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The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 1 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello The Healing Codes Thursday Night Q&A 01.24.2008 Tom Costello
Participant: (Gord) I had a couple of concerns. Are The Healing Codes/Secret DVD to be shown on TBN? Is that still a possibility? I know it was on before.
Tom Costello: We don’t know. Last I knew we weren’t sure if it was going to be run again.
Participant: Was it a 30-minute program?
Tom Costello: I think it was.
Participant: Is there any way you guys could put a blurb or whatever about The Healing Codes discussion forums. I’m frustrated. I’ve posted about 7 posts and actually didn’t get any response. Just the moderator, Jeanine put a couple of comments but I was wondering if people are aware of the forum?
Tom Costello: I announce it pretty much every week, Gord.
Participant: My other concern is there one person that’s been healed or cured of food intolerances.
Tom Costello: Do you go through all of the testimonials?
Participant: Yes. I think I found about three.
Tom Costello: Okay. I personally don’t know of any but then I don’t know the testimonials. They don’t come to me. They go to other people and they are posted after editing.
I’m going to start the recording. If you want to ask other questions, feel free to jump into the queue. (Operator mutes the call)
This is The Healing Codes question and answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello. On behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is January 24, 2008. Everything on this call is being recorded. This recording is available as a free download from our website;
This question and answer call is one of several ways that support our clients in your use of The Healing Codes so that you can get the results you want. Another form of support is a recording of these calls. However, I would say that the most important support we The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 2 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello provide you is the personal coaching that’s included with The Healing Codes packages. I’m kinda thinking that you’re pretty much guaranteed results if you do The Healing Codes at least 50 times in that first 90 days and under normal circumstances we would recommend doing it twice a day which gets you up to 180 times. But if you do it 50 times and use your coaching sessions during that 90 days I think you’ll recognize that this road is one that is going to produce the results you want.
We have a clients only area on our website. Just like the name says it’s for clients only. If you’re not a client please respect this boundary. It’s a place you can ask questions, read other people’s questions and the responses. We have a moderator who monitors this support area. The area requires a user name and password. I’m going to give you those two “top secrets”. User name: healingcodes Password: 12days
Tonight on this call we ask any of you who are uncertain about any part of The Healing Codes process to ask questions. Uncertainty about doing it right or about doing it tends to slow down your progress. Your questions often serve the needs of other people, not only on this call, but somebody listening to the recording after the fact. We like this opportunity to validate people who want to tell us of their successes or their experiences using the Codes. Really, this call is designed to encourage you to do it. During the course of this you are going to hear more of what I would consider to be the fundamentals to your process.
Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental conditions or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with issues of the heart. It is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. The opinions I express are my own opinions. If they serve you I’m pleased. If they don’t just let them go flying by.
Before I ask the Megan to tell you how to get into the queue and ask question or make comments I’m going to just give you a couple of pointers.
What I normally recommend to people is that they don’t try so hard to do the Codes perfectly. If you do the Codes, you’re doing them right. Relax. That’s the key. The key to The Healing Codes is the opposite of stress. That’s relaxation. That gives your body an opportunity to heal itself. You’re not doing it with your mind. You’re allowing it to happen. Relaxing is it. Doing The Healing Codes is not like walking on a tightrope in which there is no margin of error. It’s, in fact, more like walking down a boulevard where you can move to the left or right without worrying about falling off. That idea of doing The Healing Codes you’re doing them right provided that you’re relaxing is key to understanding. Trying real hard, trying real hard, pushing, pushing, pushing doesn’t serve. This is about allowing. Not causing healing, but allowing healing.
I recommend that you do The Healing Codes in the physically most comfortable position you can find; recliner, on the couch, in a chair using pillows to prop your elbows up so you’re not holding your arms up away from your body and causing your shoulder or arm muscles to become tired. Now you’re physically stressing rather than being relaxed. If The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 3 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello you’re going to do this lying on the floor or couch or in a bed, I’d say again to use pillows to prop your elbows up and literally make it more comfortable for you.
I happen to be sitting at a desk right now. I literally can lean forward, put my elbows on the desk and now point to the healing centers any which way I want. I could do that for hours on end without my shoulders or arm muscles tiring or distracting me from what I’m trying to do. That is relax, declaring peace in my body and allowing my body to do what it’s capable of doing; healing whatever things I’m experiencing.
In lulls I’ll come back and deal with other points. Fundamentally this is about relaxing. It is the opposite of stress. That’s where you want to go.
One of the key elements of this happens to be the way we talk to ourselves. We are delivering information to ourselves at an enormous rate every single day, every single hour, every single minute. It would be kind of like sitting in front of the 6 o’clock news. Depending on where you are the 6 o’clock news can be very toxic. “The world is coming to an end”, people doing horrible things to one another, “The sky is falling”, on and on. Folks, that is not relaxing. That’s stressful. It’s toxic. Taking that energy in and having it affect you physiologically, having it trigger the sense of war in your body is just the opposite of what healing requires.
Healing requires the sense of peace. So if you’re reading the newspapers and taking that in and finding yourself getting upset or you’re getting upset at work or you’re getting upset watching the news or you’re getting upset just from your own conversation with yourself, you’re creating the opposite of what you are looking to do. You are indicating to the 50 trillion to 100 trillion cells in your body that war is going on. Your body behaves differently. It behaves differently. It de-prioritizes the immune system. Frankly it de-prioritizes your ability to think. It improves your ability to react so if you want to run away from the saber toothed tiger you definitely want to be in stress. If you want to think, if you want to reason, if you’re trying to make significant decisions in your life and you’re doing it under stress you’re doing it in your least intelligent form. Most of us don’t want that. We want to be making decisions from a place of clarity, from a place of calmness in which our body physiologically is providing blood to the pre-frontal cortex, that area of the brain for higher cognitive thought so our decision making, our consideration of all the factors involved are better.
Relaxation is the key to this. The Healing Codes will deal with things that we are consciously aware of and that we’re not consciously aware of. That energy being directed back into the healing centers used by the body to “renovate the building” is what this is about.
