And Referral Services
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Prevention Resource and Referral Services PRRS
PRRS Developmental Materials Resource List
1 This document is available in the PRRS site. For additional information please contact PRRS Director, Susan Roddy at [email protected] or 415-282-7494 ext., 107 11.7.11 The ABC's Of Child Development Developmental Milestones For Your Child's First Five Years
Children grow and develop at different rates. While their pathways through childhood differ, most pass a set of predictable milestones along the way. The information presented here offers a map that can help you follow your child's journey
Act Early Materials
Order, download, and print fact sheets, milestones checklist, posters, a growth chart, materials in other languages, Resource Kits and more.
Join BabyCenter to receive weekly emails that detail your child's development. Plus get your FREE weekly planner with no-stress ideas to help new moms survive!
Baby’s First Test
This website is an objective resource for expecting and new parents to learn about newborn screening and is a place for families and health professionals to share their questions and experiences. Baby's First Test is a central site that brings together stakeholders and provides easy access to newborn screening resources from community groups, government agencies and public organizations. This resource also features condition specific information, state information, family videos, and a Community Corner section, where visitors can learn about reliable sources of information pertaining to maternal and child health.
Beyond Play Toys
Great resource for toys suggested by a parent and director of a Family Resource Center. Beyond Play offers you the most extensive selection of products for young children of all abilities - from infants and toddlers to children in the early elementary grades. We carry a wide selection of fun and educational products in all areas of child development, as well as specialized products for early intervention and special needs. Our catalog and web site are for professionals of all disciplines, as well as for parents and caregivers.
We put a lot of thought and consideration into product selection. We consult with a team of professionals who all work with young children, and are experienced in different areas of child development and special needs. They contribute their invaluable insight and experience to help us select great products for you.
2 This document is available in the PRRS site. For additional information please contact PRRS Director, Susan Roddy at [email protected] or 415-282-7494 ext., 107 11.7.11 Bright Futures
Bright Futures Pocket Guide: Raising Healthy Infants, Children and Adolescents. Downloadable and available soon for ordering in English and Spanish. Also available: Promoting Health Child Development, Promoting Community Relationships and Resources.
Children’s Home Society of California
Family Education Program brochures (available in English, Spanish, Khmer, and Vietnamese) free of charge:
Choosing Child Care; Communication; Exercise; Family Time; Food for Your Baby’s First Year; Managing Anger; Nutrition; Positive Discipline; Safety; Self-Esteem; Separation; Sleep; Special Needs – Information for Parents; Staying Healthy; Stress; Toilet Teaching with Tears; When a Child Bites; When Is Your Child Too Ill to Go to Child Care?
Also available in English and Spanish:
Activity Book for Children; Character Growth Chart, and Development Stages Wheel.
Family Voices
Families Partnering With Providers (,
Parents Partnering With Managed Care Plans (
First 5 New Parent Kits
First 5 California offers all new and expecting parents in California the Kit for New Parents for free. Valued at $75, the Kit contains all the parenting information, advice and useful tips first- time parents need to best prepare for the joys and challenges that lie ahead. Single Kits may be ordered by calling 1-800-KIDS-025. Organizations need to contact their local First 5 Commissions to obtain Kits to distribute. (
Dedicated to educating parents and professionals about autism and related disorders.
3 This document is available in the PRRS site. For additional information please contact PRRS Director, Susan Roddy at [email protected] or 415-282-7494 ext., 107 11.7.11 Good Toys for Young Children
Information on selecting the safest and most appropriate toys for young children.
Searchable articles on parenting and child development including information on preemies
Helping Your Preschool Child With activities for children from infancy through age 5
How well children will learn and develop and how well they will do in school depends on a number of things, including their health and physical well-being, social and emotional preparation, and language skills and general knowledge of the world. This booklet highlights techniques parents can use to encourage their children to develop the skills necessary for success in school and life by focusing on activities that make learning fun.
To order copies of this publication in English or Spanish write to: ED Pubs Education Publications Center U.S. Department of Education P.O. Box 1398 Jessup, MD 20794-1398 or fax your request to: 301-470-1244 or email your request to: [email protected] or call in your request toll-free: 1-877-433-7827 (1-877-4ED-PUBS). If 877 is not yet available in your area, call 1-800-872-5327 (1-800-USA-LEARN). Those who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) or a teletypewriter (TTY), should call 1-800-437-0833.
