Books and Money Matters

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Books and Money Matters

Local Preachers Extension to the Period On Trial

Personal Details

Name: PIN:

Circuit: Circuit Number:

Date On Note: Date On Trial: Today’s Date:

Faith & Worship progress to date

Date Started Date Completed

Section A

Section B

Section C

Section D

Reasons for an extention to the ‘On Trial’ period Provide as many full details as possible, including factors which may not be directly related to completing the study aspect of being ‘On Trial’. If Faith & Worship has not been completed, then a timetable for completion of the remaining sections must be attached.

Continue on additional sheets if necessary.

Other responsibilities in the circuit and the local church: Decision of the district Policy Committee or its appointed group



Date: Review Date:

Extension of ‘On Trial’ Period the person to fulfil these responsibilities as well as training to become a local preacher? Standing Order 564B(3) clearly sets out the procedure: Remind the person and the circuit that in Unit 1 of Faith & Worship, they were asked Applications to extend the period on trial to consider what other commitments they beyond five years must be to the district might have to give up in order to answer the Policy Committee. Such applications should call to preach and the training required. The be granted only in very exceptional role of the district might be to insist that the circumstances. The Superintendent and the person be released of other responsibilities person on trial have the right to be present before an extension is granted. and speak to the case. During the five years was there a particular In order to encourage some degree of period of time when studies had to cease for uniformity and justice, the following points a particular reason? If so, how long? Is this should be considered: a reasonable amount of time to be added for the extension of training? How much of the course has already been completed? What time lapse was there Extensions should be reviewed each year to between coming on trial and completing the ensure that progress is being made by the first section of the course? person on trial.

What timescale is proposed by the circuit To facilitate the monitoring of extensions, and the person concerned to complete the the Local Preachers’ Office should be course? Is this realistic and what evidence informed of all extensions and the conditions is there that the person is making a serious attached to them. attempt to complete in the proposed timescale? It is not appropriate to grant extensions where the person has made no real attempt How many appointments per quarter is the to tackle the course; there is not a realistic person on trial being given and what other timetable to complete the course; and the responsibilities in the life of the circuit and circuit and/or local church is not willing to local church does the person have? Is the consider the demands they are making upon circuit or local church being unfair in asking the person. September 2006

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