Platform for Stability, Democracy & Rights

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Platform for Stability, Democracy & Rights

Platform for Stability, Democracy & Rights

Steering Committee Meeting, Monday, 19 August 2013, 11.00-14.00

Aarhus University Jens Chr. Skous Vej 3 Building: 1451, room: 515

Participants: Jens Seeberg (JS) Chair, AU; Inger Lassen (IL), AAU; Arne Wangel (AW), DTU; Sharon Millar (SM), SDU; Lene Marie Andreasen (LMA), Platform Coordinator; Martin Damgaard Larsen (MDL), Information Officer.

Regrets: Preben Kaarsholm (PK), RUC; Susan Whyte (SW), KU

Draft Agenda:

1. Approval of agenda

2. Approval of minutes from 7 January 2013, (annex 1)

3. The reorganization of BSU (annexes 2,3,4, 5,6 and 7)

a) Summary of events and status

b) Potential role of Steering Committee

c) Possible activities in the transition phase (31 July – 31 December 2013)

d) Phasing out of the Platform

4. Communication grant

5. Reflections on the new BSU set-up

6. AOB

JS welcomed SC members and thanked them for taking the time to attend the meeting despite recent events in the BSU programme. SC members expressed their disappointment with Danida’s decision to abolish the platforms, but also expressed a need to get a better understanding of the decision.


1) Approval of agenda

The agenda was approved without comments.

1 2) Approval of minutes from last meeting (30 August 2012) The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with the addition that Zakaria Lassen Abdul-Hanan attended the Steering Committee meeting 7 January 2013 at the University of Copenhagen. 3) The reorganization of BSU (annexes 2,3,4, 5,6 and 7) a) Summary of events and status The platform sent out a special newsletter 6 August 2013 outlining the developments in BSU and PSDR in particular. As indicated in the newsletter, it was an unpleasant surprise to all involved that Danida’s decided to drastically reorganize the BSU programme. PSDR was hit particularly hard by the decision, as it was decided that two of its partner universities would no longer be part of the programme. Members found it difficult to understand the decision, since PSDR has managed to establish successful partnerships and achieve good results in a short time. Further, the criteria for exclusion of partners are not relevant for PSDRs partners. Nevertheless, the decision stands and it seems that PSDR has no other choice than to take note of it. Since the special newsletter was sent out, there has been a meeting 12 August for Chairmen and Coordinators in Copenhagen. Tove Degnbol and Henrik Vistisen from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs participated in the first part of the meeting and provided some further clarification on the decision and its implications. At the meeting 12 August, JS asked Tove Degnbol why it was decided to phase out Tribhuvan University and at the same time add Kathmandu University. The decision goes against the principle set out by Danida that BSU should have fewer partners and activities in phase 2. She explained that Danida wanted to maintain at least one Asian partner university. However, Danida found that it would be easier to make an impact at a smaller and less complex university as a relatively small donor. The decision has nothing to do with Tribhuvans performance. Danida has acknowledged the need to provide further explanation to Maseno and Tribhuvan and are therefore planning visits by representatives from the Danish embassies. Further, an official delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be visiting Nepal later in the year. Danida has contracted a Norwegian consultant, Arne Disch, from the company Scanteam to work on the revision of the phase 2 application. He will start his work 19 August and is expected to visit partner institutions in the South in September 2013. There will also be consultations with the chairmen and coordinators of the platforms.

b) Potential role of Steering Committee The outphasing of the thematic platforms has brought forward the question of the continued relevance of the Steering Committees. The issue was discussed at the meeting for

2 BSU chairmen and coordinators 12 August and it was decided that the Steering Committees can continue to operate as before. This means that it is up to the platforms to decide, whether it continues to be relevant to meet. In the case of PSDR, the Steering Committee has been active and engaged and it was decided that it would be relevant to follow up on the outphasing of the platform and the revision of phase 2. Steering Committee members commented that it has been a positive experience to work with researchers from other Danish universities. c) Possible activities in the transition phase (31 July – 31 December 2013) UM has offered Maseno and Tribhuvan universities to plan and implement additional activities to in the transition phase to facilitate a “soft landing” and indicated that there is certain flexibility. So far, Tribhuvan University has suggested an Academic Writing Workshop and the platform secretariat will ask Jørgen Elklit, whether he is available as a resource person. JS asked Steering Committee members if they could see other opportunities for activities in the transition phase. The general feeling was that it would be difficult to plan and implement activities in the limited time available. However, members would go back and think it through. Possible proposals should be forwarded the platform secretariat.

d) Phasing out of the Platform The phasing out of the platform is proceeding; the platform secretariat will start to prepare the final reporting. AW asked a question about the documentation of the programme, including the websites, and who will be responsible for the archives after 2013. Members agreed that it would important to be able to document the history of the BSU programme. It was suggested that the archives from all the four platforms should be collected and made available to researchers interested in the history of development programmes.

4) Communication grant Danida has indicated that they intend to live up to their obligations with regard to the communication grant. This means that all phase 1 partner universities will benefit from the 19 mill. communication grant for the entire project period. This is contrary to earlier announcements from Danida, but it was seen as a very positive development for PSDR as it allows all of its partners to benefit. There are of course some issues that need to be dealt with first. It needs to be decided how to administrate the funds after 2013, when the platforms have been phased out. Further, the objectives and activities would need to be adjusted, considering that two of the partner institutions will no longer be part of the BSU programme. Last by not least, it depends on whether Maseno and Tribhuvan universities still find it relevant to participate. It will therefore by essential to ensure their continued interest in the project. This is also

3 important in relation to the planned e-learning workshop in Maseno, which could still take place after some adjustments of the content. AW asked a question regarding the common BSU task force and PSDRs plans for participation. The secretariat explained that PSDR is far ahead in the planning of activities and for that reason it is not involved in all aspects of the taskforce. In addition, PSDR works in different countries, which makes it less relevant to coordinate efforts with the common task force.

5) Reflections on the new BSU set-up

JS asked the meeting for inputs to a revised phase 2 within the framework outlined by Danida. Members expressed the opinion that it might not be very attractive for Danish researchers to participate under the new framework, which would place them in a role as consultants. In fact, it was difficult to convince researchers to participate in phase 1, even if the conditions were more attractive.

A bilateral model for cooperation between a Danish partner university and a partner university in the South was suggested. This model would make it possible to avoid administering funds across Danish universities, which has been very challenging in BSU.

It was also suggested that BSU might be part of the FFU structure, offering institutional capacity building as a last step in that process. However, IL pointed out that this would disadvantage institutions that are not benefitting from FFU funds.

The consultant, Arne Disch, will meet with the platform secretariat in August and they will forward inputs to him. Members of the SC expressed their interest in following the process and to be part of the general discussion on research strategies.

6) AOB

A final Steering Committee meeting was planned to take place 5 December 2013 followed by a dinner. The location and venue is yet to be decided.

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