Msc Agile Software Projects (Jan 2013)

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Msc Agile Software Projects (Jan 2013)


Programme Specification

This Programme Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided.

Sources of information on the programme can be found in Section 17

1. Awarding Institution / Body University of Central Lancashire

2. Teaching Institution and Location University of Central Lancashire of Delivery

3. University Department/Centre Physical Sciences and Computing

4. External Accreditation

5. Title of Final Award MSc in Agile Software Projects PGDip in Agile Software Projects

6. Modes of Attendance offered Part-Time (Burst Mode)

7. UCAS Code Not applicable

8. Relevant Subject Benchmarking QAA Computing Group(s)

9. Other external influences DSDM Consortium – GlobalFN – British Computer Society (BCS) ISEB – 10. Date of production/revision of this February 2013 form

11. Aims of the Programme

MSc Aims (these are in addition to the PGDip aims)  To develop students’ individual self-management and independent learning skills to help them face complex problems  To develop students' skills of critical evaluation and communication  To evaluate and adapt appropriate research methods PGDip Aims  To enable students to identify and respond effectively to challenges associated with implementing an information system and support the people involved in organisational change  To enable students to use academic literature and contribute to profession discourse  To develop students’ ability to work actively with stakeholders.  To enable the students to critically evaluate and contribute to an agile project  To encourage and enable the students to become reflective practitioners

12. Learning Outcomes, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods

A. Knowledge and Understanding The successful student will be able to: A1. Critically evaluate policies and approaches to Agile methods and strategy A2 Apply and evaluate principles, practices and tools needed for an Agile approach A3. Interpret relevant literature and evaluate trends relating to Agile methods and strategy Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, directed reading, tutorial exercises, visiting speakers, case studies, supervised and unsupervised practical work. Project and literature-based research. Assessment methods Assessment methods are specified in each module syllabus. All learning outcomes in a module are assessed with the mode of assessment specified for each outcome of the assignment. Assessment methods include written reports, portfolios, practical assessment, presentations and examinations. B. Subject-specific skills The successful student will be able to: B1. Identify and develop strategies for working with stakeholders of IT projects, and elicit and specify system requirements B2. Facilitate and scribe joint development workshops. B3. Demonstrate a professional approach to ethical and legal issues and understand the implications of their actions B4. Apply skills, techniques and knowledge to plan, perform and evaluate a substantial project (MSc only) Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, tutorial exercises, role-play, visiting speakers, case studies, group workshops, video case studies, directed reading Assessment methods Assessment methods are specified in each module syllabus. All learning outcomes in a module are assessed with the mode of assessment specified for each outcome of the assignment. Assessment methods include written reports, portfolios, practical assessment, presentations and examinations. C. Thinking Skills The successful student will be able to: C1. Solve technical and human problems relating to the development and use of systems. C2. Locate, synthesise and evaluate information from a variety of sources. C3. Apply knowledge that was created for use in one situation to a new situation C4. Analyse complex systems and concepts, communicating the outcome effectively Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, tutorial exercises, role-play, visiting speakers, case studies, group workshops, video case studies, directed reading Assessment methods Assessment methods include written reports, portfolios, practical assessment, presentations and examinations. D. Other skills relevant to employability and personal development The successful student will be able to: D1. Sustain current awareness through review of a range of source material D2 Reflect critically on professional experience, devising and evaluating new approaches D3 Develop individual self-management and independent learning skills D4 Work as part of a team, identifying issues and devising responses Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, tutorial exercises, role-play, visiting speakers, case studies, group workshops, video case studies, directed reading Assessment methods Assessment methods include written reports, portfolios, practical assessment, presentations and examinations. 13. Programme Structures* 14. Awards and Credits*

Level Module Module Title Credit Code rating Masters Degree in Agile Software Projects

