes and enforced by variable speed limiters on vehicles. Cars shd be divided into classes defined by carrying capacity. Within each class there shd be a limit both on weight and power. Purchase taxes shd vary between classes, to encourage people to consider how large a car they needed, and within classes to encourage them to consider whether they needed all the extras that buying the heaviest car wd allow. It shd become harder to get and easier to lose a licence to drive the more powerful cars. Very large HGVs should be confined to motorways and some selected main roads, with limited exemptions for access to premises on other roads. Much more stringent design regulations wd apply to lorries allowed on these other roads. Road pricing fo HGVs shd be introduced with the charge per km related only to the physical features of the vehicle. 1476 Policies "policing" the public sector should be compulsorily applied to the whole private sector with no means of appeal or" buying" favours from those in power. 1483 Do not understand this question. The targets should be absolute, and the achievment of those targets needs to be met by whatever means. Inevitably, the onus falls on the designers and manufacturers of vehicles and fuel producers. This ,of course, links into the next question and the cultural issues associated with the commercial pressure to renew and upgrade ones vehicle(s). 1484 If a network of hydrogen fuel or electric (from low carbon soutces) recharging we're available at competitive prices this would affect the need for targets. A carbon tax would also have an effect if it reflected the true economic, human and environmental costs of fossil fuels

1490 Any changes to any policy or set of policies which encourage and stimulate innovation and efficiency improvements should be considered, with due regard, obviously, to practicability. Vehicle manufacturers are, compared, for example, with mobile phone manufacturers, woefully lacking in ambition and imagination. Most of the pressure for change and innovation therefore must come from external sources, such as regulatory bodies. - The lesson of the California experience with regard to emission is that vehicle manufacturers respond only if they have to, but if they have to, they will. 1494 Consideration of targets have to include of necessity the whole production and consumption cycle. A urgent move towards relocalisation and proximity benefits on environmental grounds is long overdue. 1497 Verkehrspolitik: Förderung des Nahverkehrs, Verlagerung des Güterverkehrs auf Schiene und Schiff. Verbot von Lastkraftwagen im Inland/Ausland, die grundlegende Abgas-Normen nicht erfüllen. Verbraucherschutz: Abschaffung des peinlichen neuen Effizienzlabels für PKW. Verbrauchertäuschung par excellence! Wieder ein Geschenk an eine satte Automobil- Lobby auf Kosten der Menschen in diesem Land. Fürsorge sieht anders aus! Wirtschaft: Verbindliche kurzfristige Auflagen für die Automobil-Industrie Steuerpolitik: Wirkungsvolle Besteuerung von emissionsintensiven PKW. Bei 10.000 € im Jahr für einen SUV überlegen sich Verbraucher den Kauf eher. Push-Strategie, die die Automobil-Industrie zum Handeln zwingt. Energie: Subvention von regenerativen Energien. Verpflichtende Solaranlage auf jedem Dach, stark subventioniert! Förderung von Mini-Kraftwerken und anderen dezentralen Enerieversorgungskonzepten. Landwirtschaft: Keine Subventionen für emmisionsintensive Massen-Tierhaltung und Monokultur 1498 Die Reduzierung würde sich in so ziemlich allen Bereichen auswirken, da der Klimawandel gemäßigt würde und somit Extremwetterphänomene und Naturzerstörung verringert würden. Dieses betrifft alle Bereiche des Lebens: Die Landwirtschaft, den Tourismus, die Schifffahrt, die Versicherungswirtschaft... und und und. Außerdem könnte durch die Vorbildfunktion der EU die Veränderung auch auf andere Weltgebiete ausstrahlen. 1501 Encouraging more local production. Encouraging retro fitting of enery efficient fuel usage engines. 'Green' technology research. Funding options could be through grants or loans with a pay back on successful outcomes. Taxing inefficient fuel usage. 1506 proposer des solutions alternatives de moteurs fonctionnant aux Huiles végétales pures sans transformation (moteurs et kit Elsbett) ou mieux à l'air comprimé ou hybride AC/ HVP voir site http://mdi.lu

1508 Policy on public transport provision needs to be taken into account - ways to encourage the use of public transport considered further, including use of trains for transport of goods. In the UK proposals to increase the motorway speed limit to 80 MPH need to be abandoned and consideration given to policing road speeds more forcefully. Review all ways to encourage the use of care share, and promotion of low emission car use. The attitude to oil across all nations needs to be addressed urgently and seriously, with the aim to further international development of safe sustainable energy sources. 1509 Umwelt- und Klimaschutz 1511 Verkehrspolitik, Umweltpolitik, Fiskalpolitik 1512 Changes in other policies should make it possible to set more ambitious greenhouse gas targets for road vehicles. For example: a) Increasing taxation (duties) on hydro-carbon fuels, to make low-emission vehicles more attractive, in turn increasing demand for those vehicles, leading in turn to a reduction in cost for them. b) Direct subsidy for R&D expenditure - targetted at major European manufacturers, including non-EC corporations manufacturing in the EU - to promote the development of lower-cost zero-carbon transport. c) Direct subsidy to promote the widespread installation of public electric power supply points for electric vehicles, and supply points for hydrogen-powered vehicles. Without the wide availability of supplies, vehicles using those fuels are less attractive to road users. 1518 Emissions Trading Scheme policy and regulation - whether it be from a national, European or global perspective. 1523 taxation 1525 Development of hydrogen supply networks 1526 Taxer sur le transport routier Fixation de seuils exigeant d'émission de CO2. 1530 Clearly increased efficiency in shifting between different kinds of personal transportation modes could have a huge effect on carbon emissions. I am thinking of making it easier to combine for example train, car, bus and even bicycle for one single journey. Today you choose more or less between the different modes, and the car often win because it the more flexible. If EU could contribute in stimulating information systems that makes it easy to plan a journey from A to B using different modes of transportation huge decreases in emissions could be made. Another thing. European trains are in a mess and heavily neglected. To develop information systems that makes it possible to sync train tables and make todays impenetrable mess transparent for passengers may be train could be something for the future rather than an old dinosaur. 1538 Development of alterntive fuel use and non oil based technologies. 1539 le feroutage 1542 Avaliability of affordable alternatives to petrol or deseil powered vehichles. 1543 Energiepolitik Durch eine weitgehende Dezentralisierung der Energieerzeugung mit einer Art vernetzter Autarkie des Stromnetzes könnten die zentralisierten Reaktoren für fossile und nukleare Energieerzeugung abgeschafft werden und erneuerbare Energien besser eingesetzt werden. Ein Stromnetz das funktioniert wie ein intelligenter Schwarm und die Energie aus abertausenden kleiner Quellen bezieht würde auch für eine dezentralisierte Industrie erzeugen. Diese könnte mit dem wenig konzentrierten Elektrizitätsangebot sparsamer und vor allem nebenwirkungsärmer wirtschaften. Schon immer hat die Struktur der Energieversorgung die Art menschlicher Produktion bestimmt. Die Energieproduktion kommt gleich nach den primären Ressourcen Luft, Wasser, Ackerboden und Wald als fünfte lebensnotwendige Ressource. Demnach wären auch Wirtschafts- und Infrastrukturpolitik schwer betroffen, aber auch Familien- und Sozialpolitik. Genauso Bildungs- und Erziehungspolitik. 1546 Any policies which set GHG targets for other sectors. Since the overall goal is to reduce total emissions to 1990 levels, a stricter target on commercial buildings (i.e. 10% below 1990 levels) will allow a looser target on other sectors (e.g. transport).

1556 Infrastrukturkonzept müsste neu durchdacht werden, die Wirtschaft müsste sich in vielen Branchen umstellen, was sowieso beides notwendig wird 1567 Fahrzeugzulassung: Fahrzeugklassen haben mit erheblichen technischen Beschränkungen zu kämpfen, die die Einführung von völlig neuartigen Fahrzeuginnovationen sehr stark erschweren und rechtlich verhindern. Neue Fahrzeugideen, die massive CO2-Einsparungen durch stark verbesserte Aerodynamik (Acabion, MAN Concept S) ermöglichen würden und technisch umsetzbar sind, sind gesetzlich heute noch illegal, weil sie in keine Fahrzeugklasse passen, deren Formgebung aber physikalisch notwendig für geringe CO2-Emissionen sind. Hier herrscht akuter Handlungsbedarf. Ein Vergleich fürs Verständnis: Ein Flugzeug, dass so aussehen würde wie ein LKW, könnte vor lauter Luftwiderstand kaum abheben, geschweige denn >300km/h schnell fliegen. Man könnte bisherige Gesetze so erweitern, dass man neuartige Formgebung insbesondere dann zulässt und fördert, wenn sie aerodynamisch ist. Die Aerodynamik ist insbesondere im Fernverkehr verbrauchsbestimmend, da dort mit konstant hohen Geschwindigkeiten gefahren wird. 1571 Greenhouse gas targets for road vehicles should always be considered in the wider context of our other activities too. Usage, where policies affect road improvements. Education, since few people consider whether a journey, including those of commercial, delivery vehicles,is really required, in so many of the decisions we might make in our daily lives. In my opinion, this would be greatly preferable to sledgehammer taxation. Foreign policy, including that for overseas aid, should reflect our desire to regulate and reduce CO2 emissions, particularly in hotter countries which use airconditioning far more profligately than many of us use heating in the UK. 1572 Those policies whic target greenhouse emissions. 1575 Verkehrs- und Umweltpolitik 1578 Policies which encourage the use of renewable energy in road vehicles eg. renewably produced electricity and locally produced and used biomass fuels. 1580 Umweltpolitik Energiepolitik Wirtschaftspolitik Verkehrspolitik 1590 Petrol vehicles produce more CO2 then diesel vehicles, so these should be targeted for higher vehicle excise duty, and considering HGVs are considered essential for the economy and are also primarily diesel powered, I feel rising diesel prices counter productive, and I feel being these vehicles have the bigger engines, and also the overall cost is greater, technology should be focused in reducing permissions particularly because the percentage of the overall cost of purchase would be proportionately smaller if one concentrated their efforts in reducing the permissions on these particularly damaging vehicles, considering that they are fundamental to prosperous balance economy and the operators of these vehicles shouldn't be punished through the vehicle duty simply because manufacturers have not invested enough in clean technologies which is obvious if they pollute the most out of all transport on the roads. 1592 Availability and efficiency of ( and investment in) alternative means of transport, such as rail network. 1594 Improvements in engine technology, especially reduction or cessation of particulate emissions 1596 Auf die Energiewirtschaft generell. Anzustreben ist ein schneller Umstieg auf 100% Erneuerbare Energien in allen Bereichen (Strom, Wärme, Treibstoffe). 1608 Don't understand the question. 1610 Verkehrspolitik 1613 Im Bereich der Steuern . 1614 Verkehr und Verkehrsplanung, Straßenbau, Umweltschutz, Wirtschaft, Entwicklungshilfe, Außenpolitik 1618 Insbesondere Wirtschaft und Handel - regionaler Handel muss gefördert werden, damit möglichst weniger CO2 erzeugt wird. 1619 Kraftfahrzeug-Steuer, Erneuerbaren Energien 1620 Design. 1624 taxation; available technologies; standards set in other countries to which EU vehicle manufacturers export, eg China, India, South America - if these are less stringent than EU targets then manufacturers may wish to adopt these, or use them as a reason for diluting EU targets

1627 Politique fiscale (incitation/dissuasion) 1628 Forschung - Förderung von Forschung an alternativen umweltfreundlichen Antriebsaggregaten durch unabhängige Institutionen (also auuserhal bder Automobilindustrie) Bildung - Aufklärung über die Notwendigkeit der Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen

1632 Improved engine and exhaust system design, less emphasis on styling features and gimmicks, greater use of rail haulage systems for large loads. 1634 Instead of thinking on "How much it will cost?" or How much we will make?" or "How much we will loose?" Our thought should be focus on ""How can we have a CLEAN PLANET"" We are obsolete!!!! With very obsolete solutions....

1635 Compulsary Emission Standards 1640 Ich kann die einzelnen Politikbereiche nicht benennen. Jedoch bin ich der Meinung, dass in Folge der Reduzierung von Abgasen durch technologische Maßnahmen bei den Fahrzeugen, es zu einer positiven Veränderung bei der Beziehung von Ressourcen für Energie und der verwendeten Technologie zur Gewinnung dieser kommt. Weniger Treibhausgase bedeutet weniger Verbrennung, bedeutet weniger Ressourcen Verschwendung. Andere Politikbereiche werden sensibilisiert für das Thema "Ressourcenknappheit" und "Umweltbewusstsein". Jedoch werden Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Abgaswerte nicht ausreichend sein, um ein nennenswertes Ziel zu erreichen. Ohne eine signifikante technologische Evolution werden solche Maßnahmen, so schwer sie auch umzusetzen sind, nur einen Seiteneffekt haben können, der aber wünschenswert ist. Sehr hohe Vorgaben zu den Abgaswerten, führen hoffentlich zu einer Technologieentscheidung in sämtlichen Bereichen, hin zu regenerativen bzw. CO2-neutralen Energiegewinnungsformen. 1642 Policies forcing vehicle manufacturers to comply with targets. 1646 I hope other policies such as taxation will further reduce emissions but I think targets for road vehicles should be still set regardless of this 1647 Make public transport and cycling/walking easier and more affordable and accessible. Enforce vehicle manufacturers to build greener models. Tax large cars. 1648 Taxation - Transport usage should essentially have different levy's Insurance - pro rata usage factors could be included Industrial Standards - type of transport could be made mandatory given purpose, e.g on-site-only vehicles could all be electric only

1649 Tax benefits for both organizations selling greener vehicles and organizations making use of greener vehicles (like HDV's) would help offset the increased (perceived) manufacture/acquisition costs and drive higher penetration of greener vehicles.

1667 Bildung, Entwicklungshilfe, Wirtschaftsförderung, Tourismus, Bau 1673 Höhere besteuerung von Kraftstoffen! Aber nur wen gleichzeitig die möglichkeit gegeben ist das es 3 liter fahrzeuge gibt! Die für jeden bezahlbar sind und in der Masse Hergestellt werden! 1674 The key is to remove the problem at source in terms of design, as well as reducing the vast amount of unnecessary travel. 1681 Verkehr Infrastruktur Verbraucherschutz 1682 Fahrverbote für Fahrzeuge mit großen Emissionswerten an Tagen mit hohen Ozon-Werten Abschaffung der Kraftfahrzeugsteuer und Kompensation durch Erhöhung der Mineralölsteuer Maut auch auf Bundesstraßen für Schwerfahrzeuge

1688 (Bahn-)Verkehr: Sollte es eine Kombination von Maßnahmen geben, die insbesondere den LKW-Langstreckenverkehr direkt oder indirekt als Verkehrsträger unattraktiver macht, wird es zu einer anteiligen Verlagerung der Verkehre auf Schienen- oder Wasserwege geben.

1691 I do not know the answer to this, but I do believe that we must make every feasible effort to minimise our impact on climate change. 1695 Taxation, emission targets, moving away from a reliance on carbon based fuels 1696 Any that work - engine standards, maintenance standards, taxation on fuel and purchase cost of high consuming vehicles 1698 A unified agreement worldwide, and Britain to lead by example. 1700 Don't know about policies but the idea of 2050 set as a target is insane! It needs to be done now....we all need to support and use alternative sustainable energy sources 1704 Umsetzung der Kfz-Steuer auf den Literpreis, Luxussteuer auf große Pkw, Parkgebühren für "Laternenparker" (Fläche in Städten darf nicht kostenlos zur Vefügung gestellt werden) 1707 Air quality Electricity emissions reduction targets Nuclear energy health policies Sustainable urban design (reducing need to travel) Active and sustainable travel (reducing road vehicle use) Health policies

1708 I suppose policy regarding taxation, as mentioned, would have the most bearing on targets. Regulation of other sources of GHG's would of course have an impact on targets set for road vehicles.

1710 Get HDV's off the roads and use rail networks to transport larger loads at greater fuel efficiency. 1712 Foreign policy - for instance, in the event of war. 1713 The need for oil based vehicles with existing stocks running out we need newer technologies to make cars etc. run effectively when driven within safe parameters, ie: - in Britain we need no vehicles that can exceed 80 mph unless for lifesaving necessity. A fuel register should be kept for all vehicles recording miles traveled against fuel used and anyone not driving within laid out usage should be denied a vehicle. 1714 Road tax increases Incentive schemes for purchase of electric, hybrid and other 'green' vehicles. Incentive schemes to encourage vehicle manufacturers to promote and sell their low- pollution models

1715 Wirtschaft/Industrie 1716 policies affecting vehicle manufacturers, importers and dealers 1720 Steuerliche Absetzbarkeit von Firmenfahrzeugen ÖPNV fördern. Mehr und günstigereÖPNV-Angebote auch für Radfahrer. Würde gleichzeitig die Straßen entlasten... 1721 Wahlen 1722 This must include enforceable legislations with meaningful penalties alongside a public education programme. 1723 sustainable energy, cutting carbon emissions. 1727 Policies aimed at delivering on international protocols and agreements on mitigating climate change, focussed on CO2 emissions Policies based on recognition of the link between land use and transport planning. Policies around human health and urban design eg those focussed on air quality and vehicle emissions of particulates and volatile organic compounds. Policies aimed at increasing national energy security aimed at increasing fuel efficiency 1728 Integrated national transport policies 1730 Support for renewable, non-polluting energy technologies can produce power for vehicles, because (1) renewable energy is, by definition, indefinitely sustainable; and (2) lower costs of renewable energy for vehicles will make this type of non-polluting transport more popular. For example, electric cars that derive their energy from electricity produced by windmills, with re-supply stations for cars along routes. Such a pilot system has been put in place by Ecotricity: the car is described at http://www.ecotricity.co.uk/about- ecotricity/eco-labs/nemesis: "The result is awesome: faster than a V12 , 0-100mph in 8.5 seconds and a top speed of 170mph. All powered entirely from the wind. Or to be more precise by green electricity produced by Ecotricity’s windmills, delivered by the grid. " The highway is described at http://www.ecotricity.co.uk/for-the-road. 1731 Umwelt, Naturschutz Verkehr, Bau, Stadtentwicklung 1737 Außenpolitik, Wirtschaftspolitik 1741 Taxation, licencing, encourageemnt of electic-powered vehicles. 1743 Energie- und Umweltpolitik 1750 VERKEHRS- POLITIK --- +++ STRASSENBAU ! - -STAU- VERHINDERUNG!!! ENDL. MEHR VERKEHR AUF DIE SCHIENEN BRINGEN -----!!!! 1751 Besteuerung, Zulassung für Fern-/Innerstädtischen Verkehr 1752 Set emissions limits YOU want for all new vehicles and stick to them. Penalise manufacturers who don't comply. 1758 neue Antriebstechnologien, Besteuerung von CO2-Emissionen, PKW-Maut-Gelder zur Forcierung der Erforschung und Umsetzung alternativer und spritsparender Technologien 1759 Produce more cars and other vehicles, at an economic price, that can run on more 'green' fuel. 1770 all new vehicles should be manufactured under very strict guideelines, 1777 Umwelt, Wirtschaft, Finanzen 1778 Not in order are: Insurance premiums Taxation Construction regulations, here the best policy could be to give incentives on maintenance for existing vehicles for people who are unable to afford a new and taxation on manufacture of fossil fuel powered vehicles to incease aditional 10% a year, increase adittional taxation to 1% added every next year on dealers and another 4% taxation added to buyers, these increases refer only to new fossil fuel powered vehicles and the money from these taxes would support non profit responsable manufacturing entrants. 1786 No opinion. 1787 Verkehr und Finanzen. 1788 In den meisten 1789 Umweltpoltik, Wirtschaftspolitik, durch die Entstehung neuer Arbeitsplätze bei Automobilbauern und -zulieferen. 1790 Road fund tax (UK) Progressive year on year increase based on carbon dioxide emissions. These should rapidly become ever more punititive for vehicles emitting carbon dioxide. City centre exclusion zones for any vehicles that emit carbon dioxide - the reason being that any of the antique technologies that emit carbon dioxide also emit other toxic gases that damage human health - we can all live very much more healthy lives without any of it and it is absurd not to opt for the better available options. 1793 Punitive taxation to encourage fuel efficiency. 1805 Cradle to grave analysis of energy to manufacture until final completion of life disposal and materials consumed used as a measure of taxation. Also the degree of pollution generated during life , manufacture, disposal and material extractions through mining to obtain necessary resources. 1815 Umwelt 1817 THERE WOULD BE NO POLICIES,EMMISIONS MUST BE REGULATED AND IT SHOULD BE IMPLEMENTED ASAP. 1819 Overall transport policies e.g. rail use. Encouragement of local production of food and other essentials. 1820 I don't know enough about current policies to offer an opinion. 1822 Higher tax on hydrocarbon fuel v lower or no "Road Fund" tax. Pay as you consume! 1823 Transport policies that enable aletrnatives to private car travel to be provided. If green alternatives are available people will be persuaded to give up car use altogether - I would. 1824 toll roads, better public transport infastructrure, cheaper train fares. 1825 Tax breaks. 1827 Through European Law 1829 Policies relative to the compulsory mix of "biofuels" with oil-based fuels and to the calculation of the greenhouse gas emissions of these "biofuels" 1830 The emergence of larger lorries. 1832 Taxes over new vehicles, favouring less polluting. Supporting I+D in new technologies. 1835 Speed controls Limiting unnecessary movement of goods 1836 Sourcing of construction materials, construction processes including anti-rust and paint protections, recycled materials at end of life vs non-recyclables. Engine efficiency, aerodynamic efficiency. Safety rating for accidents. 1838 Ease road congestion in target areas by improving and widening roads and adding extra lanes. Improve public transport in rural areas to keep cars away from town and city centres. Support future technology,i.e.fuel cells etc. 1842 manufacturing standards, quotas of electiric cars to be introduced 1845 taxe carbone sur le carburant 1846 Urban air quality targets greater force, minimum mpg / kpl standards, emission standards 1849 Company policies. Most of us know that the auto industry wields a lot of power in influencing how policy is made. 1853 A multi-disciplinary approach is necessary. Regardless of any other policies eg. tax reduction, this is about more than money. The environment is paramount as we can't get it back, not just for climate change but for the general health of the population. If general greenhouse gas emissions targets accelerate then so should EU reduction policies.

1856 - cost of fuel - cost of vehicle and fiscal policy (bonus/malus) - clear roadmap about future GHG targets (so that it incites the buyer of a vehicle to think about his ability to sell the vehicle later when more strict legislation is inforced) - weight of vehicle 1858 Policies on public transport 1859 Large HDV vehicles should checked by the police all the time, especially on Motorways 1862 requiring frieght to go by rail/water transport if journeys are above a certain length increasing tax on road fuels 1864 If the politicians can ever get their shit together in time for COP18, the whole world is desperate for meaningful change, but politicians need to 'grow a pair' and stop pandering to the stupidities of the Climate Change denyers and the lobbyists from the Petro/chemical and automotive industries. These industries need to be told that if they cause further delays to meaningful change then they will be held responsible for the increased costs necessary to protect against the changes. They only understand 'bottom lines' and you have to hit the fuckers in the bank balance before they'll change their ways 1873 Vehicle purchase tax, road tax, fuel duty. Cars exceeding targets should pay a premium which is used to reduce taxation on eco friendly vehicles. This would also influence the purchase of new cars and get older ones off the road.

1880 Localism - of employment , of food production, of energy generation, of social facilities 1888 dont understand the question! 1894 Set limits for CO2, and lower them by 2% / year. This should be average across the brand in the country. So for every poor performing car they need 10 good ones. Also tax low mpg cars more at purchase 1897 Those which concern the creation/generation of alternative and greener power sources e.g. hydrogen, electricity and possibly vegetable oils. 1899 Purchase locally produced materials, i.e from within a 50 mile radius and recieve tax benefits, as this would be EU wide it need not be seen as restrictive to any other trade agreement. 1901 Targets which would effectively encourage alternative (and greener) alternatives, ie rail transport 1903 Lowering taxes on hybrid and low emission vehicles may influence the market for new vehicles. With high fuel costs motorists and haulage companies may be encouraged to switch to better manage their fuel usage. It's rising motoring costs that will change people's habits, not the effect their habits are having on the climate.

1904 Planning Agriculture General regulation of industry and transport Virtually all areas of policy are likely to affect this as road vehicles are so central to many areas of life and the economy

1908 Vehicle design and food miles policies from superstores & manufacturers (e.g pasties made in Cornwall, wrapped 300 miles away and returned to supermarket in Cornwall less than 5 miles from original source)

1912 incentives for the procurement of greener vehicles 1913 If ways of producing electricity improve, i.e. with new green technologies for poducing electricity, then maybe these could affect the setting of greenhouse targets. 1914 Variation in toll prices on appropriate routes may cause advantage to fuel efficient users 1922 Legislation towards post-oil to create a level playing field for the aggressive pro-oil lobby to compete in. 1923 policies aimed at the makers, - raising taxes only hurts businesses and does not put most driver off using their cars, most people use their cars for work and for many public transport is out of the question and does not go the way they want to go. Only by bringing in legislation aimed at the vehicle makers can we hope to make overall change.

1926 Taxes targeted at the level of carbon dioxide emissions. Less emissions = less tax. 1937 Subsidising public transport 1943 Vehicle Manufacture rules, Investing in Green / Alternative Electricity Production, Transport Infrastructure ie: Rail Freight / canal and river use, Reduction in consumption / packaging / size and weight of products.

1946 Sorry, don't know 1952 politiques fiscales plus draconniennes 1961 Policies protecting industry's ability to maximise profits and keep spending to a minimum 1964 None 1970 Zero road tax for the lowest emission vehicles. Development of a cheaper fuel for those vehicles. 1972 Taxation policies 1977 Introduction of a responsibility on the part of motor companies to provide a sustainable percentage proportion of their fleet at similar and reasonable cost to their standard vehicles. The technology is all there, but the responsibility on the part of the providers is not. This percentage should widen over a period of time until it eclipses the older and outmoded vehicles which produce such damaging greenhouse gases. 1981 taxation 1982 Increasing costs through taxation of the more damaging fuels and vehicles 1989 The obvious ones, such as taxation, vehicle design, but also social and planning policies that reduce the need for vehicle use. In this regard things such as co-siting of housing/leisure/work/commercial buildings would help as well as a presumption against rural sites for out-of-town shopping centres etc. In short the problem is not one that can be tackled by individual actions but by an integrated suite of policies that are complentary. 1994 if you use taxation methods then the oil and vehicle lobbies will say that they are being taxed unfairly. Considering their profits and the contribution that they have made to climate change there should be more pressure put on them to reduce their emmissions. The technology is there so policies forcing them to reduce emmissions should be definitely put into place. For older vehilces maybe taxation is a better method. 1997 Investment in rail infrastructure Support for local and organic food production 2001 Design 2004 Increase the availability of alternative fuel top-up facilities. Alternative fuels will not succeed without being able to rely upon refill facilities. 2013 Those supporting reduction in production of unnecessary packaging (for example), so reducing not only the creation of wasteful materials, but also the cost of transporting those materials around the planet so adding to greenhouse gases. 2027 urban policy, environmental policy, energy policy, trade (EU market) 2030 Engine design and taxation 2033 different levels of road tax depending on CO2 emissions 2051 Encouraging public transport. Decarbonising the energy supply. Discouraging flying. We must meet our overall targets for GHG emissions reduction; everything else is secondary. 2063 None should. 2065 Fuel taxation policy, additional R&D grants for low carbon powertrain design, patent law; reduce patent protection for unexploited technologies - "use it or lose it" 2070 A proper policy policing carbon emissions. 2071 fuel emission standards, taxation, tighter regulation 2075 Cheeper veg oil, this is the greenest fuel but its been priced off the fuel market. 2078 no policies that I'm aware of 2084 Levying heavier tax/duty for quantity of vehicle usage vs a flat rate fee 2087 Tighter regulations for car and fuel manufacturers - less lobbying power form these organisations. 2101 I am insufficiently qualified to say what policies 2121 taxes à l'import, taxe carbone, etiquetage carbone des produits 2129 Il faudrait des politiques strictes et vraiment appliquer le principe payeur/pollueur et vraiment pénaliser les constructeurs qui ne respectent pas les lois. 2130 Taxes on road use. Car princing in city centers. Movility plans in cities, industrial and university areas. 2133 Stadtplanung, Gesundheit, Wirtschaft, Lebensqualität in Städten, Kinder- und Jugend, Umwelt 2139 Verkehrspolitik, insbesondere Verkehrswegebau und Stadtplanung, Förderung von Verkehrstechnologien mit geringem Energiebedarf für den Transport, besonders Eisenbahnverkehr. Wirtschaftspolitik, Investitionen, langfristige Wirtschaftsplanung 2140 GHG targets should provide a backstop to other incentive-based policies, so investors/procurers have certainty about the market direction and first movers get credit & support to drive innovation. Ultimately other regulatory policies need to be in place to disincentivise unnecessary usage and close down inefficient technology choices.

2155 I think that it needs a reformulation of the entire society, beguining with the distribution and production sector! WE CANT CONTINUE TO SEND PERISHABLE FOOD PRODUCTS SO MANY MILES (KM) AWAY... its insane when facing the long term sustentability of earth ecossistems! I Supose that starting with this reformulation is already an enormous task, that will surely create new problems... that would need constant upgrade solutions for it to work properly. Obviously by trying to change society you need it to get educated so they complement each other out. This is evolution... not a basic taxation sistem to "make" changes that everyone will try to get by wihtout or at the least cost possible. I think also that trying to get a sistem that evolves constantly, like micro evolutions, and passe them into society is the best way to achieve greater things... like ban every single TRADEMARKS and PATENTS so every Human can use any technology. THATS THE FUTURE! COOPERATION instead of COMPETITION... 2157 Der Schienenverkehr muss drastisch mehr Geld bekommen. Ausbau des Schienennetzes, vor allem in der Fläche. Mindestens ein Stundentakt. Statt höherer Fahrgeschwindigkeit besser höhere Reisegeschwindiglkeit durch häufigere Fahrten und bessere Verknüpfung mit dem übrigen ÖPNV. Pendlerpauschale nur für Nutzer des ÖPNV und des Radverkehrs, es sei denn, es gibt keinen ÖPNV oder Strecke länger als 10 km. Die Besteuerung und Absetzbarkeit von Dienstfahrzeugen darf nicht weiter den Kauf spritschluckender Pkw fördern. Eine Pauschale, die sich am niedrigstmöglichen CO2-Ausstoß orientiert, reicht. Zusätzlich wäre für die Nutzung von Pkw die Zahlung von Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen sinnvoll. Wer Auto fährt, verschmutzt die Umwelt und schadet auch seiner eigenen Gesundheit. 2163 Revise current consumtion test in order to make them more close to real life use, this will generate an increase in the CO2 value between 20 & 30%. After this start again with the target of low CO2 emission. Vehicle disposal and recycling at the end of the lifecycle. With the introduction of new lightweight material (carbon fiber) and more electronics the vehicle will be more complex, therefore more difficult to recycle. Simply follow the supply chain and follow the vehicle in order to generate low waist and pollution, maximize the recycling avoiding (tax) the export to those areas where the legislation is not set yet or it's less tight.

2190 des politiques de taxes sur les carburants 2193 Certainly in the UK there needs to be a reduction in HGV; a switch from road to rail for longer distances. Taxation should encourage that. It is of overriding importance that greenhouse gas targets are adhered to. Exceptions should not be allowed.

2195 Diminuer l'utilisation du transport par route et remplacer au maximum par le rail et l'eau. Les véhicules électriques devraient être utilisés dans les zones urbaines pour les trajets de moins de 100 Km. 2200 Aménagement du territoire Politiques foncières 2203 Hohe Steuer für Luxuskarossen und Spritfresser, Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen wie in Skandinavien, attraktivere Preise für Bahnpendler, vorbildliche Spritspar-Fahrzeuge für Politiker, Reklame von Politikern für Elektrofahrräder und kleine Elektroautos Abbau der Flugsubventionen - auch wenn das nicht direkt hier dazu gehört.

2205 Renewable Energy Directive 98/70/EC and Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC : in relation with the accounting of GHG reduction in transport sector by using biofuels, including the ILUC factor. The NREAP reports requested by the Renewable Energy Directive 98/70/EC show that EU member States plan to reduce their GHG emissions mostly by using biofuels first generation biofuels. Unfortunately, this has significant negative social and economic consequences forother countries, including water and land grabbing. Therefore, the setting of GHG targets for road vehicles must take into account these negative environmental, social and economic impacts. Instead off relying on biofuels, it is important to promote the reduction of energy consumption so that an objective is sustainable. It must comply with the right to food and not shift the GHG emissions to another part of the world.

2207 L’Europe doit continuer à donner l’exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Il faut absolument fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires sinon nos enfants et petits-enfants ne pourront plus respirer et deviendront tous asthmatiques L'objectif doit être très contraignant même si c'est contraignant car l'objectif "zéro carbone" dans les transports d'ici à 2050 semble être une ligne d'objectif à atteindre

2209 L'europe doit se donner les moyens d'engager une politique contraignante en matière de réduction de co2 rapidement pour engager un cercle vertueux vers les autres secteurs émetteurs de co2: industrie, batiment....

2210 Développement de la recherche et rationalisation des déplacements 2212 Les politiques favorisant l'utilisation de transport ferroviaire, e minimisant les véhicules routiers. 2215 L’Europe doit continuer à donner l’exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Elle doit continuer dans cette voie. Fixer un objectif à moyen terme pour tous les véhicules (2020 à 2030) Cet objectif doit avoir pour but d'aller vers une secteurdes transports « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050.

2228 Une politique ambicieuse pour zero carbone en 2050 2229 néant 2233 facilitating the acquisition of car which pollute less or substitute older cars 2236 OFFRE MIEUX ORGANISEE EN MATIERE DE TRANSPORTS EN COMMUNS: L'offre en transports en commun (trains, bus, etc.) doit être mieux organisée dans la partie francophone du pays. Le week-end, mes enfants n'ont presque pas de bus pour circuler. Les seuls bus que l'on voie circuler sont ceux de DE LIJN. Il y a donc des efforts à faire de ce côté là. REUTILISER LE TRANSPORT FLUVIAL: Pour le transport des marchandises, même sans être un grand expert, tout le monde sait de nos jours que le transport fluvial est sous-exploité. Utilisons-le à nouveau. Les péniches ne demandent qu'à être rénovées. On "tune" bien des voitures, pourquoi pas des péniches, avec les derniers accessoires High Tech si nécessaire, pour les rendre opérationnelles et compétitives par rapport aux camions. DES SUBSIDES POUR LES VOITURES HYBRIDES: Je rêve de polluer moins. Des subsides pour les voitures personnelles pourraient être judicieux à ce niveau. 2238 Straßenrückbau. Verbilligung des Öffentlicher Nahverkehrs Verbesserung des Radwegenetzes 2239 taxation du CO2 émis, incitation fiscale à l'achat de véhicules plus propres 2240 Augmenter le prix du carburant ?? Taxer le kilomètrage ?? 2244 Il faut réduire par part des transports de passagers et de fret par la route au profit du rail 2245 Besteuerung 2247 taxe carbone 2249 Straßenverkehrsordnung Wirtschaftsförderung 2252 Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik. 2257 _Réglementation très strict concernant la consommation des véhicules et leurs émissions de CO2. _Réduction du transport routier de marchandises (Re-localisation des moyens de production proche des lieux de consommation). _Report massif du transport routier vers le transport ferroviaire dès que cela est possible (Instauration de fortes taxes sur le transport routier permettant de rendre le transport ferroviaire compétitif). 2259 Umwelt, Klima, Energie,Verkehr, Wirtschaft 2267 taxation (par exemple, congestion fee); développement, amélioration et baisse des coûts des transports alternatifs (voie navale, trains, transports en commun) 2269 Des politiques visant à une utilisation moindre de des véhicules routiers 2270 Que la Commission Européenne agisse indépendamment du lobby de l'ACEA ! 2271 Research really road-vehicle emissions in order to different energy to use. Example appear that emissions of "green gasoline" is minus over first 20-30 km. Many countries stop vehicles which do not use that. In what city a worker drive all days more than 20-30 km? 2285 Wirtschaft 2286 Stadtplanung, Raumordnung, Investitionen im Verkehrsbereich wie (Straßenbau, Bahnpolitik) 2289 adapter les villes, transports publiques pour diminuer les embouteillages (= transports inefficaces, générateurs de effets secondaires multiples et d'accidents). Diminuer l'accessibilité des centres villes aux véhicules touristiques (particuliers et entreprises). Augmenter les capacites de transports publiques et leur fiabilité pour donner un réel choix aux employés qui ne désirent pas nécessairement utiliser leurs véhicules pour travailler. Rendre moins interressant fiscalement la voiture de société, qui est alors utilisée car "faisant partie des avantages" et non de façon réfléchie en fonction du moment, de la ville, du travail, mais plus du statut. 2292 Förderung und Bevorzugung von Radverkehr, ÖPNV + Schienenverkehr gegenüber PKW/LKW-Verkehr. Höhere Verbrauchssteuern und Nutzungskosten (Maut, Parkgebühren,..) für Kraftwagen. Höchstgeschwindigkeiten und Fahrzeugleistung begrenzen.

2297 politique fiscale, politique de mobilité (favoriser d'autres types de transports, favoriser les échanges locaux,...), politique d'éducation (favoriser les productions et échanges locaux, changement de comportement). 2302 Je souhaite que l’Europe, qui a toujours su montrer l'exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules, continue dans cette voie. Pour cela, je souhaite que des objectifs soient fixés pour 2025 . Ils devront être ambitieux afin de nous permettre d'atteindre l'objectif « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050 ! Merci!! 2303 Wirtschaftspolitik, Regionale Vermarktung mit kürzeren transportwegen fördern, Förderung von elektromobilität abseits der straße z.B. E-Fahrräder in zusammenhang mit umweltverträglich erzeugtem Strom. In Folge weniger Straßenschäden und höhere Gesundheit, da der Bewegung (muskelunterstützte Elektrofahrzeuge) vorschub geleistet wird. Ebenso läßt sich die als Dreiradeletrofahrzeug für Lastentransport im Nah Zustellverkehr einsetzen (Auslieferung von Einkäufen im Innenstadtbereich), Post/Paketzustellung. Ansonsten Förderung des Radverkehrs als CO2 Neutrale fortbewegung durcxh bauliche Maßnahmen, Radverkehrspläne auch in den Kommunen, unterstützen von Betrieben, die ihren Mitarbeitern die Fahrradnutzung schmackhaft machen. 2304 Mutualiser les remorques en vue d'éviter les trajets à vide. 2306 Le développement de plateformes multi-modales pour permettre un ferroutage plus efficace. Une taxe au km sur les produits en fonction de leurs provenance. 2307 Une politique de relocalisation de l'économie et de la vie de tous les jours. Si ce qu'on consomme est produit à proximité, que de km et donc de pollution (mais aussi d'embouteillages) gagnés. Si nos activités de tous les jours se trouvent dans un rayon de 5-10 km, la voiture ne devient plus une prothèse quasi indispensable. Donc oui à des quartier mixte avec logements, magasins, services, etc. La politique de mobilité dépend fortement de la politique du territoire.

2309 In Portugal the Taxis are very old. They should be changed 2313 To subsidize the purchase of less pollutant vehicles. Taxes would only overburden consumers. 2315 Immobilienkauf/-verkauf verbilligen, um Anpassungsfähigkeit zu verbessern (Stichwort "Grunderwerbssteuer") Kfz-Steuer auf Mineralölsteuer umverteilen Zweckgebundenheit von Mautgebühren zu weiteren Straßenbau beenden Novellierung von Straßenverkehrsverordnungen zur Verbesserung alternativer Verkehrsmittel (Radverkehr)

2322 Verkehrspolitik, Infrastrukturplanung (Siedlungsstruktur), Steuer- und Finanzpolitik, Umweltgesetzgebung 2325 Environmentally unfriendly vehicles should be taxed much higher company cars should be taxed highly there should be rules deciding a max CO2 emmision for all cars that are much stricter than they are now (EG max. 100g CO2/km)!! 4x4 and sports cars are unnecessary on our roads! The max velocity that a car can do should be limited (this would immidiatemy cut the emissions aswell, because the cars and their engines can be much less heavy) The law thatexist now for 2012 certainly shouldn't be posponed to 2015! 2328 In einer ernsten Verkehrspolitik, die zielbewusst eine Verringerung des Straßenverkehrs betreibt und nicht durch immer größere Wachstumsraten des Straßenverkehrs den Straßenbauern immer neue Argumente zur Asphaltierung der Landschaft liefert: Schiene statt Straße! Tempolimit max. 130 km/h auf der Autobahn (Deutschland ist schon ein Ausnahmeland, zusammen mit dem indischen Bundesstaat Andhra Pradesh!) 90 km/h auf der Landstraße Keine Industriepolitik, die durch CO²-Geschenke den Bau schwerer PKW gezielt begünstigt. Wahrnehmung der schweren Limousinen als Protzobjekte, Schluss mit dem Jahreswagen- und Dienstwagenprivileg 2329 Umlegung aller auf das Fahrzeug und nicht auf dessen Nutzung bezogene Arten von Besteuerung. In Deutschland z.B. die Kfz-Steuer. Alle Belastungen sollten z.B. über den Kraftstoffpreis oder/und die Straßennutzung erfolgen.

2330 pas possible de répondre ici à cette question - débat trop large 2331 Verkehrs- und Bauwesen. Keine Baugenehmigung mehr für Läger "auf der grünen Wiese", sondern nur, wenn Bahnanschluß vorhanden. Verlagerung der Güter von der Straße auf die Bahn, insbes. im Fernverkehr !

2332 internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit steigt Sicherung und Zugewinn von Arbeitsplätzen höhere Umsätze und Steuereinnahmen in der EU internationales politische Reputation durch CO2-Reduzierung Umweltbewusstsein der Bevölkerung

2333 Verkehrsministerium, Verbraucherministerium (Änderung der kontraproduktiven Verbrauchergewohneiten), Innenministerium, Finanzministerium 2343 L' Europe à toujours été précurseur en matière de réduction des émissions de CO2 pour les véhicules, mais il est nécessaire aujourd'hui de ne pas relâcher la pression et de continuer dans cette voie en fixant des objectifs forts pour 2025 et ce pour toutes les gammes de véhicules. 2347 législation pour les constructeurs 2349 -Favoriser les transports alternatifs: Voies ferrées, voies fluviales. -Favoriser le taux de remplissage des transports. -Sanctionner, dans un autre domaine, les emballages ayant un volume excessif par rapport à leur contenu, et qui contribue au "volume d'air" transporté. -Freiner la politique du "just in time" qui contribue au transports inutiles. 2351 Verkehrspolitik, Wirtschaftspolitik, Besteuerung 2352 Mit Verlaub, dieser offene Frage ist nicht wirklich eindeutig, wohl ein Übersetzungsfehler? 2353 Verkehrsplanung: Nicht immer mehr Straßen bauen, damit noch mehr Fahrzeuge fahren können, sondern Busspuren und Fahrradwege errichten, PKW/LKW-Fahrspuren dafür reduzieren: Stau als natürlicher Regulator. Steuerpolitik: PKW-Steuer aufheben und dafür Treibstoff/Energieträger wesentlich mehr besteuern. 2354 Greenhouse reductions can also be cost-effectively achieved by policies that reduce vehicle kilometres travelled, especially for greenhouse-intensive vehicles. This includes both reducing unnecessary travel, and switching to lower-intensity forms of transport such as motorcycles and bicycles, or increasing average load factors.

2364 Das ist ein wirklich schwerfälliger Satz ... und wahrscheinlich grammatikalisch daneben ... ich hab jedenfalls keine Lust mehr, noch länger darüber nachzudenken, was überhaupt gefragt ist Umweltpolitik, Steuerpolitik, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Außenpolitik, Verkehrspolitik 2365 Verkehrsverlagerung modal split, Es muß aber weitergehen mit der Zielesetzung. Stichwortflächenverbrauch. Lebesmittel in den Tank. und mehr 2366 If a country is brave enough to forbid cars completely, then no new targets are necessary (for that country). But unfortunatly aren't there any visionair politcians who would propese these kind of ideas. 2368 Wichtig ist die Schaffung von mehr Wettbewerb im Verkehrsbereich. Heute haben wir das Problem, dass für viele Strecken kein realer Wettbewerb zwischen Verkehrsmitteln wie Bahn, Bus, Fahrrad, Elektrorad und Auto besteht, sondern dass die Fahrt sinnvoll nur mit dem Auto gemacht werden kann. Der Ausbau des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs und die Steigerung der Attraktivität von Fahrten mit Fahrrad oder Elektrorad (etwa durch schnelle kreuzungsfreie Radwege) ist daher sinnvoll. Zudem braucht es ein System, was es Autofahrern ermöglicht, nach der Planung einer Fahrt mit dem Navi die Fahrtroute unkompliziert über das Internet anzubieten. Für den Mitfahrer sollte es möglich sein, diese Fahrt kombiniert mit Bahnangeboten oder Angeboten anderer Autofahrer über ein beliebiges internetfähiges Gerät zu buchen. So könnte er z. B. mit einem Autofahrer von einem Dorf in eine Stadt fahren und von dort mit der Bahn zum eigentlichen Ziel weiterfahren. Dies würde die Zahl der Autofahrten deutlich reduzieren. 2369 Verteidigung/Militärausgaben 2382 make it very expensive but provide alternatives like public transport and carsharing and asap electric cars 2385 taxation to most polluter vehicles (any kind) and benefits for green vehicles 2388 Public Transport 2389 Favoriser les alternatives à la route, renforcer la muti-modalité (train/fluvial/...). Interdire la gestion à flux tendu, obligeant ainsi à rationaliser les transports. Suppression du traffic de transit dans/autour des grandes villes Limitation du nombre et de la vitesse des PL dans les villes (30km/h max, péage urbain, ...) .... 2392 Comme en Suisse utiliser le chemin de fer Mettre une seule bande à disposition des véhicules lourds Les équiper de'autres systèmes de propulsion 2395 douanières, commerce intl, marché intérieur (renaissance d'un protectionnisme local>

2425 Aménagement du teritoire, politique économique. 2428 favoriser le report modal vers le rail 2432 No incentives to finance. Specially for transportation. UE need to backup more even if they print money like USA does!! 2438 vehicle price and taxation, fuel frice and taxation 2439 A strong taxation. 2441 road toll depending on distance driven, fuel tax, subsidies for public transport 2448 politique fiscale politique des transports, notamment par son influence sur le shift modal : redevance pour l'utilisation des infrastructures, réglementation sur la circulation (notamment jours autorisés de circulation pour les poids lourdes) réglementation environnementale applicable aux politiques d'infrastructure 2450 Using natural fuels like sunflower oil or other natural fuels which cause less greenhouse gas 2452 Umwelt & Naturschutz, Gesellschaft, Innovation, Standortsicherung (EU), 2454 Carbon credits scheme 2458 Positiv in den meisten Politikbereichen, weil nicht nur die enorme Luftbelastung durch den Verkehr zurückgeht, sondern als Nebeneffekt die Abhängigkeit von Energie-Einfuhr / - Produktion sinkt. Auch das Ziel der EU, den Verkehr auf den sichereren Bahnverkehr zu verlagern dürfte unterstützt werden.

2459 nach Emissionen differenzierte Steuern; Förderung von Bus und Bahn zu Lasten Straßeninfrastruktur, Stadtentwicklung: Umwidmung innerörtlicher Autostraßen in öffentlichen Raum (Shared Space, Begegnungszone...), Bildungspolitik: Persönlichkeiten brauchen keine Statussymbole, steuerliche Begünstigung lohnintensiver und klimaschonender Wertschöpfung (Kreativwirtschaft ohne Werbung, Kultur, Bildung, Forschung, Medien, Medizin, Pflege...), höhere Umsatzsteuer auf Warenkonsum, Förderung verbrauchernaher Fertigungsprozesse, Begrenzung der Suggestivwerbung (zumindest für Autos): Marktwirtschaft funktioniert nur mit rational handelnden Marktteilnehmern 2463 Verkehr, Umwelt 2465 Politiques fiscale, de cotisation sociales, de transports publics, de service public (le réaffirmer comme ayant sa place), de sécurité routière, de péage urbain, d'aménagement du territoire... 2475 Wirtschaftpolitik, Umweltpolitik, Verkehrspolitik, Verteidigungspolitik, Innenpolitik, Außenpolitik usw. usf. 2479 Tax rebates for buying a car that is more environmentally friendly (low emmissions). 2486 Compétitivité du transport ferré et fluvial, politiques de circulation urbaine (limitation des émissions en zones urbaines), réglementation sur la circulation des véhicules lourds 2488 Politique fiscale encourageant l'achat de véhicules peu polluants. Politique pénalisant financièrement tout achat de véhicule trop polluant non justifiable. Politique nettement plus contraignante pour les constructeurs: rejet des modèles trop polluants.

2489 politique scientifique législation fiscale (mais elle est en grande partie nationale et n'influencera pas autant les constructeurs que des normes techniques européennes) politique d'infrastructure

2495 Unnötige Transporte reduzieren, indem der lokale Handel geförtdert wird und direkte oder indirekte Subventionen von Fernhandel abgeschafft werden. Beispielsweise die Ex- und Importe von Landwirtschaftlichen Produkten redizieren, indem mehr Eiweißpflanzen in Europa angebaut werden und Exportsubventionen für tierische Produkte komplett abgeschafft werden. Es ist nicht nur klimaschädlich, wenn wir Massentierhaltung mit Soja aus Südamerika (Zerstörung von Urwäldern und lange Transportwege) betreiben und die Tiere oder Teile der Tiere dann nach Afrika oder anderswo exportieren. Gerade in Afrika zerstören wir damit die heimischen Märkte und befördern somit auch noch Hunger und Elend. 2520 Promouvoir les transports par rail et par eau. 2528 Politique fiscale , internalisation des couts externes du transport , aménagement du territoire : une politique qui met du temps à montrer ses effets , ce qui , contrairement à ce qui a été fait jusqu'à présent , implique qu'on propose des politiques très ambitieuses quitte à bousculer les mentalités ; politique des transports afin de modifier radicalement les parts de marché des différents modes ; politique économique : freiner les échanges internationaux pour favoriser les productions locales et relocalisation les lieux de production; politique de l'agriculture ; politique de la santé ; ... 2539 Wirtschaft, Umwelt, Familie 2540 De stictes normes dans la production des véhicules 2543 Aménagement du territoire, politique de transports en commun (et le coût de ceux-ci) 2544 - Instauration de normes plus fermes envers les constructeurs, - Obligation d'un pourcentage élevé du budget R&D des constructeurs dédié aux réductions des émissions de CO2, - Application progressive d'une contribution Energie Climat à tous les secteurs, y compris les véhicules routiers.... contribution encadrée par un mécanisme légalement contraignant. 2545 Les taxes sur les produits pétroliers, la fiscalité carbone, et le bilan carbone des produits transportés grâce à ces véhicules. Les consommateurs pourraient adapter leur consommation si le signal prix du carbone (quasi inexistant dans les transports aujourd'hui) était transmis à ces consommateurs finals.