Megan: (gives technical directions)
Tom Costello: Megan feel free to interrupt me. I’ll consider this priming of the pump. Sometimes people say to me “shall I do The Healing Codes for an extended period in the morning and not again until the next morning or would I be better off doing The Healing The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 4 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Codes at multiple times over the course of the day?” Generally speaking I would say you’ll be better off doing The Healing Codes multiple times during the day. This is the way I describe it. These pictures may be of value to you.
You recognize if you were to get out of the bed in the morning if you were to say, “I’m going to wash my hands a total of 15 minutes today. I’ll just wash my hands all 15 minutes right here at this point and that will be good until the following morning.” Then you’ll think that through for about a nanosecond. “I’m going to accumulate dirt during the day. I’m going to use the restroom. I’m going to be handling papers and things and objects in my daily work life or my home life. I’m going to want to wash my hands. So maybe I won’t do it all 15 minutes first thing in the morning. In fact I’ll do it a minute at a time perhaps 15 times. Maybe that’s a better way to maintain a level of personal hygiene that’s going to be healthier.”
I say The Healing Codes is the same way except the dirt that we’re dealing with is not external. It’s not on your hands. It, in fact, is internal. When you process information – I’ll say environmental signals…. What’s an environmental signal? Something you hear, something you see, something you think, something you say, something you read, something you feel, something you sense, those are environmental signals. When we take those environmental signals in we can filter them, we can process them in such a way as to create stress for ourselves. That is we can look at something, we can hear something, we can think of something and convert it into a “threat”. What’s a threat? It’s some sort of perception that our needs are not going to be met. Our needs I would list for convenience as survival, freedom, usefulness, love, identity, the need to be right and the need for approval or to look good. Those seven are needs.
If something is processed, “Uh-oh! I’m in danger,” say the car next to you is moving a little too close to you as you are moving down the highway. You will feel that physiologically. Your adrenalin will start to pump and your heart will pound. You can feel the physical affects of that perception of threat. Now the car pulls away… You have to recognize that physiology is like this. When that chemical, that hormone pumps into our bodies it is like jet fuel. It is a part of living beings to have that occur. It’s been in human beings as long as anybody can tell from the very beginning. It’s designed to help us react very, very quickly; not think, but react. However, in situations where we were cave men and cave women the threat (I’ll characterize it) was a saber toothed tiger. That threat, when it came to the mouth of the cave, we would throw rocks at it, scream, make all kinds of noise to chase it away, or if we were in the open field or woods we would run or climb a tree. We would literally burn off, we would use up that jet fuel called adrenaline.
However, now driving to work and the car next to us starts pulling into our lane because they’re not paying attention. Now we have adrenalin in our bodies. We don’t burn it off. There it is. We’ve just splashed jet fuel into our systems and we don’t burn it off. You can’t very well climb a tree. You can’t very well throw sticks and stones and stuff at the saber toothed tiger in the next lane. You’re stuck with that adrenaline. The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 5 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello It is being able to transform that, be able to shift it, be able to calm our bodies down even though we just splashed it full of jet fuel is what we’re talking about with The Healing Codes.
Those kinds of ideas occur over and over and over again. We’re worried about a meeting we have, more adrenaline. Someone said something that you processed in such a way as to be an indignity, rude or something. That’s another threat. Now you wonder why you’re on edge. We’re on edge because we’re hyper vigilant to threats to our needs being met.
That internal dirt, that adrenaline, that stress, if we’re not getting back into balance multiple times during the day we disadvantage ourselves. That spreading The Healing Codes over multiple events during the day, generally speaking is going to be a good idea.
Sometimes people say, “I want to do The Healing Codes multiple times during the day, but I want to do it for an extended period like 30 minutes or even an hour. What about that?” We call that our intensive method. That’s a great idea. That’s particularly valuable for people who are dealing with serious illnesses and want to allow whatever no longer serves them to leave. To be able to transform those perceptions of threats – a lot of those perceptions of threats originate very early in our lives. They didn’t happen in January of 2008. In fact they are rooted in very early experiences. Doing the intensive method, if you allow yourself to relax, if you allow the stress to leave as compared to forcing it and trying harder and “I’ve got to do more or it’s not going to work.” Not that point of view. You can hear, I just dramatized it. That sounds more threatening, more stressful. It’s not relaxing. It’s counter-productive.
The key to this is relaxation. If you’re willing to do it and let it go, you’re not going to cause it again. I just want to repeat that. We’re not causing health. We’re either allowing it or interfering with it. We interfere with it with our self-talk, our efforts and our beliefs. “No, no! You’ve got to try harder or it won’t work! You’ve got to try harder.” That is not true. This is one of those times of try easier, it’s more effective.
The idea of relaxation, when you declare peace in your body the body shifts its focus. It goes back to turning on the immune system full force, higher cognitive thought improves because the blood flow is now redirected to the pre-frontal cortex and away from the back of the brain where the seat of reactivity is. Cell multiplication goes back to normal. Digestion goes back to normal. Blood flow goes back to normal. That is what makes for a healthier body. When those systems start going back to normal and get back into balance then you’ve got something going on.
That idea of balance is a key one. It’s very easy to get out of balance; too much work, too much this, so on and so forth. When I speak of balance, if you’ve been on these calls before you hear me referring to the six things that are kind of foundational to that. You can add a whole bunch of things, but bottom line is you’re going to want to breathe. Hello! Of course I want to breathe. No, I mean breathe, belly breathe, diaphragmatic breathing, breathing from your tummy. You want to be able to pull air and oxygen into The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 6 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello the lower portions of the lungs. The lack of oxygen is one of the primary forms of stress. In fact there was a Dr. Otto Warburg in 1931 got the Nobel Prize for discovering that cancer cells grow in environments that are oxygen deprived. Well I think I would prefer not to have any areas in which the oxygen is deprived. Breathing is good for that.
