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Lesson Plans Madame McCrillis-- Room 106 Dec. 15-19, 2014 French I (Periods 2&7) Focus: I can write lists that help me in my day-to-day life; I can state activities and times in my daily schedule; I can perform authentic M songs. O Lesson Delivery: Take quiz over Voc3C; create a list of masc., fem., and plural food nouns they have learned, using definite articles; complete N SmartBoard review activity for Unité 3; ind. stu. count #50-100 with flashcards;correct; sing Il est né. D A Differentiation: Process: use of chunking and visual flashcards Y Resources: C’est à toi text and workbook, authentic Christmas carol: Il est né
Assessment: Étudiez pour l’examen: Unité 3
Focus: I can understand simple words and phrases about daily activities. I can understand some of what people say in a conversation when T they are talking about familiar things. I can perform authentic songs. U Lesson Delivery: Take test over Unité 3; sing Vive le Vent and Il est né; complete Additional listening activities with the CD. E S Differentiation: Process: focus on auditory modality D Resources: C’est à toi text and CD A Y Assessment: Participation
Focus: I can understand some of what people say in a conversation when they are talking about familiar things. I can use knowledge of the W situation, the purpose of communication or context cues to understand messages; I can perform authentic songs. E Lesson Delivery: Watch vidéo Unité 3 without subtitles; watch video with French subtitles; correct handout side 1; watch video third time; D correct handout side 2; sing Vive le Vent and Il est né; N E Differentiation: Process: putting knowledge learned into realistic situations S Resources: C’est à toi text and DVD D A Assessment: Le credit extra: Faites la cuisine! Y
Focus: Present a range of literary, creative and artistic endeavors to audiences near or far. Identify, examine, and demonstrate how people T meet their basic needs in different ways. H Lesson Delivery: Collect recipes; heat up hot dishes in foods lab; practice singing French Christmas carols; go caroling; each student explain U their dish; take pictures; sample the foods; hear an explanation of French Christmas customs. R Differentiation: Content, Process, and Products: integrated curriculum: holidays, music and foods; tactile and kinesthetic activities, choice S D Resources: French Christmas music CD’s, French recipes, and educational posters A Assessment: Étudiez pour l’interro de vidéo: Unité 3 Y
Focus: I can understand some of what people are saying in a conversation when they are talking about familiar things. I can identify F products and patterns of behavior related to Christmas in France. R Lesson Delivery: Finish correcting video answers; take video quiz: Unité 3; play Christmas loto for candy; receive Christmas bookmark to I color during study hall. D Differentiation: Content and Process: use of a class game to learn French Christmas vocabulary and customs A Y Resources: C’est à toi text and assessment DVD, Christmas Loto game Assessment: Participation
Lesson Plans Madame McCrillis-- Room 106 Dec. 15-19, 2014 French II (Period 1)
M Focus: I can exchange personal information using phrases and simple sentences. I can use regular –RE verbs in speaking and writing. I can O perform authentic songs. N Lesson Delivery: take quiz over Voc7C; hear HW explanation; complete whole class communicative activity ( to prepare, repeat clothing voc., D repeat quest., stu. model ans., Tu vas…Je vais, etc); sing Venez O Fidèles A Differentiation: Process: whole class communicative activity Y Resources: C’est à toi text and workbook, cahier d’exercices bleu
Assessment: Créez 9 cartes: conjuguez des verbes en –RE. Complétez le cahier d’ex. bleu, pp. 23-26 ex. A,B,C,D,E
Focus: I can use regular –RE verbs in speaking and writing. I can perform authentic songs. T Lesson Delivery: Sing Entre le Boeuf; repeat –RE verbs with big flashcards; analyze Psaume 138:1,2: Pick out –RE verbs; conjugate répondre U and perdre, and then practice flashcards with a partner while I check for HW; repeat 2 conjugations at bd.; explain HW; correct ex. A, B orally E ex. C, D at bd., ex.E with SmartBoard. S D Differentiation: Content and Process: authentic sources, partner work with flashcards A Resources: French First Year Second Edition Workbook Y Assessment: Cahier d’ex. bleu, pp. 26-29 ex. F,G (2 façons), H, I(Cherchez 5 mots), J
Focus: I can use regular –RE verbs in speaking and writing. I can perform authentic songs. W Lesson Delivery: Sing Venez O fidèles and Entre le boeuf; repeat –RE verbs with big flashcards; conjugate rendre and défendre, and then E practice flashcards with a partner while I check for HW; repeat 2 conjugations at bd.; pass out handouts and explain HW; correct ex. F, G, H, D I, J: compete in bd. drills. N E Differentiation: Process: partner work with flashcards, kinesthetic board games S Resources: French First Year Second Edition Workbook D A Assessment: Le credit extra: Faites la cuisine! Pour vendredi: Étudiez pour l’interro, les 9 infinitifs –RE, la fiche d’ex. en -RE Y
