Developing a Data Model of Product Manufacturing Flow for an IC Packaging WIP System

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Developing a Data Model of Product Manufacturing Flow for an IC Packaging WIP System

Designing a Flexible Production Flow Using IDEF1x --- an IC Packaging WIP System

Long-Chin Linab, Chih-Hung Tsaic, Kai-Ying Chenb, Rong-Kwei Lia

aDepartment of Industrial Engineering and Management National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC. . bMechanic Industry Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC.

cDepartment of Industrial Engineering and Management Ta Hwa Institute of Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC. general process setup, enhanced bill of manufacture (EBOMfr) setup, and work- order process setup. In addition to allowing the user to flexibly define the required shop floor information and decision rules, the data model provides the flexibility to allow Abstract one to adopt changes. Since the data model is static, to handle manufacturing data The IC packaging industry relies heavily timely this work also suggests a WIP (work- on shop floor information, necessitating the in-process) execution module to monitor and development of a data model to flexibly control production flow. Finally, an define shop floor information in the illustrative example, the MIRL WIP System production flow. For this purpose, this work designs a novel data model by using IDEF1x. The proposed data model consists of four modules: operation template setup, wafer grinding, wafer sawing, die bonding, epoxy cure, wire bonding, post-bonding integrated the data model with a WIP inspection (PBI), molding, marking, execution module (developed by Mechanical dejunking/trimming, solder plating, Industrial Research Laboratories of forming/singulation, open/short testing, lead Industrial Technology Research Institute), scan, final inspection, packaging, outgoing demonstrates the effectiveness of the QC et al.. Typically recorded on a run card, proposed data model. the manufacturing information of the production flow for each lot is manually Keywords --- Bill of manufacture, IDEF1x, noted by floor personnel, and later Manufacturing execution system, Shop floor summarized by an assigned department. This information system, WIP system card is filled out as the production batch arrives on the floor, recorded by the floor people based on the production facts at every operation, and finished when the production Introduction batch reaches completion.

Integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing Although easy to process, the run card can generally be divided into five major creates several problems: (1) The exceptions parts: design, fabrication, chip probe testing, on the floor cannot be effectively handled packaging and final testing. IC packaging since such information is difficult to obtain transforms wafers into chips. Since the timely; (2) The best resolution time is missed product cycle time is short and the arrival of due to the slow rate of accumulating time the product can not be planned, IC packaging critical information; and (3) The data is industry managers heavily rely on shop floor invalid due to human error. information to timely handle dynamic shop floor environments and respond to customer To overcome the above problems and requests. Therefore, improving the ensure good customer service, an IC competitiveness of a company mostly packaging WIP system is required. The WIP depends on flexibly incorporating shop floor system should allow the user to perform the information into the production flow and following tasks: (1) Flexibly define shop handling manufacturing data quickly floor information in the production flow according to the production flow. before production; (2) Timely handle the lot activities of customer orders according to A standard IC packaging production predefined production flow during flow consists of the following operations: production; and (3) Easily modify production flow information to allow fulfilling of information system uses BOM and routes in changing product requirements and floor the planning level, and is combined with a situations. shop floor reporting system to monitor production flow. Thus, its application is Generally, a WIP system is the core of limited by the lack of a flexible production the shop floor information system. flow data scheme capable of assisting the Meanwhile, the shop floor information user to define what shop floor information to system bridges the planning and control collect and how to handle exceptions timely. levels. This system takes orders from the Shop floor information systems such as planning level, then coordinates, controls, Promis (Promis, 1990), WorkStream monitors equipment in the control level. (Consilium, 1991), Poseidon (IBM, 1994) et Melnyk (Melnyk, 1985,1987) defined a shop al. provide a flexible production flow data floor information system narrowly as scheme to support the user. However, the including the following five functions: order data scheme of such commercial systems is review and release, detailed assignment, data proprietary. Therefore, modifying the data collection and monitoring, feedback and scheme in these commercial systems for corrective action, and order disposition. future requirements is difficult. However, not Besides these functions, Vollman, Berry & many small, medium firms can afford such Whybark (Vollman, 1992), and Sartori systems, since they are highly complex, (Sartori, 1988) also cited scheduling, customized, and costly. dispatching, and monitoring. The system can also be broadly defined as a manufacturing Hastings and Yeh (Hastings, 1992) execution system (MES). Many described a data structure called the bill of investigations (Deuel, 1994; Hakanson, manufacture (BOMfr), capable of integrating 1996; Leibert, 1997) have stressed the role of routing and BOM. BOMfr has the following MES in bridging Manufacturing Resource features: (1) A product may have one or Planning (MRPII) and the shop floor more operations; and (2) Materials required supervisory system. In addition to integrating by an operation should be presented in the individuals, materials, machines, time, and corresponding BOM as the next lower level cost via a relational database, this system of component items, and resources such as also provides operation tracking, feeds labor, machines and cost information can information back to the planning system, and also be added. An advantage of BOMfr is its produces managerial reports for decision ability to incorporate a data structure with support. integrated manufacturing information into an operation at the planning level. However, it Narrowly defined, shop floor also lacks the necessary shop floor information and decision rules to facilitate production flow to be designed in a shop floor activities, such as how to define configurable manner. the data items to be collected and rules for handling exceptions. Therefore, its shop Basically, a product, semi-product or floor applications are limited. product family can own multiple sets of EBOMfr. Meanwhile, each EBOMfr To overcome the above problems, this contains available materials setup, available study presents a novel flexible production equipment setup and override attributes. A flow data scheme for the shop floor. The work-order process is a specific EBOMfr proposed scheme comprises four modules: with corresponding available material operation template setup, general process assignments, equipment assignments and setup, enhanced bill of manufacture override attributes, based on customer (EBOMfr) setup and work-order process requirements before the review and release setup. This data model is characterized by of a work order. Each EBOMfr is linked to a the ability to flexibly define shop floor general process. Meanwhile, a general production flow, allowing effective response process, consisting of a group of sequenced to changes on the shop floor. Additionally, operations, is used to control production the proposed model can cooperate with a flow. An operation is the basic tracking unit WIP execution module to monitor and on a shop floor. The contents of an operation control the production flow to timely handle are copied and modified from the manufacturing data and enhance the floor corresponding contents of an operation decision making. template. Meanwhile, the contents of an operation template can be defined freely by the user. For example, a user can establish Designing a Flexible Production Flow attributes of operation templates, such as yield rate, input quantity, or define Figure 1 schematically depicts the shop exceptional rules, such as low-yield-rate rule floor activities of the IC packaging industry. and unmatched-input-quantity rule. The According to this figure, the proposed data template contents are summarized according model views the shop floor activities of IC to shop floor activities. The concept of packaging as an accumulation of sequential EBOMfr closely resembles that of BOMfr. operations. Applying the four basic modules However, the EBOMfr described herein is of the data model, that is, operation template, made after the general process and operation general process, enhanced bill of template. A user can easily alter the manufacture (EBOMfr), and work-order production conditions of a production flow process, as Fig. 2 depicts, allows shop floor either by (1) adding, modifying or deleting an operation in the general process or (2) classified as either user-defined or system- adding, modifying or deleting the contents of defined. System-defined attributes, such as, an operation template to effectively respond sample number and acceptance number of to changing product requirements and floor the inspection operation template, do not situations. This data model is characterized allow the user to do any editing. Meanwhile, by its ability to provide users with the checking the properties of attribute, such as, following functions: (1) flexible definition of numerical number, date, bin, percentage and production flows and the pertinent data string, reveals whether or not the system consisting of items to be collected and action legitimates their value. control rules through early standardization of an operation template, general process and General process EBOMfr. (2) To establish related attributes, equipment and materials according to A general process controls production customer requirements at the time of work flow and handles shop floor exceptions. This order review and release through late process includes operations and operational customization of the work-order process. sequence. Operational sequence is the order of an operation in a process. The contents of Operation template an operation in the general process, including attribute setup, formula setup, check-in rule The contents of an operation template setup, check-out rule setup, and global include attribute setup (including preset parameter setup, are copied from an value setup, check-in value setup, check-out operation template. According to the value setup and calculated value setup), predefined operation template, a user can formula setup, check-in rule setup, check-out easily add, modify, or delete an attribute, rule setup, and global parameter setup. These rule, or formula of operation contents to setups are also the basic components of the create the production flow. Automatic EBOMfr and general process. transfer and exceptional handling of the shop floor are then performed based on the rule The data scheme of the operation defined in each operation