Beresford City Council
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Beresford City Council February 17, 2015
The Beresford City Council met in regular session in the City Library Community Room on February 17, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
Members present: Mayor Jim Fedderson presiding, Gerald Dahlin, Art Schott, Teresa Sveeggen and Dan Williams.
Also present: Kathy Moller, Finance Officer, Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator and Tom Frieberg, City Attorney.
Absent: Tom Erickson and Gary Lambert.
Adopt Agenda: A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Williams, seconded by Sveeggen, motion carried.
Minutes: Dahlin made the motion to approve the February 2, 2015 Council Minutes seconded by Williams. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Public Forum and Visitors Dave Burbach – Beresford Swimming Pool Project: Representing Burbach Aquatics was Dave Burbach who gave the council an update on the current Bathhouse/Storm Shelter process. Burbach said that he was impressed with the turnout at the pre-bid meeting held earlier that afternoon. The bid has been broken down into 3 sections to boost local bidders. The bids will be opened on Wednesday February 25th 2:10 p.m. at the Library Community Room. Burbach will review the bids and make his recommendation at the March 2, 2015 Council Meeting. Construction could start as early as April 6, 2015 with substantial completion by November 9, 2015. Speaking on behalf of the Pool Committee was Katie Johnson who expressed the committee’s wishes. Burbach explained proper steps in fundraising. Mayor and Council thanked Mr. Burbach for his time and presentation.
Committee/Mayor Reports Thank-you: Mayor Fedderson read a Thank-you note from Community Outreach for Family & Youth (COYF) thanking the city for supporting the organization.
New Business 2015 Street Sweeping Contract: Dahlin made the motion to authorize Mayor Fedderson to sign the 2015 Street Sweeping Contract with the SDDOT to sweep Hwy 46. Schott seconded the motion; all present council members voted aye, motion carried.
Credit and Debit Cards for Utility Payments: Schott mentioned that several residents have inquired about City Hall accepting credit or debit cards. Sveeggen noted that most government entities charge a convenience fee for credit/debit cards. The consensus of the council was to encourage these residents to use the ACH option for payments.
List of Fire Department Volunteer Fire Fighters to Include in Minutes: Mayor Fedderson and Council thanked the Volunteer Fire Department for their service and commitment to the organization. Following are the current members: Tarzan Mullinix, Mike Carlson, Larry O’Connor, Alan Austin, Curt Johnson, Jamie Henderson, Mike Sveeggen, Craig Akland, Aaron Mullinix, Jerry Zeimetz, Travis Watkins, Justin Gravely, Doug Jensen, Crissy Mullinix, Chris Hofer, Al Mullinix, Mike Borah, Andrew Boden, Jeremy Kjose, Erik Traxler, Greg Peterson, Ryan Fickbohm, Derrick Livingston, Mike Lounsbery, Tony Laurvick, Ben Fahlberg, Andy Mohning, Mike Lind, Charles O’Kane, Jesse Voegeli, Larry Boden, Andrew Eidem, James Johnson, Tim Andersen, Eric Andal, Jason Muellenberg, Brian Fahlberg and Brady Wrezinski.
Page 1 of 3 Police Officer Hiring: Police Chief Larry Christensen recommended hiring John Krebs for the full time Police Officer position. Schott made the motion seconded by Sveeggen to approve hiring John Krebs at $18.30/hr. All present council members voted aye, motion carried.
Authorize Advertising for Summer Help for Bridges Golf Course, Swimming Pool and Park: Schott made the motion seconded by Dahlin to authorize advertising summer help for the Bridges Golf Course, Swimming Pool and Park. All present council members voted aye, motion carried.
2014 Year-End Transfers: Finance Officer Moller explained the 2014 year-end transfers. Schott made the motion, seconded by Sveeggen to make the 2014 year-end transfers. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. 2014 Year-End Transfers February 17, 2015 Transfer from: Liquor 601-4990-51100 $ 10,000.00 Electric 603-4340-51100 $249,000.00 Telephone 611-4380-51100 $359,800.00 Solid Waste 612-4320-51100 $ 30,000.00 $647,000.00 Transfer to: General Fund 101-390-3911 $647,000.00
1st Reading, Ordinance 2014-05, Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance: Ordinance 2014-05, an Ordinance to Supplement FY 2014 Appropriations and declare an emergency was given its first reading and placed on file. 2014 Contingency Fund Transfer: Williams made the motion seconded by Dahlin to approve the 2014 Contingency Fund Transfer. All present council members voted aye, motion carried.
Resolution 2014-12 Contingency Fund Transfers 2014
SUBJECT: Contingency Fund Transfers to various accounts within the General Fund from the Contingency Fund.
101 Council Department – From 101-4110-45900
TO: Mosquito Control 101-4410-42639 $2,240
TO: Park Department 101-4520-43200 $16,175
Total Transfer: $18,415
Adopted this 17nd day of February, 2015 ______K. James Fedderson, Mayor Attest: ______Kathy Moller, Finance Officer
Page 2 of 3 Consider Purchase of Loader/Backhoe off Another Entities Bid: Zeimetz noted the request to consider the purchase of a loader/backhoe off another entities bid has been withdrawn as the bid has expired. Street Superintendent Sebern will continue looking.
