The London Group The St Ives Connection The London Group The St Ives Connection 8–29 Sept 2018 Belgrave St Ives
[email protected] 22 Fore Street, St Ives Cornwall TR26 1HE You can follow us on 01736 794888 Instagram and Twitter: @belgravestives #artstives The London Group – The St Ives Connection History of The London Group I was pleased to be asked by The London Group if I would like to arrange an exhibition of The London Group was formed by an amalgamation of the Camden As Europe healed its wounds, The London Group was to enter into a work by earlier members, with an emphasis on artists having a strong St Ives association, Town Group and the English Cubists (later Vorticists) in 1913. This golden period in the 1950s and early 1960s. There were regular, afford- grouping of radical young artists came together as a reaction to the able venues to hold annual exhibitions, large enough to offer space for for example Barbara Hepworth, Patrick Heron and Terry Frost. This exhibition has been stranglehold which the Royal Academy had on exhibiting new work. every member to show more than one work and to invite non-members planned to run concurrently with the exhibition of contemporary members organised Founder members included Spencer Gore, Wyndham Lewis, Sickert through open submission. The highlight of this period was The London by The London Group at the Penwith Gallery, St Ives. The unique collaboration has also and Epstein. The London Group decided on a written constitution Group Jubilee Exhibition held at the Tate Gallery in 1964.