18-19 NTRGP How to Guide (Research)

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18-19 NTRGP How to Guide (Research)

Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) National Taxonomy Research Grant Programme (NTRGP)

2018-19 How to complete an application for a Research Grant AUSTRALIAN BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES STUDY (ABRS) NATIONAL TAXONOMY RESEARCH GRANT PROGRAMME (NTRGP) 2018-19 How to complete a Grant application document - Research Grants

Applications close 2pm AEDT1 2 November 2017

This How to complete a Grant application document will take effect on 7 September 2017 and will remain in effect until otherwise amended. The Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) is committed to ensuring that the process for providing funding under the National Taxonomy Research Grant Programme (NTRGP) is in accordance with the Australian Government’s Commonwealth Grant Rules and Guidelines. Note: The Programme Rules, this How to complete a Grant application document and the Application Form may be amended by the ABRS in accordance with changing programme requirements. Any amendments made to these documents will be published on the ABRS website. This How to complete a Grant application document will provide you with examples on how to complete an application under the 2018-19 Research Grants stream of the NTRGP. Applicants should read the Programme Rules prior to reading this How to complete a Grant application document and before completing an Application Form.

To view the Programme Rules or the Application Form for the 2018-19 Research Grants stream of the NTRGP, please refer to the ABRS website: http://www.environment.gov.au/topics/science-and- research/australian-biological-resources-study/grants/research-grants. Or contact the ABRS on:

Business and Grants Manager Email: [email protected] Phone: 02 6250 9558 Please note: for the purposes of this document ‘Applicant’ refers to the Researcher and ‘Host Institution’ refers to the institution that will submit the application and manage the grant on behalf of the Applicant. Applications must be submitted by the Host Institution contact, by clicking on the ‘Submit’ button at the end of the Application Form. If applications cannot be submitted via email, printed hard copy applications can be posted to:

Business and Grants Manager Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) GPO Box 787

1 Australian Eastern Daylight Time Page 2 of 26 Canberra ACT 2601 Hard copy applications must be received by the ABRS office on or before 2 November 2017 to be considered. Please note: emailed submissions are preferred.

The Australian Government, including the Department and its officers, employees, agents and advisors: are not, and will not be, responsible or liable for the accuracy or completeness of any information in or provided in connection with the Programme Rules and this document; make no express or implied representation or warranty that any statement as to future matters will prove correct; disclaim any and all liability arising from any information provided to an applicant, including errors in, or omissions contained in that information; except in so far as liability under any statute cannot be excluded, accept no responsibility arising in any way from errors or omissions contained in the Programme Rules and this document; and accept no liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of that person, or any other person, placing reliance on the contents of this document or any other information provided by the Australian Government in respect of the 2018-19 Research Grants stream of the NTRGP.

Completing an Application Form

1. To complete an Application Form, applicants must have Adobe Reader version 8.1 or later installed on their computer. To install the latest version of Adobe Reader, please go to the Adobe website: http://get.adobe.com/reader/. 2. Once text has been added to text boxes, click outside the text box to expand the text box and show the entire contents. Please note that italics, bold and dot points will not work in the Application Form. 3. All amounts listed in this application form are excluding GST, and where specified are either per annum or for the life of the grant.

© Commonwealth of Australia 2017 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Commonwealth. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to: Director Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601, Australia Email: [email protected]

Page 3 of 26 1. Eligibility and Priorities

1.1 Eligibility Applicants must answer the basic eligibility questions at the start of the application form. These questions will be used to determine whether the applicant’s project is eligible for ABRS funding.

Please Note - If you are applying for a Research Grant as a Principal Investigator (but NOT a Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant), and have completed a Masters degree or higher, you should click ‘Yes’ to the question ‘Has the Principal Investigator completed, at a minimum, a Masters degree’. If you are applying for a Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant (and you have completed a PhD), you should click ‘No’ to the question ‘Has the Principal Investigator completed, at a minimum, a Masters degree’. We recognise this can appear confusing. It is the only option available to address the complexity of using a single form to apply for multiple grant types, some with unique eligibility requirements.

1.2 Grant Type Applicants must choose a grant type from the drop-down list provided. All grants are set levels of funding and cannot be changed.

