Principles of Managerial Accounting 202-002

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Principles of Managerial Accounting 202-002

PRINCIPLES OF MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING 202-002 Spring 2015 (T/R 10:00 – 11:50) COBB 112 "Thinking is the hardest work in the world. That’s why so few of us do it." Emerson

Professional in Residence Carol Shaver, CPA, CIA Office: BUS 308 Office Phone: 257-3547 E-Mail: [email protected] Office Hours: T/R 7:30-10:00; Cell Phone: 307-9058 T/R 1:50-4:20 M/W As Requested Course Description Managerial Accounting is a foundation course in accounting. The course focuses on managerial accounting principles as related to businesses, financial statement analysis and fundamental managerial accounting principles, especially as related to product costing and the use of accounting information in organizational decision-making.

Course Prerequisites Enrollment in Accounting 202 requires successful completion of Accounting 201. All students who intend to major in Accounting must earn at least a “C” average in this course.

Special Accommodations Students needing testing or classroom accommodations based on a disability are encouraged to discuss those needs with me as soon as possible. For more information about eligibility for accommodations, contact the Department of Testing & Disability Services at 318- 257-4221 or

Course Objectives The objectives of Principles of Managerial Accounting are to develop student competencies as follows: (1) Develop a functional knowledge of basic managerial accounting principles through lecture and class discussion, a variety of problem and case assignments, and examination questions. A functional knowledge of Elementary Managerial Accounting will include at a minimum: (a) An understanding of the differences between financial and managerial accounting, (b) The ability to calculate costs in a job order and a process cost accounting system and understand how the costs flow through the system, (c) An understanding of the types of costs and how they behave in order to calculate cost-volume-profit relationships, (d) An understanding of the types of budgets and be able to prepare operating budgets, financial budgets and capital budgets, (e) And gain an understanding of management’s decision-making process as it relates to product pricing, production, equipment replacement, etc. (2) Develop analytical skills through problem assignments and examinations. A variety of problem/case assignments and examination questions will be assigned. Decision-making involves critical evaluation and analysis of information. (3) Develop critical thinking through problem assignments and examinations that will require you to use critical thinking skills to apply accounting concepts to various situations. (4) Develop communication skills by reporting the results of your findings to management. (5) Develop technology skills through additional assignments that require the use of excel and software packages. You will be required to retrieve class outlines and assignments using Moodle and electronic mail.

Text Requirements Garrison, Noreen, Brewer Managerial Accounting, 15th Edition, (McGraw-Hill). You may purchase an e-book at Connect Accounting website.

Connect Accounting McGraw-Hill’s Connect is a web-based assignment and assessment solution required for this course. Connect is designed to assist you with your coursework based on your needs. As outlined in this syllabus, homework assignments and quizzes will make up a portion of your overall course grade. To register in Connect, please visit and click on How To Register. If you have any issues while registering or using Connect, please contact McGraw-Hill’s CARE team through To avoid problems related to unexpected technical issues, you are advised not to wait until the last moment to register and complete assignments. If you would like to purchase an e-book, you may do so when you register. There is a free trial period available. Supplemental Reading Outside reading and research may be required periodically in order to facilitate learning and classroom discussion.

Written Communications At least 10% of your grade will be determined from written communication. The purpose of this requirement is to test your understanding of key concepts and to improve written communication skills.

My Mission To create a learning environment so that you can master the course content and actively apply with confidence what is learned. Falling behind is the most common cause of poor performance. You should read and study each chapter before it is discussed in class. It would be beneficial for you to work extra problems or exercises from the text equal to the number worked in class or assigned for homework. Doing so will allow you to gain more from the classroom discussions and facilitate successful completion of the course.

Statement of Ethics and Scholastic Dishonesty The accounting profession has a long-established reputation for its high level of ethical conduct. This reputation reaches into the academic arena where the profession’s future leaders are being prepared. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in accounting courses. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to copying, sharing or obtaining information from any unauthorized source during examinations or quizzes. It also includes copying from or unauthorized sharing of homework assignments, attempting to take credit for the intellectual creation of another person, or falsifying information. Any student involved in academic dishonesty will be penalized in accordance with published University rules.

Honor Code Statement The Louisiana Tech Honor Code can be found at the following website: Read and write a summary of Tech’s Honor Code. Your typed paper should be at least 3 paragraphs to receive credit. Use good grammar, proper punctuation and correct spelling. DO NOT CUT AND PASTE. Drop in Moodle by mid-night, Tuesday, March 17th for a 5- point bonus. No points will be awarded for copying or cutting and pasting. Assignment must be placed in Moodle to receive credit.

Attendance Requirements Regular attendance is required in this course and will be checked each class meeting. The class attendance policy as stated in the 2014-2015 Louisiana Tech University Bulletin will be followed.

Cell Phone Please turn your cell phone off or to silent mode during class period. Cell phones must remain in your book bag, pocket or purse during testing.

