Ongoing Projects/Georgia
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ONGOING PROJECTS/GEORGIA Last updated on: 4/6/2018
Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team leader Project Period Status, Remarks Responsible and Start date Project Manager Support to PCA Implementation To improve the capacity of the Georgian State Commission for EU Integration – 3.10.2004 Project is in inception phase MI Process in Georgia government to implement PCA State Minister’s Office for EU Integration Execution period 12 €620.862 Team Leader (TL) - Mats Nystrom months AP 2000 GEPLAC Phase IV To support Georgian Government with State Commission for EU Integration 01.12 2003 Inception Phase finalised. First Progress MI PCA implementation (article 43) and 05.06. 2005 Report received. €1.500.000 National Programme of Harmonisation of TL - Mark Hudson AP 2002 Legislation
Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team leader Project Period Status, Remarks Responsible and Start date Project Manager Support to SMEs and Regional Facilitate SME development Enterprises 04. 2003 – The project has been successful. Last report MI Economic Development TAM/BAS 12. 2004 and invoice is expected to close the project
€1.300.000 TL – Brigitte Watson AP2000
TA to GNIA Export Promotion Institutional Support to the National Ministry of Economy 26. 08. 2004 – The project , after a difficult start, is now MI Activities – GEPA III Investment and Export Promotion Agency n 26. 08. 2005 back on track. design the export promotion function David Natroshivili, Head of the NIEPA €550.000 Assist the NIEPA to develop and execute a AP 2000 national export promotion strategy TL - Gerry Morrissey, TDI TA to plan and enforce Improve management efficiency and Ministry of Economy – SEMA 21.09. 2004 – The project is going very well. Activities MI institutional and management effectiveness within the SEMA 21. 09. 2005 are about to be finalised. changes in the State Enterprise Erekle Kikodze, Chairman of Sema Management Agency A request for extension and one for TL Mr Stevens, HTSPE assisting the Government on Privatisation POLICY ADVICE has been submitted by the MoED €189.000 AP2002 EDPRP – Microeconomic Improve government capacity in economic Ministry of Finance 01. 2004 The project started the 13th of December MI forecast forecast 01. 2005 2004. It is proceeding well.
POLICY ADVICE €199.000 1 ONGOING PROJECTS/GEORGIA Last updated on: 4/6/2018 AP2002
Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team leader Project Period Status, Remarks Responsible and Start date Project Manager IBPP Modernisation of the national Department of Standardisation 26. 01. 2004 – Request from the Department of RL The Reform of the National standardisation system 26. 01. 2005 Standardization received to fulfil support Standardisation System Barbara Lehmbruch (DIN)
€ 350.000 AP 2000 IBPP To support the implementation of an Public Defenders Office of Georgia 12. 2003 – Draft Law presented to the Parliament for JJ Non-Military Alternative Labour important human right: to refuse 12. 2004 adoption Service in Georgia compulsory military duties
€250.000 AP2000 Technical Assistance to Elaboration of a prioritised catalogue of Ministry of Finance 05. 10. 2004 – The policy advisor is on the ground and RL Development of Secondary secondary legislation deemed necessary for State Customs Department 06. 08. 2005 assisting the government on passing the Customs Legislation and the customs department & elaboration of primary legislation and working on a Customs Management some of the secondary legislation needed. Manfred Summereder comprehensive review of all the existing (POLICY ADVICE) Recommendations how to follow each customs procedures. The policy Advisor €200.000 elaborated piece of legislation up. will also assist the expert drafting the AP2002 Cooperation with the customs project to customs component of the terms of follow reference for the “TA to tax and customs administration project” Reform of the Ministry of Interior Support to the elaboration of a MOIA Ministry of Internal Affairs 01. 06. 2004 – The policy advisor is on the ground and RL (Phase I) reform strategy Policy Advisor - Zoran Krunic 26. 01. 2005 reviewing the Ministry of Internal Affairs. POLICY ADVICE He will submit an assessment in the near € 200.000 future. AP2002/03 NOT DECONCENTRATED Under –construction by Eurostat Will be soon deconcentrated (300.000 for MI Statistics 8 Georgia) €500.000 AP2002/03 “Support to the reform of the Preparation of Terms of Reference for RRM EC Delegation/ Georgian parliament July 2004 – Project successfully completed. Needs TL Georgian Parliament” project and recommendations for TACIS B&S Europe September 2004 assessment and ToR saved under €33,742 project under TACIS AP 2004-5 bis TL: Dr Geoffrey Wood I:\leggeth\TACIS 04bis & RRM - AP 2004-5 bis Parliament\ATA - Needs Assessment “Preparation of Terms of Preparation of detailed Terms of Reference EC Delegation/ Georgian parliament January-March Draft ToR received on 15 February 2005 TL Reference for the reform of for future TACIS under TACIS AP 2004-5 Dr Geoffrey Wood (individual expert) 2005 and saved on I:\leggeth\TACIS 04bis & Georgian Parliament” bis to support the reform of the Georgian RRM - Parliament\TACIS 