2546 Improve local economy 2549 Lärmschutz, Verkehrssicherheit, Luftverschmutzung, Stadtentwicklung 2551 energy and climate policy, industrial (protectionist) policy 2558 taxer de manière équitable les voitures de société et les voitures privées. Pénaliser les flottes de véhicules à fortes émissions de CO2 2566 Diminution de la fiscalité Obligation de filtre à particule et de constuction de nouveaux modèles avec moins d'émission de CO2 2575 Il faudrait appliquer le principe du pollueur-payeur, c'est à dire inclure tous les coûts directs et indirects (pollution, accidents, privation d'espace agricole, nuisances sonores, ...) par kilomètres parcourus, à commencer par interdire toute forme d'aide à l'industrie automobile ainsi qu'à l'achat d'un (nouveau) véhicule. Il faudrait brider les véhicules de façon à interdire une accélération au delà d'un certain seuil, ainsi que les contraindre à une vitesse maximale adaptée à la route empruntée (grâce à GALILEO). Il faudrait enfin appliquer tant que possible un coût au kilomètre et non au forfait: convertir la taxe de circulation annuelle, le prix de l'assurance RC auto et le coût du contrôle technique en une taxe kilométrique, éventuellement variable en fonction du parcours effectué et du cumul de km annuels. Et pour conclure, c'est à nos dirigeants à tous les niveaux de montrer l'exemple et de se voire octroyer des véhicules de fonction parmi les plus sobres sur le marché. 2576 Favoriser les autres moyens de transport 2577 Favoriser grandement le covoiturage permettrait d'atteindre rapidement certains objectifs, il est surprenant de constater combien de véhicules (souvent puissants) circulent uniquement pour déplacer le chauffeur ! Il faudrait mettre grandement l'accent la dessus ! (des campagnes de promotion, voir des incitants) La taxation est partiellement une solution dans la mesure ou les personnes qui ne peuvent se déplacer que par ce moyen-là (les transport en commun ne permettent pas tous les déplacement, loin de là !) continueront à le faire au détriment de leur pouvoir d'achat alors que le covoiturage rendrait service à chacun. Continuer la politique de l'éco-malus en tenant compte des besoins des familles reste à mon avis une solution complémentaire. 2578 une politique de réduction sévère des transports de marchandises d'un coin à l'autre du monde et de l'UE : s'approvisionner le plus localement possible et gommer toutes les aberrations du genre : pêcher des crevettes en Mer du Nord, les envoyer au Maroc pour les éplucher et les ramener en Belgique pour les conditionner

2592 Une taxation uniforme des carburants en fonction de leur pouvoir polluant, pour tous les véhicules (voitures, camions, trains, avions, bateaux). Sans quoi les transporteurs font le plein dans le pays qui les arrange.

2595 Réduire les besoins en transport et mieux faire participer les gros transporteurs aux coûts des dégradations des routes et de l'air. 2600 Il faut fixer des objectifs d'émissions stricts, en dehors d'autres politiques. Ensuite, et en complément, il faut développer des politiques influençant l'usage des véhicules. Des politiques incitatives, par exemple en fixant des objectifs en terme de parts modales aux états membres (pourcentage d'utilisation des transports publics, de la mobilité douce, etc...) et des objectifs en termes d'infrastructures pour les transports publics (% de routes équipées d'infrastructures de Transport Public en site propre et % de routes équipées de pistes cyclables). D'autres mesures pourraient être imaginées pour influencer sur les comportements individuels (par exemple en france 50 % des déplacements en voiture font moins de 4 km, est-ce normal de prendre une voiture de 2 tonnes pour aller chercher une baguette à 500 m ?), mais je n'ai pas de solution concrète. 2603 Benefical tax arrangements 2604 choix industriel de motorisation et du type de carburant ainst que le mode d'usage. Il faut accentuer le ferroutage ce qui réduira le nombre de camions. 2605 Encouragement to use more fuel efficient means of transport, eg boats / ships. Encouragement to buy more fuel-efficient vehicles, and use less damaging fuel. Encouragement of research into design of fuel-efficient vehicles and development of less damaging fuel. Limiting speeds of large vehicles. 2607 Disabled persons and emergency vehicles. Possibly public transport too. 2609 Sustainable town planning. 2612 Policies facilitating and stimulating the use of public transport 2613 Siedlung, Verkehr 2617 tax on fuel. tax breaks for using train or canal or low carbon fuel 2619 other options at the car showroom, special incentives into vehicle research 2621 Limiting use and more use of sustainable fuels 2622 We just need more electric public transport and a price which encourages people to use it. 2624 Legislation should also cover road speed limits. The 70 mph in uk should not be allowed to ber incxreased 2626 Acceptable design of vehicles. Taxation of fuel. Policy on distribution methods (air, rail and road) 2627 Fuel pricing, Road fund licencing/tax 2629 Advertising by car manufacturers Emissions Scrap anything to do with bio fuels as these add considerably to greenhouse emissions due to loss of permanent forest etc. but this is often not considered and 'added in' to the equation 2630 The use of "public transport" should be encouraged whether it be boat, bus ,coach, train, transport of goods should include a surcharge based on the type of delivery service used and road miles used in delivery. 2631 Taxation, of both the fuel and the weight of the vehicle, as well as setting lower speed limits, or insisting on limited speeds for certain vehicles. 2632 Electric vehicles and 100% (B100) bio-diesel vehicles as standard dy a future date. 2634 Reduce the number of independent vehicles on the road. Improve rail and canal transport infrastructure. Ban private commuting and improve public transport, making it free to all users. 2635 Taxation, increased move to localisation, general transport policies 2637 Clean vehicles should be cheap to buy and run. Dirty vehicles should be expensive. 2641 Taxation on both vehicles and fuel, cost of public transport use relative to car use and availability and reliability of public transport. 2643 Decreasing vehicle use has more potential than making vehicles more efficient 2645 Progressively increasing taxation of vehicles usuing fossil fuels. Incentives for purchasing vehicles using non-fossil fuel propulsion systems. Enhanced financing programs for purchasing vehicles powered by new technologies and prioritizing non fossil fuels, and non direct fossil fuel powered vehicles, according to a scheme that identifies and rewards ownership of vehicles with the lowest carbon footprint throughout the entire manufacturing and operational life of the vehicle. A total system that encourages a decline of personal vehicle ownership through big improvements in public transport (such as the introduction of monorail systems) with emphasis on frequency and network optimimization, and confidence in public transport security. If big business won't co-operate, this can be achieved from the opposite direction bt driving consumer demand through the progressive restriction of fossil fuel powered vehicles from urban centres. 2646 All policies should be looked at in terms of the possibility of it directly or indirectly having a degree of greenhouse gas emissions, before deciding whether there is a need for regulation.

2647 Policies encouraging the use of renewable energy to produce hydrogen, rather than fossil sources hydrogen. 2649 Tax REDUCTION on demonstrably efficient vehicles. Subsidies on R&D into performance efficiency: Computerised engine management, new fuels, hybrids, wheel-bearing friction reduction, shape-dynamics airflow over vehicle research,non use shut off at stops, Helium gas load lightening etc. Fuel cost reduction during 'red eye' periods thereby reducing traffic congestion. 2650 pressure to vehicle manufacturers i.e. cannot market vehicles that do not conform. Encourage with tax breaks on technological research. At the end of the day the consumer is almost powerless, consumers will purchase what is available. 2651 Road pricing so it is cheaper to run vehcles when the roads are less crowded making a better use of road space as congestion wastes fuel 2652 Other than fiscal policies, only domestic policies in member states which attempt to directly address greenhouse gas targets in addition to/separately from regulation in the EU. 2653 The most urgent policy has to be to remove carbon from transport by encouraging electric vehicles in combination with 'green' electricity generating capacity. Then can we turn our attention to reducing carbon from 'air vehicles' i.e. flights?

2657 Road tax, VAT on purchase of fuel efficient vehicles, govt duty on various kinds of fuel. For eg recycled cooking oil should not be taxed as heavily as the diesel it replaces. In other words give a strong financial incentive to vehicle users and purchasers as well as to manufacturers.

2662 The creation of EU policies that state the CO2 emission levels and laws requiring the servicing of vehicles to ensure efficiency throughout life. 2664 1- Higher taxes for vehicles that are less fuel effiecient. Making it more worthwhile for businesses the invest in greener technologies. 2- Use that tax gain to subsidise rail and canal freight infrastructer which inherently are more energy efficient 2666 taxe dépendant de la distance 2668 transport policy in general 2672 Reducing USE of all vehicles (more local consuption, use of public transport and bicycles) would be the best way to reduce not only "greenhouse" but also the real damaging emissions. 2675 Congestion charges Highway tolls Price and quality of alternative means of transport, such as trains. 2679 Regional planning (building and other development) Non-road transport (e.g. rail, shipping) Retail distribution infrastructure Agriculture policy Basically anything that drives the volume and location of signigicant demand, the location of significant supply, and significant alternatives to road transport 2680 Verkehrsvermeidung! Verlagerung Güter auf Schiene und Schiff Aufklärungskampagnen 2681 Taxation Agriculture Road worthiness 2682 choix des modes de transport : favoriser le transport fluvial et ferroviaire politique agricole : relocaler de la production, favoriser la vente directe. (idem dans d'autres secteurs) politique d'aménagement du territoire 2687 Relocalisation d'une partie de la production (alimentation, produits artisanaux) -> moins de transports internationaux Proposer des solutions de ferroutage pratiques aux transporteurs Attention de ne pas étrangler les routiers 2689 Other than taxation, land-use planning - if properly integrated with transport policy - may be expected to play a key role in influencing investment decisions. But there has never been any political appetite for a cpmprehensive integration of policy even at national, let alone EU, level. The only way of being certain that targets will bite is to legislate purposively for them. 2690 Emissions standards 2698 Favoriser une politique de transport en commun (TC) (autant au niveau local que trans-national) cohérente au niveau régional, national et transfrontalier (je pense au Luxembourg, à la Belgique ainsi que les grandes villes limitrophe*), ainsi que la création de chemins de fer trans-européen permettant un acheminement du fret de façon pertinente (en fonction des départs-destination) et continue (paris-varsovie en passant par cologne et berlin par exemple, mais sans changement de train, ou autant ce faire ce peut), le tout devant permettre une diminution franche de l'utilisation des véhicules routiers (exception faite des bus et autocars), et donc globalement de l'émission des gaz à effets de serre par les véhicules routiers. * exemple: les TC de la ville de strasbourg ne desserve pas la ville de kehl. 2703 Gesundheit, Lebensqualität, Lärmminderung, Partikelbelastung (Feinstaub), Stickoxid-Belastung (Luftreinhaltung), Automobilwirtschaft, Beschäftigungssicherheit, Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen (Internalisierung externer Kosten), Umweltschutz

2704 1. More fuel efficient Engines. ( this should compulsarily translate into smaller engines so the total mass of fuel spent reduces there by reducing CO2 etec.) 2713 (not in order of importance) - Mobility management (people, goods, industrial...). - Territorial planning. - Innovation & Research in renewable energy sources. - Making new vehicles more energetically efficient. - Adapting the road vehicles characteristics to the road characteristics (I do not understand yet why can I buy a vehicle that run at 200 km/h in a 120 km/h limited highway) - Education (sustainable development, efficient driving...) 2716 Carbon Tax 2720 Taxes, cross-subsidies and fees for example, but there is no reason not to increase the energy efficiency and minimize the emissions by road vehicles. In case the share of electric cars would really increase, the energy source for producing electricity has to be calculated in in some way.

2721 Taxation with more emphasis on the polluter pays principle; Urbanisation and roads 2722 Regulation in the amount of polluting gases emitted per year (kind of like a cap-and-trade system), to give incentives to improve the engines and prefer the use of less polluting energy sources (, etc). 2726 Policies on size of vehicles. This is tricky really because it would be better if more goods were carried by freight trains. However, I think there needs to be both carrot and stick elements to make this happen. 2727 Mandatory distance charging based on emission performance for all hdv. 2728 Road pricing, energy policies, vehicle crashworthiness requirements, other design & construction requirements (e.g. permitting large 4x4 vehicles that can be seen as alternatives to a private car). 2729 développement d'autres sources d'énergies, et mise sur le marché 2730 Favoriser les transports en commun (sauf avion) pour les personnes et les transports de marchandises à longue distance (en particulier ceux qui traversent plusieurs pays) par chemin de fer, bateaux ou autres moyens.

2731 I cannot at this precise moment think of any change that would affect setting greenhouse gas targets. The only reason to do so would be a scenario in which the targets become a complete redundancy in achieving an outcome. With a multitude of car types and variable car use, I can't think of a policy that would wipe out another. I could be wrong. 2732 Improving the quality of and access to public transport. 2736 speed limits, taxation on cars and fuel etc, 2739 Specific policies to speed the transition to pluggable electric for every vehicle type as rapidly as possible should be instituted. Regulation combined with incentives for EU companies to develop new technologies should do the trick. A law to allow only pluggable electric in city centers should be considered immediately and due in effect within 5 years. The technology exists to enable this today. 2741 - la politique d'adéquation des transports en commun aux besoins constatés par la mesure des flux automobiles quotidiens ; - la politique d'équipements de voirie, en particulier tous les dispositifs destinés à imposer des changements de régime aux véhicules ( ralentisseurs, ronds-points, stops et feux rouges) qui doivent être conçus pour fluidifier le trafic et favoriser très fortement les conducteurs respectueux des limitations de vitesse et des distances de sécurité (exemples : le maintien au vert des feux de carrefour lorsqu'un véhicule arrive à une vitesse inférieure à la limite, l'interdiction des feux « à punition » (qui passent au rouge lorsqu'un véhicule arrive) et toutes les chicanes qui interdisent la conduite en souplesse et brutalisent les passagers ; - la politique de l'emploi et du développement des entreprises qui doit favoriser très fortement la proximité ainsi que le télétravail ; - le développement du ferroutage. 2747 Les sociétés mondiales utilisent des moyens logistiques et de distribution sur de très longues distances. Le problème est là. Un retour au local dans la production et la distribution est nécessaire. Les grandes sociétés connaissent les techniques de communications pour influer dans le sens leurs intérêts financiers. Merci à nos décideurs d'être plus forts qu'eux ! Les très gros camions (400 tonnes ?) ont-ils été autorisés en juillet 2010 à rouler sur l'autoroute ? Ca n'a aucun sens, surtout quand le fret et le transport fluvial sont sous-utilisés. Attention aussi à relativiser le problème des émissions des camions avec celles des avions. Les mesures limitant les rejets en CO2 doivent s'accompagner de normes sur les autres polluants. Les véhicules diesels, peuvent bénéficier en France de "bonus écologique" alors qu'elles dégagent des particules nocives. Regardons le problème du rejet du CO2 par les véhicules lourds avec beaucoup d'ouverture. MERCI DE CETTE CONSULTATION 2750 Ferroutage ; transport de marchandises par voie fluviale ; relocalisation de certaines productions (alimentaire notamment mais pas exclusivement) ; déconcentration de plate-formes logistiques...

2752 Droit à un environnement (sol, eau, air) propre et sans nuisance sonores Sécurité routière (vitesses limitées, moteur bridés) 2757 Inciter l'usage de transports publics Encourager le ferro convoyage Viser à diminuer le nombre de véhicules légers et surtout lourds sur les routes 2759 transport en commun, infrastructures urbaines (pistes cyclables, transports en communs) 2761 La politique fiscale effectivement, si la Commission peut influencer la politique fiscale des états membres. La politique d'aménagement des territoires: dans les villes par l'interdiction des véhicules particuliers en centre ville MAIS compensée par des parkings et des solutions de déplacement abordables et bien pensés, dans les campagnes par le désenclavement (taxi-bus à la demande, transport fluvial ou à cheval pour les trajets non urgents de marchandises et de personnes, internet et matériel de visio-conférence publics...) La politique de santé quand on admettra enfin que des villes comme Paris sont des villes dont la pollution aériennes a un impact grave sur la santé des habitants. 2762 Le développement d'autres types d'énergies/modes de propulsion ainsi que le support de la part de l'UE et de ses membres d'un remplaçant à la propulsion par combustion. Le véhicule électrique, avec l'utilisation d'un mode de production d'électricité issu de la recherche (fusion nucléaire, piles à hydrogène, ...) semble être un bon candidat. En centralisant le problème de l'émission de gaz à effet de serres dans les centrales de production d'électricité, il semble plus simple de travailler sur ce problème. 2764 recherche, fiscalité internationale, règlementation des techniques de commercialisation favorisant le local 2765 Politique de recherche sur des moyens de transport alternatif, sur le développement du télétravail, sur l'aide à la mobilité sur l'incitation à prendre les transports en communs. 2766 parking, prix, revente, marché de l'occasion 2770 Steuer und Brennstoffsteuer und Fahrzeugen, die weniger Co2 emitieren, sollten mit niedrigerem Steuer belegt werden. 2773 [This question is difficult to read for people who don't know english well. ] Policies on transport usage if used widely enough 2775 les modes de déplacement pourraient être indiqués sur les produits finaux. le rail devrait être soutenu comme alternative compétitive et économique. rationaliser les déplacements de marchandises qui se croisent sur la route 2776 promote the controls and regular maintenance of lorries and HDV promote the use of nev types hdv 2779 Policies on design, purchase decisions and fuel or energy type used 2780 Light weight vehicles. Mandatory installation of the modern assisted driving technologies (lane keep assistance, active/dynamic cruise control) and systems in order to "automatize" the driving on highways (toolways) to safely keep a average speed (see Volvo R&D). EU incentive for the hybryd technologies (Prius) that allow to reduce vehicles consumption in city-ring area. Mandatory hybrid powertrain for the commercial vehicles (light/medium duty) used for city delivery. Taxation will not be fair, increasing the differences between those that can (pollute) and those that can't. 2781 investment in research, development and demonstration raising public awareness biofuel production pathways 2782 Ongoing enviromental research. 2787 Une politique d'aide / de subvention des inventeurs capable de faire baisser la pollution des véhicules applicable à tous les véhicules. 2788 Mesures fiscales (taxe sur les carburants, les constructeurs, les routes et les entreprises utilisant le transport routier mesures d'interdiction de certaines routes pour les poids lourds 2790 I strongly favor policies which favor public transport and non motorized transportation like walking, cycling or animal drawn carriages. Question E3 reminds me that the energy and emissions from producing and end of life treatment of a vehicle should be taken into account.

2792 THE USE OF WATER (HYDROGEN/OXYGEN) (AS FUEL) HAS BEEN HIGHLIGHTED AS THE MOST EFFICIENT AND CLEAN ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTION FOR ALL TRANSPORT AND THE MANUFACTURERS PRODUCTION OF 'GREEN' OPTIONS FOR ROAD USERS ARE LAUGHABLE TO SAY THE LEAST. MAKE VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS produce their cars/vans/buses/trucks/boats/ships with an ECU that would allow the use of Hydrogen/water vapours (LITRES PER MINUTE ) then GLOBAL emissions would HALVE. MAKE VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS' production and use of CATALYTIC CONVERTERS prohibitive then you make the use of water (fuel reformers) PROMINANT and the only GLOBALLY ABUNDANT panacea, which actually produces clean oxygen as an 'emission' CLEANER OPTIONS ARE ALSO NEEDED AT FUEL GARAGES TO ALLOW ROAD USERS THE ULTIMATE CHOICE OF CLEANLINESS (ETHANOL, METHANOL, , NATURAL GAS, ELECTRIC CHARGING POINTS) THESE COMMUNITY FUEL GARAGES SHOULD ALSO BE MADE TO PRODUCE SOLAR/WIND POWER ON SITE AS THEY HAVE THE GREATEST RESPONSIBILITY OF OFFSETTING THEIR PRODUCTS CO2 2793 Il faudrait parvenir à réduire les besoins de transport pour des produits de première nécessité comme l'alimentation. La faune sauvage se nourrit de ce qui est à sa portée. Nous ne sommes pas malins de consommer tant de café, de bananes, d'oranges et d'autres choses qui ne poussent pas en Europe. 2794 I think that the cars over an average fuel consumption should be taxed a lot more. I also think that hdv with should be discouraged and methane engines should be encouraged!

2796 Clear advantages for the citizens using a vehicle with a lower pollutant emission, such as discount when the vehicle is buy, and lower taxation during the vehicle life and use (e.g. parking prices, ZTL areas and so on).

2797 öffentlicher Verkehr 2798 Promotion of the engines technical development, use of renewable energies, reduction of CO2 limits for cars and HDV producers, low/zero taxation of electric and full hybrid vehicles 2800 I think there should be a policy that all government transpiration should be power by sustainable fuel, also having less taxation on the vehicle that does not have high CO2 emission, free parking spots for green cars, also having a biofuel in all gas stations would help the owners of diesel vehicles to use that instead of .

2801 Urban bus operators should be forced to use electricity or hydrogen, to reduce the health impacts of diesel pollution in city centers. 2803 Europäisch einheitliches fiscales System für den Verkauf und den Betrieb von Straßenfahrzeugen (Mehrwert-, Fahrzeug- UND Kraftstoff-Steuer), Einehitliche CO2 Steuer [€/gr CO2] (on well2wheel basis) auf alle Energieträger (Kohle, Atom, Öl, Windkraft, etc.),

2805 You shouldn't set GHG targets for vehicles, you should set energy efficiency targets. The metric gCO2/km is a proxy for energy efficiency. It doesn't take into account how the energy is produced. Separate the energy from the appliance. A light bulb that is graded A++ is still A++ whether it's being sold in France (low carbon electricity) or Poland (high carbon electricity). There are only 3 things you can do to tackle emissions from energy: (1) decarbonise the energy; (2) improve the energy efficiency of appliances; (3) eliminate demand. The Commission is mixing (1) and (2) in a way that is unhelpful to appliance manufacturers and citizens. An efficient vehicle is an efficient vehicle, and carbon-intensive energy is carbon-intensive energy. Deal with each issue where it makes logical sense, which means the energy sector must reduce carbon, the automotive sector must increase efficiency. Once this logic is sorted, what must happen will become clear 2807 Umweltbereich 2808 The commission should support the development of low CO2 HDVs. Total cost of ownership is kex information for the owner of the vehicle. 2812 Fuel price is the main driving force for the private citizen and also for companies in LDVs when choosing between a renewable and fossil fuel. Hence fuel taxation is an important tool as long as renewable fuels cannot be produced at competetive prices. (However - for EVs the low "fuel2 price can yet not outweigh the high purchase price, the battery life length and the risk in investing in new technology.) For some companies (especially distribution) access to delivery times/delivery routes or other special treatments can be highly valued and outweigh a high fuel price - but this is a small specialised group. Transport procurements requiring a certain share of low-carbon vehicles has shown extremely efficient. It is important to open up for including the very transport emissions as an evaluation factor in procurements of all kind of goods. Here EC could be helpful by offering a standardised method of calculating these emissions. 2813 Taxation on fuels - very important and essential in the beginning for biofuels to have a chance. No tax on biofuels in prefered. Biofules meeting the biofuls direkctiv that is ofcourse. Car taxation for EVs and other alternatives may lower the price of these vehciles and support introcution initially. Congestion cahrging like in London and Stockholm has a large effect on the number of vehicles entering the cities. This chage van be made different so large pollution vehivles pay even more and low pollution gos fro free or very cheap. Parking policies, measures to improve bicycling and publis trasnport are also very important. 2815 governmental policy and incentives, taxation in conventional fuels or conventional vehicles 2817 Appliquer une taxe pour le coût réel des émissions. Favoriser les secteurs non routiers : voies naviguables, ferroviaires. Rapprocher les fournisseurs et les clients au sein de l'union, pour éviter les transports inutiles. Une politique d'incitation à ne plus importer quand les pièces ou les produits viennent de trop loin.

2818 Verkehrswesen 2819 bio fuels

COMMENTS FROM INDIVIDUALS IN RESPONSE TO QUESTION E7 Individual E7 Response Number 16 Es macht im Moment nicht wirklich einen Sinn, zu sagen welche Grenzwerte man für die Jahre danach annehmen soll, da es im Moment noch nicht absehbar ist, welche Möglichkeiten es zu diesem Zeitpunkt gibt, und welche Grenzen dann möglich und auch realisierbar sind. Es sind für mich einige Dinge nicht wirklich verständlich; z.B. das beim KFZ Verkehr nur rein auf den Ausstoß und nicht mehr auf den Verbrauch geschaut wird. Ein gutes Bsp. sind z.B. Fahrzeuge der Marke VW. Mit dem Ur-TDI mit 110PS ist im hauptsächlichen Überlandbetrieb ein Kraftstoffverbrauch von 4,5 Liter Diesel kein Problem. Doch dieser Motor wurde wegen der Abgase nicht mehr produziert, und durch (heute z.B. Common Rail Triebwerke) ersetzt. Mit diesen ist es bei vernünftigen Vorankommen kaum möglich unter 5,5 Liter Verbrauch zu kommen.... 31 Il vaut mieux rester flexible et s'adapter aux dernières inventions, catastrophes ou autres... qui sait ce qui peut encore se passer d'ici 2020!? 35 L'objectif de 2020 est déjà trop loin. Les décisions peuvent et doivent être prises immédiatement. 80 Weil die meisten großen Länder überhaupt /fast keine Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Abgase vornehmen - China - USA Südamerika usw. !!! 104 Because realistic targets cannot be set at a time when advances in technology and their effects cannot yet be known. 141 et s'y tenir ! 243 Les objectifs indicatifs sur le long terme ne sont d'aucune utilité. Seules les réglementations punitives sont hélas efficaces. De plus, les annonces de ce genres font passer les organisations européennes pour des agences de publicités mensongères... La seule utilité d'une telle annonce serais une portée marketing visant à donner bonne conscience aux européens façon "green-washing". 345 Das würde den Fortschritt in der Entwicklung von möglicherweise noch umweltschonenderen Technologien abbremsen. 357 il serait déjà souhaitable d'atteindre les objectifs posés 401 If shorter term targets aren't met, longer term targets will need to be reconsidered. Also, it will add further delays to implementing new legislation which needs to be in place as soon as possible. 426 As long as regulation includes excessive and expensive bureaucratic procedure which are unaffordable to small businesses and inventive individuals any kind of regulation favours big companies only. it does not give any incentives to the best possible solutions from a technical point of view. One good example is: Try to fit a particle filter to a vehicle or engine which hasn't got one approved in any EU country. It usually requires a new catalyst, requires the fitter to be approved, requires the developer to become approved, requires the device to be approved, requires to present 5 different vehicles to be taken through the test cycle etc. Individual approvals are usually also not economical. All current legislation is already shaped to favour large scale manufacturers. Any further legislation on CO2 emissions must therefore be expected to be of the same pattern. This only benefits a few but not the whole country. It does not incentivise small businesses and private developments. 631 One thing at a time 661 I believe a long term target may reduce importance of immediate action, because it would consider longer time span to achieve results 735 Soyons déjà efficace à moyen terme avant de parler d'objectifs pour 2040 ou 2050. 792 Perhaps developments up to 2020 will mean that targets set now are no longer relevant. If this isn't a likelihood then longer term targets should be set. 794 man sollte bis 2020 strenge Richtlinien festlegen und erst mal schauen, ob diese bis 2020 eingehalten werden können. Danach kann man weiteres beschließen. Längerfristig sollte man aber natürlich schon ein Ziel vor Augen haben 931 bis jetzt kann niemand die technischen Entwicklungen präziese vorraussagen. Richtziele könnten trotz aller technischen Innovationen dazu benutzt werden, veraltete Technik solang einzusetzen wie möglich 985 Longer term target tend to be drawn out and ignored until too late. Longer term targets can be set, but not instead of short term targets. Perhaps lots of short term targets may be more achieveable than 1long term target. Make hard short term targets to really make the difference. Politicians don't deal with the long term any more, so they are less likely to take unpopular decisions if the effects are not until the after they may bein power. Short term may force the politicians to act, rather than say they will act. 994 Aufgrund der großen Unklarheiten in Bezug auf die Entwicklung (-s-Potentiale) alternativer Antriebstechnologien, oder alternativer Möglichkeiten im Personen- und Güterverker. Es sollten erst Richtziele für 2020 festgelegt werden. Anschließend sollen und müssen neue Ziele auf Basis veränderter Möglichkeiten und technischer Entwicklungen festgesteckt werden. 1045 Zero emissions should be sought by 2020. 1089 Because within that time period there are too many possible variations 1287 Man sollte der Wirtschaft bzw. der Autolobby nicht mehr Zeit als nötig lassen, um Veränderungen herbeizuführen. Die Technik für emmisionsarme Fahrzeuge ist bereits bei allen Autoherstellern vorhanden. Aufgrund eventuell höherer Herstellungskosten wird dieser Technik zu wenig nachgegangen bzw. sich dafür eingesetzt. Ich will nicht das es genauso lange dauert wie es mit der Abschaffung der Atomenergie vorangeht. Nämlich gar nicht. Es braucht nicht Jahre um eine Veränderung herbeizuführen. Wer etwas verändern will egal in welchem Bereich (Wirtschaft, Politik) muss sofort handeln und alles dafür tun! 1314 Because we do not know what will of happened after 2020 (what current environmental state we will be in). If the targets already proposed for the years before 2020 are going well and to plan then I think those targets should be kept, just made 'tighter', so that we can keep improving. It's all about being gradual and steady, giving people time to adjust, that way they will 'go along with the flow' more, and agree with our views and decisions, without even realising it. 1316 Es geht vordringlich um ambitionierte, kurzfristig erreichbare Ziele 1342 längerfristige Ziele würden noch weiter verfehlt als die kurzfristigen und sind daher sinnlos 1412 Because no one can predict what will eventually happen. Given technology and all the variables. You should never put hazardous things off because it could get alot worse. 1424 should set targets nearer the time, taking into account the science and observations of climate change as they will be nearing 2020 1432 Es geht nur mit kurzen (eigentlich noch kürzeren) Zielen, welche dann gerne erneuert werden können. Zu lange Ziele führen dazu, dass erst einmal nichts passiert. 1475 Targets should be mandatory not indicative, but if you mean should the EU give some indication of what the next round of mandatory targets is likely to be, that's fine. The regulations should not apply to the average of vehicles produced/sold, whether in total or by manufacturer, each year (see qn B2), but shd be for each and every vehicle within a clas (qn E2) 1531 le réchauffement climatique n'attend plus 1609 Je nach Veränderung der Technologien sollten diese regelmäßig überprüft und ggf. kurzfristiger verschärft werden. Das sind wir der Natur schuldig. Zu langfristige Verpflichtungen nehmen den Dampf aus der Sache, Autofirmen lehnen sich zurück weil sie mit Erreichen des Grenzwertes ja nichts mehr machen müssen. Autofirmen sollten stets unter dem Druck stehen die Kriterien könnten sich kontinuierlich verschärfen. 1613 Man muss erstmal schauen,ob die Ziele bis 2020 erreicht werden bzw. durchgesetzt werden oder ob es überhaupt Veränderungen geben wird. 1667 Man kann jetzt schon eine Menge tun. Immer auf die Zukunft setzten hat uns nicht wesentlich weiter gebracht (siehe Kijoto). Jetzt handeln! 1668 WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING NOW BEFORE WE DAMAGE OUR PLANET SERIOUSLY! 1682 Weil keiner der heute regierenden Politiker so weit denkt. Darüber hinaus ist man so immer versucht, anspruchsvollere Ziele "auf die lange Bank zu schieben". Diese Zeit haben wir längst nicht mehr. 1733 Concentrate on meeting the first target. It is tempting to transfer your aims onto a more distant date, giving people time to prevaricate and avoid action. 1737 Da wir bis 2020 feststellen werden, dass die heutigen Ziele für 2025 überholt wären. Daher lieber 2017 neue Ziele für bis 2030 definieren. 1778 Because the resources are all here already. The later and slower the change, the larger the problem extends. But there is a need for all interrested corporations along the cicle to become limited legally with regards to their ability to influence Govermental powers, targets would be easily achieved if all countries would determine a maximum private wealth as legal as the excedent would revert to the benefit of neglected areas of society . A holistic approach is therefore meant. 1838 Long term targets can only realistically be set after present targets have been confirmed.Also future techn.developments may influence our long term targets. 1923 we need to act quickly not keep putting things off, we need to put the makers under pressure to make the changes as soon as they can, or else they will just keep putting it off and keep churning out gas guzzlers and non green cars. 1944 gives enough time. 2184 Le plus tôt sera le mieux 2203 sonst wird ja doch alles wieder verschleppt! 2217 It is now (almost) 2012. 2020 is much too far away. 2294 Un progrès rapide étant souhaitable (et certainement possible), un objectif pour après 2020 fixé aujourd'hui serait surement sous-évalué. Mieux vaut attendre par exemple aux alentours de 2015 pour fixer ce nouvel objectif. 2388 It might sound useful, but you cannot determine a proper target without knowledge of the results of earlier targets and without knowledge of the possibilities (consider the science and technologies). 2397 Pour l'instant quelles que soient les dates échéances, c'est du pipeau. Pourquoi se fixer des objectfis qu'on n'atteindra jamais à long termes si déjà on n'aboutit à rien à court terme ? Au-delà de 2020, l'effet du pic de hubert aura commencé à produire de sérieux effets.

2402 Notre planète est mourante. Nous n'avons pas le temps de nous donner des objectifs dans le long terme. 2538 Commencons par avoir des objectifs suffisament ambitieux pour 2020 qui montreront votre capacité à prendre les réformes nécessaires à la survie de l'espèce humaine sur Terre dans des conditions acceptables pour tous

2572 bien des changements peuvent se produire en 10 ans 2575 Il faut se fixer comme objectif qu'après 2020, le recours à la voiture automobile privée soit réservé à des cas particuliers (paysans, médecins, zones rurales dépourvues de voitures partagées), et que la quasi totalité du fret se fera par train puis vélo-cargo en ville et charrettes tractées par la force animale à la campagne.

2602 Déjà des objectifs à 2020, c'est pas mal !! Sauf si, bien sûr, les objectifs sont fixés en 2019 ;-) 2617 it will piss hauliers off if policy jumps and changes too often. The costs are too great investing in vehicles, depots etc. 2622 The targets need to be set ASAP, why wait 8 years? If it really takes that long to do the paperwork something is wrong!! A law can be enforced overnight. 2650 Because this is VITAL and more than URGENT for planet earth as a whole. Action action action, less talk. 2713 In my opinion, the targets must response both an environmental and a economic aspects. To have longer-term indicative targets has a little sense if we consider an economic point of view. Is important to bear the economic timings in mind.

2757 La définition d'objectifs chiffrés à long et très long terme incite à l'immobilisme à court terme. En focalisant les objectifs sur du court terme dans un affichage à moyen terme "on met la pression". 2784 Es sollte über Besteuerung ein Druck hin zu niedrigerer Emission ausgeübt werden. Die Festsetzung eines Zieles birgt das Risiko des Eingriffs in den Wettbewerb, sollte es nicht erreicht werden. 2796 The values really achievable are completely unpredictable in a such a long term. 2807 weil die heutigen Richtziele meiner Meinung nach bereits nicht weit genug gehen. Die Situation wird sich eher verschärfen, sollte also zu gegebener Zeit beurteilt werden, um dann die Konsequenz zu ziehen. Wichtig ist, für heute und die nahe Zukunft Werte festzusetzen.

COMMENTS FROM INDIVIDUALS IN RESPONSE TO QUESTION E9 Individual E9 Response Number 12 The well-to-wheel perspective needs to be included as soon as possible, as tailpipe CO2 emissions only is an indicator on energy efficiency of the vehicle - it has very weak correlation to climate effects also for fossil fuels. For biobased fuels and electricity the correlation is almost none - which makes the current lefgislation counterproductive, as it actually blocka the introduction of renewable energy in the transport sector. for i.e. BIogas - biogas vehicles emitts more CO2 from the tailpipe than i.e. diesel vehicles - but on a well -to - wheel basis the emissions are only about 20 % of diesel emissions. 23 Usage of energy from renewable sources 27 il faut réglementer l'émission de tous les gaz dégagés par la combustion afin de réduire la mortalité humaine due à ces gaz. 29 il faut fixer des objectifs de réduction des GES pour toute le cycle de vie des véhicules et de tous les éléments qui les composent. Il faut imposer l'écoconception en prenant en compte l'utilisation des matières premières non renouvelables et la possibilité de recycler ou réutiliser les composants du véhicule à l'infini.Il faut être vigilant sur la technologie des véhicules électriques et les possibles pollutions qui peuvent en découler en imposant des normes de sécurité et de recyclage et en interdisant l'usage unique de matières premières rares ou dont l'exploitation a un trop fort impact sur l'environnement. 33 Oui, notamment la réduction des gaz à effet de serre liés aux habitations (meilleure isolation, matériaux plus écologiques, systèmes de chauffage plus performant...) et les émissions industrielles.

40 Voir comment réduire le trafic, de toutes les façons possibles, notamment en réduisant les prix de la SNCF, qui ne cessent d'augmenter, en favorisant le covoiturage par des parkings gratuits à l'entrée des autoroutes, etc.

55 Improved infrastructure: increased journey speed and reliability of public transport. Incentives to reduce private car use. 60 Il faut créer des réglementations par rapport à la production et au recyclage de ces véhicules. Diminuer l'empreinte écologique que la production émet. Mes matières premières devraient provenir d'un recyclage d'ancien véhicule ou de sources européennes et non de l'extérieur que l'Europe comme la Chine ou le Brésil. Créer un réseau, soit pour chaque entreprise, soit par pays pour recycler les matières d'un véhicule en fin de vie. Les frais devrait être payé d'avance par le producteur, sans ce reporter sur le prix final. 70 life cycle analysis 76 Ausbau des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs in Städten und Gemeinden; Budgetierung der Emissionen für jedes Unternehmen und jeden Bürger; Bonussysteme, die Emissionseinsparungen der Bürger monetär belohnen (z.B. bei Nutzung des Fahrrads)

79 1) Mehr schienengebundener Güter-Verkehr, Abstimmung der Raumordnung, Gewerbe und Industrie nur mit Gleisanschluss, Verbesserung des Stückgutverkehrs auf der Bahn, abkehr vom Ganzzugsystem, Maßnahmen zur Attrativierung des Güterverkehrs auf der Bahn auch im 100km-Distanz-Bereich 2) Sicherung des schienengebunden Personenverkehrs, Ausbau und Modernisierung der Nebenbahnen Alternativ zu 1) und 2): völlige Privatisierung der Straßennetze 3) Weiterer Ausbau der TEN-Netze und gleichzeitige Schließung von Regionalflughäfen, Privatisierung der Flugsicherung 4) Gleiche Besteuerung von Fahrzeug und Flugzeugtreibstoffen - wäre bereits jetzt umsetzbar und d r i n g e n d nötig! 99 Lebenszykluskosten sollten für die Besteuerung herangezogen werden 118 All - be holistic. 127 Whole life cycle resource use and all climate change emissions 141 développer d autres energies 147 Evnetuell zum Thema Nutzungsverhalten, Recycling, Produktion, Logistik (z.B. Transport des Fahrzeuges von der Fabrik bis zum Kunden) 153 Emissionen pro Ew, Fläche, Wert transportierter Güter. 158 Verlagerung des Verkehrs auf die "Umweltverbund-Verkehrsarten"; speziell im Güterverkehr Verlagerung auf den Eisenbahnverkehr. Damit verbunden die Stärkung der Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen, durch europaweite Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen, d.h. 1.) die Infrastruktur bleibt bei den jeweiligen Staaten 2.) auf dieser wird harmonisiert der Verkehr durch EVU's abgewickelt 3.) Neue Technologien für die "Feinverteilung" im Güterverkehr 166 Rechtsvorschriften und Zulassungsbedingungen, Verkehrssteuern für Elektro-Fahrzeuge mit Batterie / Solartechnik. 167 Any alternative is worth consideration 180 mehr Verkehr auf die Bahn verlagern Produkte, die über weite Strecken transportiert werden verteuern dezentrale Versorgung fördern 191 CO2-Zertifikate für Privatpersonen: Jeder hat 2t/Jahr frei, für den Rest muss er auf dem freien Markt CO2-Zertifikate einkaufen, deren Gesamtmenge entsprechend der Einsparziele ausgegeben werden. 199 Freight shipping especially along with Heavy Goods vehicles also Air Traffic must be monitored to include other gas emissions, all of which contribute to the destruction of the Ozone layer 205 Consider forbidding city centres to all but the cleanest vehicles 216 cout energetique de production mode de consommation 217 The first that comes to mind is electric cars, with the electricity generated by windmills. 227 I don't know 229 Emissions calculated from manufacture, through the energy-producing chain, through the storage of that energy, through the use of that energy in vehicles, to the emissions generated in the disposal/recycling of the vehicle's component materials. 248 any that cause little effect upon our planet 250 Il faudra examiner la réglementation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre provenant des industries dans leur ensembles, il faudrait d'ailleurs le faire en parallèle des mesures d'émissions automobiles pour en optimiser les résultats sur le climat, et dans une logique de fabrication 'propre', il faut que l'ensemble des industries investissent maintenant en ce sens et revoient leurs processus de fabrication ainsi que les matériaux utilisés. Il faudrait aussi investir massivement dans le recyclage en UE, ce qui serait à la fois une source de matériaux et éviterait des transports inutiles. 252 Wether a vehicle is really neccessitated and where usage can be reduced - use your options, not just the cheaper ones. 254 Increased public transport, greater suport for the logistics industry - such as incentives/subsidies for use of alternative fuels if available. Incentives for the public to lessen private vehicle use.

260 - developpement d'infractructures (péage urbain, borne de recharge électrique, plate-forme de recyclage de véhicules, batteries...) 286 Comprehensive: all production power generation domestic 287 Used Oil, 288 Emissionen sind nicht nur ein Problem bei Fahrzeugen. Der Ausbau von klimafreundlicher Stromgewinnung beispielsweise ist ebenfalls dringend notwendig. 289 Matières, Recyclage, Imposer par la loi des modèles simples d'entrée de gamme, Limiter les dispositifs de sécurité (innombrables, complexes et polluants). 294 Vie énergétique dans son ensemble 304 Sauberer Strom für EAutos. Leichtere Wägen bauen. 305 Verursacherprinzip 307 D'autres sources d'énergie ainsi que des recherches (et des règlementations) sur les moyens de les produire de manière à réduire aussi les émission de ce côté là. Le problème des particules fines (gazole) est également essentiel et un problème de santé sérieux! 308 Embedded energy in construction of vehicles Type of energy used to power construction industry Application of smart-metering technologies to enable use of renewable energy in preference to fossil fuels in hybrid/electric vehicles

310 Electric cars. 311 Road pricing 313 There has to be a culture change away from car dependency. 340 other areas of transport, shipping and airline, industrial and commercial emissions, where there is huge scope for reduction. 351 Wo ein Wille ist, gibt es immer wieder Alternativen; auch solche, die wir uns heute noch nicht vorstellen können. Gar Alternativen, die völlig schadstofffrei sind. 356 Maßnahmen, die Anreize zur Verkehrsverlagerung hin zu umweltfreundlicheren Verkehrsmitteln setzen 357 encourager les autres modalités de transport, personne (covoiturage, voiture partagée, transport en commun peu onéreux) et marchandises 358 More investment is needed in Renewable Energy (solar energy) to get us away from reliance on fossil fuels which are creating Global Warming. This would create more sustainable jobs in manufacturing, which would help the economy out of this recession ! 360 greenhouse gas rationing 388 continue to make regulations on ship, plane and industrial emissions 397 Production based greenhouse gas regulation and disposal based greenhouse gas regulations 399 Ganzheitliche Betachtung der Treibhausgasemissionen sowie der Treibstoffbeschaffungskosten (incl. Ölsicherungskosten!) sowie die Kosten der CO2-Emissionen (70 € pro Tonne) 402 Verkehrskonzepte, Individual-Verkehrsbeschränkungen i.d.Stadt, "Verkehr auf die Schiene", 410 Industrial emissions, especially large ones like power stations and heavy industries (which disproportionately affect the climate). 411 electric vehicles.. 416 Taxation and road-use charging 417 All related emissions from construction and use of alternatives. 442 Possibilité de réglementer les émissions de gaz à effet de serre de tout le secteur du transport. 458 Abhängig von der Zahl der produzierten Fahrzeugen und unabhängig von den produzierten Fahrzeugtypen sollten für die Autohersteller Konzernziele gelten 469 verlagerung der verkehre auf schiene und wasser // förderung des regionalwirtschaftskreislaufes zur reduzierung der fernverkehre 492 Better public transport that is cleaner and more efficient. Encourage car pools and improve cycle routes. Single fared cab journeys should cost more to encourage sharing. 508 tous les polluants, mais le faire au plus tôt ! 512 Elektroautos Biosprit..z.B.Rapsöl 523 Electric cars are seen as the answer, but what about alo using horse drawn vehicles??? The only concern I have with electric cars is I do not consider that there is a strong enough resolve in the car industry to change.....Not while oil Execs call the tune! 555 from all sources 563 other considerations about consumption and economics 565 élimination, autant que faire se peut, des émissions de produits cancérigènes ou supposés l'être. 570 Inclure un bilan carbone sur l'ensemble du cycle de vie du véhicule et ainsi mettre un prix en conséquence. On ne paierai plus la voiture pour ses coût de fabrication, mais pour ses coût de pollution. 574 Looking at climate change in a long-term way where there is greater integration of systems factors and there are economies to find will create the incentive to think more wholistically 575 Limiting usage for private cars and providing better, cheaper, cleaner, faster , punctual public transport based on electric traction. Sourced basically from renewablwe sources of energy, (hydro-electric power, , tidal power, wind power etc.

576 More emphasis and support for walking/cycling for personal transport use and emphasis on rail use for freight (for the UK - other countries may be more advanced in this area?). 578 réglementer la production des véhicules en usine 579 Electricity generation, industry, heating 612 I'm really not sure as to how we go, on making alternatives. For example :- how are we going to create all the electricity for electric vehicles, would that mean pollution of a different sort ?? What i do know is that big oil continues to trash the planet everywhere in its path and this definitely has to STOP NOW. 643 - Alléger les voiture et y mettre un moteur et des technologies réduisant la consommation (stop and start...) permettrait de diminuer fortement les émissions de gaz a effet de serre. - Système bonus/ malus pour le CONSTRUCTEUR et le consommateur. - Politique fiscale attractive pour les constructeurs qui fabriquent les voitures les plus fiables, les moins polluantes du début à la fin du cycle de vie. - Politique qui encourage a réparer les voitures plutôt que de les mettre à la casse. 646 All greenhouse gases need regulating. 653 Veraenderung der Kraftsoffversorgung hin zu Wasserstoff und Biomethan 655 Looking at car manufacturers to improve their averages but this must be based on the number of each vehicle sold and their relative weighting, not just their range 658 Licencing against too much vehicle use such as congestion charges 683 You should keep options open and explore how alternative approaches could contribute. 688 All methods of transport with less harmful impact including rail, boat via rivers and canals, less , slower pace. Global thinking towards a fair basic standard of life for all as opposed to the obscenity of megagreed. 703 Increasing attractiveness & reduced cost of transporting of goods by rail. Improving public transport and cycle lanes. Improving and reducing massively the cost to the customer of trans-European rail travel, perhaps by setting up a europe-wide authority to regulate and equalize fare tariffs across different regional zones? 708 changement d'énergie en passant au biogaz par exemple 723 regulation and monitoring of the whole energy generation process from production to end use. 737 Vermeidung langer Fahrten der nutzfahrzeuge 740 Infrastrukturmaßnahmen Lenkungsmaßnahmen zur Förderung des ÖPNV gg.über Individualverkehr 742 Whole fuel cycle based targets. 747 Public transport, motor sports 763 This is a "yes" in principle. It would need legislators to determine applicable legislation 775 Fiskalische Regelungen. Zwangsabgaben für überdimensioniert Fahrzeuge. 792 I'm not sufficiently experienced to answer this but consider that any activity that causes greenhouse gas emissions needs to be regulated as relying on goodwill isn't enough. I'm very concerned about continuing exploitation of peat reserves and fracking. 800 Greenhouse gas emissions for the whole process of producing the materials, the vehicles, the infrastructure and the fuel at each stage. 827 much higher vat/tax on vehicles which produce more CO2 834 une taxe sur tous les gaz a effet de serre sur tous vehicules et autres rejeteur comme un impot pour tous 836 Absolute vehicle emissions per year per person/family, like carbon credits for individuals, thus encouraging efficient vehicle usage AND reduced driving. Those who want to drive a lot will have to buy credits from those who use their small car rarely (like me!) 845 Electricity and petrol / electric and diesel / electric hybrids 846 use of wind power 857 Overall greenhouse gas regulation e.g. for electrical cars, the greenhouse emissions involved in generating the power to charge them should be taken into account. (Probably using an estimated emission rate, as the main purpose of such regulations would be to improve the efficiency of the vehicles. Expressing this in terms of greenhouse gas emissions highlights the connection to conventional vehicles, while using a set emissions rate avoids ambiguity over the means of electricity generation.) 866 We should consider ALL alternatives but not draw our attention away from road vehicle based regulation and targets at the same time. 868 The necessity of reducing carbon-emissions means that a target system is insufficient. Tighter controls, with financial penalties for non-compliance is needed if countries are to start taking this issue seriously. 877 La réglementation de gaz à effet de serre provenant des usines et activités polluantes. La réglementation de gaz à effet de serre provenant de la vie citoyenne de chaque individu. 886 recyclage métaux, plastiques, pneus, huiles 921 Ruel type/road taxation 922 Aircraft should be included and their fuel should be taxed at the same rate as for other vehicles. System of taxation of goods carried based on the ratio of the unpacked goods to the mass and volume of the packed goods. With smaller packages, more can be packed in the same space. With less packaging the mass would be reduced and less energy used to transport the goods. A tax on bottled water in all countries of the EU where the tap water is potable. 925 Energy generation and treatment of waste. 930 Any form of travel, public or private should be reiveiwed on a regular basis with a view to discussing ways of improvement. 941 Vielleicht könnte man ein allgemeines Gebot zur Schonung von Ressourcen formulieren und dabei definieren welche Art der Nutzung gestattet ist und welche Nutzungsarten sanktioniert werden müssen. 946 Ultimately a holistic approach is needed. Considering a region or areas content (e.g. number of houses, population, industry etc) lower emissions need to be sought. 955 Whole life performance should be used and this should include all processes that bring vehicles into being and all processes involved in the production of fuel and vehicle maintenance. 958 Förderung ÖPNV und Schienenfernverkehr, vor allem grenzüberschreitend, Vermeidung oder Einschränkung von Individualkraftverkehr, Kerosinbesteuerung 963 Electric vehicles, using electricity generated from renewable sources. 975 Burning fossil fuel is cavemen technology. We already have cleaner options. It is time to invest in them. 997 I don't know which alternatives you are considering However see replies to other questions for my views on where you should head 1002 I think the alternatives should be 'in addition to' rather than an 'alternative to' venicle based regulation. Incentives to encourage people to purchase the lowest emission vehicles, to drive less, to use public transport, to cycle and walk. As electric cars and fuel cell propelled vehicles become more mainstream, the control of emissions from electricity generation plants should be in place. All of these measures are currently being pursued, so it's more of the same, please. 1004 making it much easier and safer for families to get from place to place by cycling and walking in particular. Design road systems with cycling families in mind. At the moment it is difficult and dangerous to cycle with children because cyclists are expected to fit in and around systems designed for cars. Pedestrians have to walk by the side of busy, polluted and noisy roads. I cycled and walked everywhere until I had two children, now I drive because it was too dangerous and stressful walking and cycling with them.

