Participants: 3rd grade team, Amy Diamond, Katie Anderson Date: February 27, 2013 Time: 8: 15-8:45

I. Announcements:

II. 1. Remember February 27 is our next differentiation day (problem solving) Becky shared some problem solving activities to use if you need some. III. 2. Meeting with Mr. Evans:

He knows we are working hard! Here are some things we can do to better analyze data: Start with a pretest on some essential objectives (Analyze data) After teaching, post test (Analyze data) Look for:  What standards/lessons/questions are kids doing well?  Which kids and subgroups are not doing well?  Discuss are we targeting the right standards? We need to focus on language: context clues, multiple meaning, shades of meaning (Some SIOP lessons are in CMapp). Use pictures. Trent mentioned Louise has worked with this (SIOP) well. Niki mentioned that SIP discussed possible SIOP training.

II. Kid Talk….

III Planning/ Curriculum… We reviewed our data from the area and perimeter post-assessment.

Results: Percent passing each objective per class

Standard 3.MD.5 3.MD.6 3.MD.7 3.MD.8 Barger 81% 79% 63% 40% Cooper 38% 81% 50% 31% Knight 75% 95% 75% 70%

Kretschmann 61% 83% 72% 50% McCann 82% 91% 45% 73% Reifler 90% 90% 75% 60%

Critical Questions of a Professional Learning Community: What is it we expect our students to learn? How will we know when they have learned it? How will we support them when they don’t learn it? How will we respond when they already know it? We discuss how to make our results more accurate. We would need to have at least 4 questions per objective. Next assessment we will look at data on the subgroups and individuals who are struggling. We discussed starting with a pre-assessment before beginning a lesson.

We discussed how we are doing with the fraction unit- the use of the number line and what type of fractions do we put on it. We decided all of the following should be on it: unit, improper, mixed number We discussed using fraction strips to help students understand and compare fractions.

What reading strand would we like to do a pre and post assessment on? We decided to concentrate on the informational reading standards When? We will make a pre-assessment Thursday for the third quarter strands.

IV Action Steps…

Also think about how your differentiation day went. Come prepared to share next PLT.  How did the kids do with the activity you gave them?  Any students do very well? Any struggle?  What would you do differently next time?  What worked well?

***Remember S-M-A-R-T focuses on specific, measurable, achievable goals that are result-oriented and have a particular time frame!!!

Critical Questions of a Professional Learning Community: What is it we expect our students to learn? How will we know when they have learned it? How will we support them when they don’t learn it? How will we respond when they already know it?