Attendance: Congratulations to Year 3 99.5% Attendance!

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Attendance: Congratulations to Year 3 99.5% Attendance!

Medlar-with-Wesham CE Our Mission Statement Primary School We are a welcoming, caring and Newsletter unique Christian family, aiming to provide an outstanding education in a Friday 1.7.16 safe environment, where everyone is 01772 682836 valued for being special. More than I am

Head Boy and Head Girl Report This week it has been health week. There have been many exciting activities which all of us took part in. Eg - we all got taught how to use gym equipment safely: the sponsored football went magnificently! Year 2 showed us a healthy lifestyle in their Worship. And to round the week off we did sports day. Thanks for raising money for JDRF and the Manchester children’s hospital. Best Wishes, Poppy and Thomas

Stars of the Week : Arnis Mickevics, Finlay Byrnes, Jamie Pixton, Jack Murphy, Nicole Lasmane, Lleyton Higginson, Raivis Skamanis and Sam Edmondson . Well done everyone!

Birthdays Happy Birthday to –.Olivia Consterdine, Thomas Parkes-Christian, Bella Harrison, Jacob Devlin, Jack Kay and Evie Fagan.

Attendance: Congratulations to Year 3 – 99.5% attendance!

New Year 4 Teacher for 2016/17 – I am delighted to inform parents that after a very successful interview process the Governors have appointed Miss Laura Simmons as the class teacher to cover the maternity vacancy. Miss Simmons has already met the class and is now part of our moving up Friday afternoons. She has six years’ experience teaching lower junior classes and I know will be a great addition to our Wesham Team.

Sports Day - Well Done to all the competitors yesterday. Thank you to all parents and supporters who came to cheer the children on. It is always the highlight of the year for many children and we were blessed with the weather so that it could go ahead as planned. Congratulations to Mrs Salisbury – Johnson and Mr Bamber for winning the parents races. Thank you to the PTA, who provided refreshments at our Sports Day yesterday.

Football Fantastic! -Thank you to everyone who joined in our sponsored ‘Five Hours of Football’ on Wednesday. All the children were brilliant footballers and even the rain didn’t stop us carrying out our matches! After lots of exciting games in the hall ‘Scotland’ were the winning team overall. Well done to all the children, who took part and the teachers, who managed a friendly match in the yard after school! Please send your sponsor money in by Friday 8th July, so that we can total up the money raised for JDRF Diabetes Type 1 charity and Manchester Children’s Hospital.

TRASHION SHOW Competition at the Summer Fair and BBQ at 6.00pm - At the Summer Fair and BBQ we will be holding a TRASHION SHOW, where the children get the opportunity to design an outfit made from recycled and unwanted materials - such as bin bags, newspaper, bottle tops, carrier bags, upcycled clothes, old jewellery etc. The children, who have entered can model their TRASHION garments on a catwalk and there will be prizes for the winning entries. We would love as many children to take part as possible. Anyone can enter! We look forward to seeing you strutting your stuff on the catwalk! Please ask your child's class teacher if you need further details about this competition. Wesham’s Got Talent Thursday 7 th July 2016 5:30pm - Please come along and support this wonderful evening of singing, dancing, music and much, much more! There is no entry fee and refreshments will be served in the interval. This event will take place in Church. - Wednesday 6 th July 3:20 – 4:30pm Rehearsals after school. - All acts through to the final are invited to rehearse with Mrs Panther before the big event. Please bring all the props/instruments etc that you need with you on Wednesday.

Wesham BBQ and Summer Fair Raffle tickets ON SALE NOW Please support our biggest fundraiser of the year and buy tickets for our raffle with amazing prizes! Tickets have been sent home, if you wish to buy them, with your child or can be bought at the school office for £1.00 a ticket. Please send any unwanted tickets back to school so that they can be sold at the BBQ.

Please can parents consider helping on a stall. All Parents who volunteer will not have to pay for the entrance fee for themselves or their child. Please complete the form and return it to school.

Diary Dates Mon 4th July Visiting Author – Dan Worsley – in school for years 4 and 5 Mon 4th July 6.00pm in school Induction Evening for Reception 2016 children Tues 5th July Y5/6 Outdoor Athletics Competition Weds 6th July 9.00 am - Music Concert in Church, Cornets, Clarinets, Recorders, Guitars. Thurs 7th July 5.30 pm – Wesham’s Got Talent in Church Fri 8th July PTFA BBQ 5-8.00pm Tues 12th July Sustainability Conference – Y5 representatives. Tues 12th July Year 4 and 5 Reps to a Sustainability Conference. Thurs 14th July Y6 Leavers production in Church Mon 18th July 4pm Foundation Stage Graduation – in church. Weds 20th July Stars of the term – in church Fri 22nd July 9.00 am - Leavers Service in church School finishes for the summer holidays 1.30 pm

Best Wishes Mrs Astbury

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