1.3 Priority Areas for Research Grants Projects funded under the 2018-19 Research Grants stream of the NTRGP must relate to the ABRS Priority Areas for Research Grants. Applicants should familiarise

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 4 of 26 themselves with the priority areas before completing this section of the Application Form. Applicants will need to identify the specific criteria that your proposal targets, by checking the box next to each one. You are able to select more than one criteria, if more than one applies. Example

Please Note for vascular plant groups in 2018-19 – for those that select sub-priorities 1.1 and 1.4; funding will be prioritised towards taxa listed in the Final Priority Plant Taxa List for projects relating to the Flora of Australia.

Summary of Priority Areas Applicants will need to provide a brief summary, using no more than 1400 characters (approximately 200 words), explaining how the ABRS Research Priorities selected above are supported by the proposed project. When answering this question, state clearly how the project supports each Priority.

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 5 of 26 2. Host Institution Details

Please note: While an overseas institution may partner with an Australian institution on a grant project, the host institution must be an Australian institution and the Principal Investigator must be based at the host institution.

2.1 Host Institution to Administer the Grant Applicants must include the full details of the host institution, through which the grant for this project will be administered if successful. This is usually the institution at which the applicant is employed.

ABN Details Enter the host institution Australian Business Number (ABN) in the space provided and click on the ‘ABN Lookup’ button. This will automatically enter the Legal Name of the institution in the relevant field. Then enter the trading name into the space provided. Example

Entity Details Applicants are required to complete the Entity eligibility questions. If your host institution is incorporated, please include the relevant details. Applicants may need to contact the host institution to find out what these are.

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 6 of 26 2.2 Host Institution Address Applicants are required to enter the street address of the host institution. Example

2.3 Authorised Person Details Applicants must include the contact details of the Research Grants Officer (or equivalent, i.e. Grants Administrator) from the host institution. This person will be the primary contact for the ABRS. All contact with the host institution regarding this project will be through the host institution contact and copied to the Principal Investigator.

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 7 of 26 3. Participant Details

3.1 Project Participants Applicants must provide details on the name, category and planned level of involvement of ALL participants to be involved in the project (e.g. Principal and Joint Investigators, overseas collaborators, technical, research or other staff, postgraduate research or Honours students). Also include the total commitment to all projects for Principal and Joint Investigators. Do not include corporate administrative staff. If the project participant is an Early Career Researcher (ECR) please indicate with an 'E' in the ECR column, otherwise select N/A. The ABRS defines an early career researcher as a current PhD student or a researcher with less than ten years full-time postdoctoral work experience, when the grant application is submitted. Example

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 8 of 26 3.2 Principal Investigator Please include the full details of the Principal Investigator who will be undertaking this project, including a postal address. Example

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 9 of 26 3.3 Joint Investigator(s) Any Joint Investigator details entered in the Project Summary will assist applicants by pre-populating this section. If you did not enter any Joint Investigator details in the Project Summary, this section will be hidden. Applicants must complete this section by entering the full details of each Joint Investigator listed. Example

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 10 of 26 4. Project Details

Project Title Provide a brief project title, using no more than 150 characters (approximately 20 words), that will describe the proposed project. Should this application be successful, the project title will be used on all correspondence, e.g. funding agreements, email correspondence, and on the ABRS website.

Project Summary Applicants must provide a plain English summary of their project, including an estimate of the number of taxa to be described and why the project is scientifically and economically significant. This text may be used in ABRS publicity. Responses should be limited to 700 characters (approximately 100 words).

Project Aim Applicants should clearly state the primary aims of the project and why the project is necessary, i.e. what it is anticipated the project will achieve. Responses should be limited to 2000 characters (approximately 350 words).

Project Justification and Feasibility Applicants should indicate what the proposed work will accomplish (include the number of taxa to be treated if applicable) and why the project is necessary. For example, in the case of a taxonomic revision, it would be appropriate to state why it is considered that a revision is desirable (for example, new material, new techniques, areas not previously collected). Responses should be limited to 3000 characters (approximately 500 words).

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 11 of 26 Personnel and Facilities Applicants should provide a statement on the role of each project participant and provide a brief description of the facilities available to them at the institution where the researcher will be based. Responses should be limited to 2000 characters (approximately 350 words).

