2014 Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code Changes
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2014 Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code Changes RV 3.3.16
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Mobile users – Many current mobile devices are compatible with AnytimeCE and will probably work. If not, use a desktop or laptop computer to complete your course. Quiz 1 – Chapter 1 4. Statutes related to this code shall include 1. The purpose of this code is not to ______. any particular class that should be especially Chapter 447 protected by its terms. Chapter 455 create Chapter 693 establish all of the answers provided designate any of the answers provided 5. Statutes can be obtained ______. none of the answers provided A. through the BCD website B. by email 2. ORS stands for ______. C. by visiting your nearest Building Codes Oregon Revised Statute Division office Oregon Recent State D. only A and B Oregon Resistance Safety E. only A and C Oregon Repair Statute 6. ORS 455.060 provides state rulings on 3. OAR stands for ______. acceptable ______. Oregon Alternative Rules materials Oregon Administrative Rules designs Oregon Authority Rules methods of construction Oregon Amendment Rules all of the answers provided
1 2014 Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code Changes RV 3.3.16 7. The provisions of this code shall apply to the 13. Investigative fees shall be charged ______, relocation, replacement, addition to, according to the rates established by the or use of plumbing systems as provided in ______where the State of Oregon has ORS 447.020 and OAR 918-008-0000. jurisdiction. erection municipality installation state alteration either of the answers provided repair neither of the answers provided any of the answers provided Quiz 2 – Chapter 2 8. The building official shall be the Authority 1. “Approved” means acceptable to ______. duly appointed to enforce this code which is the general contractor known as the ______code section. the home owner Changes in Building Occupancy the building official Authority to Disconnect Utilities in the bank Emergencies Duties and Powers of the Building Official 2. Authority Having Jurisdiction is the Application for Permit organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing other requirements that are not 9. It shall be unlawful, and therefore in violation part of this code. of this code, for a person, firm, or True corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, False alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, demolish, equip, or use plumbing, 3. The Authority Having Jurisdiction shall be a or permit the same. ______. True federal authority False state authority municipal authority 10. The building official is authorized to serve a any of the answers provided notice of violation on the ______responsible none of the answers provided for violation(s) of this code. company 4. A group of plumbing fixtures consisting of a business water closet, one, two, or three lavatories, person and any combination of a bathtub, a violations are not given out combination bath/shower, or a shower, and which may include a urinal or bidet and 11. Municipal authority to levy penalties is emergency floor drain(s), is known as a limited to violations of code application. ______. True half bathroom False bathroom group public use bathroom 12. Manufacturer’s installation instructions shall private use bathroom be available on the job site at the time of ______. 5. “Board” shall mean the State Plumbing installation Board. repair True inspection False testing
2 2014 Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code Changes RV 3.3.16 6. The building drain must extend ______from Quiz 3 – Chapter 3 the outside of the building wall to the 1. Plumbing systems shall be located above building sewer. the design flood elevation as determined by 2 feet the local governing authority. 3 feet True 4 feet False 5 feet 6 feet 2. Hangers and supports suspending pipe shall be supported at intervals not exceeding 7. The part of the drainage system piping that those shown in Table 3-2 with the exception conveys sewage into a septic tank, cesspool of ______. or other treatment unit, that begins five feet larger piping outside the building or structure within which smaller piping the sewage originates, is known as the piping supported by the manufacturer’s ______. installation instructions building sewer none of the answers provided street connection disposal sewer line Quiz 4 – Chapter 4 waste and gray water line 1. Commercial food service pre-rinse spray valves shall have a maximum flow rate of 8. The elevation of the design flood relative to ______at ______. the datum specified by the Flood Plan 1.6 gpm – 60 psi Administrator is known as a/n ______. 