04bis - AP 2004-5 bis Parliament Parliament\ATA - preparation of ToR for €5,000 TACIS project “Support to the reform of the Long-term support to the reform of the Parliament of Georgia, civil society 2005-7 Forecast notice published January 2005. TL Parliament of Georgia” parliament of Georgia, including improving Project scheduled to start summer 2005. €2,200,000 (supplies contract of professionalism, oversight of the executive, 2 ONGOING PROJECTS/GEORGIA Last updated on: 4/6/2018 €300,000 also foreseen) relations with civil society and capacities in relation to approximation of EU legislation “Establishment of a Centre for Creation of a centre for EU studies with a Tbilisi State University (including regional 2005-7 Forecast notice published February 2005. EU Studies at Tbilisi State focus on law, political science, history and branches), Batumi State University Project scheduled to start September 2005. University languages, leading to the creation of a Preparatory phase (expert assessment and AP 2004-5 bis Master’s degree in European Studies drafting of ToR) should begin in March €1,000,000 (supplies contract of 2005 300,000 also foreseen)
Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team leader Project Period Status, Remarks Responsible and Start date Project Manager Support to Primary Health Care To support the reform of the health care MoHLSA 17. 05. 2004 Inception phase finalised. CS Development in Georgia: Reform financing system towards sustainable Execution of the Health Care Financing financing of the PHC services. TL - Lars Kyburg period 24 System months €2.500.000 AP 2002 Re-Training of Medical To re-train specialists physicians and nurses MoHLSA and Kakheti Region 12. 2004 Forecast notice published in May 2004 CS Workforce in Kakheti into family doctors Execution €1.000.000 period 24 AP 2002 months Refurbishment of PHC To upgrade current PHC facilities, provide Grant guidelines for applicants to be CS infrastructure and health essential medical equipment and address published early 2005. Experts arrive in promotion activities in Kakheti energy and water needs and mobilise November to draft guidelines. Region
€4.000.000 AP 2002 Policy Advice to Social and To assist MoHLSHA and other relevant MoHLSA Start date Nov. Ongoing CS Health Insurance policy and decision-makers in their efforts State United Social Insurance Fund 2004 Reform/Assistance to reform the social insurance/assistance and health financing system/mechanisms TL- Pierre Auffret Execution €200.000 period 9 months AP2002/03 FWC Preparation of EC Support To prepare service contract of 1 million for MoHLSA November Ongoing to PHC reform in Kakheti Region re-training of medical workforce 2004- March (Re-training and Re-furbishment). To prepare grant guidelines for 4 million John Gillespie 2005 grant for refurbishment of selected facilities, provision of essential medical equipment and health promotion activities in communities
Responsible Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team leader Project Period Status, Remarks Project and Start date Manager 2001 Food Security Programme Budget support programme for improving Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Budget years On-going. On track FB -Georgia state services with an important bearing on Finance, Ministry of Education, 2003, 2004 poverty reduction and food security i.e. in Ministry of Health and Social Security. (€25.000.000) agriculture and social protection TL - Jean Yves Gourdol AP 2001 Increase of financial management To allow the MAF to prepare, execute and Ministry of Agriculture 11. 2004 – Not yet started FB capacity within the Ministry of administer its policies through proper and 04. 2006 agriculture and food (FSP) transparent budget preparation, execution, reporting, monitoring and evaluation, and AP 2003 internal control. Strengthening Capacity of Agro- Strength banking capacity in the AGB Agro – Business Bank 04. 2003 – On –going – on track MI Business Bank 12. 2005 George Kalandarishvili €1.000.000 Theo Hensel, Sofreco AP2001 2003/60310 and 2003/57674 Substitute two EC Official with two bankers EC Delegation 16. 04. 2003 – The two contracts are completed, as all man MI Substitution of two EC officials at the AGB Board Mr. Kundela, and Mr Dan 16. 04 2005 - days were used. with two bankers
€29.600 AP2000 Improving Financial Management Strengthen the capacity of the MoA in Ministry of Agriculture 11. 2004 Contract signed FB of the Ministry of Agriculture activity based budget preparation and 18 months execution (€1.000.000 ) AP 2002
Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team leader Project Period Status, Remarks Responsible and Start date Project Manager Supervision of the supplies and Supervision of deliveries of supplies Batumi Port Authority 20. 09. 2002 – The supervision contract expired. The port RL Delivery of Track and Turnouts 31. 12. 2004 (24 of Batumi could not decide whether it for the Rail Ferry Terminal at the Manuel OCKERT (Hamburg Port Months) wanted to utilise the remaining days of the Port of Batumi, Georgia Consulting) supervisor to construct a small transhipment facility to receive European gauge rail € 200.000 traffic. The delivered goods are now under AP 2000 the sole responsibility of Batumi port.
Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team leader Project Period Status, Remarks Responsible and Start date Project Manager NOT DECONCENTRATED Transfer of know-how to senior officials in Management of Ministries of Transport, 02. 07. 2003 – RL/ transport, customs, railways, etc. State Railways, Ports, Shipping Lines and 17. 07. 2005 (24 Dalamangas Capacity Development for Senior Custom in Georgia Months) Transport Officials Renee MEEUWS (NEA Transport € 1.800.000 Research) AP 2001 NOT DECONCENTRATED Coordination of TRACECA secretariat Donier Consulting RL / Dalamangas Traceca co-ordination team B. Roessig
€ 200.000 AP 2001
Project Period Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team leader and Status, Remarks Responsible Start date Project Manager Strategy and project development To draft TOR for 4 projects foreeen under Ministry of Justice / Procuracy / EC (BS 12.2004 – for comprehensive EC support to AP2004/AP2004BIS for Georgia in support EUROPE) 08.2005 the ROL in Georgia of Ministry of Justice and Procuracy, developing a comprehensive and TL – Bernard Semeria AP 2001 BA coordinated strategy for the 4 projects into €144.990 strategy for EC support to these institutions with a strong focus on institutional capacity building. Support to the National To support the Ministry of Justice in Ministry of Justice 02. 2004 – Original TL Jari Lohi was changed, project JJ Infrastructure Strategy for the designing a National Infrastructure Strategy 02. 2005 will monitor for EC rehabilitation of Penitentiary of Georgia based on the Penitentiary Reform Strategy TL – Gabriele De Simone Rustavi and complement TACIS (of 2002) and support the supervision of penitentiary Reform project by providing POLICY ADVICE effective and transparent implementation of input and advice on infrastructure strategy €199.980 urgent works to be undertaken. for penitentiary of Georgia AP2002 Support to the reform of the Ministry of Justice 04. 2004 – Underperforming, needs to be focussed, JJ Penitentiary System To reduce corruption and promote human 09. 2005 MoJ request additional inputs in terms of rights in the penitentiary system in Georgia. TL – Denis Winkler policy of experts without approval of EC, €1.000.000 internal management of project not up to AP2001 professional standard. Support to the Reform of To support for harmonisation of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Georgia 04. 2004 – Ongoing, problems with change in senior JJ Procuracy organisation and functions of the Procuracy 09. 2005 positions in beneficiary institution, MoJ to 5 ONGOING PROJECTS/GEORGIA Last updated on: 4/6/2018 of Georgia with international standards, in TL – Pamela Fahey be signed on remaining project time €1.000.000 particular the standards of the Council of AP2001 Europe. To strengthening the capacity and improving the functioning of the Procuracy of Georgia in terms of efficiency and effectiveness as well as transparency. Support to the Establishment of a To support the Ministry of Justice in setting Ministry of Justice 09. 2003 – Finished, final report needs to be checked, JJ Probation Service under the up an independent, efficient, transparent and 09. 2004 ToR were drafted for TACIS follow-up Ministry of Justice of Georgia operational Probation Service in the TL – Martin Seddon €199.999 Ministry of Justice. AP2001 Tender Dossier for the Rustavi Ministry of Justice 07. 2004 – Expert Franco Zambellioni should return JJ Prison Rehabilitation 12. 2004 for evaluation of bids in November 2004 €70.000 TL – Michael Ryland ATA2004
RRM 2004
TACIS TEMPUS (not deconcentrated; managed by European Training Foundation and DG Education and Culture)
