Dry-Type Transformers (1000 Volt and Less)

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Dry-Type Transformers (1000 Volt and Less)



1.1 SCOPE A. This section defines low voltage, super low loss transformers designed to (where applicable) meet the efficiency levels defined in the NEMA Premium® Efficiency Transformer Program which exceed efficiency levels defined in the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Conservation Program for Commercial Equipment; Distribution Transformers Energy Conservation Standards DOE 10 CFR Part 431; (before DOE referred to as TP1) and/or CSA C802.2 as referenced in the Canadian Energy Efficiency Regulations (SOR/94-651). Total transformer losses are reduced by 30% from the DOE10 CFR Part 431 and/or CSA C802.2 as referenced in the Canadian Energy Efficiency Regulations (SOR/94-651) levels when measured under a linear load (K1) profile at 35% load. There is no energy efficiency standard for non-linear load profiles. This product line even at a non linear load profile of K13 at 50% of nameplate rating will meet or exceed these levels for a linear load at 35%. B. The transformers shall be designed, constructed and ‘K-rated’ in accordance with UL, CSA and NEMA standards as per their temperature capability. 1.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawing and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.3 SUBMITALS A. Submit shop drawing and product data for approval and final documentation in the quantities listed according to the Conditions of the contract. Customer name, customer location and customer order number shall identify all transmittals. B. Product Data including kVA rating, average winding temperature rise, detailed enclosure dimensions, primary & secondary nominal voltages, primary voltage taps, no load & full load losses, impedances, unit weight, warranty. C. Efficiency under linear load at 15%, 25%, 35%, 50%, 65%, 75%, 100% of name plate rating. D. Efficiency at nonlinear load rated at K13 at 50% of name plate rating. E. Percentage regulation at 35% & 100% load at 80% & 100% power factor. 1.4 RELATED STANDARDS A. NEMA ST-20 Dry-Type Transformer for General Applications. B. IEEE C57.110 Recommended Practice for establishing transformer capability when feeding non-sinusoidal load currents. C. NEMA Premium® Efficiency Transformer Program, DOE 10 CFR Part 431 Efficiency Standards; (before DOE referred to as TP1), CSA C802.2 as referenced in the Canadian Energy Efficiency Regulations SOR/94-651. D. UL 1561, CSA C9 and C22.2 No.47. E. UL listed, CSA approved[, CE Mark] F. [Manufacturer Seismic Qualification: The low voltage general purpose dry type transformer (1000kVA max.) shall meet and be certified to seismic requirements specified in the [IBC 2009 International Building Code] [CBC 2010 California Building Code] [ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 7-10].

2018 年 5 月 26 日 [Project Name] Low-Voltage Distribution Transformers [26 22 13 63 00] [16461]-1 1. The low voltage general purpose dry type transformer shall be complaint with IBC 2009 parameters: a. Building Occupancy Category (as defined in Table 1.1 from ASCE 2010): [I] [II] [III] [IV] b. Seismic Design Category: [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] c. Site Class: [A – Hard Rock] [B - Rock] [C – Very dense soil and soft rock] [D – Stiff soil profile] [E – Soft Soil Profile] [F – Soil vulnerable to potential failure or collapse under seismic loading] as defined in IBC 2006 Table 1613.5.2 Site Class Definitions d. Ip – Importance Factor: [1.5 – Components must function after an earthquake for life safety purposes (Building Occupancy Code IV)] [1.25 - Buildings and structures that represent a substantial hazard to human life in the event of failure or that can cause substantial economic impact or mass disruption of day-to-day civilian life (Building Occupancy Code III)] [1.0 – Non-essential buildings. Function not life critical. (Building Occupancy Code I and II)] e. Ss – Mapped Spectral Accelerations for Short Periods at 0.2 seconds – 300%g f. Sds – 5% Damped Design Spectral Response Accelerations for Short Periods at 0.2 seconds: 2.0. g. z/h – Height factor ratio: [___] Note: Ratio is a calculated value equal to the floor the gear is installed on divided by 12. A 6th floor installation is a 0.5 value. A basement or ground floor installation is a 0.0 value. 2. Equipment shall be designed to be located in a concrete and steel, moment- resisting frame building not exceeding 12 stories in height with a minimum story height of 10 feet.] 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store and handle in strict compliance with manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations. Protect from potential damage from weather and construction operations. Store so condensation will not form on or in the transformer housing and if necessary, apply temporary heat where required to obtain suitable service conditions. B. Handle transformer using proper equipment for lifting and handling, use when necessary lifting eye and/or brackets provided for that purpose.


