Indigenous National Day of Action

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Indigenous National Day of Action

INDIGENOUS NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION In Solidarity with the People’s Climate Movement


Examples of actions in Indigenous communities:

*In its most basic form this call to action is for Indigenous peoples throughout the U.S. to come together in prayer in their various communities on October 14th and to send us a photo of the group that met for that prayer holding a sign stating the town and state or site and state where you gathered with the wording Indigenous Solidarity - Peoples Climate Movement & the hashtag #LeaveItInTheGround. Photos can be sent to us at [email protected]

We are asking those that are able to, to take it one step further and:

*Conduct a meeting with your local tribal leadership on October 14th to talk about the impacts of climate change and what you can do in your community. Take a picture of you and your local leadership meeting and send it to us at [email protected] with messaging about what your community is doing to tackle the climate crisis.

*Hold a rally and/or march in your community to draw attention to the issue of the climate crisis and take a photo of your march or rally along with your messaging on ideas your community has to tackle the climate crisis and send it to us at [email protected]. *Gather of a group of friends, relatives, local groups and all others you can think of to reach out to take a photo with you in your community. The photo should be in front of industry you’re dealing with in your community or perhaps a beautiful place you want to protect to keep beautiful in your community. Send the photos to us at [email protected]

THE PEOPLE’S CLIMATE MOVEMENT ORGANIZING PRINCIPLES On October 14, 2015, in cities and towns around the nation, people will be engaging in a National Day of Action to once again call attention to the urgent need for bold steps to be taken to address the global climate crisis. Initiated by the People’s Climate Movement (PCM), these actions are being organized by local groups and organizations from the wide range of diverse constituencies and communities.

Local Organizing Tables The organizations that have stepped up to anchor local Oct. 14th activities have been asked to do the following:  Organize a local table of partner organizations, some of which might co-anchor.  Ensure that local tables include core PCM constituencies – people of color, working people, frontline communities, environmental and climate change groups, faith-based organizations, students/youth, labor unions, and community-based organizations – and that core constituencies are in leadership roles.  Help to drive turn out to the event.  Work with the PCM National Communications team on media, etc.  Commit staff time to pulling off the event.  Engage in a debrief and next steps conversation with PCM after October 14th .

Participating Organizations Many additional organizations around the country that are not able to serve as either an anchor group or as part of a local organizing table, are asked to:  Endorse the PCM National Day of Action on Oct. 14th.  Help with turn out to local events.  Publicize local events.  Help with/promote digital action/social media on October 14th.

Every organization involved in this effort is asked to read and agree to the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing which came out of the Environmental Justice Movement several years ago and has been a foundation piece for the People’s Climate Movement.

Individual Efforts In some instances your situation might not lend itself to pulling together an organizing table and taking all of the steps outlined above. But that should not stop you…everyone has something to contribute to this movement and to the success of the National Day of Action! Here are suggestions for how you, as an individual, might proceed:  Call together friends, co-workers, neighbors, family and others. Talk about what you might like to do on Oct. 14th.  Once you have an idea, think about any organizations or groups in your area that you might reach out to and ask them to help build the action.  Don’t be shy about being in the public’s eye even with a few people.  Hand our leaflets in a busy part of town.  Set up a literature table where people go shopping.  Show a film or have a speaker on the climate crisis.  Do a small vigil in front of the offices of someone who could play a better role in supporting our demands for climate justice.  Or be even more creative: do a street theater skit, bring along some puppets or other visuals, get a soap box and make a speech!! The more we all do on October 14th the better, and remember…there is no such thing as too small an action.  Be sure to list your activity or event on our website.  Let your local media know about your activity. Sometimes even a few people at the right place at the right time can draw media attention.

