Q: (1) An Enochian Word Meaning "Or"

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Q: (1) An Enochian Word Meaning

Lexicon of Occult Terminology © 2005 Kerr Cuhulain Q Q: (1) Enochian- trans. "or". Also appears as Qo. (2) Enochian- trans.: (a) "Thy". (b) "Content" or "Contents". Also appears as Quo. Qaa: (1) Enochian- trans. "garment" or "garments". (2) A variation of the Enochian word Qaan (q.v.). Qa-a-an: See Qaan. Qaada: See Qaal. Qaal (Var. Go-a-al, Go-o-al, Qadah, Qo-a-al, Qo-o-al, Qo-o-ala, Quo-o-al, Qaada, Quo-a-dahe): Enochian- trans. "creator". Qaan (Var. Go-a-anu, Qaa, Qaaon, Qaaons, Qaas, Quaa, Qa-a-an, Qo-a-an, Qaa-om, Qoaanu, Qua- a-on, Quo-a-asa): Enochian- trans. "creation". Qaaon: See Qaan. Qaaons: See Qaan. Qaas: See Qaan. Qabalah (Var. QBLH, Qabbalah, Cabala, Kaballa; Deriv. Hebrew QBLH ("qabalah") ("received teachings"), deriv. Hebrew QBL ("qibel" = "to receive")): Another name for the Qabalah is Chokmah Nesthorah ("the secret wisdom"). This word first appeared in the English language as "Cabala", meaning a mystical interpretation of the Old Testament. By 1665 the meaning had changed to mean any mysterious, secret or esoteric doctrine. The Qabalah developed in the Middle ages in South Western Europe, later taking root in the Galilean city of Safed. The main text of the Qabalah is the Zohar, which was written in Spain in the thirteenth century C.E. The Qabalah includes three other major treatises: The Sepher Yetzirah (q.v.), the Sepher Sephiroth (q.v.) and the Asch Metzareph (q.v.). The Qabalah has a strong Messianic element. The Qabalah teaches that the universe was created through a series of emanations from the supreme Godhead or Ain Soph Aur, travelling downward through 10 stages called Sephiroth, arranged in a structure refered to as the OTz ChIIM ("Otz Chaiim" or "Etz Chayim") which translates as "Tree of Life" (See Sephiroth). The Tree of Life is used by the Qabalists to organize everything in existence. Its ten ascending Sephiroth are arranged across three pillars (Severity, Equilibrium and Mercy). The Qabalah can be divided into four categories: The practical Qabalah, the literal Qabalah, the unwritten Qabalah and the dogmatic Qabalah. Practical Qabalah deals with talismanic and ceremonial magic. Literal Qabalah deals with the interpretation of words and letters. The unwritten Qabalah is an oral tradition of esoteric knowledge. The Qabalah is divided into three sciences: GMTRIA ("Gematria"), NVTRIQVN ("Notariqon") and ThMVRH ("Temura") (See Gematria, Notariqon and Temura). The Qabalah places four worlds between Jehovah and man: Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah and Assiah. It also divides the soul into three parts: Neschamah, Ruach and Nephesch. Qabalah of the Nine Chambers: See Aiq Beker. Qabalistic Cross: A gesture made by Occidental Ceremonial magicians. The magician touches his forehead and says "Ateh" ("thou art"), then his chest over the heart, saying "Malkuth", then his right shoulder syaing "ve-Geburah" ("strength"), then his left shoulder saying "ve-Gedulah", ("greatness") and then clasping his hands and saying "Le olahm, amen!" Lexicon of Occult Terminology © 2005 Kerr Cuhulain Qabbalah: See Qabalah. Qadah: See Qaal. Qaddis: See Qaddisin. Qaddisin (Var. Kadashim, Kadishim, Qaddis; Hebrew- trans. "holy ones"): In 3 Enoch: Angels ranking higher than the Merkabah, residing inn the 6th or 7th heaven. Together with the Irin (q.v.) they constitute the heavenly council of judgement. Qadosch (Var. Kadesh, Cados, Kadosh, Kodesch, Cadosh; Hebrew- trans. "holy" or "consecrated"): (1) In the Greater Key of Solomon: (a) A name used in conjuration. (b) A name used in a spell to recover stolen property. (c) A name used in the consecration of the ritual sword. (d) A name used in the consecration of the swords of the magician's disciples. Qafsiel (Var. Qaspiel, Qaphsiel, Quaphsiel): In 3 Enoch: an angelic guardian of the 7th heaven, invoked to drive away enemies. Qalbam: In Hechaloth lore: An angelic guardian of the gates of the south wind. Qamamir Ziwa: In Mandaean lore: An angel of light. Qamiel: In Hechaloth lore: An angelic guardian of the gates of the south wind. Qangiel Yah: In 3 Enoch: One of the names of Metatron (q.v.). Qanidnayx-ipamai (Var. QaniΔnayx-ipamai): One of the Genii of the twenty two scales of the serpent in Liber CCXXXI. Qaniel: In Hechaloth lore: An angelic guardian of the gates of the south wind. Qanis: See Quanis. Qaniz: See Quanis. Qaphsiel: See Qafsiel. Qaqah (Hebrew- trans. "to make void or empty"): A name that appears on the first line of a gnomonic square used to destroy a town in the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This square is reproduced below: Q A Q A H A Q Q A H Q Q Lexicon of Occult Terminology © 2005 Kerr Cuhulain Qaraqak (Hebrew- trans. "thy baldness" or "thy rending assunder"): A name that appears on the first line of a gnomonic square used to cast a spell on one's head in the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This square is reproduced below: Q A R A Q A K A R Q A Q A K Q Q