How I Learn Tablet
Learn the milestones of average child development from a child’s perspective. Based on the NAEYC brochure “Toys: Tools for Learning”, this tablet (8½”x11", 50 sheets per tablet) covers motor, language, and social skills from birth to eight years old. English front, Spanish back. From Learning ZoneXpress. $10.00 per pad.
National NIDCAP Center
National office and training site of Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP), supporting the growth and development of premature infants and helping to improve the quality of their care and the support for their families.
4 This document is available in the PRRS site. For additional information please contact PRRS Director, Susan Roddy at [email protected] or 415-282-7494 ext., 107 11.7.11 Parents of Premature Babies Inc. (Preemie-L)
A non-profit foundation supporting families with children born six weeks or more before their due date. Website has links to discussions forums, listserv's, frequently asked questions and advice, selected resources, medical and internet abbreviations, and a recommended booklist. Preemie Baby/Preemie Child/Preemie Parent Support
Prematurity is a volunteer website from our family for your preemie; supporting preemie parents by providing information on prematurity and preemie care. Website offers forums, directory of shops and services especially for preemies, book reviews, research and more all geared toward supporting preemies and their families.
Pathways Awareness
Assure the Best for your Baby’s Physical Development Brochure available in Spanish and English. 12 - 17 cents each depending on quantity. Also downloadable in Hebrew, Polish, French, German, Bosnian, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Portuguese.
Preemie Voices
The Resource section includes downloadable articles in Spanish and English on Helping Parents Navigate The Premature Journey, 5 Reasons for Hospitalizations, Preemie Glossary, Helping Myself Help Others – Support for Mom, Keeping Baby Healthy, Late Preterm Baby's Special Needs, Medical Costs, Preemie Lung Card, About RSV, Staying Positive, Smoking and Your Premature Baby and Tracking Growth and Development Milestones
Reading Rockets
Reading tips handouts for all ages. Available in several languages.
Reasons for Concern
Reasons for Concern is a collaborative effort between the Department of Developmental
5 This document is available in the PRRS site. For additional information please contact PRRS Director, Susan Roddy at [email protected] or 415-282-7494 ext., 107 11.7.11 Services (DDS) and the California Department of Education (CDE). The purpose of the brochure is to facilitate finding and identifying young children who may benefit from early intervention or specialized education services and to encourage appropriate referrals to Early Start, PRRS, or other early intervention services and special education preschool. Available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Hmong. Currently out of print from CDE, but still available from WestED.
Special Delivery Handle with Care – Helpful Information for Parents of Babies Born Early
Med-Immune Patient Education Materials (limit 100 in packs of 25) available in English free of charge:
Helping Parents Navigate the Premature Journey (5 Steps at Birth Kit); Glossary: Understanding the Language of Prematurity); Helping Myself, Helping My Baby, Helping Others After Discharge; Keeping A Positive Attitude When My Baby Comes Early; Keeping My Baby Healthy after Discharge; Special Needs of My “Late-Preterm” Baby; Medical Care Costs for My Premature Baby; RSV: Is My Baby at Risk?; Top 5 Reasons for Hospitalizations among U.S. Infants under 1 Year of Age; Tracking My Baby’s Growth and Development; Understanding Premature Infant Lungs.
FRCs need to register and may order materials with their logo imprinted.
Special Start Training Program
Special Start Training provides specialized training in the unique developmental needs of babies who are born either medically fragile or premature. The program is designed for professionals and caregivers working with parents of newborns that were hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care nursery and have transitioned to home.
The program offers webinars, lists of resource links, lists of publications downloadable brochures and booklets to assist parents and caregivers. Some materials are available in Spanish.