Methods Applicants should detail the research procedures and techniques this proposal intends to use. In the case of fieldwork, give justification of its need, locations to be visited and the estimated time to be spent at each. Please note what is already available in collections. Applicants should also detail the techniques they propose to use in relation to analysis of specimens. Responses should be limited to 2000 characters (approximately 350 words).

Taxa to be described Applicants are asked to identify the group of organism the proposed project targets, using the drop down list provided. The ABRS will accept only one group of organisms per application. If your proposal targets more than one group of organism, applicants should identify the largest group of organism the proposal targets. In addition, applicants will need to estimate the number of taxa to be described). Example

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 12 of 26 Outcomes and Outputs Applicants must record their proposed project’s outputs (for example publications in international journals, keys or checklists) and outcomes (for example, to advance scientific knowledge and understanding of a potential bio-indicator for pollution). The response to each should be limited to 2000 characters (approximately 350 words).

Contribution to the ABRS Applicant’s should describe the contribution their proposed project will have toward the aims of the ABRS. Responses should be limited to 2000 characters (approximately 350 words).

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 13 of 26 5. Budget and Co-Funding

5.1 Project Budget Applicants must provide an outline of what the funds for the proposed project would be used for. The project budget should cover the life of the grant, e.g. for a $90,000 p.a. research grant the TOTAL COSTS should equal $270,000 (excluding GST). Expenditure must be quoted in AUSTRALIAN dollars and must not include Fringe Benefit Costs (FBT). Applicants should also include any ‘in-kind’ support from the host institution (if applicable) or from any partnering institutions. If you want to enter a ‘nil balance’ for any particular expense, please ensure you enter a ‘0’ in the space provided. Funding the Principal Investigator is seeking from the ABRS There are three types of activity: Personal, Travel, Equipment + Other.

Personnel Each Investigator must provide an indication of the percentage of time to be devoted to the proposed project. This is expressed as a percentage of Full Time Equivalent (FTE). Salary rates may include on-costs at the institutional level up to a maximum of 28%, however the percentage of on-costs used must be stated in the Personnel Costs section of the table. Alternatively, on-costs may be added as an institutional co-funding contribution. Requests for personnel assistance must show the official designation of the position (Technician, Laboratory Assistant, Postdoctoral Fellow, etc) and the level requested. Technical Assistant rates are to comply with institutional rates for the grade and level applied for. Where a research student is involved and the supervisor is the applicant, funds for personnel assistance must be sought at the current Australian Postgraduate Award rate. Any part-time or short-term assistance must be sought under this heading. The ABRS funding is not normally provided for salaries of curatorial staff of collection institutions that are carrying out their normal collection-related duties. Postdoctoral fellows may include their own salary if the institution is not already paying their salary. Postgraduate students may receive stipends from the ABRS as well as other support, such as fieldwork expenses and miscellaneous consumables. To add a row, click on the ‘Add activity’ button at the bottom of the table, then select ‘Personnel’ from the drop-down list. Applicants can add a maximum of 20 rows. To delete a row, click on the ‘Delete’ button next to the row you want to delete.

Travel All travel must be clearly associated with the project and requests for travel funds must include a full itinerary and supporting details for the proposed travel. The rates to be used in applications for accommodation, meal cost and vehicle mileages should be reasonable allowance amounts in accordance with Australian Taxation Office guidelines.

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 14 of 26 To add a row, click on the ‘Add activity’ button at the bottom of the table, then select ‘Travel’ from the drop-down list. Applicants can add a maximum of 20 rows. To delete a row, click on the ‘Delete’ button next to the row you want to delete.

