Annual General Meeting of Norfolk Local Pharmaceutical Committee 2016

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Annual General Meeting of Norfolk Local Pharmaceutical Committee 2016

Annual General Meeting of Norfolk Local Pharmaceutical Committee 2016 Meeting Held on Thursday 21st September 2017 at The Marlingford Bell, Attending Chris Ball Kay Watkinson Geoff Ray Sunil Sharma Vinesh Nadoo Emma Murray Dee Hebron Guppy Caroline Steel Also Attending Tony Dean (Chief Officer), Charlotte Bowles (Support Officer), Sam Revill (Healthwatch) 1) To Approve the Minutes of the previous AGM. TD no responses for attendance, two independents accepted and returned and one CCA. Would we be better to have an evening meeting and invite contractors. Committee to discuss this and come up with a plan of action for next year. 2) Presentation and Adoption of the Annual Report and Financial Statement April 2016 to March 2017. CB presented the financial statement and accounts to the Committee. Some items require some clarification around receipts from external sources. An addendum paragraph will be added, and for next year we will ensure Larking Gowan separate such items more clearly. GR Formal vote to approve these accounts- unanimous. The Committee agreed that these are accurate and a true account from the LPC. September 2017 Meeting 1. Apologies for Absence Lauren is on leave attending a wedding. Darren Wales, Sharon Gardner, Susie Nevard. 2. To Receive and Approve the Minutes of the Last Meeting One correction to be made around recruitment for the casual independent vacancy. TD the new owner of Total Health Pharmacy has put a request forward for Geoff to represent his pharmacy as an independent contractor. The Committee agreed and accepted this. Approved; Sunil Sharma, Seconded Caroline Steel 3. Matters Arising (not dealt with elsewhere) VN will possibly be leaving the post due to a move in areas. He will be replaced by another CCA member. Formal thanks to Vin for his input and time with the LPC. Smoking CBO Meeting with ECCH to discuss ways in which to support the service. Discussions and agreement that NRT Vouchers to go Electronic via Pharmoutcomes. Also referrals to be made via Pharmoutcomes to remove the need for fax/telephone also this will lead to better audit trails. Champix PGD is with PH and has gone to the SMT to discuss pricing for the service. Will update with more info once available. eRD CBO Progress is still being made in this area. There have been a few issues concerning who should be attending the eRD meetings at practices and the notice period given for staff to be able to attend these meetings. This has now been sorted and a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice has been requested as notice to the top 5 community pharmacies dealing with a practice. There has been more interest from a further 3 practices across Norfolk and dates will be arranged with these. There is support being given across West Norfolk to the practices to start the process and Drayton Medical Practice now have plans to start using eRD for CDS, Contraceptive and Thyroid ASAP then LTC management to start end of October. GYWCCG one practice meeting next week and a meeting with CCG October to discuss roll out plans. Will continue to inform and share information as we get it. Also some enhancements to the EPS tracker to help with system outages more details to follow. 4. Declarations of Interest The committee were reminded that the folder was available if these needed to be updated they could be done over breakout sessions. 5. Independent Contractor Member Vacancy Geoff has now been voted back onto the committee representing Total Health Pharmacy 6. Drug & Alcohol Service Commissioning Update It appears NCC may be intent on insisting that staff involved with Supervised Consumption Services are DBS checked. TD/LS have raised strong concerns. TD updated the Committee on the current ongoing recommissioning process for this contract. Currently under strict confidentiality agreement about the current bidders. Possible we will see a reduction in supervised consumption due to better therapeutic doses and new structure. When putting together pathways for the new service TD has compared prices against other parts of the country. DBS checks for all staff in pharmacy were discussed and have been taken back as a much bigger problem. This could cause a huge decrease in percentage of coverage over Norfolk. Also support will be available 8am-8pm seven days a week at a center in Norfolk. More information will be available when the provider is announced and there will be more negotiations to be had. Support will be needed from the Committee for these meetings send expressions of interest to TD. 7. Quality Payments- Action for November Review Point and LPC Support TD NHS Choices info need to be updated and reviewed. NHS Mail set up info sent out last week. Any issues or problems with this please send in ASAP. What support do you think is needed for the next review date? The Committee agreed that the support document from PSNC about review points would be helpful. HLP – no more dates planned for training, the Committee agreed to wait until the next round of QP criteria is released and then look at what support would be needed. It would be good to have an event every 6 months to cover the staff changes etc. Training rooms have been offered from Boots Castle Mall and Lloyds at Wayland to help with costs. 