If you think of those 50 to 100 trillion cells depending on your body size as individuals, like they’re little people – you know what? They breathe. They reproduce. They eat. They move. They excrete wastes. They’re just like people. Now if they feel there is a shortage of either oxygen or the second thing I’m going to talk about, water, they hold on for dear life. The problem with closing up to try to protect themselves against further loss of those two things is they no longer excrete. In fact, if I wanted to talk in terms of a larger-scaled being, they basically hold on to waste products. They are like constipated. That waste product becomes toxic. In a short period of time the health of that cell, the health of those 50 to 100 trillion cells in your body starts to worsen.
I don’t want to do that. I don’t want the cells in my body to have worse health. I want them to be vibrant, vital, balanced, normal. I want them to be doing all the things that I know they can do. So if I make sure I’m breathing deeply and I’m drinking plenty of good water I’m dealing with two major forms of physiological stress right on that spot. Yes you are.
I recommend also that you eat nutritious food whatever that represents to you. We don’t get into a lot of detail about what that exactly is. That’s up to you. But your body is going to use raw materials to build. It’s going to use the vibrations of the food that you eat. At minimum, even if you’re eating a Twinkie, say grace over it. Bless it. Like Emoto’s work with water crystals has shown, you can impact the quality and vibrations of food by blessing it. Bless the food.
Many people skip this step or minimize its importance. That is getting plenty of rest. That rest provides the time frame for maintenance of the body. It allows the body to do what it is capable of doing. If you don’t ever let the body have that maintenance time it’s harder for the body to re-establish the balance that we’re all looking for. Rest is a key element to this. I’d say that’s the fourth thing.
The fifth thing is move. Move. I’m not talking about packing your bags and leaving your home. I’m talking about moving your body. Why? They lymphatic systems is responsible for cleansing the tissues, cleansing the cells and moving waste products from the cell area into the parts of your body that ultimately are going to excrete this from your body. You know the heart is a pump of blood. You know that the lungs are pumps of oxygen. The lymphatic systems does not have a pump in and of itself. The expansion and contraction of the lungs contributes to the lymphatic system doing its job. The expansion and contraction of muscles in your body – stretching, walking, whatever form of exercise is appropriate for your physical level – all helps the lymphatic system cleanse the cells and tissues of the body. It helps you to detoxify. It helps you to remove the poisons from your body on a physical level. That’s the fifth thing. The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 7 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello The sixth thing is to heal toxic beliefs. We call it issues of the heart. There are a lot of different ways to describe it. Those toxic beliefs, those toxic experiences, those emotional wounds that we’ve experienced over the course of our lives, the insults, the put-downs, the embarrassment, the humiliation, those kinds of hurts, those beliefs, the cuts don’t show up on the surface of the skin, but the energetic wound can show up. Those, in the form of our beliefs, that’s what needs to be healed. That’s what the work of The Healing Codes is about. If you do those half a dozen things you pretty much have laid the foundation of what would be considered to be a healthy body and a healthy attitude.
So from that point on whatever else you want to create in your life, however you want to express your uniqueness, you’re in a much better position to do it. You’re not battling all the threats we’ve accumulated over the course of our 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 years, depending on our age. “I’m still fighting battles from when I was 5.” If you’re doing that, you’re not really here in January 2008. You’re really back there fighting that battle that started when you were 5 and here it is decades later. You’re still stuck in that same battle. That war triggers your body to go into the protect mode rather than the growth mode.
Participant: (Zara, California) I’m pretty new to all of this. I just heard about The Healing Codes recently. I know it involves directing your fingers at certain places and the 12 Day program with different subjects for each day. Unforgiveness, I guess, is the first day. I was just wondering if you could give me an example of what you might say if you were doing one. Also, when you use your fingers are they touching at all?
Tom Costello: Zara, you don’t own The Healing Codes package?
Participant: No. Someone was just talking to me about it.
Tom Costello: Let me give you a little bit of framework. You are new to The Healing Codes, but are you new to the idea that our beliefs affect our physiology?
Participant: No, not at all.
Tom Costello: For some people that’s a new concept. To us to think that if I heard a fingernail-on-the-blackboard kind of sound and I watched the hair on my neck and arm go up, we’ve all experienced that kind of thing. Beliefs affect the way our body behaves. Those beliefs, some of them are conscious – I just heard the fingernail on the blackboard. That’s a creepy sound. Or I’m afraid of something. Or I’m told there is a terrorist in the building. That changes the physiology. But so many of our beliefs are subconscious. We acquired them starting in utero, at birth, early childhood and depending on your point of view some scientists believe that a child up until about age six has no filter system. Whatever they hear they accept as facts. It gets stuck in their programming. It becomes true for them. The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 8 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Those kinds of experiences, “Life is hard” and worse kinds of inputs to children can later on show up in destructive ways emotionally, physical and spiritually.
The Healing Codes is designed to recycle or redirect energy back into these unique healing centers using the finger tips pointed at the healing centers. You would have said a prayer/request. If you’ve got a problem with God that would probably a good thing to be able to sort out and come to terms with. As you say the prayer/request you do Day number one would be Unforgiveness, Day 2 Harmful Actions, Day 3 Unhealthy Beliefs. Then we go into the nine categories we want more of. The first three I say we’re cleaning the closet. Those are the inhibitors that block us from experiencing a lot of what we are looking for in life. As you do the Code you would put your attention on the condition that you want.
Sometimes people say, “I want to forgive so and so. But when I put my attention on it I get really hostile.” Then in a case like that you look at what that hostility is rooted in. It didn’t happen yesterday. It is rooted in something way back. As you observe it, you don’t’ have to change it, as you observe it I say imagine that you’re going to a move theater. You’re the only one in the theater. Choose any seat you want. You’re going to observe this event as you do the Codes. You’re just watching it. You don’t have to jump up on the stage and fight the bad guys or bad gals or get anybody to do anything different. You’re just going to observe. It automatically will shift.
Participant: Can you give me an example? I realize you’re talking about things. Can you actually do one?
