Golden Key Chapter Minutes Executive Board Meeting of spring 2005 April 28th, 2005 Held in SOM 101

Meeting Started: 5:30 pm. In Attendance: Kimberly Jones, Sara Khan, Jessica Pereira, , Carolyn T. Melbye, Lyle Phipps, Erin Bergeron, Catherine Babich, Andrew Sanders, Timothy MacDonald, and Julie Weismantel, and Lauren K. Absent: Michael Duh, Juliana Tritone, Christopher Murray, Sarah Sebren, Tracy Kirschen, and Christina Lee

I. Contracts . The current executive board signed the officer contracts which explained the 1-2-3 requirements. Those of you (in the new executive board) who were not there to sign the contracts will have to contact Sara.

II. Festival of the Arts . This event is on Thursday, May 5th. . If you are able to help out contact Julie, I believe. . Julie, I am unsure of the location of this event so could you please email all of us with the location.

III. Pot Luck . We are having a pot luck everyone! Are you excited?!?!?! . The pot luck will be on Friday, May 13th at Julie’s apartment. Her address is 175 Rolling Green Drive. . Start thinking of what you may want to make for this event! Anyone have any amazingly delicious secret family recipes they want to share with us? Haha jk

IV. Wine and Cheese . We have decided to hold off on this event until next fall when we have more time to plan for it.

V. Krispy Kreme . Mark your Calendars for Monday, May 9th. . Lyle is ordering the doughnuts, so if anyone has any pre-orders, you have to let him know and give him the money ASAP before he orders them this Wed. . Lyle and Andrew will be picking up the donuts bright and early Monday morning. They are going to the Krispy Kreme Headquarters in Newington, CT. . Sara is going to register a table in the campus center for Monday the 9th. . As of now we are going to order 120 boxes. . Each box, which contains a dozen, will be sold at a price of 6$. For us Golden Key Members, a box will only cost us 3$. . Lyle emailed us information about the preorder so you may want to look at his email. . Here is the Schedule for tabling hours on Monday May 9th: Time: #1 #2 8:30 am Katie 9:00-9:30 Andrew Lyle 9:30 -10:00 Andrew Lyle 10:00 – 10:30 Jessica Tim 10:30 – 11:00 Jessica Tim 11:00 – 11:30 Sara K Katie 11:30 – 12:00 Sara K Katie 12:00 – 12:30 OPEN Lyle 12:30 – 1:00 OPEN Lyle 1:00 – 1:30 OPEN Lauren 1:30 – 2:00 Lauren Carolyn 2:00 – 2:30 Lauren Carolyn 2:30 – 3:00 OPEN OPEN


VI. International Conference . There are 9 of us going to LA for the International Conference (Aug 11-14). . We don’t have enough money in the GK account to pay for everything. As of right now, each person attending the conference will have to pay for his/her plane ticket. . If anyone has any fundraising ideas that could help us pay for the entire trip, we could definitely use them. . We will be presenting at this conference as well. One real good topic that we will most likely present is GK name recognition. . Also there is a scholarship given out at this convention too. If you would like to apply, go onto the GK website too look for details.

VII. Backpack Project . We should inform local schools about this project, to see if they can get their students to donate the backpacks that they may throw away at the end of the school year. . We will be filling all donated backpacks with school supplies and shipping them to Texas to be sent over the boarder to children in Mexico, who are in need.

VIII. Coffee Idea . We are thinking about selling (Dunking Donuts) coffee next semester. . We may possibly sell mugs too, allowing the people to purchase the mugs to get free refills. . We will discuss more about this topic at our next meeting

IX. OHILL . We might have a BBQ or sell Antonios on the 6th or the 7th. . We will go into further detail about this next meeting.

X. Meeting Adjourned at 6:20 pm