Competences to Be Achieved by End of Year ST1
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Competences to be achieved by end of year ST1
1. Clinical skills and curriculum completion First on call Evidence of progress with signing off basic competences
2. OSATs showing evidence of training progress in practical skills FBS MRP LSCS Assisted vaginal delivery ERPC
3. OSATs confirming competence. Perineal repair Opening and closing abdomen
4. WBA Mini-CEX 6 CBD 6 Reflective practice 4
5. Obligatory Courses Basic practical skills Mandatory Trust training Attendance at regional teaching, > 50%
6. Optional courses Perineal Repair Part 1 MRCOG
7. Team Observation forms A minimum of 10 completed forms returned Summary should not raise significant concerns to ARCP panel (3 or more separate people raising concerns in any domain)
8. Audit/Risk management One completed and presented audit Evidence of regular attendance at local risk management meetings (PNMR, governance)
9. Teaching experience Evidence of formal teaching for medical students/foundation trainees/GP VTS
10. Presentations, publications Evidence of departmental presentation Competences to be achieved by the end of Year ST2
1. Clinical Skills and curriculum completion First on call with evidence that competences have progressed to be second on call by the end of the year Completion of basic logbook competences
2. Examination Part 1 MRCOG
3. OSATs showing evidence of training progress in practical skills Laparoacopy Basic ultrasound scan modules on O & G
4. OSATS confirming competence. Caesarean Section (uncomplicated) Assisted vaginal delivery FBS ERPC MRP OSATS confirming on going competence Perineal repair
5. WBA As per ST1
6. Obligatory Courses ALSO/PROMPT Basic Ultrasound Mandatory Trust training Attendance at regional teaching, > 50% Third-degree tear course Specific courses required to complete basic logbook
7. Optional courses Theory eDFRSH
8. Team Observation forms As per ST1
8. Audit/Risk management As per ST1
9. Teaching experience As per ST1
10 Leadership and management experience Evidence of departmental responsibility
11. Presentations, publications As per annual review discussion Competences to be achieved by the end of Year ST3
1. Clinical Skills and curriculum completion Second on call with evidence of progress with signing off intermediate competences
2. OSATS showing evidence of training progress in practical skills Laparoscopy Operative laparoscopy Hysteroscopy
3. OSATS confirming on going competence Perineal repair Caesarean Section (uncomplicated) Assisted vaginal delivery FBS ERPC MRP
4. WBA As per ST1
5. Obligatory Courses Mandatory Trust training Attendance at regional teaching, > 50%
6. Optional courses Laparoscopy
8. Team Observation forms As per ST1
8. Audit/Risk management As per ST1
9. Teaching experience As per ST1
10 Leadership and management experience Evidence of departmental responsibility, for instance labour ward forum, risk management or developing guidelines
11. Presentations, publications As per annual review discussion and evidence of presentation outside own local department by ST3 Competences to be achieved by the end of Year ST4
1. Clinical Skills and curriculum completion Further progress with signing off intermediate competences
2. OSATS showing evidence of training progress in practical skills Operative laparoscopy (e.g. laparoscopic sterilisation)
3. OSATS confirming competence achieved Hysteroscopy Opening and closing abdomen (gynaecology) Laparoscopy
4. OSATS confirming on going competence Perineal repair Caesarean section (uncomplicated) Assisted vaginal delivery FBS ERPC MRP
5. WBA As per ST1
6. Obligatory Courses Mandatory Trust training Attendance at regional teaching, > 50%
7. Optional courses MRCOG written MRCOG OSCE
8. Team Observation forms As per ST1
8. Audit/Risk management As per ST1
9. Teaching experience As per ST1: formal feedback expected
10 Leadership and management experience As per ST3.
11. Presentations, publications Ensure CV is competitive for ATSM/subspecialist training interviews Competences to be achieved by the end of Year ST5
1. Clinical Skills and curriculum completion Completion of intermediate competences Completion of basic ultrasound modules +/- additional competence development as determined by programme director
2. Examination Part 2 MRCOG
3. OSATS showing evidence of training progress in practical skills Operative laparoscopy, e.g. ectopic pregnancy
3. OSATS confirming competence achieved Basic obstetric and gynaecology
4. OSATS confirming on going competence Perineal repair Caesarean section (uncomplicated) Assisted vaginal delivery FBS ERPC MRP
5. WBA As per ST1
6. Obligatory Courses Mandatory Trust training Attendance at regional teaching, > 50%
7. Optional courses MRCOG written MRCOG OSCE
8. Team Observation forms As per ST1
8. Audit/Risk management As per ST1
9. Teaching experience As per ST1: formal feedback expected
10 Leadership and management experience As per ST3.
11. Presentations, publications Ensure CV is competitive for ATSM/subspecialist training interviews Competences to be achieved by the end of Year ST6
1. Clinical Skills and curriculum completion Progress with signing off advanced competences Adequate progression of subspecialist training or special skills for ATSM( progress in both is expected such that at least 2 ATSMs will be completed by the end of ST7)
2. OSATS showing evidence of training progress in practical skills ATSM/subspeciality training specific Operative laparoscopy, e.g. ectopic pregnancy
3. OSATS confirming on going competence Caesarean section Operative vaginal delivery Laparoscopy Subspecialist trainees to confirm competence in areas specific to subspecialist training
4. WBA As per ST1
5. Obligatory Courses ATSM course Leadership & management course ( year 6 or7) Attendance at regional teaching, > 50% Mandatory trust teaching
6. Optional courses MOET
7. Team Observation forms As per ST1
8. Audit/Risk management As per ST5
9. Teaching experience Meets the standards expected for clinical supervision training as determined by the deanery
10 Leadership and management experience As per ST3 and working with consultants to organise, e.g operating lists and patients letters.
11. Presentations, publications Ensure CV is competitive for ATSM/subspecialist training interviews. As per annual review discussion. Competences to be achieved by the end of Year ST7
1. Clinical Skills and curriculum completion Completion of advanced competences Completion of at least 2 ATSMs or subspecialist training
2. OSATS showing evidence of training progress in practical skills ATSM/subspeciality training specific Operative laparoscopy, e.g. ectopic pregnancy
3. OSATS confirming achieved competence Complex Caesarean section Rotational operative vaginal delivery/trial in theatre Operative laparoscopy, ectopic pregnancy surgery ATSM/subspecialist training specific
4. OSATS confirming continuing competence LSCS Laparoscopy Operative vaginal delivery ATSM/subspecialist specific training
5. WBA As per ST1
6. Obligatory Courses ATSM course Leadership & management course (year 6 or7) Attendance at regional teaching, > 50% Mandatory Trust teaching
7. Optional courses MOET
8. Team Observation forms As per ST1
8. Audit/Risk management As per ST5
9. Teaching experience As per ST4: formal feedback expected
10 Leadership and management experience As per ST3 and working with consultants to organise e.g ‘office work’ including organising lists and dealing with patient letters.
11. Presentations, publications Ensure CV is competitive for consultant interviews. As per annual review discussion.