2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. [The low voltage, NEMA Premium Efficiency K-Rated dry type transformer(s) shall be Sentron supplied by Siemens or pre-approved equal. Approved manufacturers are as follows: 1. SIEMENS Industry – Sentron SUPERSYNERGY® 2. .] 2.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Three phase transformers shall be ventilated type. Convection air cooled. All three phase transformers shall be constructed with three coils and a single core. The primary side of each transformer shall, if applicable, be provided with taps that meet or exceed NEMA standards. B. Transformers shall be designed, constructed and rated in accordance with UL, CSA and NEMA standards. C. Voltage and Kva Requirements 1. Primary Voltage: [208][480][600][Other] 2. Secondary Voltage: [208Y/120][480Y/277][600Y/347][Other]

2018 年 5 月 26 日 [Project Name] Low-Voltage Distribution Transformers [26 22 13 63 00] [16461]-2 3. kVA Rating: [15][30][45][75][112.5][150][225][300][500][750][Other] 4. System Frequency: 60 Hertz D. Impedance, Typical at 60Hz: 2.5% to 6.5% up to 225kVA, 3.0% to 7.5% greater than 225kVA. E. Nameplate Rating: [K13] [Other] rated for non-linear loads, 60Hz. F. Efficiencies 1. Efficiencies will meet levels defined (where applicable) in the NEMA Premium® Efficiency Transformer Program. 2. Exceeds efficiency levels defined (where applicable) in accordance with U.S. Department of Energy, DOE 10 CFR Part 431; (before DOE referred to as TP1) and/or the CSA C802.2 as referenced in the Canadian Energy Efficiency Regulations SOR/94-651. Total transformer losses are reduced by 30% from these levels at 35% of rated load when measured under a linear load profile. 3. Efficiencies will meet or exceed (where applicable) standards defined in accordance with U.S. Department of Energy, DOE 10 CFR Part 431; (before DOE referred to as TP1) and/or CSA C802.2 as referenced in the Canadian Energy Efficiency Regulations (SOR/94-651) for linear load at 35% even for non linear loads of K13 at 50% of nameplate rating. 4. Efficiencies and load losses will be calculated at temperature reference of 75°C at Unity Power Factor (UPF). G. Electrostatic shield for common noise attenuation. 1. 60 dB Common Mode electrical noise attenuation. 2. 10 dB Transverse Mode electrical noise attenuation. H. Insulation Class: 1. [220°C system][200°C system][other] I. Temperature Rise: 1. [130°C K1/150°C K13][115°C K1/130°C K13][80°C K1/115°C K13][Other]. J. Secondary neutral conductor rating shall be 200% of the secondary phase conductor ampacity. K. Taps 1. To NEMA ST 20 [1 x ± 5% (1FCAN, 1FCBN)][2 x ± 2.5% (2FCAN, 2FCBN)][2 x +2.5%, 4 x -2.5% (2FCAN, 4FCBN)][2 x - 5% (2FCBN)][None][Other]. L. Core construction 1. High grade non-aging, fully processed silicon steel laminations or better. M. Coil conductors 1. [Copper][Aluminum] windings, with terminations brazed, welded or bolted. N. Impregnation: vacuum impregnated core & coils. O. Excitation current: 3% of full load current rating (max.) P. Sound level: 3dB below NEMA ST-20. Q. Enclosure 1. Ventilated, [Type 3R][Type 3RE][Other]. R. Enclosure Finish 1. [ANSI 61 Grey suitable for UL50 outdoor applications][Other]. S. Transformers shall terminate in mounting pads. Bring out primary and secondary terminations to terminals on the same side of the transformer mounted on separate insulated support. Provide mechanical lugs on primary, secondary and neutral (double) for customer terminations.Mounting lugs will be included on all aluminum and copper units up to and including 270 amp ratings. Contractors shall provide all necessary lugs not already provided with transformer.