Focus: Present a range of literary, creative and artistic endeavors to audiences near or far. Identify, examine, and demonstrate how people T meet their basic needs in different ways. H Lesson Delivery: Collect recipes; heat up hot dishes in foods lab; practice singing French Christmas carols; go caroling; each student explain U their dish; take pictures; sample the foods; hear an explanation of French Christmas customs. R Differentiation: Content, Process, and Products: integrated curriculum: holidays, music and foods; tactile and kinesthetic activities, choice S D Resources: French Christmas music CD’s, French recipes A Assessment: Étudiez pour l’interro, les 9 infinitifs –RE, la fiche d’ex. en -RE Y Focus: I can use regular –RE verbs in speaking and writing. I can identify products and patterns of behavior related to Christmas in France. F Lesson Delivery: Take quiz over 9 –RE verb infinitives while I check for HW; correct HW handouts with SmartBoard; play Christmas loto for R candy. I Differentiation: Content and Process: use of a class game to learn French Christmas vocabulary and customs D A Resources: French First Year Second Edition Workbook Y Assessment: mardi 6 janvier: Examen, les verbes en –RE
mercredi 7 janvier Examen de Semestre
Lesson Plans Madame McCrillis-- Room 106 Dec. 15-19, 2014 French III (Period 4) Focus: I can use direct object pronouns in speaking and writing.
M Lesson Delivery: Get back speeches: La maison de mes rêves; analyze Psaume 138:1,2 and pick out a direct object pronoun and passé composé; O correct ex. C,D; copy notes on DOP and imperative ; class read imperative slide; correct E,F,G,H; communicative activity with partner. N D Differentiation: Content and Process: authentic source to reinforce grammar, com. act. with partner A Resources: French First Year Second Edition Workbook Y Assessment: Corrigez le discours: La maison de mes rêves
Focus: I can use direct object pronouns in speaking and writing. I can perform authentic songs. T Lesson Delivery: Sing Entre le Boeuf; complete slide #10, replacing direct object with direct object pronoun; correct; class read imperative U slides; copy and complete slide #14, intro. to agreement of past participle with preceeding direct object; correct give out and explain HW. E S Differentiation: Process: learning voc., pronun., and culture through an authentic song D Resources: French First Year Second Edition Workbook A Y Assessment: Fiche d’exercices: les pronons d’objet direct
Focus: I can use direct object pronouns in speaking and writing. W Lesson Delivery: Copy what to study for semester exam; discuss; review new rule on agreement of past participle with preceeding direct E object; conjugate 3 verbs in passé compose; correct HW; practice Christmas carols. D N Differentiation: Process: all students conjugating verbs at board E Resources: French First Year Second Edition Workbook S D Assessment: Le credit extra: Faites la cuisine! Étudiez pour l’examen: les pronons d’objet direct A Y
Focus: Present a range of literary, creative and artistic endeavors to audiences near or far. Identify, examine, and demonstrate how people T meet their basic needs in different ways. H Lesson Delivery: Collect recipes; heat up hot dishes in foods lab; practice singing French Christmas carols; go caroling; each student explain U their dish; take pictures; sample the foods; hear an explanation of French Christmas customs. R Differentiation: Content, Process, and Products: integrated curriculum: holidays, music and foods; tactile and kinesthetic activities, choice S D Resources: French Christmas music CD’s, French recipes A Assessment: Participation Y Focus: I can identify Christmas vocabulary and customs in France. F Lesson Delivery: Discuss upcoming test and speech; play 2 Christmas fill in the blank games for candy. R Differentiation: Content and Process: use of a class game to learn French Christmas vocabulary and customs I D Resources: Christmas handouts A Assessment: mardi 6 janvier: Examen de Semestre Y mercredi 7 janvier: La presentation: La maison de mes rêves Lesson Plans Madame McCrillis-- Room 106 Dec. 15-19, 2014 Honors French IV (Period 8) Focus: I can use the future tense in speaking and writing. I can identify how authentic sources convey viewpoints and use authentic sources M critically. I can sing authentic songs. O Lesson Delivery: Copy what to study for semester exam; discuss; ind. stu. get quizzed on future stems; correct wkbk, ex. E,F,G; sing Minuit N Chrétiens. D A Differentiation: Process: use of flashcards and an authentic song Y Resources: French Three Years Second Edition Workbook Assessment: Étudiez pour l’interro: le future, Lisez Proclamation. Cherchez 10 mots. Répondez aux questions.
