Unit 3: Identify and Describe Shapes

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Unit 3: Identify and Describe Shapes

Unit 3: Identify and Describe Shapes Grade Level/Course: Kindergarten Teacher: McCants Learning Goals (Question 1) Complex The student will understand or be able to :  Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes  Describe the relative positions of objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.  Describe shapes using attributes such as corners (angles) and sides  Compare and contrast shapes two-dimensional (lying in a plane, “flat”) and three-dimensional (“solid”). Simple The student will understand or be able to :  Identify shapes of objects in their environment  Spatial directions/Positional words including above, below, beside, in front, behind, beside, etc.  Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size.  Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, “flat”) or three-dimensional (“solid”).

Planning for Question 2 Planning for Question 3 Planning for Question 4 Preview Critical Input Chunk Actively Process Assessment (2.0) TSW describe shapes using environmental objects.

Given oral positional directions, TSW manipulate objects.

Given shapes, TSW describe the shapes by attributes.

Compare & Contrast-Assessment (3.0) Using environment objects, TSW compare and contrast shapes two-dimensional (lying in a plane, “flat”) and three- dimensional (“solid”).

Comparing Food Shape Chart Using cut outs, TSW cut out food to compare their shapes before and after it is cutting up.(pizza-circle then triangles)

Classifying Using pattern or attribute blocks, TSW classify shapes by attributes

Constructing Support-Assessment (4.0) Are all 4 sided objects a rectangle?(Support your answer orally or picture)

Brainstorming  What is a shape?

Picture Walk- Big Book- What’s the Shape  Predict Picture Walk- Big Book- Goldilocks and the Three Squares(put on Mimio)  Predict Game  Simon Says (positional words) Songs  Hokey Pokey

Six Step Vocabulary-

Shared Reading- Big Book- What’s the Shape  Discuss Picture Walk- Big Book- Goldilocks and the Three Squares(put on Mimio)  Discuss

Show videos (Safari Montage)  Sesame Street: “In Great Shape” Song-Geometric Forms  Geometry

Observe teacher comparing and contrasting two shapes  Anchor chart  Guided questions  Positional Words (model skill and process)

Predictable Books- Sight Word Books-Creative Teaching Press Look and See Shapes p.27

I Can Make It! I Can Read It!-Mailbox Shapes at My House p.59 Clowning Around with Shapes p.45 Little Bear and the Great Big Chair (Relative Position) p.50

Actively Process- Use manipulatives to compare Geometric Shapes (Small Groups)  Shapes  Shape template  Pattern Blocks

Reflect on learning-  Shape Collage Discussion-shapes-(2D-3D)  Class Mural Discussion-positional words

Mimio Connection-  Matching shapes with Numbers (attributes)  2D &3D Shapes (draw)

Reflection on Learning- Unit 3: Identify and Describe Shapes Grade Level/Course: Kindergarten Teacher: McCants  TSW draw the setting of a story using shapes. (Class Presentation)

 Feeling for Shapes Resources: Everyday Mathematics  Solid Shape Museum p.286  Shape Collages p.88  Shape Comparisons p.208  Marshmallow and Toothpick Shapes p.340  Shapes by Feel p.90  Body and Rope Shape p.206  I Spy Shapes p.294 Everyday Mathematics (Math Center Cards)  Making Attribute Collages  Straw Shapes  Attribute Train  Pattern-Block Creatures  Shapes on Geoboards Resources: Silver Burdett Ginn-  Chapter 1 T.E. pp.32-51  Chapter 4 T.E. pp.207-257  Worksheets Trade book-  Changes, Changes Sight Word Books-Creative Teaching Press Look and See Shapes p.27 I Can Make It! I Can Read It!-Mailbox Clowning Around with Shapes p.45 Shapes at My House p.59 Little Bear and the Great Big Chair p.50 Teacher’s Guide to What’s the Shape  Shape Race p.8 Food Shape Chart p.12 Library Books RVT Shapes, Shapes, Shapes by Tana Hoban Shapes by Ivan Bulloch Shaping up : 2-D Shapes by Suzanne I. Barchers etc….

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