Tom Costello: I had a client one who did a Code. She said, “Wow, this was amazing to me.” I asked what just happened. She said, “My mother didn’t leave me any money in her will. Before she died she called me aside and told me she was not going to leave me any money in her will. I was convinced this was her ultimate get back that she never liked me and this was her final “see I told you I didn’t love you.” After she did The Healing Codes she said that was remarkable. “The stress level before I started was at a 10 and this is what occurred to me. I have never thought of this in my entire life until just this moment.” “It just dawned on me there’s another point of view. That point of view is my mother was telling me and I didn’t understand it, my mother was telling me how proud she was of me. She was proud of me that I was successful financially, that I had a good job, I had a great career, I had already retired, I had plenty of money, I could take care of myself. One of the joys of her life was to be able to help less fortunate people who didn’t have the means like me to be able to establish a financial safety net. I thought she hated me. Now, all of a sudden it dawned on me she not only didn’t hate me, she loved me and she was amazingly proud of me. I never saw that idea before.”
So how did she get that different point of view of a threat? “My mother hates me. My mother hates me.” She relaxed enough. She did a Healing Codes. It popped into her awareness. Sometimes that’s how it happens. The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 9 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Participant: When you say “she did a Healing Code” can you just give me an example of doing a Healing Code?
Tom Costello: Yes. You point your fingers at those healing centers in a specific sequence.
Participant: Like if you were doing something on Unforgiveness?
Tom Costello: You’d point one or more hands at a healing center two hands at a time.
Participant: What would you say? Are you saying something while you do it?
Tom Costello: No. You’re thinking and feeling. The thing you would say aloud would be your prayer/request. You’d be relaxing. Like I spent all those minutes explaining, the key to this is relaxing. Relaxation is the opposite of being under attack, under threat. Now your body starts to function more fully.
Participant: Can you give me an example of what you say? “Help me with my lack of forgiveness for this person”?
Tom Costello: You can say it any way you want. We have samples in our package. You can say it any way that means something to you. “Dear God, please help me to forgive.”
Participant: You don’t say it…. You said you say it in a positive way, you don’t say it in a negative way. You would say, “Please help me to forgive” even though it is about Unforgiveness, you’re working on Forgiveness.
Tom Costello: The problem is Unforgiveness. The solution is forgiveness. You want more forgiveness and less unforgiveness. We have a 90-day money-back guarantee on the package which is a great opportunity. That’s why we do it. People say, “How long will it take and what’s it like?” That’s why we have a money-back guarantee. You can drive this baby around the block for 90 days and you can prove to yourself this is effective for you. If you find that it’s not, send it back. Get your money back.
All the talking about this and literally the length of time I’ve been talking to you Zar, you could have learned how to do The Healing Codes and been doing it. Literally even though the package is elaborate with manuals and written words by page after page after page and CD and DVD, literally within 3 minutes you can be doing The Healing Codes.
Then the only value of it is if it works for you. If it works for a thousand people but it doesn’t work for you it doesn’t have any value. The only way to know if it has any value to you is for you to try it.
Really I suggest this is like a cost/benefit. You’re standing on the road of your life (it’s true for anybody on this call or listening to this recording and for me as well) in the middle of the journey. I’m looking down the road. I see a fork in the road. If I continue The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 10 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello doing exactly what I’m doing what does the future look like? If I do things differently what could the future look like? Who is the key determiner of which of those two futures or three futures or four futures that are possible? I say it is the individual. The body is a miraculous thing. We’ve been gifted with a miraculous vehicle that helps us connect to Holy Spirit, to Spirit, to God however you want to say that. I think we’re in a great position to be able to allow our bodies to heal and overcome the stresses that have been heaped on it not only by outside circumstances, but the way we process that.
Test driving this baby, in my opinion, is the only way to go and then you’ll know the answer. This is a great, great thing. Or “Perhaps, but it didn’t work for me” and I’ll send it back.
Participant: Thank you.
Tom Costello: Let me talk about a concept here that may be of interest. I just mentioned that all of us are on our own journeys. We all have our individual paths. Now we may be inclined to follow somebody else’s rules and regulation and “this is how you have to do it” and if you don’t follow their rules you’re a bad person. I have my doubts as to whether that’s really an effective approach. I think it’s more effective if we use our God- given intelligence, our own awareness and we constantly seek to expand that awareness. You can imagine if I could expand my awareness, what would that mean? I think it’s inevitable that if we expanded our awareness we would be more compassionate. We would be more connected to our creator. We would be more loving. We’d be more joyful. We’d be more generous. We’d be more enthusiastic. We’d be more fun. We’d be kinder. We’d be more peaceful and so on.
I’m thinking that doesn’t sound like a bad series of characteristics to have more of. So as we’re on our paths at any one moment that is where we’re headed. That’s where we naturally want to move toward. Along the side of the road there are various enticements. What kind of enticements? People seeking to convince us that there’s only one way to do it, seeking to convince us that substances or material goods or chemicals or those kinds of things are the answer to our happiness. That they’re the things that are going to make us happy. Money is going to make us happy. It turns out not to be true.
Below those material goods, below money, below possessions there is some sort of energy form. You can keep drilling down. There is a vibration. I just described it. You’re not going to be able to get your hands on a cup of forgiveness or a jar of forgiveness or box of forgiveness. It is a vibration that releases us from the prison of thinking we need to be at war with other people for what they did or didn’t do; what they said and what they didn’t say.
As we connect to those vibrations we are going to feel differently about ourselves, about other people, about life and about God. We are in a position to connect at a higher vibration about all of those. There’s a greater respect for mother earth for instance and other aspects of the environment or the community or other people. That’s where we are really headed. The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 11 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello
When we listen to the enticements we can get distracted from this desire to connect to our Creator. It is these “if you don’t do it my way you’re going to be a bad person.” “If you don’t buy my car you’re a bad person.” “If you don’t live in this neighborhood you’re a bad person.” We’re bombarded with those sorts of messages all day long from pharmaceuticals, the color of pills you should be asking your doctor for because they really holds the secret to your happiness, material goods, the cigarettes that you should be smoking and the whisky you should be drinking.