1016 Steuern, Subventionen. 1017 A carbon allowance per capita (citizen). 1020 Construction and recycling/disposal targets 1027 Après 2020, il faudra faire un bilan et s'il n'est pas concluant il faudra effectivement apporter d'autres possibilités mais il est trop tôt pour en débattre. 1032 reconsider options rejected in the past and those criticised at present (battery etc) 1045 We need zero emission-electric vehicles. 1049 all sources of energy creation, for domestic and industrial uses 1050 Dunno, but it pays to see how things are going every so often. 1051 More subsidies for public transport. More work on changing the culture of vehicle usage towards collective transportation. 1053 Cap and Share (see answer to E2 above). 1072 - weitere Verschärfung der Regelungen hin zu niedrigeren Emissionsgrenzen 1074 fahrzeugübergreifende Ziele mit Blick auf Emissionswerte 1078 Whole lifecycle emission targets and/or emissions per unit weight per km. 1100 Whole power generation and transmission and conservation cycle. Offices that burn lights all night. Shops which keep their doors wide open and blast hot air into the street. Huge engined cars. Houses so poorly insulated that people cannot afford to heat. Ordinary people screwed by the so-called economic crisis - more properly called THE NEW WORLD ORDER - introduce BASIC INCOME - if MINIMUM WAGE then MAXIMUM WAGE. 1108 You should also consider imposing greenhouse gas regulation on the airline industry and electricity generation companies. Without regulating electricity generation companies, any gains made by the adoption of electric vehicles could be lost through the generation of electricity using fossil-fuels.

1111 Der Transportsektor muss sobald wie möglich in den Emissionshandel integriert werden -- auch wenn trotzdem technologiespezifische Maßnamen, wie fahrzeugspezifische Emissionsobergrenzen notwendig sind. 1123 Gesamtkonzept für Energie und Verkehr auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik-und nicht einseitig diktiert von den Interessen der Autolobby wie bis jetzt!! 1126 Would it be possible to consider a reduction in road vehicle usage at all levels? Greener technology for public transport and measures set to reduce the cost of public transport to encourage less road vehicle usage.

1150 have designed an that can travel 430 miles before it needs recharging. Perhaps the key to making this work on a national level would be to make it very quick & easy to swap a low charge car battery over to a charged one. Electricity can then be powered through Nuclear Power/ Wind/ Tidal/ Biomass/ Solar & AD.

1157 Regulation of Manufacturing 1167 Emissions standards for anything which uses fossil or other fuels, directly or indirectly. 1176 All energy involved in production and usage of vehicles and the production of the fuels used. Car usage and promotion must be limited - for instance car makers promote new cars and car usage as part of a lifestyle. Policy needs to be based on fewer vehicles being produced and the promotion of using these less. See above. 1178 Heavy industry, especially metallurgy, other industry branches worth to be considered later at a later stage. 1184 sobriété - transports en communs - épuisement des ressources fossiles non durables 1198 Anreize für Energieeffizienz z.b. für den Gesamtwirkungsgrad 1199 you should take in to account the entire life-cycle emission of a fuel used to power a vehicle and the life cycle emission of a vehicle (production, transport to dealers, disposal etc.) 1219 il faut inciter les usagers à moins utiliser leur voiture en proposant des alternatives moins polluantes et moins chères 1223 all round appreciation to the entire carbon footprint/emissions (and all other pollutants) of the automotive indistry, from construction to fuel use (whichever fuel, a holistic and whole footprint and emissions view) and road use (again, holistic footprint and emissions) 1234 Without a detailed understanding of EU policies it is difficult to comment. All dangererous emissions should be targetted but the EU should be concerned with more than just climate change. There needs to be a long term policy to reduce all wasteful consumption in the EU - many global resources are already under strain and others will become increasingly scarce and problematic. 1235 No more vehicle-based greenhouse gas 1240 Bis dahin sollte die Produktion und der Gebrauch regenerativer Antriebsalternativen forciert werden! 1270 Encourage freight on to rail with only local deliveries. Create in integrated transport policy that will eventually make the private car redundant 1286 any that work 1292 Umfassende Regeln 1299 using electric cars or solar based cars 1300 Generelle Emmissionsgrenzwerte für alle Fahrzeuge. Ich halte an die Transportkapazität gekoppelte Grenzwerte für sinnvoll, etwa im Sinne 0,5 g CO2/kg Nutzlast 1303 einschränkung des Individualverkehrs und Veränderung des Transportwesen 1308 limit mileage for each vehicle 1315 Deutlich höhere Verbrauchsteuern direkt auf den Treibstoff. Allgemeine Aufklärung über die schädlichen Folgen des Kfz-Verkehrs. 1317 we should consider targets for the entire transport ecosystem/lifecycle and further targets for green house gas producing fuels. 1320 Mehr Transport auf Güterzügen ! 1325 Z.B. Sondererlaubnisse nach bestimmten Kriterien um zu verhindern, dass z.B. Existenzgrundlagen gefährdet werden. Oder Regeln je nach WOhlstand eines Landes: Je gesünder die Wirtschaft, je reicher die Bevölkerung, desto schärfere Grenzwerte

1338 Personenbezogene Treibhausgasmengen/Zeiteinheit, international bzw. EU-spezifisch 1346 Any other form of power that is clean, or better public transport, the UK train service is inefficent and over expensive for instance, other nations generally run a more attractive service. 1368 Alternative fuel sources. 1374 Get tough with air travellers and the aviation industry. Why is car pollution a separate issue? 1377 Should regulate other forma of greenhouse gas emissions e.g building heating systems 1407 Erzeugung von Energieträgern Erzeugung von Enegie 1412 The ones that I outlined in my previous answers. Standards in Maufacture: The inclusion of a series of filters (HEPA and Activated Carbon) in the front bumper of each road vehicle to clean the air of black carbon, particulate matter and odour. This is a start. However there are 5 Greenhouse Gases minus many other pollutants and Black Carbon is one Type of Carbon. Promote 1 to 1.4 litre petrol cars and hybrids through progressive legislation or regulation of industry. It makes sense for economy, air quality and awareness. Eco Efficiency in the Haulage industry should get more capital allowances (deductable depreciation) or other incentive. For example: There is a aero dynamic 40ft trailer with rounded corners that saves fuel yet I have never seen one. Peterbuilt USA make HGV Hybrids. I have never seen any hybrid truck in Europe. There should also be a mandatory machine driver/truck driver/car driver efficiency course. think there should be a greenhouse on each litr 1413 we should be considering seriously the sustainable fuels, such as Bio-Diesel, which is very simple to produce and growing the plants (say Hemp for example) would help to clean the atmosphere further and the emissions from burning it in an engine are FAR fewer than that of currently used Fossil-Fuels.

1435 Industrial emissions 1450 - réglementation sur les gaz émis qui peuvent aussi être nocifs pour la santé - la réglementation doit aussi prendre en compte l'activité industrielle, le chauffage urbain, l'agriculture, 1483 Why just post-2020 ? That will be too late! We need to be looking at all production processes, including oil drilling, cement production,air travel, shipping etc. etc. 1484 Carbon tax 1498 Man sollte auch unterstützen, wenn Transporte vom LKW auf die Schiene oder das Schiff verlegt werden, außerdem im Personenverkehr die Bildung von Fahrgemeinschaften fördern. Bahnfahrten sind zu teuer.

1501 Manufacturing and disposal of vehicles and fuel Basically we need to look at all aspects of co2 and other harmful emissions and aim to reduce these to as close to 0 as possible. 1506 Il n'y a pas plus efficace que de supprimer les transports longue distance de tous les véhicules et pour cela une relocalisation de toutes les filières industrielles et pour cela créer de plus petites unités de production décentralisées au plus proche de la demande permettrait d'abaisser très sensiblement les transports internationaux des gros véhicules et leur coût induit et par la même les émissions de gaz à effets de serre et gaz nocifs! le second avantage, non négligeable en cette période de récession, permettrait une création d'emplois pérennes non délocalisables, là aussi proche des lieux de vie réduisant encore les dégazements. 1518 Industry based targets. Increased tax for consumers purchasing high C02 rated vehicles, subsidies for companies (small, medium and large) who procure very low, or no emission vehicles. 1528 Livestock breeding-based greenhouse gas emissions - regulations set on emissions of greenhouse gases released per m^2 of land used in containing livestock as well as improved methods of treating animal waste. Industry-based greenhouse gas emissions including factories etc. 1538 Review cattle related pollution of methane. Alternative enrgy generation. Pollution produced by incinreation. 1539 une prime a la non polution 1546 Assuming that by "vehicle-based" you mean emission standards, it would make sense to look at further improving & most importantly reducing the cost of public transport, since communal travel is more efficient in terms of GHG emissions per person. It would also make sense to look at regulation concerning the fuel sources for vehicles and, to a lesser extent, GHG emissions during the manufacturing and material sourcing processes. 1578 Only allowing vehicles using genuine renewable energy fuels. 1590 Incinerators (waste to energy plants) and all forms of power generation plants, factory emissions, including damaging solvent emissions, also factory farming emissions concerning the meat production, and the role that they play in escalating methane emissions which are at least 10 times more damaging than CO2 and also the damaging effects of landfill also concerning methane emissions obviously the biggest polluters should pay the most irrespective of their contribution to the world bank and local economies shouldn't give organisations a open mandate to pollute as they feel fit without any consequences to their actions. 1594 Electric vehicles 1596 Schwerpunkt auf den Energieverbrauch legen nicht auf Fahrzeuggröße, Hubraum etc. Wer das Fahrzeug nicht bewegt, zahlt im Extremfall nichts. 1608 Energy production. Zero energy buildings. 1622 All manufactured items should have a carbon footprint calculated and this could then be taxed if it is above the average for similar items. This calculation must include the CO2 generated by the transport of the items. 1628 Verbote für Antriebsaggregate, die den Regelungen nicht (mehr) entsprechen 1639 Mehr Fracht auf schienen 1640 Die fahrzeugspezifischen Ziele sind meiner Meinung nach zu Herstellerfreundlich. Sie vernachlässigen das eigentliche Ziel einer Richtlinie zur Bewahrung einer intakten Umwelt. Die Richtlinien sollten allgemein gehalten sein. Wenn Jemand ein Fahrzeug mit enormen Verbrauch fahren möchte, sollten die Richtlinien ihn davon abhalten können, weil die Hersteller ein solches Fahrzeug nicht mehr liefern dürfen. Ein Durchgreifen der Politik gegenüber einer kritischen Maße von Individuen ist notwendig, wenn diese politischen Maßnahmen nicht nur ein Tropfen auf dem heissen Stein sein sollen. 1649 Manufaturing proccess emissions and transportation emmissions. Transportation emmissions should include the delivery of vehicles as well as the delivery and transportation of parts to the manufaturing plants.

1667 Unbedingt, da bis 2020 wahrscheinlich wieder nicht genug erreicht wird. 1675 Personal tradable emissions quota 1698 With fision being investigated surely with enough urgency it could be acelarated forward and if it isn't possible look to mainstreaming alternatives to fossil fuels as sector by sector with countries without damaging the environment and all peoples lives more. 1707 Personal travel greenhouse gas emission targets - focus on the "service" (incorporating technology and use). Regional and National GHG inventories broken down by components, such as personal travel, business travel and commuting? Village, Town and City GHG emissions targets? 1708 If we want to leave any sort of future to coming generations, we should probably be considering alternatives to greenhouse-gas producing vehicles, full stop. We need to rethink the issue of transport entirely within the context of a radical reevaluation of legitimate human needs as opposed to the wants generated by a growth-based economy. 1713 New technology will evolve to fit. A better solar powered or vegetable based (reclaimed) fuel, or possibly if the power industry gets its arse off the ground we could use surplus energy to produce liquid hydrogen more cheaply. 1721 Steuern. Km-Beschränkungen. Sinnlose Reimporte verbieten. Produktionswege durch Beschlüsse kurz halten. In den USA gibt es Fahrbahnen die nur Fahrzeuge mit mind. 3 Insassen befahren dürfen. Autobauer verpflichten in Treibhausgassparende Alternativen zu investierenund diese auch umzusetzen

1727 In addressing the combined problems of Peak Oil and Climate Change, Tradeable Emissions Quotas have great potential as an alternative or complement to state regulatory approaches. (www.teqs.net) 1743 Besteuerung der Energieträger entsprechend des Emissionspotentials 1759 Anything that does not produce greenhouse gases. 1768 The regulation should cover commercial airlines, passenger transport systems such as trains, and energy production facilities. 1773 Elektrofahrzeuge massiv fördern 1784 financial encouragement to innovation that limits the need for transportation whether private or commercial, ie local production within EU and financial benefits for working from home and/or very local to residence.

1786 Yes, all aspects of the motor industry must account for their place in the environment, and ultimately our target must be 100% clean... no impact through the entire transport industry. 1790 We need to stop messing about and simply give an end date after which it would be illegal to either possess or operate any vehicle that emits carbon dioxide or any of the other toxic gases that are inherent to this obsolete technology.

1811 Personal CO2 allowance, would affect what we buy, how we power our homes, how we take holidays, how we invest, how we respond to advertising etc. If everyone is making choices with emissions in mind and the low emission choices are the cheapest, we will get the swiftest change and take the power from powerful industry lobby groups 1830 Not sure 1849 Making more use of the infrastructure which is already in place, namely, the rail network. Using the railways to transport long-distance cargo - smaller lorries can pick up the cargo from the stations and deliver it locally. Obliging all companies to use locally manufactured goods and services, wherever possible.

1856 Combine regulation on pollutants (particles) and GHG. It would be a catastrophy to have a EU policy only on GHG as air quality and the amount of small particles (or role in ozone production) is a major health hazard (asthma, respiratory diseases etc).

1868 Regulating the emissions in the production of the vehicles and components. 1901 Maximum size (or similar restriction) for HGVs 1916 passenger-kilometre based? 1922 Entire life-cycle carbon footprint for all products from manufacture to recycling. 1926 Cradle to grave carbon burden on the environment. Electric powered vehicles hide emissions in generation and manufacture etc. 1941 General carbon tax 1946 Other industries which produce polutants should also be made 'greener' 1947 Targets within industry, buildings including house building targets 1970 More development of hydrogen fuelled vehicles with automatic transmissions to increase road safety. 1990 Pushing companies to invest in more sustainable transport methods, as well as the EU itself investing and pushing the boundries of investment in other modes of transport. 1992 We should consider using renewable energy and not Biofuels. Biofuels should not be used in the future and seen as another old technology therefore needing no regulation. 1994 could there alos be regulations on emmissions from industry be included. The whole car industry has emissions not just the cars themselves. Other industries should be included to encourage cleaner living

1995 Investment in the development of alternative technologies, such as free energy, and in public transport systems. 2010 Industrial greenhouse gas emissions. Not allowing carbon offsetting, but instead requiring local reductions of emissions (i.e. within Europe) 2027 the vehicle fleet should by reduced in general by developping alternative transportation for both people and goods. 2031 Complementary measures in other policy areas for a uniform strategy 2037 Personal carbon rationing 2065 Targets related to energy consumption in general (not just for vehicles); will not put overdue burden of development in one sector, wuill reduce beauracracy and will help highlight which industries are falling short (hence drive development in a number of sectors).

2072 Motor manufacturer based. 2101 I am insufficiently qualified to say what alternatives 2105 Main emphasis should lie on reducing the number of vehicles, rather than reducing the emissions per vehicle. 2139 Verlagerung des Individualverkehrs auf öffentlichen Verkehr, Ausbau der Netze des öffentlichen Personenverkehrs und schienengebundenen Güterverkehrs. 2144 Verkehrsmenge und Modal Split 2155 1- make an european (or worldwide) opensource databse available to every Human in manner to use always the greater technologies known to Humankind... 2- prohibit the resseling of every HUV'S to poor countries so they finaly get access to decent technology and stop making same mistakes that devloped countries... an we can recycle them! avoiding loosing energie (and polution assoviated to it) on the extration, transportation and making of... saving great amounts of raw materials. 3- educate as soon as possible ecology to every single human in the world ( EU priority to achiev peace and solutions worldwide in the matter of any kind of polution not only this particular one) 2163 Depends where the greenhouse gas will be generated in order to power vehicles (ie. battery manufacturing and power station for electric vehicles or hidrogen production ...) 2172 Il serait intéressant de considérer dès maintenant la fin de l'utilisation du pétrole en 2050. Les solutions du scénario de transition énergétique NégaWatt 2011 devraient être prises en compte par l'Union Européenne. 2175 La nocivité des émissions sur la santé. 2190 limiter au maximum, voire interdire, l'utilisation de véhicules polluants 2209 j'espère quand 2020 on aura réorienté les transports vers des solutions plus économes en CO2! 2210 il faut penser que la recherche et les développements technologiques peuvent bouleverser les objectifs, mais ils doivent servir d'indicateurs. 2212 réglementation tenant em compte le cycle de vie des matériaux qui constituent le véhicule. 2233 electric cars 2239 modifications des moteurs ( type pantone) qui récupèrent la vapeur d'eau et les particules fines : Visée de 0 pollution des moteurs. Utilisation d'autres carburants plus propres. 2241 higher tax 2244 Définir des moyens de transport de référence : inter- ville courte distance ou le transport par la route est autorisé, inter-ville longue distance ou le transqport par route est interdit au profit du rail et location d'autolib une fois rendu à destination. Définir les même transport de références pour le fret.

2251 Erzeugung der Energie, Transport, Speicherung 2252 Massive jedoch aufkommensneutrale Belastung der Emission unerwünschter Verbrennungsprodukte bei gleichzeitiger Entlastung der Besteuerung von Arbeit. 2258 übergreifender Budgetansatz: vereinfacht erhält jeder Bürger ein bestimmtes Pro-Kopf-CO2-Budget, über dessen Verwendung er selbst entscheidet. 2269 Des mesures visant à réduire la nécessité de recourir à des véhicules routiers 2294 - ajouter une règlementation des gaz toxiques (pas seulement CO2) - ajouter par exemple des critères de kilométrage maximum réalisé en 1 an, et fixer une taxe proportionnelle, afin d'inciter à l'utilisation des transports en commun ou des transports non polluants.

2302 Je souhaite que l’Europe, qui a toujours su montrer l'exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules, continue dans cette voie. Pour cela, je souhaite que des objectifs soient fixés pour 2025 . Ils devront être ambitieux afin de nous permettre d'atteindre l'objectif « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050 ! Merci!! 2303 Verkehrsreduzierung durch Vermeidung von Verkehr (z.B. Leerfahrten für LKW verbieten),regionale Versorgung stärken, Unsinnige Transporte durch hohe Transportkosten vermindern z.B. Äpfel aus Australien nach Deutschland transportieren, wenn dies durch regionalen Anbau mit geringeren Transportwegen möglich ist (Kostenwahrheit im Verkehr sicherstellen auch z.B. durch Besteuerung von Kerosin im Flugverkehr, die z.zt. noch wirtschafliche aber nicht ökologisch sinnvolle Transporte verteuert. 2307 Déjà maintenant, reréfléchir à l'aménagement du territoire. Arrêter les constructions d'autoroutes, prévoir un avenir sans pétrole. Arrêter d'accélérer alors qu'on fonce droit dans le mur... Se RÉVEILLER!!!

2320 Verkehrsverlagerungen auf die Schiene 2322 Beeinflussung des modal split, verhaltensbezogene Regelungen (Art und Weise der Nutzung), Verkehrslenkung (als nichtausschließende Alternativen) 2328 Elektrofahrzeuge, deren Energie nachhaltig erzeugt wird (keine Atom- und Kohlekraftwerke) 2329 Striktere Nutzungsreglementierungen für alle Fahrzeuge dort, wo für Personen gute Möglichkeiten mit dem ÖPNV bestehen und Frachtfahrten auf die Schiene verlagert werden können. Für Autobahnen paralell zu Bahnlinien könnten z.B. höhere LKW-Mautgebühren erhoben werden. In Städten könnten alle PKW-Besitzer zum Kauf einer ÖPNV-Jahreskarte verpflichtet werden, was die Nutzung automatisch drastisch verschiebt. 2331 Verlagerung des Transports von der Straße auf die Bahn insbes. im Fernverkehr. 2333 Regelungen zur Besteuerung, zu Mautgebühren 2335 Policies aimed at greenhouse gas regulation should be comprehensive, including measures to reduce emissions resulting from agricultural activities (with EU agricultural aid being made contingent on the implementation of environmentally friendly practices related to fertilizer use, reduction of deforestation for agricultural purposes etc.) as well as measures to reduce emissions from power stations (more incentives for member states and companies that use renewable energy sources). 2349 Prendre des mesures qui permettent de limiter les transports à vide. Freiner la course à la puissance inutile des véhicules qui augmente les niveaux de consommation. Ceci pour tout les types de véhicules. Interdire tout système fiscal en faveur des courses d'engins motorisés.

2352 Gesamtverkehr sollte unter die Lupe genommen werden, Ziel muss v.a. eine Verkehrsvermeidung sein. Insbesondere der Flugverkehr MUSS endlich auch Höchstschranken bei den Emissionen bekommen. Schadstoffe wie auch Lärm-Obergrenzen. 2353 siehe oben 2354 A carbon tax or a carbon cap could in principle make other forms of greenhouse regulation unnecessary, and possibly economically inefficient. 2364 Ich habe eben dafür gesprochen, Alternativen zu erwägen. Das schließt ein, Alternativen zu suchen oder vorliegende Alternativen zu eruieren. Ich kenne keine Alternativen - aber das heißt nichts. Ich bin kein Fachmann. 2368 Es sollte eine gemeinsame Regelung für alle Arten von Fahrzeugen geben. 2373 the targets should be expressed for all vehicles, regardles the energy source used to power the engine, in energy consumption (kWh/km) 2381 Beeinflussung der Verkehrsanteile zwischen Straße, Schiene, Wasserst. und Luftverkehr 2382 maby not targets, but a clear VISION for the future . Because if we do not controle and reduce the vehicle-based air pollution NOW and before 2020, what air will we breath in 2021.

2389 cf ci-dessus notamment 2402 L'interdiction pure et simple d'utiliser les voitures et camions à moteur à explosion. Utiliser principalement les transports ferroviaires de nouveau développés (on ré ouvre les gares précédemment fermées) et on développe les transports fluviaux moins polluants. Plus transports alternatifs (notamment vélos). 2403 Poids des véhicules roulants, largeur des pneus, coefficient de pénétration dans l'air. 2410 Taxation des conduites individuelles 2416 Un véhicule ne pollue pas que par les rejets qu'occasionnent sa fabricaton et son utilisation. Il fait du bruit, défigure, encombre et endommage l'espace public et est la cause d'accidents. Les embouteillages sont une malédiction pour ceux qui n'ont d'autre possibilité que d'utiliser un véhicule. Il convient donc de limiter l'emprise des véhciules sur l'espace public notamment en s'attaquant aux faibles taux d'utilisation et au poids des véhicules. 2420 nur generelle Grenzwerte 2423 GESAMTEMISSIONEN sind zu beschränken: cap and trade 2425 Toutes les pollutions, déchets sont à diminuer drastiquement. 2438 production and demand regulations, reuse and transport alternatives based on CO2 free innovative vehicles 2450 sunflower oil, koolzaadolie, solar electricity 2460 Maybe sailing? 2465 Taxation des véhicules en fonction des performances techniques et non en fonction d'un cycle uniforme : les émissions d'un véhicule devrait être examinées en considérant qu'il est acheté et utilisé à raison de xx% de sa puissance, yy% de son couple et ces pourcentages devraient être identiques pour tous les véhicules. Un véhicule destiné à transporter n personnes devrait être deux fois moins taxé (à émission et perfoemances égales) qu'un véhicule destiné à en transporter deux fois plus. Idem pour l'encombrement de ceux-ci. 2479 Stimulate new environmentally friendly technology 2486 Restrictions par zone, par temporalités, par type de moyen de transport, développement des solutions alternatives de transport, ... Mais surtout diminution des distances moyennes de fret par relocalisation de la production économique, taxe carbone à l'importation, législations sur le transport de denrées alimentaires, etc. 2489 chiffrer et tenir compte du bilan énergétique de la durée de vie complète des véhicules et du taux de récupération de matériaux réutilisables 2499 rationnalisation de l'utilisation de ces véhicules (en milieu urbain par exemple), restriction à l'usage de véhicules utilitaires lourds (légiférer en faveur des voies d'eau et ferroviaires), internaliser les couts externes liés au transport, etc. 2516 Les autres polluants qui impactent la santé publique. 2518 life cycle energy targets 2539 Grundlage wird die Menge des Ausstoßes von Treibhausgasen eines Landes UND der Durchschnitt je Einwohner. Auf dieser umfassenden Basis (Einbeziehung aller treibhausgasproduzierenden Einheiten wie Industrie, Flugverkehr, Hausbrand etc.) können dann Gesamt-Maßnahmen entwickelt werden und nicht einzelne isolierte . 2549 anlehnend an Global-warming potential (GWP) über gesamten Energielebenszyklus, Erprobung neuer Antriebskonzepte im Rahmen von Ausnahme-Regelungen 2566 Autres émissions de gaz que CO2 Nouvelles technologies 2576 Encourager les autres types de transport :trains... 2577 Des règlementations pour tout ce qui constitue le véhicule seraient nécessaires, les possibilités de recyclage, etc 2578 revoir déjà à la hausse les objectif fixés pour 2020 taxer davantage tous les véhicules au kilomètre parcouru, pour réduire les engorgements, la perte de temps et la pollution atmosphérique améliorer le réseau des transports en communs à tous les niveaux et en (re)faire un véritable service au public 2600 Développement des péages urbains, taxes en fonction des déplacements réels (possible avec technologie GPS/Galiléo), avec pénalisation sur les déplacements courts ou pouvant être effectués facilement en transport public. 2603 Oil supply chain - taxation at source. 2604 Ne plus utiliser du pétrole d'importation mais uniquement du carburant provenant des filières de 2 et 3 générations des biocarburants. 2609 All energy production. 2619 really need to work on vehicles not using petroleum 2622 more public transport 2626 Taxation on distribution mode. 2629 All vehicles Farming methods All factories Power stations 2630 Some form of usage tax which could be bundled with a tax on the fuel used; the cost of providing public services ; like health care ; should take account of the distance travelled by users such that the economics of service delivery take that cost into account. 2634 See E2 2635 We should look into considering regulation on anything that creates greenhouse gases. 2636 Company/corporation-based. Companies should be massively taxed for any environmental damage that their actions cause. 2642 I cannot identify specifics, but I believe urgent consideration should be given to all options. The situation is becoming dangerous. 2643 Person-based targets 2645 Atmospheric and environmental limits and objectives through clean air and air quality laws, thus urban targets become increasingly restrictive and fossil fuel powered vehicles become increasingly unusable, thus driving the demand ferom consumers for non fossil fuel powered vewhicles. Obviously there is currently no such thing as a non fossis fuel powered vehicle, because at some point fossil fuels will be burned to produce the fuel or energy that powers any vehicle and all vehicles have a starting carbon footprint related to fossil fuels used in their manufacture. 2646 We should look at all the materials used in the make-up of vehicles apart from the emissions; whether the processes for manufacturing these materials produce carbon emissions and if so, how much. That is, the manufacturing processes themselves should be examined for its contribution to the world's carbon emission.

2649 All transport- planes, trains, Coaches. Power generating plant construction, battery construction materials, All types of furnaces, fossil fuel energy generators, 2650 Other modes of transport including the compulsory safe cycle lanes should be built everywhere. 2658 Actual greenhouse gas emissions from transport as a whole per head of population? Would that be possible? Otherwise I can't think of anything better than per vehicle. 2664 Developing the rail and river networks and infrastructures that enhance these. 2668 vehicle base green house gas is only one part of the emissions, green house gase emissions have to be regulated for all sources such as heating, household appliances, consumer articles etc To be able to curb the current development strong policy measures and global coherent strategies are needed

2672 See above answeres; especially the drive to reduce any and all individualized-motorized vehicular movement 2678 Fuel infrastructure regulations, including requirements for methane refueling in certain minumum share of refilling stations in each member states. Starting point is minimum 10 % in 2020. Also minimum requirements for renewable component in methane (includung biomethane, wind methane and solar methane). Starting point in 2020 is 15 %. 2680 Verkehrsvermeidung! Verlagerung Güter auf Schiene und Schiff Aufklärungskampagnen Erreichen der Ziele ggf. über Besteuerung! 2687 Véhicules électriques -> batteries très polluantes, controler très strictement leur construction et leur recyclage par les industriels (numéroter les batteries pour tracabilité ?) Même soucis pour les autres technologies émergeantes : controle de pollution en amont et du recyclage en aval par leurs producteurs (hydrogène...)

2693 Particules fines. 2696 Emissions targets for whole road transport sector. 2698 Comme je l'ai dit précédemment : " Favoriser une politique de transport en commun (TC) (autant au niveau local que trans-national) cohérente au niveau régional, national et transfrontalier (je pense au Luxembourg, à la Belgique ainsi que les grandes villes limitrophe*), ainsi que la création de chemins de fer trans-européen permettant un acheminement du fret de façon pertinente (en fonction des départs-destination) et continue (paris-varsovie en passant par cologne et berlin par exemple, mais sans changement de train, ou autant ce faire ce peut), le tout devant permettre une diminution franche de l'utilisation des véhicules routiers (exception faite des bus et autocars), et donc globalement de l'émission des gaz à effets de serre par les véhicules routiers. * exemple: les TC de la ville de strasbourg ne desserve pas la ville de kehl. " 2703 Relevant für den Klimaschutz ist die Gesamtmenge der emittierten Treibhausgase und nicht die Pro Tonne (oder einem anderen fahrzeugspezifischen Maß) emittierten. Deshalb sollten solche Überlegungen einfließen. 2713 all the E.2 aspects. 2718 additional public support for more sustainable forms of transportation for both, people and goods (trains, share-ride organizations, care-sharing,...) 2719 EU wide harmonization of Tax on petrol (preferably high to offset all externalities caused by petrol based transport) 2720 Not necessarily alternatives INSTEAD OF, but IN ADDITION TO! Based on the energy resource itself. Based on distances travelled in relation to their climate impacts (the less emissions, the longer you can drive, for example to promote rail transport and cargo at long distances, granted that it pollutes less) Taxation and cross-subsidies to support infrastructure that is needed for less polluting mobility (walkways, bike routes, rail tracks, maybe harbours) 2725 Increased coherence between relevant policy streams (road/transport, energy, climate, research, environment, regional policies, etc) is critical. Fleet and transport totals could be developed to reflect progress as a whole, which is not captured by vehicle-based measures. 2741 Voir mon commentaire sur les autres politiques à mettre en œuvre. Y adjoindre : - le développement des transports en commun de longues distances à coût raisonnable spécifiques aux flux migratoires saisonniers (transport de véhicules par rail ou par camions par exemple) ; - le développement de flottes locales de véhicules de location sur les sites touristiques ; - le développement des espaces de stationnement « vivables » (pas des espaces de bitume sans ombre ni protection contre les intempéries), particulièrement autour des stations de transports en commun. 2744 mesures incitatives 2747 Il est nécessaire de diminuer les rejets de CO2 d'où qu'ils viennent : avions, camions; tenir compte des inconvénients des transports. Le meilleur déchet est celui qu'on ne produit pas, n'est-ce pas ? Le meilleur transport est celui dont on se passe. Modifier notre société en profondeur est l'objectif. Revenir au local. C'est possible. Cultiver et fabriquer dans la région de production est juste. Les agriculteurs français exsangues se suicident : nous achetons des denrées alimentaires au Brésil, pays où la malnutrition sévit. Ca n'a aucun sens. Réfléchissons dans cette direction, et il y aura moins de transport ! Le libéralisme ne devrait pas être la dictature des firmes. Vive le local. Les problèmes sont liés. La réduction des émissions est nécessaire, oui, mais le facteur décisif est ailleurs. 2749 - repenser les structures de déplacement - développer l'indication du coût carbone des produits 2750 Cartographie de l'ensemble des possibilités d'acheminement géographiques : alternatives, réorganisations régionales à l'échelle européenne, recyclages éventuels (investir dans la recherche)... ferroutage ; transport de marchandises par voie fluviale ; relocalisation de certaines productions (alimentaire notamment mais pas exclusivement) ; déconcentration de plate-formes logistiques ; recyclage du méthane par exemple ou autres substances... 2761 La question n'est pas claire. 2765 Le coût énergétique de fabrication des véhicules : énergie grise. 2775 le recyclage à 85% des constituants, un indicateur de consommation d'énergie lors la construction, des astreintes au prorata des kms de transport 2784 Die Schaffung eines Anreizes über das Steuersystem stellt für mich den sinnvollsten Ansatz dar. 2788 Fixation d'un quotas de véhicule pour les particuliers, par région Arrêt total des transport de marchandise par route sur des distance allant au delà de 30km obligation pour les états membres d'avoir des filières alternatives au carburant ajoutant aux gaz a effets de serre économiquement compétitive 2791 For example a different way to move people and freight. Taxation for air companies 2796 At least a whole lifecyle target should be introduced, considering also the plant where actually the vehicle are produced. In this way each OEM can decide its own strategy to achieve the global target, not focusing just on the vehicle, which contribute just in minimal part 2802 Spezifikation nach Eisatzgebieten 2803 europäisch einheitliches fiscales System für den Verkauf und den Betrieb von Straßenfahrzeugen (Mehrwert-, Fahrzeug- UND Kraftstoff-Steuer), Einehitliche CO2 Steuer [€/gr CO2] (on well2wheel basis) auf alle Energieträger (Kohle, Atom, Öl, Windkraft, etc.),

2805 As previously described, pick an indicator of energy efficiency, not a proxy. This means something like MJ/km or kWh/km which is neutral to all technology platforms. This is what industry keeps asking for - regulation that is transparent and technology-neutral. You deal with the "life cycle" very simply by getting the energy suppliers - whether they are supplying electrons, liquid fuels, methane, or hydrogen - to decarbonise their energy supplies. Get this logic straight and it will be very clear what needs to happen next. 2812 Well-to-wheel emissions of the full vehicle+fuel chain. This will need standardised calculation methods and possibly also default values to use for the greenhouse gas emissions from different fuels and electricity. (though the reporting to the renewable directive will provide good input). There is a strong need for EC to take an initiative for a harmonised method - to be used also in procurements. 2819 no data no transport

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Individual Additional Comments Response Number 1 nous sommes de plus en plus nombreux sur la Terre, nous aurons besoin de plus en plus de véhicules, qui nécessitent pour leur fabrication de l'énergie (pollution), pour nous déplacer car les distances entre le domicile, le lieu de travail, la scolarité et des activités diverses seront de plus en plus importantes d'où croissance exponentielle de nos déchets et de nos pollutions : le problème est donc à prendre dans sa globalité. 4 Je pense qu'au delà des gaz à effet de serre se posent le problème de la limite des gisements pétrolifères de Gaz naturel et d'uranium. Il est temps de développer les recherches en direction d'énergies plus propres. Il est aussi essentiel d'aller vers un comportement plus cohérent globalement ce qui nécessite un éveil de chacun face aux problèmes du climat. L'Europe utilise les énergies fossiles sans compter depuis des dizaines d'années. Il est grand temps de changer de cap. 6 Emissionen zu reduzieren ist wichtig, Treibstoff besser auszunutzen ein nobles Ziel. Grundsätzlich sollte jedoch mehr Verkehr über die Schiene abgewickelt werden: Bei der Instandhaltung könnte viel gespart werden; am wichtigsten ist aber, dass die Energieeffizienz niemals vergleichbar sein wird - durch den Antrieb mit Gummi auf Asphalt wird viel mehr Energie in Verformung verschwendet, als bei Stahl auf Stahl. Hinzu käme sowohl beim ÖPNV, wie auch beim Gütertransport über die Schiene ein erheblich besseres Verhältnis zwischen Nutz"last" zu bewegter Masse. 8 L’exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules donné par l'Europe est à poursuivre. Il faudrait fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures ainsi que pour les véhicules utilitaires, qui devrait assez ambitieux en vue d'atteindre un secteur des transports « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050.

9 Technology needs to continue to develop for efficiency and reduction of climate gases. However to meet targets which are significant enough to reduce the impact of climate change it will also be neccessary for people to reduce their total milage by car. The full target will not be able to be met by technology alone. Individuals need to take responsibility for reducing their milage per annum. My milage per annum is 6,000 and every year I aim to keep to my target. I feel I could reduce this farther as I try to make my lifestyle evolve around local events. 12 Regarding B4 - only when a well-towheel peespective is used different technologies should be treated equal. Otherwise the legislation will be bias in favour of fossil fuels. It might also be necessary to treat technologies differently during their market development phase, as different incentives may be needed for different technologies during this phase. Once they are established on the market they should however be treated equal - based on their emissions well-to-wheel. Regarding B5- see answer at C2 16 Das der Verkehr in vielen Belangen überdacht werden muß steht außer Frage. Es wird aber auch nicht möglich sein, und darf auch nicht so weit kommen, das der Individualverkehr komplett ersetzt oder gar verboten wird, da er eben (besonders im ländlichen Raum) unverzichtbar ist. Es sollte jedoch darauf geachtet werden, das die Fahrzeuge zukünftig eben sauber (ohne Abgase) durch die Gegend flitzen. Die Grundidee, des Betreibens von Verbrennungsmotoren mit Wasserstoff, welche BMW schon mal versucht hat gefällt mir persönlich am besten. Es gibt einen das Gefühl des normalen Autofahrens, nur halt mit dem Vorteil keiner lokalen Abgase. Dann müßte der Strom zur Produktion des Wasserstoffes noch erneuerbar hergestellt werden, und wir könnten zufrieden leben. Des weitern gehörten Flüge verteuert, da der Flugverkehr die Fortbewegung mit den Meisten Abgasen ist, ganz zum Schweigen vom Lärm der Anrainer, mit denen man nicht tauschen möchte. Das Verkehrsmittel, welches forciert gehört ist die Bahn. Hier gehörten der Gütertransfer (vorallem im Fernbereich) beschleunigt, und subventioniert, umden LKW´s weder zeitlich noch finanziell Vorteile zu bescheren! 18 Pour moi, il est important que l'Europe garde son rôle de modèle influent sur cette question - ce statut de précurseur dans le domaine de la réduction des émissions de CO2 est l'une des raisons qui m'attachent particulièrement à l'Europe. Son impulsion est nécessaire pour aller vers l'objectif 'transport zéro carbonne" d'ici à 2050, et sa politique doit englober les voitures et les véhicules utilitaires.

23 We provide an infrastructure for urban centres which support sustainable mobility. We would appreciate you could evaluate this option: www.urbanresilience.eu 28 L'Europe est une image en matière de réduction des émissions. Elle doit entretenir cette image. Les véhicules utilitaires devraient aussi estre réglementés, d'ici 2020-2025. C'est un objectif qui a son importance quant à notre but final:« zéro carbone » en 2050. 29 L'automobile et le transport routier des biens et des personnes ne peuvent pas être le fer de lance d'une économie décarbonée si l'on ne veut pas transférer ailleurs les émissions que l'on évite ici.Il faut aider l'industrie automobile à organiser une mutation progressive vers d'autres secteurs où ses compétences seront utiles.Afin de lancer un message clair aux constructeurs et aux utilisateurs il pourrait être judicieux de plafonner la puissance des moteurs et de réduire de 10km/h la vitesse sur les autoroutes. Il faut également généraliser l'affichage carbone sur les produits de la vie courante afin d'aider le consommateur dans son choix. 31 je trouve cela bien de pouvoir donner son avis et j'espère que cela sera utile! Merci à la démocratie d'exister encore, bon an mal an.... Toutefois je trouve dommageable de penser (comme le font certains politiciens et décisions politiques à plus ou moins court terme) que le bien-être financier d'une entreprisee soit plus important (VW par exemple...) que celui de tous ceux qui participent à la société... Et une société peut vivre à long terme si tous se sentent concernés et peuvent y participer, or les dernières décisions de l'UE et toutes ces règles ont parfois eu l'effet inverse... Je souhaite que cette fois au moins on fasse pencher la balance du côté du bon sens écologique et du bien-être à long terme de tous, coute que coute. Prochain dossier: l'agriculture Bio pour une nouvelle PAC qui redonne du sens au monde paysan sans lequel on ne serait pas grand chose? 33 Il serait intéressant de prendre en compte les émissions de CO2 produites lors de la fabrication des véhicules (car il est moins polluant de rouler avec une voiture plus ancienne que d'en acheter une neuve qui va demander beaucoup d'énergie et dégager du CO2 pour être produite). A quand les moteurs à eau ? (des solutions existeraient mais les lobbys pétroliers sont forts pour nous faire croire que non...). La voiture électrique ne me semble pas une solution non plus (si c'est pour faire de nouvelles centrales nucléaires pour les alimenter, non merci!). Il faut aussi aller vers un changement des mentalités, des transports en commun plus fiables, développer le ferroutage... 34 Il est important d'adopter des mesures importantes pour les fabricants de voitures, afin de tourner leur R&D dans la bonne direction, celle d'un futur loin des émissions de CO2 et autres polluants. Il est honteux de trouver dans vos propositions : "Si l'analyse de la Commission démontre que l'objectif fixé pour 2020 de 147 gCO2/km pour les véhicules utilitaires légers est réalisable du point de vue technique, à un coût raisonnable, faut-il confirmer cet objectif? (facultative)" Bien sûre que c'est réalisable, les objectifs d'ici 2020 devraient être inférieur à 50g CO2/km; où est la R&D sinon? Où est l'innovation? Merci de libérer la recherche dans les énergies ... notamment Tesla. 35 Les directives Européennes en matière d'agriculture, de finance, de gestion des crises, de réglementation, de suivi sont soit mal adaptées, soit non appliquées, soit en faveur de lobbies, et favorisent la pérennisation d'un système pervers. Vos commissions ne servent rien et coûtent énormément d'argent à nos sociétés. Notre rapport avec l'argent est faussé. Je suis fatigué par votre ignorance, votre vulgarité, et ce manque de respect des populations. Vous êtes incompétents et dangereux. C'est à ce demander si nous vivons dans le même monde. 37 Le dérèglement climatique est dû au rejet de GES. 1/ 1/4 des GES est dû au transport 2/ La circulation routière ne correspond elle même qu'à une certaine part du domaine des transports (trains, bateaux, avions...) 3/ Les rejets émis lors de la phase d'utilisation ne concernent aussi qu'une partie du problème sur la vie du véhicule (ACV) 4/ L'application d'un niveau d'émission maximum ne concerne que les véhicules neufs (inertie se comptant en décennie pour remplacer le parc véhicule) et ne permet de réduire que d'un faible pourcentage le problème de l'émission polluante. De plus, les technologies mises en place par les industriels risquent si cela n'est pas contrôlé de réduire le niveau de CO2 mais d'augmenter certains autres paramètres polluants (réaction chimique, traitement final de filtre catalyseur...). Autre contre effet, avec l’augmentation potentielle du nombre de kilomètre parcouru par les usagers mais aussi par le nombre de véhicule roulant sur la planète... Bref, les objectifs de cette réglementation sont totalement dérisoires vis à vis de la dérive planétaire actuelle. Faut-il reparler de la croissance exponentielle du taux de CO2 dans l'atmosphère et la corréler avec celle de la recherche de la croissance économique absolue à 2%/ an pour bien comprendre ? Un seul exemple pour illustrer mes propos : 30% de la biodiversité a disparu en 30 ans. Le problème ne date donc pas d'hier et quantitativement c'est énorme... Dans un système aussi bien huilé, la seule question est donc de connaitre la date et l'intensité de l'effondrement. 5, 10, 30 ans ? Intensité selon Hubert Reeves type "Désert", "Geyser" ou "Vénus" ? Je vois que l'on peut vous transmettre des documents, si vous le souhaitez je peux construire 2, 3 schémas simplificateurs et vous les envoyer pour mieux illustrer tout ça. Cdlt JB 41 Alle Maßnahmen sollten die Fixkosten für Kraftfahrzeuge senken und die variablen Kosten entsprechend anheben, damit nicht der Besitz sondern die Benutzung von Fahrzeugen mit Kosten verbunden ist!

45 Incentives to develop and expand the use of bio-ethanol in Light and Heavy duty vehicles Incentives to expand the use of Flex-fuel vehicles (vehicles that can go on gasoline, pure ethanol or any combination of the two) and consumption of E85 Incentives to applying flex-fuel technology in hybrid vehicles and an increase of the allowed ethanol content in gasoline to at least 15% 46 Augmenter les capacités des transports en commun qui rejettent moins de CO2 que les véhicules. Favoriser le covoiturage... en bref inciter les gens à moins utiliser leurs véhicules. Continuer à imposer aux fabricants des rejets de plus en plus bas ou les inciter à innover, pour passer à des véhicules fonctionnant avec des énergies propres. 47 Selon moi, L’Europe a toujours donné l’exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. il faut qu'elle continue comme ça. Nous pourrions devenir les leader mondiaux dans cette politique. Il me semble également impératif de fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires. Cet objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour nous mettre en bonne voie vers un secteur des transports « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050. 49 Il me parait peu crédible de parler de réduction des émissions de CO2 provenant des véhicules routiers sans aborder la question de transports en commun fiables, fréquents et proches des citoyens (sans prises d'otages pour revendications notamment...). Si le parc des véhicules routiers continue de s'accroitre dans le monde, la diminution des émissions de CO2 par véhicule finira par ne pas produire à terme les fruits escomptés aujourd'hui. 50 Reducing emissions from vehicles is very important. Most manufacturers seem willing to step up to the line but it's a shame that others such as VW are resisting neccessary change. 51 As of 2012, the first European vehicle efficiency standard will apply (Reg. 443/2009 EC). Already, well before the official date of application, the legislation is delivering impressive results: since 2009 CO2 emissions from passenger cars have been decreasing rapidly, much more so than before the Commission’s proposal to limit emissions. The apparent ease with which the European automotive industry has shown these results, seems a legitimate argument to continue down this road, for instance towards an ambitious 2025 target (60 gCO2/km?). But at the same time, we have to realize that vehicle emissions standards alone will not deliver the greenhouse gas reduction targets in the EU Roadmap towards a low carbon economy and in the Transport White Paper. Basically, what we’re doing by setting ever more stringent vehicle emission standards, is making transport cheaper. Without additional measures (such as finding sustainable energy carriers for transport, road pricing, efficient logistics systems) this will lead to an increase in transport demand, thus partly negating the impact of this type of legislation.

53 Initiativen, die sich für eine nachhaltige Verkehrspolitik einsetzen (wie z.B. schon seit Jahrzehnten in Österreich der VCÖ), müssen auf europäischer Ebene viel stärker gewichtet, gefördert und auch gewürdigt werden.

54 Il faudrait exiger des lobbies pétroliers et automobiles qu'ils ressortent de leurs tiroirs les brevets concernant les moteurs à énergie libre et que toutes les découvertes de M. Tesla soient exploitées.

55 Whilst vehicle based emission targets are likely to be an important part of reducing CO2 emissions from road vehicles, it is also important to pay close attention to the cost impact these targets can have on manufacturers (development) and operators (fuel cost, maintenance cost, capital cost), there are already significant concerns about the Euro 6 regulations. Investing in other methods of carbon reduction such as improved infrastructure must also be a key objective. 59 On dirait que ce questionnaire à été fait par et pour les lobbies de l'automobile... Comme toujours, on demande au citoyen de faire un choix parmi des propositions pré-établies et non de donner son opinion...Ce n'est pas la réelle démocratie. Questionnaire trop ciblé sur la norme en matière de CO2. Et tout le reste: energie, agriculture, autres pollutions, gaspillage à grande echelle...? L'UE DOIT EN URGENCE APPRENDRE A CONSULTER SES CITOYENS 60 Mythe n°1: “Nous ne pouvons pas le faire” En 2007, lorsque l’Union européenne envisageait une baisse des émissions à 120g de CO2 par km en 2012, Volkswagen et d’autres constructeurs automobiles ont déclaré que c’était “techniquement irréalisable“. En conséquence, la cible a été affaiblie à 130g/km et retardée à 2015. Mais depuis que cet objectif est devenu force de loi, des améliorations ont été faites très rapidement – si rapidement en fait que certaines compagnies atteindront leur objectif avant 2015. Certains, comme , ont même mis en place leurs propres objectifs internes qui dépassent ceux fixés par la règlementation. Mythe n°2: “L’industrie va s’effondrer” Prévoir l’apocalypse pour un secteur industriel est l’une des tactiques favorites de toute industrie face au changement. Les câbles publiés par Wikileaks montrent qu’en 2008, Audi a fait valoir que fixer des objectifs d’émissions de manière juridiquement contraignante reviendrait à détruire l’industrie automobile. D’autres constructeurs automobiles ont fait leur propre prédiction, arguant qu’une telle législation constituerait “ une intervention massive dans la politique industrielle, au détriment de l’industrie européenne, et tout particulièrement allemande. ». Vous avez peut être remarqué que cette apocalypse industrielle ne s’est pas produite. Les règles sur les émissions de CO2 ont, au contraire, créé une dynamique, incitant à l’innovation et à la compétitivité. Le professeur Ferdinand Dudenhöffer expert de l’industrie automobile allemande, a fait remarquer que “l’expérience de la réglementation des émissions de CO2 des véhicules montre que les normes de consommation de carburant peuvent améliorer la capacité d’innovation du secteur de manière significative.” Mythe n°3: “Nous avons besoin de plus de temps” Alors que, en 2007, les constructeurs automobiles se plaignaient que la cible de 120g/km était inatteignable et que de surcroit ils ne pouvaient pas l’atteindre d’ici 2012, l’objectif de est passé à 130g et a été repoussé en 2015. Ce pour ne pas gêner les industriels qui affirmaient que cela prend beaucoup de temps pour développer de nouveaux modèles, et que les voitures qui seraient mis en vente en 2012 étaient alors déjà en production. Cependant, les objectifs de CO2 ne concernent pas chaque véhicule de manière individuel mais s’adresse à une moyenne de la flotte du constructeur. Cela permet donc de répartir les efforts et le bilan des émissions entre les différents modèles de voitures. Ainsi les constructeurs ont parfois grossi le nombre de petits modèles moins gourmands en énergie ce qui leur a permis de continuer à produire des véhicules fortement émetteurs. De plus, les constructeurs automobiles ne cessent d’améliorer leurs modèles bien après leur sortie sur le marché, en ajoutant notamment des options qui permettent une économie de carburant… Cette année par exemple, Volkswagen a présenté une Passat “ relookée” avec une efficacité améliorée… Les constructeurs nous leurrent quand ils font valoir le besoin de davantage de temps : ils nous prouvent chaque jour qu’ils n’ont pas besoin d’attendre la fin du cycle de production pour introduire des améliorations ! Mythe 4: “Cela va coûter trop cher” Un autre argument favori des constructeur est celui du coût, affirmant que toute évolution technologique résultera immanquablement en une augmentation du prix des véhicules. En 2007, l’ACEA a ainsi affirmé que les objectifs de réduction de CO2 pourraient faire augmenter le prix d’une nouvelle voiture de 3000 €. Selon l’ACEA, “Pour beaucoup de consommateurs, les voitures pourraient devenir inabordables”. Et pourtant, alors qu’on a vu les émissions de CO2 décroitre , les prix ont fait de même, même après ajustement de l’inflation ! Fedinand Dudenhöffer a alors déclaré que “l’adaptation et l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies est allée beaucoup plus vite et s’est révélée moins coûteuse que ce beaucoup attendaient“. Il a notamment mis en avant la technologie “stop-start” (qui coupe le moteur lorsque la voiture n’est pas en mouvement) comme une amélioration peu coûteuse. Actuellement, cela ajoute entre 250 et 300 € au prix total, et si la demande augmente, les coûts de production et donc d’achat diminueront encore ! L’option pourrait ainsi devenir un standard et être incluse sur l’ensemble des modèles. Par ailleurs, ce que les constructeurs ne disent pas suffisamment c’est qu’une voiture moins gourmande en énergie, c’est, à la pompe, un gain financier pour le consommateur… Mythe n°5: “Nos clients ne veulent simplement pas de voitures moins émettrices de CO2″ Les constructeurs nous le répètent à l’envi : s’il n’y a pas de marché pour les voitures à faibles émissions, comment peut-on s’attendre à voir les constructeurs les produire? Mais ce sont aussi eux qui motivent la demande via des campagnes de marketing agressives. Or, la majeure partie des budgets de marketing est aujourd’hui consacrée aux grosses voitures avec des émissions plus

64 L'Union européenne doit continuer à adopter des législations fortes pour réduire les émissions des véhicules et notamment se fixer un objectif ambitieux pour les véhicules utilitaires et les voitures à l'horizon 2025. L'objectif final à atteindre pour 2050 devrait être zéro carbone pour le secteur des transports

65 I hope that new legislation will help to reduce the emissions of CO2 of vehicles in EU countries and also in Ukraine. It's important to develop the bicycle infrastructure in the cities as an alternative transport.