Responsible Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team leader Project Period Status, Remarks Project and Start date Manager NOT DECONCENTRATED To create centres of excellence in University College London (& consortium September 2003 Project is ongoing Young Expert Establishment of National Centres biomedical and veterinary education in members in Armenia, Azerbaijan and – September / FB of Excellence in Biomedical and Armenia and Azerbaijan based on the Georgia) 2005 Veterinary Education in the success of the consortium in developing and TL: Dr Peter Lydyard, University College, Southern Caucasus restructuring of higher education in London €247.000 medicine and biology in Georgia 2002 NOT DECONCENTRATED Establish a network of co-operating Hogeschool Van Amsterdam (& consortium September 2003 Project is ongoing Young Expert Development of Occupational universities and practical centres to provide members in UK, Armenia, Georgia, Czech – September / CS Therapy in Armenia and Georgia OT education; Implement modules in OT in Republic) 2006 (Facilitate Participation of the a flexible BA/MA structure; Carry out the TL: Disabled in Armenia and ENOTHE peer review process Georgia) €49.570 2002 NOT DECONCENTRATED Introduction of Environmental Studies in University of Hohenheim, Germany (& September 2003 Project is ongoing Young Expert Introduction of Environmental Agricultural curricula in South Caucasus consortium members in Georgia, Armenia, – September / TL Studies in South Caucasus Region region, establishment of Universities Azerbaijan, France, Austria) 2005 €296.685 network for dissemination of knowledge 2002 and concern of environmental problems NOT DECONCENTRATED Upgrading Curricula and teaching Georgian Agrarian University September 2003 Project is ongoing Young Expert Upgrading food technology methodology in food tech to meet EU Universidad de Lleida, Spain (& consortium – September 6 ONGOING PROJECTS/GEORGIA Last updated on: 4/6/2018 curricula in Georgia standards by introduction of EU Food Law members in Georgia, UK, Portugal) 2005 €294.800 at Georgian STATE Agrarian UniversitY 2002
Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team leader Project Period Status, Remarks Responsible and Start date Project Manager Supply of Equipment for the To provide equipment for a gas metering GIC – Georgian Gas International 04. 2004- Need for extension to complete project due MVR Fiscal Gas Metering Station – station at Gweletti located at the Russian- Cooperation 11. 2004 to delays in commitments of beneficiary Gweletti Georgia Georgian border to measure the volume of gas imported from Russia to Georgia This TL : Agostino Gattei (Renco) €2.400.000 / INOGATE project is a follow-up sub-project of INOGATE Financing Small Scale Investment in Oil and Gas Infrastructures. INOGATE To implement priority cross-border GIC – Georgian Gas International 08. 2001- Sub-project on the Gweletti Gas Metering MVR Financing Small Scale Investment investments in Georgia that are required to Cooperation 11. 2002 Station could not be completed and was in Oil and Gas Infrastructures ensure continuous supply and transit of oil extended as separate project (see below) and gas in condition that are safe for human TL : Agostino Gattei (Renco) €2.200.000 health and environment. 1998/99 INOGATE/ Interstate
Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team leader Project Period Status, Remarks Responsible and Start date Project Manager Cleaner production in selected Reduction of pollution through promoting Ministry of Environment 01. 02. 2003 – The project has implemented two pilot RL/Hans Van countries of NIS - Moldova, efficient use of resources in enterprises 01. 02. 2005 projects in companies to demonstrate the Vliet Georgia and Kazakhstan at Marek WASILEWSKI (IMC (24 Months) advantages of cleaner production and Almaty, Chisinau and Tbilisi ECONOMICS) reviewed the legal framework. The project presented its findings and recommendations € 1.500.000 for Georgia at a conference in Tbilisi in AP 2001 November 2004. Joint Environment Programm II - Preparation of World Bank environment (GIBB Ltd) 19. 12. 2002 – No proposals for actions in Georgia have RL/Hans Van NIS/MONGOLIA projects 19. 06. 2005 been prepared so far. Vliet (30 Months) € 5.700.000 AP 2001 Support to the NIS Regional Supportto the REC Caucasus REC Caucasus 01.12.2004- Most likely core funding. The REC should RL/Lena Environmental Centres 01.12.2005 apply for individual projects, rather than be Nielsen (12 months) core funded. 7 ONGOING PROJECTS/GEORGIA Last updated on: 4/6/2018
TA to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Capacity building for Cleaner Development Ministry of Environment 05.04.2004 – Ongoing RL/Hans van Georgia and Moldova with Mechanism; awareness raising for Kyoto 06.10.2006 Vliet respect to their Global Climate Protocol; devloppment of national climate Team Leader: Albert Zweering (Fichtner & Change commitments change strategies; greenhouse gas forecast Co) modelling € 1.230.000 AP 2002
Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team leader Project Period Status, Remarks Responsible and Start date Project Manager NOT DECONCENTRATED The project aims to tackle drug trafficking Nato ALKHAZISHVILI (UNDP) 10. 03. 2004 – The focus is far too much on law RL/Soeren from the demand and the supply side. 15. 02. 2006 enforcement agencies. Klem SCAD 4 - Southern Caucasus Anti Drug Programme Phase 4 € 2.000.000 AP 2002
8 ONGOING PROJECTS/GEORGIA Last updated on: 4/6/2018
RAPID REACTION MECHANISM (RRM – not deconcentrated – responsible person in DG RELEX: Patrick Dupont, Nicola Neuss)
Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team leader Project Period Status, Remarks Responsible and Start date Project Manager NOT DECONCENTRATED Assessment on institutional capacities of Ministry of Justice 09. 2004 – TL arrived, beneficiary wants to have direct JJ MoJ (including human resources 03. 2005 support to implement already decided Policy Support and Urgent development and financial management), TL – Eric Minnegheer policies which needs to be balanced with Capacity Building for the recommendations for future strategy and the assessment character of this project Ministry of Justice of Georgia action planning
€800.000 RRM2004 NOT DECONCENTRATED Capacity building for Rustavi prison Ministry of Justice / Penitentiary Service 12. 2004 – Tender dossier ready, difficult to find JJ 06. 2005 appropriate bidders, tentative starting of Rehabilitation of Rustavi Prison (tentative works in December planning) €1.700.000 RRM2004 NOT DECONCENTRATED Policy support, strengthening the Ministry of Justice / Probation Department 11. 2004 – JJ institutional capacity of the probation 04. 2005 services Maura Harrington Support to the Georgian Probation Service
€235.000 RRM2004 NOT DECONCENTRATED Enhance parliamentarians’ understanding of Parliament of Georgia 12. 2004 – TL to arrive on 8 December 2004 TL EU decision-making processes and law TL: Jens Adser Sorensen 05. 2005 Technical Assistance to the approximation Georgian parliament – EU Enhance the oversight and law-making legislative screening capacity of the Georgian parliament with respect to tan effective and efficient EU RRM 2004-05 04-0030.00 law-approximation process €196,229 NOT DECONCENTRATED Strengthen parliament's representation and Parliament of Georgia 06 2004 – IABP has received €50,000 funding from TL oversight capacity regarding issues of International Association of Business and 12.2004 Luxembourg and has proposed a regional Parliamentary Reform - IABP economic development; increase MPs; Parliament programme covering Georgia, Armenia and Georgia Business and Parliament understanding of business and the economy Responsible person: Riki Hyde-Chambers Ukraine. Model and improve parliament’s legislative Project leader in Georgia: Eka Meskhi RRM 2004/5 04-0019 expertise in economic policy; develop a model of a business and parliament scheme €80,525 for emerging democracies transferable to other ENP countries
NOT DECONCENTRATED Increase efficiency and effectiveness of the Parliament of Georgia 15/01/2005 – Project began on time. Cooperation with TL
9 ONGOING PROJECTS/GEORGIA Last updated on: 4/6/2018 Parliament through modern methodology UNDP 15/06/2005 B&S project on training is anticipated UNDP: “Strengthening and ICT-tools to mainstream and simplify Project Leader: Nodar Khaduri thanks to initiative of Jens Sorensen (B&S Effectiveness and Transparency internal and lawmaking processes and Contact person in UNDP: Manana TL) of the Parliament of Georgia” enhance the skills of parliamentarians and Salukvadze, Gigi Bregadze staff in new processes in being more RRM2004-5 04.0037.00 effective and pro-active in all the areas of €500,000 responsibility of the parliament, i.e. oversight, lawmaking and representation of the citizens. NOT DECONCENTRATED Development of relationship between Parliaments of Georgia and Latvia 01.2005 – First trip to Tbilisi scheduled for March TL Georgian parliament’s European Integration LINKS 16.2005 2005. Cooperation between LINKS project “LINKS. Latvian-Georgian Committee and its counterpart in the TL: Stephen Nash and B&S project is essential but has not yet Parliamentary Co-operation” Saiema of Latvia through study visits and happened. peer mentoring €149,170 RRM 5-2004 04-0040.00
