The Last Olympiad (No. 299G)

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The Last Olympiad (No. 299G)

Christian Churches of God No. 299G

The Last Olympiad

(Edition 1.0 23082016-23082016)

This text deals with the facts of the 2016 to 2020 Olympiad to be held in Tokyo and the text explains the significance of the years and the Olympiads and the place in the position of Satan as God of this earth and the future of the Olympics as we know them.

Christian Churches of God PO Box 369, WODEN ACT 2606, AUSTRALIA

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(Copyright © 2016 Wade Cox)

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The Last Olympiad

In the reign of Alexander the Great the The boycott of the Moscow Olympics in 1980 Ancient Pagan Olympiad system was (XXII Olympiad) over the Afghan wars was disbanded due to the corruption and the also significant. Substitute games were destruction of the healthy system of sport. conducted in the US also. This was a Forty Alexander disbanded the Olympics and year period from the next Olympiad. This was forbade professional athletics and allowed a period of Ten Olympiads which is a period only soldiers who were engaged in military of repentance and judgment in Biblical terms. service to compete. The Games remained The previous Forty year block was in 1940 disbanded after his death in 323 BCE until the when the games were not held due to WWII modern era. and not held again in 1944 which is another association with death and judgment. The The significance of the Olympiad was revived period from 1896 to 1936 was again another in 1896 in the Modern era. According to Forty year block ending in the Berlin Wikipedia: During the 19th century, several Olympics. 1980 to 2020 is the final Forty year small-scale sports festivals across Europe period and this Olympiad ends with the were named after the Ancient Olympic Games scheduled in Tokyo. Each of the Forty Games. The 1870 Olympics at the year blocks are breached due to wars. The Panathenaic stadium, which had been Wars in Afghanistan are still continuing and refurbished for the occasion, had an audience Islam will see the major conflicts extend and of 30,000 people.[4] Coubertin adopted the world will be drawn into the wars of Dr William Penny Brookes' idea to establish Daniel 11:40-45. These conflicts will be the a multi-national and multi-sport event—the major conflict of the War of the Sixth ancient games only allowed male athletes of Trumpet. Greek origin to participate.[5][6] In 1890, Coubertin wrote an article in La Revue The games of the (31st) XXXI Olympiad were Athletique, which espoused the importance held this year (2016) in Rio Di Janeiro. The of Much Wenlock—a rural market town in the next Olympics the (32nd) XXXII Olympiad is English county of Shropshire. It was here scheduled to be held in 2020 at Tokyo. They that, in October 1850, the local physician have previously been held there in 1964. The William Penny Brookes had founded games of the (33rd) XXXIII Olympiad are due the Wenlock Olympian Games, a festival of to be held in Hamburg Germany after it sports and recreations that included athletics defeated the bid of Berlin for the Games. The and team sports, such as cricket, football Games of the (11th) XI Olympiad were held in and quoits.[7] Coubertin also took inspiration Berlin in 1936 and the Games were not held from the earlier Greek games organised again until 1948 in London for the (14th) XIV under the name of Olympics by businessman Olympiad. The bidding for the (34th) XXXIV and philanthropist Evangelis Zappas in 1859, Olympiad is expected to commence in the 1870 and 1875.[8] The 1896 Athens Games Sabbath Year of 2019 and announced ca was funded by the legacies of Evangelis 2020. 2028 will be the First year of the 121st Zappas and his cousin Konstantinos Zappas [9] Jubilee and the beginning of the Millennium [10][11] and by George Averoff [12] who had been under rule from Jerusalem and the entire specifically requested by the Greek ancient Pagan system will be eradicated by government, through crown prince Christ. It is our task to warn the nations of the Constantine, to sponsor the second coming of the Messiah and we have been refurbishment of the Panathenaic Stadium. doing that in accordance with the instructions This the Greek government did despite the of Jeremiah 4:15-16 (see the paper Warning fact that the cost of refurbishing the stadium of the Last Days (No. 044)). in marble had already been funded in full by Evangelis Zappas forty years earlier.[13] The games coincide with the election years of the presidential terms of the USA. At first The Last Olympiad Page 3 glance one might think that is merely a the Beast in its war HQ had to be divorced coincidence. However the empirical system of from the Kingship of David hence the War of the Last Days was destined to be transferred Independence. from Europe to the US as the Babylonian system was moved from the empire of the two Then the UN HQ had to be located there in feet of iron and miry clay of Daniel which New York City in order to run the Last was the Fifth Empire of the Beast. This was Empire and take over from the US system. the Babylonian Holy Roman Empire which From there it will go under the King of the lasted from 590 CE to 1850 CE or a prophetic North to the Holy Land occupying from Gaza 1260 years to the Sixth and Last Empire of to Jerusalem. It is designing the system to the Beast that was formed from the British establish a NWO and One World Government Empire which was not formally recognised as there under its Agenda 2030. For that reason Mystery Babylon but it served as the King of the 44th President had to destroy it and prepare the South while it was in charge of Egypt; the ground for its takeover by the UN and the although it was to be the dominant imperial world armies of the NWO. To do that it needs force of the European Sunday Worshipping a civil war and the destruction of its entire Trinitarian system. system. The Globalist bankers are working to destroy it on a daily basis and have been The US was originally settled by the doing so since the formation of the nation and Sabbatarians under the Pilgrim Fathers from through to 1913 with the creation of the Britain via the Netherlands (see the Dutch Federal Reserve System. Connection of the Pilgrim Fathers (No.264)). However, they were followed by the They think they are in control but they are Trinitarians and more importantly the merely pawns of Satan and they will be Wiccans from Europe who established their destroyed over the period we will term the ancient pagan systems there and using also Last Olympiad. The Games of the 33rd the secret societies of Freemasonry. In 1776 Olympiad will not be held as in 2024 the their pagan systems were set up Vials of the Wrath of God will be in full force independently. Using the ancient timings of and will have commenced sometime from the the early Olympiads they developed their four end of the 32nd Olympiad in 2020 and and eight year cycles from the ancient pagan hopefully by Trumpets of that year. systems. They developed their calendar based on the ancient Wiccan calendar and based it The Tokyo Olympics are highly unlikely to all on the days of human sacrifice using the occur as the Sabbath year of 2019 will see the 13 day cycles and the feasts of Imbolg and Witnesses deal with the world prior to the other sacrificial feasts renamed as St. Advent of the Messiah (see the paper The Valentine’s Day, and All Hallows Eve Witnesses (Including the Two Witnesses) (No. (Halloween) etc. and also those of Christmas 135)). We know that the Messiah will arrive and Easter. (See the paper 2012 and the to cut the rule of Satan short and his rule ends Antichrist (No. 299D) and also The Origins of in 2027 at the Jubilee in any case. From the Christmas and Easter (No. 235); Satan’s example of the entry to the Promised Land we Days of Worship (No. CB 23) and Witchcraft deduce it can be some seven years before that and the Occult (No. CB97).) year that Satan is imprisoned (see the paper The Fall of Jericho (No. 142)). They designed their capitol on the lines of the ascent as a god as used among the ancient We know that the Two Witnesses will be here Greeks and Romans where their king they 1264 days before the Messiah and so we can now call a president could achieve his assume that the Tokyo Olympics are unlikely apotheosis as a god after death. This was done as the Trumpets will reduce world travel and by design and mutual interaction between at the end of their time world commerce is Freemasonry and the Jesuit demonism as severely disrupted. The Empire of the Beast explained in 299D above. The Last Empire of will last for one prophetic hour and rule from Page 4 The Last Olympiad