68 L’Europe a toujours donné l’exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Elle doit continuer dans cette voie. Il est impératif de fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires. Cet objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour nous mettre en bonne voie vers un secteur des transports « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050. 69 Es sollte generell darüber nachgedacht werden, den Besitz von Fahrzeugen einzuschränken und mehr Möglichkeiten der Nutzung von Fahrzeugen zu gewährleisten (CarSharing etc.). Ein für mich denkbare Option (nach 2020) wäre die Installation eines Fahrzeugpools in allen Städten und Kommunen, so dass jeder die Möglichkeit bekommt, bei Bedarf ein Fahrzeug (per Chipkarte Transponder -> Abrechnung über Mobiltelefon etc.) direkt von der Strasse zu holen, um damit Erledigungen durchführen zu können, die der öffentliche Nahverkehr nicht möglich macht (z.B. Einkauf im Baumarkt, Freizeitaktivitäten [Bootfahren] etc.). Der Nichtbesitz von Fahrzeugen hätte den Vorteil, das nur noch notwendige/erforderliche Fahrzeuge mit professioneller Betreuung (Wartung, Versicherung, Emissionsüberwachung) zur Verfügung stehen würden und die überflüssigen Spritfresser verschwinden! Generell müsste aber der öffentliche Nahverkehr sowie das Bahn-/Busreisen atraktiver gemacht werden (günstiger, häufiger Takt etc.). Die Probleme auf unserem Planeten enstehen immer durch Gier und Besitzgeltungssucht (Beispiel SUV-Fahrzeuge)! Hier anzusetzen würde viele Problem lösen! 72 Il est impératif de fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires 79 Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, wesentlich erscheint mir, dass Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Straßenfahrzeugsstandards immer nur an der Oberfläche der Verkehrproblematik kratzen. Die Effizienz unseres Transportsystems ist seit 1950 kontinuierlich gesunken. Das liegt meiner Ansicht vor allem an der Korrelation mit dem Ausfall der Flächenpräsenz der Bahn. Gleichzeitig ist aber das Flächenwachstum der Siedlungstätigkeit weitergegangen. Das Konzentrieren auf einzelne Hubs ist keine volkswirtschaftliche Überlegungen sondern lediglich dem betriebswirtschaftlichen Denken der Verkehrsplaner und Bahngesellschaften geschuldet, die den Straßentransport als mit enormen öffentlichen Aufwand erhaltenden Sektor (Straßenbau und Erhaltung) als Gratisleistung verstehen und damit aufgrund der unverhältnismäßig geringen Kosten gar kein Interesse haben, dass wirtschaftlichste System zu verwenden. Zumindest hinsichtlich des Endenergieverbrauchs ist die Bahn aber aufgrund der Optimierung des Rad-Schienesystems das wirtschaftlichste (motorisierte) Transportmittel. Ich gehe davon aus, dass unsere derzeit signifikant in Frage gestellt Wirtschaftskraft zu einem nicht unwesentlichen Teil mit der „Transportlastigkeit“ unseres Handelns begründet ist. Man transportiert lieber, als zu produzieren, man transportiert lieber als zu denken, man handelt lieber mit Gütern als zu produzieren. Angeblich, weil die Produktion bei uns zu teuer ist – doch mehr noch wird es daran liegen, dass der Transport über weiter strecken innereuropäisch wie interkontinental zu günstig ist. Folgende 6 europäische Maßnahmen (restriktive und fördernde) sind meiner Meinung nach notwendig, um innerhalb von einer Generation unseren Wirtschaftsraum wieder stärken zu können: 1) Investitionsstopp für Straßenbau 2) Streichung von Pendlerförderungen 3) Besteuerung der technischen Energie (Treibstoffe, Strom) und Nahrungsmittel nach Brennwert 4) Förderung des Ausbaus von Radwegenetzen u.a. durch Rückbau der Straßen 5) Modernisierung von Nebenbahnen, Gleisanschlüssen für Gewerbe 6) Optimierung der TEN-Netze (geringere Geschwindigkeit von ca. 150km/h und dafür Nachzüge wären ökonomischer und erleichtern Mischverkehr von Güter und Personenzügen) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Martin Schönherr

80 Daß Europa hier massive Grenzwerte und Maßnahmen setzt - SEHR GUT. Leider nur weltweit gesehn ein Punkt - da die großen Industrie-Nationen auf Teufel komm raus produzieren und wahnwitzige Schadstoffmengen emittieren - und wir sollen sehr viel Geld ausgeben um zu reduzieren - verschlechtert massiv die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit europ. Unternehmen - Bzw fördert die Auslagerung / Abwanderung in Länder die billiger sind. 87 I believe that the increase in vehicle usage in countries like China should warn us that increasing pollution ought to be curtailed. Above all vehicles powered by "green" technolgies should be encouraged and introduced to markets world-wide, with incentives for manufacturers, such as some degree of government subsidy.

91 Die Festsetzung von Emissionsnormen für Straßenfahrzeuge spielt bei den Maßnahmen der EU zur Reduzierung dieser Emissionen eine wichtige Rolle 95 Der Staat muss seine Lenkungsfunktion wahrnehmen, um mittels Raumordnung, Unterstuetzung von Oeffentl. Verkehr und anderen Alternativen (Rad, Fussgaenger) die Verkehrsproblematik zu vermindern. Immerhin ist der Individualverkehr fuer einen sehr grossen Anteil der Emissionen verantwortlich, die letztlich aus sehr vielen Quellen kommen. Demnach muss hier weniger mit pull- sondern mit push-Massnahmen reagiert werden, dh mit Regelungen und strengeren gesetzl. Vorgaben. 108 The sooner we get serious about climate change, the less painful it will be when we decide to take serious action. It will be difficult now, but it will be even more difficult if we leave it until later.

110 Die vorgeschlagenen Grenzwerte für 2020 für Pkw und leichte Nutzfahrzeuge sind nicht anspruchsvoll genug um die Klimaschutzziele der EU zu erreichen. Es muss auch in die Erwägungen einbezogenen werden, dass die EU Vorschriften von vielen Ländern der Erde übernommen werden, so dass die Auswirkungen im Impact Assessment viel größer sind, wenn man dies berücksichtigt. Es müssen auch alle Nebenverbraucher bei der Ermittlung der Klimagasemission miteinbezogen werden. Es sollte eine Gesamtobergrenze für dien Strassenverkehr in der EU eingeführt werden. Bei Überschreitung der Grenze werden die Grenzwerte automatisch verschrärft. Nur das führt zur Zielerreichung 114 Einerseits lesen ich von EU-Bestrebungen die CO2-Emissionen von Straßenfahrzeugen zu reduzieren und anderseits sehe ich in Niederösterreich das Einstellen von vielen Bahnverbindungen und diese werden durch große BUSSE ersetzt. Diese großen Busse sind aufgrund von eigenartigen Fahrplänen unbesetzt und fahren wie Geisterbusse durch die Gegend. Immer mehr Holzladungen werden von der Schiene auf die Straße verlegt und die anderen Schwerlaster werden größer und drängen sich durch kleine Dörfer wo es vor der Zeit der NAVI's kaum Autos gab (LKWs bleiben auch öfters stecken). Wenn ich mit dem Auto unterwegs bin, sehe ich häufig LKW's die ehemalige Zug-Waggons huckepack haben. Die Feinstaubbelastung wird in unserer Region gar nicht gemessen (zumindestens nicht veröffentlicht). Ich frage mich, wie wirksam sind die, meines Erachtens wichtigen Bestrebungen der EU in meiner Region "Pröllistan". 123 L'Europe en tant que première puissance économique mondiale et 1er émetteur de GES se doit d'être moteur et ambitieuse sur les réductions de GES liées au transport. Cela représente un atout majeur pour ses entreprises au vu du prix qu'atteindra bientôt le pétrole. Les véhicules utilitaires, qui permettent l'approvisionnement des Européens jusqu'à chez eux, doivent être soumis à des réductions importantes de leur émission (et donc de leur consommation) afin de ne pas rendre le transport prohibitif pour l'acheminement des produits (et notamment les produits alimentaires). L'idéal serait que tous les transports routier européens soient sans émission de GES à l'horizon 2050. 127 As we need 80% reduction by 2050, targets really need to be made more stringent, especially as it is easier and more effective to take stronger action now- see UK's Stern Report. 128 If we are to secure a prosperous future for all EU inhabitants we must adress carbon dioxide emissions from transport. Taxes should reflect the respectie impact of the use of different vehicles to help incentivise lower carbon choices for example tax income from high emissions vehicles could be used to invest money into research for lower emissions vehicles and into infrastructure to enable more people to walk, cycle or take public transport safely. Increases in fuel duty will also help incentivise demand for lower emissions cars making it more profitable for car companies to produce vehicles in line with EU targets. A multi pronged approach must be taken: -Set ambitious CO2 targets for individual vehicles to drive innovation and reduce emissions at point of use. -Invest in public transport and safer cycling initiatives to reduce need for personal car use. - Incentivise more sustainable choices through vehicle excise duty an fuel duty increases. - Work with large companies to enable them to reduce their emissions caused from road transport of goods and services. - Don't let volkswagen scupper the deal. 129 I think it would be a good idea to stop exchanging the same type of goods. 131 The EU has led the way in cleaning up road vehicles and they should continue to do so. It is crucial that a target is set for 2025 for both cars and vanx. This target should be low enough to ut us on trajectory to fully de-carbonise the transport sector by 2050.

133 L’Europe a toujours donné l’exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Elle doit continuer dans cette voie. Il est impératif de fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires. Cet objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour nous mettre en bonne voie vers un secteur des transports « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050. 135 Je crois que l'Europe a toujours œuvré pour la réduction des gaz à effet de serre au niveau des transports et je l'encourage à continuer à agir dans ce sens. Je suis convaincu qu'un objectif d'ici à 2025, pour les voitures et les véhicules utilitaires, doit être fixé. J'espère que cet objectif nous permettra d'atteindre le "zéro carbone" dans le secteur des transports pour 2050. 136 I want clean air for my children and grandchildren and everyone else on this planet. 137 Dieses Thema ist für die Zukunft des Planeten sehr wichtig, künftige Generationen haben ebenso wie wir ein Recht auf ein Leben in einer intakten Welt! Das heißt aber, dass wir nicht nicht so verschwenderisch mit den Resourcen umgehen und die Umwelt vergiften dürfen wie bisher. Der ständige Anstieg der CO2-Emissionen von Straßenfahrzeugen ist ein gutes Beispiel, wie verantwortungslos die Politik handelt, auch natürlich hier in Österreich. Wir sind ja auch gerade deswegen eines der Schlusslichter in der EU bei der Erreichung der Reduzierung von Emissionswerten gemäß dem Kyoto-Abkommens. Österreich selber hätte sich ja ein mehr oder weniger ehrgeiziges Ziel gesetzt. Unsere Regierung bildet meiner Meinung nach ein trauriges Bild, das beweist auch wieder die Handlungsunfähigkeit bei den in den letzten Wochen wetterbedingt eingetretenen Feinstaubbelastungen mit gesundheitsgefährdenden Grenzwertüberschreitungen ohne irgendwelche Konsequenzen! Vielleicht könnte tatsächlich EU-weit etwas gegen diese Missstände und die ausufernden Emissionsbelastungen unternommen werden? Aber auch da bin ich pessimistisch, denn die Lobbys und die (Öl-)Wirtschaft regiert die Welt... 139 There should be a policy to encourage less use of motor vehicles. This could include better forms of public transport, more working from home, encouragement for people to move closer to where they work, rewards for families to move from being 2-car to 1-car, rewards for people to use bikes, higher taxation or penalties for those who use larger gas-guzzling vehicles, encourage the manufacturing of low fuel cars or alternative vehicles in the UK. Encourage the supermarkets, large distribution companies etc. to revert from having a minimal number of distribution points to having more distribution points closer to cities so that long-distance lorries don't have to travel so far. (This would also incease jobs). 140 Eine Annäherung an die Verkehrspolitik der Schweiz - Maut/Fahrverbote für Schwerfahrzeuge, Verlagerung des Güterfernverkehrs auf die Schiene - sollte angestrebt werden. 141 par pitié, faites brider les moteurs ! 144 I have participated from this consultation because in my opinion it will be possible to achive a larger reduction on emission from the already on the road fleet by improving the regulations on the annual mandatory vehicle testing with the equipment Chassis Dynamometers Smoke Test (CDST)testing. Because the testing with this equipment it is not so easy to influence the test as when the actual mandatory emission test with free aceleration. With the equipment Chassis Dynamometers Smoke Test (CDST)the vehicle engine will be producing the power as on the road. As used in Singapore with the official testing organisation STAI www.stai.com.sg/services01.html the test have showen the benefit from this tests. The duration of such a test is not time consuming (depending on the equipment chosen) around 10 minutes. I will be pleased to tell or give a presentation on this mather we have developed this equipment used in Singapore ate STA Vehicle Inspection. If you want to visit the comoany site www. vltest.com my telephone is +31(0)653 925 357

150 cette consultation citoyenne est une bonne idee L'Europe doit continuer a inciter son industrie a developper des solutions plus propres, d'autant que cela fournit a terme un avantage technologique. Il faut pour cela leur donner visibilité a plus long terme (2030 -2050) sur des objectifs plus ambitieux encore.

155 Schafft Gesetzte/ Regularien, dass Fahrzeughersteller dazu gebracht werden, dass ihr Produkte weniger Energie (Treibstoff, Strom etc.) benötigen!!! 156 Il est vital pour nos emplois et nos industries que l Europe soient a la pointe des vehicules peu emetteurs de gaz a effet de serre. Cela nous permettrait d etre competitifs et de developper nos parts de marche. Les consommateurs voient le prix du carburant augmenter regulierement et se tournent de plus en plus vers des vehicules moins gourmands. Donnons nous des objectifs a long terme aussi, pour que notre industrie ait un signal clair et investisse sans crainte pour prendre de l avance. Des objectifs a 2020, 2025 et meme a 2050 AMBITIEUX sont necessaires. Tendons vers le zero carbone. 166 Mindestens so bedeutend wie Regelungen von auf öffentlichen Straßen zugelassene Farzeuge wären Schadstoff-Erfassung und Lenkung von Baumaschinen, landwirtschaftlichen Geräten etc. Hier müßte eine Abgasprüfung jährlich verpflichtend werden, bei Festsetzung von ähnlichen Grenzwerten wie von Fahrzeugen im Straßenverkehr. Es ist auch die Frage ob geduldet werden soll, daß jeder Kleingarten um ein Haus mit Benzin-Rasenmähern gepflegt werden muß; Ähnliches auch für Laubbläser etc. So bemerke ich, daß es Selbstläufer- Rasenmäher ausschließlich für Rasenmäher mit Benzinmotoren gibt. Weiters ist ein Einwirken auf die Hersteller erforderlich, für Geräte ums Haus nurmehr Viertakt-Motoren bei Benzinbetrieb herzustellen, und eben nicht mit Gemisch-Schmierung, wie die heutigen Zweitaktmotore. So verwende ich um das Haus im Umkreis von 50 m nur Elektro-Kettensägen für Gehölzschnitt. es ist mir unverständlich, daß direkt neben dem Haus Kettensägen mit Gemisch-Schmierung/Zweitaktmotoren verwendet werden. 167 The motor industry will have to change and tight regulation will engender research into how that change can be made. If this is not carried out on a world wide basis Europe should go it alone; the initial dissadvantages in competition will be more than compensated for when the rest of the world - by then left behind - is also forced to make the change.

168 Depuis toujours, l’europe a donné l’exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. L'europe doit continuer dans cette voie et surtout avoir des objectifs très ambitieux. Etre ambitieux, c'est se fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires. Cela devrait mettre toute l'europe en bonne voie pour atteindre un secteur des transports « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050. 171 il est imperatif de diminuer au maximum les emissions de gaz à effet de serre. la technologie en est capable, seule la volonté de l'imposer en fera un fait. 172 Beim Fragenkomplex zu den schweren Nutzfahrzeugen war die Auswahlmöglichkeit seltsam gewählt. Entweder man konnte 'nur' einen Bereich wählen oder 'alle'. Eine Kombination verschiedener Bereiche war leider nicht möglich. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Christian Schuhmacher

173 Ich kann mich nicht durch die Gesetzestexte und Verordnungen durch arbeiten - dafür kenne ich mich zu wenig aus in technischen Dingen, daher habe ich nur die erste Frage beantwortet. Es sollte aber das maximal Mögliche gemacht werden, um den Ausstoß von CO2 und anderen klimaschädlichen Abgasen zu stoppen !!! So sollten z.B. auch Kreuzfahrten so teuer werden, wie es dem Schaden, den sie anrichten, entspricht. Ich fürchte der Klimawandel wird die Menschheit stärker und früher treffen, als den meisten bewusst ist. Hoffen wir das Beste. 177 Regulations stimulate innovation. The fight against climate change cannot be left up to consumers choices. With clear and stringent regulations, car manufacturers will use their huge innovation capabilities to offer cleaner vehicles as the only option on the market. It is up to regulators to provide the legal framework.

179 Je pense que le couplage du GPS et du régulateur ou limiteur de vitesse serait une bonne chose (avec entre autre les données concernant les limitations de vitesse, les zones à risques ...) Les véhicules pour la plupart sont déjà équipés de ces accessoires. Il serait possible de mettre des programmes qui permettrait de rouler à l'économie par exemple.

184 There are three questions where we have answered “no opinion”. This is because the debates surrounding these questions are actually quite complicated, and because it is difficult to adequately represent those concerns by selecting one of the available tick-boxes. For instance, measuring black carbon might be a good thing, but if it is a first step towards weakening CO2 limits because you are filtering out the black carbon from the associated impact assessment, then it would be illogical and self-defeating. The European Environment Agency estimates that cars are responsible for 14% of the EU’s total CO2 emissions, and they are the single largest source of transport emissions, representing around half of the total. CO2 emissions from the transport sector have increased by 29% since 1990, whereas those of other sectors decreased by 22%. The contribution of the transport sector to the EU’s CO2 emissions now stands at 30%, up from 20.5% in 1990. The real picture is actually even worse, mainly because transport greenhouse gas emissions statistics do not include lifecycle emissions, only ‘tailpipe’ emissions – those that come from burning fuel. In the case of oil, this leads to an underestimation of 20%. And biofuels are counted as zero CO2 – while in reality they are, at present, likely to be higher than those of oil. Transport is also critical in the debate on Europe’s energy dependence. Transport is responsible for about two thirds of oil use. Cars are the single biggest consumer of oil in the EU, responsible for using around half of transport sector demand and hence a third of all oil. At current oil prices Europe imports approximately €250 billion worth of oil every year, or €700m every day. For comparison - this is roughly the same amount as the Greek, Irish and Portuguese bailouts combined – every year. This is incredibly expensive and wasteful, only serving to further sap the EU economy, exacerbate inequalities, poverty and insecurity, and makes more difficult our very real sustainability challenges. The age of cheap oil is over. Reducing fuel consumption of cars is one of the most effective strategies to help achieve the EU's aspirational energy savings target of 20% by 2020. Efficiency savings is demonstrably the fastest, cheapest, most effective, flexible and safest way of getting our greenhouse gas emissions down. But it is not going to happen naturally. Instead, it requires real policy and inter-departmental legislative focus. What's more, we are increasingly forced to consider the risks involved in securing traditional energy sources. Inter-state wars have been fought over energy resources such as oil. Efforts to adjust energy provision in ways which maximise the potential for peace and development will fail if we refuse to become more discerning in terms of the sources and methods of energy provision which most of us take for granted. According to objective analysis, carmakers in Europe are heading for very significant ‘over-compliance’ with the CO2 regulation and are hence likely to hit the 130 g/km CO2 target for 2015 several years in advance. The industry as a whole reduced average CO2 emissions by 3.7% last year, continuing the trend of much faster reductions since adoption of the EU’s mandatory CO2 targets for cars. To date, the carmaking industry stands at an average CO2 emission of 140 g/km. This supports a wide range of studies has concluded that ‘ex ante’ (pre-regulation) cost estimates of environmental policy tend to systematically overestimate. For example, in the automotive world, the three-way catalysts for cutting exhaust pollution now cost around ten times less than the figures predicted in the late 1980s. This is valuable information to know in future emissions compliance negotiations with carmakers in the implementation periods after 2015. We support Transport and Environment's recommendation that ‘weight’ is a bad parameter to base CO2 standards on, proposing to base CO2 standards on the surface area between the car's four wheels. This is how the USA regulates CO2 emissions from different vehicles (explicitly for exploiting lightweighting, as well as for reasons of safety). Research commissioned by Transport and Environment found that basing CO2 standards on the car’s ‘footprint’ is likely to allow cheaper and deeper CO2 reductions, and likely to lead to safer vehicles than weight-based standards. We also believe the Commission should publish a proposal that would account for the full climate impact of biofuels on transport emissions, including the emissions resulting from indirect land use change. The policy should be fixed by introducing feedstock-specific ‘ILUC factors’ that reflect emissions from indirect land use change for different types of biofuel crops. The Commission should review these factors periodically, revising them as necessary in order to reflect the best available scientific evidence. 188 Il es tplus que temps de prendre des décisions contraignantes. Lorsque l'on voit que la ville de Pékin est en train de mourrir de sa pollution, notamment athmosphérique(cfr. METRO belge francophone du 6 décembre 2011), il est impossible de continuer à transporter tout un tas de marchandises et de personnes sans que l'Europe apporte des réflexions ET des décisions drastiques afin de limiter cela. Ne pas le faire relèverait, selon moi, du génocide pur et simple. 190 The change to using alternative energy sources instead of fossil fuels has to be made asap, we need tougher guidelines, but the penalties for non complaisance also need to be tough (for the car makers & the nation states). 191 Wir könnten viel mehr CO2 einsparen, wenn wir unser Verhalten ändern würden. Also sollte der Staat auch fördern, die Menge der gefahrenen km zu reduzieren. Hier hängen gerade überall Plakate für Lufthansa-Billigflüge: Weihnachts-Shoppen in New-York (was für ein Irrsinn, für so etwas Werbung zu machen). Europa sollte Flugbenzin besteuern und Subventionen für Flughäfen bestrafen (die bayerische Staatsregierung bezahlt dem Münchner Flughafen aus Steuermitteln Prämien für jeden Start und jede Landung, um gegen Frankfurt Marktanteile zu gewinnen). 194 We only have one World, we must look after it! 195 L'Europe a toujours donné l'exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Elle doit continuer dans cette voie. Il est impératif de fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires. Cet objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour nous mettre en bonne voie vers un secteur des transports "zéro carbone" d'ici à 2050. 196 Alternatives to vehicle based limits should only be considered if they can be successfully enforced in all EU countries, are more or less fraud-proof and don't pose an excessive administrative burden on governments (as measured against vehicle limits). Taxation or emission trading are probably more economically efficient, but in this regard real and predictable reductions are the main goal. Efficiency should come second. 199 I submit these suggestions as a person who would be detrimentally affected by some of my suggestions as a car owner at this time allowed to pollute more than others As a family who would be detrimentally affected by the inevitable increase in holiday flight costs We as a planet must change our ways and the politics that prevent implementation of what has to be, just to remain in office has to be recognised rejected and not rewarded. 204 The problem with setting targets based only on averages for new vehicles is that low emission vehicles can 'cross subsidise' high-emission vehicles. I think as well as an average, there should be an absolute maximum set for different categories of vehicle. For example, no 4- or 5-seater cars at all should be allowed to emit more than 150gco2 perkm

205 Apply a system of allowing each citizen of Europe a limited amount of CO2 emission-rights, and organize a banking system. When tanking petrol one also has to pay individual emission rights. Put a cap on the total amount of emissions rights, and lower the cap in the course of the years. Cyclists can sell their rights to people who want to drive. If many want to drive, the price of personal emission rights will go up. 209 we have got to take greenhouse gas emissions seriously and stop the lobbying by strong, powerful bodies who have an interest in blocking progress and in maintaining their profits at the expense of the planet 220 C'est le moment de se bouger. Plus que d'habitude. 222 The EU needs to support the implementation of the infrastructure needed to run hybrid or electric vehicles - by obliging petrol stations to provide both options. At present electric vehicles cannot replace conventional vehicles because they are not practical to use as the recharge points are few and far between. Until this changes the vehicle manufacturers will not invest in developing this technology to a sufficient level for it to provide a real option for transport. If the EU does not control carbon emissions from vehicles there will not be a planet for our children to inherit. This planet is not a gift to this generation to use as they will but a responsibility for which we have a duty of care for the generations to follow. 233 I consider this a hugely important issue and feel the strongest possible action should be taken as soon as possible. I also think that the EU is the right body to be leading the way on this global issue.

238 Road vehicles must reduce emissions of all pollutants on a continuing basis. 239 Tout le monde doit participer a l'effort de reduction des emissions de gaz a effet de serre, c'est crucial pour notre avenir! 243 Questionnaire intéressant, j'espère qu'il seras suivis un minimum. Le seul bémol : Des questions aux tournures trop complexe pouvant être largement clarifiées. Merci de donner la parole aux citoyens européens.

248 We only have the one planet and our current fuels are almost used up. We must turn to alternative greener sources of renewable sources. 250 Il ne faut pas créer des lois qui ne consisteront qu'à faire payer des amendes en réponse aux infractions, car ceux qui en ont les moyens contournent alors les lois; il faut réellement contraindre les lobbies industriels, entreprises et particuliers en appuyant les sanctions d'un suivi judiciaire, et s'assurer de la réelle mise en oeuvre de ces lois et mesures. Il faut aussi un vrai travail d'accessibilité financière et administrative aux personnes désireuses de respecter ces normes environnementales, voire des avantages pour inciter à les respecter. 252 The power of companies and industries to lobby government is worryingly overt, meaning that achievable, realistic and holistic regulations get derailed and shelved, never re appear, much to environmental detriment. The governments really need to take a more proactive stance against vested interests and fight actively for environmental causes while it is still possible to remedy the situation. 255 Bitte lassen Sie sich nicht von der Lobby der Fahrzeughersteller kleinkriegen. Die Menschen müssen mit dem zukünftigen Klima leben nicht die Aktionäre. 265 I think we need to continue pressing forward with all such strategies and policy formulation and implementation in order to reduce emissions from road vehicles. Surely in the longer term, a return to a cleaner and healthy environment is of greater benefit to all than the shorter term profitability of the vehicle industry and short sighted addictions to fossil fuels. We have the technology to do this and I believe this is the right path to follow. We must always be wary of powerful voices with vested interests. 277 L'Europe doit poursuivre son travail dans la voie de la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans le domaine des transports et surtout doit donner l'exemple auprès des autres Etats gros émetteurs de GES dans ce domaine. L'Europe a l'obligation de fixer des objectifs ambitieux pour 2025 que ce soit pour les voitures ou pour les véhicules utilitaires. Ces mesures devront nous orienter vers une politique des transports sans carbone à l'horizon 2050. 280 I am appalled by the short-termism and lack of urgency in the face of possible environmental catastrophe. CO2 emission reduction is vital and urgent. As a grandmother, I feel ashamed that we are handing over such enormous problems to the next generation. We should be pouring money into education to produce scientists who can improve the technology still further. We have a growing army of jobless people who should be employed specifically to convert all road vehicles to the latest, greenest technology. We've come a long way from the gas-guzzling cars and HGVs of the 1980s, but we need to go much much further and much much faster towards vastly reduced emissions. 281 There is a powerful lobby resisting sensible care of the environment with people making large profits from the current system. This is far too important to allow the free market and individuals to take responsibility for. History demonstrates that the current system does not work. Unpopular and hard hitting legislation is needed to save us from ourselves. My and everyone elses children and grandchildren will suffer from the current disregard for the environment. The planet is already significantly affected by pollution and climate change. Bold and clear legislation is needed. Please take the responsibility that has been assigned to you by the electorate and do the necessary hard work. 286 I hope our scientists are correct about Greenhouse gases (there seems to be some controversy) but we (the public) have to trust them and take all measures and make any sacrifices (especially by 'Big Business') necessary to save the planet.

287 there should be a Target - immediatly, or heavy fines - car production should have began -begin now with assistance from the banks - 289 Plutôt que d'obéir aux exigences des lobbies de l'automobile, l'union européenne se doit de combattre les trusts et promouvoir les projets indépendants trop souvent ignorés ou bien tués dans l'oeuf par les acteurs du marché (rachat de brevets, impossibilité de financement...). Promouvoir l'autonomie des moyens de transport (par exemple, stations de recharge électrique individuelles). Réglementer le poids de nos véhicules. Interdire le diesel sur les petits véhicules urbains. Organiser le transport sur rail pour mettre fin aux traversées du territoire par les transports routiers internationaux. Faire une étude indépendante sur l'impact réel des transports en commun (en réduire la taille et multiplier leur nombre). Promouvoir la fluidité et la séparatioin des flux urbains plutôt que de se focaliser sur la vitesse.... (généralisation des feux de signalisation automatiques ?). Imposer à tous les véhicules un dispositif de mesure de la consommation instantannée. Créer des grandes zones de stationnement GRATUITES en périphérie de toutes les grandes agglomérations. Promouvoir le local dans tous les secteurs (protectionnisme fiscal). 293 I recently had to buy a new car. I wanted the best low emmission car i could get. The only real option was the Fiat 500 TwinAir but that is not designed for long distance driving (comfortably - I have some disabilities). I ended up having to compromise my beliefs and practices on looking after our environment simply because there wasnt a suitable car for me in the price range I could afford. This is not fair. We need more options, cheaper, NOW! 302 No manufacturers should be able to influence the outcome of this issue in a negative way which allows for the worsening of CO2 emissions 304 Der Waren verkehr soll nicht leiden, aber manche Fahrten müssen nicht sein. der Flugverkehr gehört stark verteuert. Das Verkehrsnetz muß auf zahlreichere Radwege bereichert werden, PKWs dafür eingeschränkt werden( weniger Pargplätze, mehr 30er Zonen). Die Bahn und der Nahverkehr gehört effizienter und billiger. Der LKWverkehr muss verteuert werden, um die Fahrer nicht so auszubeuten (Fahrtzeiten) und die Fahrzeuge Verkehrssicher zu machen. 305 ...weil zeitlich begrenzt an anderer Stelle MfG 308 The dependence on oil for transport is a strong driver for climate change, and has to be addressed forthwith if we are to prevent de-stabalising effects on our European and Global societies. There is much to be gained by taking a pro-active stance and not a retrograde one here. 313 I cannot believe that politicians are banging on about the economy whilst the planet is in such danger. If we have no planet left, the economy won't matter any more. 322 L’Europe a toujours donné l’exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Elle doit continuer dans cette voie. Notamment en fixant un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires. Cet objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour nous mettre en bonne voie vers un secteur des transports « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050. 331 Insbesondere sollten Fahrzeuge gefördert werden, die mit Biogas und zertifiziertem Bioethanol fahren. 334 I want my grandchildren to live in a equable climate. We need to act now. 335 Das wichtigste ist, dass alle Politiker Nachhaltig denken! 340 the cost of not doing this effectively will be infinitely greater in the longer term 347 I think this issue is really important although I realise there may be adverse commercial spinoff. Hopefully our motor industry will become a market leaders as a result wilh positive commercial beniefits for the UK. 357 des mesures d'aides au financement de pistes cyclables et aux associations cyclistes pourraient être efficace. 365 We need more ambitious objectives for the future. I hope that we will reach zero carbon in the transport sector by 2050 at the latest. 366 all scientific experts know that vehicle emissions must be reduced. The problem is that the voting public have not really taken this on board. Education at all levels of society has become a high priority.

367 The EU has thus far led the way in reducing vehicle emissions. Early adoption of technology by some European companies has been instrumental in leading innovation in low-carbon transport. However, it is also notable that low-carbon vehicles still only represent a small fraction of the overall market; therefore it is vital that regulation is used to stimulate innovation. Regulation should be more than simple taxation, which if relied upon too heavily may penalise businesses. Emissions standards would create a strong economic incentive for manufacturers to develop affordable, low-carbon techologies for use in their vehicles. They would also create incentives for more widespread uptake of these technologies. It is important that we think beyond 2020 in regard to vehicle emissions - while it is not essential to set specific long-term targets, illustrative budgets should be used, along the same lines as the existing 5-year Carbon Budgets. A reducing cap system should be used to ensure that emissions do not stagnate or increase after 2020. The eventual target should be complete decarbonisation of the transport system by 2050. Finally, it is vital that a strong EU Fuel Quality Directive is brought into legislation soon. This should include restraints on the use of the most carbon-intensive fuels, such as coal and tar sands oil, in road transport. 373 Quite simply, why would you not want to significantly reduce CO2 emissions? 375 Die EU sollte den Flugverkehr bei der CO2 Reduzierung auch mit berücksichtigen. Und das Flugbenzin endlich entsprechend dem CO2 Ausstoß besteuern. Alternativen zum Personenkraftwagen und Nutzfahrzeuge aufzeigen und mehr fördern. Z.B. den Radverkehr, Fussgänger, Bahn Güterverkehr mit der Bahn.

384 Die durch die Emissionen verursachten Umweltschäden betreffen alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Die Kosten sollten verstärkt auf die Verursacher abgewälzt werden. Emissionen sollten kräftig besteuert werden - sonst werden auch keine sparsamen Technologien entwickelt. Öffentlicher Personennahverkehr sollte von der Besteuerung ausgenommen werden. 398 Please hurry! Strict emissions reduction legislation is even more urgently needed in this economic crisis period. 399 Die wahren Kosten des Benzins sind in den Preisen nicht enthalten. Unter Berücksichtigung der Sicherung ölpolitischer Interessen (BioFuels for Transportation, World Watch Institute prepared for BMELV, 2006) und CO2-Kosten liegt der Preis für Benzin bei 136 Cent pro Liter ohne Steuer.

406 The effect of emissions on health, particularly children's health, should be given greater prominence. 410 Renewable energy generation (especially wind turbines and domestic electricity e.g. PV panels) should be incentivised. The imminent reduction in the FIT for domestic generation will prove counterproductive.

416 It is important to reduce the demand for private and commercial transport. Excessive mobility of the population is one of the main causes of emissions. Localisation of employment, services and amenities should also take priority.

417 Hydrogen powered fuel cells should be promoted and developed. This requires a hydrogen distribution infrastructure. It would be an appropriate use of wind generated energy for producing hydrogen to feed into such an infrastructure. This would use all the available wind energy despite variations in wind velocity. Such development would provide much needed employment at many skill levels and result in an eminently exportable technology. At the same time research into other sustainable methods of producing hydrogen should be encouraged and accelerated. Research and development on these lines could be an excellent investment in a truly sustainable future. Leslie Smith, Ch.Chem, FRSC, (retired chemist) 426 Please stop regulating everything! It has brought enough misery and red tape already. Instead encourage the use of really CO2 neutral fuels such as unmodified cooking oil (used or new), biogas, E100. Encourage inventiveness through de-regulation of approval and certification processes so that private developers and small businesses can join in in finding solutions, make sure you create an evvironment where owners and small businesses find it easy to adapt current technology, develop current technology further or come up with something new and where bureaucracy does not discourage initiatives in the first step already- as it is the case in many other areas already. Stop regulating everything! 430 Vehicle GH gas emission standarrds should be based on the average GH gas emissions of new vehicles only if the average is high enough to actually make a difference to overall GH gas levels. There is no point in having any targets if they are too low to make any significant difference.

438 Il existe des technologies annexe par exemple le moteur a air comprimé qu'il serait bon de voir également. On peut s'interroger sur l'opposition entre les intérêts financier et donc personnel par rapport au bien de tous, la réside un frein énorme a de nombreuse évolution nécessaire a ce jour. Dans notre civilisation basée sur l'image pourquoi ne pas utilisez les même arme de communication que les société a but lucratif , pour expliquer justifier les prise de résolution ? Doit on forcement laissez l'initiative technologique au société privée ? il faut tenir compte de l'évolution des mentalités publique qui rendre les choses réalisable beaucoup plus rapidement que ce qui été prévu, a mon avis c'est une question de choix d'investissement en matière de recherche et le rôle des institution public est vraiment d'orienté ce choix pour le bien du plus grand nombre. 440 New markets are being opened up constantly in countries that don't understand the effects on the environment or just don't care. regulations and incentives must be put in place because market behavior effects the whole earth. Greed, short sightedness or a misplaced sense of fairness can't be allowed to ruin things for the majority of living beings, we share the earth with.

449 La diminution des GES, passe aussi et surtout par un développement des transports collectifs pour les peuples (train notamment et dans les villes (tram, velo) et pour les marchandises (train, fluvial, maritime) et surtout par une politique d'achat économe en transport. Un exemple : la SNCF en réorganisant les horaires, en privilégiant le TGV et en négligeant les correspondances contribue à rendre la voiture moins chère en transport et en temps, ce qui est un non sens écologique.

454 The only viable technology in my opinion is a rapid push towards electric cars with electricity provided by on-board hydrogen fuel cells. Importantly, hydrogen production being produced only via clean energy plants - nuclear or fossil fuel plants with 100% carbon capture facility installed. The emerging 'clean technology' sector will provide new economic growth/jobs and help save the planet.

458 An "Leiden" der Politik ist, dass sie häufig den Gegebenheiten hinterherhinkt. Also statt vorausschauendem Agieren bleibt oft nur die Reaktion auf bereits stattgefundene Veränderungen. Dies erscheint mir insbesondere beim Klimaschutz der Fall zu sein. Die Erhöhung des CO2-Anteils in der Atmosphäre erfolgt so rasch, dass sämtliche bisher getroffenen Maßnahmen dagegeben fast als sinnlos erscheinen. Ich wünsche mir daher wesentlich drasterische Ziele (niedrigere Werte in kürzerer Zeit, Verbot von CO2-Schleudern). Vor allem, da wir offensichtlich nicht auf freiwillige Mitarbeit der betroffenen Unternehmen zählen können. Außerdem drastische Sanktionen gegen Unternehmen, welche die Ziele nicht einhalten.

459 I appreciate the European Commission's attention to this matter, which I believe is a vitally important one - for climate change and also for improvement of air quality especially in urban areas, with its knock-on impact on health. I strongly support decisive actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to reduce energy use associated with vehicles, and associated with transport infrastructure, as far as possible. As well as regulatory measures (which essentially are restrictions or penalties), making such changes mainstream will likely require investment of public funds to develop new technologies and to facilitate their trialling and roll-out (by direct research grants, incentives such as tax breaks, and public recognition of noteworthy contributions - possibly reward schemes open to private researchers and inventors). I see the future as an exciting one, with great opportunities for innovation, and economic and social benefits. Thank you once again for this chance to contribute to the consultation. 460 I fail to see why targets are set so far off. I think more immediate targets should also be set so that the true urgency of the situation is publicly acknowledged. If your child's life is at stake you do not say we will address the problem in a years time - you address it at once. The car manufacturers and oil companies can have no complaints - they have profited happily for many years and have to recognise that it is payback time. Had they addressed the problem sooner in a responsible manner they could have invested a realistic proportion of their obscene profits sooner in renewable energy technologies. If a manufacturer of babies milk powder were found to have a product that induced an allergic reaction in some babies they would be forced to remove their products from the shelves and solve the problem immediately - they would also need to pay out considerable sums in damages to those affected. Oil companies and car manufacturers should be overwhelmingly grateful that they are being given so much time to resolve the problems that their products have created. 461 I believe that clear and fair long term regulation is essential to give manufacturers the confidence to invest in the clean low-carbon technology we need for the future, and to create a level playing field.

462 I think we should look into more environmentally friendly cars, such as electric, and encourage car companies to subsidise the manifacturing of these and help bring them onto the market. I think the governments should encourage the use of bio fuels, and stop companies like VW lobbying the governments to keep the environmental policies from being put into place. We must look at the all urgently as we cannot sustain this use of fossil fuels, and in the long run it will save us money, and the environment. Thank you 463 Je pense que l'UE a toujours donné l’exemple en matière de développement durable et notamment de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Il est impératif que cette démarche exemplaire perdure. Ainsi; il est primordial de fixer un objectif à 2025 pour tous les véhicules à moteurs, les voitures comme les véhicules utilitaires. Cet objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour nous mettre en bonne voie vers un secteur des transports « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050.

467 If a line is drawn, after which no internal combustion cars are sold in the EU, then car companies can compete openly to get the best out of electric and hydrogen. If Europe take the lead in this they will also gain the advantage as far as developing the technology is concerned. Electric and hydrogen cars can be fuelled via the national grid. That is far easier to control in terms of using big renewable schemes. Incentives can be used for fuelling at night, or fuel cells can be transported from electricity producing areas. Weaning ourselves off of oil has to be good for energy security as well as the environment. Bio diesal and bio ethanol only perpetuate the internal combustion technology, and hamper innovation, as well as having dubious environmental benefit. 468 The cost to consumers of failing to prevent a destabilised climate will far exceed the costs of increased vehicle regulation. This must always be kept in mind. 469 schluss mit dem lobbyismus !!!! 472 Ich würde mir eine ambitioniertere und verbindlichere Festsetzung von Grenzwerten wünschen. Die europäische Autoindustrie ist hoch innovativ und sollte, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die asiatische Konkurrenz, zu einer umweltverträglicheren Entwicklung angeregt werden. Denn langfristig könnte sich daraus ein Wettbewerbsnachteil ergeben. Insbesondere falls andere große Wirtschaftsräume, z.B. die USA oder China, niedrigere Grenzwerte festlegen sollten. Letztendlich sollte der Verkehr dem Menschen dienen.

485 Without legislation, the progression of technology will be much slower. 487 I would strongly suggest that EU policies should focus on supporting the development of public transportation (not least in rural areas). The general patterns of transportation have to be changed in order to transform lifestyle and societies in Europe to a sustainable functioning

491 The focus of new / updated legislation needs to be on the outcome of reducing CO2 emissions, not on overly-prescriptive procedures. Legislation that is too prescriptive, e.g. about exactly how certain vehicles can be used, or exactly what types of fuel certain vehicles can be powered by, will simply alienate countries and users. This will mean that the overall objectives will be resisted and change will not happen. Life-cycle emissions are also key, e.g. electric cars powered by fossil-fuel burning power stations may well be a retrograde step, given the inherent inefficiencies of power stations and power distribution across a national grid. The energy taken to produce, replace and dispose, and the wider environmental implications of using new technologies such as batteries for electric/hybrid cars, must also be considered. Legislation must result in an overall reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and reduction in risk to the environment, and not merely a 'statistical' success of reducing point-of-use emissions. 500 For quality of living, not only to this, but all future generations, it is importaint, that we save natural resources and habitats. Road traffic is "driving" consumptionism and polluting endangered areas all over the World. It should remain, but it should pay the appropriate price - in sense of sustainable development.

501 Vehicle manufacturers need to be made to develop and adopt new technologies faster than they would by their own choices. 507 Öffentlichen Verkehr subvensionieren, Investitionen in Strassen kritisch kontrollieren. Bestehende Straßen instandhalten statt neue Straßen zu bauen. 508 Adoptez ces mesures qui sont bonnes : -pour la santé des européens, -pour l'environnement, -pour l'économie européenne (R&D + relocalisation) nos enfants vous diront merci ! 513 Electric vehicles, strongly related with renewable energy sources, should be strongly promoted and public investments on electricity supply point should be developped. 516 L'Europe a toujours donné l'exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Elle doit continuer dans cette voie. Il est impératif de fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires. Cet objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour nous mettre en bonne voie vers un secteur des transports "0 carbone" d'ici à 2050 522 Es sollte eine Verlagerung von der Straße auf die Schiene gefördert werden. Gleichzeitig ist die Besteuerung von Treibstoffen für alle Verkehrsträger anzugleichen und die Grenzwerte für Emmissionen bei Schiffen (Binnenschiffahrt und Hochsee) und Flugzeugen sollten denen des Straßenverkehrs ähneln (Ausstoss per tonnenkilometer oder personenkilometer) 523 We need to stop bowing and scraping to those who would rather consider their shareholders, rather than our planets finite resources!!!! The game is up, We either stop this obsession with greed and power...... OR WE DIE! The UK in 2017The environment in 2017: a polluted wasteland hit by floods and droughtsPollution and climate change create misery with petrol and energy prices at record levels and flooding rife Catastrophic environmental damage and floods, such as these seen in Tewkesbury, are likely to increase in the next few years. Photograph: Daniel Berehulak/Getty In 2017, the snarled-up roads of just six years earlier are a fading memory for many. A huge road and bridge building programme has left the nation with hundreds of miles of fresh tarmac, but the free passage motorists enjoy owes more to record petrol prices and falling incomes keeping people off the roads. Air pollution eases on the motorways, but the stubborn hotspots in cities remain in flagrant breach of European law. The latest austerity measures have slashed funding for clean-up projects, despite the costs to health and the certainty of heavy fines for the UK. Air pollution also crops up as the latest obstacle to the planned "Boris island" airport in the Thames estuary, where weak demand for holiday flights has also undercut the economic rationale. Further up the Thames, the giant flood barrier has seen an unprecedented level of use as climate change causes increasingly heavy winter storms. In the north, central Leeds still remains all but abandoned after the overwhelming of the flood defences, whose upgrade was cancelled for cost reasons. Those made homeless are housed in some of the estates built outside the city after planning rules had been radically relaxed but across the country many remain vacant as would-be buyers find mortgages impossible to get. A flashpoint is the Norfolk Broads, where the relaxing of rules protecting wildlife and places of natural beauty permits new building, to the horror of environmentalists. Another rural battle is fought in the west country, where the culling of badgers to control bovine TB is halted after an activist is shot. Global warming has had a different effect in the south-east, where the drought conditions persist for the second year running, forcing compulsory metering and sharp rises in water bills. The same effect drives up food prices, as supermarkets are forced to stock more expensive alternatives to the fruit and vegetables no longer coming from the parched Mediterranean nations. British farmers try to fill the gap, but plummeting subsidies from the debt-stricken European Union means prices still rise. Adding to the challenge of balancing household budgets are record energy prices. With the government having failed to convince investors to fund nuclear power - plans for new stations are now abandoned - or the vast offshore wind farms hoped for, there is a new dash for gas. But with the international gas supply dominated by Russia and its new Arctic finds, costs soar. The development of the UK's shale gas fields remains uncertain, as geological problems are compounded by persistent protests that stop drilling. Protest have also blocked onshore windfarms in Wales, which is struggling to meet its carbon targets. One bright spot is Birmingham, where a huge energy-efficiency programme, has transformed the city's homes, cutting bills and making it almost the only part of the nation where property prices have remained stable. Thanks to the dash for gas, and the failure to get carbon capture and storage technology off the ground, the UK's carbon emissions are rising. With the International Energy Agency declaring that the world has now built all the fossil-fuel-burning infrastructure it can without tipping into runaway global warming, a newly-emerged "clean bloc", led by Germany and Japan, threatens imminent carbon penalties on imports from "dirt

524 We need CO2 emission reduction regulations to achieve necessary CO2 reductions. They will not be achieved if industry and the public are left to reduce emissions voluntarily. Adddionally, I believe that developing economies, China in particular, are intent on developing low CO2 emission technology and that the EU must also develop such technologies if we are to gain competetive advantage in world markets. Again, legislation is required to ensure that our industry moves in the right direction. In the long term, oil will run out. Fuel security is a global issue. The sooner we embrace sustainable technologies the better. 532 Greater use of all public transport should be legislated for, especially in the UK. Greater use of canals should also be encouraged, by freight especially. 534 The consultation focuses primyarily on making the vehicles themselves greener. This is to be welcomed, but above all, it is imperative that traffic levels are reduced. The purpose of transport is to get people or goods from one place to another, and we need to have a decent strategy for achieving this with the lowest-possible energy use and carbon emissions. We also need to reduce traffic levels for other reasons. The congestion in European towns and cities is bane on the lives of many people, including many who do not even own cars. We need to adopt a whole variety of measures to do this. Some of these are well-known - for example, providing affordable public transport and encouraging more walking and cycling. But we also need to design settlements to minimise the need for motorised transport, e.g. by ensuring that new residential developments are close to shops and public services. 547 If the scientists are correct and the planet temperature rises by 4 degrees. We risk extinction. Only courageous and enforced political initiatives will prevent this. In comparison, does anything else matter?

548 I t hink that it is very important that legislators tell the industry what their emissions limits are and do not lsten to what the vested interests say they can deliver. Given sufficient motive, they can develop solutions to the issues. However, there are vested interests in the status quo. The market will deliver the best solution but the regulators must define the problem. 551 The Commission should resist commercially driven lobbying by the motor industry to weaken these measures. They may think that lax regulation will benefit their commercial interest, but they are wrong. Efficient vehicles will compete most successfully in future global markets and an efficient, green motor vehicle industry is in the interest of manufacturers, employees and other stakeholders - as well as best serving the environment. 552 By setting demanding targets on emissions for vehicle manufacturers, you will force them to stop dragging their heels on increasing the fuel efficiency of their products. Even now, why are manufacturers allowed to produce inefficient, gas guzzling vehicles. My family and I have a right to breath unpolluted air and I look to the EU Commission to do all in its powers to help in achieving this right. 554 Erstellen Sie strenge , aber technisch machbare Zielvorgaben. Setzen Sie Maßstäbe für die Bewohner unseres Planeten und nicht in erster Linie für die Hersteller. Diese werden über den Zwang zur Innovation und der Zielvorgabe auch ihre Vorteile erhalten.