Focus: I can use the future tense in speaking and writing. I can identify how authentic sources convey viewpoints and use authentic sources T critically. U Lesson Delivery: Take quiz over future stems; get back and correct test over WWI & WWII; complete review handout on future tense; E correct. S D Differentiation: Learning Environment: Stu. write their own correct answers to test questions on board. A Resources: French Three Years Second Edition Workbook Y Assessment: Étudiez pour l’examen: le futur.
Focus: I can use the future tense in speaking and writing. I can identify how authentic sources convey viewpoints and use authentic sources W critically. E Lesson Delivery: Take test over le futur; read aloud Proclamation; correct answers; review p.c. with avoir and être; complete then correct p.c. D review activity; review l’imparfait and le futur. N E Differentiation: Process: reinforcing grammar with the reading of an authentic source. S Resources: French Three Years Second Edition Workbook D A Assessment: Étudiez pour l’examen de semestre. Y
Focus: Tell a personal story or anecdote that relates some details. Identify, investigate, and describe institutions, contemporary and historical T figures, contributions, and time periods of the target culture. H Lesson Delivery: Take semester exam. U Differentiation: Product: showing off their writing skills by writing about a personal experience R S Resources: Trésors du Temps, French Three Years Second Edition Workbook D Assessment: Le credit extra: Faites la cuisine A Y Focus: Present a range of literary, creative and artistic endeavors to audiences near or far. Identify, examine, and demonstrate how people F meet their basic needs in different ways. R Lesson Delivery: Sing Minuit Chrétiens and Les Anges dans nos campagnes. Collect recipes; heat up hot dishes in foods lab; go caroling; each I student explain their dish; take pictures; sample the foods; discuss what they will do over vacation, using future tense. D Differentiation: Content, Process, and Products: integrated curriculum: holidays, music and foods; tactile and kinesthetic activities, choice A Y Resources: French Christmas music CD’s, French recipes Assessment: Rien!
Lesson Plans Madame McCrillis-- Room 106 Dec. 15-19, 2014 Cultural Literacy (Period 5) Focus: The year 1968 was a time of great political and social upheaval in the U.S.
M Lesson Delivery: continue watching the DVD on 1968 and answering questions. O N Differentiation: Content: integrated curricula: history, politics, sports, and the arts D Resources: documentary: 1968 with Tom Brocaw A Assessment: Participation Y
Focus: The year 1968 was a time of great political and social upheaval in the U.S. T Lesson Delivery: continue watching the DVD on 1968 and answering questions; correct answers U E Differentiation: Content: integrated curricula: history, politics, sports, and the arts S Resources: documentary: 1968 with Tom Brocaw D A Assessment: Participation Y
Focus: 1960’s music was a reflection of the social and political turmoil and change in the U.S. W Lesson Delivery: finish correcting answers to the DVD on 1968; receive 1960’s music handouts; sing We Shall Overcome; discuss what people E might sing and protest about; listen to Blowin’ in the Wind; discuss meaning; listen to The Times They Are a Changin’ and jot down phrases that D stand out. N E Differentiation: Content: music as a vehicle for change S Resources: Protest songs from the ‘60’s: We Shall Overcome , Blowin’ in the Wind, The Times They Are a Changin’ D A Assessment: 40 flashcards over the Kennedy and Johnson Years Y
Focus: The year 1968 was a time of great political and social upheaval in the U.S.; 1960’s music was a reflection of the social and political turmoil T and change in the U.S. H Lesson Delivery: Exchange flashcards; count them; practice flashcards with a partner; participate in a quiz bowl review on 1960’s. U R Differentiation: Process: quiz bowl buzzer review S Resources: The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy D A Assessment: Study for test: the Kennedy and Johnson Years, Semester Exam Project due. Y Focus: The year 1968 was a time of great political and social upheaval in the U.S.; 1960’s music was a reflection of the social and political turmoil F and change in the U.S. R Lesson Delivery: Turn in semester exam project on a flashdrive; take test over 1960’s. Sing We Shall Overcome. I Differentiation: Content: music as a vehicle for change D A Resources: The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy Y Assessment: Semester Exam Project Presentation due