Processing the Crime Scene

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Processing the Crime Scene

Forensics Chapter 2: Processing the Crime Scene Processing the Crime Scene  Each crime is different and may require a ______to ______the scene  Basic crime scene protocol that should be adhered to in all crime scenes include the following task 1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______1. Interview  Crime scene technician (CSI) ______the ______on scene or the ______ Allows the technician to ______a ______of what allegedly happened  ______ ______ Information might ______be ______but gives technician a place to start 2. Examine  Technician ______the scene to see if their “theory” matches what they observe  Technician can identify  ______ ______ Get the general layout of the crime scene 3. Photograph  A ______of what the crime scene looked like  Picture records of possible evidence in their locations  Pictures taken in 2 categories 1. Overall views of the crime scene 2. ______4. Sketch  ______sketch is completed by technician to  ______of the ______ Identify the exact position of the ______ Identify exact position of any ______

5. Process  Technician will process the crime scene for:  ______ ______(interviewing witnesses, victims, etc.)  Technicians responsibility to ______, ______and ______evidence from the crime scene for further analysis by the crime laboratory  Most important aspect of ______a ______is to ______the scene with minimal ______and disturbance of physical evidence.  Task usually falls on the first responding officer(s)  Duties of the first responding officer(s) include  Note of any ______or ______leaving the crime ______ ______the number of people who ______the crime ______ ______individuals from ______evidence  Secure and ______all individuals at the scene  Establish the crime scene boundaries Crime Scene Investigator (CSI) Procedures  Contact at the Scene o ______will make contact with the on scene ______1. ______Exchange  Name of ______and personal information  ______information  Witness name  Additional crime scene locations 2. Scene processing request/specific directions  Establishment of a clear and direct method of communicating scene information is required  Crime Scene Walk Through o CSI and ______will walk through the ______after exchange of information o During the walk through the CSI will 1. Formulate a ______for ______the ______and collection of ______2. Make notes on the scene; ______at the scene and the ______the ______3. Determine if any additional equipment is needed to process the scene (blood spatter analysis, alternate light sources)  Scene Search for Trace Evidence o Trace Evidence: ______o Search methods 1. ______or ______method: investigators walk across the scene in a straight line; best used in large, outdoor scenes 2. ______method: ______walk ______across the scene then ______back over ______; creating a ______shape. Best used in square like areas 3. ______method: scene is ______up ______several ______, areas are assigned to teams of investigators; most effective in ______or buildings 4. ______method: starting on the outskirts of the scene and then slowly spiraling inwards until you reach the middle of the scene  If trace evidence is found, it should be ______and should include the following 1. ______of where evidence was found 2. ______(hair, glass, soil, etc.) 3. ______4. Controls obtained and where the control was obtained from 5. ______used for transportation to lab  Scene Search for Biological Evidence o Biological Evidence: ______. Investigators use ______enhancements and alternate light sources in order to identify biological evidence  ______: causes a chemical reaction with ______, resulting in a glow  Luma-lite and Poliray: ______light source used to find ______, semen or other fluids o If biological evidence is found the following should be done 1. Note whether an ______source was used to locate the ______2. ______of the ______3. ______of the ______4. Control sample and location

 Crime Scene Photography o One of the most important duties of a CSI o One of the ______procedures performed at the scene, usually after the ______- ______process o Photography Procedures . ______all collected ______at it’s ______. ______taken of ______(bloodstains, hair, fabric stains, fingerprints, blood)  Photographed with a ruler for scale and without a ruler . Use ______(cones with numbers or letters, index cards, etc.) to identify the items or areas being ______. When evidence is moved from it’s original location to be photographed that must be noted . When taking a pictures of evidence in original location it must be noted  Case Notes o All ______of the ______must be ______o ______description of the ______as well as the physical ______is necessary o ______, by ______and how all the evidence listed was ______and shipped must be noted o This information is used to make a ______ Case Files o Case files may contain the following . All crime scene ______, rough sketches or diagrams . ______or diagram (depending on the investigation) . Any ______not released to the detective or that the coroner submitted with the pathology report . Any case related ______by phone, email or fax . Subpoenas; only if received and testimony was provided in the case . ______of ______documents . Vehicle information sheet and vehicle outline sheet . Weapons date form . ______sheet . Evidence room ______and ______form . ______notes and ______report . Pathologist outline sheet . Any forms used to support or document casework performed or requested  Sketching the Crime Scene o After the scene is photographed it should be ______with a ______included o Sketches should be ______to ______. Scale ratio should be noted on the sketch o Rough sketch should document the scene fully and should include: . ______, ______, investigators name or initials . Page numbers if more than 1 . ______of the ______. ______of ______items recovered from the scene . Furniture, vehicles, property items or other objects at the scene . ______holes and/or ______caused at the scene by ______action . ______, ______, ______, ______, and tire prints with the location o A ______sketch will be made from the rough sketch to be used as evidence in court  Evidence Collection o Should be performed in a ______and careful manner o Begins with the ______, followed by determination of the ______sequence to be used o ______sequence may be based on the following information 1. ______location: inside, outside, in a vehicle, etc. 2. ______of the ______: fragile or stable 3. ______conditions that could effect the scene and evidence (rain, snow, wind, etc.) 4. Anything at the scene which can ______or ______the evidence o Equipment which may be used to collect evidence . ______. ______. ______. ______. Paper/plastic bags . Cardboard boxes . Plastic buckets with lids . Hand tools (hammers, drills, saws, etc.)  Collection Methods o ______Collection Technique: using the ______collection technique . Always wear ______. Slightly ______the ______with ______water . ______Stain: rub the stained area using a ______moistened ______. ______Stain: use ______swabs . ______swabs and place each into a separate package . Collect a ______sample from an unstained area using the same techniques o ______Collection Technique . When found on ______or an ______surface  Transport to the lab  Wet evidence shouldn’t be folded on itself; use paper wrapping to prevent contamination during transfer o Will help prevent cross contamination  Item should be air-dried in drying locker  Evidence Marking and Packing o All ______is ______and ______prior to leaving the scene to prevent loss or cross contamination o When marking evidence include the following: . ______. ______. ______. ______o Containers (bags, boxes, envelopes) are ______with ______prior to submittal . Tape is marked with the investigators name or initials and the date sealed  Establishing Chain of Custody o Chain of Custody: ______beginning with detailed ______where ______was ______from or ______o Established when: . An ______takes ______of ______at a crime scene . When ______is ______from an officer or detective at/or from the crime scene o Chain of Custody Establishing Process . ______ The evidence recovery location, time and date recovered or received  Description of the item, condition of the item . ______, preserve, ______and ______evidence . ______. Create an ______. Prepare ______of ______ Documents the transfer of evidence from an investigator to another or to another location  Chain of custody documentation includes o ______of ______: the item nuber, and a brief description o ______and ______of transfer o ______of the ______the evidence to another location o Signature of individual ______the ______o ______of the ______the evidence from individual or location

o Reason for transfer  Reporting o Two types of reporting are used . ______report: used for reporting scene activities and processing results . ______report: used when analyzing evidence in the laboratory Left blank on purpose

Name: ______

Period: ______

Chapter 2: Processing the Crime Scene (35 points) Check for understandings must be turned in at the end of the PowerPoint in order to receive credit Check for Understanding 1 (7pts) 1. ______

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