You go, man, oh man, isn’t that stuff poisonous? Isn’t that toxic? The answer is yes it is. Yes it is and yes it is. I don’t actually want to fall for those traps of advertising. I want to make a decision as to where I’m going to direct my attention – where I’m going to put my focus – and where I’m going to put my intention – what is it I want to accomplish?
One of the challenges for a lot of people… Let me just try this little experiment. You’re standing or sitting or lying down right now as you’re listening to this. Look up and see if there’s a light in the ceiling or in my case a ceiling fan. Yep. Look around and see if there’s anything electronic in your environment. Put your attention on that. In my case I’m looking at telephones, computers, printer, fax machine and so on. Look down and see if you see the floor. Yep. I put my attention down. We shift our attention from the ceiling to the electronics to the floor. Now you know what moving your attention from item to item to item is like.
What happens to us when we’re under threat, when we perceive that we’re in danger, we have trouble moving our attention. It gets stuck and fixated on the “threat”. “Somebody said something to me four days ago and I’m still upset about it.” What happened? It’s a threat that we can’t move our attention from. That can be healed. That tendency can be healed. As you do The Healing Codes, as you relax you realize there are other options. You now can take your attention off that thing somebody said to you four days ago. Wow, what a beautiful day it was today. I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. It’s Friday, here in this hemisphere. Wow! I can move my attention around.
Primitively speaking threats demand our attention. Why? Because it’s a way to stay alive. If it’s a saber toothed tiger you don’t want to go, “Oh there’s a saber toothed tiger. I wonder what tomorrow’s going to be like.” You’d end up on the menu of that saber toothed tiger. The body doesn’t allow you to do it. It will make sure you stay fixed on that threat.
However the saber toothed tiger is what somebody said to you four days ago it would have to be pretty significant for you it to be a needs-threatening or life-threatening situation. But if it were an insult or some other thing that hurt your feelings and you’re still stuck on it, there is some deeper issue there that could be shifted, that could be healed. The Healing Codes is really designed to do that. The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 12 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello So on our paths from where we are today to where we want to go will be some enticements along side the road and there will be some stop lights, some traffic lights on the path. How many of them? It all depends on us.
If you want to get on an Interstate highway and move from point A to point B very quickly, very elegantly, it’s because you have handled all your old, negative, fearful, scary kinds of beliefs, erroneous beliefs. What may have occurred when we were children and the boogey man in the closet seemed very, very real to us. But there’s not one person on this call or listening to this recording that’s successful at finding that boogey man. “He’s not there! He must be under the bed. No. He’s not there. He must be in one of the other rooms in the house.” We’ve never found him. He’s an illusion.
It is that threat, that fear, that boogey man that causes us to put up stoplight after stoplight on our road. If we have any kinds of experiences like that we say “I can’t make any progress. I want to go from point A to point B but I keep getting stopped because of ‘what will they think and what about and I don’t know. If I make a mistake I’ll look foolish.’” Those stop signs are beliefs that dis-empower us. It appears that they’re trying to protect us. It appears they are trying to protect us. In fact they slow us down. Stop lights in real life on the roads in your town and my town are really designed to control energy flow, control flow of vehicles. They are primarily designed for safety. When we create stop lights where they don’t need to be, it’s because there are safety issues that got triggered.
That’s really an area that can be dramatically impacted by the use of The Healing Codes.
Participant: (Paula, Michigan) I have one of the older Healing Codes manuals. Which category would bladder and kidneys come under? I don’t see it in the back of the book.
Tom Costello: There’s no excretory system. Did you look through all 12 days?
Participant: Yes. I did. Other systems are pretty dominantly what they are.
Tom Costello: Then go to gastro-intestinal. And I think the easiest place to start is looking at Unhealthy Beliefs or Negative Emotions. Look in those. Those are in your problem reference chart. See what those condition say to you, what those conditions say about you. Then you’ll have a clue as to where to go.
Participant: I was shopping today and talked to a lady. Here little girl was sick with a rare kidney disease. I thought I would just do The Healing Codes for her. I wouldn’t know what her belief system is at all. I just wanted to do one for her and send it to her. It’s a really rare, oddball disease that they don’t even know much about.
Tom Costello: Why don’t you just do something like love or trust. See that little child in her ideal child and whatever is for her highest good. The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 13 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Participant: I want to tell you that sometimes when you’re talking and nobody gets in the queue it’s because we love you talking. We love what you say. You answer so many things and we don’t have to ask.
Tom Costello: I’ll accept that as a compliment. Thank you. Now that you are on the call let me ask you this. People have told me that my voice during the recordings is sometimes very low. Is my volume of a decent quality at this point?
Participant: Actually I think your volume is just perfect. I love your voice on the call. I think it’s very soothing and relaxing like that gentleman said last week. I don’t have a problem with the volume. Thank you.
Tom Costello: Thank you to others who are getting into the queue. You’re giving me a break. Otherwise I have to jibber jabber. Not that I mind jibber jabbering as you probably have noticed. Some day I’ll tell you my “radio voice” story. Not today.
Participant: (Ed, Maryland) I just got The Q Codes. The area where you punch in the Codes – say you want the Code to have two exercises. Do you punch in both exercises at the same time?
Tom Costello: There are a couple of ways you can do it. Ed, we’ve spoken before, right? Good to hear you again. You can do it in a couple of ways. You can punch in Code number one and do the Code. Later in the morning you can do Code number two. You could also punch in Code number one, punch in Code number two and do the rest of the process. Whatever you want to do.
If you can do multiple times during the day that’s a good thing. I’d be shooting for three or four times over the course of the day just to re-establish energetic balance, if you will. Just to get you grounded again. If you want to do Code one and two and then later do Code one and two and later on do Code one and two….. that would be perfectly fine. Or do Code one, later Code two, later Code one, later Code two….. whatever feels best to you.
I would be looking for those types of feelings, Ed. This is what I want to do. Let me just belabor his. If you have another question you’ll be able to ask it.