OCTOBER 14TH ACTIONS AND ACTIVITIES The People’s Climate Movement hopes Indigenous Peoples & community leaders, and local organizers will develop creative, inspirational events that call attention to the urgent need for immediate action on the climate crisis while highlighting the range of communities and constituencies involved in this new movement for climate justice. Where possible, we encourage local events that highlight and challenge those people/institutions/agencies that are either still denying climate change or are simply lying about the seriousness of the problems. Where it makes sense to use these local events to strengthen ongoing campaigns and projects, or to initiate new initiatives locally, we encourage that as well.

Everyone is asked to tie their local efforts to the nationwide movement we are all part of, as well as the global movement. This means posting your activities on the PCM website, it means making this connection when doing local media work, it means participating in nationally coordinated social media work, etc.

In the run-up to the People’s Climate March on 9/21/14, we adopted guidelines for that march all participating organizations were asked to agree to. We have slightly modified those and again ask the local organizing tables to discuss these and adopt them for your events and actions on October 14th.

Guidelines for Local Actions To encourage the broadest and most diverse involvement possible, to respect our many communities and the important issues we are supporting, to help create activities that people from diverse constituencies will feel comfortable in, and to help ensure the safety of all participants, we expect everyone taking part in the People’s Climate Movement National Day of Action on October 14, 2015 to respect the following:  We will use no violence (physical or verbal) towards any person.  We will not destroy or damage property.  We will promote a tone of respect, honesty, transparency, and accountability in our actions.  We will not carry anything that can be construed as a weapon, nor possess (or consume) any alcohol or drugs.  We will all hold each other accountable to respecting these agreements.

Sample Social Media Posts



● “On October 14, we are calling for bold action on climate from our Indigenous community and frontline leaders. Join IEN and #PeoplesClimate Movement and help #LeaveItInTheGround” LINK and Images: indigenous-national-day-of-action /

● “We need everyone, everywhere to demand we #LeaveItInTheGround. Please SHARE and create or join an action on Oct. 14. #IndigenousRising #PeoplesClimate” LINK and Images: indigenous-national-day-of-action / ● “Join the Indigenous National Day of Action and the People’s Climate Movement on Oct. 14. #climatechange is everyone’s problem. We need everyone. EVERYWHERE. #LeaveItInTheGround” LINK and Images: indigenous-national-day-of-action /

● “Take the pledge to join the Indigenous Day of Action and People’s Climate Movement – ACTION NOT WORDS! Systems change now, action by everyone - EVERYWHERE. #LeaveItInTheGround” LINK and Images: indigenous-national-day-of-action /

● On October 14, join the Indigenous National Day of Action and the People’s Climate Movement in an action near you and post of a picture of yourself with the hashtag #LeaveItInTheGround. To create or join an action click on the link below! indigenous-national-day-of-action /

On October 14


● “ Today, on the National Day of Action, please find an action location near you by following the link below. Take a picture of yourself on site and post on our page with the hashtag #peoplesclimate.” LINK: IMAGE: Take one yourself and use that as an example on the post ● Today, we are demanding bold action on climate from our leaders. Take a picture with your demand and use the hashtag #peoplesclimate to post on social media LINK:


● # climatechange is not a niche issue. Join # peoplesclimate movement and demand bold action on # climate ● To change everything, we need everyone, everyone. Join the # peoplesclimate movement and work to build your future ● On Oct 14, join # peoplesclimate movement in a national day of action. Find an action near you and show your support ● The # peoplesclimate movement is working towards a sustainable future. Join us on Oct 14 for a national day of action ● Take the pledge to join #peoplesclimate movement and call for bold action on #climatechange ● On Oct 14, find an action near you and post of a picture of yourself with the hashtag # peoplesclimate. Click here Sample Email:


Indigenous National Day of Action In Solidarity with the People’s Climate Movement National Day of Action: 10/14

[Dear –Name ] --

Last year, our Indigenous Block helped lead over 400,000 people in the streets of New York City demanding bold action to protect the planet. Now, as world leaders prepare for crucial climate negotiations in Paris this December, we’re bringing that momentum to Indigenous communities across the country with actions demanding leaders take a bold stand to halt climate change before it’s too late.

