Independent Study: Nuclear Chemistry

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Independent Study: Nuclear Chemistry

Independent Study: CH 19-Nuclear Chemistry

An important study skill is to be able to gather information and study on your own. This assignment is an independent study. The majority of information will be student directed. Please use citations!!

Using the available power point on the website and the recommended Internet sources or your own, gather the necessary information to accomplish your task.

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Objectives: Read carefully each of the following objectives. The objectives below should be typed. Title and number each objective. Whenever appropriate use symbols, graphs, equations, formulas, diagrams (citations if necessary).

1. Define radioactive element, radioactive isotopes and know the following isotopes of hydrogen: protium, deuterium, and tritium. Recognize the isotopes in heavy water. (Radioisotopes)

2. Define: radioactive decay, transmutation, neutron bombardment, fission, and fusion. Identify the transuranium elements in the periodic table. Write examples of nuclear reactions for radioactive decay and transmutation reactions.

3. Nuclear Decay: Identify the properties of alpha particle, beta particle and gamma rays. Give the symbol, nature of the radiation, penetrating power, and ionizing power. Identify the decay products for each of the types of radiations. Predict the products formed when a Uranium nucleus undergoes alpha and beta decay.

4. Nuclear Stability: Use the graph of the ratio of neutrons/protons and explain the belt of stability.

5. Radioactive Decay: Define half-life and give a mathematical example.

6. Define mass defect and nuclear binding energy.

7. Define nuclear fission. Write an equation for the fission of 235U and describe a chain reaction.

8. Nuclear Reactor: Describe and diagram a nuclear reactor. Describe the purpose of the moderator, control rods, efficiency of chain reactions, and critical mass. Describe three issues associated with nuclear reactors.

9. Nuclear Fission: Describe and write equations for the proton-proton reactions taking place in the sun. NUCLEAR PACKET Subatomic Particles (Review)

1. Element carbon is atomic number 6. How many protons and electrons are in a carbon atom?

2. The atomic number of an element is 11. What is the element?

3. What is the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in the nucleus of sodium-23 atom?

4. How many protons, electrons, and neutrons are in the following atoms?

Atomic Number Mass Number # Protons # Neutrons # Electrons

a. Beryllium (Be) 4 9 ______

b. Neon 10 20 ______

c. Sodium 11 23 ______

5. Complete this table.

Name of Symbol Atomic Mass Number Number of Number of Number of Element Number Protons neutrons electrons 7 7 9 10 39 19 59 27 Al 27

6. Two of the isotopes of carbon are carbon-12 and carbon-14. Give the nuclear symbol for each.

7. Determine the number neutrons in the following atoms?

16 32 61 45 125 a. 8 O______b. 16 S ______c. 47 Ag ______d. 35 Br ______e. 82 Pb______

8. Using the Periodic Table, determine the number of neutrons in these atoms.

a. 12C ______b. 15N c. 226Ra ______

9. What are the charges and relative masses of the three subatomic particles that are found in the atom?

10. Describe the composition of the nucleus of the atom.

11. What does the atomic number of each atom represent?

12. Name three ways that isotopes of an element differ. Half Life

Solve the following problems. Show all work.

1. Phosphorus-32, 15P, a radioactive isotope of phosphorus, has a half-life of 14.3 years. How many grams of phosphorus will remain after 57.2 years if you have 4.0 g of the isotope at the beginning? 1 2. How many years will be needed for the decay of of a given amount of Ra- 16 226 with a half-life of 1620 years.

3. The half-life of polonium-210 is 138.4 days. What fraction will remain after 415.2 days?

4. The half-life of thorium-227 is 18.72 days. How many days are required for three-fourths of a given amount to decay?

5. The half-life of protactinium-234 is 6.75 hours. How much of a given amount remains after 27.0 hours?

6. The half-life of radon-222 is 3.823 days. What was the original mass of radon-222 if 0.500 g remains after 7.646 days?

7. Determine the age of each of the following specimens: a. Scientists have discovered that only 2.5 grams of carbon-14 remain in a sample that originally contained 10 grams. Half-life of C-14 is 5700 years.

b. From 10.0 grams of radium-226, 5.0 grams remain. The rest of the radium has changed to lead. Half-life of radium is 1620 years. Nuclear Equations:

238 4 1. 92 U 2 He  ______

234 0 2. 90Th1 e  ______

234 0 3. 91Pa1 e  ______

234 4 4. 92 U 2 He  ______

230 5. 90Th    ______

226 222 6. 88Ra  _____ 86 Rn

4 218 7. _____2 He 84 Po

218 8. 84 Po    ______


1. Invisible rays, emitted from uranium crystals that affect a photographic plate were discovered by a. Curie b. Becquerel c. Lawrence d. Einstein