573 It is extremely urgent that we act on climate change and as vehicles are an important source of greenhouse gases the EU has the responsibility to minimise their emissions now and in future. The acceptable levels of emmission should be reduced every five years with a clear roadmap.

575 Society must stop looking at private transport as a status symbol 'macho-man' symbol of virility. Stop advertising the car as a sex symbol/machoisimo. Invest more research into hydrogen powered cars and do not tax private producers of hydrogen if they produce it from their own rivers or farms!!! Stop overtaxing moterists who strive to use cleaner fuels.

576 The EU regulating emissions sends a clear signal to industry and consumers alike that this is a serious issue and action needs to be taken by all sides. Action is perfectly possible, but some members of industry are likely to procrastinate and lobby hard to avoid ambitious targets. It is a short-sighted stance, as it is definitely not in the interest of the general public. It is in the interest of industry itself to innovate, as to be a leader on the world stage, it must be ahead of the game. Retaining unambitious and slow targets will not achieve this. 577 Réduire la part des transports dans l'émission des gaz à effet de serre implique également d'encourager à MOINS utiliser certains moyens de locomotion: - privilégier la marche, le vélo pour les trajets courts; - pratiquer le covoiturage, le ferroutage; - développer les transports publics urbains (bus, tram, cheval) et les réseaux ferrés régionaux, à des prix attractifs, accessibles à tous; - réduire les vitesses maximum autorisées en voiture.

580 I believe that it would be beneficial if commercial companies were provided with an incentive scheme to enable them to switch to more fuel-efficient vehicles. If the measures imposed are too punitive it could lead to them actively seeking out loop-holes to try and circumnavigate them, rather than comply.

582 I consider it the duty of this generation to do all it can to preserve and conserve life, and the quality of life, of all living organisms. Helping to reduce greenhouse gases, by all possible means, is a vital part of this aim.

583 Climate change is a great danger to humanity globally, and we must reduce greenhouse emissions, following the advice of climate change scientists, eg IPCC, not politicians, who just wonder if they are going to be re-elected, and are frightened by big business lobbies, rather than thinking of ordinary people and their grand-children.

595 We should move away from the idea of a growth economy. Encouraging people to buy things they do not want or require is the main source of the problem. There is too much "stuff" being moved around the world, only to be dumped at the end of its life.

596 Il est important que l'Europe continue à agir fortement pour être exemplaire dans la réduction des émissions carbones. Il devient essentiel de mettre une législation chiffré et importante sur les véhicules comme les véhicules utilitaires d'ici 2025. Si on veut avoir une chance de réellement atteindre le presque 0 émission carbone d'ici 2050, ces mesures sont essentiels 601 We have to be strong on targets- it is too important to back off now- the stronger the better, it is our planet and our grandchildlrens future 602 getting spare parts to the garages also creates CO2 emissions, let the boats use sails instead of fuel to transport the parts and manufacture them if possible as close as possible to the dealers.

612 What else can i say, will it even be taken into consideration ?? or are we fighting a losing battle to regulate our seriously polluted air quality ?? . . 632 I am afraid. Please stand up to corporate lobbying and do everything possible to cut CO2 emissions. I think the current targets are not sufficient. Also, I am concerned that electric and bio-fuel vehicles might be considered green without taking into account where the electricity / fuel comes from.

633 With regard to alternative fuels I do not consider biofuels to be a viable option. All car companies should focus on the production of not only hybrid vehicles, but also fully electric vehicles 646 Greenhouse gas emissions need regulating and less-developed countries also need to take this on board. 649 Zusätzlich zu den fahrzeugspezifischen Zielen zur Reduzierung der CO-Emissionen von Strassenfahrzeugen gehören a) EU-weite Maßnahmen und Ziele um den Strassenverkehr vom Güterverkehr zu entlasten (z. B. durch den Ausbau des Schienennetzes und deren Infrastruktur um Güterverkehr auf die Schiene verlagern zu können); b) EU-weite Maßnahmen, Ziele und Förderprogramme zur Unterstützung alternativer Antriebstechnologien wie z. B. Elektromotorantriebe und Wasserstoffantriebe. 654 The size of a vehicle should also be taken into account when drawing up legislation. Given the trend for ever larger cars the resulting congestion causes more emissions not only from the larger vehicle itself but also from other vehicles in the vicinity trapped within the congestion.

668 The worlds future, the future of our children depends on difficult decisions that have to be made now. Powerful lobbies will fight such legislation, the public should be made aware of such lobbying.

683 Vehicle emission standards must be seen as part of an overall approach to dealing with emissions from transport. Given the high proportion due to long distance lorry movements, there is a need to better incentivise rail and sea options for the movement of goods within Europe. In particular, EU grants for road improvements must be assessed against improved rail freight options. 684 See Centre for Alternative Technology's Zero Carbon Britain 2030 report www.zcb2030.org/downloads/ZCB2030.pdf 691 The regulations should apply to modern and new vehicles. I feel very strongly that they should not apply to very old and classic vehicles. Classic vehicles should be left out of regulation. They often do limited mileage and are part of our history. Don't force classic vehicles off the road by regulations.

692 I hope that you will not be obstructed or lobbied by any corporations. We must save the world. No time for companies like Volkswagen. 695 Il devient indispensable q ue les citoyens participent aux débats et influe sur les réglementations c est leur santee ,leurs vies ,leurs. Argent qui est concerne Il est temps que tous les acteurs de la vie travaillent ensemble au bien être et la prospérité de chacun

704 The transport sector is responsible for a huge slice of our GHG emissions, if we are to continue polluting the atmosphere to the severe detriment of all life then effective and strong regulations are required. This should be given very high priority and focussed on the carbon intensity of the fuel being used, the design of new vehicles and limiting the operation of the most polluting transport systems. 713 As well as vehicle regulation I would like to add that I think there is a lot of potential in the large scale development of cycle networks in cities and outside cities to get people out of cars and onto bicycles. This is successful in Netherlands and Denmark, and has great potential elsewhere.

719 I don't understand why people are not buying cars that run on greener energy, such as electricity, now. I also think that in the UK where I am from local deliveries are important as they reduce peoples car useage. For example, local deliveries of groceries prevent people from driving to out of town supermarkets which is a waste of energy. So I don't think local delivery companies in cities and towns should be targeted, in fact I think they should be supported and given more incentives. I think that short-haul deliveries between towns and cities should be made more efficient and people should continue to be discouraged from using their cars in cities and for journeys between cities when they could get a train. Cycle schemes really do work. So do trams. I grew up in Manchester where the local tram system has transformed the city and made it possible to get to out of places quickly and easily without needing to drive. There doesn't seem to be any reason why we can't use our waterways either as another mode of greener transport. I don't think the problem is solvable without international regulation though and many people feel completely disillusioned that countries do not sign up to international agreements to reduce emmissions. People don't feel that they should give up their privileges when other countries don't. However, it's stupid and foolish to be so stubborn. It's only by changing your behaviour that you can set an example for someone else. We don't have time to dig our heels in and wait. We have to start changing people's behaviour now. We should boycott countries that won't sign international agreements on carbon emissions, and in the meantime, encourage behaviour change in people, such as not driving short distances when it's possible to get a bus or cycle, using local delivery companies for things like furniture and groceries, and encouraging people to buy electric cars. Many people still don't think climate change is a reality. I have chosen not to have a car at all. It doesn't really affect your life that much. It's myth-making when people say that they need a car because they have children. What about car-sharing schemes? Or choosing to live near a school? Regardless of what people think, I want cleaner air for my future children, and I think I'm a good unselfish person for wanting that and I should get some credit for the greener decisions I have made. 721 Il faut une politique d'urgence 723 No increase in size of HDVs should be allowed. Even the main roads in our rural area are narrow and the vehicles are damaging buildings and the environment as well as causing blockages in the built up areas. Research into electric vehicles and renewable electricity generation should be treated as urgent. We live overlooking the Severn Estuary , which has massive tidal power and nothing is being done to use it ( but no barrage please) 727 L'Europe a démontré qu'elle souhaite s'engager dans la réduction des émissions des véhicules, elle doit continuer à avancer vers des objectifs ambitieux. Il est impératif de fixer un objectif à 2025 qui soit ambitieux afin de s'engager pleinement sur la voie d'un secteur routier "0 carbone" d'ici 2050.

730 A l'intérieur des agglomérations favoriser : les transports en commun et les véhicules à propulsion humaines. => diminution du prix de vente de ces derniers Pour les transports des personnes inter agglomérations ou sur de longues distances favoriser aussi les transports en commun les moins polluants par des prix fortement incitatifs. Ne plus céder aux lobbies des transporteurs mais taxer lourdement les prix des carburants pour ces derniers au lieu de leur accorder des avantages. En contrepartie prévoir des mesures de réemploi des chauffeurs routiers

742 Automotive engineering is stuck in the iron-age. Radical re-engineering will be needed to bring it into the modern era so it can utilize more effectively new materials sciences and technologies. If the internal combustion engine is to survive it needs to be much more efficient and thus much less polluting . I believe it may be possible to design internal combustion engines that operate at lower temperatures than current designs. This would involve developing oil based fuels that combust at lower temperatures and allow engines to be built using lighter weight materials such as plastics and carbon composites. Lighter weight engines allow lighter weight vehicles which could also be made from lighter weight materials. This would increase the effective efficiency of the vehicles and allow a much reduced carbon footprint per kilometer. Whole fuel cycle carbon footprint for electric vehicles would be much reduced if the electricity being used were generated locally to the battery recharging points. This could be done with Hydrogen fuel cell generation in existing petrol stations. Hydrogen could be delivered using existing distribution network currently used for petrol/diesel. 743 L'Europe a toujours donné l'exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Elle doit continuer dans cette voie. Il est impératif de fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires. Cet objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour nous mettre en bonne voie vers un secteur des transports "zéro carbone" d'ici à 2050.

747 I understand the current confusion and lack of agreement on greenhouse emissions as there is a lot of money at stake for large multi-national companies. However, the current situation with global warming isn't new and those companies which aren't ready have no-one to blame but themselves. The rest of the world should not be made to pay for their lack of forward-thinking. It is time for them to catch up and this legislation is the way to make them realise that. I can't help but think of the expression that we're all going to hell in a hand-basket. I've known for a long time that this is the case and that some people don't care as long as they get there in a ; the least I am asking them to do is to make sure that their luxury car isn't part of the problem. Please do what you can to legislate and control unnecessary carbon emissions. 750 Using rail to carry freight where possible would lead to far lower emissions. This combined with the other harmful effects of heavy goods vehicles such as excessive road wear, noise and physical presence on roads mean that many more problems would be solved by taking HGV's off the road and onto rail.

754 Insbesondere die Dauer von Baustellen möglichst kurz halten, um unnötige Staus zu vermeiden. Ggf. 3 Schicht- Betrieb an 7 Tagen die Woche bei z.B. Autobahnen, wenn stark befahren 755 This is an extremely important issue both from GHG emission scenario and from a public health scenario. A reduction in vehicles/emissions creates a cleaner urban atmosphere which will save billions in health care costs, in addition to savings from road traffic accidents causing injury and death.

756 As it will take a concerted effort to reduce green house gas emissions to a non catastrophic level (<2C temperature rise impact) serious action should be taken now to ensure a sustainable future. As human appropriation of primary product of photosynthesis is so heigh expanding the use of bio-fuels is not likely to be the solution. For the time being increased efficiency of vehicles and vehicle operation is desirable. Physics ultimately limits the potential for improvements but I suspect there is still some considerable scope for improvements by implementing innovative technologies especial with goods vehicles. That there are technologies that are economically viable, well proven but are yet are not standard fitments on new vehicles is lamentable. The sharing of efficiency yielding technology would be desirable, that this does not happen is understandable but should be considered as market failure. It is surely in the interest of vehicle producers to increase fuel and material use efficiency as this would probably prolong resource supply life therefore enabling more vehicles to ultimately be produced. 759 Legislation on vehicle emissions must be active throughout the EU, otherwise manufacturers and users will play one country against another. They will do little or nothing until constrained by legislation.

763 Tinkering around with a few percentage digits will not contribute anything to the environmental devastation that is here and now. Serious action is needed towards a zero emisions policy. 764 This is an important study affecting future global warming and climate change. I would like to be advised of the results of the survey. Than k s. 765 Any new technology such as Volkwagen's 'Blue Motion' should be fitted as standard and not as a optional extra that is costly to the customer. It seems immoral that a company may charge up to £1,000 for technology to make their product more fuel efficient and less polluting when it only takes £250 to fit. Car manufacturers have a social responsibility to the environment as well as their customers. 769 I feel that it is important to be proactive on this issue and move forward aggressively. If we continue the way we are then we are heading for disaster. We must avoid that at all cost. It is essential that we get away from the constant procrastination that is applied to this and other similar issues that intend to improve quality of life for ourselves and future generations. We are running out of time.

773 Beim Kauf eines Fahrzeugs sollte einfach zu ersehen sein, wie umweltfreundlich das Fahrzeug ist. Es sollte eine ähnliche Kennzeichnung wie beim Verbrauch von Haushaltsgeräten vorgeschrieben werden.

775 Setzt alles auf 0-Emissionen-Lösungen. Elektrofahrzeuge sollten Vorfahrt erhalten. Schließt alle Verbrennungsmotoren aus den Städten aus. 788 Klimaziele sollten weltweit vereinbart werden. 789 All possible ways of reducing emissions should be considered. Vehicles are important. Other measures should be taken IN ADDITION not as alternative 791 Pan European legislation to bring about redutions in GHG emissions is very important. This legislation can bring about technological innovation so should not be viewed as just another regulation

794 Es muss erheblich mehr Geld und Aufmerksamkeit in die Erforschung neuer (CO²-freier) Antriebs - und Energietechnologien gesteckt werden. Die kürzlich herausgebrachte Emissionampel für Neufahrzeuge verfehlt völlig ihren Zweck, da das Gewicht der Automobile im Verhältnis zu ihrem CO²-Ausstoß völlig unbeachtet gelassen wird. Somit wird v.a. der Kauf von schweren (aber eigentlich umweltschädlicheren) SUVs gefördert - ganz im Sinne der Automobillobby übrigens. Das Augenmerk sollte grundsätzlich auf verbrausarme Wagen der Unter- bis Mittelklasse gerichtet werden, sowie zunehmend auf Automobile mit alternativen Antriebstechnologien (Elktroantrieb, Wasserstoff...). Hier wäre evtl. sogar eine staatliche Förderung überlegenswert! 800 Taxation and regulation to * prevent medium and long distance transportation of live animals, * discourage selling and transporting the same commodities backwards and forwards across distance and countries e.g. Britain selling milk to France; France selling milk to Britain. * discourage commodities to be transported huge distances then back again, merely to have one small process applied to it, or to enable it to pick up a tax benefit or a regulated name. Not allow lobbying companies to use cost or reduced profits as a reason for why a regulation that reduces greenhouse gases should not be brought in. We are all in this together. 801 Get on with it. 803 Some vehicle manufacturers will oppose your proposed legislation - beware lobbyists! 804 It is very disappointing how little has been achieved so far. 805 It would be to the credit of the EU if a strong policy could be quickly implemented against the backdrop of the inevitable delaying tactics, and intense lobbying of the oil industry and their friends in the automotive industries. 810 I disagree that the vehicle emissions standards should reflect the targets in the EU's roadmap to a low carbon economy and Transport White Paper, because these targets are incompatible with our goal of limiting global temperature rises to two degrees. The science tells us that the EU's carbon reduction target should be at least 40% by 2020, and the vehicle emissions standard should be set in line with this science-based target, and not the current, politically-compromised 20% target. 818 I think it is essential to stop the planet from getting too warm whatever the cost. once its gone, its GONE 828 Car producers should not be allowed to produce any vehicle that produces an unacceptable volume of emissions. Especially polluting vehicles should be banned. 829 I think it is important to act quickly and not allow manufacturers to follow traditional interests . They have had years to get ready for this and many of them are but those dragging their feet need to be made to act. In cities , electric delivery and pasenger vehicles should be the norm as they are at their most eficient when stop/starting . Rail should be the alternatove to long-distance HGV vehicle usage . 830 why does germany not have a speed limit over entire autobahn network in line with other european countries ? 834 je ferais cela par le suite faute de temps dans l'instant ,je ferais envi=oie de cela sur votre adresse internet 836 Please do all you can to reduce our absolute emissions in Europe. Climate change will spin out of control if we don't do something substantial very quickly. The recent warning from the International Energy Agency was chilling. Transport must do its best to help the cause. Its crazy to have fairly heavy vehicles carrying often only one person around and emitting large amounts of carbon as they consume fossil fuels. We must move to public transport, cycling and walking and away from unsustainable driving of individual vehicles. 838 Transport policy should be set in context with food, agriculture and retail policy, as well as policy on sustainable production and technology encouraging it. 841 L'Europe est un exemple en matière de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre des véhicules et il faut continuer dans cette direction avec notamment des objectifs clairs et ambitieux pour tout type de véhicule. Il faut en parallèle développer les solutions et les services alternatifs à la voiture particulière avec notamment la promotion des modes doux. Objectif "zéro carbone" en 2050! 842 Why is America so much further advanced that the UK in restricting the pollution caused by vehicles? 845 The entire future of the human race is at stake here, urgent action is required. 850 1. Getriebefreilauf installieren 2. Momentanverbrauchsanzeige obligatorisch 3. Frachtgut auf die Bahn verlagern 4. Elektrofahrzeuge subventionieren 5. An Verkahrsampeln anzeigen, nach welcher Zeit grün erscheint 6. Schnellstart ohne Anlasser 7. Eckige Fahrzeuge verbieten 8. Geschwindigkeitbegrenzung auf 140 km/h auf Autobahnen 9. PKW-Bau und Verkauf für 1-3 l Fahrzeuge staatlich subventionieren. 10. Umrüstung auf finanziell fördern 11. Parallele Dienste verbieten (Post, Pin, Brandenburgpost u.ähnliches) 12. Einzellieferungen vermeiden durch Abfrage der Dringlichkeit bei Bestellungen 13. Verbot von täglichen Fahrten zur gleichen Arbeitsstelle über 40 km 14. Einsatz von Kleinstbussen anstelle leerer großer Schulbusse 851 Urgent consideration needs to be made of measures for reducing the total volume of road traffic - whether person/km or tonne/km. 856 Grundsätzlich muss ein neuer Kurs bei den Treibstoffen eingeschlagen werden. Es kann nicht angehen, dass man auf Methanol aus Lebensmitteln umsteigt, um die Ölabhängigkeit zu verringern. Das ist schlimmer als wenn man den Heroinabhängigen auf Methadon umstellt. Denn 1. braucht die Welt alle Lebensmittel zur Ernährung und 2. erzeugt auch dies nach wie vor Treibhausgase. Es müssen mehr Forschungsgelder für Wasserstoff- und Elektromotoren aufgewendet werden und ein Schutz für förderungswürdige Energiekonzepte eingeführt werden. Die Dunkelziffer der innovativen Patente, die aufgekauft wurden, um in der Schubalde zu verschwinden, ist sicher hoch. Teil eines Politikwechsels muss sein, dass Lobbyisten in der Politik nicht länger die eigentlichen Drahtzieher sind. Die Öl- und Autolobby bestimmt doch die Emissionen, nicht der Gesetzgeber. Was für eine Farce ist das alles. Wir Bürger fordern mehr Mitbestimmung in Fragen, die uns alle angehen, und dazu gehören beileibe nicht nur Verkehr und Autos. Ich fordere mehr direkte Demokratie (in der EU ebenso wie in jedem Staat), und in der EU nicht länger diesen aufgeblähten Verwaltungsapparat, der unser Geld frisst. Allein dieser Unsinn von Brüssel und Strasbourg, eine erste Sparmaßnahme wäre, sich endlich auf einen Ort für alle EU-Organe zu einigen statt jährlich diese Unsummen für das ewige Umherziehen von Akten zu verschwenden.

861 En ce qui concerne la réduction des émissions des véhicules l'europe se doit d'être à la pointe de la réglementation.L'objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour tout les véhicules afin d'envoyer un signal fort et de préparer l'avenir pour atteindre à terme un objectif proche du "zéro carbone".

865 This issue of greenhouse emissions needs to be taken really seriously by all parties but especially manufacturers. There have been great strides in technology but this needs to be maintained and improved as fast as possible if there is not to be irreverible damage in both the short and long term for our planet.

866 N/A 872 Il est essentiel que l'Europe fixe des objectifs ambitieux pour tous les véhicules à l'horizon 2020/2025 afin de pouvoir envisager des transports "0 carbone" d'ici 2050. L'Europe a le pouvoir et le devoir de donner le ton et l'exemple. Son action sera déterminante pour notre avenir et celui des générations futures.

877 L'Europe doit s'affirmer comme l'exemple à suivre en matière d'écologie et d'énergies renouvelable, y compris donc en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Il faut qu'elle aille encore plus loin qu'actuellement dans cette logique. De plus, il faut fixer d'autres objectifs de plus en plus ambitieux ultérieurs à 2025 pour les voitures tels que les véhicules utilitaires. 885 Ich halte besonders Maßnahmen für sinnvoll, die sich auf die Kaufentscheidung und das Fahrverhalten der Menschen auswirken. Wäre es möglich zusätzliche Steuern einzuführen und das so gewonnene Geld für emissionssparende Verkehrsmittel (z.B. Bahn) zu investieren oder diese zu subventionieren, könnte man einen doppelten Anreiz zur Wahl emmissionsarmer Verkehrsmittel schaffen. 889 Die aktuelle Politik und Politiker der EU-Staaten und der EU zu diesem Thema sind und machen sich extrem stark von der Wirtschaft abhängig. Angeblich umweltfreundliche Vorschläge zu Gesetzen und Verordnungen umgehen immer die wirklich effektiven Entscheidungen, weil sie von der Automobilindustrie und den Ölkonzernen unerwünscht sind. Wir brauchen keine Kampagne zur Förderung von Elektroautos, solange die langfristige umweltfreundliche Stromversorgung nicht gesichert ist, weil DIE PRODUKTION VON SPRITSPARENDEN AUTOMODELLEN (1L-AUTOS) TECHNISCH NICHT MEHR DAS GERINGSTE PROBLEM DARSTELLT! WARUM DÜRFEN DENN IMMER NOCH AUTOS MIT VIELFACH HÖHEREN VERBRAUCHEN PRODUZIERT WERDEN?? WARUM FAHREN NOCH POLITIKER-DIENSTWAGEN DURCH DIE GEGEND; DIE NICHT WENIGSTESN DIE SPRITSPARENDESTEN AUF DEM MARKT SIND?? 901 Il faut impérativement que l'Europe continue cette politique de réduction des émissions de CO2, et notamment qu'elle fixe un objectif pour 2025 pour les voitures et les véhicules utilitaires. Le secteur des transport doit atteindre l'objectif "zéro carbone" d'ici 2050 !

905 The car and lorry lobby has been allowed too much scope to water down required legislation. They should be given only very limited lobbying opportunities reflecting the vast resources they have for lobbying compared with the general public.

907 Es ist wirklich nötig etwas für das Klima zu tun! Die Interessen der Menschheit stehen über (kurzfristigen) Auto-Lobby-Interessen. Bitte zeigen Sie Stärke und Durchsetzungskraft für eine gesunde Zukunft. Danke.

910 dieser fragebogen sie einwenig "altbackend" aus das desgin könnte man schöner machen und für den befragenten übersichtlicher 914 Some of these questions are not entirley clear. One option that needs reconsideration is CO2 standard based on weight. Footprint standard is much more sensible and provides manufacturers with other options for efficiency gain. full life-cycle assessment for all kinds of vehicle e.g. P-I hybrid or EV, is not realistic at present owing to shortage of data and lack of clarity about boundary conditions - possibly in future but attempting now would waste time and effort. However the emissions from power sector do need to be included for EVs. 923 Der Güterfernverkehr muß anders Struktuiert werden, es kann nicht sein das z.b. die DB einen großteil des Verkehrs über eine eigene Lkw- und Busflotte abwickelt. 926 Time has almost runout to prevent catastrophic climate change and all the attendant things that will come in its wake. It is too late to dither. Stringent measures are needed and unfortunately they will not be popular.

931 Es ist wichtig, Richtwerte in kurzen Abständen(jährlich) auf die technische Aktualität zu überprüfen. Der Stand der Technik von heute ist Morgen schon veraltet. So werden Verbesserungen nur verlangsamt in die laufende Produktion und Entwicklung übernommen. Die europäische Autoindustrie könnte in den aufstrebenden Volkswirtschaften weltweit den Fuß in der Türe haben, wenn sie sich mehr auf sparsame umweltfreundliche Fahrzeuge konzentrieren würde. Nur Kurzsichtige werden diesen Trend verschlafen. Wenn alle Menschen mobil sein wollen, wird uns der Treibstoff noch schneller ausgehen als vermutet. 945 the energy requirements are rising, because we had a technological revolution based upon the increasing use of fossil fuels (and nuclear energy), wind, solar and BIOGAS are BETTER ALTERNATIVES - humans need to act humane , otherwise we could let the robots take over already.

958 Eine massive Erhöhung der Dienstwagenbesteuerung in Deutschland ist dringend erforderlich. Durch die sehr lax gehandelten Vorschriften, werden umweltfeindliche große Kraftfahrzeuge und umweltfeindliches Verhalten der Nutzer bisher gefördert. Die Einbindung des Nutzers in die Kosten der Betankung und die Art der Fahrweise ist dringend geboten. Gerade Führungskräfte und Großverdiener auch aus der Politik sind besondere Vorbilder, die durch Ihr Verhalten in der Bevölkerung erhebliche Einsparpotenziale bewirken können. Der Wertabfluß aus der EU in die ölproduzierenden Länder ist erheblich und stellt einen dauerhaften volkswirtschaftlichen Schaden dar. Die völlig fehlende Besteuerung von Flugbenzin/Kerosin ist eine sehr umweltschädliche Subvention eines nicht mehr zeitgemäßen Transportmittels. Der Ausbau des grenzüberschreitenden Schienenverkehrs im Personen- und Güterverkehr wird dagegen vernachlässigt. Eine direkte Zugverbindung von Berlin nach Lissabon oder von Kopenhagen nach Athen gibt es nicht mehr. Nachtzüge werden lediglich auf privater Initiative geführt. Die Staatsbahnen arbeiten nicht miteinander. Gerade im Urlauberverkehr könnten damit enorme Belastungen der Umwelt und volkswirtschaftliche Schäden durch Staus und Unfälle vermieden werden. Die Politik fördert statt dessen nur den Flug- und den privaten Kfz-Verkehr. Der Bürger wird somit gezwungen sich ein privates Kfz zu halten anstatt einen der Allgemeinheit besser verträglichen Transportmittel bei Bedarf zu wählen. Hersteller und Nutzer sollten gleichmäßig mit den Auflagen belastet werden, um Verschiebungen und Fluchtbewegungen in die falsche Richtung zu vermeiden. Nutzer umweltfreundlicher Verkehrsmittel dagegen sollten entsprechend entlastet werden, damit kann die Richtung und Geschwindigkeit der positiven Entwicklung durch die Gesetzgeber relativ einfach bestimmt werden. 964 Change is possible NOW 966 If Europe, as a major market for vehicles sets the highest possible, achievable, targets we will have the chance to influence what happens across the Globe. With the growth of nations like China, Brazil etc. if we delay we will miss an opportunity that could have disaterous consequence for the world's environemt. 967 Achieving any success with CO2 reduction will prove difficult, time-consuming and fractious hence I feel concentrating all your efforts of this one single target should be your objective rather than fragment your attentions by bringing in concentrations of CH4, black carbon etc.

968 The Canadian government admitted this week that it deliberately left out data indicating a 20% rise in emissions from the Alberta tar sands when it submitted its annual inventory to the United Nations. Greenhouse gases from the tar sands grew by 21% in the last year reported, despite the economic recession. Even more troubling, the tar sands is becoming even more carbon intensive, with emissions per barrel of oil rising 14.5% in 2009. And overall production is set to triple by 2020, according to some projections. 149,000 square kilometers of Alberta's boreal forest could be affected by the rape of this pristine area of the planet. Many thousands of Americans will be affected by the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline,there have been several leakages already affecting rivers,water tables etc, As can be seen from above the use of carbon fuel extracted from tar sands will considerably ratchet up CO2 discharges. 985 Green-house gass regulation of vehicles is a very important part to the larger picture of reducing green house gass emissions from the whole of society. this is a serious issue that needs addressing quickly and decisively. Reductions must be made, and the polititians, car manufacturers, and public must back the necessary measures.

986 do the right thing, people. do the right thing. VW- shame. 990 In the past, the EU has very much led efforts to clean up road vehicle emissions, and I would encourage them to continue doing so. It is rather crucial that long-term targets are set for 2025 that cover both cars and vans. In deciding on this target, it should be low enough to put Europe on a trajectory that will fully de-carbonise the transport sector by around 2050. Only in this way can future generations be assured of not only clean air and improved quality of life locally, but also the world may be able to avoid some of the worst impacts of climate change. 991 It is a mystery to me why the reduced pollution of our towns and cities, and reducing the emission of a range of pollutants that are affecting our climate and in some cases carcongenic is regarded as "controversial". One might think some people have a vested interest in industries that have a bad effect on the rest of us.

992 My main concern is that organisations whose major motive is preserving their profit-margin, should not be allowed to undermine the serious efforts of organisations working to reduce the increasing level of climate change.

1005 Where petrol engines are in view, important to include fuel source, and avoid use of tar-sands where pollution is quite unacceptable 1008 It is so very important for us to reduce our reliability on oil and to reduce greenhouse gases and other pollution which we produce as much as we can. We are only going to do this if car and vehicle manufacturers are forced to invest in research to produce vehicles which do not rely on oil or petrol based products. Let's face it they haven't exactly been quick to move away from petrol and diesel fuelled vehicles yet!!They need to be putting investment into this area and producing affordable vehicles for people to buy. We also need to reduce the older cars on the road which chug out far more rubbish than newer models. We all have to be more responsible for the amount of greenhouse gases we produce and all need to be made responsible for reducing this. For the sake of our planet and for future generations...our children and their children. 1013 Die Zeit drängt für wirklich greifende Reformen und deren Umsetzung, die dann auch einer breiten Bevölkerung zugänglich gemacht werden sollte. Bezahlbare Preise für ökologische Autos.

1016 Deutliche Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer auf alle fossilen Brennstoffe, jedoch mit `sozialer Komponente, wie z.B. ein `Grundfreibetrag`. 1017 There is no mention of reducing congestion. The fact that traffic jams may be emitting no CO2 thanks to stop-start technology does not mean all problems are solved. We need to be encouraging citizens towards the greater use of public transport. Public transport itself needs to have its CO2 footprint lowered.

1019 Openess on lobbying.. how much spent on what, by car manufacurers/oil; producers etc. is a MUST. The interests of the planet are way down the list of these people. 1020 The legislation should be flexible enough to allow the the adoption of new technologies, which may not reduce emissions in the short term if there is a genuine possibility of a long term reduction and only force the replacement of old vehicles if this is truly environmentally beneficial

1022 Sorting this out is seriously overdue. I believe that motor greenhouse gasses is responsible for the very warm winter we are currently having. Global warming Red Allert! 1027 Il est important de faire entendre raison aux constructeurs que la réduction d'émission de CO2 n'est pas un choix mais une nécessité. 1028 Please remove the biofuel targets from the EU climate change/emission reductions programme. These are distracting from the whole carbon reduction scheme and wasting valuable resources in encouraging the production of biofuels on soil that could otherwise be used for agriculture. This is especially prevelant in the developing world, where virgin habitat is being destroyed for biofuel plantations as the economic incentive to produce these fuels is driven by such EU targets. Biofuels also detract from investment in alternative energy and zero emission products, such as hydrogen fuelled vehicles. 1031 This is an extremely important issue and it needs solving fast. Therefore, the easier and clearer yu will present all arguments for discussion to all parties involved, the more likely we may be to reach a sensible conclusion. I strongly hope that the difficult economic conditions of our times will not detract car manufacturers and other parties from focussing on the urgent need - for all life on our planet and climate change conequences - to act now about car emissions and ensure continuous commitment for the years ahead.

1033 Free trade agreements within and between regions should be studied carefully for its impact on the global emissions. Necessary measures (e.g. reducing taxes on local produce and manufactured items, taxing inter-regional road and air transport etc.) should be considered and implemented.

1037 None 1041 Along with punitive measures & targets, measures to encourage / cross subsidise sustainable transport options should be considered. e.g. better rail to road connections, easier cycling options.

1045 We need renewable energy powered vehicles-they exist now and should be extended to HGVs asap. 1048 Jetzt ist die Chance da klare Regeln zum Schutz von Umwelt und Mensch aufzustellen. Schauen Sie in sich hinein: Was ist Ihnen wirklich wichtig im Leben? Was möchten Sie tun? Beantworten Sie diese Fragen ehrlich sich selbst gegenueber. Brauchen Sie einen Zweitwagen oder mehr Zeit zum Nachdenken waehrend des Spazierens? Brauchen Sie einen neuen Breitbildfernseher oder mehr Zeit, um sich mit Ihren Kindern auseinander zu setzen? Benoetigen Sie ein neues apple-gimmic oder mehr Moeglichkeiten sich mit Ihren ineren Interessen auseinander zu setzen? 1049 Consider imports carefully, and require First Importers of energy-based products as being at the top end of emissions unless they can prove otherwise. 1053 Climate change seriously threatens civilisation and wellbeing, in a way which makes the current financial crises look trivial. So-called leaders have a duty and responsibility to provide LEADERSHIP here, to do what is right for the survival of our species. Every instance of climate-related legislation and policy has symbolic value in addition to its parochial, overt effect. Short term lobbying form corporate interests has to be resisted, not only because it is right, but also pragmatically: it is in the medium to long term interest of those corporations themselves if they were sane enough to realise this. 1060 With the global economy struggling it could be easy for environmental issues to slip down the agenda but this cannot happen. Companies and nation-states need to be far-sighted on this issue and the European Comission has the influence to create a sustainable transport model which will set an example to the rest of the world.

1061 We owe it to future generations to try and make sure we do not use all of the precious resources and pollute the world that they will inherit. It is not always possible to be totally carbon neutral as people need to travel and use energy to heat houses etc.We can use alternative technology to help reduce our dependency on burning fossil fuels.We can use Off- peak electricity to charge electric cars -This would place less demand on daytime (peak) generation of electricity and therefore require less in the way of generation.We can use all kinds of technologies to offset fossil fuel usage.Unless the legislation is there we will not be able to create an incentive for users and manufacturers to do this.Tougher rules need to be implemented internationally.If Europe can lead the way others will follow.If Europe does not lead the way we are in trouble because America will not even consider moving on these issues.The USA has a very corrupting lobby of industry.This has been highlighted recently with the series (Life in the freezer" David Attenborough's documentary which has been broadcast in USA except the episode which mentions "Global Warming".A very cynical way of the big industrial company's who pay for the t.v advertising of "Not wanting the American people" to know the facts.This is not a true democracy it is a Dictat of huge extremes by the big players in America ie Oil companies, car manufacturers, chemical companies,etc.We in Europe do not have this (or maybe we do -covertly by lobbying).We need to show the rest of the world that we are not the same as USA and these issues are worth it.Europe can show the rest of the world how politics should work. 1063 Neben den vorhin erwähnten Vorschlägen (Tempolimits, Autobahnmaut und Kostenreduzierung b. öffentlichen Nahverkehr) ist es bei den weiter geplanten Vorschriften zur Deckelung der maximalen Emissionen eines z.B. "normalen" PKW keinerlei Ausnahmen und Schlupflöcher auszulassen. Es kann nicht sein, dass heute neben den sparsamen Klein- und Kleinstwägen immer noch Super-SUV´s vom Schlage eines Cayenne Turbo oder Q7 mit V 12 Motoren oder sonstiges herumfahren dürfen, die das 4, 5, oder 6 fache an Sprit verbrauchen! Und das für die selbe Strecke, die sie auch nicht schneller erreichen, da es gott sei dank auf dem Land Tempolimits gibt! Diese Autos sind wirklich vollkommen überflüssig und in Anbetracht der existenziellen Bedrohung für unseren Planeten durch die Klimaerwärmung ein Zustand dem dringendst Abhilfe geschaffen werden muss. Will sagen es müssen Autos, die mehr als die von der EU festgesetzten Emissionen von z.B. 130 g pro km verboten werden! Es dürfen also nicht zwei dicke 7er BMW gebaut werden, wenn dafür ein sparsamer Mini verkauft wurde. Solange der elendig schwere 7er mehr als 130 g ausstößt sollte er auf dem Kfz- Index stehen und illegal sein! Verzeihen Sie die drastischen Worte, aber es kann nicht sein, dass hier immer mit zweierlei Maß gemessen wird und neben den vorbildlichen Bluemotion, Cleartec usw. Kleinwägen immer noch riesige Spritschlucker unterwegs sein dürfen. Das ist eine pervertierung der Umstände und für jeden, der sich bemüht seine Emissionen zu reduzieren, eine Beleidigung und ein Schlag ins Gesicht.

1066 Please do everything you can to reduce the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Reduce the total amount, not just the rate of increase. 1069 Da der Gütertransport einen wesentlichen Anteil am Gesamtausstoß an Treibhausgasen ausmacht, sollten unbedingt größere Anstrengungen unternommen werden, hier eine Reduktion zu erreichen. Daher sollte unbedingt darauf hingewirkt werden, dass Güter nicht wie bisher überwiegend auf der Straße sondern vermehrt per Bahn oder Schiff transportiert werden. Im Stadtverkehr sollten zukünftig Güter nur noch von elektrisch angetriebenen Transportfahrzeugen transportiert werden, um Feinstaubemissionen und Ozonbildung zu minimieren. Für PKW sind unbedingt ambitioniertere Emissionsziele zu definieren, in Deutschland ist ein Tempolimit auf allen deutschen Autobahnen unbedingt zielführend. 1073 Es muss auch verstärkte Bemühungen geben, (Individual-)Verkehr zu vermeiden. 1082 cars with cheaper running costs need to be looked at for the consumer alongside the impact our dependency on oil has on the plannet. Foresight is needed and big companies need to stop blocking this process. Other greener alternatives must be found.

1097 Ich fahre ein Elektroauto als Zweitwagen, aber somit die meisten Kilometer ohne Emissionen. Den Strom beziehe ich aus der Photovoltaikanlage auf der Doppelgarage. Wenn nur die Personen, die diese Möglichkeit hätten, gleiches tun würden, wäre schon ein guter erster Schritt in die richtige Richtung getan.

1100 DO IT. 1104 It is absoulutely crucial that the EU continues to lead the way in reducing emissions and ensuring that the targets are met by 2025. 85% of green house emissions from transport come from road vehicles. It is estimated that 13,000 deaths of children per year in the EU are attributable to outdoor pollution (WHO). These deaths could be reduced by 5,000 if emissions from road vechicles are reduced in line with current targets. We must ensure that greenhouse gases are reduced in order to prevent the rise in the temperature of our planet. Climate change is causing terrible damage to our environment. The EU can be proud to continue to lead the way in reducing emissions. Car manufactures must not be allowed to influence the EU's target to reduce emisions by 2025. The health of our planet and the people must be our prime concern. 1112 Additional revenues from taxes on CO2 emissions should be used to develop alternative lower or zero emission transport rather than feeding into general state finance. This would help negate opposition from road lobby and fund alternatives development. Public transport with low emissions should be promoted as viable alternarive. Awareness of vehicle emissions and link to global warming should be increased by targeted publicity. Vehicle users should be assisted to offset their carbon emissions through voluntary purchasing of carbon credits for effective carbon mitigation schemes. 1113 At present progress cutting co2 levels, and other emissions, from road vehicles is far too limited and far too slow-the rate of progress needs to be increased significantly and the cut in levels needs to be enforced on a much stricter basis.

1117 Let's improve public transport and actually start reducing the number of motor vehicles on the roads. Important though climate change is, we should not ignore the destruction caused by vehicles to the countryside, biodiversity abd wildlife habitats.

1120 The strongest possible pressure should be put on the car makers and on the oil companies. There is not much time left for attempting to inverse the current pollution trends and for giving a chance of survival of our blue planet

1123 Tut endlich was bevor wir und unsere Kinder hier bald verrecken!! 1132 Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, bitte tun Sie alles, was in Ihrer Macht steht, um die Treibhausgasemissionen zu begrenzen. Viele Wissenschaftler mahnen und deuten auf die bestehenden Gefahren hin. Als Bürger hat man oft den Eindruck, dass die Politiker dies ignorieren oder nicht Ernst genug nehmen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Uwe Beck

1145 I wish to express my deep gratitude, that you are taking this issue so seriously. Europe is struggling at the moment on the world stage. With powerful co2 regulation we can shine as an example to the world, and that will be what will really make History! This is a chance for an emmerging "Human Conscience" - to admit the mistake of a fossil fuel economy over the past 200 years, and take a stand for our grandchildren and the species on our lovely Planet. Again, thank you!!! 1151 My family (of 4) have never owned a car and it horrifies me how much polluting happens - please do all you can to look after our planet and make it liveable for future generations. (I have only answered the questions that I completely understand.)

1153 I would like to see legislation encouraging the development of zero carbon cars including Hydrogen driven cars and subsidies to encourage the public to purchase these cars.

1157 We must take bold steps now in reducing greenhouse gases before its too late. Future generations depend onthe choices we make now. There are many alternatives to fossil fuel based energy such as solar, hydrogen fuel cells, biofuels etc. We only need the political will to implement such decisions and stick with them even if the vehicle manufacturers and users lobby against such legislation as they only look at their corporate profitability and not long term sustainability of the Earth's resources.

1167 Europe is a growing community and it's use of fossil-based fuels is growing with it. We need to take a lead in providing legislation to decrease this and to enforce it. We also need to provide financial encouragement/incentive to invest in non-polluting alternatives across the board. E.G. research into better use of solar/wind/tide/etc. energy and also more effective fuel saving measures. This will pay dividends in saving emissions and money, and also in promoting our devastated economies.

1170 Why are trains so expensive to use compared to cars and planes? When is everyone going to realise we all need to change the whole way we live? Our planet cannot sustain the lifestyles we are currently choosing. Why isn't more freight sent by rail? Why is the obsession with speed so overriding when choosing forms of transport such as airships and sailboats?

1176 We need a wholistic approach to the direction we are taking the world. It is self defeating to try and reduce vehicle production, vehicle usage usage and oil production while maintaining a gdp dependance on these very things. We must rethiink how we approach economies, not just co2 emmissions.

1178 Much more effort and resources should have been put into development of renewable energy sources and their practical everyday applications already, instead of trying to uphold an economic boom which now collapsed into a recession.

1185 if you change the car advertising so that the car becomes a occasional means of transport and not a status symbol this might encourage people to hire a car when they need one. The savings should be highlighted in these times of budget cuts everywhere.

1190 It is necessary to keep the pressure on vehicle research and development so we can continue to make cars, vans and lorries etc more efficient and have less environmental impact, in their production, running and decommission.

1193 We should provide huge incentives to get away from dirty oil and dirty emissions. This would not only provide jobs, but more importantly reduce the massive impact we have on our environment.

1195 Grundsätzlich würde ich es begrüßen, wenn nach der Entwicklung energiesparender Techniken diese nach einer (kurzen) Übergangsfrist für die Industrie verpflichtend würden. Heute kommt es immer noch vor, dass Innovationen von Marktführern aufgekauft werden, um sie zu unterdrücken. Dies bezieht sich übrigens nicht nur auf den Sektor Energie und Emissionen. Dafür können auch steuerliche Anreize gegeben werden. Allerdings sollte sich die Politik bei Subventionen, insbesondere an Großkonzerne, die sowieso die höchsten Gewinne haben, zurück halten. Subwentionen sollten ausschließlich dort möglich sein, wo ausreichendes Eigenkapital für die Entwicklung und Einführung innovativer Techniken fehlt. 1200 I would like the European Commission to make robust and comprehensive standards for low carbon cars in order to protect the health of the public and the planet. I want to see Europe leading the way in setting an example for the rest of the word to follow.

1207 There should be continuous programmes of technical innovation driving down the emissions of all vehicles 1208 Set in motion policies and targets to reduce vehicle size, weight and distance travelled. 1214 The progress that has been made has made a noticeable difference over the years; however, given the speed at which the Earth is heating up (get Sir David Attenborough's opinion on this subject!) legally enforceable conditions on reducing C02 emissions should be agreed asap.

1223 Time to act. Make it good. Be brave. Face down the Indistry lobbies. 1226 No other comments. 1229 Klimaschutz ist essentiell für das Überleben der Menscheit. Die EU-Kommission sollte sich für einen möglichst starken Klimaschutz einsetzen, Konzerninteressen können höchstens zweiträngig sein, solange es um Menschenleben geht. Besonders im Straßenverkehr kann viel für den Klimaschutz getan werden. Eine möglichst starke Verlagerung des Verkehrs von der Straße auf die Schiene ist wünschenswert. Die Erforschung alternativer Antriebe ist ebenfalls zu begrüßen. Betrachtet werden sollte nicht nur der CO2-Ausstoß während der Fahrt, sondern auch der Ausstoß bei der Herstellung und bei der Aufrechterhaltung der nötigen Infrastruktur. Die effizientesten Autos sollten Maßstab für alle anderen sein. Autos identischer Sitzzahl und vergleichbarer Kofferraumgröße, die aber deutlich mehr CO2 ausstoßen, sollten verboten oder wenigstens sehr hart besteuert werden. Mit dem dadurch eingenommenen Geld müssen Klimaschutzmaßnahmen ergriffen werden. Die Bezugsgröße "Flottendurchschnitt eines Herstellers" sollte hintefragt werden. Grundsätzlich handelt es sich um ein gutes System. Die Gefahr dabei ist aber, dass die CO2-Ziele nicht ergeizig genug sind. Autos mit wesentlich höherem CO2-Ausstoß können nach der bisherigen Regelung nur verkauft werden, wenn auch Autos mit einem Ausstoß unter dem Grenzwert verkauft werden. Wenn es aber viele Autos gibt, die weniger CO2 ausstoßen als für den Flottendurchschnitt vorgeschrieben, dann ist eine noch größere Effizienz möglich. Autohersteller könnten auf CO2-intensive Autos verzichten und damit ihren Flottendurchschnitt weiter senken. Die EU-Kommission sollte stark darauf achten, dass sie nicht den Forderungen der Auto-Lobby nachgibt und sehr schwache Klimaschutzziele vorgibt. Wie bereits zu Anfang erwähnt bedroht der Klimawandel das Überleben der Menscheit, insbesondere die Ernährungsgrundlage ist gefährdet. Daher muss Klimaschutz zu unseren Hauptinteressen gehören. Wenn das bedeutet, dass wir auf etwas Komfort verzichten müssen, dann ist es so. Lieber sollten wir uns mit einem etwas kleineren, leichteren und effizienteren Auto zufrieden geben, als mit Spritschleudern zu fahren und damit das Überleben zukünftiger Generationen zu gefährden. Die EU hat die Möglichkeit, weltweit Vorreiter des Klimaschutzes zu sein und sollte diese nutzen. Gleichzeitig sollte sie aber auch jedes Mittel nutzen, um andere Länder von vergleichbaren Bemühungen zu überzeugen. Die Einfuhr von Waren aus nicht kooperierenden Ländern könnte höher besteuert werden. Völlig unabhängig davon, ob andere Länder das ebenfalls tun oder nicht, die EU muss in jedem Fall starke Klimaschutzmaßnahmen ergreifen. 1231 Pressure needs to be maintained on the vehicle industry to reduce the CO2 impact with regard to vehicle manufacture, emmisions and disposal of vehicles. Consideration should be given to using the railways for the transporting of goods on an international basis. Companies should be dicouraged from assembling parts of a final product in different locations requiring additional transportation. Example of trousers being cut in the UK, transported to Poland to be sewn, then transported back to the UK.

1234 This exerecise is of limited value because options are limited and restricted and EU regulations are too complicted for most people to fully comprehend. In general the EU should begin to switch its aim from increasing European prosperity to ensuring that wealth is more evenly distributed and that the European economy is focussed on harm reduction rather than increased consumption. 1235 You were elected to work for the people of europe not to obey the greed of corporate companies. You have a duty to work for the interest of the majority not for a few individuals which interests only lie in making more profit every year regardless social or/and environment damages. The legacy you are going to leave is not opt to you but up to the opinion of the citizens of Europe and of the world. Greener technology is available and must be used by all for the benefit of all. Budget for oil field exploitation (and other oil related) must be transfer to 'green' research to improve green technologies. There is no other choice if we want earth and its inhabitants to have a future and Europe must lead the way. Stop being bullied/lobbied by oil and/or car companies. 1239 le soutien du ferroutage est également indispensable ! 1240 Es gilt, den Ausbau regenerativer Antriebe zu fördern. Mit Strom betriebene Fahrzeuge MÜSSEN in allen EU-Mitgliedsstaaten stärker subventioniert werden. Die Reduzierung von CO2- Emissionen beginnt schon in der Automobilherstellung

1245 An alternatively fueled future has to be a compulsory and legal requirement. Our future needs to become less carbon intensive, and oil consumption needs to be drastically reduced. Vehicles and vehicle producing companies should legally be required to reduce their greenhouse emissions.

1246 All emissions from road vehicles should be reduced not just CO2. Methane in particular as it a much more potent greenhouse gas compared to carbon dioxide almost twenty times the potency and also HFCs must be taken into account from refridgeration. Need to make it against the law not to meet these targets in order to get them acheived. 1247 Alternatives to car use should also be put in place; e.g. more public transport. I would also advocate giving free travel to EVERYONE - NOT just over-60s - paid for by either a local or national levy. If this happened FAR more people would use public transport because they would feel "I've paid for it anyway so why pay AGAIN to use my car?" Another idea - if technologically feasible - might be for some sort of COMPULSORY filter/similar in everyone's vehicle (whether a private car or any and all company vehicles) to reduce pollution. (Not having any relevent technical knowledge I have no idea if this would work but, if it would, I think it's worth consideration). Encouraging people to walk more; this should include provision of FAR more public toilets and, in winter, FAR more grit provided to clear icy pavements; something which should, in any case, be given MUCH higher priority. Also far more cycle lanes in roads and making it compulsory for cyclists to use them rather than cycling ON THE PAVEMENTS! I realise all these uses of compulsion would be unpopular but what's more important: reducing CO2 emissions or being popular? 1249 Reducing CO2 emissions from all road and industrial vehicles (e.g. agricultural tractors, etc.) to the minimum poosible levels is critically important and must be pursued vigorously and without delay.