Super Duper Catalogue
Great resource for toys suggested by a parent and director of a Family Resource Center. Family owned business that started creating easy-to-use therapy materials while working as a Speech-Language Pathologist in the public schools. They make hundreds of creative, colorful educational and therapy materials that you and your children will love
6 This document is available in the PRRS site. For additional information please contact PRRS Director, Susan Roddy at [email protected] or 415-282-7494 ext., 107 11.7.11 Supporting You and Your Preemie Milestone Guidelines for Premature Babies
The purpose of this brochure is to encourage families to be active observers of their premature baby's development, to focus attention on their child's strengths and to be aware of areas where they need more support. The brochure contains guidelines for parents to convert term-baby milestones into pre-mature baby milestones. It also provides questions for parents to discuss with their child's trusted healthcare provider to foster open communication. Like their full-term peers, premature babies are individuals who develop at their own pace and in their own way. The Supporting You and Your Preemie brochure recognizes that while all children develop skills in a predictable sequence, the rates at which they develop vary, Downloadable in English and Spanish. Sold in packets of 50. Brochure item # HE50504. Retail $22.00
Text for Baby
Once registered, parents receive free text messages with age-specific tips for caring for their baby.
The Future of Children
The Future of Children is part of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy and International Affairs at Princeton University and the Brookings Institute. It provides research and analysis of a broad variety of topics and issues to promote effective policies and programs for children.
Tips for Choosing Toys
Provides a chart of the development of play skills for infants and toddlers and shows parents how playing with their child in the first three years of life helps build a warm and loving relationship.
Toy Industry Foundation
Fun Play/Safe Play in English and Spanish, no charge and also downloadable.
Toys: Tools for Learning
This brochure contains useful tips for choosing the best types of toys for children’s enjoyment, learning, and growth. It folds out into an easy-to-read, colorful chart of toys and play activities appropriate for children of different ages from birth to 8 years old. Twenty-five cents per copy.
7 This document is available in the PRRS site. For additional information please contact PRRS Director, Susan Roddy at [email protected] or 415-282-7494 ext., 107 11.7.11 Toys R Us Differently Abled Toy Guide Catalogue [email protected]
Great resource for toys suggested by a parent and director of a Family Resource Center. Available in English and Spanish, Toys R Us will send bulk copies to educators. Send email to: [email protected]
8 This document is available in the PRRS site. For additional information please contact PRRS Director, Susan Roddy at [email protected] or 415-282-7494 ext., 107 11.7.11 Zero to Three
ZERO TO THREE’s podcast series, Little Kids, Big Questions, addresses some of the most common (and challenging) issues facing parents of babies and toddlers, such as: helping a baby learn to sleep through the night; dealing with a picky eater; and learning to set limits on children’s behavior. These questions—and more—are covered in this series of 12 podcasts.
Creating Healthy Connections: Nurturing Brain Development From Birth to Three - Featuring Alison Gopnik, Ph.D.
Our Families, Ourselves: How Our History Influences How We Raise Our Children - Featuring Daniel Siegel, Ph.D.
Night-Night…or Not: Talking About Babies, Toddlers, and Sleep - Featuring Jodi Mindell, Ph.D.
Early Experiences Count: How Emotional Development Unfolds Starting at Birth - Featuring Ross Thompson, Ph.D.
Beyond “Use Your Words!”: How Babies Begin to Develop Self- Control in the First Three Years - Featuring Brenda Jones-Harden, Ph.D.
Turning On or Tuning Out: The Influence of Media on Young Children’s Development - Featuring Ellen Wartella, Ph.D.
Across the Generations: The Role of Grandparents in Young Children’s Lives - Featuring Barbara Bowman, M.A.
Feeding the Body and Mind: Nurturing Healthy Eating Habits From the Start - Featuring Daniel Kessler, M.D.
Daddy, Papi, Papa or Baba: The Influence of Father’s on Young Children’s Development - Featuring Kyle Pruett, M.D.
Shh, Shh, It’s Okay: Coping With Crying in Babies and Toddlers - Featuring Pamela High, M.D.
“I Like Me!”: Developing Self-Esteem in the Early Years - Featuring Jeree Pawl, Ph.D.
Sharing the Care: How Partnering with Your Child’s Caregiver Supports Healthy Development - Featuring Jerlean Danel, Ph.D.
9 This document is available in the PRRS site. For additional information please contact PRRS Director, Susan Roddy at [email protected] or 415-282-7494 ext., 107 11.7.11 Everyday Ways to Support Your Baby's and Toddler's Early Learning - Download this handout (in both English and Spanish) to learn more about how you can support your child's development—and have fun together—in the everyday moments you share
10 This document is available in the PRRS site. For additional information please contact PRRS Director, Susan Roddy at [email protected] or 415-282-7494 ext., 107 11.7.11