To change everything we need everyone, everywhere -- that’s why we’re asking people across the country to take the pledge to support the October 14th People’s Climate Movement National Day of Action.

With large actions planned so far in over 40 US cities including New York City, Miami, Denver, San Francisco, Pittsburgh, and Seattle, we’re building momentum, but we need your help to organize actions in your community or join others happening all across the country.

Will you plan an action, join an action, or add your voice by taking the pledge today?

Yes, I’ll take the pledge to support the October 14th People’s Climate Movement National Day of Action.

Just days after the People’s Climate march, world leaders talked about the hundreds of thousands who marched in the streets for action, a historic treaty was agreed upon by the United States and China to reduce carbon emissions, and campaigns focusing on climate change were strengthened around the country.

The march not only showed that large numbers of people cared about climate, but lifted up the voices, struggles and leadership of communities not usually associated with climate change – Indigenous/frontline communities, labor unions, immigrants, students, and faith communities. We changed the story about who cares about climate and showed that indeed climate change was everybody’s issue.

The success of the march, the deep relationships built across communities, and the impact we had on so many communities and individuals inspired us to try to take the energy of the march and create the People’s Climate Movement. The fight against climate change to move to a clean energy economy is too large for any single organization, single city, or sector.

That’s why we need your help to bring the beauty, energy and success of the People’s Climate March to your community.

Will you take the pledge to support the October 14th Indigenous National Day of Action and the People’s Climate Movement, by adding your voice or organizing an action?

Indigenous People across Turtle Island and the People’s Climate Movement’s goal is to organize at least 100 actions across the country and bring thousands of people into the streets again, but we can only do it with your help. Will you add your voice to the Indigenous National Day of Action and join with the chorus of others demanding bold action on climate change on October 14th? Take the pledge to support the October 14th People’s Climate Movement National Day of Action.


Types of Content: 1. Created content - Memes you have created, links to blog posts on your website, original composition with links/images 2. Curated content: Reposting relevant or commendable content created and posted by other individuals and organizations. Don’t forget to tag organizations and people when you do that. 3. Co-created content: Events, articles and images that have involved one or more individuals/orgs in its creation fall under these category

Format of Content: Every post should loosely follow the why, what and how format. Talking about why something needs to change, how it can be done and what needs to be done. In the campaign space, this should be followed by a “take action” ask. This is where you can link to the PCM website or to your event specifically.

Original Content Creation Tips: 1. Be consistent in voice and use #peoplesclimate and #LeaveItInTheGround 2. Give people something to do right away. Ask them to share, retweet or take an action via the posts. Engaging audience in debates and asking them questions also works. 3. TAG all the time. The more you tag organizations, the greater the reach and the greater the possibility of engagement. 4. Stick to your action plan. Focus on the goals you have for the campaign and craft all content to end in a call to action. 5. Be fun, authentic, include your personality and that of your organization. In addition, don’t forget to tag people and organizations as well as being liberal with shoutouts.

Videos & Video Sharing

Videos are very powerful and very easy to make. Don’t worry about having a professionally edited video, use your smartphone to record a short message and share that on your social media channels. You can also share compelling and relevant videos as a part of your audience engagement strategy leading up to Oct 14.

Social Media Management Tools

You don’t need to spend a load of time on social media. Just use one of these free tools and manage your social media effectively.

Hootsuite TweetDeck Buffer Integrating Social Media into Emails

Ensure that all the emails you send out have a Follow us on Twitter and Like us on Facebook widget. This is really helpful in engaging people and makes it easier for your fans to find you.

Social Media Online-to-Offline Engagement Social media is not separate from actions on the ground. A great way of encouraging people on the ground to engage with you online is to ask them to Take a picture and post it on Facebook & Twitter with the hashtag #peoplesclimate and #LeaveItInTheGround.

On social media, ensure that you are asking your audience to tag you in every post and use a consistent hashtag. This helps create a buzz and trends and drives more people to attend events as well as engage with you online.

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