Qaspiel: See Qafsiel. Qaus: Arabic. An angel invoked in conjurations. QBLH: See Qabalah. Qeb: See Seb. Qebhir (Hebrew- trans. "protector"): A name that appears on the first line of an acrostic square used to become beloved of a master in the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This square is reproduced below: Q E B H I R E R A I S A B A Q O L I H I O L I A I S L I A C R A I A C A

Qebhsenef: See Qebhsennuf Qebhsennuf (Var. Qebhsenef, Kebhsennuf, Kabexnuf, Kabexnuv, Dabexnjemouv): Egyptian. A hawk faced deity, also known as "the bleeder". One of four Canopic Gods or Children of Horus (q.v.). Qebhsennuf guarded the preserved internal organs of the mummified corpse. The other three Canopic Gods were Amset, Ahephi and Taumautef. Lexicon of Occult Terminology © 2005 Kerr Cuhulain Qedeselan: A name that appears on the first line of a gnomonic square used to discover the theft of worked gold in the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This square is reproduced below: Q E D E S E L A N E D E M A Q A Q A L A S E N A Q I R I Q A L A Q N N

Qeladim (Hebrew- trans. "those who creep in insidiously"): A name that appears on the first line of a gnomonic square used to cast spells on men in the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This square is reproduced below: Q E L A D I M E Q L M A D I Q M

Qemuel (Var. of Kemuel (q.v.)): In Vocabulaie de L'Angelologie: An angel destroyed by Moses. Lexicon of Occult Terminology © 2005 Kerr Cuhulain Qenebah: A name that appears on the first line of a gnomonic square used to discover the theft of money in the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This square is reproduced below: Q E N E B A H E Q N Q E B A H Q