Jerusalem for 42 months over the time of the They're whispering, "You're out of time," Witnesses. The world will be dealt with and But still I rise driven mad by the curses of Deuteronomy 28 (and esp. 28:34). The priests of the pagan This is no mistake, no accident system will be incapacitated as will the When you think the final nail is in leaders of this evil system and much of it will Think again be in captivity to the Beast and the nations it Don't be surprised chooses to rule the administration of the Ten I will still rise Toes. I must stay conscious No nation will be independently surviving for Through the madness and chaos the Olympics under the Beast system. Tokyo So I call on my angels will be under the Kings of the East over those They say last days. Thus they know that their time is short and Satan and the Demons must realise Oh, you have so little faith that this is the Last Olympiad of their rule. Don't doubt it, don't doubt it More importantly the Games of the 31st Victory is in your veins Olympiad in Rio must also be the last of the You know it, you know it national teams to compete in the games. And you will not negotiate Similarly the wars of the Sixth Trumpet will Just fight it, just fight it have killed a third of mankind and the wars And be transformed will desecrate the nations on an ongoing basis. What evidence do we have for the 'Cause when, when the fire's at my feet again awareness of Satan and the demons that this is And the vultures all start circling the end of their rule? They're whispering, "You're out of time," But still I rise In this Olympiad we saw the singing of the following hymn of the 31st Olympiad which This is no mistake, no accident illustrates the defiance of Satan and the When you think the final nail is in awareness of what lies ahead. Think again Don't be surprised "Rise" I will still rise I won't just survive Oh, you will see me thrive Don't doubt it, don't doubt it Can write my story Oh, oh, oh, oh I'm beyond the archetype You know it, you know it Still rise I won't just conform No matter how you shake my core Just fight it, just fight it 'Cause my roots—they run deep, oh Don't be surprised I will still rise Oh, you have so little faith Don't doubt it, don't doubt it Note that he knows he is out of time and he Victory is in my veins calls on his angels who are supporting him. I know it, I know it The final nail will go in and he says he will And I will not negotiate still rise.

