What Is a School-Parent Compact?
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What is a School-Parent Compact? annual revision meeting with parents. Please call Parental Classroom Observation 706-796-4992 or visit our website, Parent Involvement Day – 11/17/16 A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is an http://morganroad.rcboe.org/home for more nd th agreement that parents, students, and teachers information on school-parent compact. Parent Volunteer Workshops -2 & 4 develop together. It explains how parents and Tuesdays teachers will work together to make sure all our Building Partnerships To participate contact Ms. Gainous @ students reach grade level standards. (706)796-7992 ext.2309 MRMS offers the following ongoing events and Effective compacts: programs:
Link to academic achievement goals Fall and Spring Open House Monthly Academic Nights (2nd Thursday) Focus on student learning Parent-teacher conferences Parent Resource Center: M-F 9:00 AM – 3:00 Share strategies that staff, parents, and PM students can use Classroom Observations Parent Volunteer Training Explain how parents and teachers can To schedule an appointment with your child’s communicate about student progress teacher, call 706-796-4992 or utilize Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Describe opportunities for parents to observe, volunteer, and participate in the Communication About classroom. Student Learning MRMS is committed to two-way communication with families concerning student learning: Remind 101/Automated calls Jointly Developed Infinite Campus Parent Portal MORGAN ROAD The parents, students and staff provided their Parent-Teacher Conferences MIDDLE SCHOOL suggestions for developing MRMS school-parent Flyers/Posters/School website/Marquee compact. Leadership team, student council, and Shout Point parents helped develop the commitment for compact. Meetings are held each year to review Parental/Family Involvement and revise compact based on school’s academic There are many opportunities at our school for 2016-2017 achievement goals and student’s need. parents to volunteer and play a role in their child’s education. Please consider joining the faculty, staff Parents are welcome to provide feedback on the and your student through some of the following School-Parent Compact compact anytime during the school year. This events/programs: information will be collected and used during the For Achievement As parents, we will…
~Be actively involved and supportive in Dr. Shontier Barnes child’s learning: check homework, have Principal Area of Emphasis student demonstrate lesson(s), 15-20 minutes of daily reading. We will implement remediation and enrichment opportunities to help students ~Check Infinite Campus Parent Portal for www.morganroad.rcboe.org excel in Math, Science, Reading, and other missing assignments, grades and other (706)796-4992 core subject areas aligned to academic information from teacher. Academic Achievement Goals benchmarks for grades 6-8. ~Participate in decisions relating to my District Goals child’s education.
1. Guarantee high Academic As a school, we will… As a student, we will… Achievement for all. ~Hold monthly Parent Night meetings with ~Study, prepare, and complete all daily class 2. Ensure communication and specific subject areas and meaningful related work, test, and homework assignments. collaboration within the community. academic workshops/training to assist students and parents. ~Participate and engage in classroom 3. Provide a safe, orderly, and healthy discussions verbally and with technology learning environment. ~Increase the amount and quality of learning devices. time by continuing to utilize research –based learning practices. ~Learn the computer keyboard and calculator in preparation for Georgia Milestone Test. School Goals ~Improve student’s ability to access different websites to help academic achievement goals ~Strive to pass all classes 75% or better. CCRPI target goals increase percentage by: by using the Math, Science, I-Ready, Achieve 3000 computer labs. ~Respect faculty and guest. ELA: 17.8 Science: 12.9 ~Provide ongoing workshops for Infinite ~Encourage each other to reach for success. Math: 12.5 Social Studies: 9.8 Campus, Georgia Milestone, volunteering ~Do your best at all times. Increase the schools CCRPI Target by 3% and mentoring. annually.
Pledge of Parental Involvement * April 2017 GA Milestone Testing I pledge to support my child’s education to the best of my ability. I will have high expectations for my child to succeed in school and in life. I will make my child’s education a priority, and model positive actions and attitudes. I will partner with my child’s school to ensure I am informed and involved in all aspects of my child’s education, and will be an active advocate for my child’s education. I understand that education is the key to success, and will do everything I can to nurture my child’s ability to learn.
Revised October 10,2016