Cary High School Imp Club Meeting s1

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Cary High School Imp Club Meeting s1

Cary High School Imp Club Meeting May 17, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Present Sherri Phillips, Ken Kinsey, Mary Hill, Michelle Lovell, Mike Dunphy, Van Hyder, DeAnn Hyder, Anna Booth, Robin Bunting, Serge Beaudoin, Diane Dulaney, Jason Williams.

Ken Kinsey, President, called the meeting to order at 7:09pm., at the Hibernian Restaurant. The minutes from the April 2015 meeting were presented and no discussion or corrections were needed. Mary Hill made the motion to approve the minutes as read and Robin Bunting seconded. Approved. Bylaws: Mike has asked Ken to adjust the quorum needed for a vote to pass. Currently it is 15 members for an official quorum. It takes a 2/3 vote to pass which would mean 10 people would have to be present at each meeting. Mike and Ken feel we need to change the bylaws to less than 15 and to get at least 15 members at the next meeting to be able to do that. People attending must be a voting member to be compliant. We will wait to vote in the new board until this is done.

Membership Report-Sherri Phillips No new members. The discount advertised for athletes that did not have a pass for the Spring Sports ($20) per athlete was not successful. Not one athlete inquired. Updated form for 2015- 16 is in process and will be given to appropriate administration so that it will be included in the report cards of 9, 10, & 11 grade and the freshman orientation folders.

Concession We need a separate concession coordinator for the Fall, Winter and Spring sporting events. Michelle Mendel will continue to be the inventory purchaser. She is doing a great job and it is very helpful We just need to remember that if you are running concessions and see something that needs stocked, that you text her the list before you leave that evening.

M. Lovell will buy popcorn machine after she hears back from Deb Ryan about the possibility of repair for the old one.

Specific instructions need to be posted at each station for equipment use and for wipe-down. Robin Bunting volunteered to take care of this task.

An orientation session for new workers was suggested and Deb Ryan volunteered to coordinate and instruct those sessions. Robin Bunting will be bringing a special Popcorn Machine cleaner that they use at her middle school for us to try. It is safe!

Ken Kinsey will get prices lists and pictures for the TV’s.

The troughs’ are too big so the Track team is taking one and Coach Hall is taking the other.

We need 3 blue bins for each window. Ken will get the ones from the visitors’ side house. And Deb Ryan volunteered to call PEPSI for more bins for icing down drinks.

Spirit Wear Report-Lea Webb Ken reporting for Lea. Ken wants price lists displayed on cabinets so everyone can sell when at the spirit booth. Ken would like to have a computer set up for people to place orders at freshmen camp.

Mike, Ken & Lea will meet to discuss what they want on the new online shopping site. Our goal is to have a $2500 profit by January 2016. Lea will have a small selection of affordable t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats at the spirit store as well.

Michelle Mendel will do a sign promoting the on-line store and will place it to the left of our Spirit Wear booth.

Sponsorship Report-Ken Kinsey Katche’ could not be here tonight to do a presentation for us because of being out of town at a wedding. We would like better communication, give us accountability; call on the smaller businesses in the community.

Sports Program Report-Robin Bunting: Robin will only be doing a Fall Program and will ramp it up! May do a montage of Winter and Spring Sports. Robin plans to include football summer camp photos and plans to do a 2 page spread for the Football Club. Would like to include a team rep photo as well. Concessions workers are not to be printed I the program but on a spread sheet posted in the stand or just outside the stand. Robin needs back-page ideas! The Cary High flag is missing at the football field. If Mr. Bryant will put up a flag pole, we will do a flag. Mike will check on this.

Website Report-Ken Kinsey: We have had 51-55 football registrations so far. Fall registrations are open. Ken is working on opening ALL sports this summer. Rent-an-Imp Program-Debra Ryan: Spring did not happen so Deb will return checks.

Treasurer Report-Michelle Lovell: Team accounts have a $29,000 balance. $15,000-$17,000 in checks to be written soon. We have a $4000 net income, there has been overspending and we will be in the negative. We should keep in mind Katche’s expectations and we need to continue with promoting sponsorships, concessions, spirit wear and sports passes to build income. We have $30,321 in the checking account and $23,000 in money market which we could move from if needed. $5,100 sales tax refund received for July 1-Dec. 31 and will get Jan. –June sales tax refund in the Fall. We do not expect any additional income revenue for the rest of the year. Michelle will resend a balance sheet and P&L once she pays the bills.

Web transactions $.50 a transaction fee to be paid out of the football account.

Income possibilities: increasing cost of hot food, sell drinks outside of the stand, consider cost of concession items for next year. This should be confided in July or August.

Michele went over a proposed budget for the 2015-16 school year. No vote taken at this meeting.

AD Report-Mike Dunphy: Rubber weight plates are needed for training. Mr. Bryant will cover the costs of the weights if we cover cost of his staff shirts. He is allowed to spend money for students but not staff so this would be a good trade off.

Mike will have his budget to us by the next meeting so it can be discussed in June.

9th grade sports interest meeting is Tuesday, May 19 at 7pm in the auditorium. May 20th is Senior Night, 21st is Sports Awards Banquet (dinner at 5:30 and Awards at 7:00 in the auditorium, 22nd is Senior Awards and Senior Picnic. Friday, May 29th is the Football Pig Pout. Ken will be cooking the pig.

Field maintenance: July 1st is scheduled for chemicals to be put on the Football and Baseball fields. Top dress sand ordered and will be spread. June 2-5 exams, June 8 makeup exams, and Tuesday, June 9th is GRADUATION!

Next year we will be a pilot school for the Hero Badge. This is a scanner system where student ID cards are scanned for attendance, tardieness and lunch passes. If it works out good then we may consider scanning membership passes as well in the future. September 25 is the Powder Puff. Currently need a replacement for Rebecca DeMarte. Sherri and Mary will work on this.

Coach Yearger has done a fantastic job! New fencing and a 2 story press box will be built for next spring; press box on top and concessions on bottom. John Troxler is working on the plans and will get them to the Town of Cary for approval. Town of Cary paid for the hanging of the net between the baseball and softball fields and Dunphy bought the net. Dunphy will buy another as well.

August 18 or 19th will be the Fall coaches meeting (dinner) for the new season. It would be good to have parent reps there for the first 30 minutes of the 2 hour proposed length meeting. Time and location TBD.

Eric Hall, Dr. Blume, and Dunphy received the national Athletic Trainers Safe School Awards. Congratulations.

We may be piloting a county-wide school athletic website where everyone would be linked together for one-stop shopping so to speak. The goimps sponsors would be on our page and if the county gets sponsors then that would help with Dunphy’s stuff.

Next year Imp Club may have to pay for volunteer coaches.

Motion made to adjourn at 10:25 by Deb Ryan and seconded by Robin Bunting.

Minutes submitted by Sherri Phillips, Secretary/Membership Chair

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