2.0 gpm – 50 psi design flood elevation 1.2 gpm – 80 psi flood plain 9.0 gpm – 30 psi overflow field high water area 2. Commercial food service pre-rinse spray none of the answers provided valves shall be equipped with an integral automatic shutoff. 9. The area designed as a flood hazard by the True Flood Plain Administrator is known as a False flood hazard area. True 3. ______shall comply with the applicable False standards referenced in Table 14-1. Domestic dishwashing machines 10. Any area within the flood hazard area that is Commercial dishwashing machines subject to high velocity wave action as either of the answers provided determined by the Flood Plain Administrator neither of the answers provided is known as a ______. flooder 4. The water supply connection to a drainage system commercial dishwashing machine shall be flood hazard area subject to high velocity protected by a/n ______. wave action air gap flushometers valve backflow prevention device either of the answers provided 11. An insanitary condition is a ______that is neither of the answers provided not supplied with water sufficient to flush and maintain the fixture or receptor in a clean condition. plumbing fixture waste discharging receptor either of the answers provided neither of the answers provided
3 2014 Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code Changes RV 3.3.16 5. Domestic dishwashing machines shall 12. Emergency eyewash equipment shall be discharge indirectly through an air gap fitting clearly marked. into a ______. True waste receptor False wye branch fitting on the tailpiece of a kitchen sink 13. A drain shall be required for emergency dishwasher connection to a food waste eyewash or shower equipment. grinder True any of the answers provided False none of the answers provided Quiz 5 – Chapter 5 6. Commercial dishwashing machines shall 1. The regulations in this chapter shall govern discharge indirectly through an air gap with the construction, location, and installation of floor drain protection. ______fuel-burning water heaters. True instantaneous False outdoor vented 7. Emergency eyewash and shower equipment nonpotable shall comply with the building official requirements. 2. No water heater shall be hereinafter True installed which does not comply with the False type and model of each size when approved by the ______. 8. ______shall not be limited in the water AHJ supply flow rates. State Plumbing Board Emergency eyewash Building Official Shower equipment UPC both of the answers provided neither of the answers provided 3. Storage type water heaters regulated by this code ______potable water heaters 9. ______shall be included in ISEA Z358.1, designed to create hot water and shall be marked as a hazard when instantaneously on demand without the use supplying water to an emergency eyewash. of a storage tank. Flow rate replace Discharge pattern include Temperature of flushing fluids exclude all of the answers provided are none of the answers provided 4. With a small buffer tank, potable water 10. Must eyewash and shower equipment be heating units are designed to create hot installed according to the manufacturer’s water instantaneously on demand without installation instructions? the use of a storage tank. Yes True No False
11. Emergency eyewash and shower equipment 5. When must a final water heater inspection shall be located on the ______from/as the be made by the building official? hazard, with accessibility for use by an When the work authorized by the permit is immediate. installed. next level When the installation has been installed to same level code. bottom level Prior to covering or concealing any of the emergency equipment shall not be located work. all of the answers provided
4 2014 Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code Changes RV 3.3.16 6. The maximum allowable lead in fittings and Quiz 6 – Chapter 6 pipe is ______. 1. Gray water systems shall be marked in .05% accordance with this section with the words .1% “CAUTION: NONPOTABLE GRAY WATER, .15% DO NOT DRINK” in ______letters. .2% yellow .25% black purple 7. A shut-off valve shall not be installed red between ______and ______. white a water heater – a pressure relief valve the expansion tank – the system 2. Reclaimed (recycled) water systems shall be a drain – a vacuum relief valve marked with the words “CAUTION: a water closet – a fullway valve NONPOTABLE RECLAIMED (RECYCLED) WATER, DO NOT DRINK” in ______letters. 8. Water filters, water softeners, and backflow yellow prevention devices shall be tested and black approved by the ______for flow rating and purple pressure loss. red building official white State Plumbing Board either of the answers provided 3. On-site treated water systems shall be neither of the answers provided marked with the words “CAUTION: ON-SITE TREATED NONPOTABLE WATER, DO Quiz 7 – Chapter 7 NOT DRINK” in ______letters. 