World Language Task Requirement

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World Language Task Requirement

City Presentation PowerPoint Guidelines End of 1st Semester

Task: After living in your city since the beginning of the semester, using the experiences you have had, present [with no note cards and talking normally] to your “friends in Japan” the information using a PowerPoint, organized well with interesting facts as if at a party with friends.

Benchmark: WL.IS.Y1.4.2 to 4.4.2: Give examples of how significant cultural ideas are reflected in the practices and products of the culture being studied.

Criteria for the task: 1. Research your city and present at least 7 of the following:  Map of Japan project with city marked with arrow  City map—detailed(your apartment, your job location, government buildings, roads, train stations, geographical, etc.)  Famous landmarks—mountains, lakes, historical, etc.  People you’ve met or heard about  Festivals and/or holidays you’ve experienced  Buddhist temples or Shinto Shrines you’ve visited and a little about the religion  Places you’ve visited and things you’ve been able to do  Governmental info  Import/export items  Tourist spots  Important historical event(s)

2. Simple explanation about the caption picture in Japanese (phrases) are OK. These represent your note cards. Don’t include whole sentences in any PowerPoint presentation slide.

3. PowerPoint must be well organized and reflect time, organization, and effort in its’ orientation.

4. PowerPoint can be 10 slides or 30 [no minimum], as long as the info presented on each slide is easy to understand and doesn’t hold all the information at once. Presentation between 5-7 minutes for level 3 and 7-8 minutes for level 4 or 5.

5. Student will point to parts of the PowerPoint while presenting the prefecture to the audience. Not all pictures and/or parts of the PowerPoint need to be pointed to or even mentioned. However, it does make the presentation more comprehendible. Remember that “a picture tells a thousand words.” Rubric for Prefecture/City Presentation

CATEGORY Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Approaches Standard Not Met Standard Comprehension Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to accurately Student is unable to accurately answer accurately answer answer a few questions accurately answer questions almost all questions most questions posed posed by classmates about posed by classmates about the posed by classmates by classmates about the topic. topic. about the topic. the topic. Preparedness Student is completely Student seems pretty The student is somewhat Student does not seem at all prepared and has prepared but might prepared, but it is clear that prepared to present. obviously rehearsed. have needed a couple rehearsal was lacking. more rehearsals. Peer Evaluation Fills out peer Fills out almost all of Fills out most of the peer Fills out most of the peer evaluation completely the peer evaluation evaluation and pretty much evaluation but scoring appears and always gives and always gives gives scores based on the to be biased. scores based on the scores based on the presentation rather than presentation rather presentation rather other factors (e.g., person is than other factors (e.g., than other factors a close friend). person is a close (e.g., person is a close friend). friend). Vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary appropriate Uses several (5 or more) appropriate for the appropriate for the for the audience. Does not words or phrases that are not audience. Extends audience. Includes 1-2 include any vocabulary that understood by the audience. audience vocabulary words that might be might be new to the by defining words that new to most of the audience. might be new to most audience, but does not of the audience. define them. Uses Complete Always (95-100% of Mostly (70-95%) Sometimes (50-69%) speaks Rarely speaks in complete correct sentences time) speaks in speaks in complete in complete sentences. sentences. complete sentences. sentences. Posture and Eye Stands up straight, Stands up straight and Sometimes stands up Slouches and/or does not look Contact looks relaxed and establishes eye contact straight and establishes eye at people during the confident. Establishes with everyone in the contact. presentation. eye contact with room during the everyone in the room presentation. during the presentation. Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to understand understanding of the understanding of the understanding of parts of the the topic very well. topic. topic. topic. Organization/Layou Display board uses all Display board uses all Display board uses all Display board uses some t required criteria and required criteria and required criteria, but required criteria and organization is clear organization is fairly organization could be more organization could be clearer and understandable. clear and understandable. for better understanding. understandable.

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