2. Elements that have the same atomic numbers but different atomic masses are called a. ions b. nonmetals c. metalloids d. isotopes

3. A radioactive isotope of carbon is a. C-4 b. C-12 c. C-14 d. C-6

4. When a radioactive element emits radiation and changes to a different element, it is said to undergo a. a physical change b. a chemical change c. a radioactive decay d. atomic fusion

5. An alpha particle is a a. a helium nucleus b. a hydrogen nucleus c. helium atom d. a hydrogen atom

6. High speed electrons emitted from the nuclei of atoms are called a. beta particles b. gamma rays c. alpha particles d. ions

7. A sheet of aluminum can stop a. gamma rays b. alpha particles and beta particles b. gamma rays and alpha particles d. beta particles and gamma rays

8. Gamma rays are most similar to a. Radio waves b. visible light waves c. sound waves d. X rays 9. When an uranium atom is subjected to neutron bombardment, the atom is a. destroyed b. disintegrated c. ionized d. split

10. When a uranium-238 atom decays, it emits an alpha particle. The atomic mass of the new atom formed is a. decreased by 2 b. decreased by 4 c. increased by 4 d. increased by 2

11. The final stable element formed from the radioactive decay of uranium is a. thorium b. lead c. plutonium d. silver

12. When an atom of nitrogen emits an alpha particle a. the atom disintegrates b. atomic fission takes place c. carbon is formed d. oxygen is formed

13. If an original sample of carbon-14 weighs 10.0 grams and the half-life of carbon-14 is 5700 years, then at the end of 5700 years the amount of carbon-14 remaining will be a. 2.5 g b. 5.0 g c. 10.0 g d. 8.0 g

14. When an atom of uranium undergoes fission, the noble gas produced is a. argon b. neon c. krypton d. xenon

15. In a nuclear reactor, neutrons are slowed down by the a. moderator b. control rods c. fuel element d. shielding

16. In nuclear fusion, when 4 atoms of hydrogen fuse a. one atom of nitrogen is formed b. a chemical change takes place c. one atom of helium is formed d. a physical change takes place

17. Radioisotopes that are used to track chemical pathway are called a. ions b. tracers c. atomic cocktails d. radiators

18. Changes in heredity that may be produced by radiation are called a. transformations b. mutations c. chemical changes d. physical changes

TRUE/FALSE 19. An element that emits rays is said to be contaminated. 20. Unstable isotopes of elements are called radioisotopes. 21. The symbol represents tritium. 22. Gamma rays can be stopped by an aluminum sheet. 23. The change of an atom into a new element is called a chemical change. 24. The first artificial transmutation was performed by Albert Einstein. 25. The rate at which a radioactive element decays is known as the half-life. 26. Devices used in smashing atoms are called atom smashers. 27. The splitting of an atom into two fragments of approximately the same size is called nuclear fusion. 28. The self-continuation of nuclear fission is called a chain reaction. 29. A device used to control a nuclear chain reaction is a bubble chamber. 30. The sun produces its energy by thermonuclear reactions. Nuclear Disasters: 1) Write at least a paragraph about the health ramifications of the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 AND the Japan Tsunami of 2011. Include statistics of the numbers of people effected and types of illnesses.

2) Write about the following: a. What are nuclear weapons b. Who has nuclear weapons c. Before you know it you will be 18 and able to vote. The people elected into office make important decisions for you. Write your opinion, based on facts, about nuclear testing be sure to reference health and environmental issues. Go to the following website about North Korea and recent nuclear testing and think about the ramifications of what NK is doing and how it effects the world : fireball-the-width-of-4-manhattan-blocks-2015-2 Personal Radiation Exposure Go to: Read over the basic information on radiation 1. List at least 4 sources of radiation exposure

2. List at least 4 places within your community that uses radioactive material.

3. Which sources are the most concern to people and how can they avoid exposure?

Go to the side bar and click on : Enter Radtown Click on various buildings and places and read over the information

4. Go to the homes and buildings and list what is dangerous radioactive material you are exposed to there and how to avoid/minimize your exposure.

5. Go to high school (that’s right, you are already here, uh, oh) and see what the debate is about. Are you worried?

6. Go to the antique store (AKA flea market) and list items you may not want to buy.

7. Try to catch the plane, should you just be worried about crashing, explain?

8. Visit the hospital, where might you be exposed to radiation?

9. Search the site to find the definition of a mrem. Go to the attachment on personal radiation dose and calculate your yearly exposure.

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