1. Pot sinks, scullery sinks, dishwashing sinks, yellow and silverware sinks may be drained black indirectly if provided with an approved air purple gap no less than ______in size without the red necessity of an adjacent floor drain. white 1 inch 2 inches 4. Rainwater catchment systems shall be 3 inches marked with the words “CAUTION: 4 inches NONPOTABLE RAINWATER WATER, DO 5 inches NOT DRINK” in ______letters. yellow 2. Cleanouts for drains that pass through a black backwater valve shall be clearly identified purple with ______, stating “backwater valve red downstream.” white a label a sign 5. For carbonated beverage dispensers, piping markings material installed ______from the backflow any of the answers provided preventer shall not be affected by carbon none of the answers provided dioxide gas. upstream downstream either of the answers provided neither of the answers provided
5 2014 Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code Changes RV 3.3.16 3. Sumps and receiving tanks shall have 10. Are a dual pump and an oil water separator substantial covers with a bolt-and-gasket required for an elevator pit drain? type manhole that provides a minimum Yes clearance of ______above the lid to allow No access for inspection, repairs, and cleaning. 8 inches 11. Replacement of existing building storm 16 inches sewers using trenchless methodology and 24 inches materials shall be installed in accordance 30 inches with ______. IAPMO IS-26 4. The developed length of the discharge pipe ASTM F 1216 shall not exceed the length as stated in the both of the answers provided manufacturer’s instructions. neither of the answers provided True False Quiz 8 – Chapter 9 1. Water closets, bathtubs, showers and floor 5. Permanent means of drainage shall be drains within one-bathroom or two-bathroom provided for each elevator car. groups located on the same floor for ______ True shall be vented by a wet vent. False private use public use 6. What is the smallest pump that can be medical use installed for each elevator car? storage 120 gpm 35 gpm Quiz 9 – Chapter 11 320 gpm 1. Roofs, paved areas, yards, courts, 50 gpm courtyards, vent shafts, and light wells shall 220 gpm be drained ______. into a separate storm sewer system 7. A pump for an elevator car must have a into a combined sewer system where a minimum size discharge pipe of ______. separate storm sewer system is not 1 inch available 2 inches to some other place by approval from the 3 inches building official 4 inches any of the answers provided 5 inches none of the answers provided
8. A pump for an elevator car will need to have Quiz 10 – Chapter 13 a minimum receiving gravity drain of ______1. The altered, renovated, or modernized serving a branch connected through a trap. portion of an existing health care facility 1 inch system and/or its individual components, 2 inches shall be required to follow the installation 3 inches and equipment requirements of ______. 4 inches Chapter 4 5 inches Chapter 13 Chapter 9 9. A pump for an elevator car will need the Chapter 16 receiving gravity drain to be sloped at ______per foot when serving a branch 2. The installation of medical gas and vacuum connected through a tap. piping systems shall follow the requirements 1/2 inch of this chapter, the appropriate standards, or 1/4 inch both, adopted in this code by the State Plumbing Board. 1/8 inch True 1/16 inch
6 2014 Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code Changes RV 3.3.16
False 10. A medical gas system is an assembly of 3. Where the terms “medical gas” or “vacuum” equipment and piping for the distribution of occur, the provisions shall apply to the nonflammable medical gases such as piping system for ______, and mixtures oxygen, nitrous oxide, compressed air, thereof. carbon dioxide, and helium. nitrogen True instrument air False medical air helium 11. A room in a health care facility where all of the answers provided patients are examined or treated is known as a ______. 4. Critical care rooms are typically those where critical care room patients are ______. patient care room subjected to invasive procedures general care room connected to line-operated appliances health care facility room connected to patient care-related appliances all of the answers provided 12. Vacuum systems are defined as ______. none of the answers provided Category 1 Category 2 5. Special care patient rooms shall be used for Category 3 ______. Category 4 critical care intensive care 13. Piped vacuum systems are defined as special care ______. all of the answers provided Category 1 Category 2 6. General care rooms are defined as ______. Category 3 inpatient bedrooms Category 4 dialysis rooms in vitro fertilization rooms 14. Compressed air systems are defined as procedural rooms ______. all of the answers provided Category 1 Category 2 7. Medical air is supplied from ______. Category 3 cylinders Category 4 bulk containers medical air compressors 15. Facility systems in which failure of any of the answers provided equipment or systems is likely to cause injury or death of patients or caregivers, none of the answers provided shall be designed to meet the system requirements of ______. 8. Can medical air be reconstituted from oxygen USP and oil-free, dry nitrogen NF? Category 1 Yes Category 2 No Category 3 Category 4 9. Medical gas is defined as a ______. patient medical gas medical support gas either of the answers provided neither of the answers provided