of the general template can be described in IDEF1x process. (Kusiak, 1997) presentation as Fig. 3 illustrates. Table tblWipOPData provides the Figure 4 illustrates the data scheme name (OPNo) of each operation template. of a general process which can be Meanwhile, Table tblWipAttibData defines described in IDEF1x presentation. Table the name (AttibName), type and property of tblWipProcessData defines the name each attribute. The type of attribute can be (ProcessNo) and related information of each general process. Each record in the data scheme of EBOMfr. In EBOMfr, its tblWipProcessData corresponds to several associated factors can be further divided into records of tblWipProcessOP. Meanwhile, the two categories: (1) Factors related to the ProcessOPPK, incorporates of process name product and operation of the process (as (ProcessNo), operation name (OPNo), and shown in the shaded portion) and (2) Factors order (OPOrder) of the operation in the related only to the product. process, is the primary key of table tblWipProcessOP. As mentioned earlier, the Work-order process major contents of the operation in the general process, except primary key (including Table tblWOData defines the work- attribute, formula, check-in rule, check-out order process. The primary key of table rule, and global parameter setup), are tblWOData is WoNo. The foreign keys copied from the operation template. The consist of only a product (ProductNo) from user can modify the above data through Table tblWipProduct, and an EBOMfr addition, modification, or deletion. The (MbomNo) from Table tblWipMBom. Those operational sequence is established in the keys imply that the production planner can field (OPOrder) of tblWipProcessOp. specify an appropriate EBOMfr for the Additionally, Table tblWipProcessOP can product according to the special product also define the properties of an operation, requirement, and then reassign the product such as alternate operation, checklist related factors, including (1) Factors related operation, and check-in and check-out to the product and operation of the process; options. The result (ThenOption) of (2) Factors related only to the product. The operation rules defines the flow controls. information used by the work-order process is modified from the information of Enhanced bill of manufacture (EBOMfr) EBOMfr. The work-order process can then be carried by a lot, i.e. a basic tracking Table tblWipMBom defines EBOMfr. quantity on the floor, and the production MBomNo is the primary key of table flow is guided all the way on the floor. tblWipMBom. Its foreign keys consist of a Figure 6 illustrates the data scheme of the product name (ProductNo) from Table work-order process. tblWipProduct, and a general process name (ProcessNo) from Table tblWipProcessData. Those keys imply that several different Executing a Flexible Production Flow processes can be defined for a specific product, or a process can be defined for Through its early standardization of several different products. Figure 5 depicts operation template, general process and EBOMfr, and late customization of work- Lot-based tracking process order process, the data model of shop floor production flow gives the user a flexible Figure 8 depicts the IDEF1x descriptive mechanism to define the relevant presentation of lot-based tracking process. production information and action control Table tblWipLotData defines the name of the rules of shop floor activities. However, to lot (LotNo). When the lot status is “ready for timely handle manufacturing data in IC release”, the WIP execution module creates a packaging industry, the data model record of the lot in Table tblWipLotState, incorporates a WIP (i.e. work-in-process) and adds a corresponding record (LotSerial) execution module to monitor and control the in the table tblWipLotTracking. production flow on the shop floor as Fig. 7 Additionally, the module records the illustrates. material (MaterialNo) used in the table tblWipLotMaterialContent, notes the The WIP execution module normally equipment (EquipmentNo) used in the table monitors any transferred quantity from the tblWiplotEquipmentContent, and documents first to the final operation according to the the attribute name (AttribName) and value predefined work-order process, and controls (AttribValue) used in the table the following events in each operation. (1) tblWipLotAttribContent. If defects exist, the During check-in, the module can assess number of defects, defective lot, and whether or not an operation can be executed defective reasons (ErrorNo) are recorded in based on user check-in attributes and Table tblWipLotFailContent. Normally, the predefined check-in rules. (2) During check- lot proceeds from the first to the final out, the module can assess what the next operation according to the predefined work- operation is based on the user check-out order process. If an abnormality occurs in a attributes and the predefined check-out rules. specific operation, a record (LotErrorSerial) If exceptional production problems occur in will be added to Table tblWipLotErrorLog, a certain operation, the WIP execution and the cause of the error (ErrorNo) will be module initiates the predefined handling inserted into Table tblWipLotErrorContent. procedure. To accumulate information on The lot will then be put in the exceptional shop-floor production lots for every handling procedure. According to the results, operation in the packaging industry, the lot-based tracking process records the including associated material, equipment, information and events and, simultaneously, people, quality, and time, an additional data reflects exactly what occurred on the floor. scheme called lot-based tracking process, is required, to record lot status and course. Example Figure 9 illustrates the post-bonding operation defined in the production flow for inspection (PBI) operation (which can the product. originate from the PBI operation template established previously) of the production To let users easily modify information in flow of a certain product in the packaging the production flow to fulfill varied floor industry. The lower portion of this figure dynamics with little or no programming skill, depicts the setup of the operation. The the MIRL WIP System combines the data attribute setup determines the characteristics model with a WIP execution module, which of “key-in quantity”, “good quantity”, provides generic user interfaces for most “scrape quantity”, “lost quantity”, “output operations. The interfaces include check-in quantity”, “move-in quantity”, and “target interface, check-out interface, exceptional quantity”. Meanwhile, three calculated handling interface, and close lot interface. formulae such as “output quantity = good The user can also develop their own specific quantity + scrape quantity + lost quantity”, interfaces. Figure 10 presents the example “move-in quantity = transfer quantity” and screen of the general process setup. The “transfer quantity = good quantity” are upper portion of the screen presents the established. Moreover, the operation also name, type and valid date of the general defines the check-in, check-out rules and the process. Meanwhile, the lower portion global parameters like transfer quantity. The depicts the operational sequence setup of the upper half of the picture represents the corresponding general process. The processing of a WIP execution module. The operation setup button provides an entry to module is executed according to the the attribute setup, formula setup, check-in operation defined in the lower half of the rule setup, check-out rule setup, global figure. Thus, performing a check-in at PBI parameter setup, as Fig. 11 indicates. operation requires inputting the key-in quantity while performing check-out, and When the operator enters employee needs to input good, scrape and lost identity and lot number during login, the quantities. When the input number satisfies system can inform the user of the lot status the defined check-in and check-out rules, the and immediately take the appropriate action. module issues actions (such as displaying For example, Fig. 12 represents the check- warning messages) according to the handling out screen. This figure also contains the procedure. Otherwise, if the input scrape required information for viewing and quantity does not equal zero, which is the checking out entries. The upper portion of target quantity, the user is asked to input the the screen shows the operation name and cause of the scrape. As stated above, each move-in quantity, the left portion shows the product lot is executed according to the preset attributes, material description and material used, and the right portion depicts for financially supporting this research. The the selected equipment and operator entries. authors would also like to thank Colleagues Meanwhile, the check-in screen displays in the Department of Management information on selected material, equipment Information Technology for their valuable and check-in values which is the same as in assistance and discussion. the check-out screen.