Equipment and Other Costs Applicants must list all equipment required for the project, including consumables, software, preparation and storage of data etc. Requests for equipment that cost $1,000 or more per item must indicate the cost of the equipment, installation and the name of the manufacturer. Please note you may request justifiable, project-related items such as microscopes or computers. Costs must exclude GST and the applicant must be able to supply quotes if requested. Please note that the ABRS does not provide funding for items normally constituting institutional infrastructure, rental of office and laboratory space and internet/email access. To add a row, click on the ‘Add activity’ button at the bottom of the table, then select ‘Equipment + Other’ from the drop-down list. Applicants can add a maximum of 20 rows. To delete a row, click on the ‘Delete’ button next to the row you want to delete. Table below given as example of multi-year breakdown with the three types of activity

5.2 Co-funding Contribution(s) Applicants must include the details of all co-funding sources, including host institution contributions. Do not include the requested ABRS grant funding here. Applicants must also attach co-funding support letters from each contributor, to the application. This can be done in the Supporting Documentation section. Please note: each column must have a $ value entered. If there is no contribution for either cash or salary, then please enter a 0. To add a row, click on the ‘Add contribution’ button at the bottom of the table. Applicants can add a maximum of 20 rows. To delete a row, click on the ‘Delete’ button next to the row you want to delete.

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 15 of 26 Example

5.3 Total Budget Table Here applicants will be presented with a table of their total budget, including grant funding and co-funding contributions. This information is drawn from the information entered into the previous tables. Example

Budget Justification Applicants must include supporting statements that justify the need for the budget they have submitted. (i.e. why a research assistant at a particular level is needed, or why a certain field trip is necessary). Responses should be limited to 2000 characters (approximately 350 words).

Work Plan Applicants must outline an intended plan of work, including commencement and completion dates of each aspect of the project, and any expected outputs. Responses should be limited to 2000 characters (approximately 350 words).

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 16 of 26 6. Governance and Assessment

6.1 Previous and Current ABRS Grants Applicants must include a list of any previous or current ABRS grants the Principal and/or Joint Investigators are or have been involved in from the past 5 years. To add a row, click on the ‘Add Grant’ button at the bottom of the table. Applicants can add a maximum of 20 rows. To delete a row, click on the ‘Delete’ button next to the row you want to delete. Example

ABRS Grant Reports Applicants must have submitted all reports for previous and current ABRS grants, due on or before the close date of applications (2 November 2017) in order for their application to be eligible. If reports are outstanding, applicants must attach these to the application when submitting. This can be done under the Supporting Documentation section.

Outputs and Outcomes of Previous ABRS Grants Applicants must summarise the outputs and outcomes of all ABRS grants from the last 5 years. Responses should be limited to a maximum of 2000 characters (approximately 350 words) per section.

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 17 of 26 Example

Publications List Applicants should include a list of relevant publications from the past 5 years, resulting from previous or current ABRS grants. To add a row, click on the ‘Add Publication’ button at the bottom of the table. Applicants can add a maximum of 20 rows. To delete a row, click on the ‘Delete’ button next to the row you want to delete. Example

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 18 of 26 6.2 Other Grants Applicants must include a list of ‘other’ grants the Principal and/or Joint Investigators have received in the last 5 years. Grants listed should be relevant to the current application project. Example

6.3 Assessor Details Applicants must provide the details of three persons who may be contacted in the event this application requires additional external assessment. Example

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 19 of 26 Assessors for Exclusion Applicants should list the name/s of any persons to whom it is preferred the application not be sent to for external assessment. Please include a justification for this preference.


How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 20 of 26 7. Declaration and Submission

7.1 Supporting Documents Applicants are required to provide additional information to support their proposal. Each attachment must be no more than 2 megabytes in size, with the total size of all attachments not exceeding 10 megabytes. To add an attachment, click on the ‘Add’ Button next to the relevant attachment type to search your local computer. To remove an attached file, click on the ‘Remove’ button next to the relevant attachment type. Applicants will not be able to submit an application unless the required attachments are included.

CV for Principal Investigator Applicants must include a copy of their most recent curriculum vitae (CV). CV’s should not exceed four pages in length. CV’s that exceed this length could result in an ineligible application.

Co-funding Support Letter(s) Applicants must attach a PDF copy of the support letter for each co-funding contributor. All letters can be combined in to one PDF and then attached, or applicants can attach a zip file of all letters.

CV Joint Investigator(s) Applicants must attach a PDF copy of the curriculum vitae’s for all Joint Investigators listed in the application. CV’s should be included in one PDF, or applicants can attach a zip file of all Joint Investigator CV’s. CV’s should not exceed four pages in length. CV’s that exceed this length could result in an ineligible application.

