Riverton High School Musical Contract

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Riverton High School Musical Contract

Skyline High School Musical Contract

Student Signature Students cast for the Skyline High School Musical must sign this contract. By doing so, this signifies they agree to all the rules and expectations of being a cast member in the musical.

Parent/Guardian Signature A parent or guardian must also sign this contract to signify that he/she understands the rules and expectations to which their student has committed him/herself.

Rehearsals- WILL BEGIN THE WEEK OF AUGUST 17 TH , 201 2 All musical rehearsals will become first priority during the rehearsal period of the musical. Rehearsals will be held between 2:30 AND 5:30PM, Monday through Friday, with one or two Saturdays scheduled in November. Each cast member is not needed every day. Students need to attend every rehearsal that they are scheduled for- please work appointments, etc. around the rehearsal schedule. Every student must plan on being present at all rehearsals during the final two weeks. SOME REHEARSALS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. AT ANY TIME WE MAY ADD REHEARSALS! Please check VSM and/or the call board every day. Students who have specific vocal work (solo’s, challenging choral numbers, etc.) may be required to attend additional vocal rehearsals with the music director. Approximately two to three weeks before opening night, rehearsals may go late, especially technical rehearsals. A time frame cannot be determined on these final rehearsals due to elements beyond our control. However, every consideration to the outcome of the show, the student’s scholastic obligations, and all of our sanity will be taken. Cast members will be checked out a libretto of the script and music for the production. These librettos are RENTED and must be returned. You may mark the script IN PENCIL as you see fit. A lost libretto will cost the cast member $25.00. They must be returned by closing night or you will be fined.

Eligibility Since the musical is an extra-curricular activity of Skyline High School, each student involved with the production must be eligible to participate. Eligibility means that the student needs to have a 2.0 overall GPA. Time spent with the musical rehearsals and performances does not replace school time and must not be used as any excuse to teachers. Students are expected to maintain their grade point average and complete all schoolwork assigned to them. If school attendance and dropping grades become an issue, the cast member may be dropped from the show.

Attendance Attendance to every scheduled rehearsal is vitally important to the success of a musical production. Cast members are expected to be at every scheduled rehearsal. 2 or more Unexcused absences will result in being dropped from the show. If a member of the chorus misses a blocking and/or choreography rehearsal they will be blocked out of that scene and/or dance. If a cast member playing a lead or supporting role misses a rehearsal they may be dropped from the musical and their role recast. Every cast member is required to attend all run-through and dress rehearsals. You must make up tests before school. If you are meeting with a teacher, administrator, or councilor you must bring an excuse note to the stage manager during rehearsal or you will be considered tardy! You must take care of all club obligations before school or after rehearsal. Motor vehicle travel to: rehearsals, performances, and marketing related transportation, is the responsibility of the cast member and their family. Accidents and injuries sustained in any such transportation become the responsibility of the cast member and their family.

Costume (Rental Charge) Costume Fee for This Show will be $35. This will cover the cost of a costume (excluding footwear, personal items, accessories, or pieces the cast member may already own). This is a period show; costumes will be required to match the period specified by the director. If a student drops out of the musical after one week of rehearsals, the $35 will be considered a donation to the Skyline High School Musical Production Fund. If you do not wish to, or cannot pay the charge at this time, I will work with you, but may ask you to provide part or all of your costume. You need to let me know prior to the fee being due. Fees are due September 5th.

Etiquette Rehearsal etiquette rules apply to the musical production. Any cast member who disregards these rules may lose their role in the musical. o Punctuality- We are working in a limited time frame with vocal music, choreography and acting. Therefore, tardiness to any rehearsals will not be tolerated. Being tardy to rehearsals is grounds for dismissal from the musical production. o Auditorium- Every person involved with the musical will be expected to abide by auditorium rules. Friends or family not affiliated with the musical production are not permitted to attend rehearsals. o Food & Drink- Absolutely no food or drink is allowed in the auditorium house, with the exception of bottled water. Other drink and food are allowed on stage as long as the drink are not spillable and trash is not left behind. If trash or spills become an issue, any food or drink will not be allowed anywhere in the auditorium. o Use of Time- Cast members should expect some times when they will have to be patient and wait for their turn on stage. They should bring something to do when they are not on stage (homework, practice choreography, etc.). Disruption and misbehavior during rehearsals is unacceptable. o Focus & Concentration- Each cast member is expected to give 100% of their focus and energy to every rehearsal, doing all they can to improve the musical. A bad attitude may be reason for dismissal from the production. o Rehearsal Clothing- Cast members will be instructed on the proper attire and footwear to rehearse in. They should be dressed and ready to go when rehearsals begin. No Flip-flops for dance rehearsal, all clothing must meet school dress code standards. o Courtesy- Common courtesy and moral support to and from all cast members, orchestra members, and stage crew members are expected throughout the rehearsal period and run of the show.  Cell Phone Policy- NO CELL phones will ever be allowed while on stage or back stage! They will be confiscated and given to the administration for your parent to pick up.

I have read the musical contract and agree to follow the guidelines stated there. I will put forth my best effort to make our musical an incredible experience for cast, the crew, audience, and myself.

Please return this form to Mrs. Jensen on Friday, Sept 6th . Failure to do so could result in removal from the show. Please sign below.

______Student Name Student Signature

______Parent Name Parent Signature

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