Conclusion References

This work presents a data model of Consilium (1991), WorkStream Overview. flexible production flow which incorporates four modules: operation template setup, Deuel, A. C. (1994), “Benefits of a MES for general process setup, enhanced bill of Plantwide Automation”, ISA Trans., manufacture (EBOMfr) setup, and work- Vol. 33 No.2, pp.113-124. order process setup. The proposed data scheme provides users with a descriptive Hakanson, Bill, (1996), “Manufacturing scheme for the shop floor execution level: Execution Systems: Where’s the (1) to flexibly define shop floor information Payoff? ”, I&CS, March, pp.47-50. and decision rules required for production flow, and to allow easy adjustment of the Hastings, N. A. J. and Yeh, C. H. (1992), system to fulfill the floor dynamics, (2) to “Bill of manufacturing”, Production monitor and control the execution of and Inventory Management Journal, production flow through a WIP execution Fourth Quarter, pp.27-31. module, and thus facilitate reliable and timely managerial decisions. In the future, IBM (1994), Poseidon General Information. industry can adopt the WIP system to construct shop floor information systems and Kusiak, A., Letsche, T., and Zakarian, A. enhance productivity. (1997), “Data modelling with IDEF1x”, Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 10 No. 6, pp.470- Acknowledgements 486.

The authors would like to thank the Leibert, John A. (1997), “ MES and the shift Mechanical Industrial Research Laboratory toward a work flow environment”, IIE of Industrial Technology Research Institute Solutions, Vol. 29 No.1, pp.30-33. Melnyk, S. A., Carter, P. L., Dilts, D. M. and Vollman, T. E., Berry, W. L., and Whybark, Lyth, D. M. (1985), Shop Floor D. C. (1992), Manufacturing Planning Control, Dow Johns – Irwin, Illinois. and Control Systems, Dow Jones-Irwin, Illinois. Melnyk, S. A. and Carter, P. L. (1987), Production Activity Control, Richard D. Irwin Inc., Illinois.

Promis (1990), Promis v5.0 Features Overview.