One of those needs that I mentioned before: survival, freedom, usefulness, love, identity, need to be right, need for approval or to look good. Freedom is huge. That is the ability to say what you want to say, the ability to do what you want to do, the ability to move and go and do what you want to do. That’s huge. As children we’re often limited. “Don’t do that. Don’t do this. Don’t, don’t don’t. Don’t say that. Don’t think this.” Over time it reduces our range of behaviors.
In The Healing Codes you’re looking to find out what feels good and do more of it. You have the ability to make that decision. There’s not one right way to do it. So if “I feel like doing Code number one and two. As soon as I do this Code I’m going to actually go The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 14 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello to another day and do Code one.” Good for you. As long as it feels good and is not a “have to” but a “want to” I’d say go for it. That’s exactly the kind of energy you want to be taking in.
It reestablishes and expands the sense of freedom. “I can cause what I want. I can cause my own good feelings.” I say, “you betcha!”
Participant: In The Q Codes package where Dr. Alex was mentioning visualize the issue, is there a way you can visualize the positive outcome instead of the negative?
Tom Costello: There are a couple of ways to do The Q Codes. The Q Codes are designed to, at least initially to demolish the energy pattern, demolish the obstacle, demolish the belief that stands between you and what you want; that sense of peace, sense of joy, sense of happiness. So by using that ramped-up power of The Q Codes, you can demolish it. Then after you do that that’s when you would use the power of The Q Codes to drive home the ideal scene, the condition that you want.
Sometimes people say, “I don’t really want to do the demolition. I just want to drive home the image of what I want. Can I do that?” Absolutely. So you would focus on the condition you want be it health, be it a career, be it a relationship, whatever it happens to be. As you think of that you establish that intention in your prayer/request. Whatever that image looks like, feels like, sounds like to you then as you do The Q Codes you would stay focused on that condition that you want to exist in actuality in your life; not just in an energetic, invisible form, but you want to be experiencing it right in front of you.
Participant: When it was focusing on the negative it was kind of hard. I’ve done The Healing Codes for months and don’t focus on the negative, mostly positive. It was a little difficult to focus on the negative issue.
Tom Costello: Let’s assume you have a positive thing in mind that you’d like to bring into your experience. You want to have this as a part of your life. So you start to do a Q Code, but a thought pops into your mind either during the Code shortly thereafter that is a negative aspect. I would turn right around, look at that negative aspect and do that Code one more time. I would shine the light on that and heal it.
Participant: Okay.
Tom Costello: You don’t have to run from fears and you don’t have to fight fears. Really what you want to do, ultimately is create what you want, not get rid of what you don’t want. As we create what we want we spend less time looking for weeds in the garden and more time making sure the flowers are growing the way we want. That focus on the positive ultimately is where you want to get. You want more positive in your life. But if you’ve got barriers to accessing that, demolishing them is a good way to do it. The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 15 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Participant: Thank you, Tom. I’m loving The Q Codes and learning and understanding Q2 Codes. That’s a great program you all put together, man. I really appreciate it.
Tom Costello: Good. I’m pleased. Thanks for that feedback, Ed.
Participant: (Ellen, Connecticut) I’m one of The Healing Codes coaches. If the woman who had asked the question before about kidneys and bladder is still on the line I thought I could add a little bit to your response.
My experience and I believe this is in the manual is that anything related to the urinary tract or the urinary system is connected mostly with the issue of Trust. That’s kind of the experience I’ve had in working with my clients and myself.
Also in the healing prayer it could be helpful to include this information as well. We tend to store trauma specifically in the body, in the bladder. It’s stored in all the cells of the body but specifically it does tend to get accumulated in the bladder. Fear tends to be stored in the kidneys. So you can mention those emotions or those two aspects of whatever is going on as well, that you’re clearing that for yourself or whoever you’re working on and whatever issues there are connected to trust.
Tom Costello: That’s great. I’m thinking Paula is still on the line. She’ll find that valuable. Paula, did you hear Ellen’s suggestion for your prayer for that child?
Ellen Kratka: For anything having to do with the urinary tract or genital/urinary system in general is under the category of trust. Also, the bladder tends to be connected with trauma and a place where we store trauma. The kidneys tend to store fear. You could also mention those two emotions in the healing prayer when you’re working on it for yourself or someone else.
Participant: (Paula) Thank you so much.
Tom Costello: Let me just go back to one of the forms of support that I mentioned early on in this call. That is included with The Healing Codes packages. That is custom coding sessions with a Certified Healing Codes Practitioner. I think we have probably a couple. We have Patricia on the call usually. I didn’t hear her voice because of the way this call started. And Ellen. If you guys are listening to this and thinking it’s kind of cool, you can go to our website ( and click on the tab marked “Practitioners” and scan down and see who all is a Certified Healing Codes Practitioner.
The really superb achievers, the people who are most effective – I think of Tiger Woods, perhaps the greatest golfer of all time, uses a coach. Most professional golfers, all of them at this point, use coaches. Professional football players and athletes and writers and stars and celebrities and actors and actresses use coaches. Sometimes that additional energy, that additional point of view is exceedingly valuable. The key component to a custom coding session with a Certified Healing Codes Practitioner is their ability to immediately zero in and create a custom Healing Code for your use. That is designed The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 16 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello specifically for you based upon the issue you have in mind. It doesn’t require a whole lot of talk, but you have it in mind in that time and place. So it’s specific to you and your situation in that moment in time. It is consistently powerful. You’re going to want to take advantage of that.
Thanks for that input, Ellen.
Ellen Kratka: You’re welcome. I’m enjoying your description of things as always. Good stuff.
Tom Costello: Thank you.
Participant: (Henry, NY City) I started the Codes 5 days ago. I’m HIV positive. Two years ago I almost died of AIDS and walked out of hospice alive. I was the first person to ever walk out of this hospice alive. The issue that I’m dealing with is wanting to stay on this planet. After a near death experience reality shifts considerably for me. I guess I wanted to offer a testimonial.
