Flower Essences: Commonly Asked Questions

What are flower essences?

Flower essences are an unscented water-based solution that contains the healing chi (life force imprint) of a flower. They can instantly calm, support and stabilize you, your children, and your pets during crisis or work more gradually as a truly holistic means for achieving long-term emotional and mental balance. Flower essences can also catalyze transformation or needed change.

When do I need flower essences?

Use when feeling stressed, during change or crisis times, when feeling blocked, to ease emotional process, when injured, making big decisions, wanting to change behaviors, feeling overly sensitive, when over-thinking, experiencing physical issues or disease, feeling depressed or negative, or are expanding spiritually. Flower essences support a healthier perspective and your natural healing process.

What You May Experience

You may not experience any tangible shifts when you begin taking flower essences as change may be gentle and gradual. Some may experience immediate energy shifts or a sense of grounding. You may notice your awareness opening and your ability to change behaviors, patterns, and limited thinking much easier. You may open to deeper healing or release feelings of stress, anxiety or physical problems. Some look back after taking them and notice, "I feel stronger, more trusting, more balanced." The flower essences can be subtle or a strong catalyst. Keep using them (3-6 weeks). Allow yourself to open and trust in the process of change and growth and the gifts these wildflowers offer. You will notice more and more positive changes as you use flower essences.

How do I take them?

• Take 3-6 drops directly under the tongue.

• Add drops to water or a daily water bottle. Drink throughout the day.

• Add drops to a bath or directly on the skin.

• Add drops to an atomizer filled with distilled water. Mist around your body.

• For animals, add to water bowl, food or apply to fur, scales, feathers. How often?

Take 2-3 times a day for 3-6 weeks or as needed during crisis. You can never overdose. Take more often if you need grounding or calming during the day. Try One-Minute De- Stressing: take 3 drops, sit quietly, and focus on receiving healing flower energies. Breathe deeply.

Are they safe?

Flower essence are very safe for babies, children, pregnant women, elders, and animals. They will not interfere with meds or birth control pills. Actually they improve the results of other healing modalities. The shelf life is over 11 years if stored away from strong energies like computers and excess heat. Flower essences are often preserved in brandy, to limit alcohol add 3-6 drops to bath, atomizer, or in quart of water.

How do flower essences work?

Flower essences are a form of vibrational or “energy” medicine. Each flower holds a specific healing energy pattern that balances discordant energy patterns.

•Flower essences release stress. They work by strengthening, repairing, and realigning your electrical energy system or nervous system.

•Flower essences help you cultivate healthy beliefs & attitudes. They open your awareness and understanding of how your thoughts and beliefs can create stress. Focusing your thoughts in a more positive way is a powerful path to wellness.

•Flower essences help create emotional balance within by helping you resolve and release the past. By freeing fears and wounds, healthy balance is restored.

•Flower essences are “Soul Therapy.” They are both grounding and spiritually opening and nurture your soul’s growth.

How do I choose the right flower essence to take?

You can choose by reading the descriptions, by meditating, using your intuition, dowsing, or trusting a feeling you have. That is your intuition.

Stock Bottles & Making Formulas

All bottles are stock strength (concentrate) and preserved with brandy and will last ten years or more. To make a formula, add 3 drops of one or more single flower essences to a bottle with 50% brandy, glyercine, or vinegar and 50% distilled or srping water. Formula bottles (dosage bottles) can be used or given to friends, clients, or patients. Columbia River Gorge Flower Essences:

How to Thrive During Extreme Change

The wildflowers of The Columbia River Gorge are imbued with the knowledge of how to thrive with the dynamics of extreme change. The Gorge was formed from extreme volcanic activity and cataclysmic flooding. These wildflowers hold an untamed, wildness — a specific frequency to ‘remind’ our cells of wellness.

How I Create My Flower Essences

These flower essences (formulas also called Wildflower Solutions) are created in a sacred way by opening spiritually to the wildflowers in The Columbia River Gorge with intention to create medicine. Great love flows through Camilla as she communes with the plants and Mother Earth in this co-creation. The powerful Columbia River Gorge energizes and activates the full potential of these flowers as healing agents. No harvesting is necessary to make essences— they are sustainable ‘green’ medicine. Growing wild and free, these wildflowers help you find balance, peace, and recognition of your unique gifts.

Why I Make “Medicine” from Gorge Wildflowers

The Columbia River Gorge contains a rich tapestry of healing medicine. I felt the native indigenous wildflowers calling me to make medicine in sacred sites of the Columbia River Gorge and by Mt. Hood (W’Yeast), Mt. Adams (P’toe), and Mt. Saint Helens. I can sense the deep sacredness of this land. I can hear the whispering of the flowers. I felt like I was tapping into a long lost part of myself—one that walks in deep reverence of the Earth. These wildflowers offer their gifts to assist people in finding greater balance and compassion—emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Flower essences are created vibrationally so no harvesting is necessary.

Cataclysmic Floods & Volcanos Created The Gorge

Geologically, The Columbia River Gorge was created from extreme volcanic activity combined with cataclysmic flooding due to huge melting and breaking ice dams. The land is relatively young and changeable. The wildflowers and plants that grow here are imbued with the knowledge of how to thrive with the dynamics of extreme change! These flower essences are powerful tools for us to use during this rapidly shifting time on earth.

Sacred Sites, Waterfalls, Rain Forests, & Mountain Peaks

The Columbia River Gorge runs east/west about 100 miles along the mighty Columbia River which separates Washington and Oregon. Volcanic snow-capped mountains, including Mt. Hood, inspire awe through the seasons. World famous winds funnel and dance through the Gorge. There are many powerful places: natural stone arches, unique rock formations, hundreds of waterfalls, alpine meadows. Wildflowers grow everywhere. Elevation ranges from sea level to over 12,000 ft. Climate ranges from rain forests in the west to arid desert grasslands in the east, creating incredible plant diversity. The Columbia River Gorge deepens our relationship with Nature’s beauty and incredible potential.