Friday Facts in Five Select an event from the list and prepare a five-ten minute presentation. Use text, videos, images, or audio when appropriate to enhance your presentation. Include information from three sources and include a bibliography. Finally, post your presentation on the AP Wiki under the Friday Facts in Five tab. You may select an event not included on the list with instructor approval.

--Harper’s Ferry, 1959 --Kent State, 1970

Air & Space

For thousands of years, man looked up to the sky and dreamed of flying like birds and walking on the moon. In the 20th century, man reached both of these long-sought-after dreams.

 The First Airplane Crash  First Man on the Moon  First Animal in Space  Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster  First Man in Space

Crimes & Scandals

The 20th century was filled with stories of gangsters, bombings, massacres, and genocide. Find out more about these sordid escapades.

 Columbine Massacre  Mona Lisa Stolen!  Fatty Arbuckle Scandal  Munich Olympics Massacre  Jonestown Massacre  Murder of Rasputin  Leopold and Loeb Kill for a Thrill  Oklahoma City Bombing  Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated  St. Valentine's Day Massacre

Disasters & Tragedy

Natural or man-made, disasters are destructive. They can wreak havoc and cause fear. Find out what horrible disasters occurred within the 20th century.

 1906 San Francisco Earthquake & Fire  Huge Poison Gas Leak in Bhopal  Chernobyl  Mt. St. Helens Erupts  Galveston Hurricane 1900  Great Smog of 1952  Mysterious Explosion in Siberia  Great Depression  Sinking of the Titanic  Hindenburg Explodes  Stock Market Crash of 1929  Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster  Tangshan Earthquake  Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

Medical Advances & Issues

From the discovery of penicillin to the AIDS epidemic, learn more about the medical advances and deadly diseases that occurred throughout the 20th century.

 Alexander Fleming Discovers Penicillin  Typhoid Mary  History of the American Red Cross  World's First Test-Tube Baby  Mengele's Medical Experiments on Twins at Auschwitz

World War I

The First World War, originally called the Great War, raged from 1914 to 1918. Mostly fought in western Europe in muddy, bloody trenches, WWI saw the introduction of the machine gun and poison gas into battle.

 World War I: A History  "Over There" - Famous Song of WWI  Timeline of WWI  Sinking of the Lusitania  Pictures of World War I  Versailles Treaty  Christmas Truce of 1914  Zimmermann Telegram

World War II

A truly world war which lasted from 1939 to 1945. The countries of the world aligned with either the Axis powers or the Allies and battled in a total war.

 Timeline of WWII  Japanese Soldier in Jungle for 29 Years  Major Battles of WWII  Navajo Code Talkers  WWII Starts  Posters of WWII  Attack on Pearl Harbor  WWII Memorial  Hiroshima and Nagasaki  Pictures of D-Day

Supreme Court Decisions

Schenck v United States (1919) Roe v Wade (1973) Tinker v Des Moines (1969) Miranda v Arizona (1966) Plessey v Ferguson (1896)  Gideon v. Wainright Brown v Board of Ed. Topeka Kansas (1954)  McCulloch v. Maryland  Wisconsin v. Yoder  Boy Scouts of America v. Dale  Marbury v. Madison  South Dakota v. Dole