1267 Aufgrund der geringen möglichen Dateigröße konsultieren sie bitte folgende Dokumente um auch meine Haltung zu untermauern: http://www.greenpeace.de/fileadmin/gpd/user_upload/themen/energie/Energy-Revolution-0910_gpi_E_R__full_report_10_lr.pdf http://www.greenpeace.de/fileadmin/gpd/user_upload/themen/oel/erdoel_gefahr_fuer_die_umwelt.pdf http://www.greenpeace.de/fileadmin/gpd/user_upload/themen/energie/energyrevolutionreport_engl.pdf http://www.greenpeace.de/fileadmin/gpd/user_upload/themen/klima/FS_Kohle__Energiepolitik0907.pdf http://www.greenpeace.de/fileadmin/gpd/user_upload/themen/verkehr/fs090220_elektroauto.pdf http://www.greenpeace.de/fileadmin/gpd/user_upload/themen/energie/DE_Energierevolution.pdf http://www.greenpeace.de/fileadmin/gpd/user_upload/themen/energie/New- Energy-Map-Europa-2030_.pdf 1269 We need goverments to make strategic decisions for us all. We elect representation and give them the mandate to lead, guide and manage. We neem=d them to do this. With respect to motor vehicles , govements need to encourage us all to use greener vehilcle and use less fuel.....easy 1. for the greenest vehicles including heavy goods, free road tax 2. Now Intoduce road tax based on miles travelled and type of vehicle used. 3. May be even goverment subsidy for the greenest cars for 12mnths. (if we all drove small cars, then may be sections of car parks could be re-planned to get more in. may be the small greens cars get car parking in the best places.) 1270 I hope that I have made my points clear in the answers to questions. Private cars are not used primarily for transport, they are an extension of personal living space i.e. you can take your living room with you. Long distance heavy transport is an unfortunate necessity and should be diverted to trains wherever possible.

1280 Pressure and lobbying from money making corporations must be ignored in the interests of the climate, for all of us. Taxation of all carbon would encourage the emergence of new industries and reduce old fashioned oil based industries.

1287 Es muss sich endlich und zügig etwas ändern. Bitte handelt und erhebt Euch. Danke. 1295 It's certainly timely for the EU to start the process of developing new legislation forcing vehicle manufacturers to produce cars and delivery vehicles which emit far lower greenhouse gases. Many car producers, driven by greed, do not have the courage, foresight and unselfishness to act of their own volition. There is no time to lose. We already are facing a scenario of a rise in global temperatures of between 1 and 2%, which is projected to cause widespread devastation, extreme weather and loss of land, livelihood and life for humans, and habitat and life for many animal species. If we don't act now, consequences for our decendants will be even worse. 1300 Ich halte die derzeitige Situation in der industriellen Produktion, im Konsum und in der Art des Wirtschaftens in der EU für wenig geeignet, Problemen wie dem Klimawandel zu begegnen. Es sind erheblich drastischere Maßnahmen erforderlich, als zu Zeit ergriffen werden, auch die Information der Menschen ist nicht ausreichend, denke ich. Ich apelliere daher an Sie: Bitte ergreifen Sie Maßnahmen, den Menschen die eigene Verantwortung deutlich zu machen und unterstützen Sie sie durch die Verpflichtung der Industrie, einfach zu verstehende Ausweisungen des ökologischen Fußabdrucks ihrer Produkte auf denselben anzugeben. 1301 For many years my then partner worked on developing more efficient diesel fuel injection systems in the automotive engineering section of Bosch. It was clear that the main driver for improvements in the so-called common rail system came from Eurpean regulations. I therefore believe it is imperative that regualtion continues to be a key driver of ongoing technological development in the automotive industry and environmental protection.

1302 Regulation must not be allowed to be undermined by the vested interests of the automobile industry - they are large, influential and undemocratic. 1308 Car use should be restricted. In built mile counter in all vehicles to register journeys . Tax charged accordingly/ Mileometer checked at MOT, results sent to DVLA, tax due calculated and charged . Penalties for short journeys, under 1 mile. Any driver disabilities taken into account. 1315 Danke, dass Sie mir die Möglichkeit geben, hier meine Meinung zu äußern. Danke auch für Ihr Engagement. Bitte handeln Sie verantwortungsbewusst gegenüber den folgenden Genarationen!

1317 I think we need to have strict targets to stop the burning fossil fuels by 2060 in the EU. We need to encourage scientists to develop new clean fuel technologies (while electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels then electric cars should not count as clean fueled, although they do appear to be a step in the right direction) and whilst I personaly think hydrogen fuel cells are a potential resolution. I am concerned that industry heavily built around fossil fuels like oil companies, freight, energy providers and related suppliers will lobby heavily, like the music industry but more damaging, to keep to our old ways and ensure their vested interests by scaremungering polititians and the public over finances, employment and energy security. The EU and all other govermental bodies must fight this and protect our world for the survival of our species. I think politians and the public should not be concerned by this industry lobbying as a new industry of cleaner fuel will take it's place. 1318 Alls wichtigsten Punkt sehe ich erstmal die konsequente Eindämmung des Flugverkehrs. Flugpreisverdoppelung durch Steuer wär ein wichtiger Schritt. 1319 you need to take a lead, as manufacturers & oil companies will otherwise put profit before social needs (eg impact on health, climate etc) 1325 Wir Menschen halten uns für die begabtesten, höchsten und mächtisgten Lebewesen der Erde. Bisher zeigen wir dies in erster Linie in Zerstörung, Ausbeutung und Unterwerfung. Mit großer Fähigkeit kommt aber auch große Verantwortung. Jeder, dessen Existenz gesichert ist, sollte zumindest die Verantwortung für sein Handeln übernehmen: Wer es sich leisten kann, sollte nicht die billigsten Produkte kaufen, sondern solche, wo er nicht wissentlich Sklaverei, Misshandlung von Menschen oder Tieren oder Zerstörung ganzer Lebensräume unterstützt. Als Hersteller hat man die Verantwortung in dieser Hinsicht kaufenswerte Produkte zu entwickeln. Als Konsument hat man die Verantwortung, nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen zu kaufen. Als Politiker hat man die Verantwortung, eine Politik für alle zu machen, denen eine Stimme zu geben, die sonst nicht gehört werden und die zu beschützen, die sich nicht selbst schützen können. Klimaschutz ist die Verantwortung von allen, die die Bildung haben zu verstehen, worum es geht und die die Freiheit haben, sich dafür einzusetzen. Wenn wir unseren Kindern die Grundlage zu leben nehmen, haben wir unsere Menschlichkeit verloren. Wir haben die Gabe von Bewusstsein und Gewissen und aus beidem resultiert Verantwortung. 1328 Thankyou, you are doing an amazing work.. no effort is ever wasted, not an ounce of it.. thankyou once again.. Love xx 1338 Die Pkw-Automobiltechnik in all den vergangenen Jahren hat sich stets weiter entwickelt, Vieles zum Nutzen, Etliches aber auch zum Nachteil des Automobils. Die gewichtigsten Nachteile lassen sich in wenigen Worten umreißen: Die Fahrzeuge wurden immer GRÖSSER, SCHWERER UND TEURER. Damit einher gehen die immer STÄRKERE MOTORISIERUNG und die damit verbundenen geringen Effekte bei der Reduzierung des Kraftstoffverbrauchs. Aufgabe der europäischen Pkw-Automobilindustrie sollte es sein, Automobile zu konzipieren und zu bauen, welche den steigenden Anforderungen an ZWECKMÄSSIGKEIT wie auch UMWELTVERTRÄGLICHKEIT genügen. Die Fahrzeuge sollten zukünftig eher KOMPAKTER in den AUSSENABMESSUNGEN, dabei jedoch ERGIEBIGER in den INNENABMESSUNGEN / NUTZUNGSVOLUMINA werden. Genauso wichtig ist es, das GEWICHT immer weiter zu VERRINGERN – ohne Verlust an passiver Sicherheit, versteht sich. Gewichtsreduzierung ist gleichzeitig, mit einer selbstverständlich im Vordergrund stehenden EFFIZIENZVERBESSERUNG DER MOTOREN, die Voraussetzung dafür, die ANTRIEBSLEISTUNG und damit die VERBRAUCHSWERTE bei weitgehend konstanten Fahrleistungen ständig weiter verringern zu können. Und die Autos müssen herstellungsbezogen KOSTENGÜNSTIGER werden.

1348 We need to act quickly and definitively in setting stepped target in the run up to 2020. A lot of new technology may become available in the next 8 years however this will only happen if we push certain manufacturers towards the production of more economical vehicles. This will need to take the form of a variety of models including taxation, incentives and hard legal framework. Small reduction are not enough we need to push for massive changes, they have the fund to research it all and the incentive is that they will reap the rewards of a new global industry. 1349 Important to reduce road use (apart from buses) and increase train use, especially for goods traffic. 1351 Understand fear of additional cost to EU of regulations. It is vital we reduce emissions, this could be achieved by reducing use or reducing emissions in use. Until and unless use is reduced to achieve ghg reduction, it is necessary to reduce emissions in use through the regulations under consideration.

1353 Interesting that now the smoking ban is in place, we now find that emissions from vehicles are probably very much more damaging that the 'big, bad wolf' of smoking. The transport lobby has been, and still i,s a very powerful force. Motivated purely by profit. 1356 I think it is extremely important to put these proposed regulations in the context of the public good, not just within the EU, but around the world. With an eye on future generations and what kind of world we will leave them with. They should be able to enjoy the beauty of nature, we all come from it and we are of it, it's an integral and inescapable part of us. We need to live in harmony with the earth and each other, only then can we truly have security. Please, for the sake of humanity, don't let special interests of corporations, car manufacturers, big oil and oil producing countries determine these laws. Don't let Canada influence the outcome of this. I am from Canada and am completely ashamed of my government and the Alberta Tar Sands, which is the dirtiest oil in the world, destroying natural habitats, water ways and poisoning First Nations communities. If the West doesn't take action on this and lead the way then I believe all hope is lost and we will see drastic actions being taken by the global south, who will suffer the most from global warming. This could, and would likely lead, to global conflict and immense suffering for most of humanity. It may seem like I'm being over dramatic, but my imagination informs me that these outcomes, from inaction or weak regulations, are not at all far fetched, rather well within the realm of reality. Please lead the way and show the world what must be done. Thankyou for allowing my input into this consultation. 1372 speed limits to be reduced on motorways to 55mph & enforced; on local roads to be reduced say down from 30mph where apropriate; satnav companies to be obliged to take account of unsuitable roads for through traffic

1374 Extend legislation to all forms of fossil-fuel transportation. Don't forget to include aviation, the fastest growth area in pollution. If air travel continues to get a free ride, all efforts in cut emissions in other sectors are pointless.

1382 I feel that all talks and negotiations on this subject are dogged by non stop lobying by interest groups and politically we have to find a way where these groups have access to talks but are not allowed to exert the unfair pressure they presently do on the people who make these decisions.

1383 Cutting down on short flights and reducing traffic at airports might be important for a reduction in emissions for 2020 1391 There should be additional policies to minimize vehicle use: cut carbon miles by eating local produce, using bikes, discouraging travel. 1412 Albert Einstien was a clever man so was Leo Sieland. Albert Einstien along with other sauvants of science changed the world forever and they knew what they were doing. They then wanted to form a World Foundation of Scientists to advance humanity, they also wanted to form a Global Police Force and a Peace Corps. However they were told that science should be on tap not on top. I think the this world will experience many preventable problems because of rampant conspicious consumption, short termism and money as the barometer of current affairs. I said in a previous answer that humans have been evolving for 12 million years here and there are 2.5 billion years left here. We do not protect the womb that nutured us. Our lives are so contractually filled and high frequency that we have little choice. Sometimes peoples facial expressions say it all during the day and in cars they are usually vacant, pale and unhealthy. Cars are not a natural phenomena. Therefore they should be strictly regulated like many other things that constitute our daily lives . It's the second most successfull machine after the bicycle. I prefer the bicycle. Peter Kelly of Cork, Ireland, Europe, Diploma in Health Safety and Risk Management, Bachelor of Business Studies in Accounting, MBS in Innovation in European Business (4 months) MSc Finance Student. P.S. The eper website should be updated. http://eper.ec.europa.eu/eper/ 1413 PLEASE RELEASE US FROM OUR UNHEALTHY AND UNESESSARY ADDICTION TO FOSSIL FUELS BY TURNING TOWARDS BIOFUELS AND OTHER CLEANER ALTERNATIVES SUCH AS TESSLER TECHNOLOGY (WHICH IS WELL DOCUMENTED TO BE EFFICIENT FAR BEYOND ANYTHING WE USE NOW) THIS PLANET AND ITS PEOPLE CANNOT BEAR MUCH MORE OF THIS FOSSIL FUEL ABUSE. PLEASE, CONSIDER HEMP, CONSIDER BIO FUELS, CONSIDER THE GREENER ALTERNATIVES TO MINERAL OIL - BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! many thanks 1429 Personally, I believe EU legislation should guarantee that car manufacturers are obliged to sell only the most efficient and low-polluting vehicles possible. In fact, incentive-based policy may be a good way to ensure compliance, participation and innovation. For instance, there could be a sliding tax scale related to 'greenness' with the most 'green' products being taxed the least with high-polluting vehicles being outlawed all together. It is especially important for Europe and the world to move away swiftly from petrolium-based vehicles for both environmental reasons and also due to the impending economic oil crisis. So, I believe the regulations should pave the way for serious alternatives to oil-run vehicles, using gas and/or electricity or whatever else is the most viable option for low-pollution transport. Again, this could be implemented through tax incentives. Whatever is decided, it is crucial that the EU and the companies that operate within it do all that is possible to reduce pollution as urgently as possible while creating revenue for the EU and its key missions.

1432 Die europäische Kommission würde gut daran tun, sich nicht auch noch wie die nationalen Regierungen dem Lobbyismus zu frönen und stattdessen besser darauf achten, was das Volk möchte. Dies sollte m.E. so schnell wie möglich die Wahrheit werden, bevor Europa auseinander bricht.

1436 Just looking at the individual vehicle is too short-sighted. We need a different way to think about traffic and how to cope with transportation-needs. I 1438 this questionaire needs to be rewritten in order to be better understood and completed perhaps by using guidelines from a plain english campaign 1439 For our sake, and our children's sakes, something must be done, be done effectively, and be done compulsorily. 1440 Some car manufacturers are so unbelievably arrogant: their one goal seems to be market domination at all costs - and to hell with the environment! The likes of Volkswagen MUST NOT be allowed to veto the good work of the EU. I have two children and would like them to grow up and have children of their own... and inherit an environment that is still pleasant... NOT one that has been poisoned by the irresponsible actions of SOME arrogant power-lusting, automobile manufacturers.

1443 Reducing CO2 and other green house gas emissions is essentual for mankind's future. 1450 DECROISSANCE, CHEVAL, VELO, MOUTON, MARCHE A PIED, JARDINAGE COLLECTIF, UTILISONS NOTRE IMAGINATION!!... 1461 Es sollten vermehrt Gelder in die Erforschung des Carbazols fließen, als flüssigen Energielieferanten für Brennstoffzellen. Die Vorteile von Transport und Lagerung liegen auf der Hand. Infrastrukturen müssten nicht grundlegend geändert werden. Alternativ sollte die Versorgung mit Schnellladestationen für Elektrofahrzeuge vorangetrieben werden - aber vor allem sollten endlich rechtsverbindliche EU (besser noch ISO)Normen für Stecker und Kabel festgelegt werden - ebenso für die von einigen Herstellern favorisierten Quick-Drop-Systemen. Wenn wir jetzt nicht anfangen Zeichen zu setzen und ständig auf "morgen" vertrösten, werden die Kosten für einen Wandel in nicht all zu ferner Zukunft nicht mehr zu tragen sein. 1463 I believe policy should consider the need to reduce dependency on cars. Public transport should be convenient and affordable. It should be possible to work and study closer to home.

1467 Die Festsetzung von Emissionsnormen für Straßenfahrzeuge spielt bei den Maßnahmen der EU zur Reduzierung dieser Emissionen eine wichtige Rolle 1475 My answers to this questionnaire have drawn heavily on Simon Lister's and my study "Cars Fit for Their Purpose" published by Local Transport Today in December 2008 and obtainable by going to www..transportxtra.com, then to shop, then to books. The report covers the form that vehicle regulation should take and the respective roles of regulation and taxation; also policies, such as those related to speed, or regulations concerning the design and use of lorries, which would facilitate the introduction of these cars. It makes the point that vehicle regulation should consider fuel consumption and emissions simultaneously with safety, which surprisingly is not now done. It criticises the current approaches to safety, including Euro NCAP, for paying too much attention to the safety of a vehicle's occupants even at the expense of increasing the risk to other road users, both vulnerable road users and the occupants of other vehicles. Simon and I intended to accompany this study of all-distance cars with a study of local cars, but obtaining no support for either study we had to forgo that one. The local car could, however, contribute hugely to rationalising personal transport and reducing all its harmful impacts. I am emailing both the summary of "Cars Fit for Their Purpose " and the proposal we wrote for the local car to the email above. Simon and I would welcome comments and would be pleased to come to Brussels to discuss these ideas, including a formal presentation if desired.

1481 Reducing vehicle CO2 emissions is vital. The biosphere is vital for all life on this planet; it must be protected from polluters, including vehicle manufacturers. Climate change is a serious problem. The actions of greedy corporation bosses and shareholders must be stopped.

1483 Not at this time. 1490 There is no longer any question of the urgency of dealing with carbon emissions everywhere and anywhere it is possible to do so. The effects of significant global temperature rises dwarf any economic or financial considerations. Human civilizations have fallen, disastrously, again and again in the past. This one will too, if we do not take measures which are commensurate to the enormity of the threat facing us. 1494 The EU is still operating on a broken economic model of economic growth. Developing ideas of a steady state economy need to come to the centre together with new notions of growth that highlight wellbeing and the health of entire ecosystems.

1497 Nicht reden, handeln! Die Sachverhalte sind längst klar, neue Gutachten, Ausschüsse, Projektgruppen kosten lediglich Geld des Steuerzahlers. Es wird Zeit, endlich Ihrer Verantwortung für das Wohlergehen der Welt nachzukommen und die zur Verantwortung zu ziehen, die Geld auf Kosten von Mensch und Umwelt verdienen wollen: Automobil- Hersteller, konventionelle, nicht regenerative Energieversorger, die auf die umweltschädigende Kohle setzen, emmissionsintensive Massen-Tierhaltung, Förderung von Monokulturen für Biosprit, die den Boden auslaugen und die Humusschicht reduzieren, die nachweislich einer der wesentlichen Faktoren bei der Aufnahme von CO2 ist. Waldbesitzer, die auf Monokulturen setzen, um kurzfristig Kapital zu erzeugen, Ihrer gesellschaftlöichen Pflicht nicht nachkommen. Hier sollten Subventionen nachhelfen.

1498 Wir müssen von den fossilen Energieträgern ganz wegkommen. Kohle ist eine Katastrophe in Klimafragen, Öl verursacht darüber hinaus noch Umweltverschmutzung. Man könnte durch Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien Wasserstoff erzeugen, der dann Fahrzeuge antreiben kann. Brennstoffzellen sollten subventioniert werden, zumindest ihre Erforschung. 1501 Researchers will tend to aim to achieve the target the is set. It may be a great deal cheaper to set a very high target because the research will only have to be done once. Maybe there could be a cometition with a very substantial prize which increases in proportion to the amount of co2 etc. saved. The prize could be backed with research funds and in the end be self funding through royalties. We may become the world leader in this technology through such a scheme. There may need to be encouragemnet to implement new technologies as vested interests will tend to favour the status quo. Another area of road transport co2 is street lighting: we need to make street lights 0 contributors to climate change. Surely wind and solar energy can be used here. 1506 Produire ce qu'il faut, là où il le faut, quand il le faut et juste ce qu'il faut ! voilà un nouveau paradigme applicable à toutes les filières tous produits confondus, l'énergie comprise bien entendu et même prioritaire, afin de diviser au moins par deux tous les gaspillages et recréer une économie concentrique et régénératrice au lieu de l'économie linéaire actuelle: ressources--> production--> commercialisation-->utilisation-->poubelle ! le fichier diaporama très détaillé que je souhaite vous proposer fait plus d'un méga je vous le soumet directement sur votre adresse mail

1510 In general, the proposed targets should be used at the very minimum - targets should be regularly updated to more ambitious emission levels. 1512 Reducing the climate impact of road transport will require work on two fronts : reducing the volume of road transport, and reducing emissions from remaining road transport. Reducing the volume of road transport will require social as well as economic policies - economic means alone will not succeed. Social policies will need to encourage people out of their cars, including changing the way we use our cities, and the way we distribute goods and services through the economy. Economic policies will need to encourage transport away from road usage to public transport for people, and rail and water for goods. Reducing the level of emissions from vehicles will require the involvement of major vehicle manufacturers above all. The few existing niche vehicles in the very-low-emission range cannot satisfy transport needs : only the prouction of very-low-emission vehicles by major volume manufacturers will have the necessary impact. Although regulation based on average emissions is necessary, further economic incentives for major manufacturers may also be needed. Thank you for the opportunity to comment

1522 I think that as well as setting targets for the average efficiency of vehicles entering the fleet, you should consider penalties on vehicles (especially cars) that are unnecessarily heavy for their purpose. It is clear that for non commercial vehicles the threat of high fuel costs does not act as a sufficient deterrent, and the choice to purchase these heavy, high-fuel use vehicles lies with the customer rather than the manufacturer. There is a limit to how much the manufacturer can do to improve this situation simply through design. In the UK there is a token gesture towards this in the annual road tax levels, which are higher for heavier, more inefficient vehicles, but it is not enough of a deterrent. A penalty on the manufacturers might have a stronger effect, and might be easier to impose than asking reluctant member states to impose an additional tax on individual citizens. 1528 We cannot proceed the way we do, we must change our ways whilst there is still time. 1529 Greenhouse gas emissions laws should be set with the environmental impact foremost in mind. While industry will be affected, it will only serve to make European manufacturers more competitive, since these regulations will doubtless come into force in other parts of the world in due course. Also, reducing fuel usage will reduce Europe's dependence on foreign oil, which will make the European economy more stable as oil prices are clearly rising and becoming more volatile. Higher fuel efficiency should also be seen as an economic defence as well as an environmental one. 1530 Road vehicles will go through a massive change in the near future (10 - 30 years) and legislators need to bring in people who have a "future piercing imagination" to be able to come up with the right stimulus so that the change is taking a direction as benign to the planet as possible. It is imperative that politicians, legislators as well as advisors to these groups develop a profound understanding of the fact that a majority of the representatives of "the capital" will be against legislative stimulus. They have to remain focused on their own vision of a clean, sustainable future and not allow "bozos" from big corporation talk them out of that. Thank You for asking! Sincerely Björn Granberg, former researcher in sustainable consumption and sustainable cities at Stockholm Univ. Now Project manager at Greenproduce BV (green-produce.com) 1533 We also have to look at emissions from industries; e.g. coal and oil fired power stations, wastage in factories, emissions from the home, etc. 1538 Investment in alternative technologies for energy generation example tidal power generation. 1539 on doit faire plus d'éffort. 1543 Ich fände es höchste Zeit, kleine Fahrzeugprojekte wie den Streetsurfer, den die RWTH Aachen zusammen mit einem Konsortium von Mittelständischen Betrieben entwickelt, verstärkt zu fördern und die großen Autobauer, die die Debatte immer in Richtung großer, teurer Fahrzeuge mit großem CO² Ausstoß lenken nicht mehr so wichtig zu nehmen. Neue Wege erfordern neue Arten sie zu gehen. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass Pendlerpauschalen für Fußgänger und Radfahrer und die Nutzer öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel höher als KFZ Pauschalen sind. Ich kann mir vorstellen dass die wenigen gut ausgebauten Radwege in Deutschland endlich zu einem leistungsfähigen Radwegenetz ausgebaut werden, dessen Hauptstrecken sogar überdacht sein könnten. so dass Radler auch bei schlechtem Wetter sicher zur Arbeit und zurück nach Hause kommen. Die Dächer könnten solare Energieerzeuger tragen, kleine Firmen könnten für den Einbau von Duschen etc. KFW Kredite günstig abrufen. Die Banken sollten verpflichtet sein mindestens 50 % ihres Investitionsvolumens in Start Ups einzubringen. Kleinbetriebe dürfen von ihnen nicht einfach durch Kündigung der Kredite "entsorgt" werden sondern müssen mit einem Sozialplan abgewickelt werden. 1546 I think public transport is the key - people should be encourage to cycle or use park-and-ride (purpose building parking blocks next to major train stations) as much as possible. Along with that, "dirty" vehicles should be severely penalised (i.e. by high road tax) and the money used to subsidise the "cleanest" vehicles. Dirty vehicles should be penalised on a dual sliding scale of how dirty they are and how new they are (i.e. by their relative dirtiness compared to what was available at the time). In this way, new dirty vehicles (i.e. 4x4s, SUVs) receive the highest penalties, thereby encouraging financially able people buying cars to chose cleaner models without harshly punishing people on lower incomes who may have an older vehicle but cannot afford a new one. 1549 It is imperative we get strong regulation on all vehicle emissions to safeguard the climate, the greater environment, and our close environments. 1557 I am keen to purchase a new car in the next few years but have concern that energy efficient models are less affordable than petrol equivalents marketed by each company. More measures need to be taken to improve effective environmentally friendly consumer choice - this is a necessity not an option.

1559 Vehicle emissions should be urgently reduced. Vehicle manufacturers should not be allowed to manufacture anything but the lowest polluting vehicles possible and should be encouraged and applauded for doing serious Research and Development into constant reduction of both private and freight vehicle use and vehicle emissions.

1562 Die Automobilindustrie muss endlich stärker in die Pflicht genommen werden. Seit bestimmt 10 Jahren wäre es schon möglich gewesen nen 3l-Auto zu bauen. Trotzdem hat sich nichts in dieser Hinsicht getan. Wir brauchen solche Autos in serienreife und keine übermotorisierten Schwergewichte.

1567 Die Fahrzeughersteller befinden sich im Wettbewerb zueinander. Für neue Technologien sind finanzielle Vorleistungen notwendigen deren sichere Refinanzierung ein absolutes Muss, aber auch ein absolutes Risiko darstellt. Dieses Risikio ist besonders groß, wenn es keine Einheitlichen Regelungen gibt, die für alle in diesem Segment verkauften Fahrzeuge gilt. Heute befinden wir uns in einer Situation in der sich diese oder jene Technologie durchsetzt, die unter den gegebenen Rechtsvorschriften den besten Unternehmensgewinn abwirft um einerseits die Investitionen zu refinanzieren und andererseits die menschliche Gier zu stillen. In einer solchen Umgebung beobachten sich die Hersteller untereinander derartig stark, dass sie Wettbewerbsanalysen durchführen um ihre Marktposition zu sichern. Dadurch wird technologischer Fortschritt aber leider oft unmöglich gemacht, weil eine neue Technologie anfangs unerschwinglich ist und sich die Firma finanziell ruinieren könnte, wenn nicht alle gleichziehen und es keine Alternative gibt. Aus diesem Grund geben Gesetze den Herstellern ihre Sicherheit zurück die wahrscheinlich teureren Produkte auch absetzen zu können, weil der Fortschritt dann quasi gesetzlich festgelegt ist und für alle die gleichen Bedingungen gelten. Außerdem müssen Gesetzesgrenzen bei Innovationen, die daran stoßen stark hinterfragt werden. Wie bspw. diese oder jene Gesetzesgrenze entstanden ist. Man muss darüber nachdenken, Ausnahmen zu machen, wenn dadurch starke CO2-Einsparungen möglich sind (bspw. MAN Concept S) Insbesondere bei diesem Fahrzeugmodell sind Gesetzesanpassungen absolut notwendig, damit auch andere Hersteller nachziehen können. 1576 La première mesure pour réduire les émissions de CO2 provenant des véhicules routiers est de moins voyager par la route en utilisant les véhicules routiers. Il faut donc favoriser une réduction de la mobilité en Europe et les alternatives dites "douces" (pied, vélo, train) et les sources d'énergie/carburant propre.

1590 Basically in a nutshell I just do not see it prudent or desirable, to let businesses dictate governmental legislation,on important topics such as CO2 emissions, and also any damaging greenhouse gasses any business generates, in relationship to finished products ( vehicle transport) or for that matter any business that contributes to the worlds greenhouse gas admissions, and governmental organisations should have their own experts on these matters, instead of relying on the very businesses and organisations that pollute the planet in the first place, and listen to people that lobby government, to as their emissions policies, to protect the planet, and also keep global warming below the 2° by 2100 which has been agreed upon in the Kyoto agreement, Otherwise there is no way that the targets set will be achievable, and global warming by the year 2100 will be totally irreversible, and our overall temperatures would have risen by 3° the way we are going, all because politicians are listening to the very organisations that have ultimately cause the pollution in the first place, and have no real interest in reducing CO2 because they are not interested the sums necessary to bring out technology to reduce admissions to a acceptable level due to legislation not being tough enough in the first place, in actually producing a worthwhile reduction for emissions , because of recent tests have demonstrated that in the last 20 years there has been no slow down in the production of CO2 and in fact has been getting exponentially worse year on year, to our current level of 386 ppm which is just unacceptable, if we are going to achieve our CO2 targets. unless organisations that make the policies can control these Goliaths of the corporate world, and develop policies with a meaningful impact, as to the problems we are facing in the very near future. And their current policies are obviously impotent and ineffective. 1594 I would wish to see motor manufacturers develop efficient hydrogen-electric hybrids and the establishment of a fuel network throughout the UK to provide for them. 1597 I think a more ambitious target of 30% by 2020 should be achievable, or 20% by 2018. The cut in greenhouse gas emissions generally needs to be achieved more quickly. 1610 Eine einfache Möglichkeit zur Reduktion von Co2 wäre die Einführung eines Tempolimits auch in Deutschland. Wäre auch im Sinne der Verkehrssicherheit. 1615 It needs to be made worth manufacturers' and designers' while to reduce emissions to the absolute minimum. We need to get away from an oil based economy so all new vehicles need to be made as 'green' as they can be. There need to be carrots as well as sticks.

1618 Sehrgeehrte Damen und Herren! Meiner Meinung nach sollte die Europäische Kommission beherzt entscheiden, einen mutigen Schritt in ökologische Richtung zu gehen. Die Folgen unserer Lebensweise in der EU sind so nicht verantwortbar. Die Wirtschaft und der Handel werden gewinnen, nicht verlieren, wenn "wir die Milch trinken, die in unserer Region erzeugt wurde." Es bleibt genug übrig, das transportiert und gefahren werden muss. Mit freundlichem Gruß Hermann Detjen

1620 It's all based on excellent design. 1626 I think it is important that the EU takes a strong and principled l;ead on this issue and resists the influence of the powerful vehicle manufacturers and oil lobbies. 1628 Es muss ein Umdenken gerade bei den Autofahrern eintreten: jeder NICHT gefahrene Kilometer dient der Umwelt, besonders die Kurzstrecken mit kalten Motoren produzieren die meisten schädlichen Emissionen. Viele Wege kann man zu Fuß erledigen oder das Fahrrad benutzen, das dient nicht nur der Umwelt sondern ist zudem auch noch gesund. Das in Deutschland neu eingeführte Energielabel zur Berechnung sogennannter Effizienzklassen ein gutes Beispiel für die Nutzlosigkeit der "Anstrengungen" von einzelnen Ländern oder auch der EU, da sie alle immer noch als Marionetten an den Fäden der Automobil-Lobby hängen. Diese ist in keiner Weise an der Reduzierung der Schadstoffe interessiert und diktiert den ausführenden Gremien ihre Maßnahmen, die nur der Gewinnmaximierung dienen. So hat sie doch bei der o.g. Berechnung das Fahrzeuggewicht einbezogen und somit den überdimensionierten und völlig überflüssigen Dreckschleudern einen Freibrief für die weitere Verschmutzung der Umwelt ausgestellt. Leider lassen sich unkritische Kundern durch die blödsinnige Auswahl der Kriterien täuschen und meinen dazu noch, sie täten der Umwelt etwas Gutes. Daher ist es wichtig durch Aufklärung und Bildung den Bürgern in ganz Europa die Machenschaften der großen Automobilfirmen vor Augen zuführen. Die Vergangenheit hat gezeigt, dass der kritische Kunde durchaus einen Einfluss auf das Marktgeschehen hat, indem er durch sein Verhalten ein Umdenken auch bei den Herstellern bewirkt.

1632 It must be accepted now that we cannot continue pouring filth into the very finite atmosphere on which every living thing depends on this, our only, planet. Pollution is permanent, there aint nowhere it can go!

1634 All this is based on the convenience of very few people. And this people can not see that by 2020 with CO2 will be able to have a healthy life or breath a clean air! 1635 No further Comment 1642 The European Commission has the power to enforce these policies, empower the organisations to take them forward and set the cleaner future for generations to come. Failing this will allow a short-term commercial gain, but at a long-term loss. Get it right now.

1647 We really need to think of ways to ensure that manufactring of future cars are as green as technically possible. The manufacturers need to realise the seriousness of the situation poses by further emissions and the EU should not be afraid to regulatee. However it is not just about making vehicles emit less it also HAS to be about reducing the number of journeys and this can only be achieved by investment in public transport and other green modes of transport and the EU needs to do all that it can to support and promote these. EU members should be encouraged to make all emitting vehicle usage more expensive with the cost increasing as the emissions increase. 1652 ambitionierte CO2 - Grenzwerte sind innovationsfördernd und wichtig für den langfristigen Erhalt der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der europäischen Automobilindustrie. analog früheres Beispiel: Die Einführung des geregelten Katalysators vor 20 - 25 Jahren hat nicht zu einem Gewinneinbruch der Automobilindustrie, sondern ganz im Gegenteil zu einer Absatzsteigerung geführt. 1654 Ich finde sie sollten mehr Verkehr (insbesondere überland LKWs) auf die Schiene verlegen und die Entwicklung von Elektro-Autos fördern. 1657 This Regulation directly contributes to achieve the targets of the 'Europe 2020? strategy: it reduces energy imports and increases industry competitiveness through innovation; it tackles GHG emissions at source; it fosters innovation. It is time for Europe to show that it strategies are not only paper work and actually get reflected in strong legislation. 1658 Vehicle manufacturers need to play their part in delivering a now carbon (or preferably a zero carbon) transport system as soon as is practically and technically possible. The EU should adopt whatever measures - regulatory, fiscal, exhortatory etc - are required in order to achieve this goal. The ideal is to shift from a fossil fuel vehicle fleet to one that is powered by electricity generated exclusively from renewable sources within the shortest possible time as part of a broader shift from a fossil fuel to a renewable energy economy. The planet and its inhabitants will not survive unless political leaders at every level - supranational, national, regional and local - show the necessary leadership and determination to overcome the power of entrenched vested interests from fossil fuel advocates. The urgency of this task cannot be over-emphasised. Please act decisively and quickly for all our sakes! 1674 Without clearly set and enforced targets there will be endless stalling, manoevring, and making use of loopholes to avoid any concrete action. Vehicle maufacturers are capable of producing wide varieties of new models every year, so the capacity to change is there but not the focus on reducing emissions and fuel efficiency. It would be worth publicising why vehicle manufacturers are so reluctant act on this, and find it so difficult to produce cars with low COs emissions and an average fuel consumption of over 50mpg.

1686 One way of tackling carbon emissions from vehicles is to investigate alternative technologies, thereby reducing the greenhouse emissions and our reliance on finite sources of oil. 1688 Ich halte es für absolut geboten, JEDE Möglichkeit zur Reduktion von Treibhausgasen dringend zu nutzen. Besonders besorgt bin ich über Folge-Effekte der Erwärmung, z.B. Methan- Emissionen in Folge des Schmelzens von Permafrost-Böden oder der zusätzlichen Erwärmung durch die verminderte Reflektion von Wärme ins All durch abtauende Gletscher. Es geht um nicht weniger als die Zukunft dieses Planeten und um unsere Zukunft. Jegliche Interessen, die einer Reduktion von Treibhausgasen entgegen stehen -gleich von welchem Verband oder Konzern- halte ich deshalb für kurzsichtig, egoistisch und unverantwortlich. 1691 If we do not cut our carbon emissions down to the minimum our children and their children are going to suffer beyond our belief. 1693 Danke für die Möglichkeit zur Meinungsäußerung. Ich hoffe sehr, dass die EU-Politik sich nicht von Lobbyinteressen (bes. vertreten durch ACEA) einschränken lässt, sondern ihren Auftrag der Reduktion von Treibhausgasemissionen ernst nimmt, und es auch bei Kleinfahrzeugen zu scharfen Restriktionen kommt.

1698 We need to take the fear out of the present climate. Doom mongerers will always exist and those to capatilise on suffering so a co-ordinated effort by all governments is needed. 1700 Oil is the currency used by those in positions of power that detroy our world....It is and will take many of us to draw the line and say....ENOUGH NOW 1701 Black carbon particulates should be given a CO2 equivalent rating so that the total warming effect of diesel vehicles can be assessed. When I bought my car I went for a diesel because it had low CO2 emissions. Only later did I learn that the black carbon produced by the diesel engine was also responsible for global warming. I could well have made a different choice if I had known the TOTAL warming effect expressed as equivalent CO2 emissions.

1702 Da man solche Ziele wahrscheinlich am ehesten und gerechtesten über lineare Kosten (wer viel fährt und dabei viel verbraucht, zahlt viel) erreichen kann, bin ich für eine Emissionssteuer auf Kraftstoffe.

1704 Es sollte grundsätzlich gesetzlich vorgeschrieben werden, was technisch machbar ist. Wenn ein Pkw mit einem Motor abgeboten wird( werden kann), der 3 Liter verbraucht, dann darf es dieses Fahrzeug mit keinem größeren Motor geben! Extrem wichtig ist die Abschaffung der Steuerlichen Absetzbarkeit von Dienstwagen! Es kann nicht sein, dass alle Steuerzahler die überdimesionierten "Dienstwagen" subventionieren.

1707 GHG emissions targets for all sectors need to comply and join up with the overall 2050 reduction targets. The path the the 2050 reduction targets need to be mapped out and demonstrated. We need to act asap, as it is easier to reduce emissions sooner, rather than later. The 2 degree limit is looking less and less likely unless we act to change our behaviour. Governments have to tell voters they cannot do certain things - or they pay highly for them - eg 4x4s for the school run.

1708 As I suggested before, while laudable, EU legislation to reduce C02 emissions from road vehicles is, in itself & on its own, too little too late. A concerted international effort (what about the USA's considerable vehicle-related CO2 emissions?) is desperately needed. Furthermore, legislation must take into account not just the energy efficiency of vehicles themselves, but the emissions linked to the production, transport & storage of fuel (as indicated in one of the survey's questions) -- I am thinking in particular of fuel extracted from oil sands and oil shale, as well as petroleum whose extraction requires the destruction of major carbon sinks, as in the Amazon basin, the boreal forests of North America & northern Europe, the rain forests and mangroves of Africa. 1710 Greater incentives should be made available to commuters and general travellers to use public transport so that many people can get to where they need to be in the most fuel efficient manner. There should be greater room for bicycles on trains, more cycle networks and buses/trams. All people should be discouraged from making single occupancy journeys in cars by making public transport truly public, ie, for everybody to use, not just those who live in major cities and big towns. In addition, all forms of motorised transport should have the latest technologies to reduce their impact on the environment and when significant improvements in technologies are achieved, garages should be impressed upon to upgrade motor vehicles at reasonable cost. After all, it will increase their business. 1712 There can be no escaping the necessity to reduce all emissions which contribute to the greenhouse effect, whether these are from factories, road vehicles, cattle or human behaviour (including hot air generated by debating the issue). We have become like aliens invading from inner space - we are demanding products, foodstuffs, means of transport and lifestyles which cannot be sustained in the long-term. We should be at war with this issue because it is during war-time that technological advances are the greatest. We all need to take this issue much more seriously - deadly seriously, in fact - because if we don't we will make planet Earth uninhabitable for ourselves. Be clean and green, or fry and die.

1713 Present laws and vehicles manufactured just waste fuel, as does the driving technique of the average driver, forced driving retraining every ten years, or after an accident, with proper policing of those who floute the law and common decency by driving without insurance etc. should be punished by lifetime banning, let them use the public transport which by then will also be co2 efficient.

1714 We should be monitoring the pollution generated by vehicle manufacturers in the production process, and even in the sourcing, manufature and transport of materials to the production process. And offering incentives to reduce such indirect pollution.

1715 Ich halte es für sehr wichtig, sich nicht nur und nicht oberflächlich mit CO2 Emmissionen zu beschäftigen, sondern eben auch andere Treibhausgase zu berücksichtigen und deren Emmissionen zu reduzieren, und nicht nur im Fahrzeugbereich! Vielen Dank für diese Umfrage!

1716 Please do something to stop the hegemony of the automotive industry and the tyranny of the motor vehicle in our society! 1727 The issues of vehicle emissions are part of a larger set of interconnected problems, including: " human health and wellbeing (most immediately respiratory disease, but also health problems related to overuse of private cars) " economic and technological development (transport planning and urban design are decades behind schedule for sustainability) " resource efficiency/energy security in an age of increasing scarcity, (most immediately peak oil and the urgent need to move to a low carbon economy and society) " ecological 'overshoot', the extent to which the waste products of human activity exceed the capacity of ecological systems to absorb them (most immediately climate damage) Therefore, solutions will be most effective and durable when they address the conjunction of the problems. Corporate lobbying representing the interests of the oil industry and certain car manufacturers such as Volkswagen will be a powerful antidemocratic force in disaggregating the problem and delaying integrated solutions. 1730 We can no longer keep stalling on climate change, hoping that "all will be well anyway" and insisting that economic concerns are more important now. The longer we postpone real action, the more drastic and economically damaging the needed actions become. Provision must also be made for cheap public transport that meets the needs of the population for individual travel. More encouragement should also be given to reducing unnecessary commercial travel, like moving produce from a farm to a supermarket distribution centre hundreds of miles away, only to have the produce returned eventually to a branch store a few miles from where it was grown. Local buses should not be allowed to belch clouds of black 'smoke' into the air. As a cyclist, if I am behind a bus when we stop for a red light, I stay at a distance and then hold my breath when the bus re-starts at the green light. knowing that the bus could fill my lungs with damaging particulate matter. 1731 Wie sieht es eigentlich mit den Emmisionen ber derSchiffahrt aus. Warum wird darüber eigentlich gar nicht geredet.... 1732 Agreement needs to be reached right now about emissions and the usage of oil. We have amazing scientists who develop all kinds of ways of reducing emissions and alternative fuels which are environmentally friendly. These people should be listened to and their advice taken up by the car manufacturers. The planet needs action now.

1737 Verhindert den Lobbimus der Generation, die 2050 unter der Erde liegt. Denkt an die Generationen, die nach 2020 ertragen und kompensieren müssen. Steckt das Geld für Fahrzeugbau-Subventionen in Bildung und Ernährungsprogrammen (Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe). Wenn überall genug Essen angebaut werden kann, muss es nich 10.000 km weit hertransportiert werden. 1750 ES MUSS MEHR DRUCK AUF D. AUTOM. -INDUSTRIE AUS GEÜBT WERDEN --- MIT FREIWILLIEGEN SELBST-BESCHRÄNKUNGEN WIRD DAS N I C H T S !!! 1751 Ich halte die Grenzwerte aktuell für zu schwach - ab 2020 müssen DEUTLICH strengere Maßsstäbe gesetzt werden, die alles *technisch* Machbare beinhalten. 1752 We only have one planet and the chances for saving it are running out. 1758 neue Antriebstechnologien, Besteuerung von CO2-Emissionen, PKW-Maut-Gelder zur Forcierung der Erforschung und Umsetzung alternativer und spritsparender Technologien

1759 Human beings have to act NOW otherwise the planet will continue to heat up, the polar ice will melt and sea levels will rise with disastrous results, already being seen around the globe. Not to mention the other extreme of drought, already affecting much of Africa.

1776 Create incentives for less use of road vehicles: better & cheaper public transport, send children to local schools so they don't have to be transported there (good for the them and local communities too!) Supermarkets should aim to reduce their transport costs (do they really have to send food up & down the country via their depots before distribution - is there no other way?) Subsidise locally produced food sold within a few miles of production to reduce transport; find a way to change peoples' attitude to life eg is it SO essential to get everywhere faster and become more stressed/unhealthy? Keep speed limits low - it's safer, more relaxed and more economical...... need I go on? It's time we looked at the wider picture of what is happening to our society and our environment. 1778 Since the finds of emissions from fossil fuel powered vehicles is a well asserted cause, the trade of zero miles vehicles requires a brand new policy to be enacted, fossil fuelled cars that are under production are to be classified as obsolete or irrelevant tecnology and made into luxury goods. The change of "dino fueled " to green cars can be flexible over 5 years from 2011, this is the required time to improve tecnologies. 1784 Our current infrastructure is not working either financially or environmentally we need to consider living our lives more locally, limiting travel and transport and encouraging local production of all our needs (thereby creating jobs and boosting local economies. There is no need for globalisation, within the EU we should be able to meet all of our needs, I know this will not be popular especially with the emerging powerful nations in Asia, but I feel we need to consider the good of the nations within the EU and move in some part toward the aforementioned. 1786 Money and profit need to be balanced with a new value in our modern society - truth and common-sense. Resources are limited and continual growth cannot continue forever, motor manufacturers need to admit that change is inevitable. Manufacturing products that will fail at 100 000km is criminal, produce parts and vehicles that will run clean and strong for 500 000km or a million km. The impact of greed and short-sightedness has cost us too much already. I would like to see strong leadership convince the transport industry to go better than what is expected, such companies would receive public support. thank you. 1787 Bitte sorgen Sie dafür, dass die Automobilindustrie die technisch machbaren Lösungen für eine Senkung des CO2-Emission schnellstens als Pflichtaufgabe einsetzen müssen. Diese Spritspartechniken dürfen KEINEN AUFPREIS kosten, sondern sind alle als Serienausstattung zwingend einzubauen.

1788 Elektromobile (mit regnerativ erzeugtem Strom) sollten besonders gefördert werden. 1790 For heavens sake lets stop pussyfooting about with minor changes to legislation and just ban the wretched technology that delivers all these negative effects by a specific date. How soon shouldn't be determined by the car makers - they should be informed when and have to comply with that if they still wanted to sell vehicles in the EU.

1793 I made my first public speech about climate change to a young farmers group in 1965. If only the world had taken the warnings of the early environmental movement then!! Now the situation is EXTREMELY urgent. It is the world's poorest people who are going to suffer the worst effects AND THEY ARE NOT THE SECTION OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION WHO CAUSED THIS. We in the rich world did that and therefore we have the moral responsibility for taking all possible steps to remedy the problem. 1794 I can't add anything technical, but I feel strongly that the infernal combustion engine needs reigning in for a number of reasons which include reducing carbon emissions. 1797 Whatever measures to reduce air pollution, and reduce use of carbon-based fuels, should be implemented and as soon as possible, e.g. personal carbon quotas. 1801 It is crucial that formal and binding targets are set, implemented and adhered to to reduce global warming. 1805 It is essential that the organised lobbying from vested interests , having large scale finances/investments at their disposal , should be recognised and guarded against. 1808 I believe public transport should set the benchmark, with taxis in particular being converted to electric power. Taxi stands lend themselves perfectly to recharging points & eliminate the need to keep engines running while they creep forward towards the front of the queue. Buses could operate on electric batteries which would be easily swopped over & replaced by fresh batteries at terminals. As both these types of vehicle operate in predominantly urban areas there would be substantial benefits to air quality at the same time. Even if the additional electricity required was generated by coal-fired power stations, the pollution would be removed from population centres with enormous health & cost benefits. One would hope however, that generation would be from renewable sources. Perhaps long haul HDVs may have to be reduced in favour of train freight in anticipation of future hydrogen fuel advances. 1811 Control of new vehicles is all well and good, but as I drive around the country it is old tractors, lorries and buses that discharge the most toxins, with thick black smoke belching out. I can almost see the poisons leaping from the exhaust. Tighter control of emissions of commercial vehicles would be appropriate. Police could have sniffer devices to test vehicles where smoke is evident and should have the power to remove faulty vehicles from the road IMMEDIATELY.

1814 Tackling climate change is of the utmost urgency. Every effort must be made by all sections of society. 1815 bei fahrzeugen mit Elektromotor ist die CO2-Emission bei der Stromproduktion anzurechen (z.B. mit dem Durchschnittswert pro Land oder EU-weit 1823 I consider the imposition of limits on car emissions to be an absolute imperative . Emissions overall are not falling quickly enough and the prospects of this remain uncertain. Cities continue to be polluted impacting on health - particularly on the young and old and those living in inner city areas. This is unjust.

1830 None 1832 Europe should lead the change to a more efficient car usage, design and production. 1839 I don't think VW should be so powerful as to enable the rest of the car industry manufacturers to veto new legislation that would reduce the carbon emission levels in car manufacture and design because they would incur additional costs to what is a very successful and very profitable car manufacturer.

1847 Manufacturers of vehicles should also set fair prices for environmentally friendly cars. The average person cannot afford to buy an equivalent environmentally friendly model of a car due to the additional cost involved. In my case, when I went to the dealer last year to buy a new car, the environmentally friendly version of the same car was an extra £5000. Due to the high cost involved, I chose to buy the standard model which was cheaper.

1849 I am extremely concerned about the state of all parts of the polluting transportation system. Not enough is being done now to ensure the reduction of unnecessary long-distance transportation. Also, more should be done to oblige vehicle producing manufacturers to go beyond legislation - eg: bonuses in place for companies who sell their "greener" vehicles at prices LOWER than their "normal" vehicles. 1852 There shoulkd be a massive change from cars to buses and coaches, as well as trains. Millions of additional, new, low-emission coaches and buses, and rolling stock and engines for trains, should be introduced across the EU, and there should be massive reduction in cras by driving illegal drivers, old high-emission cars, unroadworthy cars etc off the roads. This would reduce congestion and emissions and improve economical efficiency through reduced congestion, and save lives on the roads as well as from pollution. The procuction of coaches, buses and trains would replace that of cars, providing businesses and jobs. These should be produced in the EU.

1853 Some of your questions are unclear or leading. EU should do all it can in all areas to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. EU regulation saves individual governments from the trap of unpopularity and SHOULD avoid vested interests of big business (such as VW). It is the EU responsibility to uphold this impartiality to secure a better future for us all. EU should take action based on expert opinion not vested interests and have full realisation that climate change must take precedence over economic considerations. In any case it is highly likely that higher reduction standards will lead to greater R&D and therefore have the economic benefit to the wider population of greater employment. Win-win situation. 1859 Enough is enough. If this law is not applied than I am sure our Hospitals will be full of people dying 1862 This is so important to do. We really need to get on with reducing GHG emissions from transport. It is most urgent that we reach agreement at Durban and stand firm on improving standards of reducing emissions

1863 We need to maintain the movement towards further reductions of emissions as well as seeking alternative sources of fuel including economical use of oil derived fuels as the eventual decline in supplies is inevitable.

