Strategic Planning/Board Oversight and Operational Responses/Management/Day to Day Tasks

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Strategic Planning/Board Oversight and Operational Responses/Management/Day to Day Tasks

Strategic planning/Board oversight – and operational responses/management/day to day tasks 2017 draft plan

The Safeguarding Strategy Statement for the Diocese of Gloucester:

We will do all we can to ensure that our worshipping communities offer the safest places for children and vulnerable people .

We will do this by:

 Ensuring we comply with legislation, regulation, and national church requirements.

 Offering best practice, professional advice, guidance and support to our churches, clergy and safeguarding volunteers to enable them to grown in safeguarding capacity and confidence.

 Working with/in partnership with statutory and voluntary organisations.

1. Growing diocesan operational capacity; managing casework; developing partnerships and networks (internally and externally) and evaluating the outcomes. 2. Growing church confidence and capacity through clergy and all church officers especially Nominated People especially focusing on the 2016/2017 checklists and furthering our work/relationships with deaneries and parishes. 3. Effective responses to national consultations and developments and responding flexibly to changing needs and other initiatives in a fast changing context 4. Learning from and including recommendations and development from external reviews; and having new ideas and projects. 5. Other work 6. The Diocesan Learning and Development Programme 2016-2018 (appendix 1) 1. Growing diocesan operational capacity; managing casework; developing safeguarding partnerships and networks.

The Board will ensure that the diocesan capacity to grow and sustain safeguarding practice, and to learn and support learning from local issues is robust.

Critical Friend Board Members: Margaret Sheather; Archdeacon Jackie – Jane Bee,

Operational requirements Tasks /Timetable Outcome RAG progress Comment

To maintain/develop and Second annual review meeting Progress monitored; June 2017 review the SLA with the learning identified; any Cathedral necessary amendments resolved

To maintain effective systems Ensure record keeping for all Record keeping is Quarterly review for reviewing the casework and casework and offender benchmarked against agreements of offenders management is robust. SCIE recommendations

To further strategic and Compile list of what links we Clarity about the network Annual review operational relationships with have, what the purpose is, how of partnerships, who leads local authority, police, and strong they are, and what needs to on them and what they are statutory and other bodies. be developed – when/how? intended to achieve Includes GSCB and GSAB (also linked to new initiatives and projects under Objective 4)

Responding to Serious Review each case at the end for To ensure learning is As required Situations learning and feedback as identified and shared, appropriate including through the Review after each Response annual report Group for learning.

Build a bank of professionals Research and compile a list of A list which can be Jan-March we can call on for risk who we have and their particular updated and reviewed assessment, etc skills/experience (include other bodies)

Linking within the diocesan  Deliverance Ministry To ensure consistency of Annual review Dec 2017 relevant groups and bodies to understanding and ensure safeguarding is  Healing and Wholeness approach across all represented in strategic and practical ways. activities in the diocese

To build the capacity and Develop the team, cpd To ensure that all Annually reviewed and ongoing confidence of the Team (HR programme, appraisal, review processes have been and Safeguarding) ongoing support/supervision. undertaken and are under review at all times 2. Growing Church Confidence and Capacity

The Board will ensure that our churches and benefices are as well informed, trained and equipped to lead and champion safeguarding practically and with resources, advice and guidance from the diocese.

Critical Friend Board Members – Archdeacon of Cheltenham; David Russell

Operational requirements Tasks /Timetable Outcome RAG progress Comment

Increasing confidence in our Follow up 2016/2017 Checklists, An overview of the Ongoing starts Jan 17 church/parish capacity. position and trends within Follow up Archdeacons Articles it is available; local feedback relationships are worked 2017 timetable on; opportunities identified to build capacity in a variety of settings.

Maintain and develop training Annual cycle of training and Training is available in a Jan prep for full year programme development in line with new timely way to all who national framework required it See 4. below

Identify and support nominated Target Nominated People gaps Evaluations are in place Quarterly networking and people and create new opportunities for to ensure we are making annual thank you Jan 2017 Nominated People to learn and the best of volunteers and grow in their roles opportunities

Ensure we have feedback from Review CCPAS advice and Parishes are finding Annually from March 2017 Nominated People, that internal support and diocesan central advice easy to access and and external support is effective advice and support for DBS and timely processes effective

Review Safeguarding Parishes are finding Jan Communications and create communications helpful communications action plan and accessible (website, newsletters, fact sheets etc) 3. Effective responses to national changes and their (potential) impact on diocesan safeguarding activities/plans.