Discussion & Information Items Zeimetz asked that two council members attend the next Union Meeting scheduled for the 18th or 19th of February. Zeimetz send an email once the date has been determined.
Approval of Travel Requests: A motion to approve the following travel requests was made by Schott seconded by Sveeggen. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. Switch Consolidation Meeting w/engineers, Mitchell, Feb. 24-25, Jacobson, Hansen SDN and SDTA Meetings, Oacoma, March 11-12, Hansen, VanBallegooyen Collaborative Summer Library Program, Newport, RI, April 14-17, Crist
Payment of Bills: A motion was made by Williams seconded by Dahlin to approve payment of the bills listed below, motion carried.
A & B Business Equipment, copier lease, $834.54; Aaron’s Pro Window Cleaning, service, $35.00; Advantage Telcom, resale, $482.02; AFLAC, insurance, $1,561.81; Akland, Jesse, refund, $16.19; Alliance Communications, settlement, $120.88; American Safety Utility Corp, tool, $248.00; Appeara, linens, $510.62; Applied Software, video card, $417.50; Ban-Koe Companies, fire alarm monitor, $415.00; Banner Associates, 3rd St. sidewalk project, $1,424.87; Batteries Plus, batteries, $99.75; Beresford Cablevision, February ACH, $9,717.16; Beresford Schools, rebate, $8,385.00; Blooston & Mordkofsky, Etal, legal fees, $744.35;
Blue Tarp Financial, 10 ton air, $1,673.22; Brown & Saenger, office supplies, $179.66; CenturyLink, 911 circuit, $82.21; CenturyLink, toll settlement, $143.51; City of Vermillion, tipping fees, $4,801.50; Coffman, Chuck, refund, $56.51; Cummins Central Power, generator, $1,419.07; Dakota Data Shred, shredding, $127.83; Dakota PC Warehouse, TV, $989.99; Display Sales Company, LED bulbs, $1,042.00; Eidem, Andrew, mileage, $425.38; Equipment Blades, blades, $1,277.61; Erickson Heating & A/C, furnace, $2,178.38; Express Communications, settlement, $2,759.97; Fastenal Company, repair, $66.38;
Fiber Ring Rev Pooling Assn, pooling fees, $2,292.00; Fiesta Foods, food, $635.39; Frieberg Nelson Ask Etal, retainer, $1,093.75; Graybar Electric, resale, $1,112.52; Greene, Lisa, refund, $33.31; Hach Company, chemical, $97.75; Hanson, Arlin, refund, $44.21; Heidebrecht, Jeff, mileage, $85.45; Heine Elec & Irrigation, pump, $11,492.67; Intense Graphics, t-shirt’s, $1,357.86; IState Truck Center, repair, $50.56; JH Larson Company, SL heads, $17,040.00; Jack’s Uniforms, clothing, $61.45; Jet Truck Plaza, fuel, $143.65; Kansas City Life, insurance, $137.70; Knology, repair, $50.24; Knutson, Joseph, meals, $89.00; Kropuenske, Keith, mileage, $116.90;
LECA, settlement, $282.00; Lewis & Clark RWS, water, $13,840.00; Marty, Melissa, refund, $100.61; Mid America Computer Corp, billing fees, $2,122.16; MidAmerican Energy Company, natural gas, $4,875.94; Midwest Turf & Irrigation, repair, $33.46; MRES, POWER, $152,311.37; NeuStar, LNP Summary, $123.58; New York Life, insurance, $112.70; Nordquist, Michael, mileage, $46.00; Printing Plus, business cards, $58.00; Roto-Rooter Service, inspection, $350.00; SD Dept. of Health, lab fees, $30.00; SD Dept. of Revenue, sales tax, $20,950.21; SD Police Chiefs Assn, membership, $97.81; SD State Treasurer, TRS remit, $223.10;
SDN Communications, Internet access, $1,928.00; Sebern, Bill, meals, $18.00; Sheehan Mack Sales, Volvo L60G lease, $1,300.00; Showplace Wood Products, rebate, $1,400.00; Sioux Corporation, building materials, $307.98; Sioux Falls Two Way Radio, safety equipment, $180.82; Sioux Valley News, advertising, $270.00; Southeastern Elec Coop, electricity, $614.35; Stan Houston, core bit, $460.00; State Property Management, camping cabin, $750.00; Steckelberg, Dave, lodging, $234.54; Stuart C Irby, new construction, $14,877.19; Sturdevant’s Auto Parts, shop supplies, $296.67; Toshiba Financial Service, copier lease, $236.99;
Total Stop, fuel, $1,461.47; Uecker, Leonard, refund, $12.78; Uline, operating supplies, $642.97; Variety Foods, food, $1,002.59; Washington National, insurance, $432.10; Wells Fargo, credit card charges, $3,238.54; Wethern, John, aluminum poles, $6,300.00; Winter Equipment, plow guards, $1,294.89; WW Sod & Equipment, airway aerator, $4,210.00; XL Motors, patching trailer, $2,245.00.
Adjournment: As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m. on a motion by Dahlin, seconded by Sveeggen. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
______Kathy Moller, Finance Officer Recorded by Elaine Johnson Page 3 of 3