Outstanding Report(s) Applicants are required to provide copies of any outstanding reports from previous or current ABRS grants, with the submission of their application. If these reports are not

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 21 of 26 received prior to the close date of applications, this could result in an ineligible application. If more than one report must be attached, applicants can create a zip file of all reports to reduce the file size.

4. 7.2 Principal Investigator Declaration

All applicants will be required to complete the Principal Investigator Declaration section prior to sending the application to the host institution for submission to the ABRS. If all boxes in the Declaration section are not checked and a Declaration Date has not been entered, the application will not submit. In completing the Declaration section, the applicant acknowledges that the information contained in the application submitted to the host institution is complete and accurate. Applicants also accept that, should the application be successful in receiving funding from the ABRS, they are responsible for conducting the project in line with the project proposal.

Applicant Conflict of Interest Applicants are required to declare as part of their application any existing conflicts of interest or that, to the best of their knowledge, no conflict of interest exists that would impact on or prevent the applicant from proceeding with the project or any funding agreement it may enter into with the ABRS.

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 22 of 26 A conflict of interest may exist, for example, if the applicant or any of its personnel: has a relationship (whether professional, commercial or personal) with a party who is able to influence the application assessment process, such as a Department staff member; has a relationship with, or interest in, an organisation, which is likely to interfere with or restrict the applicant in carrying out the proposed activities fairly and independently; or has a relationship with, or interest in, an organisation from which they will receive personal gain as a result of the granting of funding under the NTRGP.

7.3 Validation When the applicant has completed the application, including the Declaration section and attached all required documentation, the applicant will need to validate the application to ensure it is completed correctly. To do this, click on the ‘Validate’ button at the bottom of the application form. Should any errors occur, an errors list will be shown. The applicant is responsible for correcting any errors prior to providing the application to the host institution contact for submission to the ABRS.

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 23 of 26 To correct an error showing in the list, click on the error and then on the ‘Go to Selected Error’ button at the bottom of the list. Example

The applicant will need to fix any errors and re-validate the application before proceeding. Once all errors have been fixed and the application has been re-validated, a Host Institution Declaration will become visible. Applicants can now provide the completed application form to the host institution for submission.

5. 7.4 Host Institution Declaration

For all applications the host institution is responsible for, and must submit the application on behalf of, the applicant. The host institution will be the primary contact for the ABRS. All correspondence relating to the application will be sent to the host institution contact nominated in the application form and copied to the Principal Investigator.

Applicant The Applicant is responsible for providing a completed and validated application form to the host institution contact for submission. If the application is successful, the applicant will be responsible for conducting the project in accordance with the details in the application form. Applicants should not provide an incomplete or un-validated application to the host institution.

Host Institution The host institution contact must complete the ‘Host Institution Declaration’ section before the application can be submitted. In completing this Declaration, the host institution accepts responsibility for the administration of the grant, including funding and reporting milestones, should the application be successful. All boxes in the Declaration section must be ticked and the required fields completed before the host institution contact can submit the application form to the ABRS.

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 24 of 26 If any errors exist in the application and you click the ‘Submit’ button, an errors list will appear and you will not be able to submit the application until the errors are corrected and the form is re-validated.

6. 7.5 Submission

Submission via the online form Prior to submitting the application it is highly recommended applicants and/or host institution contacts save a copy of the form on a local computer. To submit an application, click on the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page. A box will pop up asking for your confirmation to submit.

If the application is ready to be submitted, click on the ‘Yes’ button. A new page will open with a submission receipt. It is recommended that this receipt be printed or saved as a record of submission. A final copy of the application can also be printed or emailed from this page.

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 25 of 26 Example of receipt page only

When submitted a reference ID will be provided which will allow applicants or host institution contacts to track the progress of the application.

Submission via posted hard copy Applicants who cannot submit the application online, can submit via posted hard copy. Please print the form (and all attachments) and send to: Business and Grants Manager Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 However, please note that email is the preferred means of submission. Applications need only be submitted once, in either form – not both. To contact the ABRS regarding a submitted application, please email the Business and Grants Manager at [email protected] or by phone 02 6250 9558.

How to complete a Research Grant application – 2018-19 round Page 26 of 26

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