Level 7 CO4804 Masters Project 60 Requires 180 credits at Level 7

The project will include substantial work with people

Post-Graduate Diploma in Agile Software Projects

Level 7 CO4603 Workshop Facilitation 20 Requires 120 credits at Level 7. CO4608 Agile Systems Development 20 CO4754 User-Centred Systems Design 20 This must include & Evaluation CO4603 Workshop Facilitation CO4820 Critical Analysis 20 CO4608 Agile Systems Development CO4830 IT Project Management 20 CO4754 User Centred Systems Design & Evaluation One module from the following CO4820 Critical Analysis list of options (or an alternative CO4830 IT Project Management agreed with the course leader): A student who has previously passed a CO4403 OO Software Development 20 module whose content and level is CO4758 Advanced Topics in Information 20 similar to one of those listed, may be Systems offered another level 7 module from the CO4757 Advanced Topics in Databases 20 School’s modules, as an alternative. CO4753 Design Away from the Desktop 20 CO4817 Student Initiated Module 20 Post-Graduate Certificate in Computing

Requires 60 credits at Level 7 15. Personal Development Planning

Professional skills cannot be developed through dedicated course modules, but are fostered through the adaptation of teaching methods such as seminars, project work and oral and written coursework to make these qualities an explicit element of the content and context of all work. This will be reflected in the criteria by which you are assessed.

Technical competence alone is not enough for the good computing professional and so is not sufficient for the award of any Masters within the School of Computing, Engineering & Physical Sciences. The Programme aims identify the need to develop interpersonal skills and generic transferable skills as well as subject-specific knowledge, understanding and skills. The course team believe that this combination is needed to ensure the employability of the graduate.

The following transferable skills are developed:  critical evaluation  presentation skills  report-writing skills  investigative (information finding) skills  problem solving  independent learning  team work  time-management.

The design of the course has been directed to the development of these practitioner skills alongside technical competence. The skills will be developed and assessed throughout the programme as a whole. The process begins from the first day of the programme with an induction scheme aimed at developing reflective learning skills and is continued seamlessly through the delivery of the course modules. The personal tutor, allocated at enrolment, helps students to determine their personal development plans and use will be made of the Skills Learning Resource available from the Learning Development Unit (LDU) . There are opportunities throughout the course for students to reflect on their learning and revise their personal development plans. Students will have a minimum of 2 tutorials with their personal tutor to discuss their personal development 16. Admissions criteria Programme Specifications include minimum entry requirements, including academic qualifications, together with appropriate experience and skills required for entry to study. These criteria may be expressed as a range rather than a specific grade. Amendments to entry requirements may have been made after these documents were published and you should consult the University’s website for the most up to date information. Students will be informed of their personal minimum entry criteria in their offer letter.

In order to gain admission to the course you should have one of the following:  Honours degree of 2.ii or above  Degree and substantial relevant industrial experience  BCS post-graduate diploma plus PGD project  Qualifications deemed by the University to be equivalent to the above.

Students will also be expected to be employed within the software development industry. If students do not have this experience, they would be interviewed to assess their suitability for the course.

Students will be expected to display communication skills appropriate to an Honours graduate. In particular, students whose first language is not English will be required to demonstrate competence in the language. The normal minimum standard required is IELTS 7.0 or equivalent.

17. Key sources of information about the programme   fact sheet  postgraduate prospectus 18. Curriculum Skills Map Please tick in the relevant boxes where individual Programme Learning Outcomes are being assessed Programme Learning Outcomes Subje Core (C), ct- Compulsory specifi Module (COMP) or c Level Module Code Title Option (O) Knowledge and understanding Skills Thinking Skills

A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 C1 C2 Masters MSc CO4804 C     Project Workshop Facilitatio     CO4603 n Comp Agile Systems       Developm CO4608 ent Comp User- Centred System      Design & CO4574 Evaluation Comp IT Project Managem      CO4830 ent Comp Critical   PG CO4820 Analysis Comp Dip OO Software   Developm CO4403 ent Option Adv Topics in    CO4758 IS Option Adv Topics in  Database CO4757 Systems Option Student Initiated   CO4817 Module Option

Note: Mapping to other external frameworks, e.g. professional/statutory bodies, will be included within Student Course Handbooks

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