Social Work History

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Social Work History

Social Work History Network Steering Group Friday 9 March 2012 Melbourne House, Aldwych, London


Keith Bilton (chair) Joan Baraclough, David N Jones, Judith Niechcial, Barbara Prynn, David Burnham, Sarah Matthews (notes)


Mike Burt, Jill Manthorpe, Ruth Cartwright, David George

1. Welcome and Introductions

Keith welcomed Sarah to the group as the recently appointed honorary coordinator.

2. Notes of last meeting and matters arising not on the agenda

 Joan Rapaport; money has now been collected and a token presentation will be made to her at the next Network meeting in April

 Leaflet; agreed that this needs updating. Sarah will liaise with Joan about accessing the original template. Action Sarah

 Website; Sarah to liaise with Mike Burt and the IT contact at Chester to discuss best ways of taking this forward. Website address is Andy Howell and Andy Chapman are liaising about ensuring that we still have access to this domain Action Sarah and Mike

3. Meeting on 24 April

Elaine Arnold has now confirmed that she will speak. Sarah will contact her to confirm details. It was agreed that we should invite a second speaker to dovetail with Elaine’s topic. David J is to liaise with BAAF in first instance to see if they have an available speaker on history of adoption. Sarah will inform Janet Robinson of any updates and will arrange for flyer to be circulated confirming details Action Sarah and David J 4. Future events

 5th July meeting in Chester. Tom White and John Pierson have agreed to speak on 5 July. Sarah to contact Mike about producing a flyer and other publicity for this meeting Action Sarah and Mike

 It was agreed that Margaret Humphreys should be invited to speak at a future meeting on a date convenient for her. David J will contact her to discuss and agree a format. A panel was suggested to discuss Margaret’s work and the ways in which such organisations come about. This should be discussed further at next steering group meeting

Action David J and All

 Other possible topics o Mike Stein ‘Care less Lives’ o Older people with mental illness o 2013 anniversaries of legislation o Women who set up organisations e.g. Tilda Goldberg; Eglantine Jebb

5. Meeting with Law Commission on consultation regarding regulation of the profession

The Steering Group has received a request to attend a joint meeting with SWRU at KCL regarding consultation on the regulation of social work (control of qualifying training and registration and discipline of practitioners)

It was agreed that SWHN steering group would like to contribute at this meeting the history of regulation in SW. Keith to seek date and to provide input on history of regulation Action Keith

6. Correspondence from Ruth Cartwright

Email received from Ruth Cartwright requesting information relating to history of social work. Individual members of the steering group have responded separately

7. Development of Network

The Steering Group discussed possible ways in which the network could develop including;  Further work needed to update mailing list to enable more structured communication with members Action Sarah

 Website needs further development, including reviewing the way it looks and reorganising how past papers and other archives are stored. Sarah to liaise with Mike Burt

Action Sarah and Mike

 The possible development of an electronic bulletin. This could include articles, book reviews, summaries of research, reports on work in progress, biographies, personal interest (such as reminiscences, memorials etc), Letters to editor, reports on events, notice of future events and calls for abstracts. Action Sarah and All

 Raising awareness of the network through University social work programmes and Local Authority and other training departments especially in the geographical location of future meetings

 Future liaison with The College of Social Wok and their Communities of Interest

 Continue providing write ups of each meeting to Professional Social Work Journal

Date of next Steering Group and other dates

24 April 2012 at 11.30 for Steering Group, to be followed by next meeting from 1.30; Room is confirmed for the afternoon Sarah to contact Janet about the possibility of booking one for the morning Action Sarah

5 July, University of Chester; speakers are confirmed. Publicity is now needed

Action Sarah and Mike

Tuesday 11 September 1.15pm for Steering Group; Room will need to be booked Action Sarah

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