CRM 370, Review 2

The test will include true/false, multiple choice, fill in the blank/list, and short answer (few sentences to a paragraph). The format is basically the same as Test 1, but only covers the material we’ve discussed since the test. Try to study so that you can not just recognize the correct answer in a multiple guess question, but that you can answer a question like: In the section on Organizational Reform and Corporate Dissolution, the author has a paragraph that starts “Numerous proposals have been advanced to reform…” What are four or five of those ideas?

Remember that the end of each chapter has a list of terms and the page number where that term is defined/discussed. This is helpful not just for the terms on the review sheet but to make sure you understand the key ideas of the chapter in general.

Ch 7 What is contrepreneurial crime? The author discusses many examples of contrapreneurial crime. Can you list and discuss in 2-3 sentences two types other than a Ponzi/pyramid scheme? Study these so that you could list two of them and be able to describe the element of fraud in them. In case these appear as MC, also make sure you understand the basic elements of most/all of these. What is a ponzi scheme?

Ch 8 Does the author feel there is a single theory that fits all white collar crime? Other than greed, what are five distinct personality traits related to white collar that are listed in the Personality section? Why do we also need to study organizations (ie what’s the point of the section on Organizational Crimes and the Crimes of Organizations)? What are some aspects of organizations important for understanding white collar crime? What are the theories reviewed in Alternative Dimensions of Crime and Choice? (You do not need to know how the theories apply, just which criminological theories can potentially apply to white collar crimes) What is the argument in the section on The Structure of Contemporary Capitalist Society and White Collar Crime? (how is capitalism linked to white collar crime? Hint: greed is mentioned but you need to know more than that – good short answer question) At the end of the chapter, the author proposes an integrated, multilevel approach to understanding the subprime mortgage loan frauds. What are the levels and an example of an explanation at that level? (Could you identify two of those levels and explain some of the factors working at that level in a short answer questions? Good short answer question)

Ch 9 What is the importance of the Commerce Clause? What was the result of Santa Clara v Southern Pacific Railroad, and why does the author say this is “one of the great paradoxes in constitutional history”? What is the goal of anti-trust law and does the author say the US has been tolerant of, or strict with, oligopolies? (Make sure you know what an oligoply is if you don’t know that term.) When were OSHA and the EPA created? What is RICO and what types of white collar crimes has it been used against? What are some basic differences between criminal and civil proceedings/law? What is the respondeat superior rule and what are the conditions under which it applies? Ch 10 What are the factors that limit conventional police from being involved in white collar crime? The author lists law enforcement agencies – what are they and what is their jurisdiction? (MC or TF question) Note that we have updated the text on the mission of the Secret Service and US Customs – see webpage if you did not get the notes. What is agency capture and why it is an issue for the policing of white collar crime? The author lists prominent regulatory agencies and their functions/jurisdiction – what are they? What are the differences between a law enforcement and regulatory response that the author discusses in the first paragraph of The Regulatory Response System paragraph? If accountants or lawyers know of fraud within a company they are working for, what is their obligation (if any) to report it to executives in the company and government agencies?

Ch 11 The author argues that attention on ‘a few bad apples’ deflects attention from what? Why don’t local prosecutors take on white collar crime? What are some of the key differences between defense in white collar crime cases and other criminal cases? What percent of indictments are disposed of through plea bargaining? In the section on Sentencing, the author notes that the complexity of white collar crime cases leads to what? In the Sentencing section, the author notes how the sentences for S & L executives compared with several types of street crime – what are those comparisons? What are the key points the author makes about Civil Suits? What is the difference between a Citizen’s Suit and a Class Action Suit?

Ch 12 That does the author say is the first step in any program for a more effective response to white collar crime? Why? What dos the author see as the most effective and enduring solutions to white collar crime (he uses three key words – what are they and what do they mean)? What are the critiques or limitations of ethics classes in business school as a response to white collar crime? What are the critiques or limitations business ethics and compliance officers? What are Positive Sanctions? What is the compliance approach? How does the author summarize the evidence on deterrence and white collar crime? When did organizational probation become an option and why? What is the case for Enforced Self-Regulation? What are some of the problems with imposing fines? What are equity fines? What is occupational disqualification? In the section on Organizational Reform and Corporate Dissolution, the author has a paragraph that starts “Numerous proposals have been advanced to reform…” What are four of those ideas? 9good short answer question) What does the author see as the best solution for controlling governmental crime? The author describes his approach as “progressive pluralism” – what does he mean by this?

BONUS QUESTION 1. The Michigan Attorney General’s office has a consumer complaints division. Use your favorite search engine to find their website and locate the CONSUMER COMPLAINT/INQUIRY FORM. For extra credit, print off the first page of the .pdf form or the first page of the online form and bring it to class the day of the test with your name on it. You can only get extra credit for bringing it to the test and turning it in with your test. You are not allowed to leave the test and bring it back.

BONUS QUESTION 2. See the class webpage for the link and question.