NOT DECONCENTRATED Rehabilitation Rustavi 6 prison A2: Ministry of Justice/Pentientiary 02.2005 – capacity building for Rustavi 6 prison B: Service/Civil Registry Department (UNDP 08.2005 UNDP Capacity Develoment of support for pilot offices of Civil Registry in Georgia) the Ministry of Justice in Georgia regions of Georgia (Kutaisi, Zugdidi, Batumi, Rustavi, Akhatsikhe). € 2.100.000 RRM 2004
10 ONGOING PROJECTS/GEORGIA Last updated on: 4/6/2018
Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team leader Project Period Status, Remarks Responsible and Start date Project Manager Enguri Arch Dam: Rehabilitation To support the rehabilitation of the Arch Engurhesi Ltd. / Ministry of Fuel and 01. 2003 – Ongoing MVR of Stoplog and its Hoisting Dam of the Enguri Hydro Power Plant Energy of Georgia 12. 2007 System (HPP) through the replacement of the stop Co-financing donor: EBRD (tentative) log and its hoisting system at the arch dam TL: Mr I. Sulaberidze €5.000.000 of the Enguri HPP as located in the (PIU Manager) 1997 Samegrelo region. (Contractor: DSD Dillinger Stahlbau) Enguri Hydropower Station: Engurhesi Ltd. / Ministry of Fuel and 06. 2004 – Ongoing MVR Rehabilitation of Generator To support the rehabilitation of the Enguri Energy of Georgia Co-financing donor: 12. 2005 Hydro Power Plant (HPP) through the EBRD €5.000.000 replacement of one of the generators (unit TL: Thomas Poniwass (Contractor: Voith- 2000 #3) of the Power station of the Enguri HPP Siemens) as located in the Gali region in Abkhazia. Rehabilitation in the Zone of the To contribute to the rehabilitation of the State Minister of Conflict Resolution of 04. 2004 – Ongoing but delays in implementation due MVR Georgian-Ossetian Conflict infrastructure and shelter in the conflict Georgia; De-facto authorities of South 02. 2005 to tensions in conflict zone in summer 2004 (Phase III) zone and facilitate the return of refugees Ossetia (tentative) and Internally Displaced persons (IDPs). Contractor/Implementing agency: OSCE, €1.500.000 This project is a third-phase rehabilitation Project Manager OSCE: Emmanuel 2000 project that is providing assistance to the Anquetil territories affected by the Georgian- Subcontractors/implementing agencies: Ossetian conflict. UNDP & UNHCR Support to Joint Control To support the activities of the Joint Control State Minister of Conflict Resolution of 11. 2003 – Ongoing (extension request expected) MVR Commission for South Ossetia Commission for settlement of the Georgian- Georgia; De-facto authorities of South 11. 2004 Ossetian Conflict Ossetia €210.000 Contractor/Implementing agency: OSCE, 2001 Project Manager OSCE: Emmanuel Anquetil Rehabilitation in the Zone of the To support rehabilitation and reconstruction State Minister of Conflict Resolution of I- end 2004 (36 Under preparation MVR Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict operations in the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict Georgia; de-facto authorities in Abkhazia months) Zone zone to create preconditions for economic Implementing agencies: UNOMIG & (tentative) rehabilitation, especially at local level, and UNDP €3.998.000 the safe and dignified repatriation of II- 2005 (36 AP2004/05 refugees and displaced persons months) tent Mine Action in Georgia/Abkhazia To support de-mining actions for Ministry of Defence (to be clarified) Start: early 2005 Under preparation, call for tender expected MVR humanitarian purposes (mine clearance as (tentative) to be launched before the end of 2004 €2.400.000 (might be reduced to well as capacity building) in the Georgian- 0.5 million) Abkhaz conflict zone to supplement rehabilitation activities. De-mining actions 2002/03 will form an important element of reconstruction programmes in order to ensure restoration of normal living and working conditions
11 ONGOING PROJECTS/GEORGIA Last updated on: 4/6/2018
EIDHR Macroprojects Georgia (deconcentrated in 2004)
Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team Leader Project Period Status, Remarks Responsible and Start Date Project Manager Prevention of torture in Georgia, Prevention of torture in Georgia through Former Political Prisoners for Human 22/05/03 Government, Society, Victims activation of civil society capacity and more Rights 22/11/04 301,510 active involvement of public into protection 35453 of human rights Ms. Nana Kakabadze Rehabilitation of Torture Provision of rehabilitation services to Georgian Centre for Psychosocial & 01/02/02 Survivors and Prevention of torture survivors and on prevention of Medical Rehabilitation of Torture Victims 01/11/04 Torture in Georgia torture in Georgia. 226,229 Ms.Nino Makhashvili 50526 Georgia Regional Media To strengthen print media in Georgia with Institute for War and Peace Reporting 22/11/03 Joe Development and Public emphasis on the regions. To increase 22/11/06 Accountability Project independent, public interest journalism. 780,000 63817 Confidence Building in Working with young leaders, women International Alert 06/01/01 Georgia/Abkhazia leaders, ex-combatants and regional civil 06/03/04 980,608 society organisations (CSOs) in Georgia, Mr. Mark Segal 50359 Abkhazia and the wider Caucasus region. Increase capacity of CSOs to influence on peace process. Inter-Communal Centres for Inter communal Centres for Youth seeks to Youth establish youth community centres in 672,000 Samtskhe-Javakheti and Kvemo kartli World Vision Deutschland 25/05/03 34296 regions. To improve current prospective for Person responsible: Gisela Poole 25/05/06 young people in ethnic minority regions Project manager in Georgia: Oliver Reisner through education, sport and leisure activities Promoting behavioural change Project aims to change the behaviour of law Association for legal & public education 02/12/03 RL among the public and police enforcement bodies and increase their 02/12/05 forces of Georgia respect for human rights 686,395 64278 REGIONAL Project aims to improve media coverage of Media Diversity Institute 30/04/03 Project is ongoing. Interim report received Training the media, empowering ethnic and minority issues in the South Person responsible:Melica Plesic 30/04/06 and approved; interim payment made. minorities Caucasus Project manager: A request for an addendum was granted to 1,168,326 - London: Joe Hipgrave combine the project with an activity run by 34227 - Georgia: Elena Alkhashvili Internews and funded by Eurasia - Armenia: Foundation - Azerbaijan:
12 ONGOING PROJECTS/GEORGIA Last updated on: 4/6/2018
EIDHR Microprojects Georgia
Project No and Title Project Objectives Project Beneficiary and Team Leader Project Period Status, Remarks Responsible and Start Date Project Manager Integrated Peace Education for Reaching over 640 children and 32 UMCOR Georgia 01/05/04 Secondary Schools in Georgia teachers in 10 regions, project will 01/02/05 and Abkhazia enchance their ability to deal with conflict 49,346 in a peaceful and democratic way and 74670 promoting ethnic reconciliation and tolerance building process. Protect the rights of minorities The action aims at intensifying and Helsinki Citizens Assembly Georgian 01/05/04 who are the victims of Georgian democratising the process of peacefully National Committee 01/05/05 Osetian Conflict setting the Georgian- Ossetian conflict 42,930 74500 Local Governance for and with Promotion and realisation of the citizens Centre for Strategic Research and 01/05/04 People right to participate in decision making Development 01/05/05 48,950 process. The action addresses to Tbilisi 74480 municipality. Protection of Socio-Economic Protection of the socio-economic and Black Sea Eco-Academy 01/05/04 and Environmental Rights of environmental rights of citizens of Costal 01/05/05 Local Communities and regions of Georgia Individuals in Georgian Black Sea Costal Zone 47,640 74474 Torture Persecution & Support for Development and implementation of a International Rehabilitation Centre for 01/05/04 Torture Victims in Prisons model for national wide system of torture Victims of Torture, Violence & Pronounced 01/05/05 System and Military Conflict prosecution and rehabilitation of victims of Stress Impact EMPATHY Zones in Georgia torture 50,000 74503 Advocacy of Leave no Child out To advocate protection and establishment Regional Network for Children (RNC) 01/05/04 Campaign focusing on Neglected of children’s rights in penitential National Coordinator CLARITAS XXI 01/05/05 and Abused Children institutions 49,637 74376 Useful Tools for better Health Improve public access to healthcare Transparency International Georgia 01/05/04 Care through increasing of access to information 01/02/05 29094 74485 Information to All Citizens Support to strengthen good governance and Union of Democrat Meskhs 01/05/04 50000 the rule of law. 01/05/05 74365