1864 I would love to know at what stage are politicians and commissioners actually going to do something meaningful to avoid the catastrophic consequences of climate change - the longer they put off coming to some meaningful global agreements the higher the peak CO2 concentrations are going to be and the peak tempurature also. Frankly, living on a mountain in South Wales - I'm gonna be alright Jack! But I really would have thought that European politicians would have wanted to do all they can to avoid losing places like London, Hamburg, Rotterdam (in fact all of the Netherlands), Paris, the Riveira, Venice plus many other globally recognised locations to flooding as sea levels rise. Get your act together and make these changes happen. 1875 As a result of trying to accurately answer these questions in line with my current views, I have been made increasingly aware that, although my answers may imply an optimistic mentality towards our responsibilities as human beings towards the future of 'our' planet, I continue to hit a brick wall when trying to be both rational and realistic. Perhaps my current level of knowledge requires bettering, but I cannot come to any conclusions and can only see our societies, cultures and economies as vicious circles in themselves and in relation to carbon emissions in general, let alone in relation to just emissions from road vehicles. If I understood the question correctly, there was a point where I was made to consider my standpoint on the energy lifecycle - is this not far beyond comprehension? How selective, restrictive and/or quantitative should we be in order to improve the level of damage limitation in the face of the ongoing destruction of this planet? I apologise for coming across as overly dramatic, and perhaps out of my depth, but I was mainly interested in the reviewing of my own opinions and circumstantial knowledge in relation to this consultation. I am afraid that I am, in reality, staunchly pessimistic about what can be changed or improved to any truly substantial level. Should we even be taking into account the emissions caused by the various factors involved in my answering these questions, and writing these comments? 1887 car sharing / #passager per car should be encouraged long distance road drive should be discouraged low speed carriers should be encouraged replacing exploding offer in service of short time deliveries to individuals or business train (long distance) to road (local/"last miles") should be encouraged cost of using road should be increased each time a viable alternative exist 1888 thanks goodness for the EU legislating for change - if it was left to the manufacturers they would still be advertising cars as sex symbols on the back of their 0 - 60 sprint times and max top speeds [rather than how environmentally quiet they are, how little of the worlds resources they take to manufacture, how all of it can be recycled at the end of its life and how driving it is pollution nuetral for the planet] silly me - have you seen a car advert lately... come on EU, lets tell the vehicle industry what is good for us, not them - who's in charge here?

1898 I feel with such densely populated areas we must really think to the future and our children's health. I would like to see a much more enlightened approach to encouraging the purchase and use of low emission vehicles ie realistic costs and possible subsidies.

1899 It is clear that most vehicle manufactures are not in favour of this legislation, it is therefor essential that the EU takes action, I can think of no other reason forthe existence of the EU than legislation such as this.

1903 The power of money is at work here. The motor industry and the oil industry use this power to influence Brussels and most governments of the EU members. These industries care less about greenhouse emissions and more about their profits. Unless some unforeseen catastrophic event occurs we are unlikely to see any big changes in the near future. The link between money and power is very strong, nevertheless we must not give up trying to bring about a change.

1904 I am concerned that current EU action is not strong enough and is liable to be diluted by the powerful automobile industry lobby which (despite some progressive members) is not yet sufficiently willing overall to innovate and adopt new technologies. This is bad for the industry's future as much as for the planet as a whole.

1912 I appreciate the effort by all who is involved in improving European environment as an asthma sufferer. Thank you very much for your hard work and please carry on regardless despite of the anti-environmental lobbying.

1913 Anything that can be done to cut down on global warming must be grasped immediately. There should be no arguing whether it is man-made or natural - we should be doing all we can to reduce the impact we have made on the Earth.

1914 I have had a fairly "liberal" attitude to the market but I am now convinced that regulation is required to power any intervention that cannot be demonstrated as directly benefiting vehicle purchasers and users, either financially or over time. It seems that legislative intervention is necessary to obtain the "greater good" of all and to safeguard future generations rather than leaving them an inheritance which may require repressive legislation if it is to have timely effect. 1920 The focus should be on long term reduction in the use of fossil fuel energy for both transport and all other uses, giving manufacturers plenty of notice of long term changes so that they have no excuses for not being able to prepare suitable designs of vehicles to meet increasingly stringent requirements. Manufacturers need incentives to seek and improve alternatives to the internal combustion engine. All party agreement at both national and international levels should be the aim of all discussions so that this can become a moral instead of a political imperative. Global 'big oil' companies push to maintain our dependence on oil to maximise their company profits. This is antagonistic to the long term interests of the ordinary person. Governments should protect the ordinary person from global businesses, not aid big business in grabbing profits for small cabals of 'fat cat' businessmen and bankers. Journalists should publicise good examples of 'joined up' ecological action. Consider the dutch cycle systems and how The Netherland turned away from allowing the private motor car to dominate their cities. This must have been in the sixties when the UK were building motorways, and the dutch were building cycleways. Why did they do this, how did they organise themselves to make it happen, and how has their economic and civic/ social life benefitted from these actions. 1922 I am not involved in the industry but have strong feelings about the degradation of the environment. It is necessary for the European Commission to take these issues profoundly seriously because the industry will, by nature, exploit every loophole to evade expensive changes. The cost of a sustainable economy is whatever it is, depending upon our creativity as a species, and will have to paid; and it is better paid now while there might still be time to make a dfference.

1926 We must have an integrated policy based purely on carbon dioxide emissions. To make this fair it must include cradle to grave carbon burdens, not just point of generation emissions. Although electric vehicles may reduce emissions at source (in cities) the generation of electricity incurs additional carbon dioxide emissions remote from the point of use. We must have an holistic approach. 1936 Reducing CO2 emissions by road transport can not only contribute to the essential task of reducing greenhouse gasses worldwide, but can also, hopefully, shift more freight and people to rail use, contributing to a less obese, more socially cohesive society, rather than, perhaps, the alienated, self interested car obsessed society we have in some parts of Europe nowadays. 1943 *Reduce car ownership/use via cost especially in towns and cities, *Force vehicle manufacturers to change specifications, eg: to H2O fuelled vehicles using penalties/regulation and incentives, *Encourage investment in cheaper/better public transport, *Increase renewable energy use, *Increase bicycle use by building seperate safe bike routes and tax/cost incentives, *Use rivers and canals and trains for freight. 1947 we have a short time frame within which we can make effective alterations to greenhouse gasses within the atmosphere. We should be realistic about the future for our grandchildren if we fail to act now. think of the approach tot he financial crisis - pain now to secure a future. I'd be less profligate now to secure a livable planet for the future 1956 It should be absolutely clearcut that we pursue our targets, and are not deflected by the powerful car and oil lobbies. 1959 Reducing gas house gas emissions must be regulated legally, people will not CHOOSE (on the whole) to save the planet. This is one way of stimulating business and also reducing emissions at the same time - Its a win/win situation

1960 There is absolutely no time to waste. 1961 It is to be hoped that alternative fuels reduce oil dependency which still dominates our politics. However their production still needs monitoring. 1964 The discussions around this issue should be given wider publicity. 1970 I think greater attention should be paid to usage and emissions of all passenger and freight aeroplanes to add to the overal lowering of emissions. 1981 I believe we are being pushed in the wrong direction with regard to vehicles. Cars are getting bigger, we should legislate for smaller cars to be produced and larger vehicles, e.g. what are known as 'Chelsea Tractors' should be banned. If necessary rationing of use of large and fast private cars, at the moment they are freely avaiable to the more afluent members of society. The maximum vehicle speed on all roads should be reduced to 50 mph Passenger transport systems should be developed to replace private car ownership. Heavy Goods Vehicles should be encouraged off the national roads and only be permitted to feed and distribute from rail transport centres. 1985 Don't assume you can deal with green house gas emissions by enforcing regulation of one thing at a time, don't consider 'alternatives' to vehicle-based gas emissions, consider partners with this. Vehicle gas emissions must always be regulated if you want a slim chance of having a future for your grandchildren that isnt a barren, animal-less, polluted wasteland of greed and ingnorance. Listen to the thousands of scientists out there and your own common sense regulate everything, all methods of energy usage, gas production, pollution production and unnecessary wastings of energy, invest heavily in alternate and this time i do mean alternate methods of energy, such as solar, wind, water, etc. Burning fossil fuels and nuclear energy should be a thing of the past, we have the knowledge so just invest more money into it's practical production, surely even the money hungry sloths of you out there can understand the long (financial) benefits of having 'good' green energy as opposed to fossil fuels! Remember, you can't make money and rip off the common tax payer if you haven't clean air to breathe, un-polluted, non-toxi food to consume and clean waters that won't give you cancer! So i've laid it out straight plain and simple, it's not too hard, a bit of common sense, if something is pumping horrible, poisonous black smoke into the air or if something causing ice caps to melt and animals to become endangered, it's probably not a good thing to invest in is it, you would'nt invest in cancer... or would you, as i'm sure drug companies would go bust if it weren't for chronic illness?! Just use your brain ok, you have kids, you have friends, don't you want them to be safe, healthy, happy and live a long time with good well being to see the world in it's glory, not in a polluted, beaten-down wasteland full of extinct animals' bones and toxic pollutants? Do the right thing, pull your finger out and enforce gas emission and energy usage regulation, invest in alternative energy sources and be a good person! Don't you want to be a hero, like Green Lantern? He's green for a reason. Make a difference, the way you always dreamed you would, do it now, while you still can. 1986 2015 may well be too late for regulations to help counteract the serious climate change that is already happening. Time is precious. Don't let companies delay for the sake of profits.

1989 It is important that a strong signal is sent now that climate change is taken seriously and that reduction of vehicle CO2 emissions (as well as other gases) is not optional. Already there is pressure from certain sectors of the automotive industry to block legislation that they view as negative to their interests. This must be resisited.

1994 I am not anti-car. I just find that with too many cars we are all suffering. There are alternatives to cars so support for public transport should be encouraged also. If we have to have individual transport then we should encourage powering them by alternative fuels. The lobby from the oil industry and the car manufacturers is massive and totally skews the balance of debate. By listening to the green lobby without dismissing them as tree huggers and old hippies we can have that debate and encourage dialogue between all parties. At the moment it seems that the money from the oil and car lobby counts more than people and that is very disconcerting. 1999 The EU must dramatically reduce it's green house gas emissions. Regulating vehicles is an important part of this. 2001 Everything has to be considered in the short, medium and long term with the primary motivation being ongoing sustainable and emergent development of the human race with the highest principles in mind.

2013 We must take the threat to our survival presented by global climate change far more seriously. It is human nature to resist change that we find 'uncomfortable' or 'inconvenient' and it is also in the nature of some human beings to consider personal gain as far more important than the common good. It is only through legislative processes, therefore, that the rapid changes required can be assured. People need to be made to accept the necessary reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, no matter how difficult that may be in the short term. This will not be achieved quickly enough by relying on self-regulation. Politicians are simply afraid to make those decisions because they are more interested in surviving the next election than they are in making genuinely difficult and unpopular laws and regulations. 2020 The EU should do everything in its power to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The EU must resist the lobbying of selfish interested parties such as vehicle manufacturers and fuel companies.

2035 Go for renewable energy 2037 You should stop listening to the car lobby, they don't elect politicians the people do. The evidence of anthropogenic climate change is compelling and unequivocal, so-called "evidence" to the contrary is not peer-reviewed and validated.

2042 Greenhouse gas emissions need to be controlled as they are now considered a potent pollutant. The road vehicle industry and users should be no exception to this. Measures to support innovation for low or zero emission road vehicles needs to be supported.

2043 We need to see an end to the 'great car economy' and a move towards truly sustainable living - this must include an end to the fetishisation of the motor vehicle as a lifestyle accessory and cultural icon.

2045 I am old enough to remember horse drawn canal barges moving heavy loads with minimal gas emmisions. Water , rather than road, transport could be considered for many goods! 2051 I have considered the possible consequences of climate change - see http://climate-cassandra.blogspot.com/2011/03/scenario-planning-for-climate-change.html 2056 It is imperitive we tackle man made climate chainge with the strongest possable measures. However much it costs . 2060 More freight on rail 2061 Put simply, the EU must ensure that the vehicle manufacturers and users have very tight and clearly understood emission tagets to achieve in as short a time as possible. Many corporations will do their best to circumvent these regulations so they must be transparent and easy to measure and monitor. A considerable education programme needs to be set up to explain why there is a need to move in this direction. 2072 The Commission should not allow motor manufacturers (with their vested interests) to dilute the emission reduction targets. 2078 Vehicle manufacturers have a vested interest in trying to water down proposals .Lobbying in this regard should not be allowed to influence scientific methodology. 2101 I think it is vitally important to reduce emissions to which all forms of transport contriibute hugely. There must be clear and ambitious targets for the industry to aim backed by legislation to encoutrage the laggards.

2113 I am strongly in favour of stringent limits for vehicle emisions. This would benefit both the environment and the EU's economic prowess in this area in the future. 2120 It is essential that the influence of car industry lobby groups such as Acea is not allowed to undermine efforts to tackle climate change, including effective legislation covering areas such as upper limits on per km CO2 emissions and % reductions in emissions. The car industry's predictions about the negative effects of climate change legislation on its business have repeatedly been shown to be false with positive impacts through stimulation to innovate and compete. 2121 legiferez, et ne tenez pas compte des gérémiades des lobbys qui sont experts dans le domaine! 2122 L’Europe se doit d'être un moteur pour le changement, elle doit donner l’exemple et faire tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour parvenir à réduire les émissions des véhicules, qu'il s'agisse des voitures, camionnettes ou véhicules utilitaires lourds. Il serait également bon de trouver des solutions réalisables pour parvenir à un secteur de transports « zéro carbone », le plus tôt possible (d'ici 2020 serait très souhaitable). Il nous reste à inventer de nouveaux procédés et à prendre en considération des techniques qui fonctionnent déjà (exemple du moteur à eau). 2124 As recommended by T & E, the European Federation for Transport and Environment AiSBL, and in order to encourage 'lightweighting' emission targets should be based on vehicle footprint rather than weight.

2128 We need to regulate vehicle efficiency quickly, without bowing to the economic interests of car company lobbyists. 2131 The only chance we have of mitigating climate change and global warming is via legislation. Regulating the motor industry is particularly crucial given the huge contribution motor transport makes to greenhouse gas emissions and the reluctance of the motor industry to change voluntarily. The EU has pioneered this kind of regulation and should continue to do so regardless of the pressure to relax targets from the industry and from those who argue that legislation is an impediment to the growth of European industry. We must have targets in place for 2025 both for for cars and for vans. These targets should be in line with an aspiration to achieve a zero carbon transport sector by 2050.

2134 This area is extremely important and EU should develop binding laws to keep reducing CO2 from road transport. 2139 Die Förderung des Fahrradverkehrs und des ÖPNV und der Ausbau der Städte hinsichtlich Fußgängerfreundlichkeit kann zur Verminderung des Individualverkehrs mit PKWs beitragen. Das sollte verstärkt angegangen werden. Die Verwendung des "Bunkeröls" für Schiffsdiesel dürfte nur bei entsprechender Abgasreinigung erlaubt werden. Es sind mindestens die gleichen Standards wie für Sondermüll-Verbrennungsanlagen vorzuschreiben. Auch für Binnenschiffe müssen Abgasregelungen getroffen werden.

2145 Il est important que la Commission Européenne développe une législation contraignante pour la réduction de CO2 dans le transport routier 2146 L’Europe a toujours donné l’exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Elle doit continuer dans cette voie. Il est impératif de fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires. Cet objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour nous mettre en bonne voie vers un secteur des transports « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050. 2153 L' Europe est un exemple en matière de réductions d'émissions des véhicules, il faut absolument continuer ainsi et fixer un objectif à 2025 pour tous les types de véhicules (particuliers, utilitaires) sans avoir peur d'être ambitieux afin d'atteindre le"zéro-carbone" d'ici 2050.

2155 I sincerely hope you don't take the easyest road to achiev these goals... Not just human kind is at stake here! 2156 EU should continue to develop binding laws to reduce CO2 emissions and to support R&D to make the EU a world leader in this field 2157 Das C02-Label, welches heute in Deutschalnd in Kraft tritt, ist eine Verarschung aller, die ernsthaft versuchen, den CO2-Austoß zu reduzieren. Dies dürfte auch die Glaubwürdigkeit aller anderen Labels, z.B. für Haushaltsgeräte, in Frage stellen. Der Bezug auf das Gewicht eines Autos ist absoluter Schwachsinn. Ein Bezug auf die Zahl der Sitzplätze, des Transportvolumens oder der Fläche wären deutlich sinnvoller. Es zeigt, dass sich die Regierung von der Autolobby kaufen lässt und nicht wirklich an der Verhinderung des Klimakollapses interessiert ist. Wenn weiterhin fast alles Geld in den Bau von Straßen und die Förderung des Autoverkehrs und Flugverkehrs fließt, wird sich kurzfristig nicht viel ändern. Und mittelfristig ist leider zu spät. Die Ausgaben für den Öffentlichen Verkehr reichen bei weitem nicht. Der Radverkehr wird fast überhaupt nicht finanziell gefördert. Dabei würde er die Mobilität der Zukunft im Nahverkehr sichern. In Kombination mit auch auf Strecken bis etwa 30 km. Und nebenbei gigantische Gesundheitskosten einsparen. Die finanzielle Förderung der Elektromobilität im Autoverkehr ist überflüssig. Elektromobilität auf der Schiene funktioniert schon lange, und bei Fahrrädern seit kurzem auch. Und für Lkw ist es absurd zu meinen, sie könnten mal mit Strom, gespeichert in Akkus, fahren. Ohne Wasserstofftechnologie wird der weltweite Güterverkehr per Lkw früher oder später mangels Treibstoffmangels oder zu hoher Kosten für Treibstoff zusammenbrechen.

2160 We need to reduce the traffic, to reduce the number of the cars... we are overwhelmed by cars. Please, let push the market to create small, light and low impact's car models. 2161 L'Europe doit être ambitieuse et continuer à donner l'exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Il faut poursuivre dans cette voie. Il faut fixer un objectif de réductions des émissions pour toutes les voitures, y compris les véhicules utilitaires, à 2025. Cet objectif doit être ambitieux pour nous permettre d'atteindre facilement l'objectif de "zéro carbone" en 2050. 2163 Do like in the US, start by changing the EU directive to measure and evaluate the vehicle fuel consumption and CO2 production. Make the test cycle more close to the real driving conditions!

2166 We have a big problem with CO2 emissions and we are going to have much more if we don't reduce them NOW ! 2168 You should rule and make laws very quickly, in order to stop climate change; such a kind of investigations are useful to understand people consensus, but my fear is that it could be a waste of time, because climate change won't wait for your investigations and in the futuree we all will suffer of our inactivity to stop global warming and what we haven't done so far... 2169 Mesdames, Messieurs de la commission européenne, les peuples d’Europe vous élisent pour mettre en place des changements ambitieux pour réduire les émissions de GES, pour les protéger de pollution atmosphérique, et jamais pour vous plier aux exigences des puissants lobby industriels et pétroliers, routiers...de nos pays des Autoroutes sur rails, plus de Péniches, Un recentrage local du producteur au consommateur, brider les voitures en usine à 100, voir 80 km... Combien de changement important pour lutter contre GES et POLLUTIONsont prêt à faire les peuples : des milliers car cela peut se faire sans toucher à leur confort/bien être/sécurité, bien au contraire si l'on fait l’effort de regarder un peu loin Combien de changement important pour lutter contre GES et POLLUTION sont prêt à faire les entreprises du secteur du transports : aucun car cela touche à leur intérêts Mesdames, Messieurs de la commission européenne, du courage, du courage, ça doit pas être facile tous les jours d'être entre l'enclume et la marteau, nous sommes avec vous pour que vos choix soient fait dans l'unique intérêt des peuples et au grand jamais dans l’intérêt des visions court-terme des algorithme qui établissent les prévisions de santé des groupes marchands 2170 Les coûts économiques, humains et environnementaux des changements climatiques risquent d'être très élevés, il convient de les réduire au maximum, dans l'intérêt de tous. En ce qui concerne les transports routiers, l'Europe peut initier un mouvement international. Un objectif à l'horizon 2025 est indispensable, si l'on veut parvenir à un secteur des transports vertueux (= neutre du point de vue des émissions de gaz à effets de serre) à l'horizon 2050.

2171 Ziel aller Maßnahmen sollte die Reduzierung jeglichen Straßenverkehrs sein. 2172 http://www.negawatt.org/telechargement/Scenario%20nW2006%20Synthese%20v1.0.2.pdf Si le scénario NégaWatt 2011 n'était pas parvenu à votre connaissance, en voici le lien. J'espère que l'avis de ces experts qui travaille depuis 15 ans sur ce sujet sera pris en compte et que nos gouvernements à nous, citoyens de l'Union Européenne, se rendront compte de l'urgence actuelle et de la nécessité de cesser de céder à la pression des si puissants lobbys énergétiques connus de tous.

2178 L’Europe doit impérativement continuer de donner l’exemple en matière de réduction des émissions de GES des véhicules. Cette étude doit absolument aider à fixer un objectif ambitieux à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires lourds, dont le questionnaire indique lui-même qu'ils sont responsables d'1/4 des émission du transport routier. "Ambitieux" est vraiment le mot-clé si nous voulons nous orienter vers un secteur des transports « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050. Ecoutez-nous, nous les citoyens européens, et s'il vous plaît ne cédez pas aux pressions du lobby industriel... 2181 Il me semble extrêmement important de faire TOUT pour atteindre une décarbonisation totale du secteur des transports en 2050, car les enjeux sont nombreux. Les émissions de gaz à effets de serre renforcent le réchauffement climatique, certes, mais n'oublions pas une autre donnée tout aussi incontestable : les stocks de pétrole s'épuisent ! Nous n'en aurions plus que pour une soixantaine d'années. Donc le renforcement des règlementations sur la conception et sur l'utilisation des véhicules doit absolument être revue pour que dans quelques décennies à peine, nous ne fassions pas face à une terrible crise, irréversible, liée d'abord à la montée des prix, puis à la pénurie. 2182 Il est indispensable que l'union européenne donne l'exemple pour réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Il s'agit là de répondre aux enjeu du changement climatique. Quelque soit les véhicules, les objectifs doivent être chiffrés dans le temps pour viser excellence énergétique. Je souhaiterais que l'expression "zéro émission" en 2050 ait un sens.

2187 Comme pour toute industrie lourdes ce sont des objectifs à longs termes qui peuvent faire évoluer le secteur automobile. C'est pour cela que des objectifs à horizon 2025 sont nécessaires. Mais l'Europe a le potentiel d'innovation pour répondre à ces défis et ainsi devenir un exemple, avec un secteur du transport sans CO2 d'ici 2050. L'Europe a jusque là été pionnière dans le domaine et doit continuer.

2188 L’Europe a toujours donné l’exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Elle doit continuer dans cette voie. Il est impératif de fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires. Cet objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour nous mettre en bonne voie vers un secteur des transports « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050. 2190 Développer l'énergie musculaire, c'est-à-dire retrouver l'usage premier de nos jambes et faire la plupart des trajets quotidiens à pied (jusqu'à 5 km ou plus) et à vélo (jusqu'à 20 km ou plus).

2192 L'Europe doit continuer à donner l'exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Il est important de fixer un objectif à 2035 pour les automobiles et les véhicules utilitaires. Ces objectifs doivent être ambitieux pour pousser les constructeurs à diminuer les émmissions et nous permettre d'aller vers le "zéro carbone" en 2050.

2193 It is of absolute importance that transport emissions are cut drastically and that the short term economic plans of individual governments should not be allowed to threaten or frustrate that. We all know the threat of greenhouse gases to our wellbeing, and we all know that if we are not prepared to pay now, we will pay more later. yet individual EU governments often behave as though cutting GG is a kind of optional extra. Policies need to be designed to emphasis accessibility rather than mobility; the wellbeng of all rather than the convenience of the few; and hence the reductiion of road trasnport and a switch from road to rail. The EU needs to stop building roads aart from anything else! 2196 Regulation is this area is vitally important. I would like to see the EU moving to make vehicles far more economically and environmentally efficient. Binding legislation is required - and sooner rather than later.

2197 Il me paraît urgent que l'Europe développe des législations plus contraignantes pour enfin réduire les émissions de CO² émises par les transports routiers notamment. 2198 In order to make progress in CO2e reduction, it is essential to develop binding laws. If this is not done, the likelihood that they are upheld is a lot lower. It would be a shame to waste the work already done in this area - our environment cannot afford it.

2199 il est important que l’Europe développe des législations contraignantes pour réduire les émissions de CO2 des transports routiers. 2203 Rauswurf von Autokonzern-Lobbyisten aus Regierungsgremien, "saubere" Gesetzgebung wie in Schweden 2206 I think the eletric vehicles and a hidrogen a good solucion. 2214 Il parait évident que l'Europe doit légiférer sur un sujet d'une telle importance et aider à revoir les politiques de mobilité en faisant des recommandations aux pays. 2222 Die Emissionen des Verkehrs sind heute schon viel zu hoch, die bisher in die Wege geleiteten Minderungen sind zu klein. Drastischere Maßnahmen sind nötig, in allen Verkehrsbereichen, so bald wie irgend möglich.

2225 Tous les rapports des scientifiques et notamment ceux du GIEC le montrent, il y a URGENCE à prendre des mesures ambitieuses en matière de réduction des émissions de CO2. Cela doit passer par des objectifs chiffrés pour tous les véhicules. L'Europe se doit d'être exemplaire dans ce secteur.

2229 néant 2236 La Commission dispose de pouvoirs immenses: les pouvoirs législatifs et exécutifs. La Commission dispose de moyens financiers immenses qui lui viennent de toutes les nations d'Europe réunies. La Commission dispose de personnes ayant ces pouvoirs et disposant de ces moyens financiers. Ces personnes ont de grands pouvoirs, certes, mais aussi de grandes RESPONSABILITES. Je souhaite qu'elles en fassent bon usage. Je souhaite qu'elles le fassent dans un esprit généreux, travaillant pour le bien commun. Je souhaite qu'elles quittent leurs vieux costumes technocratiques et qu'elles se mettent au travail, dans une énergie de coopération. Tout est déjà là: la connaissance, l'expérience, des personnes de bonne volonté. Je souhaite que le temps et l'argent dont on dispose encore soit utilisés à bon escient. Tout ceci n'est pas très compliqué. Comme dirait l'un de mes amis "ça peut aller vite". Tant qu'on va dans le bon sens... 2237 L’Europe a toujours donné l’exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Elle doit continuer dans cette voie. Il est impératif de fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires. Cet objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour nous mettre en bonne voie vers un secteur des transports « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050.

2238 Meines Erachtens nach macht es keinen Sinn, den Schadstoffausstoß mit dem Fahrzeuggewicht zu verrechnen. 2250 Dans le monde, l'Europe a été précurseur dans le domaine des normes pour la réduction des émissions de GES, en particulier au niveau des véhicules. Elle doit poursuivre cela dans les années à venir en fixant des normes plus exigeantes sur tous les types de véhicules par exemple d'ici 2025. Nous n'avons pas le choix si nous voulons pouvoir au plus vite que nos déplacements ne favorisent plus le réchauffement climatique.

2252 Die Maßnahmen der müssen darauf ausgerichtet werden, den lokalen Verkehr mit Fahrrädern oder geeigneten leichten Elektrofahrzeugen abzuwickeln. Darüber hinaus sind die Ursachen für Verkehrsentstehung zu untersuchen und regulativ zu beschränken. Als Maßstab müssen dienen: - das global zugerechnete Pro-Kopf-Budget an schädlichen Emissionen (welche auch immer) - die reduzierung des Verkehrslärms in bewohnten Gebieten, - die Lebensqualität der am motorisierten Verkehr Unbeteiligten.

2255 Je pense qu'il est important que l’Europe développe des législations contraignantes pour réduire les émissions de CO2 des transports routiers. 2258 Wirkungsvoller als die Festlegung eines Grenzwertes ist sicher eine hinreichend hohe Besteuerung der Kraftstoffe, bzw. der Straßennutzung. 2263 L'Union Européenne doit continuer d'oeuvrer à la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre en mettant en place une législation plus contraignante, en particulier en matière de transports. Elle doit donc impérativement fixer des objectifs de réduction ambitieux et applicables aux voitures COMME aux véhicules utilitaires. Les efforts doivent être collectifs ET effectifs pour permettre une diminution significative des émissions d'ici à 2050 et à plus longue échéance ! 2265 Je suis européen de coeur. J'attends de l'Eurpo qu'elle soit un exemple dans le monde pour la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique. 2268 Le problème des émissions de CO2 doit être traité à large échelle, et l'Union Européenne doit continuer à donner l'exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules comme elle l'a fait jusqu'à présent. Devant l'urgence climatique, il faut absolument fixer un objectif clair et ambitieux de réduction d'ici à 2025, tant pour les voitures que pour les véhicules utilitaires. Cet objectif doit être suffisamment ambitieux pour permettre à l'Europe de se diriger fermement vers la voie du "zéro carbone" dans le secteur des transports à horizon 2050. 2274 L'Europe doit continuer à donner l'exemple en matière de réduction d'emission de gaz à effet de serre et il est indispensable de de fixer un obj à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires

2277 "L'europe doit garder son leadership en matiere de protection environnementale , il est essentiel de ficer des objectifs ambitieux et une feuiile de route pour les prochaines decennies . un cap pour 2025 (moins de 15 ans) est indispensable pour permettre les adaptations pour tous les vehicules . C'est indispensable pour esperer un zero carbone vers le demi siecle . 2278 L'Europe a toujours donné l'exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. Elle doit continuer dans cette voie. Il est impératif de fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicule utilitaires. Cet objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour nous mettre en bonne voie vers un secteur des transports <> d'ici à 2050.

2279 Depuis la prise de conscience sur le dérèglement climatique, l'Europe a eu à coeur, avec plus ou moins de succès de montrer l'exemple en matière de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, quel que soit le domaine. Il est important de continuer dans cette voie et notamment sur l'un des 3 secteurs les plus émetteurs, le transport - et ce, malgré les réticences des constructeurs automobiles. Il me semble être impératif que les objectifs doivent être suffisamment ambitieux à l'horizon 2025 pour nous amener à un secteur des transports sans carbone d'ici 2050. Cela doit être notre credo si nous voulons avoir une chance de nous montrer moteur au niveau mondial et permettre la mise en marche d'un changement tel que le requiert le dérèglement climatique. Merci de prendre en compte nos avis par ce questionnaire. Jérémy Huet. 2286 Bei der Diskussion über CO2-Emmisionen wird in Europa immer von Werten ausgegangen, die nach NEFZ ermittelt wurden. Diese Werte gehen völlig an der Realität vorbei. Der Smart (Benziner) wird z.B. in Europa mit 4,3 L/100 km angeboten während die US-Messung nach EPA 6,5 L/100 km ergibt. Das NEFZ-Verfahren erlaubt viele Tricks mit denen der Verbrauch schön gerechnet werden kann und berücksichtigt viele typische Fahrzyklen nicht. Zusätzliche Verbraucher wie eine Klimaanlage sind ausgeschaltet. Eine Langfristige Norm, die sich auf falsche Messverfahren stützt ist aber grundsätzlich fragwürdig. Im Unterschied zum NEFZ wird das Messverfahren der Amerikanischen EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) regelmäßig angepasst und verbessert. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuel_economy_in_automobiles#New_2008-_EPA_testing_procedure) Für die EU könnte es in den nächsten Jahren durchaus interessant sein, statt einer regelmäßigen Absenkung der Grenzwerte, eine regelmäßige Annäherung des Messverfahrens an den realen Verbrauch anzustreben. Hersteller wären dann gezwungen den realen Verbrauch ihrer Fahrzeuge Schritt für Schritt an die Angaben in den Prospekten anzupassen. Sie hätten dann aber auch die Möglichkeit den Verbrauch ihrer Fahrzeuge durch Anpassungen in bislang nicht berücksichtigten Bereichen wie Klimaanlage und anderen elektrischen Verbauchern zu verbessern. Ein weiterer Punkt bei der NEFZ ist, dass bei Hybridfahrzeugen und vor allem Plug-In Hybriden der Lade-Stand der Batterie nicht berücksichtigt wird. Die EPA hat auch hier bereits reagiert. Es gibt jetzt eine zusätzliche Verbrauchsangabe für den "Gas Only"-Betrieb mit dem man den Energieverbrauch eines an der Steckdose aufgetankten Hybridfahrzeugs abschätzen kann. 2288 * Il est impératif de fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires. 2289 L'utilisation des véhicules est à mettre en corrélation avec les milieux de vie autant qu'avec les autres possibilités proposées aux utilisateurs. Les transports publiques sont trop faibles, les accès routiers sont ce qui semble être le meilleur choix raisonné pour la majorité des utilisateurs. Tant que cette balance conservera cet "équilibre", modifier les habitudes sera vécu comme une obligation, injuste, une atteinte aux libertés.

2291 Il est important que l'Europe mette en place de toute urgence des législations contraignantes pour réduire drastiquement le transport routier et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre qu'il produit. Ces mesures doivent toucher le transport routier lui-même au profit d'alternatives durables mais aussi viser à réduire les besoins et pseudo-besoins en la matière.

2292 Es geht nicht nur um die Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen, sondern auch um die Sicherung der Mobilität bei Versorgungsproblemen oder explodierenden Preisen von Öl/Erdgas. Auch der Gesundheitsschutz der Bevölkerung vor Feinstaub, NOX und anderen giftigen Abgasen sowie vor Verkehrsunfällen erfordert eine grundlegende Änderung der Verkehrspolitik. Die Lebensqualität wird durch die jahrzehntelange Bevorzugung des motorisierten Individualverkehrs eher reduziert als gesteigert (Lärm, Flächenverbrauch, etc.).

2296 L'Europe doit continuer à être pionnière en matière de réglementation sur les émissions de GES des véhicules (particuliers et professionnels) et pourquoi pas pour atteindre même des déplacements neutres en carbone, du moins sur le plan du carburant ?

2302 Je souhaite que l’Europe, qui a toujours su montrer l'exemple en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules, continue dans cette voie. Pour cela, je souhaite que des objectifs soient fixés pour 2025 . Ils devront être ambitieux afin de nous permettre d'atteindre l'objectif « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050 ! Merci!!

2304 Il est indispensable d'établir une règlementation ambitieuse car les enjeux sont importants et qu'il ne faut pas reporter encore plus sur les générations futures. 2306 Il faut dans un premier temps réorienter les investissement en matière d'infrastructures. En effet, le transport router coûte beaucoup plus cher par personne par km que le transport ferré. Il faut taxer les vols courtes distances afin que l'avion pour faire mois de 1000km soit la plus mauvaise solution financière. Il faut voir à long terme, dans 40 il risque de n'avoir plus de pétrole et d'uranium à prix abordables. Les voitures à pétrole et électriques sont donc destinées à disparaître. Utiliser le gaz méthane issu des déchets et rebuts est la meilleure solution à la fois pour le climat, pour la gestion des déchets et pour l'indépendance énergétique. Il ne faut pas que les véhicules lourds et utilitaires soient favorisés par un prix des carburants plus faible, l'effort de réduction de consommation doit être partagé par tous. Les cartes essence doivent être interdites, car cela incite à une consommation effrénée. Le principe de bonus-malus soit disant "écologique" pour le remplacement de véhicule est une aberration sachant que les constructeurs automobiles délocalisent, transportent leurs pièces aux 4 coins du monde. La fabrication et la destruction d'un véhicule est une part très importante de la production de polluants et de GES. Il faut un principe de malus-malus, une taxe au kilomètre et à la consommation, une assurance au kilomètre et à la consommation. D'ici 2050, il faut une émission de GES proche de 0 pour éviter l’emballement climatique. Les technologies sont là, l’épuisement des ressources fossiles et fissiles le nécessitent! 2308 Thisis a unique opportunity to reduce carbon emissions from cars in the EU-area 2310 Maßnahmen sollen nicht jahresbezogen (z.B. Kfz-Steuer) sondern benutzungsbezogen (z.B. Energie/Mineralöl/Kilometer Steuer) sein. Hierdurch werden vor allem Vielnutzer, welche auch die meisten Schäden verursachen entsprechend ihrem Anteil belastet. Hohe fixe Jahreskosten belasten vor allem seltene Nutzer, deren wenige Nutzung damit überproportional belastet werden.

2313 I believe that electric vehicles are the answer to reduce emissions of greenhouse effect gases. 2316 Ich begrüße, dass Bürger zu den Gesetzentwürfen angehört werden und hoffe, dass nicht wieder die Automobillobby Regelungen zum klimaschutz im Automobilsektor aufweicht!

2317 Neben der Verbesserung der Fahrzeugtechnik müssen stärkere Anreize geschaffen werden, die insgesamt mit motorisiertem Individualverkehr erbrachte Verkehrsleistung auf ein notwendiges Maß zu reduzieren.

2318 L'Europe doit pour faire face au changement climatique se doter d'une politique ambitieuse en matière de transport et viser partout où cela sera possible et le plus tôt possible des filière sans émission de CO2.

2324 Il est clair que la reglementation actuelle s'est traduite par des vrais résultats en termes de réduction de la production de C02 bien plus que ce que les politiques volontaires du secteur n'ont jamais fait. Donc aller de l'avant et plus fort.

2328 Der Straßenverkehr ist hochsubventioniert, sein Kostendeckungsgrad liegt zwischen 30 % bis 40 %, weil die externen Kosten (Städte- und Landschaftszersörung, Klimaschädigung, Unfallfolgekosten etc.) nicht dem Straßenverkehr angerechnet werden. Die politischen Parteien nehmen weitestgehend klaglos hin, daß die Autoindustrie sich als die wichtigste Säule der nationalen Wirtschaft aufspielt, die zusammen mit der Chemischen Industrie und den Energiekonzernen "unseren Wohlstand sichern und mehren" - auf diese drei Pfeiler setzt sich noch die absurderweise von der Haftung befreite Finanzwirtschaft oben drauf. Es gibt dicke Bretter zu bohren. 2329 Mit der zu erwartenden Zunahme von Plug-in-Hybrid-Fahrzeugen und reinen Elektrofahrzeugen muss sichergestellt werden, dass die Ladung der Batterien ausschließlich mit Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien erfolgt. Bei der Aufstellung von Ladestationen im öffentlichen Raum müssen die Gemeinden dafür eindeutige Verträge abschließen. Alle privaten Betreiber von Ladestationen (z.B. heutige Tankstellen) erhalten die Genehmigung nur unter dieser Voraussetzung. Private Lademöglichkeiten setzen voraus, dass der Besitzer des Fahrzeugs seinen Strom aus einem entsprechenden Vertrag bezieht oder ihn (z.B. mit Solarzellen) selbst produziert.

2330 il est important que l'UE développe des mesures contraignantes pour réduire les émissions de CO2 des transports routiers 2331 Bitte einfache, nachvollziehbare und sofort vollziehbare Regelungen schaffen. Wir haben nicht mehr viel Zeit. Bitte keine Regelungen, die im Sumpf der Bürokratie steckenbleiben ! Die Dinge so regeln, dass ein jeder versteht, was gemeint ist, u. zwar auch der juristische Laie. - Danke

2332 Die im Fragebogen angeführte Richtwert von 143 g/km fällt hinter die bereits früher publizierten Erwartungen zurück. Ich halte diesen für zu hoch und 120 g/km für angemessen.

2335 Member states should be given greater assistance in developing public transportation networks to reduce reliance on individual transportation. Here in Portugal, despite having some of the EU (and the world's) highest levels of taxes on the purchase of vehicles, in addition to relatively high petrol prices, many citizens feel that it is essential to use cars for their daily commute, as well as to travel to many parts of the country and to neighboring Spain, as they cannot rely on the existing network of trains and buses to meet their transportation needs. Governments such as Portugal's cannot afford to invest in costly overhauls of the train network, and are barely able to follow through on existing plans to expand and improve on the metro and train systems. As long as no viable alternatives exist, individual citizens, as well as corporations, will continue to pay the price of using more polluting forms of private transport in order to ensure that their needs are met. Raising taxes on fuels and emissions, and changing the design of cars (unless this involves using alternatives to fossil fuels) will not go far enough in reducing vehicle emissions unless other measures are put in place to encourage lifestyle changes for EU citizens related to their choice of transportation. 2339 L’UE a toujours été exemplaire en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules. A l'heure actuelle, nous sommes encore loin du compte : elle doit continuer dans cette voie. Il est impératif de fixer un objectif à 2025 pour les voitures comme pour les véhicules utilitaires. Cet objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour nous mettre en bonne voie vers un secteur des transports « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050. Autres mesures envisageables : - Gratuité des transports publics dans les zones urbaines - Régularisation des tarifs pour les particuliers des transports "alternatifs" comme le train. (baisse des prix de la SNCF au lieu d'une augmentation chaque année) - Facilitation des transports en train dans la zone UE

2342 L'Europe m'inspire un certaine fierté quant aux décisions qui on été prit jusqu'à lors en ce que concerne les enjeux écologiques. Nous devons continuer dans cette direction et je dirait même allez plus loin en mettant en place un véritable plan de réduction échelonné jusqu'à atteindre "LE ZERO" émission d'ici à 2050/2060 dans tous les secteur du transport confondu. L'accent devrait être mis sur la recherche et l'innovation afin que d'ici cette échéance nous puissions disposer de technologie de transport propre qu'il s'agisse du transport routier, ferroviaire et/ou aérien. De toute évidence l'ère du pétrole approche de sont terme. Si nous ne préparons pas la transition dès maintenant "LA FACTURE" risque de s'avérée très lourde dans les années à avenir aussi bien du point de vu financier qu'écologique. Cordialement Mounir Arrahmani 2344 It´s necessary more policies promoting electric public transportation, pedestrian and bicycle professional and utilitarian uses mainly in cities 2345 Il est bon que l’Europe se préoccupe de la réduction des émissions des véhicules. Dans ce domaine, elle se doit de montrer l'exemple, comme elle l'a fait par le passé. Des objectifs clairs et ambitieux doivent être fixés à 2025 pour les voitures et les véhicules utilitaires.

2349 Le transport le moins polluant est celui que l'ont ne fait pas. La recherche du profit en jouant sur les différences de niveau de vie au sein de l'Europe conduit à l'augmentation des transports. Il faut donc favoriser l'utilisation de produits à circuit court, et surtout travailler pour réduire les inégalités sociales. Ce phénomène est accentué lorsqu'il s"agit de pays lointain, car le différentiel salaire est encore plus important, et aussi parce que la taxation sur les carburants des avions et des bateaux est bien plus faible que celle du transport routier. L'Europe devrait mettre fin à cette sous-taxation sur son territoire, et faire toutes les démarches nécessaires pour qu'il en soit de même au niveau mondial. Comment est-il possible, lorsque la planète est en danger, et que par ailleurs on prévoie une pénurie de pétrole dans quelques dizaines d'années, d'accepter le gaspillage que constitue les compétitions de sport moteur. Une législation européenne devrait interdire, à tout le moins, les pays de prendre des dispositions en faveur de celles-ci.

2352 Die Flottenumrechnung ist kritisch, das könnte letztlich dazu führen, das Oberklassenhersteller "einfach" Einsteigerauto-Hersteller aufkaufen, im Endeffekt führt dies dann auf deren Gesamtflotte gerechnet nur auf recht überschaubare Schadstoffeinsparungen. Neben der Zulassungsvorraussetzung etc. sollte daher ähnlich dem dt. Mautsystem für Nutzfahrzeuge auch eine mengenbezogene Strafsteuer für Abgas-Sünder eingeführt werden, die den Gebrauch mittelfristig uninteressant macht. Gerade das PkW-Oberklassenklientel sollte zuerst dazu bereit sein, evtl. Elektro-Autis zu kaufen. Strom sollte dann allerdings ebenso in die Schadstoffrechnung mit einbezogen werden. Echter "grüner" Strom könnte ähnlich der dt. Einspeisevergütung für grünen Strom begünstigt werden, egal wie man das anstellt - schon kurzfristig wäre das für die EU-Volkswirtschaft kosten- und klimagünstiger als ÖL-Käufe mit den damit verbundenen gigantischen Transferleistungen an Erdölexportierende Länder. 2353 Feedback zu ihrem Fragebogen: "Die Emissionen von Straßenfahrzeugen könnten durch Veränderungen in anderen Politikbereichen, beispielsweise der Besteuerung, gesenkt werden. Dennoch sollten weiterhin Ziele für Straßenfahrzeuge festgesetzt werden. (optional)" ... Dies sind zwei Fragen in einer, weshalb ich keine Antwort gegeben habe. "Sollten neben Kohlenstoffdioxid (CO2) auch andere Treibhausgasemissionen gemessen werden?" ... Soweit ich weiß, sind Rußpartikel im Bodennahen Bereich nicht zu den Treibhausgasemissionen zu zählen. "Geben Sie an, für welchen Zeitraum (im Anschluss an die Verabschiedung der entsprechenden Rechtsvorschriften) Ziele festgesetzt werden sollten." ... Es fehlen "Keine Meinung" und "mehr als 20 Jahre". 2354 In relation to mode switching, my research (in progress) shows that - at least in Canberra, Australia - "sustainable" modes of transport cause significant indirect greenhouse emissions per passenger-kilometre. Walking and public transport cause emissions similar to those of two people travelling together in a car. Cycling and motorcycling cause emissions similar to those of four people travelling together in a car. For more information, see http://grapevine.net.au/~mccluskeyarundell/leon_pubs.html

2358 Cet objectif doit être assez ambitieux pour nous mettre en bonne voie vers un secteur des transports « zéro carbone » d’ici à 2050. 2359 primo,le cycle du carbone n'est jamais tenu en compte de façon globale(destruction d'un vehicule "ancien",construction d'un vehicule neuf,delocalisation d'usine automobile europeenne vers l'asie p. ex.,et je simplifie).Secundoles demarches de reglementation sont de style repressif dans ce sens que ,il serait preferable d'inciter par exemple les entreprise a utiliser de la main d'oeuvre regionnale,bruxellois a bruxelles ,liegeois a liege,cela diminue les transport des particuliers qui en beneficieraient,reduirait les embouteillage,et donc l'impact co2les primes utilisees por faire tourner l'industrie automobile,pourraient etre injectee dans les entreprise pour echange de personnel,sans faire payer la note uniquement au citoyen.de meme nature le soutien au initiative de commerce locaux,de proximite sont des manieres positive d'utiliser le co2 comme motivation a unn retour a des vies plus equilibrees.dee toute maniere les actions et mesures prises dans des domaines sans tenir compte de l'ensemble sont par definition vouee a dplacer le desequilibre autre part.ON ne peut de façon honnete pas envisager lae co2 sans penser ecoles plus nombreuses ,travail plus pres,recreation d'agriculture locale(dilinution des trajet des camion).sinon ces mesures sous le couvert d'ecologie,ne font que servir l'industrie automobile.Tout ceci est tres simplifier mais donne juste ma direction de reflexion 2364 Zu den meisten Fragen haben Sie knappe, aber doch hilfreiche (dem Gedächtnis aufhelfende) Hinweise gegeben. Das wäre auch für die Frage nach den "Alternativen zu den fahrzeugspezifischen ..." zweckmäßig. Freundliche Grüße Dieter Volk

2365 Es ist dringend an der Zeit über die Menge Verkehr nachzudenken. Der billige Verkehr hat ernorme negative gesellschaftliche Veränderungen nach sich gezogen. Diese werden jetzt gerne als quasi in die Landschaft betoniete Sachzwäge instumentalisiert. Der Autostraßenverkehr so wie er sich in den letzen 40 jahren entwickelt hat ist selbst das Problem und nicht etwa die Lösung für igendwelche Verkehrsproblene. Ich hoffe es gibt bald substantielle Fortschritte Mit besten Grüßen Hans-Peter Rathmann 2366 Emissions are only part of the deal. Better is to look at the whole picture: producing - using - demolition and set a standard for the whole picture, which should be lowered every X years. No other legislation is necessary and neither are incentives needed. Just a clear standard for every carproducer. If one producer meets the standard by focussing on biogas, the other by driving 100 kilometers a liter and another by using complete recycleable materials, it is all good. Less (rules) = more!

2369 Es müssten Alternativen geschaffen werden, z.B. CargoCap, dieses Röhrensystem der Uni Bochum. Wir brauchen neue Standards, die den Autoverkehr reduzieren. 2370 Il me semble très important que l'UE élabore et fasse respecter des lois et règlements allant dans le sens d'une sérieuse réduction des émissions de CO2 provenant des transports routiers

2373 The greenhouse gas reduction targets should be science-based, and not political targets. This means that the targets should correspond to the targets as set out in among others the IPCC report, taking the most cautios approach, which is to stablize the CO2 in the atmosphere at 350ppm. The physics of our planet do not respond to political bargaining. 2376 It is of the upmost importance that EC take urgent action to protect environment in all it's aspects, it includes not only legislation, but empowerment, regognition and gratification of professionals, organizations, and common citizens that are concerned with this issues, by promoting debates, formation and assistance to all measures and opinions, from early stages sensibilization of future EU citizens ( in schools and education). We trust the ones we vote for to represent and take actions to promote this very important matters within peacefull and legal methods. 2378 Mettre en place des mesures contraignantes via la fiscalité tant pour les fabricants que pour les acheteurs. 2379 les legislations développées par l'Europe doivent être contraignantes en la matière 2382 Pleas, we want change. Fresh air and alternative mobility. It is possible (look to some cities in Denmark and Germany) It's making the choise for the future of our kids. Healthy air and cities or profit for multinationals. It can be so simple. We have little time. They say climat is changing. What if they are right. Act now. Even if it is only for better air. In 2021 we can not breath money, we will still need air. Thank you

2392 Il existe de nombreux systèmes alternatifs, ils n'attendent que le bon VOULOIR des autorités compétentes.... 2396 Si l'Europe n'impose pas une législation contraignante pour réduire le CO2 émis par les transports routiers, ceux-ci continueront à polluer... Pourquoi changer si on n'est pas obligé... Il faut contraindre et faire respecter ces contraintes.

2397 Je n'ai aucune confiance en la comission eureopéeen pour adopter des politiques progressistes en la matière, c'est-à-dire une réduction du trafic. La solution ne viendra que des collectivités locales qui décideront de relocaliser l'économie, de diminuer les transports débiles de marchandises (en Belgique, on a des tonnes de pommes, or on en importe de Nouvelle-Zélande, ce qui est complètement ridicule). Les seules solutions pour une baisse considérable des émissions de CO2 dues aux transports consistent en une décroissances/disparitions des échanges les plus stupides (des fraises d'Espagne dégueulasses toutes l'année, autant manger de vraies et bonnes fraises belges) et des investissements importants dans les transports publics (et donc l'abandon de l'idéologie néo-libérale). 2399 In the future it should be prevented that tools and measures to reduce CO2 emissions from road vehicle would lead toward increase of air pollutants (NOx, black carbon, PM10, PM2,5) due to switch from Otto to diesel engines driven cars (the later not being equiped with fine partilcles filters and de-NOx techologies). Additional measures should stimulate use of LPG, CNG and biogas since this are at present best alternatives to gasoilne and diesel driven vehicles. More attention needs to be given to reduce weight of vehicles since this has in practice much larger impact on de facto emissions as it is demonstrated in test conditions that are used to indicated specific CO2 emissions. 2401 Always reduce antropogenic CO2. 2403 La diminution de la pollution passe par une réflexion sur l'organisation de nos sociétés. La mondialisation a jeté des hommes, des matières premiers et des produits manufacturés sur les routes, les mers et le ciel. Tout cela de façon irréfléchie, avec un seul critère, le coût. Pas étonnant que çà pollue. Produire plus prêt du lieu de consommation va redevenir nécessaire. Les transports en commun, pour les hommes, notamment en agglomération, sur le trajet habitation/travail, doit être prioritaire. L'économie réalisé par les ménages sur le coût du transport et les économies d'énergie dans la maison, pourrait se reporter sur l'achat de produits manufacturés un peu plus cher .... N'oublions pas que le problème majeur de nos sociétés c'est le chômage avec toutes les conséquences humaines et fiscales. Reproduire plus, plus prêt de chez nous redevient prioritaire. Amitiés, bon courage 2404 comme suggéré précédemment, travailler sur les émmissions des véhicules lourds est une bonne chose mais il est important de ne pas mettre un pansement sur une plaie sointante. Il faut envisager la circulation des marchandises dans sa globalité: 1/ réduire les déplacements 2/ encourager le déplacement sur rails et non ou moins polluant 3/ taxer le transport très polluant , ce qui augmentera le prix des produits venant de loin. Les citoyens doivent être plus qu'encouragés par plus que leur conscience écologique à consommer des produits de proximité.

