College Prep British Literature 12
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College Prep British Literature 12 2015-2016 Ms.Linkchorst [email protected] 215-750-2800 x2140
Welcome to College Prep British Literature! Senior year is a very exciting and challenging time; my job is to help you get through it as well as prepare you for your future. Reading and writing skills are integral parts of your future success, no matter your path. Thus, in this class we will read and/or write every day. We will read a variety of novels, plays, short stories, and poems from British writers, as we work to enhance our reading, writing, speaking, listening, and critical thinking skills. Grammar, vocabulary, and SAT preparation are other important components of the course. The most important component is YOU. Follow the rules and complete the work and you can be successful.
. blue or black pen . pocket folder or 1 ½ binder (to keep all class materials) . lined white paper (not from a spiral notebook) . Notebook
Completing your work:
. All assignments are due the date I assign for them.
. You have a variety of opportunities to earn a good grade. There are tests, reading quizzes, essays, journals, short writing paragraphs, homework, class work, and presentations. Your grade is based on the District’s Secondary grading policy. You may also utilize second chance learning.
. *Major Assessments/Major Projects: 30% . *Minor Assessments/Minor Projects: 30% . *Classwork: 20% . *Common Marking Period Assessments: 10% . *Homework: 10%
Missed work:
This includes work that is not handed in on the deadline or absent work that is not handed by the next class period following an absence. Late work will only be accepted up to one week after the assignment’s due date. You will be docked to points for being late. ( Yes, a whole letter grade) . Work missed due to legal absences can be made up.
Classroom behavior:
. Please show respect for yourself, your classmates, and me! . Be courteous of others’ belongings and space. . As per district policy, please refrain from eating and drinking in class. . Keep your phones, iPods, and other electronic devices turned off and away. This is your only warning. . Class is over when the bell rings. There is no standing in the corner for the last 10 minutes. . All school district rules apply in this classroom.
You should:
. Be present, prompt, and ready to learn! . Come to class with a positive attitude! . Enjoy our time together by being an active participant in your own education and by being respectful of others who are trying to learn! . Return the attached letter by Wednesday, September 9th Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
If you would like to contact me, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at (215)750-2800 x2140. I look forward to a wonderful year with your child. Please read your child’s expectation sheet for this class. Likewise, please fill out the contact information at the bottom of this sheet. Lastly, please sign to acknowledge having read both the syllabus and the information on this sheet.
Please read the following. Please fill out the contact information at the bottom of this sheet. Lastly, please sign to acknowledge having read both the expectation sheet and the information on this sheet. In addition, your child needs to sign below.
Academic Integrity: Plagiarism will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, taking from a source without giving proper credit, using someone else’s words as your own, copying from another student, allowing other’s to copy your work, and using a cell phone during a testing situation. Plagiarism will result in consequences. Please familiarize yourself with the school’s policy on academic integrity.
Independent Reading: Students will be asked to read and report on a book of their own choosing. Please make sure the material of the book is appropriate for school related assignments. Parents should be aware of what is being read and monitor it for appropriateness.
Parent/Guardian Name:______
Parent/Guardian Signature:______
Parent/Guardian Email:______
Parent/Guardian Phone: Home:______Cell:______Work:______
Student’s Name:______
Student Signature:______
Student Email:______Date:______