Grading System Grading Scale: Grades based on total points using 10-point scale. (90%=A, 80%=B, 70%=C, 60%=D, Below 60%=F) Regular Exams: There are three regular exams valued at 100 points each. Final Exam: The final exam is comprehensive and worth 100 points. Quizzes: A number of 10-point quizzes will be given during the session. There will be no make-ups for quizzes. Some of the quizzes will be online. Homework: Homework assignments are due on the date indicated on the syllabus and can be found at the Connect Accounting Website. They will be submitted online. The points assigned each homework problem will be posted on Connect. Late homework assignments will not be accepted

Make-up Policy No makeup exams will be given without prior permission. Absolutely no makeups will be given for missed quizzes, projects or in- class work.

Online Quizzes Online quizzes are located at Go to the website and setup you ID and Password. You may only open the quiz one time so make sure you are ready to take the quiz when you open it and make sure you are using a reliable server. The quizzes will be timed and will only be available on the dates noted. All quizzes will open at 8 a.m. on the date shown and will close at 11:59 p.m. on the following day.

Quiz 1 – Chapter 2 (March 12th) Quiz 5 – Chapter 9 (April 21st) Quiz 2 – Chapter 3 (March 17th) Quiz 6 – Chapter 10 (April 28th) Quiz 3 – Chapter 5 (April 2rd) Quiz 7 – Chapter 13 (May 14th) Quiz 4 – Chapter 7 (April 7th) Changes to Syllabus The instructor reserves the right to make changes as necessary to this syllabus. If changes are necessitated during the term of the course, the instructor will immediately notify you of such changes.

IPOD Videos, lectures, slide shows and quizzes can be downloaded to your IPOD. Go to the textbook’s website.

Moodle The syllabus, assignment sheet and other class information will be available on Moodle. Test grades, quiz grades and homework grades will be posted to Moodle. Moodle will be used for turning in many of your assignments and projects. If you are unsure how to use Moodle, please stop by my office. Online quizzes will be on Eztest not on Moodle.

EMERGENCY CLOSURE OF UNIVERSITY In the unlikely occurrence of a major natural disaster or other catastrophic event, we will continue to conduct class via Moodle. You will need to find a location where you have computer access, and we will continue with our class through this media. You should also go to the website for the textbook Click on the Student Edition and the chapter that we are studying. The narrated slides, the power point presentations and the study materials will provide you with ample information until classes resume.

Emergency Notification System (ENS) All Louisiana Tech students are strongly encouraged to enroll and update their contact information in the Emergency Notification System. It takes just a few seconds to ensure you are able to receive important text and voice alerts in the event of a campus emergency. For more information on the Emergency Notification System, visit

Affirmative Action Statement

Louisiana Tech University adheres to the equal opportunity provisions of federal and civil rights laws, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or disability.

Title IX Coordinator: Carrie Flournoy Executive Assistant, Title IX & Compliance Coordinator President's Office, Wyly Tower 1620 Phone: (318) 257-3785 Email: [email protected]

Section 504 Coordinator: Dr. Linda Griffin Dean of Student Development Keeny Hall 305 Phone: (318) 257-2445 Email: [email protected] Accounting 202 Homework Assignment Schedule

Date Topic Chapter Assignment 03/12 R Managerial Accounting: An Overview& Cost Chp 1&2 Quiz 1 Concepts

03/17 T Job Order Costing Chp 3 Honor Code Statement Chp 2 Homework Due, Quiz 2 03/19 R Process Costing Chp 4 Chp 3 Homework Due

03/24 T Process Costing Chp 4 03/25 W Chapter 4 Homework Due 03/26 R **Exam 1** Chp 1-4

03/31 T Cost-Volume-Profit Relationship Chp 5 04/02 R Cost-Volume-Profit Relationship Chp 5 Quiz 3

04/07 T Activity Based Costing Chp 7 Chp 5 Homework Due, Quiz 4 04/09 R Master Budgeting Chp 8 Chp 7 Homework Due

04/14 T Master Budgeting Chp 8 04/15 W Chp 8 Homework Due 04/16 R **Exam 2** Chp 5,7,8

04/21 T Flexible Budgets & Performance Analysis Chp 9 Quiz 5 04/23 R Standard Cost and Variances Chp 10 Chp 9 Homework Due

04/28 T Standard Cost and Variances Chp 10 Quiz 6 04/30 R Differential Analysis: The Key to Decision Making Chp 12 Chp 10 Homework Due

05/05 T Differential Analysis: The Key to Decision Making Chp 12 05/06 W Chp 12 Homework Due 05/07 R **Exam 3** Chp 9,10,12

05/12 T Capital Budgeting Decisions Chp13 05/14 R Capital Budgeting Decisions Chp 13 Quiz 7 05/15 F Chp 13 Homework Due

05/19 T **Comprehensive Final** 05/21 R Projects The last day to drop with a “W” is 05/01/2015.

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