13 ONGOING PROJECTS/GEORGIA Last updated on: 4/6/2018 Regional Conflicts in Georgia To publish a complemented and The Union “The Regional Research Centre 01/06/04 17426 chronographically expanded Georgian 01/06/05 74484 Russian edition of the text collection Regional Conflicts in Georgia Ombudsman in Disability Sphere To establish Ombudsman Institute in Association of Disabled Women & Mothers 01/05/04 K.E. 49915 disability issues in Georgia of Disabled Children 01/04/05 74372 Dialogue is the best way for Finding ways to prevent ethnic and Union of Democrat Meskhs 01/02/2005 K.E. problem Resolution religious conflicts 01/02/2006 65 630 91613 Transparency in Schools for Lessen the level of corruption in 01/03/2005 K.E. Future Generations Educational System Georgian Public Health Association 01/03/2006 28 159 91621 Schools for Civic Education Improving of teaching of Georgian Foundation Centre for training and 01/03/2005 84 522 Language in Qvemo Qartli consultancy 01/03/2006 K.E. 91483 Social Integration Centre of Integration of Meskhetian Repatriants into Tolerant Association of Samtskhe-Javakheti 01/03/2005 K.E. Meskhetian Repatriants the society 01/03/2006 26 154 91475 Support to the rule of law and Rule of law in military sphere Association Justice and Liberty 01/03/2005 K.E. fight against corruption 01/08/2006 58 214 91654 Development of Local Capacity Environmental rights and fight against Association “Green Alternative” 01/03/2005 K.E. for Prevention of Illegal Logging illegal lodgings 01/08/2006 in Georgia 93 127 91730 Interethnic understanding and Youth education on ethnic issues through Debate Education Association 01/03/2005 K.E. promotion of minority rights debate 01/08/2006 through interethnic education and debate education in Georgia 92 553 91408 Let’s make our Community better Youth participating in local self governance Guria Youth Resource Centre 01/03/2005 K.E. place to live 01/03/2006 42 750 91479 Improved law-enforcement Improvement of law enforcing system in Regional Centre of Legal Information 01/03/2005 K.E. system and right protected Ajara and Human Rights 01/08/2006 citizens 74 620 91637 Building and Developing Open Creating an Open Schools network in Ajara School- Family- Society Association 01/022005 K.E. Schools Network in Ajara 01/07/2006 44 204 91454 14 ONGOING PROJECTS/GEORGIA Last updated on: 4/6/2018 State University without Promoting good governance to the state Liberty Institute 01/03/2005 K.E. corruption universities 01/08/2006 79 992 91624 Preventing and Combating Fight against corruption, by reinforcing “Partners Georgia” Centre for Change and 01/03/2005 K.E. corruption in Georgia through the civil society pressure and active conflicts management 01/06/2006 reinforcement of civil society participation pressure and promotion of citizens political process 92 403 91614 Providing informational support to the Association Green Wave 01/03/2005 K.E. Radio Bridge Tbilisi Batumi in democratic reforms 01/03/2006 support of the democracy and human Rights 87 003 91642 TV story It is your right 5 mini TV series Internews Georgia 01/03/2005 K.E. 51 843 01/03/2006 91610 Healthy Child-Strengthened Preventing ethnic conflicts Rugby Supporters League 01/03/2005 K.E. Community- Integrated Society 01/08/2006 78 824 91481
NGO Co-Financing
Responsible Project No and title Project objectives Project Beneficiary and Team leader Project Period Status, Remarks Project and Start date Manager "LEARNERS FOR LIFE" life Improve the economic prospects of World Vision Austria 08. 07. 2004 On-going FB skills and employment services vulnerable youth (age 14 to 20) EveryChild Duration 36 for vulnerable and youth, Georgia TL : Nancy Archer months CRIS No. 060/551 EC Contribution: €452.009 Improving Health Status of IDPs 18. 02. 2003 – CS in Samegrelo Region 01. 05. 2007 €347.057 2002