A Service of the Holy Eucharist Celebration of St. Lucia
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December 9, 2012 9:00 A.M. Trinity Episcopal Church 218 East Benton Street ! Aurora, IL 60505 (630) 897-7283 www.trinityaurora.org
Serving God and God’s People since 1849
Prelude Lighting of the Advent Candle Processional Hymn Blue Hymnal 1982 Hymn 543 O Zion, tune thy voice Eastview
Opening Acclamation Black Book of Common Prayer (BCP) 323 The Collect for Purity Kyrie eleison (The service music is found in the front of the Blue Hymnal) S-91 The Collect of the Day BCP 159 The First Lesson Malachi 3:1-4 Canticle 16 Benedictus Dominus Deus Luke 1:68-79
(The cantor sings the Antiphon through once, then everyone sings it once more. The cantor sings the verses of the psalm, then everyone sings the Antiphon where noted.)
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; * he has come to his people and set them free. He has raised up for us a mighty savior, * born of the house of his servant David. Antiphon
Through his holy prophets he promised of old, that he would save us from our enemies, * from the hands of all who hate us. He promised to show mercy to our fathers * and to remember his holy covenant. This was the oath he swore to our father Abraham, * to set us free from the hands of our enemies, Free to worship him without fear, * holy and righteous in his sight all the days of our life. Antiphon You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High, * for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way, To give people knowledge of salvation * by the forgiveness of their sins. Antiphon
In the tender compassion of our God * the dawn from on high shall break upon us, To shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, * and to guide our feet into the way of peace. Antiphon
The Epistle Philippians 1:3-11 Sequence Hymn Hymn 529 In Christ there is no East or West Mc Kee
(All sing verses 1-2 before the Gospel is read; all sing verse 3 after.)
THE GOSPEL Luke 3:1-6 The Sermon Deacon Dolan The Nicene Creed BCP 327
Our prayers are offered: (said together) In the Anglican cycle of prayers: We pray for Kigezi, Uganda, The Rt. Rev. George Katwesigye. In the Diocesan cycle of prayers: We pray the ecumenical relationships between the church in full Communion with the Episcopal Church: the Evangelical Lutheran church in America; Church of North India; Church of South India; Church of Pakistan; Church of Bangladesh; the Old Catholic Churches; the Philippine Independent Church; the Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar; and the Moravian Church in America, Northern and Southern Provinces. In Our Nation: We pray for our men and women in uniform, especially Alec, Carl, Drew, John, Steven and Seth risking their lives daily on our behalf, and for their families. In Our Parish Prayers: We pray for Malcolm, Sarah, John, Naomi, Mitch, Ryan, Bob, Maggie, Ellie, Marti, Charlie, Vance, Jackie, Norma, Kathy, Joan (for health), Hannah, Jimmy (for the guidance of the Holy Spirit). We pray for discernment for where God is calling each of us and our church. We ask for God’s help as we seek ways to serve the diverse population in our city. The Prayers of the People BCP 328 Confession of Sin BCP 330 The Peace BCP 332 THE HOLY COMMUNION
Offertory Hymn Santa Lucia
Silver the distant shore, Midst joy and happiness, Moonlight is gleaming, Twilight is falling. Now on the waters Now distant voices My boat lies dreaming. Sweet songs are calling. Under a starry sky O lovely Napoli, Mandolines playing, Earth's fairest treasure, Breezes so gently blow, Fountain of harmony Blossoms are swaying. Source of all pleasure.
Softly a serenade Deep in my memory Whispers "I love you, Thoughts of you linger; Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
Doxology Hymn 43 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow (verse 4) The Eighth Tune Eucharistic Prayer I BCP 333 Holy, Holy, Holy Sanctus S-114 The Lord's Prayer BCP 336
O Lamb of God (Agnus Dei) S-158 Prayer of Humble Access BCP 337
(All are welcome at God’s table. We welcome all baptized persons to come forward to receive Communion*, and others, a blessing.)
Communion The Prayer of Thanksgiving BCP 339
CONCLUDING RITES The Blessing BCP 339 Greetings and Announcements Closing Hymn Hymn 66 Come, thou long expected Jesus Stuttgart
*Please note: We now have gluten free wafers available. If you want gluten free, please tell an usher. If you need assistance for communion, please tell an usher. WELCOME! Whoever you are, wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, we welcome you to Trinity Church. If this is your first time worshiping with us, we are delighted that you’ve joined us. We ask that you please sign our guest book and join us in the Parish Hall for coffee and conversation. Special thanks to the Fr. Rosa for today’s coffee hour.
Serving in today’s Service
The Rev. Thomas Rosa, Transitional Minister The Rev. John Dolan, Deacon Ken Baxter, Organist Rob Borchert, Crucifer, Chalicer Linda Barber, Chalicer Malcolm Blogg, Acolyte Guy Stephens, Cantor David Bullis, Lector Rob Borchert, Intercessor Chireen DeKing and Javier Terrazas, Ushers/Greeters The children will be helping with the service
TODAY: Adult Study Class following coffee time entitled, “Traditions” lead by Fr. Rosa. We will discuss development of The Book of Common Prayer. It may be the most influential book of the English language.
Envelopes for 2013 are at the church entrance, if you were missed, please contact Linda. Bake Sale: St. Margaret’s Guild has some delectable delicacies for you.
This week and Beyond:
Tuesday: Staff meeting at 8:30 a.m.
Wednesdays: Join us in All Souls’ Chapel for Morning Prayer at 8:00 a.m. Midweek Bible Study, each week the lessons for the following Sunday are discussed. Coffee is on! Invite a friend and be here following Morning Prayer.
Thursdays: The Sandwich Board – join us as we celebrate the Eucharist with the members of St. Andrew. All are welcome to join us in feeding the hungry – body and soul. Worship at noon; lunch at 12:30.
December 12: It’s time for the 3rd annual Girls’ Goofy Grab Bag Nite Out. Bring an item from home or something purchased no more than $3.00. Bring a small little plate of snack to share. Beverages will be provided. RSVP by December 7 to Chireen at 630.801.1554
The small tree in the parish hall is now named THE GIVING TREE, it will remain all year and will be receiving gifts throughout to help out others. If you remember we put our thanks on it for Thanksgiving and now let's collect mittens and hats to be donated to a local grade school.