Black-faced Woodswallow # Beautiful Firetail Bird Species recorded within Dusky Woodswallow * House Sparrow Grey Butcherbird * Eurasian Tree Sparrow 40km of Ballarat Australian Magpie Australasian Pipit Pied Currawong * European Goldfinch Grey Currawong * Common Greenfinch Rufous Fantail Grey Fantail * Introduced Species. Willie Wagtail # Species not recorded in this area since Australian Raven 1980 or earlier. Little Raven ® Seen only one or two times Crested Pigeon Leaden Flycatcher # Emu Diamond Dove Satin Flycatcher Peaceful Dove Restless Flycatcher Stubble Quail # Superb Fruit-Dove Magpie-lark Brown Quail Tawny Frogmouth White-winged Chough # King Quail White-throated Nightjar Jacky Winter # Magpie Goose # Spotted Nightjar Scarlet Robin Plumed Whistling-Duck Australian Owlet-nightjar Red-capped Robin Musk Duck White-throated Needletail Flame Robin Freckled Duck Fork-tailed Swift Rose Robin Cape Barren Goose ® Fairy Prion Pink Robin Black Swan # Short-tailed Shearwater Hooded Robin Australian Shelduck Australasian Darter Eastern Yellow Robin Australian Wood Duck Little Pied Cormorant Horsfield’s Bushlark Pink-eared Duck Great Cormorant * Eurasian Skylark Australasian Shoveler Little Black Cormorant Golden-headed Cisticola Grey Teal Pied Cormorant Australian Reed-Warbler Chestnut Teal Australian Pelican Little Grassbird * Northern Mallard Australasian Bittern Rufous Songlark Pacific Black Duck Australian Little Bittern Brown Songlark This list was supplied by Roger Thomas Hardhead White-necked Heron Silvereye and Ballarat Birdlife Members. Blue-billed Duck Eastern Great Egret White-backed Swallow Australasian Grebe Intermediate Egret Welcome Swallow July 2011 Hoary-headed Grebe Cattle Egret Fairy Martin Great Crested Grebe White-faced Heron Tree Martin A Musk Duck Production. * Rock Dove ® White-headed Pigeon Little Egret Bassian Thrush Nankeen Night Heron * Common Blackbird * Spotted Dove Glossy Ibis * Song Thrush Common Bronzewing Australian White Ibis * Common Starling Brush Bronzewing Straw-necked Ibis * Common Myna Birds of Ballarat Royal Spoonbill Mistletoebird Yellow-billed Spoonbill Zebra Finch Black-shouldered Kite Red-browed Finch Letter-winged Kite Diamond Firetail Square-tailed Kite Common Greenshank Fan-tailed Cuckoo Red Wattlebird White-bellied Sea-Eagle Marsh Sandpiper Brush Cuckoo # Crimson Chat Whistling Kite ® Wood Sandpiper Powerful Owl White-fronted Chat Black Kite ® Ruddy Turnstone Barking Owl Black Honeyeater Brown Goshawk Red-necked Stint Southern Boobook Tawny-crowned Honeyeater Collared Sparrowhawk ® Long-toed Stint Eastern Barn Owl Crescent Honeyeater Grey Goshawk Pectoral Sandpiper Azure Kingfisher New Holland Honeyeater Spotted Harrier Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Laughing Kookaburra Black-chinned Honeyeater Swamp Harrier Curlew Sandpiper Red-backed Kingfisher Brown-headed Honeyeater Wedge-tailed Eagle ® Ruff Sacred Kingfisher White-naped Honeyeater Little Eagle Painted Button-quail Rainbow Bee-eater Blue-faced Honeyeater Nankeen Kestrel Red-chested Button-quail Dollarbird Noisy Friarbird Brown Falcon Little Button-quail White-throated Treecreeper Little Friarbird Australian Hobby Gull-billed Tern Red-browed Treecreeper Painted Honeyeater Black Falcon Caspian Tern Brown Treecreeper # Grey-crowned Babbler Peregrine Falcon Whiskered Tern Superb Fairy-wren White-browed Babbler Brolga ® White-winged Black Tern White-browed Scrubwren Spotted Quail-thrush Purple Swamphen Silver Gull Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Varied Sittella Lewin’s Rail # Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Striated Fieldwren Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Buff-banded Rail Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo Speckled Warbler White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike Baillon’s Crake Gang-gang Cockatoo Weebill White-winged Triller Australian Spotted Crake # Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo Western Gerygone Crested Shrike-tit Spotless Crake Galah White-throated Gerygone Olive Whistler Black-tailed Native-hen Long-billed Corella Striated Thornbill Gilbert’s Whistler Dusky Moorhen Little Corella Yellow Thornbill Golden Whistler Eurasian Coot Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Yellow-rumped Thornbill Rufous Whistler # Australian Bustard Cockatiel # Chestnut-rumped Thornbill Grey Shrike-thrush # Bush Stone-curlew Rainbow Lorikeet Buff-rumped Thornbill Crested Bellbird Black-winged Stilt Musk Lorikeet Brown Thornbill Olive-backed Oriole Red-necked Avocet Little Lorikeet Southern Whiteface White-breasted Woodswallow Banded Stilt Purple-crowned Lorikeet Spotted Pardalote Masked Woodswallow Red-capped Plover # Australian King-Parrot Striated Pardalote White-browed Woodswallow Double-banded Plover Crimson Rosella Eastern Spinebill ® Oriental Plover Eastern Rosella Yellow-faced Honeyeater Black-fronted Dotterel Swift Parrot Singing Honeyeater Red-kneed Dotterel Red-rumped Parrot White-eared Honeyeater Banded Lapwing Budgerigar Yellow-tufted Honeyeater Masked Lapwing Blue-winged Parrot Yellow-plumed Honeyeater Plains-wanderer Elegant Parrot Fuscous Honeyeater Australian Painted Snipe ® Turquoise Parrot White-plumed Honeyeater Latham’s Snipe ® Eastern Koel White-fronted Honeyeater Bar-tailed Godwit Horsfield’s Bronze-Cuckoo Noisy Miner ® Little Curlew Black-eared Cuckoo Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater ® Eastern Curlew Shining Bronze-Cuckoo # Little Wattlebird ® Common Sandpiper Pallid Cuckoo Regent Honeyeater