RUTGERS your supplemental application. Your application will not be PHYSICIAN considered if this fee is not submitted. Please make check ASSISTANT payable to Rutgers University and mail to: Rutgers Physician PROGRAM Assistant Program, 675 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854. SUPPLEMENTA Include your CASPA ID# and email address on your check to L APPLICATION receive an email confirmation of receipt.

Instructions for 3. ¿Questions? Email your questions to completing and [email protected]. submitting the supplemental application: NAME: CASPA ID: DATE: 1. Please comple te the Please answer the following five questions, Save As a .pdf or MSWord supple file and email as an attachment to [email protected]. Each mental response should be no more than 200 words. applicat ion below 1. How has your health care experience and/or community and service activities influenced your decision to become a submit Physician Assistant? as an attach 2. How has your approach to your academic course work ment prepared you to be a successful PA student? via email in 3. Describe your greatest strength and your greatest weakness as MSWor it pertains to becoming a PA student and a graduate PA. d docum 4. Describe your exposure to PAs in clinical practice. ent 5. Why did you choose to apply to the UMDNJ PA Program? format or as a .pdf file and send to santanr e@shrp .rutgers .edu.

2. A $25 fee is require d when submitt ing