Sartori, L. G. (1988), Manufacturing Information Systems, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co..


receving ...... operation 1 operation k wafer package IC shipping

shop exceptional倉庫 stocking floor handling activites

Figure 1: The shop floor activities of IC packaging industry

materials product, semi-product, or product family Assign Link

EBOMfr work-order process Specify setup materials assign materials setup equipment assign equipment

override attributes override attributes

link to imply to a general process A a general process A

Link Imply

general process A (operational sequence setup & operation modified from OPT) operation 1 operation 2 operation 3 operation 4 operation 5 (OPT B) (OPT F) (OPT G) (OPT K) (OPT M)

OPT F OPT K OPT: Operation template

attributes setup attributes setup

formula setup formula setup

check-in rule setup check-in rule setup

check-out rule setup check-out rule setup

global parameter global parameter setup setup

Figure 2: The proposed structure of flexible production flow tblWipOPData OPNo

check-in rule check-out rule formula attributes global setup setup setup setup parameter setup

tblWipTMethodOut tblWipAttribOP tblWipTGetParameter tblWipTPutParameter tblWipTRuleCheckIn tblWipTRuleCheckOut OPNo(FK) OPNo(FK) OPNo(FK) OPNo(FK) OPNo(FK) OPNo(FK) ObjAttribName(FK) AttribName(FK) ParameterName(FK) ParameterName(FK) RuleName RuleName AttribName(FK) AttribName(FK) AttribName(FK)

MethodOrder Operand tblWipParameter ParameterName


tblWipTIFCheckIn tblWipTIFCheckOut OPNo(FK) OPNo(FK) RuleName(FK) RuleName(FK) AttribName1(FK) AttribName1(FK) AttribName2(FK) AttribName2(FK)

Operand Operand LogicOP LogicOP tblWipAttribData AttribName

1 1 tblWipTThenCheckIn tblWipTThenCheckOut OPNo(FK) OPNo(FK) RuleName(FK) RuleName(FK)

ThenOption ThenOption

Figure 3: The data scheme of operation template tblW ipProcessOP P rocessOP PK tblW ipP rocessData t blW ipOP Data ProcessNo P rocessNo(FK) OP No OP No(FK) OP Order

tblW ipRuleCheckIn tblWipRuleCheckOut t blW ipMethodOut tblW ipAttribOP tblW ipGetParamet er tblW ipP utParameter ProcessOP PK(FK) ProcessOPP K(FK) P rocessOPP K(FK) P rocessOP PK(FK) ProcessOPP K(FK) ProcessOP PK(FK) RuleName RuleName ObjAttribName(FK) AttribName(FK) ParameterName(FK) ParameterName(FK) AttribName(FK) AttribName(FK) AttribName(FK)

Met hodOrder Operand tblW ipGetP arameter ParameterName


tblW ipIFCheckIn tblWipIFCheckOut ProcessOPP K(FK) ProcessOPP K(FK) RuleName(FK) RuleName(FK) AttribName1(FK) AttribName1(FK) AttribName2(FK) AttribName2(FK) Operand Operand tblW ipAt tribDat a LogicOP LogicOP AttribName


1 tblW ipT henCheckIn t blW ipT henCheckOut P rocessOP PK(FK) ProcessOPP K(FK) RuleName(FK) RuleName(FK) the contents of operation are added, modified,deleted T henOption T henOption from that of the predefined operation template

Figure 4: The data scheme of general process tblWipMBomPackage tblWipPackageData tblWipProduct MBomNo(FK) PackageNo ProductNo PackageNo(FK)

tblWipMBomPrinting tblWipPrintingData MBomNo(FK) PrintingNo PrintingNo(FK)

tblWipMBom MBomNo

ProcessNo(FK) ProductNo(FK) tblWipMBomMaterialOP MBomNo(FK) ProcessOPPK(FK) tblMstMaterial MaterialNo(FK) MaterialNo

tblWipProcessData tblWipProcessOP tblWipMBomEquipmentOP ProcessNo ProcessOPPK MBomNo(FK) tblMstEquipment ProcessOPPK(FK) ProcessNo(FK) EquipmentNo EquipmentNo(FK) OPNO(FK) OPOrder tblWipOPData OPNo tblWipMBomAttribOP MBomNo(FK) ProcessOPPK(FK) AttribName(FK)


tblWipAttribOP tblWipAttribData ProcessOPPK(FK) AttribName AttribName(FK)

Figure 5: The data scheme of EBOMfr tblWipLotData tblWipWoPackage LotNo WoNo(FK) PackageNo(FK) WoNo(FK)

tblWipWoPrinting WoNo(FK) tblWipProduct tblWoData PrintingNo(FK) ProductNo 1 WoNo