7 2014 Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code Changes RV 3.3.16 16. Facility systems in which failure of 3. When underground piping is installed, equipment or systems is likely to cause backfill needs to be ______. minor injury to patients or caregivers, shall clean be designed to meet the system free of materials that can damage the pipes requirements of ______. compacted Category 1 all of the answers provided Category 2 none of the answers provided Category 3 Category 4 4. Supports for copper pipe shall be the correct size, and shall have a copper finish. 17. Facility systems in which failure of True equipment or systems is not likely to cause False injury to patients or caregivers, but can cause patient discomfort, shall be designed 5. Copper tube supports located in damp to meet the system requirements of ______. locations shall be plastic-coated or ______ Category 1 in order to not absorb moisture. Category 2 painted Category 3 electrically insulated Category 4 covered replaced 18. Facility systems in which failure of equipment or systems would have no impact 6. When brazing, a tube end can be inserted on patient care, shall be designed to meet ______into a socket that is not less than the the system requirements of ______. minimum cup depth. Category 1 fully Category 2 to a mechanically limited depth Category 3 either of the answers provided Category 4 neither of the answers provided
Quiz 11 – Chapter 13 7. When installed, station outlets and inlets 1. Materials used in a central supply system shall comply with the manufacturer’s shall be intended to handle oxygen or installation instructions. nitrous oxide at a pressure of less than True ______. False 200 psi 250 psi 8. Critical branch circuits for medical gas 300 psi systems need protection for ______. 350 psi conduits 400 psi wires cable trays 2. Soldered joints in ______gas-powered raceways systems piping shall use a lead-free solder all of the answers provided filler for metal containing no more than 0.2 percent lead. 9. Medical gas systems shall include Category 1 communication devices that do not use Category 2 electrical wiring for signal transmission. Category 3 True Category 4 False
8 2014 Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code Changes RV 3.3.16
10. If a communication device that does not use E. answers A, B, and C electrical wiring for signal transmission is installed for a medical gas system, does the 15. If contamination occurs, medical air system need to be supervised? compressor systems shall consist of No – because the communication device materials and devices used between the would never fail. medical air intake and the air source valve. Yes – but only on Mondays. True No – because the Tin Can Telephone will False never run out of minutes. Yes – because the communication could fail, 16. For medical-surgical vacuum sources, piping which would sound an alarm. between the vacuum pump(s), discharge(s), receiver(s), and the vacuum source shut-off 11. A medical gas system shall allow the valve shall follow the requirements of installation and removal of alarm switches ______. and sensors. Section 1303.5 True Section 1326.1 False Section 1316.4 Section 1318.10 12. Medical air compressor systems consist of ______. 17. Piping between vacuum pumps, discharges, regulators receivers, and the vacuum main line valve filters shall follow the requirements of ______. dryers Section 1303.5 local alarms Section 1326.1 all of the answers provided Section 1316.4 Section 1318.10 13. In the event of a single fault failure, medical air compressor components need to 18. Medical gas supply systems shall comply ______. with the requirements of Category 2 gas permit service systems. continuously supply medical air True both of the answers provided False neither of the answers provided 19. Category 3 piped gas systems of ______14. Medical air compressor component shall be cylinder systems or air compressor arrangements shall be permitted to ______. systems that include filters, receivers, A. vary with the technology(s) employed dryers, regulators, relief valves, and B. provide an equal level of operating indicators. redundancy compressed air C. maintain medical air quality nitrogen D. only A and C either of the answers provided neither of the answers provided