COMMITTEE: Delta Omega Chapter Chapter of STTI DATE: 2-27-17 TIME: 5:00______TO: 6:30______

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COMMITTEE: Delta Omega Chapter Chapter of STTI DATE: 2-27-17 TIME: 5:00______TO: 6:30______


COMMITTEE: Delta Omega Chapter Chapter of STTI DATE: 2-27-17 TIME: _5:00______TO: _6:30______

Membership: L. Shanks, A. Capestrain, B. Brunt, L. Celik, D. Lorenzen, L. Hart, E. Fleming, C. Sutter, A. Eliades, L. Kidd, M. Perkowski, C. Buchanan


I. Call to Order I. Meeting called to order by L. Shanks, President

II. Approval of Minutes II. Corrections made II. 1/23/17 B. Brunt moved to accept with corrections. D. Lorenzen seconded. Passed unanimously

III. Treasurer’s Report III. Treasurer’s report received by board. Thank you note received from Cameos of Caring for L. Celik supporting event. Two CD’s from PNC to be renewed May 2017.

IV. Committee Reports IV.

A. Research Grants & A. Two applications for research grants have been received. Recommendations will be brought Recognition to board. March 17, 2017 is the deadline for awards nominations. B. Brunt

B. Membership B. Eighty one members have renewed. Sixteen are inactive. There is a total of 430 members. B. Brunt moved to L. Kidd Induction is set for 4/23/17 at 2pm. Aris Eliades will speak on leadership. Pizza Party for charge $20.00 per information will be 3/15/17 at noon and at 4pm. Volunteers needed to assist. Honor cords cord for all people need to be counted. A cord is given to those who attend Induction. who wish to purchase. L. Kidd secondeded. Passed Unanimously Page 2 COMMITTEE: Delta Omega Chapter Chapter of STTI DATE: 2-27-17 TIME: _5:00______TO: _6:30______

Membership: L. Shanks, A. Capestrain, B. Brunt, L. Celik, D. Lorenzen, L. Hart, E. Fleming, C. Sutter, A. Eliades, L. Kidd, M. Perkowski, C. Buchanan


C. Program C. There are 58 registered for the 2/28/17 program. The planning for the May program with L. Hart Kent & Malone continues. Poster abstracts needed by 3/3/17.

D. Governance D. No report C. Sutter

E. Finance E. On 2/28 at noon a meeting is being held with School of Nursing helping to identify “nursing” L. Celik at Mary Gladwin Hall. A sculpture is being looked at for the front of the building.

F. Leadership Successor F. Positions are still available for board members in the 2017-2018 year. Several emails have E. Fleming been sent to membership.

G. Newsletter G. Revisions have been received G. Will be posted on Delta A. Capestrain Omega website

V. Old Business

A. 2015-2017 A. Deferred to next meeting. Strategic Plan

B. Chapter Key Award B. Information presented and additions and corrections made. Will be brought back at next Updates meeting. L. Shanks

C. Student abstract for C. Will be considering A. Capestrain for a student abstract. L. Shanks will follow up with STTI “Rising Stars of as to a poster presentation at Biannual conference in October 2017. A. Capestrain will let us Research and know if interested. Scholarship”

D. Western Reserve D. There are 4 board members attending. B Brunt has the certificates and checks to present. District 5 Science Day 3/18/17

E. Open M-Hot Lunch E. There were 9 volunteers present. Too much food was prepared. Food list revised. E. A thank you given to C. Sutter Carolyn Sutter for organizing this event Page 3 COMMITTEE: Delta Omega Chapter Chapter of STTI DATE: 2-27-17 TIME: _5:00______TO: _6:30______

Membership: L. Shanks, A. Capestrain, B. Brunt, L. Celik, D. Lorenzen, L. Hart, E. Fleming, C. Sutter, A. Eliades, L. Kidd, M. Perkowski, C. Buchanan


VI. New Business A. Member Statistics from STTI A. L. Kidd reported that Delta Omega’s retention rate is 64% which is lower than STTI and the acceptance rate is 30% which is also lower than STTI. Possible strategies to improve retention and acceptance rates:

1. Add more junior students and encourage involvement during senior year 2. Help students financially join 3. Develop service learning projects 4. Use webinar through STTI

B. Nurse Leader B. L. Kidd moved to accept Application B. An application for Deandreia Bell presented her as a member. A. Eliades seconded. Motive passed unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned Cheryl C. Buchanan - Secretary Page 4 COMMITTEE: Delta Omega Chapter Chapter of STTI DATE: 2-27-17 TIME: _5:00______TO: _6:30______

Membership: L. Shanks, A. Capestrain, B. Brunt, L. Celik, D. Lorenzen, L. Hart, E. Fleming, C. Sutter, A. Eliades, L. Kidd, M. Perkowski, C. Buchanan


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