MBomNo(FK) ProductNo(FK)

tblWipWoMaterialOP WoNo(FK) ProcessOPPK(FK) tblWipMBom MaterialNo(FK) MBomNo 1 ProcessNo(FK) ProductNo(FK) tblWipWoEquipmentOP WoNo(FK) ProcessOPPK(FK) tblWipProcessOP EquipmentNo(FK) ProcessOPPK

ProcessNo(FK) tblWipProcessData OPNO(FK) ProcessNo OPOrder tblWipWoAttribOP WoNo(FK) ProcessOPPK(FK) AttribName(FK) tblWipOPData OPNo

Figure 6: The data scheme of work-order process The proposed structure of flexible production flow Customer product, semi-product, or product family sales order Assign processing Link

work-order EBOMfr work-order EBOMfr process review/released Specify setup materials assign materials Guideline setup equipment assign equipments override attributes override attributes lot quantity

link to imply to processing a general process A a general process A

Link Imply produc check-in general process A (operational sequence setup & operation modified from OPT) -tion proble- operation 1 operation 2 operation 3 operation 4 operation 5 (OPT B) (OPT F) (OPT G) (OPT K) (OPT M) ms check-out

OPT F OPT K OPT: Operation template

attributes setup attributes setup formula setup formula setup stocking check-in rule setup check-in rule setup WIP execution check-out rule setup check-out rule setup module global global parameter setup parameter setup finished goods

Figure 7: The flexible production flow and the WIP execution module tblWipLotState tblWipLotData LotNo tblWoData LotNo WoNo CurOPNo(FK) WoNo(FK) WoNo(FK) MBomNo(FK) MBomNo(FK) MBomNo(FK) ProductNo(FK) LotQty Z ProcessNo(FK) StatusCode OpOrder CurStatus CurNum

P P tblWipLotLog tblWipLotTracking tblWipLotErrorLog LotSerial LotSerial LotErrorSerial LotNo(FK) LotNo(FK) LotNo(FK) ProcessNo(FK) MBomNo(FK) WoNo(FK) OPOrder ProcessNo(FK) ProductNo(FK) OPNo(FK) OpOrder MBomNo(FK) WoNo(FK) OPNo(FK) ProcessNo(FK) MBomNo(FK) OPStatus OPNo(FK) CheckInTime CheckInTime OPName CheckOutTime CheckOutTime RuleName EquipmentNo(FK) WoNo(FK) StartTime GoodNum CheckInEmployeeNo(FK) EndTime BadNum CheckOutEmployeeNo(FK) Result EmployeeName EmployeeName ProductNo(FK) ProductType CustomerNo(FK)

tblWipLotAttribContent tblWipLotEquipmentContent tblWipLotMaterialContent tblWipLotFailContent tblWipLotErrorContent LotSerial(FK) LotSerial(FK) LotSerial(FK) LotSerial(FK) LotErrorSerial(FK)

AttribName(FK) EquipmentNo(FK) MaterialNo(FK) ErrorNo(FK) ErrorNo(FK) AttribValue ErrQty

Figure 8: The data scheme of lot-based tracking process check-out rule check-in rule Operation Check Out Check In as guideline as guideline good quantity: 197 No.: 0100 scrape quantity: 3 key-in quantity: 200 Name: PBI transfer quantity: 200 Type: normal lost quantity: 0 IF scrape quantity < > 0 output quantity: 200 Then take the scrape causes such as: lead broken * 3

setup of PBI operation

attribute setup: formula setup: t check-in rule setup:

key-in quantity: check-in value output quantity = good quantity + scrape IF key-in quantity < > move-in quantity good quantity: check-out value quantity + lost quantity Then display the warning message scrape quantity: check-out value " Error on input quantity " move-in quantity = transfer quantity lost quantity:check-out value output quantity: calculated value transfer quantity = good quantity check-out rule setup: move-in quantity: calculated value target quantity¡Gpreset value (0) IF scrape quantity < > target quantity Then take the scrape causes

global parameter setup: IF output quantity < > key-in quantity Then display the warning message transfer quantity: global parameter " Error on output quantity " (= good quantity from previous op.)

Figure 9: Setup of the post bonding inspection operation (PBI) Figure 10: The example screen of general process setup Figure 11: The example screen of operation setup Figure 12: The example screen of check-out procedure

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