I was having a difficult time focusing on writing a book that I was offered by someone to write. Once I hit Day 4 I came to the realization I was going to have to reorder my life as far as wanting to make the time to have what I wanted. One of the attachments that I have is to movies and wanting to face reality. So by Day 4 I had the courage, actually to do my exercise routine 4 days a week and be home at night to write my book. What I’ve learned having these Codes is having a stronger sense of focus and really focusing and learning how to reconfigure the energy of how I’m seeing something. I can open the path to have what I want. Is that clear?
Tom Costello: Yes. Beautifully said. You used the phrase, “escape from reality”. This is a problem with our culture. That’s why alcohol is a big deal, drugs are a big deal, chemicals are a big deal. All kinds of things are big deals because we think we need to escape from reality. The truth of the matter is we can create the reality. You go, “That’s a cool concept. Why don’t I instead of thinking there is something I have to either fight or run away from, why don’t I just create a new one?”
Participant: Actually I’ve been studying (unintelligible) for a long time. When I first came out of the hospice my skin color changed. It’s been an adjustment going from looking Asian to looking (unintelligible) with really dark skin. One day my teacher asked me, “How has everyone reacted to you with your skin problem?” I said, “They’re treating me the same.” She said, “Who really has the problem? Is it other people or is it you?” I realized I had to let go of what I looked like being who I am to me being me internally. I was still attracting the same quality of friends and posterity. I still get shaky some times with this. I wish I looked like my old self, before. Does that make sense? Any coaching? Any help on this?
Tom Costello: It sounds like to me you’re in the middle of a process coming to terms with dealing with the significant part of you. A lot of people say, “I’m afraid of death. The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 17 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello I’m afraid of this.” The reality is we have millions of cells dying every single day. We are not the same person we were about a half-dozen years ago. The new guy sitting here kind of looks like the guy who was here 7 years ago. But all the cells have been changed. So clearly we’re different people, but the essence of us, the real important part of us, is not the packaging. It’s not the label. It’s not the exterior. It is the spirit that as we come into contact with who we really are – I’m not talking about I weigh this much and I’m this tall and my hair is that color and my skin looks like this. That’s just packaging. That’s the vehicle. For those of us who have had more than one car, I didn’t sob – no pun intended – when I got rid of a previous car and got a different car. I changed vehicles. Every seven years or so I’m changing my vehicle. The essence of me, the real occupant of the vehicle, that’s the interesting aspect. That is growing and becoming more and more aware of the connection to other human beings, to the earth and most importantly, to my version of God, Creator, Spirit. I use those words interchangeably. That’s really what it is.
And I have this life force flowing through me just like you do, just like Ellen does, just like everybody on this call does. The significant difference in terms of what I’m about to say is I can express it in a certain way. I can express it in a certain way that is unique to me. You know why it’s unique to me just like it’s unique to you and everybody else? Because there is nobody else on this planet before, now or in the future who has walked in your steps. Your viewpoint, your experiences, your thoughts, the things you’ve had said to you and you’ve said to yourself are different than anybody else, ever, in the history of the world. So that life-force, that God-energy flowing through you, being expressed in a unique way can’t be done by the guy next to you or the person down the street because you are unique.
It’s very easy in this case for me to look around here and go, “I’ve got electricity flowing into my monitor, into my computer, into an external hard drive, into my fax machine, into a printer, into this telephone, into these light bulbs, into the ceiling fan. In each case the machinery uses that electricity and produces a different result.
Participant: I have a question. Is it possible to reverse it back to what it was before?
Tom Costello: Reverse what back? Your skin color?
Participant: Right?
Tom Costello: I’m a believer that nothing is impossible. The only thing that stands between you and a possibility is you.
Participant: I know that. I’ve had enough lessons in life to learn that one.
Tom Costello: Okay, so now you’re asking the wrong person is it possible. I don’t know. Is it possible?
Participant: If I believe and conceive it, it can be achieved. The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 18 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello
Tom Costello: That’s “Think and Grow Rich”. “What the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.” Somebody sent me a gift brochure called, “Quantum Faith”. In it is a comparison of what Jesus said in the New Testament and there are a few references to the Old Testament and Quantum Physics and the correlation. It looks to the author as if what Jesus was saying and what is in the Bible is what the Quantum Physicists are talking about today when they deal with their science. So there were multiple references to the mustard seed. If you have a little teeny bit of faith the amazing power of that. Frankly, with a little bit of faith the size of a mustard seed – which is apparently really little, and the technology of The Healing Codes to put that energy back into the healing centers, puts you in the position to leverage that energy.
Participant: I’m doing it. I’m making choices now that are changing.
Tom Costello: Exactly. Every step of the way is an additional choice. You can see that as your choices become more effective – I don’t mean right/wrong, good/bad, I mean they produce the results you want. You’ll know. One of the signs of effectiveness is it feels good. Confidence, enthusiasm.
Participant: I think for me the thing was wanting to escape was more about when I had come out of hospice the shock of surviving what I survived. Dealing with the stress of being back completely in my body again was a bit much. It still is some times.
Tom Costello: Escaping, I think basically death is flight. Giving up running. They don’t think they can handle it. Frankly in my opinion that is a misunderstanding. It’s a misinterpretation. They have far more power. They are listening to beliefs that they’ve heard over their life and they’ve accumulated that diminishes them as beings. We have enormous power.
Participant: Right. I remember when I walked into my doctor’s office. The door opened and I felt like waters of the Red Sea had been parted. I was at 104 pounds. It was in three weeks I went from 104 pounds to 137 pounds. They basically left me for dead. All the doctors and all that didn’t know **. They’d never seen this before with an AIDS patient. That basically showed me that my belief system really did create the outcome. It’s just that I guess the main reason I bought The Healing Codes was to understand a stronger emotional hold. Sometimes my energetic field is I’m such an emotional person that my emotions go ballistic on me to the extreme. I just can’t handle it some times.
Tom Costello: I won’t argue that point with you, but it doesn’t sound right to me. Emotions expressed in appropriate times, it’s easier to express them in appropriate amounts. It’s when they are denied or blocked – not that this is your situation – but the guy who is experiencing road rage on the highway, it’s not because he’s just had one bad day. That guy has built up static over a long period of time and the straw that broke his back, if you will, is that somebody got in front of him or whatever. He didn’t deal with his emotions adequately in the days leading up to that one event. So acknowledging and The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 19 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello expressing emotions before they build and build and explode, they are much more manageable, they’re much more effective.