8. PNA Update Healthwatch Norfolk have been commissioned to lead on the renewal of the PNA. SR Gave feedback on the current working groups and all seem very engaged. Draft PNA should be ready early to mid-November. There will be a 63 day consultation period. Public survey has gone out with good responses so far. TD all pharmacies to complete the survey on Pharmoutcomes to show support for what pharmacy could do. 9. UEA Pharmacy Student Placements SS meeting attended at the UEA talked through new course and aligned with GPhC standards. Lots of emphasis on learning through experience and self-learning. Students to spend time each week in a pharmacy throughout the year to support this. 10. Pre-Reg Tutor Support Project TD- the event will go ahead in Norfolk next week. The notice period was short and may have to be redone another time. The Committee reported that the number of pre-reg students this year are very low across the area. 11. Flu Service Update and Promotional Activity Several members raised issues of alleged unhelpful messages from local practices. Will forward to Tony for action. TD there are discussions going on with LMC and NHSE. If there are any issues with inappropriate messages please send them direct to TD. Also gave some figures that are available on current service activity. Big thanks to Lauren as she has really supported the campaign on social media and through partnerships with e.g. Carers. organisations GR any other PR that we need to be doing. The Committee agreed to drip feeding via social media and reminders in e-news. 12. NUMSAS TD pressures now to start the service in Norfolk as it is a national service. There are eight contractors across Norfolk that have expressed an interest in the service. At the moment the local emergency supply service did extremely well with the summer extension and the savings on the other NHS services was very good. TD has now put in a bid that this should be extended for all year round provision. Plans to roll out NUMSAS are still uncertain. 13. Optometry Supply TD Went over the basics of this service again. First discussions last meeting were not met with great enthusiasm. There needs to be a service for the supply of chloramphenicol as a private service. CB why can there not be a PGD written for this and run through Pharmoutcomes? TD there won’t be a service set up via a PGD for a P product. The Committee decided that it could not guarantee support for a low-value service with low turnover. As such it was viewed that cost of this product is much cheaper for OTC so customers should be advised to buy this product as in line with the self- care agenda. 14. Medicines Optimisation, Commissioned Service for GY/W CCG, Switching Issues We are aware of a CCG commissioned optimisation service in Bath/NE Somerset which is producing good savings and appears to remunerate delivery reasonably. There is interest in this from GY/W and possibly others. That said, this comes at the same time that GY/W announce another branded switch which undermines our national remuneration further. We have discussed this many times before, but we should discuss the Bath service and if there is support for such a scheme here, and also how pressure can be exerted on PSNC to deal with the wider issues. TD presented some information on current service already being used. Asked if this would be useable in Norfolk and thoughts around the table. VN would be happy to support TD with the meetings and backgrounds to get this running, but an NHS National Standard Contract would be required.. The Committee agreed for TD to start to talk about this in principal and feedback to Committee once more information available. 15. Clinical Pharmacists in Community Pharmacy Proposal As discussed at the last meeting the 4 LPCs in the region are developing a proposal for a proof of concept bid to the Integration Fund. Jane Newman (LPN Chair for Essex) has now produced a draft. To discuss. TD gave some background information around this bid. Will circulate the details again round Committee for feedback and thoughts. 16. STP Updates GR gave an update on the current issues and workings of STP. Three main areas of workings is Finance, Workforce and IT also then looking at diabetes prevention program. Suggested that LPC write to STP formally as pharmacy are being overlooked at ways they could support with this. TD a vision, strategy and plan for community pharmacy will be completed next week at a regional meeting of LPCs and then taken to every local board showing what pharmacy can do to help the current climate and the future of community pharmacy. Will circulate the documents once completed for comment. 17. Strategic Meetings with NHSE. A Vision, Strategy and Plan for Community Pharmacy As reported at the last meeting, TD has arranged regular meetings of the LPC Cos with Andrea Patman, Head of Primary Care Commissioning for NHSE (E) Region. The most recent was on 31st August. TD will update on this, and discuss the production of a Regional Strategy for the Development and Integration of Community Pharmacy Services. The LPCs will be developing this further at the AT meeting on 28th September. To discuss this, and a “Menu of Options” for early activity. TD gave feedback on recent meetings with Andrea and upcoming plans for future workings 18. PSNC If not already covered we will discuss recent interactions with PSNC. No further updates around the JR. 19. CCA Questions 20. A.O.B We have been invited to bid for a bursary from CRUK’s Early Detection of Cancer fund for training in Norwich and possibly King’s Lynn. TD will submit. If successful, dates to be arranged and will be communicated . No reported issues with Amoxil at present but issues with Alzain due to supplier issues. Next Meeting Dates 23rd November 2017 25th January 2018

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