TE Console - Use of Third-Party Libraries

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TE Console - Use of Third-Party Libraries TE Console - Use of Third-Party Libraries Name Selected License mindterm 4.2.2 (Commercial) APPGATE-Mindterm-License GifEncoder 1998 (Acme.com License) Acme.com Software License ImageEncoder 1996 (Acme.com License) Acme.com Software License commons-discovery 0.2 [Bundled w/te-console] Apache License 1.1 (Apache 1.1) jrcs 20080310 (Apache 1.1) Apache License 1.1 activemQ-broker 5.13.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 activemQ-broker 5.15.9 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 activemQ-camel 5.15.9 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 activemQ-client 5.13.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 activemQ-client 5.14.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 activemQ-client 5.15.9 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 activemQ-jms-pool 5.15.9 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 activemQ-kahadb-store 5.15.9 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 activemQ-openwire-legacy 5.13.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 activemQ-openwire-legacy 5.15.9 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 activemQ-pool 5.15.9 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 activemQ-protobuf 1.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 activemQ-spring 5.15.9 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 activemQ-stomp 5.15.9 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 ant 1.6.3 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 avalon-framework 4.2.0 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 awaitility 1.7.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 axis 1.4 [Bundled w/te-console] (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 axis-jaxrpc 1.4 [Bundled w/te-console] (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 axis-saaj 1.4 [Bundled w/te-console] (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 batik 1.6 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 batik-constants 1.9.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 batik-css 1.8 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 batik-css 1.9.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 batik-i18n 1.9.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 batik-util 1.8 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 batik-util 1.9.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 bonecp 0.8.0.RELEASE (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 camel-core 2.19.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 camel-jms 2.19.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 camel-spring 2.19.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 Tripwire Enterprise Console 1 License Agreements Name Selected License cglib 2.2.1-v20090111 [Bundled w/te-console] Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0) cglib-nodep 2.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-beanutils 1.9.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-beanutils 1.9.4 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-cli 1.2 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-codec 1.4 [Bundled w/te-console] Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0) commons-codec 1.6 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-codec 1.9 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-collections 3.2.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-compress 1.16.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-configuration 1.10.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-configuration 1.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-configuration 1.8 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-dbutils 1.3 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-dbutils 1.6 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-digester 1.8 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-fileupload 1.3.2 [bundled w/ TE-REST- Apache License 2.0 API] (Apache-2.0) commons-fileupload 1.3.3 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-httpclient 3.1 [Bundled w/te-console] Apache License 2.0 (Apache 2.0) commons-io 1.4 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-io 2.0.1 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-io 2.1 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-io 2.2 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-io 2.4 (Apache 2.4) Apache License 2.0 commons-io 2.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-lang 2.4 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-lang 2.6 [bundled w/te-console] (Apache Apache License 2.0 2.0) commons-lang3 3.3.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-logging 1.1.1 [bundled w/te-console] Apache License 2.0 (Apache 2.0) commons-logging 1.1.3 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-logging 1.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-math 2.2 [bundled w/te-console] Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0) commons-net 3.5.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-net 3.6 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-pool 1.4 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 Tripwire Enterprise Console 2 License Agreements Name Selected License commons-pool 1.6 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-pool2 2.4.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 cryptacular 1.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 css3pie 1.0beta5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 el-api 6.0.29 [bundled w/te-console] (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 fasterxml-jackson-databind 2.10.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 fasterxml-jackson-databind 2.10.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 fop 0.94 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 fop-hyph 0.94 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec 1.0.1 Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0) geronimo-jms_1.1_spec 1.1.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 geronimo-jta_1.0.1B_spec 1.0.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 gin 1.5.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 google-gin 1.5.0 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 google-gson 2.3.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 google-guava 14.0.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 google-guava 15.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 google-guava 18.0 [bundled w/te-console] (Apache Apache License 2.0 2.0) google-guava 21.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 google-guava 23.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 google-guava r09 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 google-guava-gwt 15.0 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 groovy-all 2.4.10 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 groovy-all 2.4.17 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 groovy-all 2.4.7 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 gson 2.7 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 guava 11.0.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 guava 28.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 guava-retrying 2.0.0 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 guice 2.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 guice 3.0 [bundled w/te-console] (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 guice 4.0 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 guice-assistedinject 3.0 [bundled w/te-console] Apache License 2.0 (Apache v2.0) guice-assistedinject 4.0 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 guice-multibindings 3.0 [bundled w/te-console] Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0) guice-servlet 3.0 [bundled w/te-console] (Apache- Apache License 2.0 2.0) Tripwire Enterprise Console 3 License Agreements Name Selected License guice-servlet 4.0 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 guice-throwingproviders 3.0 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 guice-throwingproviders 4.0 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 gwt-sdk 2.4.0 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 gwt-sdk 2.6.1 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 gwt-sdk 2.7.0 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 hawtbuf 1.11 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 hibernate-validator 4.0.2.GA (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 httpclient 4.1.2 [bundled w/te-console] (Apache Apache License 2.0 2.0) httpclient 4.3.6 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 httpclient 4.5.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 httpclient 4.5.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 httpclient-cache 4.3.6 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 httpcore 4.1.2 [bundled w/te-console] (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 httpcore 4.4.4 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 httpcore 4.4.9 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 j2objc-annotations 1.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 j2objc-annotations 1.3 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-annotations 2.10.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-annotations 2.10.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-annotations 2.9.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-core 2.10.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-core 2.10.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-core 2.9.8 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-databind 2.10.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-databind 2.10.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-databind 2.9.8 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-dataformat-xml 2.10.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-dataformat-yaml 2.10.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-dataformat-yaml 2.8.11 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-datatype-joda 2.10.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-jaxrs-base 2.10.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-jaxrs-json-provider 2.10.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-module-jaxb-annotations 2.10.1 (Apache- Apache License 2.0 2.0) java-support 7.1.1 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 javassist 3.18.2-GA (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 javax.inject 1 [bundled w/te-console] (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 jboss-logging 3.3.2 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 jcip-annotations 1.0-1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 Tripwire Enterprise Console 4 License Agreements Name Selected License jcommander 1.29 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 jettison 1.1 [bundled w/te-console] (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 jettison 1.2 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 jettison 1.4.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 joda-time 1.6.2 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 joda-time 2.7 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 joda-time 2.9.9 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jrcs 20080310 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 json-sanitizer 1.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jsr305 3.0.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jstl 1.1.2 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 liquibase-core 2.0.3 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 liquibase-slf4j 0.0.1 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 listenablefuture 9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict- Apache License 2.0 with-guava (Apache v2.0) log4j 1.2.16 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 log4j 1.2.17 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 log4jdbc 1.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 log4jdbc 1.2b1 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 mapdb 1.0.8 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 mime4j 0.6 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 nekohtml 1.9.22 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 netty 3.6.3.Final (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 netty-all
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