2018 年 5 月 26 日 [Project Name] Low-Voltage Distribution Transformers [26 22 13 63 00] [16461]-3 T. Anti-vibration pads/isolators shall be used between the transformer core and coil and the enclosure. U. Built to NEMA ST-20 and in accordance with all applicable UL, CSA and ANSI/IEEE standards. V. Ground core & coil assembly to enclosure with a flexible copper grounding strap or equivalent. W. Mounting 1. Ventilated units up to 750 lbs.: Suitable for wall, floor or ceiling mounting (drip plate required). 2. Ventilated units over 750 lbs.: Suitable for floor mounting only. X. Seismic: Designed and manufactured to comply with the specification, “IBC 2006; Section 1613; Earthquake Loads” with the site specific parameters of “Occupancy Category III: Special Occupancy”: IP=1.25 and “Site Profile Type: SD= Stiff Soil” with the seismic forces defined as “Spectral Acceleration for Short Periods: SS= 1.0g”. (Applicable to floor mounted units only.) 2.3 NON LINEAR LOADS DEFINITION A. Non-Linear loads and K-factor are defined as per UL 1561 & further explained in IEEE 519 Harmonic Spectrum for Switching Power supply & IEEE C57.110 and IEEE 1100. 2.4 [OPTIONS A. The NEMA Premium Efficiency K-Rated Transformer shall included the following options: 1. [Vibration Isolators] 2. [Low Sound: [-5 dB][-8 dB]] 3. [Enclosures: [Type 4][Type 4X][Type 12] [other]] 4. [Over-Temperature switches wired to internal terminal strip. Temperatures specified for use with class 220°C insulation systems. Standard configuration is N.C. opening on high temperature. Optional configuration is N.O. closing on high temperature. Installation options: [one switch: 170°C or 200°C on center coil][two switches: 170°C and 200°C on center coil][six switches: one 170°C and one 200°C on each of the 3 coils].] 5. [Strip Heaters] 6. [Marine Duty (meet ABS requirements)] 7. [SPD (Surge Protection Device)] 8. [EMF level, not to be higher than 10mG at one meter from enclosure top and four sides.]]


3.1 INSTALLATION A. The installing contractor shall install the NEMA Premium Efficiency K-Factor Transformer per the manufacturer's recommended installation practices as found in the installation, operation, and maintenance manual and comply with all applicable codes. 1. Make sure that the transformer is level. 2. Check for damage and loose connections. 3. Mount transformer to comply with all applicable codes. 4. Install optional vibration isolation pads between transformer enclosure and the mounting surface. 5. Install seismic restraint where indicated on the drawing. 6. Coordinate all work in this section with all work of other sections. 7. Prior to energizing transformer, verify secondary voltages and if necessary adjust primary taps. 3.2 ADJUSTMENTS AND CLEANING

2018 年 5 月 26 日 [Project Name] Low-Voltage Distribution Transformers [26 22 13 63 00] [16461]-4 A. On completion of installation, inspect components. Remove paint splatters and other spots, dirt and debris. Repair scratches and mars on finish to match original finish. Clean components internally using methods and materials recommended by manufacturer. B. Adjust transformer taps to provide optimum voltage conditions at utilization equipment throughout normal operating cycle of facility. Record primary and secondary voltages and tap settings and submit with test results. 3.3 TESTING A. Production tests: each unit according to: 1. NEMA ST-20 2. CSA C9 & C22.2 No.47 3. DOE 10 CFR Part 431 sub part K, NEMA TP2 B. Type Test each model design and submit report. C. Type test to include: 1. Induced voltage test 2. Power frequency withstand voltage test 3. Insulation resistance (Megger) test 4. Positive sequence impedance 5. Heat run test for K-factor rating compliance per UL & CSA 6. No load and full load losses in watts 7. Sound level in decibels 3.4 WARRANTY A. The transformer shall carry a 10 year limited warranty. END OF SECTION

2018 年 5 月 26 日 [Project Name] Low-Voltage Distribution Transformers [26 22 13 63 00] [16461]-5

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