Qesheth: (1) In Qabalah: The Rainbow of Promise, a veil separating the lower four Sephiroth (q.v.) from Tipareth. (2) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: A term mentioned in the Rite of the Pentagram and the Five Paths. Qinta: In Mandaean mythology: One of 10 Uthri (q.v.) that accompany the sun on its daily course. Qliphoth (Var. Qlippoth: Hebrew QLIPVTh (“shells”): (1) A Hebrew term for evil spirits. (2) In the Qabalah: The negative counterparts of the Sephiroth (q.v.). They are: Thaumiel, Ghogiel, Satariel, Agshekeloh, Golohab, Tagiriron, Gharab Tzerek, Samael, Gamaliel and Lilith (See Olahm ha-Qliphoth). The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn listed the following orders of Qliphoth: Bairiron, Adimiron, Tzelladmiron, Sohichriron, Shelhabiron, Tzephariron, Oberiron, Necheshthiron, Nachashiron, Dagbagiron, Beheniron and Beheniron. (3) A name which appears in the cry of the aethyr Zip in Liber Aervm Vel Saecvli. Qo: See Q. Qo-a-al: See Qaal. Qo-a-an: See Qaan. Qoaanu: See Qaan. Qo-o-al: See Qaal. Qo-o-ala: See Qaal. equivalent to the letter "Q" in ,(ע) Qoph (Var. Koph): (1) Nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet the English alphabet. It means "back of the head" or "ear". It is assigned the numerical value of "100" in the Qaballah. (2) In Qabalah: The name of the path between Netzach and Malkuth on the Tree of Life (See Sephiroth). (3) A name used in conjuration in the Greater Key of Solomon. (4) In the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: (a) A letter invoked in the consecration of the Lotus Wand. (b) A letter associated with Pisces. Qotinuji: See Qting. Qouodi: See Noqod. Qting (Var. Qotinuji): Enochian- trans. "the rotten". Qu: A name used in the Preliminary Invocation in the Goetia or Lesser Key of Solomon. Quaa: See Qaan. Quaadah: See Quaal. Quaal (Var. Quaadah): Enochian- trans. "the creator". Quaaon: See Qaan. Lexicon of Occult Terminology © 2005 Kerr Cuhulain Quaco: A male day name (q.v.) for Wednesday. The female equivalent is Cuba or Cubba. Quadra-sextile: See Quincunx. Quadrature: In Astrology: The Moon's changes, phases or quarters. Quadruplicities (Var. Modes, Quaternaries): In Astrology: The signs of the Zodiac are grouped into three groups of four called quadruplicities: Cardinal (q.v.), Fixed (q.v.) and Mutable (q.v.). The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn list them as Kerubic, Cardinal and Common. Quamin (var. Quame): A male day name (q.v.) for Saturday. The female equivalent is Mimba. Quanis (Var. Qanis, Qaniz): Enochian- trans. "olive" or "olives". Quao: A male day name (q.v.) for Thursday. The female equivalent is Abba. Quaphsiel: See Qafsiel. Quar (Var. Quare): Enochian- trans. "1636". Quare: See Quar. Quartas (Latin- trans. "fourth"): A spirit subordinate to Astarot in The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. Quasaba: See Quasb. Quasabe: See Quasb. Quasahe: See Quasb. Quasahi: Enochian- trans. "pleasure". Quasb (Var. Quasaba, Quasabe, Quasahe): Enochian- trans. "destroy". Quasheba: A female day name (q.v.) for Sunday. The male equivalent is Quashee Quashee: A male day name (q.v.) for Sunday. The female equivalent is Quasheba. Quaternaries: Another name for Quadruplicities (q.v.). Quebiesou (Var. Heviozo): Vodou. A Lwa of both the Rada and the Rada-Dahomey traditions. Quebiesou Dan Leh: Vodou. One of the Rada Lwas of Voodoo, a Lwa common to all Vodou rites. Queen, The: In Alchemy: A symbol of the bride of the Microprosopus (q.v.), associated with: (a) Silver. (b) The colour white. (c) The Moon. (d) The Sephira Malkuth. Queen of the Hairy Flies: An obscure grimoire. Queen Scale: One of the four scales of colour of the Hodos Chamelionis (q.v.) in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. This scale is associated to Briah, the Tarot suit of Cups, the Hebrew letter Heh and the element of Water. Quelamia: (1) In Sepher Raziel: One of the 7 Throne angels residing in the 1st heaven. (2) In Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy: One of the 7 Throne angels residing in the 1st heaven. (3) In The Heptameron: One of the 7 Throne angels residing in the 1st heaven carrying out the commands of the potentates. Querent: In any form of divination, the querent is the petitioner. In other words, the person asking questions of the diviner. Qui dedit nobis hoc Signum (Latin- trans. "Who has given us this sign"): A phrase used in the Ceremony of the Equinox in the magickal system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Quicksilver: See Mercury. Quiin (Var. Quiinu): Enochian- trans. "wherein". Quiinu: See Quiin. Quimbanda: A variant of Macumba (q.v.). Quinance: In Astrology: A 5 degree section of the Zodiac. There are 72 quinances in the Zodiac. Quinary: A term derived from the Latin word for the number five. A term used in The Grimoire Lexicon of Occult Terminology © 2005 Kerr Cuhulain of Armadel to describe the Spirit and the four Elements (q.v.). Quincunx: Also known as a inconjuct-sextile, disjunct-sextile or quadra-sextile. In Astrology: A moderate aspect (q.v.) on a Horoscope in which two planets are separated by 150 degrees. This aspect has an orb of 2 degrees. Its symbol is depicted in fig. 1. Quindecile: In Astrology: A weak aspect (q.v.) on a Horoscope in which two planets are separated by 24 degrees. This aspect is found in older texts and is not often used nowadays. Its symbol is depicted in fig. 2. Quintile: In Astrology: A weak aspect (q.v.) on a Horoscope in which two Figure 1 planets are separated by 72 degrees. This aspect is found in older texts and is not Quincunx often used nowadays. Its symbol is depicted in fig. 3. Quitathar: A name used to confer profound knowledge in the Black Pullet. Quitta (Var. Kitha): Vodou. An independent nanchon of Lwas. Quitta Baye: Vodou. One of the Simbi Lwas. He is a Lwa of the sun, fire and Figure 2 male fertility. Quindecile Qulielfi: One of the Genii of the qlippoth in Liber CCXXXI. Quo: See Q. Quo-a-asa: See Qaan. Quo-a-dahe: See Qaal. Figure 3 Quo-o-al: See Qaal. Quintile Quo-o-i-ape: Enochian- trans. "by the name". Quoriel: In the Lemegeton: An angel of the 4th hour of the day who is a lesser officer under the angel Vachmiel. Quosiel: In the Lemegeton, a subaltern under the angel Anael. Qurelesata: See Qurlst. Qurlst (Var. Qurelesata): Enochian- trans. "handmaid". Qwi Mu telai...: The beginning of the second verse of a song which appears in the cry of the aethyr Arn in Liber Aervm Vel Saecvli and in Liber Stellae Rubeae. The full second verse of this song is: "Qwi Mu telai, Ya Pa melai; U, u, u. Se gu melai; Pe fu telai, Fu tu lu." Which translates as: "Now Silence ceaseth, And the moon waxeth sweet; (It is the hour of) Initiation, Initiation, Initiation. The kiss of Isis is honeyed; My own Will is ended, For Will hath attained."

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