I'll fight it, I'll fight it That is a reference to the release from I will transform Tartaros after he is confined at the Advent of the Messiah Part I (No. 210A) and Part II When, when the fire's at my feet again (210B) and the archangel’s call. He is And the vultures all start circling released again by Messiah at the end of the The Last Olympiad Page 5

1000 years of the Millennium as per Of beauty, of greatness and of truth, Revelation chapter 20 for the last war of the Descend, reveal yourself and flash like end and then he is killed and does indeed rise lightning here, (cf. Lk. 10:18) as do all the angels for the Second within the glory of your own earth and sky. Resurrection of the Dead and the Great White Throne Judgment (No. 143B). See also the At running and at wrestling and at throwing, paper Judgment of the Demons (No. 080). Shine in the momentum of noble contests, And crown with the unfading branch Satan thinks that although his time is short he And make the body worthy and ironlike. (2x) and they can still beat it. Sorry old chap you are for the high jump and not at the Olympics. Plains, mountains and seas glow with you The freedom is all over for you and the Like a white-and-purple great temple, demons. And hastens to the temple here - your pilgrim, (2x) In fact the Olympics were set up for the final O Ancient immortal Spirit - every nation. (2x) part of the rule of Satan as his temple as we see from the Olympic hymns. 1896 was 101 years before the six thousand years of the creation that ended in 1997. The final thirty *********** years ends in 2027. The Hymn was used in Athens in 1896 and The Hymn then in the 1960 Winter Olympics in the US. This was of significance. It was then sung in English translation (free) Italian in Rome in the Summer Olympics. Immortal spirit of antiquity, The selection of the locations has Biblical Father of the true, beautiful and good, symbolism. Descend, appear, shed over us thy light Upon this ground and under this sky If the anthem is to be performed in English, then the English sung version is used, which Which has first witnessed thy unperishable has been usually in English-speaking fame. countries. If it is to be performed in a Give life and animation to those noble games! language other than English or Greek, then the original version is translated to the Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to the language it is to be performed but in the 2008 victors Beijing games, Greek was also sung instead In the race and in strife! of Chinese. The only Olympic games in Create in our breasts, hearts of steel! which lyrics of the English version were used in translation were the 2010 Winter Olympics In thy light, plains, mountains and seas in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and Shine in a roseate hue and form a vast temple the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. To which all nations throng to adore thee, Donovan Seidle, associate music director Oh immortal spirit of antiquity. during the games, arranged the anthem, translating some of the stanzas to French in traditions/hymn.htm recognition of the official bilingualism in Canada.[3][4][5] Note that this is not referring to the One True God but rather to Satan and his temple. This hymn refers to the god of this earth as revealing himself in the glory of his own earth *********** and sky. This refers to Satan as we know from English translation (literal) 2Corinthians 4:4.

O Ancient immortal Spirit, pure father Pray that we are able to deal with these Page 6 The Last Olympiad enemies of the peace and these Islamists and ignorance and denial. antinomians who defy the laws of God. Pray  our people are woken from their dreadful

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