2405 Only strict EU legislation will help to reduce CO2 emissions by all read transport vehicles. Which is very nesessery to reach global CO2 emission reduction targets. 2406 This policies are very important. EU should become a beacon to the rest of the world as a new paradigm of sustainable economy and civilisation. 2407 Il est important que l’Europe développe des législations contraignantes pour réduire les émissions de CO2 des transports routiers. Le secteur du transport reste un secteur primordial pour la lutte contre les changements climatiques, et n'est pas suffisamment régulé. Il est urgent que des normes plus strictes existent en ce domaine !

2411 Perhaps more support for research and innovation programmes for green technology could help convince the car industry that a forward look is better than getting stuck in the past. With cheaper competition from other economies, technological advancement will be doubly important.

2416 La possession et l'usage d'un véhicule cher est valorisée socialement, alors que la valorisation sociale devrait porter sur l'utilisation raisonnée d'un véhicule dont le choix a également été raisonné. Il importe que les autorités prennent des mesures en ce sens et commencent à montrer elles-même l'exemple.

2423 Das Vorgehen der Kommission (auch diese Konsultation) sind erkennbar geprägt vom versuch der deutschen Regierung und der Kommission, den status quo mit minimalen Änderungen zu erhalten. Erkennbar sind Regelungen der EG-Kommission so geschreiben worden,d ass sie vor allen den Interessend er Automobilindustrie nützlich sind (z. B. Massebezug der Grenzwerte). Diese Auffassung stellt eine Zumutung an jeden denkenden Bürger dar. Sie führt zu Politikverdrossenheit in langfristiger Hinsicht.

2427 Klimaschutz ist überlebenswichtig. Es ist unbedingt eine viel bessere Förderung emissionsarmer Verkehrsmittel erforderlich, Subventionen des Autoverkehrs wie z.B. Dienstwagenregelungen und ählnliches sollten europaweit abgeschafft werden. Der Güterverkehr muss besser an seinen Kosten (Straßenverschleiß, Emissionen und den Folgen beteiligt werden, um die Verzerrung des Marktes zu korrigieren. Europaweit angenähertem wesentlich höhere Kraftstoffsteuern sind sicherlich ein Weg dahin. Jede Fahrt mit einem Kraftfahrzeig soll deutlich spürbare Kosten analog zu den Emissionen für den Betreiber verursachen und dadurch einen Marktanreiz für umweltschonendes Verhalten geben.

2432 -The number of hydrogen car manufactured should be higher -ALL gas station should have a hydrogen pump like, Natural Gas. The lower places to refill the lower people will adopt -I want real finance help from UE for country that are already GREEN like Portugal, solar and wind power. - Taxes for cars that enter cities and produce CO2 -FREE taxes for 5year for GREEN CARS! There will not be acception of the people if there won't to be a "rewards/bonus" for them.

2435 This is an important area and that the EU should develop binding laws to keep reducing CO2 from road transport, because is the Deadline of the future of the Humanity. 2438 A clean air supply is essential to our own health and that of the environment. But since the industrial revolution, the quality of the air we breathe has deteriorated considerably - mainly as a result of human activities. Rising industrial and energy production, the burning of fossil fuels and the dramatic rise in traffic on our roads all contribute to air pollution in our towns and cities which, in turn, can lead to serious health problems. For example, air pollution is increasingly being cited as the main cause of lung conditions such as asthma - twice as many people suffer from asthma today compared to 30 years ago. The issue of air quality is still a major concern for many European citizens. It is also one of the areas in which the European Union has been most active. Since the early 1970s, the EU has been working to improve air quality by controlling emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, improving fuel quality, and by integrating environmental protection requirements into the transport and energy sectors. As the result of EU legislation, much progress has been made in tackling air pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, lead, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and benzene. However, despite a reduction in some harmful emissions, air quality continues to cause problems. Summer smog - originating in potentially harmful ground-level ozone - regularly exceeds safe limits. Fine particulates also present a health risk which is of increasing concern. Clearly, more needs to be done at local, national, European and international level. Extract from: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/air/index_en.htm If you beleive in your own text. Then Do Something About It 2439 Please do something effective! Portugal needs strong legislation to decrease the number of circulating vehicles. Strong laws are the only way to educate people. People only changes when there is money involved! 2440 I hope that, regardless the economic interests, you get conscience that the most important think here is not the «quality» of life that we think we reached, but just get the chance to live. I know that my word's are meaningless to you, but the truth is...the damage that we made to this world, it is not that easy to «clean up», is not a policy that will change everything, sure, we have to try, but think, now with country's like China or India growing up with same «economic spirit», with the same parameters of economical modern evolution, they have the all the right to do that, but, for all of this happen we will just give up the only world we have, the life we have. For this I just ask you to work very hard to find us a solution, not a temporary one that make us to survive more 15 years, but a real one that bring us the hope to a very wonderful life fur us and for the ones we love. Thank you 2442 Emission limits per km driven are important. However, reducing the number of km driven is also very efficient. This can be done by making the objective and subjective costs related to driving and transporting goods high and visible. Today, the driver hardly pays for the public space used to drive (and park), nor for the health disadvantages both for the driver/passengers and the people around, the decrease in living quality, the danger imposed to others or the social isolation imposed to other by making public space less attractive to hostile. The easiest way probably is to raise fuel taxes substantially, but other techniques could be used also. The tax deduction of those costs, or the system like in Belgium where people with a company car (including myself) basically do not pay anything for the use of their car apart from a fixed (and much too low) amount per month is really contraproductive. If i take the bus or train, I have to pay myself. If I use my company car, it does not cost me anything incremental. How much more idiot can it get? Considering walking and cycling as the basic modes of transport, and considering public transport as highly valuable - and hence to be stimulated both in terms of comfort, speed, frequency, cost - range extenders, is the best starting point. Private cars should absolutely not be banned, but their use reduced. Also car sharing programmes can be valuable here. For goods transport, modes such as train and boat should be stimulated. By making HDV use considerably more expensive, part of the unnecessary transport will cease.

2443 the EU should implement laws to reduce CO2 emissions, in ine with scientific recomendations. 2452 Die massive Reduzierung von CO2- und anderen klima- und umweltrelevanten Schadtstoffemissionen bei der Produktion und beim Betrieb von Fahrzeugen ist von zentraler Bedeutung hinsichtlich der Realisierbarkeit hochgesteckten Klima-Ziele der EU. Der Reformbedarf umfasst viele Bereiche heutiger Mobilität, die ich auszugsweise aus meiner Sicht skizzieren will. 1. Rückbesinnung auf akzeptiert sichere und umweltfreundliche Alternativen zum LKW-Verkehr wie z. B. Gütertransport via Schiene, Transport von LKWs mittels Zügen, Nutzung von Binnenwasserstraßen; 2 Bezuschussung des Bahnverkehrs zur Erhöhung der Akzeptanz des umweltfreundlichen und sicheren Schienenverkehrs; 3. Förderung regionaler Handelsbeziehungen zur Vermeidung von vermeidbaren Emissionen aus dem Langstreckenbereich; Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Berlin, Daniel Stengel Für weitere Fragen kontaktieren Sie mich bitte jederzeit gerne per E-mail, vielen Dank für Ihren Einsatz! 2453 I find it very important that CO2 emissions could be reduced. Knowing that road vehicles emit so much CO2, this should be one of our main concerns as Europeans. 2454 Emissions from road vehicles are one of the main causes of GHG emmissions. The EU is one of the main car producing regions in the world and has an accrued responsibility in dealing with this. The car manufacturting lobby is tremendously powerful and has been consistently delaying measures which should have been implemented a long time ago, and that will lead to significant GHG reductions. Optimising fuel-efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint in the whole life-cycle of the car manufacturing industry is just the beginning, the goal is to achieve craddle to craddle manufacturing, in which nothing is taken from the Earth that cannot be given back to it, in a safe and healthy manner. 2459 EU-weit neue volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung: Ersatz BIP durch Wohlstandsindex (s. Stiglitz, Diefenbacher e.a.). Es sollten alle wohlstandsrelevanten - bislang "externen" - Größen einbezogen werden: Klima- und Umweltkosten, Bildungsniveau, Verteilung, Verbrauch knapper Ressourcen, evtl. Zufriedenheit... Nur wenn jeder Marktteilnehmer die von ihm verursachten Kosten trägt, stellt sich ein Gleichgewicht bei maximalem Wohlstand ein. Berücksichtigung auch der Lohnquote industrieller Warenfertigung: bei Autoindustrie entfallen nur ca. 12% der Gesamtkosten auf Personalaufwand, bei immaterieller Wertschöpfung (z.b. Kreativwirtschaft) weit über die Hälfte. 2464 we should create a carbon free transport communitie...Start to make the european cities car-free zones.. The car industry is destroying our planet for many years, and it seems they don't care. Do you?

2469 Es sollten Regelungen geschaffen werden, die es den Fahrzeugherstellern schwer machen, bei den Angaben über den CO²-Ausstoß der Fahrzeuge unklare oder unrealistische Werte anzusetzen. Die Bedingungen, unter denen der Ausstoß gemessen wird, sollten den tatsächlichen Verhältnissen im Verkehr entsprechen und verschiedene Fahrweisen berücksichtigen. Die bisherigen Angaben in Deutschland enthalten zumeist Werte, die nur unter unrealistischen Bedingungen zustande gekommen sein können.

2471 It is important that the EU now also set requirements for CO2 emissions not only for personal vehicles but also for HDV. 2476 Die Reduktion von KFZ-Emissionen ist wichtig. Allerdings sollte die EU auch mehr Wert auf die Vermeidung von KFZ-Verkehr legen. 1. Die finanzielle Förderung der EU - sowohl des Strukturfonds als auch für die ländliche Entwicklung - sollte hier einen klaren Schwerpunkt setzen: Stadt der kurzen Wege, Förderung des Umweltverbunds (Fuß- und Radverkehr, ÖPNV) im innerstädtischen Verkehr Förderung von Radverkehrsanlagen, Radverkehrstrainings usw. Förderung eines bedarfsgerechten ÖPNV im ländlichen Raum Keine weitere finanzielle Förderung von Straßenneubauten 2. Für den Bus- und Bahnverkehr muss den Verkehrs- bzw. Bahnunternehmen die Einrichtung von bedarfsgerechten Fahrradabstellanlagen an Haltepunkten sowie der Fahrradtransport in den Fahrzeugen, auch grenzüberschreitend, verbindlich vorgeschrieben werden. 2482 Il est urgent de prendre des décisions. Il ne faut même pas attendre 2020 pour voir bouger les choses. La réduction des émissions de CO3 doit toucher tous les domaines : transports, chauffage, etc.

2483 Il est important que l’Europe développe des législations contraignantes pour réduire les émissions de CO2 des transports routiers. 2486 Le prix proportionnellement dérisoire des combustibles rendent le transport routier compétitif sur le marché européen. Sans annihiler les échanges, une valorisation des prix des carburants routiers et l'instauration de mesures connexes (taxe "carbone-énergie" aux frontières, développement des infrastructures de transports ferrés et fluviaux etc) devraient pousser le secteur logistique européen à la pointe de l'innovation.

2487 Comme on a déjà pu le constater, les normes contraignantes sont les instruments les plus efficaces pour améliorer les performance environnementales des véhicules. En plus du travail sur la moyenne des émissions de CO2, il serait pertinent de refuser l'homologation et la mise sur le marché de véhicules très polluants, par exemple les voitures particulières émettant plus de 200 gCO2/km. Merci pour votre prise en compte de ces remarques.

2493 Je souhaite que l'Europe ose une approche contraignante pour diminuer l'impact des émissions nocives dues au trafic routier. 2497 EU must continue to reduce CO2 emissions from road transport. 2499 poser les questions, c'est choisir les réponses... 2500 Ce questionnaire est peu clair, il est difficile de saisir les enjeux associés à chaque question. Néanmoins, mon opinion est qu'une législation contraignante devrait être mise en place pour s'assurer que les transports routiers soient contraints de réduire leurs émissions de gaz à effet de serre au niveau européen. Ces mesures devraient viser les rejets de gaz des véhicules tout au long de leur vie, de la production au recyclage (sauf pour les véhicules déjà en circulation au moment de l'entrée en vigueur des législations, qui ne devraient voir cibler que leurs émissions futures). L'objectif poursuivi devrait être la réduction globale de l'effet de serre, en se concentrant sur les gaz dont l'élimination est la plus accessible et/ou dont l'impact sur l'effet de serre est le plus grand. 2508 Since transport sector is one of the major problems in addressing climate change, EU should develop binding legislation which would decrease road transport CO2 emissions. 2516 Il serait très intéressant (sinon impératif) de faire respecter la Directive Européenne 1999/94/CE concernant la disponibilité d’informations sur la consommation de carburant et les émissions de CO2 à l’intention des consommateurs lors de la commercialisation des voitures particulières neuves, laquelle stipule que la consommation des véhicules et leurs émissions de CO2 doivent être « facilement lisibles et au moins aussi visibles que la partie principale des informations figurant dans [la publicité] ».

2518 We need to speed up the introduction of electric vehicles with more ambitious co2 targets for cars, vans and trucks. For example; 75 gr/km for cars in 2020. 2523 Une politique basée sur la législation contraignante pour réduire les émissions de CO2 des transports routiers ne peut être envisagée sans d'autres politiques de promotion de la mobilité douce, de l'utilisation des transports en commun et de l'utilisation du transport fluvial pour les marchandises. Les citoyens ne pourront adhérer à une politique contraignante que si d'autres alternatives pratiques leur sont proposées.

2524 Une politique basée sur la législation contraignante pour réduire les émissions de CO2 des transports routiers ne peut être envisagée sans d'autres politiques de promotion de la mobilité douce, de l'utilisation des transports en commun et de l'utilisation du transport fluvial pour les marchandises. Les citoyens ne pourront adhérer à une politique contraignante que si d'autres alternatives pratiques leur sont proposées. 2528 Je trouve que la politique européenne manque singulièrement d'ambition alors que l'Europe se veut plus compétitive et a compris que nous ne pourrions assurer notere avenir qu'à condition de prendre une part croissante dans les produits et services innnovants commercialisables dans le Monde entier. Le domaine est connu et bien maîtrisé par les spécialistes européens , nous disposons des ressources pour )prendre une place de leader dans le domaine et nous sacrifions les objectifs de rentabilité des acquis sur les court et moyen termes en oubliant le long terme et négligeant de valoriser le know-how européen en la matière , gage de compétitivité pour le long terme. 2530 Le transport routiers est un des plus grands défi de l'Union Européenne, car il est excessivement polluant tout en étant quasiment incontournable. C'est pourquoi il est nécessaire de réglementer cela de façon plus contraignante. La normalisation est une partie de la pollution, -pardon- de la solution, mais n'en est qu'une partie. Qui n'est pas toujours des plus rapide qui plus est. Hors le problème est urgent, de plus en plus urgent. Il faut être ambitieux et se donner les moyen. Faire de l'Europe l'excellence de l'environnement, la preuve sur terre que l'on peut être industrialisé, mais écologique ne sera pas facile, et beaucoup feront tout pour s'y opposer de peur d'y perdre (et plus ils auront à perdre d'une vision écologique globale, plus ils s'y opposeront avec vigueur) mais jamais les changements ne se sont fait avec l'approbation de tous. Les moteurs nous empoisonnent l'air jour après jour, et puisqu'il n'est pas possible de s'en débarrasser autant les forcer à diminuer. 2531 It is important with the growing number of cars, that EU makes sure that emission targets are met. It is vital to the survival of the entire population. 2533 Les mesures préconisées par l'EU (actuelles et futures) doivent être contraignantes! 2534 l’Europe doit développer des législations contraignantes pour réduire les émissions de CO2 des transports routiers. En préviliégeant le ferro routage et le transport par voies navigables

2536 Il est indispensable et urgent que l’Europe développe des législations contraignantes pour réduire les émissions de CO2 des transports routiers. 2541 Il est important que l’Europe développe des législations contraignantes pour réduire les émissions de CO2 des transports routiers. 2543 Il faut imposer des normes beaucoup plus strictes mais aussi et surtout diminuer les kilomètres parcourus! 2544 Le problème des émissions de GES provenant des véhicules ne sera pas totalement réglé tant que les transports routiers auront une si grande place dans notre économie. Pour répondre à cet enjeu, le renforcement des normes d'émissions des véhicules (pendant la phase d'utilisation) doit être une mesure prioritaire de l'UE. MAIS, elle doit être complétée par: - Un développement des transports par voie maritime, voie fluviale et du ferroutage, - Une résistance face aux pressions de type lobbying, - Une prise en compte du cycle de vie total des véhicules, et donc d'inciter les réductions d'émission en phase de conception et de fin de vie des véhicules, - Un recul vis à vis des biocarburants de 1ère et 2éme génération, dont une analyse du cycle de vie (ACV) montre facilement le fort impact sur l'effet de serre.

2549 Der Fragebogen setzt Kenntnisse über die europapolitische Diskussion voraus. Zu den Fragen sollten deshalb weitere Hilfestellung angeboten werden, z.B. Beispiele. Mir war zunächst nicht immer klar, worauf die Fragen abzielten. Die Fragen machten z.T. den Eindruck, wörtlich aus dem Englischen übersetzt worden zu sein. Das erschwert das Verständnis.

2551 In general the EU does not do enough to cut emissions from the transport sector and it should do more. 2557 The EU needs binding laws to reduce CO2 emissions from road transport even further 2561 L’Europe devrait développer des législations contraignantes pour réduire les émissions de CO2 des transports routiers. 2564 Si l'Europa est sérieux de reduire les émissions pour éviter des changements climatiques catastrophiques, ellle doit être très ambitieux pour le secteur transport, sinon les émissions transport vont continuer à hypothequer des efforts dans d'autres secteurs!!

2568 j'estime qu'il est nécessaire que l’Europe développe une politique contraignante pour réduire les rejets de CO2 produits par le transport routier MAIS SURTOUT qu'elle considère les autres polluants, je pense spécialement aux véhicules diesel qui empoisonnent littéralement l'air des villes et qui sont favorisés vis à vis des autres carburants sur base d'un rejet légèrement plus faible de CO2. Je trouve que cette politique est honteuse ! On favorise le plus polluant (diesel, polluant à tous les niveaux sans compter le bruit) et on élimine le carburant le plus "propre" (GAZ (LGP ou GNV), (essence)). Le CO2 n'est nullement toxique, le reste, oui.... 2569 Il est important que l’Europe développe des législations contraignantes pour réduire les émissions de CO2 des transports routiers. 2570 Il est primordial que l'Europe développe des législations contraignantes pour réduire les émissions de C02 des transports routiers car seule cette approche permet d'obtenir des résultats probants. 2577 Au delà de toutes les dispositions prises pour réduire la pollution émise par les véhicules, faire respecter les vitesses règlementaires agirait aussi sur l'environnement. Il est choquant de constater les libertés que certains s'octroient vis-à-vis du code de la route. Il faudrait presque "brider" les véhicules électroniquement en fonction du lieu ou ils sont, je pense qu'actuellement, la technologie devrait pouvoir développer une solution comme celle-là !

2578 Je suis grand'mère de très jeunes enfants qui ont tous des problèmes respiratoires dus entre autres à la pollution de l'air, il est temps de songer à des objectifs ambitieux de santé publique, plutôt que de soutenir sans cesse les lobbies de l'industrie automobile, c'est ce que j'attends de l'UE!

2584 L’Europe doit développer des législations contraignantes pour réduire les émissions de CO2 des transports routiers. 2585 Il est important que l’Europe développe des législations contraignantes pour réduire les émissions de CO2 des transports routiers. 2586 Il est vraiment capital que l'Europe se dote de législations contraignantes capables de réduire les émissions de CO2 des transports routiers. 2589 Etant donné que le transport routier est un facteur clef de la question climatique, il est important que l'UE mette en place des réglementations contraignantes et ambitieuses en vue réduire les émissions de polluants (notamment Co2) du secteur. Au dela de la question climatique, il serait également utile de tenir compte de manière plus volontariste des autres impacts du transport routier, par exemple en matière de nuisances sonores, de coût d'entretien des infrastructures, de sécurité routière ou encore de gestion des flux (impact sur la fluidité). Un report modal (train, eau) semble indispensable pour ces différentes raisons. Pour ce qui concerne exclusivement l'impact climatique, il est illusoire de penser que l'évolution technologique permettra d'apporter à elle seule les solutions. Toutes les études démontrent qu'une combinaison d'instruments (en ce compris des instruments contraignants) est nécessaire pour obtenir des résultats. 2591 Je crois qu'il faudrait, à terme interdire le transport à grande distance par la route et investir fortement dans des alternatives moins polluantes 2592 Il y a déjà concurrence déloyale entre transporteurs routiers des différents pays. Les taxes sur les carburants doivent être définies au niveau européen, et plus national, sinon tous les gros pollueurs achètent leur carburant dans le pays taxant le moins. On ne pollue que quand on roule. Taxer aux g de CO2 ou à la cylindrée risque de surtaxer des grosses machines qui en réalité consomment beaucoup à l'heure, mais ne fonctionne que très peu de temps chaque année (grue, bulldozer, débardeuse, tracteur, mais aussi le petit pensionné qui a gardé sa Mercedes de 1980 et qui fait 2000 km par an !) Un carburant coûteux est suffisant pour décourager la plupart des utilisateurs. Une norme de pollution est nécessaire comme guide pour les constructeurs automobile, et pour éviter que les gens très aisés puissent polluer à leur guise. 2593 L'Europe doit faire plus que conseiller, donner des directives pour réduire les normes de CO2. Elle doit protéger son territoire et donc contraindre à des normes beaucoup plus stricte, notamment en obligeant le trafic routier en transit d'emprunter le ferroutage. L'Autriche l'a déjà adopté.

2595 D'une part les fabricants ne sont pas fiables. Ils font un chantage à l'emploi, mais n'hésitent quand même pas à délocaliser. D'autre part les transporteurs font le chantage du blocage des routes pour obtenir des avantages injustifiés. Surtout le transport routier à longue distance me semble un gaspillage de ressources, tant pour les marchandises que pour les personnes.

2600 L’Europe devrait imposer aux états membres des objectifs en termes de développement des infrastructures de transport public et de mobilité douce. Les exemples des Pays bas ou du Danemark montrent que de bons résultats sont possibles en mettant en place des politiques volontaristes mais peu coûteuses. Il est vraiment nécessaire de prendre cette question au sérieux, et l'Europe pourrait être un bon moteur pour déployer ses politiques très efficaces dans tous ses états membres.

2601 Il est impératif que la Commission européenne continue son action en matière de contrôle des émissions de CO2 des voitures neuves. En l'absence d'objectifs contraignants, l'industrie ne peut, par elle-même, réaliser les réductions d'émissions spécifiques des véhicules nécessaires pour maîtriser les émissions du secteur des transports conformément à la feuille de route européenne. Les accords volontaires par lesquels l'industrie s'était engagé à réduire à 140 g/km les émissions de CO2 moyennes des voitures neuves (accords non respectés) ont fait la démonstration de la nécessité d'une législation contraignante.

2602 Il serait bon de travailler au développer des transports alternatifs, tout en mesurant leur impact environnemental dans toute leur complexité, de leur conception à leur destruction, en passant par la mise en place des réseaux ad hoc... Bon travail !!

2603 Too much detailed regulation will restrict suppliers and manufacturers in the range of solutions they can provide. There should be general incentivised targets and directives to promote good practice. The EU Commission is not an expert on designing or operating vehicles and should set broad guidelines to achieve overall reductions in GHG emissions. 2604 L'europe doit atteindre l'autonomie énergétique. le carbone fossile est un danger mais pas le carbone provenant de la biomasse. Les algocarburants ou l'alcool cellulosique n'engendrent pas de pollution (impact climat ) car cette énergies provient du cycle naturel de la biomasse. Il faut absolument que les lois européennes fassent le distiguo entre ces deux types de carbone !

2607 Forecast targets should be set for each 5 year period up to 2050. During each 5 year period monitoring will need to be carried out to see if they are actually working; and that other causes of global warming are not being disguised or missed. Legislation is needed to back up the targets as they are brought into use. It is likely that penalties will be required to enforce the targets 2608 WE NEED A COHESIVE TRANSPORT POLICY AS WELL AS AN EMISSIONS POLICY - GIVING INCENTIVES OR MANDATING A SWITCH TO TRANSPORT TYPES WITH LOWER INTRINSIC EMISSIONS SUCH AS TRAINS AND ENCOURAGING LOWER TRANSPORT MILES OVERALL BY THE USE OF LOCAL GOODS WHERE PRACTICABLE - WE REALLY NEED A CHANGE OF LIFESTYLE TO MORE SUSTAINABLE LIVING 2617 Encouraging local manufacture and production is a way to reduce haulage. Looking at the problem from a more lateral perspective would be useful, i.e. local production, the use of rail networks at night or the extensive and underused canal system that is Europe-wide. Transport companies sharing more information and clients; moving each others loads so no empty trucks are driving around might reduce numbers of vehicles on the roads as well as cut costs and emissions.

2618 If a bomb is about to land on you, you don't sit around debating whether to run 5 yards, 10 yards or whatever. You just plain run. Our emissions are unwanted and clearly having a detrimental effect on all life. The UK and EU export much of their pollution to other countries, and therefore the whole pollution cost of an item has to be accounted for. Environmental Audits should be produced for every product made, everywhere, and priced and taxed accordingly. We should be falling over each other to reduce our pollutant outputs to ZERO. Reguations to reduce them to any arbitary amount are missing the point. We should be heading for ZERO at the very least.

2621 I think this issue should be addressed with more urgency than it currently is. 2622 Please for the sake of our children and grandchildren ACT NOW. A whole new level of action needs to be put into place. The sooner we act the better for everyone. 2626 I think that a more holistic view of freight and passenger transport is required. Is it better to have larger centres supplied by rail even if this increases the distance people travel to collect or purchase items to cut down on road freight?

2629 Patents which fuel companies have bought up to stop competition and the production of more fuel efficient engines should have to be available generally to the industry after a shorter period than present

2630 What is required is an integrated transport policy which balances the emission targets with practical implementation of transportation systems to meet societies needs. 2636 I welcome the EU's initiatives, but I am sceptical as to whether this type of initiative will allow us to reach the massive targets that have been set. A huge problem in most European societies is an excessive reliance on imports (and, by implication, an excessive level of exports), meaning that food and goods are constantly transported over long distances, and individual regions provide very little of their own food. Supermarkets are especially responsible for this, of course. Consumers have few other choices and most of what they consume has been transported from other countries. This situation needs to radically change in the near future if we are to avoid climate catastrophe. The EU should consider initiatives which would facilitate the rebirth of local economies and local food provision. It is not enough to make freighting create fewer emissions: freighting itself must be drastically reduced in scale. Additionally, petroleum-consuming vehicles are not viable in the future. Alternatives such as electric vehicles need to be proposed, but these will only work alongside major investment in renewable energy sources by individual governments, for electric vehicles are only as green as the electricity they consume. Otherwise, initiatives to scale down individual ownership and usage of vehicles may even be necessary, though would of course be hugely unpopular. 2637 Cutting emissions is urgent. The most effective means of controlling emissions from vehicles and buildings is to raise the price of fossil carbon at or near the point where it comes out of the ground or is imported. This "Kyoto2" approach to controlling emissions is presented here: http://www.k2support.org/ . Please see uploaded documents.

2638 If the European Commission, and state governments were serious about reducing co2 emissions from vehicles they would: a) Encourage investment and good management of a reliable and good value public transport system to reduce vehicle usage. b) Put much stronger policy in place to force vehicle manufacturers to increase efficiency. The increases in km per litre of fuel achieved over the last 20 years have generally been very low, probably because there has been no strong demand or incentive for highly efficient vehicles. The technology is available. 2640 Vehicle emissions need to be drastically reduced, but even more important is the need to reduce the actual number of vehicles on Europe's roads. Otherwise the targets will never be achieved. Individuals and businesses must look to a more localised economy which does not depend on long journeys by car, truck or lorry.

2642 If we are to believe the IEA's chief economist we are most definitely in the last-chance saloon. Action must be taken to return the world to a CO2 level of 350ppm before it too late and potentially catastrophic effects are unleashed. ACT NOW

2643 In the UK, almost all heavy duty goods vehicles routinely exceed their speed limit of 40mph on single carriageways carrying the national speed limit. The police do nothing about this. Enforcement of the law would significantly reduce fuel consumption, make overtaking easier for cars and generally make roads safer. The UK government should be asked why they allow the law to be flouted.

2645 Opposition from commercial enterprise and manufacturers can be significantly reduced through carefully crafted legislation and incentives that (a) makes it increasingly expensive for ownership and operation of vehicles with high levels of greenhouse gas emissions, (b) makes it very attractive for owners of current technology vehicles to switch to new technologies, (c) encourages manufacturers to commit to new technologies, (d) creates the support infrastructure such as refuelling sites/stations/points, (e) creates conditions where consumer demand motivates manufacturers. Just because there is oil in the ground does not mean that every last barrel should be pumped out. Oil will continue to be important to the production of plastics and many other products. A bold target should be set no later than 2100 for there to be no fossil fuel powered or greenhouse gas emitting vehicles in use for transportation (commercial, public service and private) or agriculture. Bringing this target forward should be an objective with the introduction of each step forward in technology, and each 1% of declining ownership of fossil fuel powered personal vehicles in the fossil fuel powered fleet, not the total numbers of on the road vehicles. An earlier target of 2050 should be set for there to be only hybrid types of personal vehicles which use fossil fuels on the road with specific CO2, Methane and Nitrogen compounds emissions targets, and a target date of 2020 set for commercial HGVs to be banned from urban centres through the use of containerized transfer at transfer stations to non fossil fuel local HGVs. A target date of 2025 should be set to ban any non hybrid private vehicle from urban centres, and all fossil fuel private vehicles (hybrid or otherwise) from urban centres from 2050.

2647 Extra research funds for renewable energy solutions to come from the taxation of existing CO2 emission vehicles 2649 There is a rich source of alternative energy from plant sugars, plant oils and Natural energy collectors: solar panels for instance, geothermal resources - energy from the earth's core, and insulation efficiency to mention a few. The tax from inefficient energy production should be used to subsidise renewable energy sources for the taxpayer. Carrot and stick. There should be encouragement and turn over of land and resources at discounted rates to those producing their own market garden consumables. Expansion of Local Authority vegetable and salad growing plots as well encouragement to those wishing to own home livestock such as chickens, geese, ducks,poultry and small livestock. Farming communes should be developed to encourage people to resource their own land rather than battery commercial enterprise which spread disease and result in animal suffering. A very considerable amount can be done by individual and community efforts to reduce transport costs of dietary consumables. Co-operation with organisations such as Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and other Environmental Agencies should be mandatory.

2651 There is a lot of lorries which travel empty or companies delivering to the same place ,in our area in addition to the post we have over five deliery companies ,perhaps there should be consolidation where local deliveries are done by one company to save on duplication

2653 Please also consider this as part of a wider question about transport use. Vehicles can be made more efficient, but a short journey will always produce less carbon than a long journey. Emphasis needs to be placed on encouraging transport infrastructure that supports local economies and penalises long journeys with a carbon tax, to encourage local produce staying locally. This should also encourage the development of low carbon transportation through electrified rail, coupled to 'green' electricity generating capacity.

2657 Financial incentives for vehicle users and buyers as well as manufacturers. Should apply to second hand as well as to new vehicles. Should be in harmony with other anti-emissions measures. Maybe a reward, again financial, for meeting efficiency standards in life as a whole, including energy usage and conservation. Also consider that it is harder for the poor to comply. A poor person may not be able to afford a new energy efficient car, or to insulate their home, so invest in helping people meet standards. 2658 When considering emissions you need to be careful of the whole-life emissions of the fuel, e.g. biofuels are not good because they destroy forests and some types of fossil fuels require a great deal of energy in extraction. 2671 Zusätzlich zu technischen Vorgaben sollten auch Regelungen und Anreize geschaffen werden, die Einfluss nehmen auf die Verkehrsorganisation, z.B. ein verpflichtendes Mobilitätsmanagement in allen Betrieben ab einer Mindestgröße von z.B. 100 Beschäftigten. Alle Kommunen und öffentlichen Einrichtungen sollten dazu verpflichtet werden, einen "Mobilitätsplan" aufzustellen, in dem u.a. der Pendlerverkehr, der Liefer- und Besuchsverkehr sowie der Dienstreiseverkehr der Mitarbeiter auf Einspar- und Verlagerungspotenziale zu umweltverträglicheren Verkehrsträgern untersucht werden (Job-Tickets, Parkraummanagement, Carpooling und CarSharing etc.). Auf steuerlicher Ebene sollte EU-weit ein Schema erarbeitet werden, nach dem die Nutzung von Dienstfahrzeugen nach einheitlichen Kriterien geregelt wird (u.a. keine freie Abgabe von Kraftstoffen an Mitarbeiter für private Nutzung auf Tankkarten, Einführung von Höchstgrenzen für die Absetzbarkeit als Betriebsausgaben bei Autos). Die kostenfreie Bereitstellung von Parkplätzen an Mitarbeiter sollte ebenfalls als geldwerter Vorteil gewertet werden. Sofern ein Betrieb seinen Beschäftigten finanzielle bzw. materielle Vergünstigungen im Zusammenhang mit seiner Fahrt zum Arbeitsplatz gewährt, sollte sich dies mindestens neutral auf die Verkehrsmittelwahlentscheidung auswirken, wenn nicht sogar die Entscheidung für CO2-freie bzw. CO2-mindernde Verkehrsmittel unterstützen.

2678 In the Directive 2009/33/EC the procurement alternative 2 is faulty and should be corrected. It gives very large weight into energy use instead of emissions. It means e.g. that biogas buses can not compete with fossil diesel buses even though biogas buses enable more than 90 % greenhous gas emission reductions. The proposed revision of energy taxation directive is also faulty related to methane vehicles. We enclose our position paper, where the problem and its solution is described.

2682 L'étape de fabrication des véhicules est également fortement émettrice de gaz à effet de serre. Il me parait indispensable d'intégrer tout le cycle de vie des véhicules dans les estimations de réduction des émissions liées à une réglementation encourageant l'achat de véhicules moins polluants. La réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre dues aux transports automobile et routier passe avant tout par la réduction de ces transports. Dans ce sens, le scénario proposé par l'association negaWatt fait des propositions tout à fait intéressantes et à prendre en compte. 2686 Genuinely feasible targets shoould be set [and enforced] with minimal direction of how these are to be achieved. That should be left to the market. Any targets should apply equally to all fuel types and should not directly favour any particular fuel or energy source. Certainly for example, there should be no concessions for tar sands derived fuels, nor for biomass fuels which may directly or indirectly impinge on food production.

2687 Ne pas produire de l'électricité moins polluante à l'utilisation en brulant du charbon ou autre énergie très polluante. Le principe est général. Ne pas permettre qu'on retrouve des batteries de voiture de 300 kg pleines d'acide dans la nature : tracabilité (immatriculation ? les batteries pourraient rester la propriété du constructeur, à charge pour lui de gérer leur cycle de vie ? si on trouve une batterie quelque part, possibilité pour les pouvoirs publics locaux de la ramener à l'industriel propriétaire ?) Mois de CO2 : Considérer l'avantage comparatif global du deux roues (moto, scooter...), valoriser leur moindre pollution (plus légers), promouvoir la formation de leurs utilisateurs (les permis auto / moto sont trop chers, une partie de la population ne peux pas les payer, ils sont tenus de rouler quand même pour leur travail) -> participation des employeurs nécessitant des transports (tous ? les gros ?) dans une caisse de solidarité -> bourse permis pour les jeunes / les défavorisés... La règlementation européenne est nécessaire pour cette réduction des émissions comme dans tous les domaines. Les industriels s'adaptent... si on les pousse à le faire. 2689 Some industry respondents may argue that further regulation will harm competitiveness and should not in any event be contemplated without offsetting expenditure on alternatives, such as rail freight. These voices should be ignored. For almost 20 years, the EU has paid lip-service to the idea of revitalising Europe's railways, especially for freight, as a principal means of delivering sustainable transport. Market opening for rail freight has delivered some environmental benefits but these are marginal when set against the totality of the problem and, despite a plethora of EU legislation, the rail freight market remains structurally defective, impeding rail's capacity to compete with road. It would therefore makes no sense to rely on the prospect of a railway revival as a way of delivering reductions in greenhouse gases. as already noted, the only way to regulate effectively is to tackle the problem head-on. 2718 not to forget, not only greenhouse gas emission but space and efficiency... 2720 I found this consultation and questionnaire very interesting, not only because of its substance but in particular as an example of informative public participation. However, at the same time I wonder how far the digital divide continues to create a barrier to e-participation. In Europe not so much, any more, maybe. Would be interesting, one day, to learn how many people replied in any reasonable way, and if there were different participation percentages in different countries. Thank you! 2728 A few random points: 1. One of the major problems in meeting GHG targets has been the growth in use of 4x4s/SUVs overe the past two decades. The vast majority of such purchases have been by those who would otherwise have purchased a (more fuel efficient) car and have no need of the offroad capabilities, and have bought them mainly for image reasons. This trend is also undesirable from a safety perspective. My suggestion is that the engine size and power of 4x4/SUV vehicles is severely restricted and that their top speed is also restricted to 90 km/h (through maximum achievable vehicle speed and NOT by setting speed limits that drivers would simply ignore), to deter purchase by other than those who require the offroad capability (farmers, etc). 2. Legislation that encorages the use of diesel engines should be discouraged, in view of the particulates that these emit. 3. Small volume niche manufacturers should be permitted to have higher limits (, Ferrari, Morgan, etc), on industrial policy grounds, as these are high-end products supporting large numbers of employees for their output, which would effectively be killed off by low limits, and which woudl otherwise be subject to unfair competion for rival products produced by large manfacturers, who would be able to 'cross-subsidise' thier high emissions, from mass market models in thier range. 4. Any regulations should only apply to new vehicles. 5. Much more work needs to be done to minimise HGV emissions, this should include greater incentivisation to use more energy=efficient modes, e.g. rail. 2729 Attention à ne pas proposer l'électrique (nucléaire) comme unique alternative aux hydrocarbures... on ne sait toujours pas gérer les déchets, qui ont une durée de vie autrement plus longue que les particules de CO2 dans l'atmosphère (quelques dizaines/centaines de milliers années -voire millions- contre quelques dizaines d'années). Changer la législation sur les brevets pour permettre de développer des technologies "retenues en otages" par des industries/lobbies... 2731 I feel I should have been more knowledgeable on the subject to answer intelligently. Perhaps even more background information could have been useful. 2735 In order to reduce GHG emissions from vehciles, it is fundamentally important that a range of policy actions is taken in order to ensure that all stakeholders - manufacturers, fuel suppliers and users - contribute to action to reduce the CO2 emissions of vehicles, both their general efficiency and the level of emissions in use. The Commission is best placed to regulate standards for fuel efficiency, so should continue to do this. For cars and vans, where standards already exist, indicative targets should be set post-2020. For other road vehicles, the Commission should develop a strategy for GHG reduction, which need to ensure that GHG emissions reductions are delivered from improved fuel efficiency. 2737 Import tariffs on new vehicles that do not meet same standards? Seek international agreement on emission standards? 2739 If the EU doesn't legislate and provide development assistance for new technologies, pluggable electric and improvements to the electric grid will be manufactured in countries that do. China and the US are pushing hard to "own" these technology areas, but aren't legislating effectively. Of course, greenhouse emissions are serious problem, but this problem will be solved not by regulation alone. Emissions (the real cause of greenhouse gasses) won't be solved unless viable technology is available in the short term. Making pluggable electric viable quickly won't take huge investments - a billion dollars, given to 10 EU venture capital firms for investment in just pluggable electric will result in 2 or 3 very successful companies, creating jobs and making the greenhouse problem go away much more quickly than regulation alone. But regulation will create the economic impetus for rapid success of those companies.

2740 In creating a framework strong consideration should be given to unintended secondary consequences (e.g. shift to biofuels causing pressure on other land uses) and the framework should have flexibility to cope with such consequences

2741 Globalement, l'objectif à viser ne me semble pas être la réduction des émissions unitaires par véhicule mais bien plus la réduction du kilométrage global réalisé. Cela impose d'aborder le problème sous l'angle de l'individu et de déterminer ses motivations d'utilisation d'un véhicule pour chaque situation de la vie. Les principales situations à aborder en priorité sont : - le travail ; - l'approvisionnement (courses au supermarché) ; - les vacances. Chaque situation de vie est ensuite à étudier en termes de distance, d'infrastructure et de mutualisation. Enfin, on doit s'attacher tout particulièrement à favoriser les alternatives à l'utilisation des véhicules routiers et s'interroger sur les motifs de non-utilisation : - des transports en commun (adéquation des lignes et horaires, confort, régularité) ; - du ferroutage (tarifs, fiabilité, régularité) ; - de la batellerie (éloignement des structures industrielles par rapport aux voies d'eau). Si nécessaire, une politique fiscale adaptée permet d'affiner les ratios tarifaires mais doit être utilisée avec parcimonie et uniquement après avoir œuvré dans les autres domaines. 2743 Qu'en est il du développement du transport ferroviaire ou fluvial ? Qulles incitations ? 2747 Taxer très lourdement le transport de marchandises par l'avion comme par la route est indispensable. Ce sera se donner une chance de revenir à une production, distribution et consommation locale. Contraindre les véhicules routiers à moins rejeter de CO2 est nécessaire, et doit s'accompagner de mesures concernant le trafic aérien qui génère encore plus de C02. Faire prendre l'avion aux marchandises plutôt que la route serait catastrophique. Ces deux domaines sont liés. Merci de votre attention Caroline Verdier

2749 quid du ferroutage ? transport fluvial ? 2750 Les questions auxquelles j'ai répondu "sans opinion" manquent de mon point de vue d'appui contextuel... Les chiffrages en valeur absolue ne sont que peu d'utilité pour un citoyen lambda qui n'a pas de références technique ni scientifique... 2757 Il est surprenant de ne voir aucune question sur les alternatives aux véhicules utilitaires. Hors c'est ici que réside le plus grand gain potentiel 2759 une analyse critique des réponses à ce questionnaire est nécessaire (à réaliser par un cabinet de consultants indépendants). Il aurait été intéressant de connaître la source de ce questionnaire (notamment s'il a été préparer par un organisme indépendant ou non de la commission européenne)

2762 Je pense que le problème de l'émission de gaz à effet de serre dépend énormément des modes de production d'énergie actuels. La législation des véhicules de conception actuelle me semble n'être qu'une rustine, j'ai bien peur que des mesures plus drastiques ne soient nécessaire pour obtenir des résultats dans des temps acceptables. La promotion d'un nouveau type de véhicule me semble être quasiment obligatoire bien que difficilement envisageable, tout comme un effort accru sur la recherche en ce domaine. Des efforts solides en ce domaine et une résistance à la pression des lobbys de l'énergie me semble malheureusement nécessaires. 2763 Il est urgent d'agir. Merci pour nos enfants. 2766 bravo pour le sondage j'espère qu'il aidera a faire entendre la voix du peuple d'Europe sur cette question d'avenir 2769 1/ Dans toute politique, le plus grand levier est au niveau des pratiques, et non au niveau des technologies. Refonder la politique d'aménagement du territoire et la politique économique dans une logique de relocalisation des sites de production, de promotion d'une distribution selon des circuits courts, de déplacement par des transports doux permettrait la réduction des besoins de transport aidant à tenir les objectifs de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (voire les dépasser). 2/ L'hydrogène et l'électricité étant des énergies secondaires, il faut les produire avec une énergie primaire avec un rendement << 1. Le bilan énergétique est donc a priori plus mauvais ; il serait aberrant de ne pas tenir compte des enjeux d'économie d'énergie (et pas seulement de réduction des GES) tout au long du cycle de vie.

2773 CO2 regulation and air quality may have conflicting targets (for example, diesel vs gasoline engines). It's important to think at the same time of both local (particulate matter, NOx), and global (CO2) pollutants as there are serious local air quality issues near (and often quite far, taliking about km*10) highways. I know it's outside the scope of this consultation, but I think it's critical to considerate other issues while creating regulations.

2781 Long term, clear )whole life cycle) targets, alligned with technology pathways that can be applied across member states are imperative to succesful reduction of road transport CO2. However, public behaviour and attitudes must be influenced appropriately, and any reduction of utility or increases in cost which may occur due to new technologies must be compensated for so mobility is not unfairly compromised.

2786 The use of the GEET is a good alternative to lower the pollution, see www. geetinternationel.com or HHO see Hydrogen garage. 2787 Il devrait être interdit d'acheter un brevet pour empêcher une invention d'être développée comme tant d'inventions. Si nous souhaitons réellement réduire la pollution, il suffit d'étudier les brevets déposés qui ne sont toujours pas commercialisés. Il est temps de faire autrement.

2788 Il est grand temps de prendre des mesures dans ce domaine, NON AUX LOBBIES! 2792 Manufacturers of vehicles have the most responsibility to ensure they are producing the ultimate clean and efficient vehicles for the global consumer. this is currently left for them to decide how they go about it and they endure no culpability on any of these matters. Even the OIl producers have no responsibility to provide clean fuel at their service stations. the old adage 'you pay your money and make your choice' in this case is absolutely ridiculous. Other than a petrol/gas hybrid car or an electric car which are still NEITHER CLEAN OR EFFICIENT where is the GREEN CLEAN OPTION??????? answer THERE IS NONE. The clean technology has been here for many years and the continuous lack of implementation by these STRICTLY FOR PROFIT organisations seems to be globally acceptable by all governments. please force them to change. this is not a game but it just feels like 'they are winning'. Air is getting dirtier every hour and our fragile world is suffering. every vehicle produced by 2015 should have NO EMISSIONS. this is possible NOW. make it so. thank you. 2793 Il faudrait travailler à réduire la teneur en carbone des carburants. Le gaz naturel montre qu'il est possible de faire fonctionner un moteur à combustion interne avec un carburant qui rejette significativement moins de CO2, mais c'est un carburant ennuyeux (comme le GPL), parce que gazeux, qui requiert un réservoir spécifique et d'importantes modifications d'infrastructure. Le pétrolier Shell a construit une énorme usine au Qatar pour transformer du gaz naturel en carburant diesel, c'est une piste à suivre. Ne pourrait-on envisager une norme applicable aux carburants auto (donc aux pétroliers), avec une teneur en carbone qui serait progressivement abaissé ? Si on pouvait réduire de 5% la teneur en carbone, dans un carburant liquide qui pourrait remplacer les carburants actuels, le gain serait immédiat. 2801 In our city (Granada, Spain), the central street is now closed to automobiles. Only buses and taxis are allowed. Converting these to electricity or hydrogen would enhance the quality of life in the city immeasurably. Please help by considering this in your decision. Thank you. 2802 nicht alles lässt sich bis ins Detail regeln, eher eine Vorgehensweise für den Standardfall etablieren, zwei Drittel der Fahrleistung fällt auf Autobahnen an, als krampfhaft versuchen, jede Nische abzudecken,

2803 a) Kontraproduktive Gesetzgebung vermeiden Die Emissionsnormen (allgemeine Schadstoffe) für Fahrzeuge sind z.T. kontraproduktiv zu den Zielen der CO2 Reduzierung. b) Innovationsförderung Die Vorschriften zu "Flottenverbräuchen" sind keine wirklichen Innovationstreiber für alternative Antriebe oder nachhaltige Mobilitätskonzepte. Hierzu müssten verlässliche Langfristziele entwickelt werden (s unten c), oder, europaweit gültige Insellösungen geschaffen werden: - CO2 freier Stadt- und Werksverkehr, Schulanlieferungen, o.ä. - Vorgabe der Energieträger für Kommunale Flotten (CNG/Elektrizität/Wasserstoff) c) Langzeitplanuung Die Fahrzeugindustrie braucht verlässliche Langzeitziele/-vorgaben für den EU- Raum (und darüber hinaus). Diese müssen aber in verlässlichen Gesetzen gebunden sein (Californien ist hier das schlechte Vorbild) d) Fiscale statt technische Gesetzgebung - europäisch einheitliches fiscales System für den Verkauf und den Betrieb von Straßenfahrzeugen (Mehrwert-, Fahrzeug- UND Kraftstoff-Steuer), - Einheitliche CO2 Steuer [€/gr CO2] (on well2wheel basis) auf alle Energieträger (Kohle, Atom, Öl, Windkraft, etc.), 2805 Appliance manufacturers: make more energy efficient appliances (e.g. cars, fridges, light bulbs, microwave ovens) Energy suppliers: decarbonise the energy (whether liquid or gaseous fuels or electricity) Supporting policy measures: eliminate demand by getting people out of private vehicles onto non-motorised forms of mobility or mass transit It really is this simple.

2806 The most succesful cost effective policy will be a combination of fuel standards, technical innovations, supporting operational best practices and behavioural change. These different policies should be integrated in one comprehensive well designed approach. For commercial vehicles the EU policy should include incentives to support energy efficient transport operations such as eco driving, better maintenance, etc. and a mandatory Energy Management System (e.g. ISO 50001) for fleet owners. The combination of EnMS and the introduction of all kind of operational measures can improve GHG emissions per Vehicle-km by more than 10%. Other opportunities in addition to fuel standards are the promotion of environmental (green) procurement of transport services and of vehicles, transport avoidance measures, better utilisation of transport assets etc. 2808 It is important to demosntratge that the European industry does not suffer from the decisions. Europe should not implement measures that downturns Europe's industries. 2812 The existing biofuels ethanol and biogas have excellent technical properties that are far from exploited. (Possibly vehicles could be optimised also for FAME - to cope with the disadvantages of this fuel). Being rather simple to produce, a wide span of feedstock can be used and little technical production expertise is necessary - which means that areas with the best production possibilities (e.g. the tropical areas) can be used, thus increasing the possible number of producers and improving the fuel security at the same time as this will generate revenues to invest in developing the agriculture in the third world. There is however no incentive for the automotive industry to develop this potential by themselves. (actually the tailpipe-concept adopted in EU-legislation is counteracting such a development). The high costs and long time for developing optimised vehicles for these fuels require some kind of guarantee that these fuels are available at a competetive price when the vehicles finally are ready. Only the public policy can provide such a guarantee.

2813 Always consider well-to-wheel emissions!! NOT Tail-pipe!! 2817 La problématique visée ne doit pas être prise avec la seule vision de diminuer les émissions. Il faut aussi diminuer les transports routiers dans leur ensemble. 2819 First we must change our beliefs and then our bad habits, i.e. consumer life-style!