The Board will ensure it remains an active participant in, and up to date on, all national and national church consultations and policy and guidance developments, and in reviewing related safeguarding requirements; and will challenge the diocese to ensure that sufficient capacity and resource is in place to support the leadership, management and operational delivery of safeguarding work in a fast changing context.

Critical Friend Board Members: Margaret Sheather; Alice Reeve

Requirements Tasks /Timetable Outcome RAG progress Comment

IICSA Diocesan Group chaired by MSh Diocese respond Ongoing with report at each to continue to track progress and appropriately to IICSA board meeting co-ordinate response with key requirements and actions and operational activities. reputation risk well- managed Engagement withNational Create Board policy and practice Board are able to January Church policy and practice sub group to review national contribute robustly to guidance guidance as it comes through to national consultation meet quarterly before each Board processes and then so it can report on developments implement national policy and guidance Engage actively in responding to draft regulations and revisions to national safeguarding policy and practice guidance as they are developed

Engagement with National Devise activity plan for the year Training is available in a Included in general reporting to Learning and Development which includes new national core timely way to all who each Board meeting Programme module resources, refresher required it and each event modules, bespoke and linked to is evaluated appropriately other need and evaluate each one. Review Senior Staff training (with new S-Staff team) National annual data and self Linked to national work plan Data return submitted Early March assessment return We will involve the Cathedral/Chapter too in this Ensuring ongoing capacity Monitor the impact of changes and To ensure that the new requirements on local capacity and resources of capacity and bring potential the department are shortfalls to the attention of all adequate to deliver the relevant Diocesan bodies Board’s plans and initiatives in line with national requirements

Reporting to the Provide appropriate information to As per DBF calendar of DBF/audit/risk Diocesan committees meetings 4. New initiatives and plans, including activities we have learnt from or it has been recommended/suggested for consideration from external reviews (cross referencing with other sections as appropriate)

Critical Friend Board Members – Archdeacons

Operational requirements Tasks Lead Comment /Timetable Officer(s)

Follow up the SCIE 2016 Considerations 1. BF/new Developing JK/BF/new existing work with BF/new parishes 2. BF/new Developing training JK strategy

3. JK Developing network of MSt nominated BF/new people/focus group BF/LT 4. Ongoing review JK casework BF/New file management JK/DG/AB , notes etc BF/new including supervision notes 5. Head of HR and Safeguardin g to step back from casework 6. Appointmen t of new DSO 7. Broadening Board membership 8. Develop Assessment system for agreements/r eviews etc 9. Update website 10. Update complaints procedure information 11. Review content of parish resources 12. Review and sort out the clergy blue files, and Reader files 13. Develop training for PGS staff in understandin g mental capacity Following up the Past Cases and File 1. Blue file JK/DG Review 2016 manage ment JK/AB 2. Reader JK/DG file manage ment

3. Records and data manage ment

Following up the Lyle Report 2015 1. Continu AB/BF/new e to embed learning

Developing new initiatives, projects 1. Domesti BF/other c Abuse Autumn 2017 event Ongoing BF


2. Workin g with All! the local authorit y on explorin g how the diocese can engage with initiativ es where appropri ate eg restorati ve justice approac hes

3. Initiativ es that fit within the LIFE diocesan vision and projects

Others to be included across the year as things bubble up! 5. Local initiatives

Operational requirements Tasks Lead Comment /Timetable Officer(s)

Data management of DBS, training, records  Qua JK/KP (AB/DG) All ongoing etc rterl y revi ew for 201 7 data

 Ong oing 5yr rech ecki ng proc ess link ed to onli ne upd ate

 Upd ate of all cler gy, PTO , Rea ders and othe rs train ing, refre sher , etc

Regular reporting – Bishop’s Staff  HR and JK Safe guar ding upd ate at each mee ting

Ad hoc reporting – Deanery, PCCs  resp ondi All ng to paro chia l and dean ery invit atio ns with in over all capa city

Chapter Meetings  Ann JK ual Cha pter upd ates/ revi ew  S/G repo rted at each Cha pter

Each Board Member to undertaken one  Opp MSt parish activity supporting/promoting ortu safeguarding nitie s to cha mpi on safe guar ding and goo d prac tice

Diocesan Synod presence  Ann JK/MSt ual MSt /JS

GDBF  Eac JK h mee ting upd ate/a s requ este d New Board member skills knowledge and  Capt MSt/JK networking links ure informat ion that will help with overvie w of skills/kn owledge /experie nce/help ful network s etc

Board membership  Incr MSt/JK ease Board member ship strategic ally

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