Let me say this for you but also for other listeners and people who may be listening to the recording at a later time. When I talk to people who are battling serious situations and they’ve been struggling or suffering and so on, this seems very clear to me.
Frankly it doesn’t make sense to go through all that suffering and struggle without getting a PhD. If you’re going to get a PhD in healing from whatever situation, whatever background, whatever events you’ve experienced in your life, once you get your PhD there’s only one thing to do with it. That’s to share it. To teach. So if you’re getting a PhD in how to recover then you’re going to be in a position to light the lights that maybe guide other people who are at that path or trying to make a decision, “Do I leave the planet or do I see if I can come in contact with my connection to Spirit or God and see what I can get out of this or what I can learn and what I can contribute to the overall energetic vibration of mankind on planet earth.” I think in every single condition we have that opportunity.
How can I use the experiences I’ve had not only for the betterment of myself, but of others? It doesn’t make sense to learn all this stuff, get your PhD, and die. Wait a minute. It doesn’t make any sense to do it that way. I frankly believe that we control that kind of thing through our beliefs. In a case like that, “I’m going to learn this stuff. I’m going to share it. People are going to benefit from me having done this.”
Participant: That’s the reason I made the call. I really believe in what you guys are doing. I actually have put this into practice. After having run a successful business consultancy practice and I had relapsed and had this experience of almost dying. I was really in a depression. I said, “Okay, God, it’s time for me to go back into the job force instead of being a Lone Ranger as a consultant.” So I went back to teaching after being gone from the classroom for 20 years. It was interesting after being gone from the classroom and having a different life experience and bringing that to the classroom. My bosses said to me, “I’ve never seen anybody so glad to be in the classroom again.” Once she heard what I had been through she said, “No wonder you’re so happy to be there.” Basically I was giving my students different hints about what I had learned from the experience. It made them better students.
One of my friends whose friend just died yesterday, we were walking down the street. It was kind of sad. He said, “What’s the matter?” I said I was feeling kind of depressed because of what I’ve been through. He knew the whole story. He said, “Listen, Henry, you speak foreign languages. You’re probably one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. You’ve traveled. You’ve done things that most people would be terrified to do or face with basically no support. So please get over it.” I’m 43 and he’s 19. It’s moments like that I realize what I came back for. Thanks for your support. Hopefully what I’ve said in my short speech has encouraged some people on this call. Hang in there.
Tom Costello: I’m certain of it. Thank you, Henry. The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 20 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello
Participant: (Paula, Michigan) I want to encourage that man to keep doing The Healing Codes, getting better and getting over that next hurdle. I think it’s great. We need to have more testimonies of people that have gotten through some tremendous things to know that The Healing Codes are that powerful and they can work. I like what you said about the PhD. Sometimes we feel like we do all this suffering and what for? I like that story.
I was going to add that people with sometimes toxic livers, and a virus like AIDS is extremely toxic. Sometimes people’s skin turns dark because of the toxicity that the liver is dealing with. Perhaps that color – it’s probably not a nice rich color like some of the African Americans have or some of the other people, but not a really pleasant color. I know a lady that was in line for a liver transplant. She had that grayish, dark color to her skin. That’s what made me think that if he did The Healing Codes for the liver, every day, pretty regularly that might help his color and the toxicity to calm down in the system. I’m sure he’s doing the regular one for the immune system, too.
Tom Costello: I think he’s doing Custom Codes. I’d say that one of the challenges of focusing on a particular thing like the liver or kidneys or this or that is sometimes you give power to the problem. Any time you reduce stress anywhere in the body you are reducing stress everywhere in the body. As you visualize the ideal condition be it skin color or vitality or body strength or muscle tone or your joy when you look at things or sense of inner peace that you are able to deal with any situation that comes down the pike, you will start to attract more beneficial, more pleasant experiences. Your body in its amazing design is the one that’s going to normalize or balance the body as well as it can. If that’s a skin color thing or grow hair back or restore function to some part of the body or heal another area, the body is the one that’s capable of doing that.
Thanks for that Paula.
Participant: Thank you, Tom. God bless that man. I’m real happy for him.
Participant: (Ellen, Connecticut) I just wanted to second what you just said, Tom about what we focus on around healing. Related to that I was thinking before when Henry was speaking about wanting to change his skin color that the paradox of change is that we get what when we want when we are less attached to the results. Which really means that we’re okay and accept ourselves the way we are. We can desire things, but it’s not a running away from or a desperate need to get rid of something that we currently have. The principle is “What we resist persists.” Again, I wanted to second the idea of looking at the idea of what is it that we’re really wanting to get rid of and therefore what it is we really want to move toward? Even what is the part of us that wants to get rid of that? The interesting thing about the liver which Paula was mentioning in connection with the skin is that in The Healing Codes system we connect the liver with peace. Peace is based on self-acceptance. Those are some ideas to play with when we’re looking at a condition that we’re not happy about. The Healing Codes 01.24.2008 21 Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello Tom Costello: I like the idea of peace and self acceptance. When you’re in that space of peace, guess what you’re not doing. You’re not fighting what is. We’re not running away from what is. It sounds a lot like peace to me. If we’re not in fight or flight or struggling to change some thing that we object to and we’re no longer objecting to it, now the body is in a position to do what it is capable of doing much more effectively because we’re not pitting ourselves against ourselves. Thanks, Ellen.
We’re near the top of the hour – close to an hour and a half. I’d like to thank all you folks for being on the call for your comments, your questions, and Ellen, for being on the call and Patricia I presume you’re here as well. I encourage you folks to go take a look at our list of practitioners. You can connect to them energetically. We as a group of coaches are extremely supportive of this whole area of healing and the potential that exists when we connect to the spirit that moves us.
Thanks again, folks. Megan, thanks for your help, too.
Good night.